HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-14, Page 8ugos are came
on a patch of potatoes when it has beau well sprayed
with our Paris Green. It is quick death to them. It
is very discouraging after the work is done to find
your time and money has been wasted, such is often
the case after using Paris Green. If you get your
25c. lb. PARIS GREEN 26C. lb.
from us you can depend on getting it strong and pure.
We keep but the one grade and that the best we could
procure. Give it a trial.
Trains team Brneaele Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOING SOUTa Goma Nowa.
Mail 7:15 a.m I Mixed 9:00 a.m
Mixed......... 0000 a.m I Mall 120 p.m
Express...„. SO p.m Express �9:90 p,m
r,oxal gekro
A ohiel'e amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ie.
NEw potatoes.
Ton harvest apple orop will be bounti-
Wean strawberries were a good orop
this Bement'.
Tien "Little Yorks” vs. Brussels Friday
evening of this week in Brneaele for the
Ontario Onp.
Bean parse found containing small
sum of money. Owner may have it by
paying for this nolioe at TEE Pose.
TEE Street Committee eboald pay some
attention to the removal of water from
the aide of Mill street West of Turnberry
I{anr,AN, the speedy stallion owned by
Messrs. Scott & Warwiok, of Brussels, is
in training at Windsor ou the mile track
and is entered in a pacing raoe for neat
Tilos, A. HAWRINO was one of the eno•
oeeetal candidates in the Toronto Con.
eervatory examination held last month.
In the Junior Theory be passed with let
class Honore.
INv1TATIONe are out for the marriage
next Tuesday evening in Brussels of
Robert McAlpine, of Toronto, formerly
of this place, and Mies Mary Roee,
William etreet.
WE are pleased to learn that Miee Ada,
daughter of Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., was
one of the suooeeefrel etudenle io the mus-
ical examinations held recently. She
eeoured d pass in Primary Pianoforte.
TEE new Kelesy coal furnaces for the
Public Sohool have arrived and will be
placed in position. They weigh 6,400
pounds. 31 ton of noel is also stored in
baeement preparatory to next Winter's
BRUSSELS Orangemen went to Wiog-
ham on Tneeday, going by a special train
leaving at 9 40 a. m,, and retarning in the
evening. The rainy weather detracted
from the pleasure. Walton. and Win-
throp Lodge also took the train here.
W &ion LoeO.—Last Monday evening e
gold, open faced, watch, with Wm.
Elliott, Brussels, engraved on bask case,
WAS Lost in Brussels. A chain was
attaoeed. Suitable reward will be paid
for its recovery. Finder will kindly
leave at TEE POST.
Tins week the Norton Terraoe, ooneiet.
ing of 6 attached dwellings, Taraberry
street, Brussels, was Bold to D. Robb,
Public Sohool Inspector, of thio plaoe.
The price realized was 91,700 and tbe
sale was made by A. B. MaoDonald, Bar -
rioter. Mre, A. E. Treleaven, of Rosen.
roll, N. W. T., was the owner. There is
about a half sore in oonneotion with the
IT has been proposed to authorize
poetmaetere and deputies to open lettere
on which no postage stamp has been pet
to learn the name of the writer and avoid
sending it 10 the dead letter offioe. If all
who write would have their name and
addreee printed on the eovelopee they nee
as the paetofdo directs, no anon trouble
would arise. THE Poem Ran furnish you
with 500 eovelopee printed for very
little money,
THE Quitman of BtLoenee.-Thio is a
vital question with buudrede of men who
are bald or partially so. How to over-
come the diedgarement lent by baldness
is a simple matter when you ooneider the
perfeotion of modern art in the making of
Wigs and Toupees, The vielt of Prof.
Dorenwend, of Toronto, to Brneaele on
Thursday, July 21e1 when he will be at
the American Hotel, renders it poeeible
for any who wish to consult him to do eo
at his private apartments retained at the
American hotel for thie purpose. De.
monstration given to show the perteot 01.
terminus of his Wigs and Toupees. Do
not misethis apportnnity. Remember
the day and date, Thursday, July 21st.
