The Brussels Post, 1904-7-28, Page 5;POLY 28, 1904
efze.S ee5 ""t i' St' rtt
And when'up send hint or
hoe to
pp 'fern! el)en8 April
Two Oourees— j!
j Commercial and Shorthand,
Send for Onlloge Journal.
A, L, nfuINTY14E, Manager,
cent, P.R. SCOTT, Bx0000le,
• I81008 of Marriage Lrooneo0, Of•
Ooo at Gr000ry, Turnborry 108000, Bruseelo,.
annereenn hoe several good Farms for
Data and to runt, easy terms, In Townships
of Morris and Gray, F S. SCOTT.Brussel
C. 0. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0. F.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge itoom, 131a0.
hill Block, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of
oaob month, at8 o'alook. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0, It,
Is(fuer of Marriage Licenses,
Mae over Horsley's Drug Store,
Nov. mrd, 1002. 80.801 138010001a.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
n0TABLranitn 1840
Insurance taken on the 06011 and Breath=
elsewherm e gall un the undersigned BeforeAgent
of the Company.
J. • non, will sell for butter prices, to
better men in less time and lase charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this oIDoe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Boleti arranged for
at the ofOoo of Tnn Po0T, Brussels. 22 t
t r • Boner Grn,luate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of dnmeatioated antmpla ha a oompet-
exitmanner. rerti'alar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry.Calla promptly at-
tended to, Ofloo and u0rmary—Faun doors
North of bridge, '1'nruberry at., Brus0eln.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Elo,
euoaeesor tot*. F. Blair. 01800 over Stan-
dard Bank, Brneeele, Solicitor for Metro-
politan Back.
• Barrister, Solicitor,+Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &c. 0f)1oe—Stewart's Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. Pnoonsoote, E. 0, R, 0. Hera
Offices—Those formerly [mounted by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
801010101011,, 011334000.
11, D., O. M.,
Trinity D0lvorelty, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of tbo Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lioentiato of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. la -Telephone No.14,
Reeit!enoe—Mill otreot, Bru000lo.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
8010000000 Ontario and Phot.oleas Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. (Moo
next to Brewer's Photograph Gahorv,
Fall Tarin opens Sept, 6th
It pays to get 0bluenose o111301100
and it pale to get it in our school.
Our attondauoe this your bee boon Ste
11 lensed 00 tbo bi0tery of Chia college. �
we ,have platad mere Btltdtnte 1n
gpositions this year tbau in anyrev'
roue year, Write for meguletoent
W oatalOgno,
W,J, 1911iott; Provident,
0. A. M0L6.018101, Prlholpal• Y t
Wu, too inelernigned, agree to raise the
whet of lroree.000olu3 to l'4o, for 00lllug
aid Ma. for now einem, owing to the advance'
in the mem of reat0rlal, oto, Thio goes Into
furca on Monday, dine lath, Nit.
•1 d >
b ue 1
g ,l
P. klo & , el go, W Poi 0o u.
1, 8. l'a. N,1rea IBMial & ottg,
F o knoll. 1+loo Mal 08310, n,
1uuo, 1'osLuc•ic, (1L'e.
Z0111108 BB,
Juan Penmen, June Somme%
; t.e.b35,
L3'ol=4f wleti.
The griot mill ie undergoiug extensive
Peltnereton Royal Tempiore visited
the loos! Council Monday night.
The brickwork uu the new hotel has
been oomp!eted and ie now ready for the
oupon ters.
Rehm is Beri0aely ill with typhoid
fever under the parental roof in Mary,
boro 1p. We hope he may soon be re.
stored to hie canal good health,
Chester Edwards has returned from
Naw Llakeard, where be spent the peat
nine months. He likes that part of New
Ontario, but would not like to make tie
home there,
W t markt to rot
Rev. A. McNab, M. A , of Welton, con•
ducted the eervi000 in the Wiitgham
Presbyterian aharali on Sunday,
Wioghem Citizens' Band has decided
to go to Kincardine with the Union Ben -
day Sa11o01 excursion on August 2.
