HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-28, Page 1,
Vol. 38. No. 3
JULY 28, 1904
W. H.KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Looal—A. P,, Smith.
Voters' Lista—F, 8, Booth.
Farm for Dale—J, Bennett,
Great sale—MoKinnoe & Co.
� xiteWs.
Lotedb urea.
The barn of Samuel Forbes was dee•
troyed by fire on Wednesday night.
Lightning was the cause.
DIa».—Mre, Jap, Forbes died at the
home of her eon, Samuel, on Wednesday
of this week, in her 88th year. She had
been 111 for several weeks. Her husband
pre-deoeaeed her. Funeral will take
plane to Brceeela oemetery on Friday
afternoon at 2 80 o'olook.
D. L. Streahau ie visiting friends in
and around Kinoardioe for a few weeke,
Mise T. E. and John '1'. Straoban
attended the excursion to Toronto and
Niagara Falls lash Thnroday. They
report a pleasant time,
ANNIVERSARY,—The third Annivereary
of the opening of Victoria Hall will be
*Indeed on Wednesday, of next week,
.august 5, in Victoria Hall, Jamestown.
Pepper will be aorved from 0 to 8 80 p.
1n, after width an A 1 program will be
given. Jame Fax, Canada's greatest
humorist in song and story, hao been en.
gaged for the incaution and will be aeeiet-
ed by the beet looal talent. Admieaion to
grounds and supper, adiete, 26a and
children, 15. An extra loo will be
°barged for admittance to the aon0ert.
Everybody will he made welcome. A
Bryane is chairman and Jno. putt,
Secretary of Oummittee.
There were 88 tickets sold M the Ethel
Elation for Kincardine on Tuesday. A
delightful day wet spent at the lake.
CADA oxo Tnaatca —The undersigned
desire to txpreee their thanke to the Sone
of Temperance Lodge of Ethel for their
very kiud mute of 8ympatby forwarded to
us. We also wish to eay that we appre.
Mated the worde and aid of many others
in our time of bereavement and hope all
may be richly repaid. Ariane AND Mos.
il1GLEoioan.—Don't forget the Leotare on
Wednesday evening in the Metlwdiet
church by Rev. Jot, Philp o0 "Jerusalem
• and its Environs." Mr, Philp spent
about three months in the Holy Land and
therefore speaks from actualexperieooe.
Tbe Leotnre is highly Spoken of by all
wbo have heard it in the past a8 being
interesting, instructive end appreciative.
Musical ee!eotions will also be given by
R. 0. Devise, plies R. Spence and the
obcir. Admission only 15 ciente for the
ordittery 25 pent Lecture. Don't mis. it,
Will. Gray, of Dunnville, is spending
hie holidays in Bluevale,
Albert Denman, of Owen Sound, le
holidaying at hie borne here,
Mise Maggie MoLeen, of Wingham. ie
visiting her cont, Mrs. J. Johnston.
W, Stewart and little daughter, Mar.
guerile. of Acton, are vteiting relatives in
Mies Bello Robinson and Mr. Robin on,
of Turoberry were visiting in Bluevale
this week.
John Burger. is attending the quarter.
ly audit of the U. O. F. at Brantford
this week.
Sire. (Dr.) 0 A. Toole and ohildran , of
Brceeele, visited. friend's in Blnevele,
this week,
Riga Martel McAllister, of Boieeevaiu,
Manitoba, ie visiting her cousin, Mies
Cora Meader.
alias WfoLeod, who has been vieiting
be ooneiu, Mies Laura Ralph, returned
to bet home in Loudon on Monday,
Quite a number from Bluevale and
viu,oity took in the Sunday Bobool
excursion to Kincardine on Tuesday.
'Ve-o7re e.ie1•.
0. Lewis spent Tuesday in Harrieton.
Charles Simmons is at pre0ent on the
sick iiet,
Wm. Muir returned from Muskoka on
George Nattke left far Toronto Juno.
Mon on Monday,
Mine Snider, of Berlin, is the guest of
Mre, A. Miller.
J. H, Rooe, of Waterloo, spent Time -
day in the village.
Alex, Roes, of Ottawa, called on friends
lore nn Saturday.
G E Dane, of Bemillon, wag in the
Village over Sunday.
iliies Merle Barnard, of Woodetoak, is
Violting relatives in the village.
Hamilton and Roborteoo shipped a aur
of cattle and a oar of hogs on Monday.
About twenty from here atteuded the
exanraion to Kincardine from Bromide on
Mise Janet Bleak lett ter London on
Friday to spend a mouth's holidaye with
Mrs, Prenth, of YJnionville, and Mies
French, of Toronto, are goeott of Miss
Tina Rae.
Pales Mary Smith and Alex, Smith, of
Owen Sound, are spending two weeks at
their 1,iio,
La M. and Mre, Walker, of Niagara
Fallg, are visiting the latter'( mother,
Mrs. J. Gibson er.