T. R. SNore.—A very serious aaeident
mourned to Lotne Addie, theistic: etreet,
at the G. T. R. :Mope Stratford on Wed.
needey afternoon of last week about 2.80.
Hs was welding with the steam hammer
and the end of the faller, a half•ronnd
piece of iron, about four tel long and
two inches in diameter, need for shaping
the metal being welded, flew book, etrik•
ing him a tortilla Blanking blew, on the
abdoman. A De, was called and he wait
removed to the hoepltal in the ambo.
Iauoe. His condition is still very melons.
It le feared that there are internal in•
juries, but that will be ascertained at a
ooneultation to take plane. Mr, Addie
ie the well known dram major of the 28111
Regt, band, and ie very popular fa a
large oirole of aoquaintanoeehip. Hie
stalwart, handsome figure bas oaueed him
to be in demand for the position of
master of oeremoniee in Masonic and
other moiety parades. His neoovery will
be ens lonely looked for, Mr, Addis la a
o0nsiu'to Jae. Ballantyne, grocer, Brue•
APPRENTICE wanted to learn the print.
ing. Apply at TEE PORT.
ALaeME enpply ut cosi ie being delivered
during the past two weeks by R. Hendee.
eon who baa already received 9 care thie
De. BUTLER, London, will be at bbe
American House, Brueeels, on Tuesday
July 26th, for Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat
oonsultat!ons. Eyes tested and glosses
A pm Nm was held on Wednesday
afternoon fn a grove on the 4th line of
Morrie in which the °lessen taught in the
Methodist Sabbath Sohool by Mise
Beaker, Will, NcOraoken and Ira Parker
shared. They had a good time.
F, S. SooTT ie acting ae iaepeotor of the
oement abutments building ou the 9th
oon. of Grey township. Andrew Hislop
has tbe contract and is doing a fine job,
although the work has been interfered
with a good deal by rain and high water.
A NUMMI of Brueeelitee talk of going
on neat Tuesday's exoureion for a holi-
day trip. Among the oonoingent likely
to go will be R. Leatherdale and Mies
Pearl, Misses Jean Forbes, L'zzie Mo
Naughton, Thurea Gerry, Mary Rohe,
Mre. Geo, Brown and daughter, Jute.
Walker and Eph, Oober. Winnipeg
will be headquarters for several of thoee
Sunday School Exoureion to Kincardine
will be rmr on Tuesday, July 26. A
special train will leave Palmerston at
7.15 a. m., arriving at the lakeside short•
ly after 10 o'clock. Train will leave
Kincardine at 6 30 p. m. A fine time is
promised and arrangements are being
made for a Band, a program of sports,
&a. See the time table and list of obeap
Slum WEDnINn —Oa the evening of
Dominion Day, Jae,•Bryan, proprietor of
the Lueknuw Sentinel, and his good lady
celebrated the 25th anniversary of their
marriage and were aeeieted on this
joyous occasion by a large number of
trieude assembling at their home. A
oboioe moeioat program was rendered be-
fore sapper wae served and oongrat.
nlatory addresses were given. Tbe
bride's cake was out by Wm. Oonnell,
who had aided Mr. Bryan in the metrf-
mouial alliance 25 yeare ago. Silver
presents were baudeome, usefnl and
valuable. TEE Poem congratulates Bro.
Bryan 011 faring so well it the past
quarter printery and bopee that his genian
partner will long be spared to oheer hint
on hie journalistic way.
JNo. D, RONALD in writing to The Pon
as to change of addreee adds Your
readers may be surprised to hear that
the U. S. has appropriated 925,000 to
entertain 60 repreeentative Ftlipinoe—
touring them all over the mutiny, They
were in Detroit July 8. 25 autos drove
them around the oity, visiting all planes
of interest. They lanohed in Park
Davis' Laboratory. A fast steamer took
them up and down the river, aecompen•
led by the Mayor and other public men
and fraternal speeches intermixed, A
jolly lot including the best statesmen,
editors, judges, merchants from the Phil.
lipinee—men of oapaoity—some learning
to speak Engiieb fluently eines their
arrival at 'Frisco only a month ago.
They are "Killing them with kindneee."
Lot us hope this will be the kind of war.
fare we practical Christiane will in future
prove to the world—a beacon light of
goad -will to all men.