Mee, J. R. Munohaw, formerly of
Wiitgham, mourno the lose of bar mother
who died July 9 at her home in Varna.
The Odelfellows of Wiogham decided
at tbeir last meeting to observe August
4 ss Decoration day. They will meet at
their hall at 5 p. m, end mann to the
cemetery. The citizen's baud will lead
the proem-eiou,
Bextne Kent, who was formerly in the
hardware burliness here, hoe returned
from South Africa where he baa been for
the past three yenta in the 0ouetabulery.
He looks as though the South Atrioon
elimate and fare agreed with him.
At a meeting of the railway oommis.
Bion in Ottawa, at the regaeet el Dr.
Macdonald, M. P., an order wee made
directing the Canadian Pacific Railway
to instal belle at the Jo.ephine 901000
and mill bridge oroasingo in Wingham.
Blyth council isodvertieiug for a chief
constable and general village servant.
A. S Dialtoon, of Natchez, Mioeiesip,i,
was renewing the acquaintance of old
Blyth Mende.
Mies Lottie Bentley left on Monday
afternoon of last week for an extenaivo
visit with bleeds at Winnipeg.
Miss Bella McGill left Blyth on Tame.
day morning of last weak for Edmonton,
Alberta, where she will make a lengthy
visit with friends.
At a epeeist meeting of Blyth Public
Bohoxl board, Mise Georgina Murray, of
Clinton, was engaged to toaoh the prim•
ary department at a salary of $276 per
annum. Nies Murray ie a sister of hire.
J. 0. Lindsay. For the plot two years
oho has been a member of the Port Bur.
well Pablio School staff.
J. and etre. Fyle left Blyth and will
.pend some time visiting with friends
at Brantford, Toronto and Niagara Falls
after which they will return to Blyto,
where Mee. Fyle will be at home after
August 1. Mr, Fyle will shortly leave
on a business trip to Western Canada
pointe and Mrs. Fyle will remain berg
with her parents during his abeeooe.
Lcialto wet.
Wm, Donegan, bus driver, had his lip
cut open by a kink from one of hie horses
while gleaning it.
Mrs. F. Rogers has taken a trip to
Cornwall where ebe is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Roy Niohol.
W.E. Binning, secretary of Bernard
Lodge, A. F. & A, M., was attending the
Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada at
H. Goddard has sold hie property near
the High Sohuol to Mr. Johnston, who
has recently returned from the North.
weot. There are ten stares of lend and a
aomfortab'e dwelling.
The second anniversary of the United
Brethren church, Listowel, will be
celebrated on Bouday, Jaly 31, when
epeoial services will be held. Rev. J. W.
Newbury, of Mao, will preaati at 11 a. m.
and 7 p. m, Servide will also be held at
3 p. me when Rev. J. F. Durkee, of
Shelburne, will be the preacher, On
Monday evening following a garden party
will be held on the church lawn,
A number from here took in the ex.
minded to Niagara on Thursday of last
Tuesday of Met week Harry Grainger
031(1313ed frim thio station eleven oars of
fine cattle.
The O. P. R. has completed the re.
mov0l Ohba pump•honso to the. river
where they will be able to get a good
oapply of water all year round.
All the entrance students from here
potted their examination with honors.
The following wrote : Maggie MuLaagb•
lin, Bette, MoLaughlin, Gertie White,
Chas. Campbell, Bern Trout.
Iliouday afternoon of last week the roof
of the kitchen at the rear of the Anglo.
American hotel took fire from a defuotiv°
ahtmney and was only noticed in time to
gave a nations o0ntlagretion,
Saturday evening i61h inst., about ten
o'alook Roma person vioited the home of
Mrs. Newell and was just In the not of
alimbing through the window wbon he
MI °oared off by the 01001p03110 of the
hones who were in the room at the time,
Mies Newell saw him make his exit over
the tense and through Jae. Walker's
It was with deep regret that our citizens
heard of the demise of another of one old
reeidente in the person of Wm. Dane, in
his 88th year, on Tuesday of Met week,
after an illness of about two melte from
inflammation of the bowels, Deeealed
was a highly roepeoted citizen and liked
by every ono who had the pleasure of hie
aoquaintano0, lig was a member of the
Orange Order and of the A. 0. U, W. and
a trustee of the Gerrie Publlo School and
also an adherent of the Mathodiet'ohnroh,
He ietevee behind hint a Borrowing widow
and five heighten end three tone :—See.
