The Brussels Post, 1904-7-14, Page 4virg 9zu rosea$ 1BO, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1904, Good Roads in Ontario. Oos of the most interesting and ex• beanies of the report@ prepared by the oiiioiale ot the Ontario Government ie thee of A. W. O&mpbell, Commissioner of.L•Iighweye, whittle is now being dietrib. uted'by the Public Works Department. The importance of the work that hes been planed in the °barge of Mr, Camp. bell ierealized when it is learned that to expenditure yearly en the township roads of the Province is $1,872,024, Than Mr. Campbell there is no man mare Dorn. peteut to give edvioe ooneerniag the eoienoe of roade+king, for hie eervlaee all over Ontario, and the attention white) bee been peed to hie addressee at national and international oonventiona called for the advooaoy of good roads. In hie eighth annual report Mr. (lamp. bell deals with the eubjeat most exhaust. (vole. It treats enthoritatively with the enb � in all its branahee, from the etaudpoint that "the development at any, of every, country le absolutely impore. eible without good country roads," He notes with eatiefaotion that the reoent activity in regard to the "good roads movement" Ie bringing about a general reform of road -making methods with a corresponding improvement of the roads, but says much remains to be done. By the end of 1908 about one hundred and thirty townships bad abolished or 0010• mated etatote labor and in its plane bad adopted eyetem& whereby fewer and more permanently appointed rued over• eeera take the plane of the pathmaeters of the statute labor eyetem, and for whioh all work is paid for in a bnaineee• like way. Proper road•making machin• eryie being employed, and definite methods of doing the work have been established. At present the report shows that there are 1,124 mitee of etonnty roads being built under the roads improvement not with aid from the Provinoial Treasury. This does not include the roade of Lincoln and Oxford wbioh have recently decided to avail themesiveeof the provieione of the not. Oooeiderable space is given to the question ot statute labor. Ito dieadvant• ages are pointed out aed a subabitnte le provided. A list of the municipalities thathave abolished statute labor is given and from a nember of them roporte are printed giving the opinions of the offioials in regard to the change. County road eyattms are dealt with, and the advaatagee which are to be gained ander the improvement act are indiaeted. Leading officials in counties wbioh have adopted the county roade system pruvide reports on their experi. micro wbtob will be of ooneiderable value and interest to other ooentise contemplate inv availing themselves of the act. Under the heading "The Science of Road•making" Mr. Campbell gives im portant inetr0otione as to road drainage, torm•ttion, preparation of gravel and broken atone, the machinery that ehanid be employed and how it ehoald be open. ated. Tbere ea an important chapter on the maintenance of earth roade, the care and proteotion of hille and the repair of old roads. Me. Campbell tells of concrete for sluiaea, ealverte and bridges, and gives deeigne, ep (reifications aed materials to he used and how they should be ap plied. The whole reptrt dents with the condit tione existing in Outwit), and the drfiuite plane and euggeet)one are all aunts ae may be adopted by auy municipality in the Province, The total township readmits. age in Oatarto at the preeent time ie 60,771. After the Ball was over. Pewee comment/1 on the Intermediate Loot Mail Championship. Following are a few clippings from the newspapers in referenoe to Brussels. Platteville games for the Intermediate Foot Bali trophy ;- 00800D 81.803 ABOUND 00001. The Atwood Bee •-The Brussels Intermediate Foot ball team are ones more the ahampioue of Western Ontario. On Dominion Day they defeated Platte• elite in the latter town by 2-1 atter a hard