Wnnonsea—The horns of O'fver and
Mee, Smith, llowiok et„ woe tbe scene
of a very pretty wadding on Wedneeday,
July 27th, when their eldest daughter,
Mies Tena Smith was married lo
Robert late, of Flemming, N, W. T.
Rev. 1• Perrin, B. A., was the offioiating
clergyman, while Ming Kota Robineon
rendered Mendeleeohn's 'Wedding March,
The bride, who wee given away by her
father; war neeseleteddid wore ae ex•
quIoito gown of white crepe de idiom
over white taffeta, After the ceremony
and reasption the mode, numbering
about forty, repaired to the dining -room
whore a dainty dejouner wee gervod,
Me. and Mre, Rae left ea the tour o'olook
train for Southampton, Mosley apd
other pointe, wbere they will spend a
short time before leaving for their home
in the Wed, The bride'e going away
gown was of navy blue broadcloth and
While silk blouse with atony ipeerbion.
Me a1 (;OSA.
Mise Flora Campbell fe spending a few
daye at home,
Rev. hie, MaoNab and family were
holidaying et the lakeside during the poet
Thou, G, Waghaen, our V. B., has par -
abetted the Beaker property on Mein
The farmers in tbie locality have
finished haying and I1'all wheat auttiug
has oommenoed,
Quite a few from bhie locality enjoyed
Leas Baron breezes et I11iuoardino lash
'aneeday with the exouraion from Brea -
Communion service will be held in the
Metbodiet ohnroh on Sabbath next.
'there will be no evening eervios in the
Mre. and Miss Roby Mason, of Realms.
ter, N. Y., are visiting at R. M. Cum-
miuge.' The former and Mre. Oumminge
ere sisters.
A number of oohtraatore passed through
borelaet week, proepeotiug the nee 0. P.
R. route. The tenders closed on Monday
last. The oouetraotioo will be let in tem
mile oontraote,
Last Sabbath Rev. D. Perri°, of Wing.
ham, and Rev. A. MuoNab, M. A ,
exchanged pulpits. Mr. Perrin preached
a fine diea00ree and will be welcomed
Welt to Walton.
At e meeting of the Public Library
Board it was decided to offer a flea mem•
borebip tioket to anyone who secured tour
new members, either yearly or quarterly.
This ie an opportunity to secure cheap
reading, end no doubt many will take
advantage of the offer,
OAgio or '1'ntoeics.—To the offiaere end
members of Walton L. O. L., No. 252 :
Goserati nil Weheroby tender you our
austere thanks for your kind letter of
condolence to 0e au the lose we have
euetuined by the death of a kind beeband-
and an indulgent father. The affliction
is very deeply felt ae he was always inter.
eeted in his family and working for our
welfare, .Trueting that we, and each
iudividoal member of the Lodge ot which
he was a member, any meet in a land
where parting ie unknown,
We are, yours laithlnlly,
Mae. Taos. OAxoox,
Mass Ise ioL Ommas.
Mo%illop, July 24, 1904
Mete -real.
Townehip Connell will meet next Mon.
Ray ie a big orop in Morris that year,
Robert aloMncray, 4th line, has over 44
Dou't mise the Garden Party to be
held on John Mooney's Lawn, Morrie, in
the neer future.
Mies Mend Jaokeon has passed her
cxaminatiou in mtteia euaaeeefully. We
congratulate her.
Will. McCall, of Dresden, and Mies
Belle, of Chatham, are home for a Bbort
time to see their father, Alex. Moea11, 7th
line, who hag been eariouely ill,
Morris -was well represented at the
annual Sabbath School Exooreion to
Kincardine Inez Tueeday. The day was
fine and delightful at the lakeside.
Warden Bowman attended a meeting
of the Road and Bridge Committee et
Wiugham on Tuesday to inepeot the
Zetland bridge whiob is in poor shape,
Jas. B, Kerney, 4th line, was laid up
from a Itiok he received while haroeeetug
one of bis horses. He got the blow o0
the left leg and for a time blood poison•
ing was feared but he ie getting around
all right now were are pleased to state.
Early last Sunday morning George
Kerr, whose farm adjoins Brueeele, had n
heavy draft foal killed in the pedlars
field from lightning. None of the other
horses were injured. The owner halo
applied to the Howiok Mutual Ioaurenoe
0o. for a share of its value. . It was a
fine eolt.
AoolnENx.—Alex. MoOall, wbo bas been
tumble to walk without aeeletaeae for
over two years, had the miefortne to fall
breaking hie thigh bone and also reactor
ing Ila knee. Although suffering a great
deal be bears it with great patience and
,e doing ae well ire could be expected for
a mon of hie years, he being over 70
years old. Hie many friends sympathise
with him,
AfamentoarAL. — The Alpena, (Mich )
Evening Lobo, of July 21st, givee the
following interesting particulars of a
wedding the bride of which is n daogiter
of Jamee and Mee, Davis, 5th Iiue,
k'Inrels:—Polido Nettie Davie and Alfred
J, Happ were =midi at 8 80 Wednveday
evening by Rev. G, N. Kennedy, The
ceremony was performed In n cosy borne
at 800 Mill street which the groom had
puniaeed• and fnrniehed ready for ca
oupanoy, and where the couple immediate.
ly went t0 housekeeping, Mise Irene M.