3, 3. Gregg, nth inn. ; Mrs, Harry Day,
Welhertotl ; Mrs. (Rev.) Lloyd, Vienna
4lro, B, 0, Sperling, Vun0Odvee, B, 0,
Mro, J, 8, Ieoend, of town ; John, Indian
Head, N, W.'1'. ; will, Wfltufpeg 1 8(881
Harry who nitrides et hams. The funeral
took place Friday t„ Garrio aemetory,
.�771l la At /A V/
Jamie Lyons, lett for a trip to the
N zthweet 00 far tie0a
liso Mabel Ttylor, f Parte, ie the
peat of 10 W. and Mrs. Netherton,
The barber elope in the village oleos at
19 o'olooli on Fridefe during the months
of July acrd August,
John Juynt, left on Wednesday of last
week for a six weok'e buoiuees trip
through New lurk Btate,
John McLeod, of this village, a short
time ago was bitten on • the cell of the
leg by a mosgaito. '1'wo days later blood
poisoning sotto and for the past week he
bas Buffered a great deal of pain, but he
is now able to be out again.
Ezra Briggs has boss driving over tho
roads of BMA aaneidaeably ter the past
thirty five years but week before leek was
the first time he caw a bear. He was
driving near Hope Bay when he caw one
come out of the woods a couple of rode
ahead. The bear went oloug tho road
for a little way and turned in again.
Settlers in that part 01 the oonntry have
been complaining oonsiderably lately
about the bears killing their cattle.
At a largely attended meeting of the
members of the Presbyterian oongraga.
tion on Monday evening of !net week, a
unanimous nail was extended to the Rev.
Gtr. MaKsrroll, of Button, to become the
psalm of the Luokuow Pre.byterian
Ooaroh. Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St.
Helene, and R. D. Oameron, of this
village, were appointed delegates from
oh, Luakuow 000gregation to cite their
ease before the meeting of the Toronto
Presbytery, of whioh Mr. MoKerroll is
Rev, Dr, Cook's wife and family are
upending a few weeks at Grand Bend,
Mre. Doherty, who has been seriously
ill, is reported much improved in health,
W. G. Dunlop has received the sp.
polntment of prinoipalohip of the Public
School at Tavistock.
H. T. Bance went to Preston springs
to see Mrs. Renee, who ie recruiting
there for the benefit of her health.
In the building of the sidewalk on Vie,
toric street to the railroad, some 300
loads of earth are required to level uplthe
Rev. J Walker Bhilton, B. A., of
Drayton, Hamilton Conference, is able
to be out again atter several woeka of
severe illness.
Dr. Agnew has offered a solid gold ring
B8 a trophy to be played for in singles
between the green members of the 0. L.
B. A. L. Doherty hoide it to date.
Mies Pearl Bradford, of town, has been
aucneeoful in obtaining honors at the
100000 piano exomivation In oonneetion
with Toronto Oonoervatory of mucin,
A 20•horeepower boiler has arrived for
the King Edward hotel and was put is
plane. It will be large enough to furoieh
all neoeeeary power for heating, lighting,
pumping, hoisting, eke.
The following have been elected Society
repreoentitiveofor the current ,year in
Weeley ohar0h :—S. March, R. E. Man•
fling, Jae. 61oMatb, F. Rumball, W. S.
Helyar, G. Rogers, W. B, Harland.
Mr, Stephenson, superintendent of the
eleotria light plant, was in Toronto lest
week closing a deal for more lighting
machinery. These are to be delivered by
September 1 and ioolade a large dynamo,
exciter and a marvel two panel ewitab
board, which ospable of produoiog
e much more power as the plant is
nYli!ng Dat now,
lit f1103'1A141,
T10310118m11 C088011,,—Minutes of meet
Ing held July 10, 1904, members of Conn-
ell allP resent, the Reeve in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted, The Reeve reported having
let a job of graveling on Morris boundary
to Joseph Breckenridge at 44 o00te to
Joeeph Curtiss to Inapmol and oontraoter
to pay half the inepeotion, '1'he'Trooaur•
or laid his half yearly report before the
Conseil whish chows a balauoe of ooh
ou hand of 91,280 47. Ooupland, Rather-
ford—Thal the Treat!, report be adopted.