struggle, and on Monday evening in Bruesele they battled herd for seventy minutes, and neither team snored. It was e great game to watoh, A heavy rain about b p. m. made the grounds wet and the ball alippery. Bat fortunately it cleared ap and a large crowd witnessed the earns. The gate re08ipt8 amounted to 0120. Platteville ran a special train from Bright and the crowd that lined the tonth.lineecame from all the earroun• ding towns and villages. The visiting team certainly played et strong game and have a number of epiendid players. Ball, one of their half basks, is as good an guy in the business. The aheokiog was pretty vigorous at times, cepeoiallyduring the teat fifteen minotee when Bruaeele played rings around Platteville, but nettle) not score, One goal was aeorel by Brneeele just after the time keepers blew their whiatlee, but was not allowed by the referee. 14url Switzer played hie usual strong and vigoroue game. A nn$D 2500 TO 0110031. Lietowel Banner '-el epeeist trete wenb through this Own Met Monday 'es.afternoon ea conte to Brunie conveying the P1itetettele not Ball team to that town where they played off bee ebam. piouehip W. F. A. match. The' game was a fast one from stent to iinieb, both teams putting up the beet kind of ball. Bruaeele were under She impression that it would be a dead may thing for them on account of beating Platteville on their own greeted, but to their enrprieedee boys from the little -village put np a stiff game keeping their opponents hnetiing all the time. Daring the first of the game the playing wee very evenly divided both teams petting up game very briilient p'aya, but on towards the last Braeaaits got down to their old combination and kept Platteville baoke and goalkeeper kicking with both feet to keep them from scoring, A few mimltee before time was np a goal was snored but was disputed, some oleiming that it was eooted alter the referee had blown his whittle, The Pletteviile boye took their defeat in a eportemanlike way and de serve nreditfor the way they kept Bale. seta down on Blair own geodedg, And, on the other hand, Brnagele le to be o0ngratatated on their suerese whioh they daily deserve ea they are a hunky lot °f good tedium, Brown Jeolteou, ot Seat forth refereed the game, 0500155506 1'11t110E, 000508 NOT 0500080, The Platteville 1,olto,-1'Istteville and Bruesele played the leek of the two ileal games at Bruaeele on Monday and neither team snored, The Platteville club ran a apeoial leaving Bright et about oue o'clock and arriving in Bruseele ehoetly after four. the special carried a hundred people. Brawn Jaalteoo refereed the game and tltowth probably well intention. ed he did not keep the teams well ander control and allowed the play to become unneeeseerity rough. The two teams were very evenly =tatted and tbough eaoh tried hard to some neither Tended. As Bruaeele defeated the Platteville olab here by one goal they are thus the win• news of the round and the W, F. A. cap stays in Brussels for another term. The Bruaeele players and management are a gentlemanly lot, but the rooters were fierce and even the ladies et the game leak what is most beoomiug to their sex, modesty, eoNOuATULATI5NI• ouegeeereatione were reoaived Iran, a number ot former Bruteelites, boye and girls, showing th,t more than a Weal intereet wan felt iu the Ohampiooahip hauors. B. J. Gilroy, of Brookville, writes :- "Whn said Sequels oouidu't play fast ball 2" Joint P.pper, of Determine, a sturdy Mesta on a termer team, writes :-"I am glad to know the Poet Sall boys did so well, coming oat oe top again. I have given up Foot Ball altogether, only play. ed one game title year bus I believe 1 could put up n fair gems yet if I ware in shape." We w013l0 just about as SOLI) be kinked by to horse ae to receive oue at Jetak'e old fashioned attacks on the hall field. It was a cheek all tight and spelled with a capital C at that and Pete Bergueon, who