I, 0. 0, F.—Thursday evening ot last
week 1). D. G. M. Dodds, of Wingham,
installed the officers for the oirrent term
in connection witb Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, I. 0. 0. P., Braeeele. They are
a0 tollowe :—D, Fulton, N. G. ; Epb.
Oober, V. G. ; W. H. McCracken, Reo.-
Seo. ; A. M°Gnire, Fin.•Beo. ; P. 8.
Sooet, Treas. ; R, Leatherdale, Ohaplain;
J. K. Brown, Warden ; H. Ounningham,
Guide ; Ira Parker, R. 8. N. G, ; Joseph
Hooter, L. S. N. G. ; A. E, Mellish, R.
S. V. G. ; S. Witton, L, S. V, G. ; W.
Hunter, R. B.B. ; J. Humphries, L, S.
S. ; 8. 0. Wilson, I. G. ; Wtn. Martin,
0. G. ; repreeentitivee to Grand Lodge,
W. H. McCracken and Wm. Martin.
Western Star still shines with no email
lustre and had a fine year of successes,
They are arrenging for the annual deoor-
atian at Odd Fellows' graves at Brussels
oemetery and the date will be announced
Li0m0wIL Wow.—In the ee000d bout in
the semi finale for the Junior Football
abampionebip, played in Listowel, last
Friday evening, the home team won by 2
to 0, thus giving them tbe opportunity of
contesting with Berlin for the amp won
last year by Brnseele by defeating
Berlin. Friday'e game was not one of
the most agreeable ever played as the
onlookere wanted to "eat np" the referee
became he wee doing what he thought
was eight. Lietowel scored their flret
goal in the first half and the emend on a
penalty kick. Bruseele was only one
ahead in the former game consequently
the home team gained the round by 1
goal. Will. Cameron was the referee and
possibly knows more about eoientiflo
foot ball than all the rooters pat together
Lietowel had three different men en in
the emend math and put np a good stiff
game. Where our lade missed it wag
that they did not pile np ,.:more, as they
might at Brnseele but the running of two
championship teams in the place a size
of Brueeels is a trifle on the otre,inoue
side, The people of Lietowel have not
supported there team as they ehoald
from a financial point Of view,
Standard Bank of Canada
SISTA03Mall2a33aa ave.&
81JRPLUe 0R EESNRV7I 9IIND 3 1,000.006
TOTAL ASS/5'rs OYES 10,000,000
A. G.eliex•al 33 tet J3nxwBineelre 'B`ranmite deti
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which
le added to aoounote every six months end beoomee principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Depoeite without the intervention of any parson.
ooiy for which no charge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoue attention,
Tno "Little Yorke" are dandies.
the appearanoe of his reeideuoe by the
painter's brush,
Fool BALL.—The "Little Yorke" and
Brussels play on Victoria Park on Friday
of this week for the Ontario Cep.
LAST week R. Leatherdale & Sun die•
posed of Cabinet Grand Heioteman
piani9 to Jae. Speir, George Robb and
Won. Wilkinson, all of Morrie.
TERRE were 950 tiolle18 Sold at Bros.
eels station for Wiegham on Tuesday and
48 to Lietowel, the two pointe at vvbioh
Orange celebration• were being held.
THE time for receiving tenders for the
hay on the Agricultural Park has been
extended until Saturday evening of this
week ae offere reoeived were not satie-
Tun Toronto Beee ball management
should take the shoes off their team and
turn them out to grass for the balance of
the eeaeoo, They appear to belong to the
cow's tail variety—alightly in the rear.
Llemownr, Jaolor Foot Ball learn
defeated Berlin at Lietowel on Wednee
day eveuing by 8 to 0 in the first game
in thejnoioc finale. Friday evening the
oonolicing neatoh will be played in
Daarso the Winnipeg Exhibition com-
men°10g on the 25111 inet., Jno. Walker,
of Braeeele, will aeeiet the Dominion
Organ and Piano Company. As Mr.