00. Moegrove, Kelly—That Richard
Armotro og be uppuiuted Drain inepeotor
for the Gov't Drains in the B, and 12 h
o0aoesoio00, 03,0 Reeve to inotruot him
in respect to said Drente. Carried. The
following mica were passed and ohegaon
iesuod :—J, J. Taylor, Toronto, $8 56
repairs to safe door ; G. T, Railway,
freight oto. 91.55 ; `t m. T. Smith, rent
P. H. $2 00 ; John Burgess, ex 0. of R.
$3 76 ; John Bargees, eatery 960 00 1 Jeff
Moegrove, gravel 6 00 ; J. 0. Anderson,
gravel 4 50 ; J. Higgioe, gravel and
dame's 5 00 ; J. MoB0rney, gravel and
damg's 6 40 ; J. Breckenridge, gravel and
dame's 3 88 •
t D. Jewitt, gravel and
damg'e 8.94 ; Thos. Aitkln, gravel and
dame's 12 84 ; R. Johnston, gravel and
dante'e 2.88 ; J. McDougall, graval and
dame's 90 ; J. Marshall, gravel and
damg'o 4 60 ; Mrs. Eadie, gravel and
dame's 8 84 ; Doff & Stewart, Lumber
16 76 ; D. Minkel, rep. road grader 3 60 ;
J. Porter, work road grader 31.26 ; P.
Ooupiend, 00'0 work grader 10.00 ; J.
Porter, a0't work grader 6 00 ; D. Breen,
t'a't work grader 6 00 ; H. Armetroog,
met work roads 1 50 ; R. Mair, plank
oalvert 50 ; P. Hastings, work Jobbe
bridge 1,60 ; Thomas Mundell, in-
epeeting gravelling on B line 80 (vents ;
Haab MaIIinno n gravelling in B. line
$87 60 ; George Walker, inepeating
gravelling B. line $7.50; Samuel Van•
atone, gravel for McKinnon job $12 60 :
J. A. Millet', rep. 2 culverts 9300 ; W.
Mitchell Dov. oulvert $27 50. Moegrove,
Rutherford, that thio aounoil do now ad•
jonrn to meet in the Clerk's office Blue.
vele on Monday August 22nd et 10
o'olook a. m,
Joon Banoass, Olerk.
its original Promoters Could Not leave
Expected it 30 Reach Such
Ween thirty-seven yearn ago, a little
bend of oitizene, with the interests of
London and dietriat at heart, launched a
Fair in the Forest City, little did they
realize that some day in the future the
exhibition would reach immense propor-
tions and be entitled to rank as the fore.
most agricultural show in the whole of
broad Canada. Bach, however, is the
transformation that hue been bronght
about. Eaoh year has seen something
better. The Fair has been in good
hands. What is more, it ie in the very
hub of Canada's fluent agrioultural
oonntry whioh has played no smell part
in giving it the title it eo well derervee.
The management is looking forward to
September 9 to 17, when the grounds and
buildings at Queen's Park, London, will
be thronged with thoueando from every
0000300, young and old, big and little,
it matters not, for there ie room for
everybody and no person is more wel.
xc5 Xxx xxd4f. $ xxxxxxxxxxxx
CftaHe of Bnsiuess
AVING purchased the Fur-
Business carried on
by JOHN WALKER we desire to
call the attention of the public to
the same and ask for a share of
public Patronage.
Night Calls for Undertaking
will be promptly attended to by
calling at the residence of George
Cardiff, or Moore Bros,' boarding
house, MRS.