was a great Iriend of Mr. Pepper, wasn't very far behind the @.lid John when be essayed to disport himself an the ball field. IT IS NOT DEATH TO DIE. It is not death to die, To leave this weary road, Aud 'midst the brotherhood ou high, To be at home with Gad. It la not death to aloee The eye long dimmed by tears, Aod wake in glorious repose, To speed eternal years, It is not death to fling Aside this ,inial cleat, And rise on et rook exulting wing, To I've among the jest. Jeans, thou Prince of Life I Thy °hoeee oennat diet: Litte'1'hee they ammeter in tbo strife, To re5g0 with Thea ou high. 41V ruxttratr-. FooT [TALL Oaattproue.-We oongrai- elate you her. Eliter upon the 0000808 of your Foot -Ball team, The people of Brussels stand loyally by them and this gives the team inspiration to excel them• eeivee. Certainly if large torn outs of the people and hearty °beers ton every good play i+ to Oou"t you have not been sparing. We heard it rum eyed, though we did not oredit the story' abut the 0o. Oonnoil had to adj Torn on one warden as the Warden oou:d net get his mind down to business. It was learned alter• wards that a teat ball match wee in progress and nutil he heard the rean:t he o . uid not settle down ter the effeire of the county. It would not hurt the onp any if it were exhibited in Wrcxeter for a few weeks and we tall give et 11•st mortgage on the village for security. It would be oar truly debt. -- Nevelt t tt Is,. • 'Ma salt block is closed down at preeent medergt:ing repairs. A stretch of cement sidewalk is being put down in Herpnrhey. Large gnautitiee of coal are arriving at the etatiou here for the various dealers in town. About 150 tickets were void one day at the stattou here for the circus at Stoat - hard. The Seafortb Miilfng Oo ie now operating the mill to twelve o'oloak at night in oo0eegsenee of increased orders. His many friends are pleased to see "Teddy" Jaokeon oat aitbongh with the aid of crutches. His broken limb is mending nicely. A epecial meeting of tate town commit w 80 held to deal with the appointment of a Dew (Thief of pollee. Out of ten etp• plioants, J. G. Oriob was obosen. F, ole ate has d rated t BarristerH e d o 0 the Seeforth Bowling Olnb a handeome'ly framed life sized portrait of the veteran president, Jamee McMichael. The per. trait will be hong up at the club bones at the green and beers the following ie. eoriptioo, "Jame McMichael, President of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Oiub, to whose generosity the oiub ie indebted for these grounds," %V 111 Zit it. rkf . L, A, Rall was in Toeento attending e convention of the Uotiertekers' Aesooia 5100. W, el, Green hag disported of his wood and coat bnaineee to John McLean. We nuderetaud that Mr. Green bat game. thing else in view, The Baptist Young People's Union elected otiloere for the ensuing term, ae follows 1 -lion. Prase Itev. IV. A. Mo. .Lean, B, A.; President, H, tlinsoliffe ; Viae Pros., Miss JL M. Fisher ; Ree.• Seo., Miss Tena Kelly ; Oor,•Sete, Mies Mo rotrgall ; Treasurer, Bliss Maggie 1'teber; Organist, Mre. Geo. Hanna. Turnbeery .township aaeeesor aeaeeeed the Wingham eiestrio•light plant at $7000 Wingbam Connell appealed from this aeseeement at the 0ourt of (Revision, oiaiming that the plant ,bei0g muaiaipeJ property, wee not aeeeeeabie. The Council of Enrnherre, heeded not the appeal, but promptly aimed the 150aeee. meat up to 510,000. Wingham has esp. pealed to the County ,Judge, wha will decide the mutter in due time, The annual report of Wingbam Metho. diet oboroh is in hand and glows prog- ress. The pastor aspens a net gain in me berohf of 418 netwithat n i m ado p Y' g some deaths and a number of removals. The obeech debt watt leeganed daring the year by $0,100 and is new only $2,900, a very creditable ehawiug indeed, The pastor's %ddreee ehoald be parquet by every member, The Sunday School re. porta 8114 =inhere, and is effioientiy !quipped with a full etaal of toaohers, WINGHAM DISTRICT SPLENDID The program ter the Summer Helsnel to be held under the anspisee of the lepwortb Leagues of the 4Vinghanl Des t•iot in Kincardine from 1'[ond'ty Augrsvt 8th to Sudety 14th Inc wave, Ilea mantel WO close, The seeeions of the Sana will be held much alter the prtnuipto of the larger Buhoola in the ettite, There will be morning and evening see'nvue devoted to the study of the Bible an Missions while the afteruenue wilt be left free for rearealion, The strength and ggslity of the pro. gram ought to be a eteuug endauemeet to I) ti Lha U8 SUMMER SCHOOL„ PROGRANM. ite work takes a d.il,ita form. Instead et ;kik inn on "How to study the Bible" the htb.e will be studied. Instead of emending fiat„ Le r "flow to seedy Mire shote" the dillereilt ethane of Mieeiose au,1 911eea,n, work will be rtudiad. Thu beautiful "Lakeside Paris," ex, tending to the beach of Lake Huron, hae teen placed at the diepoeal at the Lep• suers together with its Hail, pavilione, ,1a., a must delightful spot for a public) getheriug while the Methodist church oe Towu Ball will be available should the Weather be too cool or wet for outdoor 15010 DB. 00ND5080N. all the young people of the District to attend, The list of epeakere inoindea :- Rev, Jamee Raudtreon, D. D., TOrooto, Asaiatant Missionary Secretary ; Rev. F. 0. Stepheneon, M. D., Toronto, Secretary of the Forward Movement ; Rev, it. W. Woodaworth, of Toronto, a spec &list ie Bible Study ; Rev. J. A. Jackson, el. D., of Bella Coo'a, B. 0. Mr, Jaokeon'e ad• dresses will be eapeoially interesting to the Leaguere of lVingham Diatriat be• armee he is engaged in the seine Mind of Minion work ea Rev. G. H. Raley, of Rets moat, the M.eeionary whom they eopport. Mr. Jackson will iNnetrate with lime light views the miseione and mie. sires station of the Methodiet Church in British Columbia, In addition to those Bey J. A. 70.01003, M. D. eneaiore Rev. J. E. Hunter, who lee rue. csafully campaigned the Dietriot, will be preeent, wl.)let the ministers of the local oirouite and chargee are very energetically 00 operating to reeks the gathering a imoeees. The tuning daring the whole sabool will be in eherge of Principal S. W. Perry, B. A , leader of the Kitluerdiue Methodist choir. Special @trees daring the study elaaaee will be laid upon the two text books for 1908-04, viz: "Studies in the Lite of Oheist," and "The Heart of Sz Obnan." The Summer School le unlike moat Oonvecbions and gatberinga inaemuoh as Ill servioee on any of the days. These not oaring to aemp,out mete be provided with oomfortab'e beading bonaae by applioaSiou to Mise Millie Fisher, Kincardine. Mark down the Batas, lug, 8 to 14 and plan to attend as many days as possible. You well Bever regret it, BIDV. V. 0. 008012115500x, ri B. Meeting on the drove- of Lake Huron, wish almost all the advantages of a popular resort, combining so many educative and inetrltutive gaalitiea the Smanter %Ousel offere a etwei,8 of an i&turacaaag and helpful week's outing F3 ,� W 1104. e. 8, BALEY. such ae keg never been offered iu tbie vicinity before. -Fall iefermaliun is 10 be found in the prn;rarne whioh may be obtained from K J. Beaton, White• °bureb, nr W. H. Kerr, Bruaeele, eme • e„jW,,,W-vfa„ , u MINOARDINE METHODIST CHURCH. regular and reserve, and Oradle roll de. parlment ; there is a good library, also a Teachers' library and other literature. Senior Epworth League reports 124 membere end they ranted $285 47 ; the Junior .Leaene hae 3.04 members, and railed 557 49. The Ladies' Aid report reoeipte of $27102 ; the W. F. M, S,, 547.60. The amount steed for all per• pages daring the year ending Juno tat, was $7,288 84 ; of this 5502 82 watt for mlesionary purposes, At the recent meeting of the Synodal Heron at London, the , following mole. Non In regard to eharotl union was unan- imtuel carried ;-Phot this Bns,dofa rd its hearty