4Valker has had a long and euoaeeetal ex
perienoe in this department the fellow
who beats him as salesman will have to
SHIPrine from Grand Trunk this week
was as follows :-8 cars of Balt ; 4 oars of
lumber by J. McDonald, Walton ; car of
butter by Councillor Thomson, to Syd-
ney ; 4 oars baled hay by A. Banker ;
car hogs and 2 oars cattle, A, 0. Demes ;
car oats and oar wheat, R. Graham, 17
Oars in all.
BBDBeem Oonrt Canadian Order of
Foreetere, No. 24, will attend service in
81. John's oharoh, on Sunday evening
Aug. 14, when Rev. Bro. Dean Hodgins,
of Sealant:, will preach. Brethren are
asked to make note of the cervico and
meet at the Court room at 6 80 prepara-
tory to marabing to the ohurob.
OnAMPION0EIP of OmanIel.—Tbe "Little
Yorke" of Toronto, ebampione of East.
ern Ontario in Intermediate Foot Bull,
will play Brnseele who hold the Western
trophy Friday evening of this week, tat the
Championship of Ontario. Game at
6.30. Admission 25 Dents ; Ladies 15o.
This will likely be the closing =toll of
the season and should be well worth
witneeeing ea both teams are in great
BRueeoLu bowlers ware not very deeply
in it at the Seaforth tournament Tuesday
of this week and oonsequently arrived
home that evening. There were 25 rinks
On the lawn in the competition. Brae.
eels rinks played with sphere twirlers
belonging to Mitohell, Sealorth, Clinton
and Mitchell. It was not our day for
bowling but there were other turndowns
also of likely winners and in tbie fact
there is consolation.
DOING WELL.—The Daily Sun of Bran•
don, Man., of July 2, epeake of a farmer
Braeeele boy as follows :—"A. W. H.
Smith, B. A., L. L. B., eon of John E.
Smith, of tbie city, and who was for the
past two yeare in the office of Masers.
Oampbell and Plitblado, of Winnipeg,
has east completed with honors hie
oouree in law and was called to the Bar
Monday morning. He now goes to
Virden where he enters into partoerehip
with the Hon, J. H. Agnew, Provincial
Treasurer, Mr. Smith is a clever
young man and will no doubt make hie
mark in legal oirolee. Tun PoeT Wishes
him continued prosperity.
513013E8 DEMISE.—B, Garry received a
telephone message hat Sabbath afternoon
apprieiog him of the foot that Mre.
Frank Fiehleigh was found dead in bed
at the home of her nephew, W. R. Davie,
Mitohell, last Sunday morning. Heart
trouble was the cause. She was the wife
of Frank Fiehleigb, one of tbe first set.
tlera of that town, who left there twenty
roar yeare.ago, Mr, and Mrs. Fiahleigh
had been renewing old aoquaintanoee at
Mitohell, having gone there from Brae -
eels where they have been making their
home with their daughter, Mrs. B.
Gerry, for the peat 13 months. The
former is 86 yeare of age and the
deoeaeed was 79. The funeral tools place
Tuesday atteruoon, Rev. Mr. Brown and
the incumbent of the English church
conducting the 090090ee. Interment was
made in the Methodist cemetery, Mre.
Fiahleigh was feeling first rate Saturday
evening but awoke Sande): morning
about 6 o'olook with an oppression about
the heart and got up to secure something
to help her, Mr. Fishlelgb persuaded
her to lie down while he went downotaire
for some hot water and on returning to
the loom the vital spark had fled, death
Doming quietly and poaoefolly and with.
out 8 struggle of any kind. Deoaneed's
maiden name was Jane Babb ; the wee a
native of Devonshire, England, and was
married to her now bereft pant00n in
Canada in 1842, Mr. Fiahleigh eomtng to
this country a year previous. There
were 9 ohlldron in the family all of
whom are living excepting the eldest,
Samuel. Tbe othere are Mre. B, Gerry,
Brueeole • William,Wyandotte, Mioh. ;
Mrs. Andereon, Cleveland, Ohio ; Mee. G.
Russell, Daaphin, Man. ; Mre. Wottb,
Vergerville, N. W. T. ; Arthur, Frannie
and Charles, Ohicago. 13. and Mre.