Buchner noted ae bridesmaid and Will.
Helps was the beat moo. The house
was prettily decorated with cut fiowere,
smilax and planta. The ceremony was
performed beneath a aanopy of sweet
poae and lace, A wedding lnneheon was
aorved. Only immediate relatives were
present, The bride is ate estimeble
yon0g Indy and hes made her home with
hot uncle, J. B. Hagerman, for govern)
yearn. The groom id an employee of
(lately & Donovan. Both are prominent
in 'Methodist church oirelee, They re•
dived many beautiful gifts and the beet
tviehoe of a large oirole of friends. The
News of July 16th, dye :—The young
Idly friends of Mise Nettie Davie gave a
linen dower for her at the home of Mise
Irene Buchner laet evening. The 00-
eneion wag a pretty soeue, the rooms
being neatly decorated acid a large box
hung from the soiling in the flouter of the
room into which the presents weed de.
posited as the ladies name in. When all
bad gathered Midi Davies was pinood
underneath the box and the bottom
Was let out, letting the oanteute fall
Mout her, A fine oolldotion fell from the
box and along with it was plenty Of MMed,
Wth. Helpe gave in honor et Alfred ylapp
a general shower at bis home on Oldfield
streak end the scene was es exciting ae
the other, The young men went from
the Helps' residenoe to the home of lvliee
Buettner where they joined in with the
ladies to enjoy the eleborate refreshments
which were eeryed. The ladles were then
oeoorted to the residenoe of Mr. Helps to
view the gifts preeented by the gentle.
men, Mr, Rapp and Mies Davie are to
be united in marriage on Wednesday
next. Both puttee are well known and
highly reapea,ed young people of the oity
and have a large oirole of friends,
Mimes Amelia Maolnnee and Alfie
Forrest are holidaying at Goderiuh.
Mies Viola Butweil, of Toronto, is
viafting at the home of Inc. McLachlan.
Last Tueeday it number from Cren.
brook locality went on the Excursion to
Knox church °hole sang at the Banday
school tea meeting at Bethel thumb last
Monday evening.
A jolly party of young people from
Riverside Farm attended the lawn social
et T. Blelby'a, Morrie, on Thursday
W. H. Stewart, wife and children, of
Acton ; Mke. (Dr,) Andereon, of Mitchell,
Mies Jeeeie McLaughlin, of Gerrie, sed
Mies Isabel Deane, of Gait, were visitors
at Mrs. Calder's during the past week.
Next Sabbath Rev. D. Petrie, of Wing.
ham, who is holidaying on the old home-
stead, West of Crsnbrook, will ooaupy
the pulpit of the Proebyterian ohnroh
here. Rev, Mr. MoRae will peewit et
The threshing machine outfit, adver-
tised in TEE Poex by John MoRabb, has
been purobaeed by Adam Baker and
Otto Borfcite, of this locality, who will
run it this Fall. We wieb the baye dna
Dees with the machine.
Lloyd Porter, who was, injured at
Lachlan MoNeil'e 14th Com, last week,
by the horde dinning away with the
horse rake, had a rib eplintered and
it was feared other injuries of a serious
character were inflicted but we are pleas-
ed to report that be is doing fairly well
now and will anon be all right, we hope.
Lloyd is a son of Hugh Porter 10th Oon.
(7. P (j:V .
Mre Robt. Penman hoe been dolling
at Bluevale and Harlook.
Joeh. Attwood will take up his reed.
donee at Galt ones more.
Mies Lottie Mason, of Toronto, is
visiting bet oouein, Mise Annie Mason,
Fred. Mason, who has been West for
030 past two years, has returned home.
Jelin Dunbar had a raiding on'Tueeday
of last week, adding another bent to his
Mrs, S. Matthews, of Drew, visited at
her father's, F. Miller, and with other
frieude laet week,
A large number from Grey took in the
excursion to Kincardine lash Tueeday and
had an elegant time.
Mre. Marsden Smith and Mies Gneeie
are holidaying with the former's daughter,
Mre. L. Stark, at Stretford.
Mr, Molntoeh, a former well known
school teacher in S. B. No. 3, was renew,
ing old friendships in this Iooality this
Fall wheat harvest is general this
week. The atop is not good by any
means as rust interfered. Hay ie a demi),
yield, however, and Bering grain is doing
A few yoothe, wbo should have known
better, were using language and voice the
other night on the 4th con. not allowable
by law. This is Cataria, not the wilds'
of Africa.
Last week Alex. McDonald, Lot 5, 9th
con , palled a stalk of timothy in his hay
field that meneared 6 feet I} inches and
had a bead 10 inciters long. This is a
sample of the hay crop on hie farm,
The ender has done come good work
on various roade in the townebip. A
pathmaster should be killed who allows
rooks to be put on the road iuetead of
gravel, unless donee are well and oare
fully broken.