A. HUNTER'S resi-
dence, Thomas street
Cardif'& Moore
d'wedgyW5CX.:10 :1;2=C +tlI.rcJ"Wes'aune ANWtaeJtll DC
come then the other. They will nod
Many rh.•.,tie nt the grounds,
Th. It v Dairy Hall, gosling $10,1100,
1 tell! t.o ., use, The Agrloultural and
11fortheete al Hall, hitherto inadrgnate
to meet ev ry demand, will be ea targe
again ao before, giving greater eonpe for
the display of rocs, grains,ve stabi
fruits and flowers, and in oher
manta improvements will be in order.
Ao an indication of the place the West-
ern Fair will ucoupy, and the value that
isalreadybeing paced upon it, it can he
Setter] that every mail bridge engairiee
from firma and individuals deoiriog to
exhibit. Maohiuery men are asking for
space, and it is confidently hoped that
the hall will be fitted witb the things
that are of particular interest to the
farming community, The newest ieve0•
tient' in all kinds of agrionitural imple•
mento will be shown.
To amuse the thoneande, every after.
noon and evening, the attraction mom•
minae has Hoe/need the United Statue and
Canada for article, sad already a number
have been secured. They are the beet
that money gen l uy. More will be en•
gaged later in the treason.
What woold an evening be et the
Western without fireworks 7 It wen d
oertainly be leaking something that crry
visitor enj.>yo. And just here it
be said that the display this year will
include come brilliant pieoee, the grand.
est spectacle being "The Bombardment
of Port Arthur"—a representation of the
frightful hammering Togo and bis Jap
a008e ships gave the beleagared town—
ships and forte will be shown in action,
making a eight that will not eoun be
A parting word : the Fair of 1904 ie
approaohing. Ill a fete weeks it wall be
here with all ite intereeting feature), and
it wilt not be wise for you to miss it.
The Dairy Industry.
The future of the Dairy Industry de.
penile to a large extent upon the efforts
pat forth by the individual farmer. The
Department of Agriculture asked the two
Chief Dairy Instructors for a statement
of the needs in the dairy business from
the farmers standpoint at the present
time. The replies reaaived are given
below :—
Geo. H. Barr. London :—"The prin-
oipal defeats in the milk being delivered
at the obeeea faotoriea at the presont
time are, over.ripen000, cower fiavore,
gaey, and what ie known as bitter milk.
All these defeats are caused by the same
thing—improper Bare on the farm, each
aa uualeou milking, not straining the
milk,allowing the milk to etand over
night in places where the air ie made
impure by adjacent hog pane, barnyards,
eta., and not cooling the milk to under 70
degrees immediately after milking. Oar
makers are having hard work at the
present time in many of the factories to
make even a passable ohnese from the
quality of milk being delivered, and the
quantity of milk required to make a
pound of cheese is math greater than it
the milk were in proper oondition.
Where the makere are careful in select.
ing the mi,k at the receiving window
there is not so meati trouble in the factory
which leads one to the conclusion that
the makers have the solution of the
problem largely in their own hands
Where we find alarm, tidy factories, we
invariably find Olean milk delivered, and
and where the factory and maker are
dirty and untidy, the milk le generally of
the came nature. Oleanlioese ie the one
great feature 0000seary to put our obeeea
on a higher plane."
G. G. Pablow, Kingston :—"I would
say that the great need of the present
time is for people to be more careful in
the manner in which the milking in done
and the plane wherein the milk is kept,
and to pay more attention to the cooling
of the milk. Too mach stress cannot be
laid upon the latter, namely, cooling, and
eepeoially in the districts where yeast
fermentation le prevalent. To handle
this fermentationwith any degree of
eotiefoation, it is absolutely essential that
the milk be cooled at the farm immediate
ly after milking, so an to retard its
growth before it rea0h00 the hands of the
cheese maker. All clans should he cover.
ed with mosquito netting or some other
each wearing, to prevent flies and insects
from dropping iuto the milk while cm the
Send over night, tie I believe thee are a
great eanr0e of infection to milk,"
It will be seen from the above that the
mea who have covered the whole field are
of one mind as to the importance of the
farmer giving more attention to the Dare
of hie milk. As an evidenoo of what may
be a000mpliehed by proper care, an
instance may be given of a patron in the
vicinity of Peterboro, who delivered three
cane of milk, representing three milkinge,
to a footory on Monday morning, July
11th. Saturday night's anti Sunday
morning's milk was first algae but the
Sunday night's was rejected because it
was sour. The two tote bad reoeived
proper attention, but the Sunday nigbt'a
had been uegteeted, the harmer thinking
no doubt that the milk would be delivered
the next morning and would not there-
fore regair0 the attention given that
whioh had to be kept a longer time.