Gerry, Aliso Thurso, and Mrs, Frank
Pishleigh, who hoe been visiting hers,
attended the faneral, Mr. P'ishlogb
returned to Mr. Gerry'e Wodneeday even.
fug and will oontinne to make hie home
in Brussels and will no doubt greatly
ivies the partner of his journey through
life fur the past 62 yeare. Mre. Fish•
leigb was a kind liearted mother, a true
wife and a good neighbor and it was a
peoaliar inoident that she paeeed away
and was buried in the home of her
young womanhood. The Mitohell Advo.
°ate speaks ot the old couple in last week's
issue as tollowe;—Frank and Mre.
Ftehleigb are the guests of R. Babb. In
the year 1842 they °ams ham England
to this neighborhood and settled on the
term in Fullerton known es 'Brandy
Point," At that time there wee only a
log houee in Mitohell, which w19 o°o0pied
by the late Wm, Small, After undergo.
ing the many privations and hardships
which the early pioneers were subjected
to, they moved to the village of Mitobell
and embarked in the hotel business on
the corner where the Larkworthy house
now etands. A "rushing" trade was
done and Mr, Fieh,eigh soon beoame
wealthy but through eudoeeing for
others all was lost in the °florae of time,
and be Woe obliged to start at his trade
of tailor. This business he parried on
until 24 yeare ago when he moved to
Chicago. Now he retarne, with hie wife,
in their old age to the seene3 of their
youth and, although everything le
obengod, a few old trieude are still lett
and they are enjoying their visit In
mensely. Mre. Fiahleigh he a sister of
Thomas Babb, of Sydney, Manitoba, who
wee one of the leading men of Mitohell in
the early days.
QF 1NTE111,80 TO LADIES—Tbe visit of
Prof. Dorenwend to the Atnericau Hotel,
Brneaele ou Thursday, July 21st, will
afford the ladies of Brueeels and eur•
rounding oruntry an opportunity of con•
suiting him r. Reeding their Hair, its
needs, and their rrgninflow' ts in all styles
of Hair Goode. Pl'of. Dorenwend parries
with him a large and moat varied assort-
ment of his fawoue oonoepliune in
Switches, Bangs, Pompadours, Wavy
Fronto and Wigs. The equal of these
high grade natural hair produotions can•
not be procured from any hair goods
dealer in America, Prof. Dorenwend hae
tbe distinction of being the largest mann.
teoturer and the mast noted epeolaliet in
these goods. Private apattmenle are at
the oouvenienoe of all who avail them.
selves of gelling al the American Hotel
on the day of hie visit Thursday, Jely
SPITTING ON TNM Snn!wALa,—A. number
of towns have passed By•lewe against
epittiog on the sidewalke and Brussels
council le said to be intending to follow
snit. Following is the By-law in °per•
,.tion in the town of Galt :—(1) No per-
son abed be allowed to expeotorate upon
the sidsw,uk, or open the floors of places
of pulp! 1 w. r•b p, or in the Government
or Municipal Buildinge, Theatres crosier
hoaoee of entertainment, Hotels, restaur-
ants, Shope, offices, warehouses, or
manufacturing establishments nor neon
the approaches thereto. Neither shell
they expeotorate upon the floors of etreet
oars, hooks, oabe, °melbaeeee, or other
poblio oouveyanoee. (2) Be it further
emoted that the town police and others
in charge reepeotively of the sidewalks,
publio boildinge, and public oonveyanoee,
shall be and are hereby inotrneted to
plaoe in oonepiouone plaoee, notion! or
plaoarde prohibiting spitting in or on the
looalities named in this bill whinh eball
go into effect immediately after the pasta
ing thereof. (8) Any person or pereone
guilty of an infraotion or infractions of
the proviei008 of this hill or any of them
shall be onbjeot to the penalty or penal.
Wee preeoribed in section 477 of bill num-
ber 600 of the Corporation of the Town of
Galt. The fine epeoified in section
477 is etipulated not to teamed $60,
Business Locals.
Rooms to let. Apyly to Mre. J. R.
Go to Brewer's Reliable Photo. Studio
for fit:t•olaee Pbotoe.