Leet woele A. W. Smith, the well
known Maple Lodge breeder, was he tide
looalily looking up good stook for the big
Fates, St. Louie among the number. He
bought a Leicester ram iamb from the
hook of Oliver Turnbull, 15th tion.
Mrs. Tedford and eon, Lawrence, of
Chicago, were vieitore with Jobu and
Mrs. Lake, 4th non. Mre, Bosman and
alias Martha, of Wingham, were alio
along, Mr, Tedford in a draughteman in
the Pullman oar works end le taking a
vacation for the benefit of his health,
Dr, Wtn. Turnbull, eon of Andrew
Turnbnil, 15th con„ who oompieted hie
College course last Mey as M, D., 0. M„
ie now House Surgeon in St. Bonitaoe
hoepital, Winnipeg. The Dremany old
friends are pleased to hear of hie 2000000
and trust a bright mad proeperoue future
awaits him.
Grey township Vetere' List for 1004 10
ant. Tbere are 985 names in Part I; 102
in Part II and 7 io Part III, a total of.
1044. Number of persona qualified to
serve as jurors, 650. Thee are 7 polling
seb•divieione. In the list there are 22
6loDonald'e ; 19 Laments; 16 MoN liras f
12 Smith's , 10 MoTitggart e, eta.
Rana Sunoco,—About 8 o'°look Wed•
nesday evening the batik been of Chao.
Connor, on the eideroad off the 16th eon.,
was destroyed by lightning. In addition
to the building, which was a good one,
the recently housed prop of hey and a
couple of tondo of Fall wheat (vent up in
amolce, Mr. Connor wa0 in the barn at
the time with the team and wagon but
had the good foeinue to get outwith the
Learn uninjured. We hear the building
was insured in the Howlett Mutual,
Leet Thursday Mre, 0: McCarthy, of
802 Atwater street, Saginaw. died quite
suddenly. She had 'eeoeotly returned
from nu Meditate where ebe had been
treated for,] 0an0er and was oteppbeed to
he ooueiderably improved, ,Deasaeed's
maiden natio wag Retie Foy and she was
a gigue to Mre, D, Margit, Grey, She.
vette 44 yoare, 8 menthe and 19 days old,
One eon is left. Mrs, MoCerlhy was a
former thwack residing near. Clinton and
Blyth when bore, The bereaved ere
ympathleed w111,
We are sorry to bear that Mre, Matt
Stewart, 10th con,, ilea been eariouely ill
with quiney but we hope she will soon be
The brink resideeoe of Thee. Mo
Fadzean jr, is being pushed along fn good
etylo and will be ready for the Wedmore
before long.
Mise Ann Dron 0000000es an aviation
eale of household effect's on Toeeday
afternoon next at Lot 9, con, 6, Sale at
2 o'Mtoak with F. 8. Sootbl as auctioneer,
Mise Maggie Dunbar, wbo bee been
teaohlog at Sobrieber, hag returned home.
8i0oe finishing her work she has been vie
itfng with frieude at North Bey, Sand.
ridge and Toronto.
Mre. Freemen and ohaldren, of Toren,
to, were visitor] with the Bateman
remind for a week. Mre. Freeman le a
danghterof Wm. Bate/nee and a former
resident of Grey township.
Daring the poet week Wm, Knight and
eon, of Belleville, were renewing old
friendships is Grey. Mr. Knight has
been Mathematioal Mester in the Belle-
ville Collegiate for tbe pest 12 yeare and
is a line teauber..
A meetiug was oalled last Monday
evening, ou a certain line, to dieoaes
binder twine and adorning cattle wbiah
was attended by a number of people. To
oil ap the throats of the speakers a keg of
liquid refreehreent was provided bat it
must direly have muddled the brain of
dome of these attending as the outward
mauifeotatione in talk and geeture were
not of the ordinary type and the ser-
enades given might easily give thoee
interested a holiday in Goderiob. A lief
of the members' names of this new
organization may be seat to you later as
the public will be interested in hearing
further about the binding twine and de.
horning, If the let degree is worse than
the initiation it is going to be hard on the
members to keep the program straight ae
several got badly tangled up Monday
evening. At the next meeting the topic
will be dioovesed, "How far can we
meddle with the rights of the people of
the community and avoid appearing be.
fore a Magietrate ?"
WEDDING BELL.,—The Listowel Stand.
and says a --A. very pleasant event book
plena on Wednesday, 18•h inet., at the
residenoe of Jno. and. Mrs. Huffman, 8rd
con., of Grey, when their daughter, Edna
May, was united in marriage to John G.
Thornton, of this town, formerly of
Wingham. While the Wedding March
was being played by Mies Frain, the
groom entered the parlor, a000mpanied
by 0. Illaket, wbo tooted as gro0m0mae,
and were followed by the bride leaning
upon her lather's arm, and Miss Eeeie
Huffman, sister of tbe bride, who made
u very charming bridesmaid. When the
bridal party had taken their please'
beneath an arab of roses, the Rev. Mr.