Even the milk whioh Ie to be delivered
the same morning as produced should be
thoroughly aerated and cooled.
Unless the farmers are prepared to
00.opera00 with the makers and instruct.
ors in their efforte to better the quality
of the cheese prodaoed they will bo the
sufferers aeons! or later. An inonffioient
and impure water supply is often the
acnes of an inferior product, eepeoially in
creameries, where 00 muob depende ob its
Prof. F. 0, Harrison, of the Ontario
Agrioaltural College, ie securing tramples
of watet from a number of the oreameries
throughout the province, and will make
as exeminetion of the same with a view
to furnishing exact information tie to the
detrimental effeot of impure hater.
One bemired and sixty-five !dog tags
have been issued at, Stratford,
There is more building going on in
Mitchell tide year than for many pre-
eioue yearn,
Milton Rundle, eon of William Rundle,
Mitohell road, Blanchard, fell while at
work at hie father's barn and sustained
eerioa0 injurieo, He wan fixing or oiling
the hay carrier oar et the roof of the
barn when he fell to the floor below n
distance of 00 or 40 feet. !There wag a
foot or two of hay on the floor and thio
broke the forge of hie fall, toe he Would
likely have been instantly killed, At
first it was thought his Injuries were
slight, but brain fever sot in and for
some time hie life was despaired of. His
oonditlon is still serious but his ehanoes
for're0oery ImPle improved.
Thie week we hove received and peeved into stook Boma ep rolal lines
which are now in demand.
— Linoleum, 2 yards wide, in blaok and floral designs, in two 8300.110130, at
370 and 460 per square yard.
•--Linoleum, 4 yards wide, in new designs, at 501 per egeare yard.
— Floor Oil Cloth, new patterns, 1, 14, 1} and 2 yarns wide, at 25o per
—Japaueee Matting, yard wide, at 124a, 16o, 200 and 260.
— Lane Oartaine, 2e. yards long, 600,
— Lane 001tai00, 3e yards long, 54 inohee wide, with plain 000108ee and
fanny bordete, at 91.
—Blaok Organdies, very epeoial, at 160, 20o and 25a.
—White Organdies, in different qualities, at )244o, 16a, 200 Rud 25e.
—India Linens, a line range at 15o, 20e, 26o and 35o.
=Black Musline, in tangy stripes, at 15o, 20e and 25e.
—Ladies' Corsets, in Batiste girdles, very special at 500 and 71't.
— CrumP ton's Ooreets, in all the beat otylee, at 50o, 76o, $1 and $1.255,
— B & 0, Corvette, greet form, straight front, at 50o, 750, and $1.
—Ladies' Samme3 Cornute, in 00roog netting, at 260, 36o and 601,
— -Ladles' Vesta, in great variety, with or without Often, from 5o to 00a.
—Ladies' Black Cotton Hoge, 4 pair for 25e.
—Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, ribbed or patio, 2 pair for 253.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "OM Reliables" in up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices,
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
m: IeNlt•'trl,na't",'!WIb91r'lu'tl'Wa,•
N. S. Mc
Are You Going
to do any Fencing ?
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Ptailways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
Wilton, &
what our stook is. W
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Boggy Tops this Beason a Spring to prevent the
bolts andrivets r v a from breakin t u
g. This has hes along felt wash.
We have 4 etylee of Axiee—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Dietenoe, 1000
Miles, and the NO10el800 Axles, elms a few of the old ewes,
A11 Steel Body Hangere and all trimmed With best Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2, and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medium size.
We Invite every intending purchaser to oall and Bay
float us and We Mersey,
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
have kept the lead and intend to do so if
E AN & Qc/ Brussels,