A mime of emoted hand organs for
Bale or to rent. LOATIIMMALE & BON,
Pnoroe of wedding groups, pia-nic
parties, houoee, &o,, taken on short notice.
Elesmone for Bale, aleo combined bay
and stook reeks with double box. Call
and Bee them. Ewan & Co., Braeeele.
To TRE PUDLId.— If you wieb to • have
lawn mowers put in tjret•olase order yon
can hove same done at a reasonable figure
by T. MoGregor, Mill ttreot, Braeeele.
CLEARING SALE -00 Friday, Jane 18,
we commence a olearing cash Dale of
Deese Goode and Light Summer Fabrios,
Eggs 170 trade, 150 oaeh, G. E. RING,
Ralph Delmote, a teamster, Wait
drowned at London while bathing.
William Irvine, of Chatham township,
wee fatally injured at a barn raising,
Jobe Templeton, a prominent termer
of Shoal Lake, was run over and killed,
Pant of the G. T. R. works at Point
St. Marlin, Montreal, was burned, Loss
William Simon'° eigbt•yean.old eon
full off the dock 01 OWen Sound and was
The Ontario Grand Lodge Knights of
Pythias aosembled at Brantford this
week With about 800 delegates in attend
Six girls employed by Richard Hall &
Sone, of Pelerboro', fell about sixty feet,
owing to the elevator breaking. Three
suffered broken limbs, but hone are fat.
ally hurt.
QAPITAfr—Pall illi $1,000,000
RESERVE P1181) • • $1,000,000
REV, R, H. WARDEN, D, D., ,birnot0ra S. 3, 81000317,
President, Vleo•P resident,
T 0S, 01000800Aw, 8.I,A, 13701600900 MR. W. ArOnT'IMsO manic, 0,0, D, E, TUONeON, E. 0,
W. D. 100 BB - - 0E09E13AL MANAGED
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmere' Notes Discounted,
Internet at RIGHTIST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of 91 and upwards
A, E, MI3LLISH, Manager,
Hon. F. R, Latchford will arrange 0
trip to Temiekaming in the Fall for mem.
bere of the Legislature.
A large building, containing the stores
and records of the Mounted Polioe at
Lethbridge, was destroyed by fire,
Sheldon T, Bent, Seoretary.Treaeurer
and Manager of the Shawinigan Carbide
Company, of Montreal, is charged with
misappropriating $4,000 of the company's
Andrew Prioe'e horse wee frightened
by a wheel rolling down from a carriage
taotory at Newburgh, and ran away.
Mrs.,Prioe wae killed and Mr. Price prob.
ably fatally iejnred.
People We Know.
Homer Barrett, of Wingham, is visiting
is town.
Mise Mary Forbes has returned from a
holiday visit.
Jaok Beattie, of Wingham, was in
Brussels on Friday.
Druggist Fox made a busineee trip to
Toronto on Tuesday.
Barrieter Sinclair was in Walkerton on
legalbueineee on Tuesday.
R. M. Wilson, of Bright, was a visitor
in town Monday of last week.
Miss Winnie MoGoire ie holidaying
with relatives at Oampbellford.
Mre. Wm. Ellie was visiting her
daughter, at Ingersoll, last week.
Garfield Jamieson has been spending
part of hie holidays with relative° at
Mre. Geo. Shiele and daughter arrived
bank to Brussels last week after a boli.
day with relatives in MoKillop.
Ernest Miller, of Blyth, was home over
Sunday. He is in charge of H. R,
Brewer's photo gallery in that village.
Mre. Durgac, of Toronto, and Mrs.
Samna! Ames, of Ethel, were vieitoes
with Mre. D. 0. Roes daring the past
W. Jones, Waltham, Mass, teacher in
Horologioal Department of the Watch
factory, Wee a visitor with Jae. Jonee, of
chi°. town.
Mies Della Mark, of Hiokeon, and
Miesee Winnie and Edith Pugh, of Wing -
ham, were visitors with Mies Edna Pugh,
Fiore etreet.
Mre, G. A. Deadman and daughters
have gone to Muskoka for tbeir Summer
outing where we hope they will enjoy a
a fine time.
Miss Gordon returned with her stater,
Mre. Paul, from Orangeville, and will
make an extended visit horses oompenion
to Mre, Paul.