Wella began in hie uenel efficient manner
to deliver the myetia words which mode
the twain one. After the ceremony the
gamut, numbering about seventy-five, ad•
punted to the lawn, where, 'Heath the
shade el the trees, they partook of a
samptuoue repast, at the conclusion of
vena h kbr. Wells gave a short address in
which he expreeeed his beat wishes for
the future welfare of the young couple.
He concluded his address by proposing
that they drink to the health- of the
young eouple in tea, to whiob there ware
a hearty response. The remainder of
the evening wag spent in games Ovations
aorta. The bride received many wetly
gifts, allowing the bide esteem in which
ehe ie held. Mr. Thornton has been a
resident of Listowel for over two years
and has made many friends, who wide
him end his wife many years of happy
Suaanseed,.—The eooial held at Mon.
orieff lust Monday evening was encoeseful
in every way and wee attended by s great
many more than could be accommodated
in the ohnroh. Tea wet served iD the
echoot house and when the large company
woe supplied an adjournment was made
to Bethel aherah. Rev. D. B. McRae
took the ohair, a position he filled with
hie neual agreeability, The program was
long, varied and well rendered, consisting
of the following :—Ohairman'e address
anthem by Knox °Unroh choir, Cran•
brook : recitation, Mies E. MaNaught
Bolo, Mise Etta McNair ; reeitation, Alias
eiloKay ; dinging by the ohildren ; addreee,
by W. H. Herr, of Tax POST ; recitation,
Lily Harrison ; dialogue, "A bad habit
cured,' by Misses Lizzie Attridge and
Bella Mann sad Geo., Willie and Frank
Mann end Frank Harrison ; aboras by
Bethel choir ;,recitation, Lottie MoKaay ;
reaitstion, Pearl Harrison •, ineteumental
duet, Messed, MuOoart and Prot: Mann,
violin and piccolo ; natation, Carrie
Schnook ; (tinging by the children; recd.
Detail, Alioe MaKit ; solo by Mies Odder
with chortle by Or,'throat oboir ; inetrn•
mantel, Mae Tuts ; Dialogue, "Unexpeot•
ed Company," Misses Hanley and Mann
and Loreuzu Bray and George Hanley ;
reuitatiun, Bessie Mann ; nhorue by
Bethel (Moir ; reoitation, Mise Ethel
MoNatght • inetromental by Meeere.
Mann and Mo0odrt ; National anthem.
A vote of th0nite was pasted to all taking
part on motion of Marshall Harrison and
John McTaggart, The tinanofal proceeds
totalled $80.00 which will be applied to
Sunday eohool Impede. While supper
wet in progreee Piper Mann played a
number of Scottish airs, marobee, &a., on
the bag 91910 in liret-claae style, The
Sabbath'oohool at Bethel 18 doing a good
work and the interest manileeted in the
outerteenment shoved that the people of
the community appreciate the work and
the workers, 8peoial mention ehoald be
made of the pert rendered in Monday
evening's program by the children which
was moat oreditable to them and those
who trained them.
W. R. Ives, of Toronto Junction wile
drowned while bathing he Stoney Lalce.
William Brown, a G, T. R. brakeman,
loot hie lett toot at Batbnret street
oroseing, Toronto,
The oettlere in Rnileybnry and New
Liskaatd established a telephone eervios.
Senator Melvin Jonea attributed the
decline to Nova Scotia Steel to ((took
market mcnipnletioO,
Tbo Dopertment of Agriculture 000010,
ed oomplainte from teeny obeoe° fader.
Gine filly, Big (trolled, Splendid Train
Seance and a Delightful Time„
at Kincardine.
The unmet exanraion to Lake Baron
is always looked forward to with a [treat
deal of intereet and thin year was no
exception.. Not a few etadied up Rev.
Mr, Hioke prognostications as to the
kind of weather be was going to serve op
bot as many of hie predictions are built
on the Ohinese pozzte plan it was not
exactly the easiest problem in the world
to make out. Bides or no Riche the day
proved a dotilrbtftel one and added 10 no
email degree to the pleasure of the
exoureioniete ou the chore of Laka
To overcome the overarowdiog exper.
hatted last year and the neoeeoity of a
return trip for Luoknow and Ripley
people the Grand Trunk placed two
trains at the diopoeal of the Committee.
The first one embed Brussels about 8 a.
in. in uliarge of Conductor Claridge with
Engineer Adam pulling the leaver and
left shortly after for Kincardine well
freighted. Twenty minutes after the
eeoond train arrived with Concluder
Haut punohingthe pasteboards and the
iron bores being in charge of Engineer
Beet, whiob was dispatched with little
delay after the soheduled time, 8.40 bad
arrived. Oontingente were waiting me
each oration was reached, Brussels and
Luoknow contributing largely as oivia
holidays were being observed at these
pointe, the former and ioaality being
represented by over 500 and the Sepoy
town by 450. Kinoardlne was reached
in good time and two large dray loads of
innate baekete were hauled from the
trains to the Agricultural Hall, on the
Park, preceded by over 1200 emersion -
11 was not long 'before there was a
general sorting out of edibles and the
various groupe of two's, three's or a
dozen were soon deeply interested in
sampling the various commodities from
well filled hampers. It is a caution bow
the lake breeze stimulates a good healthy
The fine shelving beach was the centre
of atbraotion nearly all day to hundreds
and betweeu bathing, wading, meddling
for cordae among the etonee along the
shore, violating the signs posted up that
any one removing Band or gravel from
the beeoh would be prose0nted, not a few
took Inane keepsakes of Kincardine and
the 2631 of July, 1904. It wag epeoially
interesting t0 watch the children disport
themselves in the water and they certain-
ly did enjoy themselves even it they paid
for it the next day by the painting old
Sol did on bare limbs, arms, fades mod
There was plenty Of amusement during
the day. Kincardine and Walkerton
played a genie of Lacrosse in which the
home team ran away from their op.