Mies May McKay, of Tiverton is spend-
ing port of her vacation with her former
schoolmate, Mies Norma Lowick, King
street, Brussels.
Dr. Wilson, who graduated recently,
coming off with flying colors, was visiting
Dr. Feild in Brneaele this week. He will
locate at Palmerston we understand.
Mrs. John Long and Mies Winnie were
vieitore in Toronto. Mre. Hume, of that
city, aeonmpanied them on the home trip
and is visiting Mre. Long at present.
Mre. George Thomson and her daagh•
ter, Mrs, Ohm. Dodds, purpose taking a
holiday trip to Scotland next month.
They will mil by the Allan Line steamer
from Montreal.
Mini Nora Holmes and Master Bob
Leckie accompanied Mieeee Merin and
Blauohe Jaokoon to their home at
Pebrolia Wednesday of this week, where
they will Opond a few weeks holidaying.
Dr. MoNattghtou is convalescing
splendidly and has been able to waltz
down town and take frequent drives,
His many old friends ere pleaeed at the
progress made and hope he soon will be
folly rammed.
Tem Pam was favored with a oall on
Tuesday from Editor J. M. Thompson,
of the Fergon Rhoord. He wee attending
the Orange celebration tet Wingham and
combining with it a visit at the parental
home in Brueeels,
Harry Lowiok is attending the Moody
Institute in Ohioago and rendering good
service in pity mieelonery work while
pursuing hie [Mediae. He is a eon of A.
J. and Mre. Lowick, of town, and was a
former Briseellte.
Mre J. F. Stewart and eon Athol, Min
Sera V. MoL'anohlin, Mies Mary Ritchie,
Misses MoArter and Miss Keys, Jno,
Ooneley and Lorne Pringle, all of Tor.
onto, were among the exouroloniets on
the Huron Old Boys' holiday outing last
Saturday who vieited at Brussels and
locality. Some of them are motioning
their stay for a few weeks.
On Wednesday of last week Rev. Wil-
liam H. Ellie, of Saskatoon,. Man., eon of
Wm. and Mrs. Ellie of Brussels South,
was united in marriage to Mies Thomp-
son. May their future be happy and
presperoae. The Saskatoon Phenix, of
July 803, sake ;—"Rev. W. H. Ellis, the
Baptist minister here, and Mies Ella
Thompson, formerly of Cheney, Out,
Were united in marriage on Wednesday
evening last at the home of the bride's
sister, Mee. Jae, Thompson, in Nutaba.
Rev. J. W. Campbell performed the
ceremony. The Phenix extends oon.
ELLIB—T11ol1rsoN.—In Nutana,, Man,, on
July 0th, by Rev. J. W. Campbell,
Rev. W. H. Ellis, of Saskatoon,
formerly of Brnseele, to Mies Ella
Thompson, formerly of Oheeley,
D0NO809.•-•In Morrie, on July 12, Annie
Spear, beloved wife 09 Harry Dan•
can, aged 25 years, 4 mouths and 8
Feermriau.—In Mitohell, on July 10,
Mrs, Prank Fiebloigh, mother of
' Mre, B. Gerry, Brussels, aged 70
BALLANTYNO —In Blyth, on ,July let,
Elizabeth Hie!op, beloved wife of
Thomas Ballantyne, aged 04 years
and 1 month.
TuoaoAY, Ane. 2.—Household effects,
Lot 9, con. 0, Grey, Sale oureeerved, et
2 o'olook. Mus Ann Dron, Proprietress.
F. S. Scott, Am.
=1e a•o:t_,._._. 2J3Su CT --rte.
Fall Wheat 87
Barley 86 37
Peas 66 60
Clete 80 80
Butter, tube and rolls.•-11 12
Eggs per dozen 12 14
Hay per ton . 6 00 6 00
Flour, per cwt 4 00 6 00
Potatoes per bus 60 60
Apples (pee bbl ) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retell 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 5 00 6 00
W ool 16 17
Give full particulars. Address
130X 54, lrortlwioh,
▪ 0601 on Elizabeth street for sale.
Apply at THE POST.
GINE and upright boiler for sale cheap
as a gasoline engine is being substituted,
Por further particulars enquire atTEE Poem
Publishing House.
Tenders will be received on August 0111,
1009. for drain 69 miles long, esliu.ated at
89,068.60. A11186121 work or nearly. Ten-
ders opened at Council meeting at Lead -
bury at 2 o'clook 1n the afternoon, By-law,
profile and plane may be seen at my resi-
dence, Winthrop.
J1i0. 0, MORRISON, Clerk.
r► ! J ani!
udde T
la at
That's the inevitable end
to every
Potato Bug
that feeds upon our Paris' a
Green, Every pound ifseft
guaranteed to be Govern -for
went Standard chemically10
pure. 25o. per pound at
0 ate,
Drug Store
red in 80109, with white spot on loft
side behind shoulder ; horns are a little
coarse. Strayed from Lot 20, Con, 0, Mor-
rie, ou Tuesday evening, July'Sth. A uy in-
formation leading to its r000very will be
tbauktully received
THOS. H. BOLGER, Walton P.O.
BALs AT A BARGAIN —The undersigned
offers his Guodison Separator and a Ham-
burg 14 h,p, engine tor sale. Roth iu Rrat-
oleos order. Also a MaeoeyHarrio ensilage
gutter and blower. Por further particulars
as to prion, terms, &o., apply to
00.51 JN0. MONADS, Oranbrook,
he 1000, Lot 17, Oou, O, Morrie, 00 00 about
the flu et week 10 June, two 2-year•old steers,
one gray and the other white, with red neck
and thick horns, lnformatlon tbanklnlly
received, HUGH HANNA.
01.9[ Brueoole P.O. Morrie.
The undersigned offers the 100 aore
farm, being Lot 20, Oen, 7, Grey, for sale or
to rant. Comfit.) table house, bank barn, or•
chard„ wells, &o. There aro 90 sores 1n vase.
10 acres of Pall Wheat will be glut lit and 20
sores of Fall plowing 50100. Farm is only 5
mile from the thriving village of Ethel.
Tor further parlioulare ae Ito pries, terms,
&c., apply to 01188 SPEN0E, Ethel P.O.
As there are curtain rumors to the effect
that I stated that Niles Morgan retained
certain ,.montes while in my employ, I
wish to unw state positively that Mr. Mor -
gait did net retain ono Gout of mine but on
the other hand was always a most trust-
worthy employed.
And 10rtner If thorn may have boon any
aocusation from ,00 to WE effect in the
mind of Mr•. Morgan, or any other person, I
regret the same and quite willingly and
cheerfully publish this as an ample apol-
ogy. G110, BROWN.
Witness. 6.11, OIAOD 0 NALD.
3.t` ... C'
.Y 26
Special Train, Time and Fares as Follows :`4`
Leave Time Pare, Adults Ohildre s:
PALMERSTON 7 15 a. m. 91,15 00o.
GOWANSTOWN 7 80 1.16 60
LISTOWEL 7 62 1,10 65"
ATWOOD 8 05 `1.05 65
HENFRYN 8,15 1.00 60
ETHEL 8 25 .95 50
8 40 .86 45
8 65 ,80 90
9 10 .70 85
WHITEOEUR0H 925 .65 86
LUOKNOW 940 .66 80
RIPLEY 10,00 .40 20
arriving at Kincardine at 10,20
Returning, Train
will Leave at 6,30 p, m.
Tickets only good for one day except from Palmerston to Atwood
inclusive which are good to return the following day,
is expected to accompany the Excursion.
Arrangements are being completed for Tennis, Lawn Bowling, Base Bail and
other Sporte In Kincardine whioh will add to the entertainment of the Visitors, A
short program of Games for Children Will oleo be given Free to Everybody,
Hot Water supplied Free of Charge on the Park. Muskets may be choked on
the Train and at the Parol 0o as to leave Exonreioniete free of any bother with tbem;
should arrange to go and spend the day at the Lake.
REV. I, M.'WEBB, J, 1H. 0ANER0N, W. H. KERR,
Incumbent St. Johne Chnrth, Shpt, Melville 8, S. Supt, Methodist S. 5,