portents. Ripley and Kincardine Foot.
ball teams fought out a dose but some-
times ragged game and the local olub
won the victory, the score being 2 to 1.
Two rinks from Brussels Bowling Club
tried conclusions with the lake town
trutdlere and the result was as follows :
BavooEr.s. K1N0ARDINN.
Fletcher Malcolm f
Straoban Clark
Hewitt McDonald
Jae. Rose eltip„18 Stewed ehip..17
Abolay McIntyre
Dalian idnuter
MoD nald M' ler
o d
Dr. Feild ekip..22 feudal ekip....24
Totals 40 41
The tug "Onward” ran tripe every half
hour during the day and gave acorea of
visitors an opportunity of sniffing Lake
Huron breeees but as there was little
more than a raffia on iia bosom there wee
not even an exonee for the moat 'sensitive
to feel fear or even imagine that there
wag etioh a thing ea seaeiaknese. Row
boats plied a good trade oleo and taking
the day from start to finish it was one of
enjoyment to the tall.
Luoknow Boyo' Band supplied a very
nice program of music daring the day.
Tbie is a neworgaudzatlou set on foot last
Winter, under the direction of D. 0.
MoMorrin, There are 14 members and
their porloemanee is creditable to thele
leader and themselves. Mr. MOMorrin
has hold of the right idea in muting the
y0001101 timber null training them up.
Other towns might profs ably take the
The Kincardine authoritioe were very
thoughtful and pr9,01ioa1 in giving no the
freedom of the town, supplying plenty of
hot water and ooeirteot0ly meeting and
greeting nanny of the visitors. Few
planes extend the same oordiality and in
their failure they sever the bond that
is 80 manifest. between Kincardine and
the ozone.seekera who go there.
6.80 arrived and the toot I toot 1 of the
locomotives announced that the time of
departure had dame, It was a tired,
eun.burned orowd that got aboard lent we
never heard expred:done of (satisfaction
over the day's pioneer° so freely voiced ae
on the home trip and no diffiotlty will be
experienced io pomading people 60 take
the eame trip in 1905,
What's' the matter with Kinoardioe
It'e all right and treed) visitors in first•
edge style.
I]ven with two trains there was more
then one pea0enger had a toot Taos to gab
aboard. The Grand Trunk id not always
behind time,
A dozen portable 10111 -lope with a few
light treetbee to rest them upon would
prove a Very deeatable addition to the
Park accommodation in areenging for tato
gpread•Out of yielded:, A small olmege
for their tee wetil4 goon replace file
les about the quality at the milk .applied, outlay ot ihetr manufaotaro,
The grace on the harbor park had tbo
slippy aide up and aomeol the ooateetante
in the matoheo who badu't their akatee
on took an 000aaioual elide,
A letter of thanks was forwarded by
the Managing Committee 10 Mayor
Malcolm and the Connell of Kinoerdine
for toartesh:s shown on Tueodoy,
Bi• the size and number of the boekote
healed up by the dray from rho baggage
oars to the Park some of the Kincardine
people thought we were awning for the
Summer indeed of one day,
A relreehmeut stand on the Park
gathered oonaiderab e of the loose ohenge
from the excursionists while other° 01 a
strolling nature saw the town and por-
ohaeed their too cream sodas and sweot-
meate from the shopkeepers.
Some of the batbiog snits were fear.
fully and wonderfully made but it ie a
difficult task for an inlander to keep tab
on the latest matins etylea or to decide
between tacks, frille, half beaks or off
aides but the wearers appeared to be
bliesfnlly ignorant or unmindful of even
the ever-present kodak.
Ominous of a catastrophe to come
were the bulletins sent out by Kuropatin
on Monday, Newohwang evaoneted,
Tatohekiao evacuated, a retreat by moc0•
light to Haioheng, the movement of over
B0,000 Japanese North of Liaoyang with
the evident parpoee of caning the rail-
road, After that, silence, save for an 0❑-
eoofirmed despatch in Tbe Matin of
Paris, to the effeot that the railroad has
been out and Haropatkin ieolated.
The Russians moat fight their way
through the foes, wbo naw praottaally
enrrouud them, or enrreuder. Kciropet-
kin is a brave man and a tried leader,
With hie baok to the wall be will fight
stubbornly. What are his chances ?
There are lacking material tants without
which an opinion as to the probability of
the Russians extriooting themselves be.
Domed mere gaeeework. Even °orree-
pondents on the ground admit that they
have no aoonrate knowledge as to the
strength of the opposing armies. The
most reoent estimate of the Times' aritio
planed Keroki's army at 80.000, Nodzu's
Takuehen army at 65,000, and Oau'e
Liaotang army at 60,000 men. The
Rueeian commander tn•obief believes
that more than seven divisions—e Japan-
ese division at war strength being 16,000
men—were inoluded in the army that
drove him oat of Tatohekiao. The beet
information to which the writer has
mode leads to the belief that there are
between 225,000 and 230,000 Japanese
engaged in the movement against Kure-
patkin, wbo has not more than 160,000
men between Haiobeng and Mokdea.
Oa» an attacking force eaaoeeelully en.
oirole a defending foroe two thirds as
strong and compel ft to surrender ?
Bader ordinary conditions it would be a
hazardous task, especially where the
oirole of defence, as in this alum, isolated
forty miles in diameter. The Japauaee
seem, however to have no doubt ae to the
ultimate 0000eee of their campaign.
They have better artillery than the
Russians. They have the advantage of a
vastly better intelligence service. They
oome to their task with the prestige of
nnbrekeo enooeee. The Russians they
are 000 pressing were beaten at the Yalu,
at Wiese, at Kaiehow, at Newohwang,
and again at Tatohekiao. Tbere must
bo among the rank and flit of Knropat.
kin's army a lank of confidence in the
leaders wbo have so often sent them into
action under conditions that could only
revolt in disaster. Taking all thane
factors into consideration, it would am
pear that Japan's great strategloal move.
meat as destined to succeed, and that the
Czar's foroee in Manobnrie will either be
oruehed in battle or forced to surrender.
The report (het Japanese wnrehips
bare arrived in the Red Sea to prevent
the seizure of merchantmen by Russia ie
probably untrue. The temper of the
Britieb marine intends ie rapidly rising,
and the Government is blamed for not
preemplorily ordering Rneeia to call
home her volunteer °misers.
Canada's Display of fruit
at St. Louis.
Leaving out California, ()puede, quite
bolds her own among the states and
ooantriee of America in her fruit display
at the World's Fair. Even with Cali-
for0ta inoluded, when real domeetio value
is ooneidered there is no exhibit in the
hortiauhnral pavilion that compares
with that of Canada, Oranges are
beautiful to look at and Inactions to eat,
but they otto never take the place in
household economy tbat the apple will
and for a plea of high quality and al-
most eudleee variety Canada stands
match' eee.
In her display of apples alone Oanada
le Blowing ninety-four varieties in thou
natural state, just taken from cold
storage. In addition bo thio fully fifty
choice varieties nee displayed in bottles
preeerved in liquid nompounde. The
average Fair viettor expreeeee hie our -
prise even at bhie apple display, but
when he is confronted with from forty to
fifty varieties of 06oioe pears I en equal
number of varieties of plume ; several
different hinds ot grapes ; ohorrieo in
ondteee variety ; and 00 cap all a long
lief of the °hoioest peaches, he late hie
brows in astonishment end mace, "Mee
3111 this fruit grow in Canada ?"
In the emallor !mita Canada le equally
Well to the front. Her -exhibit in bane
line aomprieee eighty jars of strawberries;
oixty ot red, white end bleak raepberrios ;
an equal number of red, white and black
etgtatts; thirty of gooaebertfes ; one
doyen cranberries ; Iwe0ty five of arab
apples, and n greet variety of wild fraits.
Uttermisad with all thele fruit are jars of
pre0ereed rhubarb, twenty varieties of
tomatoes ; golden wax beetle ; green
peas ; green and white eannmber0 and
almost everything that enters into hotted
hold toneunrption in the wily of fruit and
Vegeta11100. Tale vatted collection, no
artietioally displayed as it d0, de atndeat•
ing Malt attention IoM provoking no
little astonishment in the orowde - of
visitors whit have heard of the emigration'
of Western American Ratters to Oanada,
or the "Canada boom," se they call it,
and are enemas to learn what Canada
can have in the wiry of fruits.
Conspicuous among the applee in their
natural state may be mentioned tee
famous Northern Spy, the Fameuee .or
ensue apple, of the tit, Lettermen river
dietriote ; the betted -tut ,ifalutorh Tied,
and Ole13(01ter or Lt Rue, all Dative. of
what the Americium era pleased to call
French Canada. Allo hue attractive
feature of the apple display is the very
pretty yellow Transparent and the
Duchess of 0.deoburg, two early variettee
of Rnaeian origin, and a lour native of
Oanada oatled the Longevity from its
long keeping qualities. Among the
smaller fraits tbe monster goose berries
ere rambling their fall share of attention.
I1 is always pleasing to be elle to win
the approval and gratify the national
pride of one's own countrymen easily
from home, Bat whoa one euaosede in
ettraotiog the attention and mooing the
compliments of the ootcide world the
pleasure ie donbty gratifying. This
Canada Lae a0000ipliohod 10 a marked
degree by the horticulture! display a4
the St, Louis Fear. Nat toots she afford
to do lase at this particular 300005re
when the mind of illi America in upon
the great auolaimed and um,rnkeu lands
of Canada. By the magnitude, variety
and quality of the bortioutturai exh.bite,
provided se an object lessen to the world
at this great Worid'e Exposition, Canada
gives practical aubetanttetioo to all that
has been otaamed for her regarding the
advantage of her temperate alienate and
the well-nigh Ilmiti008 variety of her
Clasaa<laaaa Pel vv
Oommiseioner Chambere-asked Toren.
to Courait for $1,500 to fight the tussock
A Fib( year-old London boy was abtaok-
ed by a dog and i0 in a preaario❑e can.
Philip F. Rundle, a prominent oheeee
merabaut of Iugeraoll, committed euioide
by taking strychnine,
Hon. Win. Gibson, of Hamilton, was
Bleated Supreme Grand Matter by the
Sovereign Great Priory.
The sopplemeu.ary estimates may in.
dude a email aim to aammea0e Werk on
the Georgian Bay Canal.
Ron. Otiffoed Bitton and Ron. Sydney
Fisher 0puke at the openiug of the
Dominion E'sbibition ab Winnipeg.
Rear Admiral Taylor, U, S. N,, wbo
commanded the Iudi000 at the battle of
Santiago, died at Oopper 01iff, Ont.
Robert Gloaking and Jobe Flett are
endeavoring to settle the strike at the
Riordan Paper Mills, St. Catharines.
The Railway Commiasiou ie ooneider-
ing the adoption of one set of rnlee to
govern the operation of Canadian rail.
Tremendoue foroet fires are raging
around Fornie, B. 0., and Frank, Alte,
Only by herculean efforts was the former
town saved Pram dostruotioo.
At the opening of the Dominion Edo•
national Aesoaiation et Winnipeg, ream
lotions were adopted reaommonding the
eetabliebment of a Dominion bureau of
There were immense crowds preeent at
the farewell demonstration at Ottawa to
Lord Dundonald, Ou arrival at Mont-
real be was parried to his hotel • on the
ebooldere of admirers,
Oordseoo, the labor agent, admitted to
Judge Winobeeter that from 8,910Ita1.
Cane imported by him he had reedited
$5,556, as well ae profits from eappties
and a salary from the 0. P. R.
Judging fr, m present appearances
Stratford is not to have a new station
building for some time yet, Il otrao.
(dons, it is auderetnod, have been given to
repaint the peasant station mud putthe
piatlarm in a state of repair. If this
work is proceeded with the old building
will be expeoted to serve for sumo peers
to come.
A little boy named Donald MaFie, who
lives on Briscoe street, London, Game
near being electrocuted. He olitnbed a
telephone pole, going up by the spikes
driven info the pole, Niihau half way up
be stopped to rest grasping one of the
charged gap wires from the street oar
line. The boy was barefooted, Rud, ae be
stood on the iron epiltee, the electric
obarge pacified through him and he woe
bald fast. He dimmed for help and
hie brother climbed the pole, and, Wile.
ing the lad's foot, diefodged him. The
little fellow dropped a albumin of twenty
feet and was caught by persona nearby,
eaoaping 0001000 injury,
Tos Bsuexe Sxucx Fose,—The weld
railway wreak ever experienced on the
Owen Bound division of the Grand
frank Railway, oouurred at 12,35 Settle•
day e1lereon, at Owen Sound, when
locomotive Na. 400 was timed over the
end of the rade, mowed ap three hundred
feet of mooadetm roadbed and fin0Ay
buried herself in the West aide docks, al-
most touching the schooner Ida Ibsen.
Five mail oars of a train of twelve follow.
ed up the engine,and piled themselves tip
in an itiditorimitlate mase of twisted
betake, broken timber and marl Tbo
wreak was pretaoed by one of the most
hair raising rune ever expertenoed by a
railroad anew. The train, om,81001ng ot
engitte 400, twelve marl oars biota y
loaded and o caboose, in ()barge of Con.
dnaboe Kea, developed a high rate c f
speed ou the grado near Bee Allen, a•.
station five miles out of Owen Sound.
The englnoor, H. Brown, at lealmerstoo,
Whistled for down brakes, The beetled
would not work, and teem then on the
train rushed wildly end help:enely downi
the grade towards Owen Sottud, The
engineer roveroett the titrettlo, but tbe
weight of the train and the mome0tdm
Made tide utterly aoolete, .The engine „
Wet beingpushed w p by the train: The
trade stVept into the yard -and "flashed '
past tbe depot, Fireman Wm. John0ot
ramped ret the lest (witth. At the end
of ale rang the euginoor jumped else rind
the 100om0tiv0 plunged tiered the toed•
way and buried bertelf in the dock at the .
side of the big fathomed IlIeam, 811101 00
one wee killed 10 It ronntekabio foot,