dngratnlatione to the Presby. terian, Methodiat and Coogregatianai brethren on the proepeot of the epeedy attainment of the anion of these three aommnnione in one body, They feel that each aoneummaSion will be a pro. olamatioe to the world of the evil of that epleit of division whin) has eheetereel the Christian hoot, has alienated broth• ren, le a dlreot aantradiotion of the will of our blessed Lord ; and thea Synod earn• natty prays the Great Bead of the Church so to pour oat the spirit of brotherly union and ounoord won all Christian people that the nni0n for whiph oar blessed Lord Rs earnestly prayed may be apeadily oaneummeted that the world may nee it and believe that the Father sent the Bon to be the Savione of the world. Ceitstill Iran Nevvret. Ernest Alpertoo er Toront O p , o,. 6 youth of seventeen, was drowned in the Don. An address will be presented to Lord Dundonald at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Friday night. also oivia Reception Committee deolded to hold the reception to Lon Soboiee in ((neea'o Park, Toronto. Mtge Polly Ilnrrie, of Chatham Town. 13oarti, eknnld not have had anything to ship, was Browned while bathing in the do with the aeieotiun of a site, Themes, Father O'blail, of Rinkore, is 00 111000, William Mitchell dropped deed while The soul of rhe venerable priest went to working on the new postotline betiding Its Maker 1i'riday afternoon about 5 80, at Sault Ste, Marie. with a long record of work in the service ()mantle Shields has been appointed of God faitbfuiiy performed. The obaeg. (tonere( lvfalleger for the Lake Suppler 01es tooht place Monday morning at Intl. (lorporation at Sank Ate, Marie. kora, The remains were interred in the Tho Canada Paoiao Lumber Com. village cemetery. A. number from Strat. panr'e plant et lt`ort Moody, 13, (I , was ford attended, father O'Naii was 74 dsmvged t" tile'rxlent of 576 000 by Ore. years of age, kbixty quern of emalipox }MVO beers le ported from Temiecaming, '!'here la no ease in the railway cuuelruulion orrmpa, Perth Oount3. Mitohetl oiyio holiday will be on Aug, 10 Shia year. Mitchell's tax rate Dile year has been fixed at 21 mills on the dollar, Bay is a very heavy Drop around Lie• towel, but the rains threaten to dantege it. Rev. M. L. Leitob, of Knox Ohnroh, Stratford, le resigning on ttuoount of ill• health. The plate glass for the front of Wm. Sbonemen's new store, Mitchell, will omit over $800. George Meyer, of Logan, had the tine of a pitchfork run through the calf of one of hie lege. Mae. F. Race of the Recorder, Mit• eh 11, left for Toronto where he will Snake his future home. The little eon, aged about 0, of Henry Gale, near Sebringviile, lied bis arm broken while playing. While operating a rip Paw at Metag. an's f&otory, Stratford, Wm. Swallowall jr., had the 'mooed Sager of hie tight wand taken off ab the first joint. While Dr, liutahing, of Mitchell, was etauding on top of a etrplodder, temov- ing a Sign from over bie stable door, the grow bar wbioh be was neing slipped and to gave himself from failing he jumped to the ground, with the result that he broke the bone in hie left heel. It is said that Bt. Marys le one of the beet freight atabione on the G. T, R. for a town of its size, Weal of Montreal. Some days as many s,0 29 oars of freight heave been shipped out. The stone quarries Bend out on au average of 14 to 18 oars of @tune per day. Rev. Mr. McAuley has kindly (Raved a prize for the beet Essay on ieeh° nee and &hues 02 Parttime." All pupils of the Mitchell Hight school during the uoademia year 1003 1904, and those registered next term may compete. Essay win IN in Ned December next, While leading a hnreo to water the animal kloked John Keeler, of Mouktou, In She face, inflicting a terrible gash and when found Ise tvae lying in the rain in an nnon„eoious ooadllion, in which state be lay for several Item before reooverint'. Although the accident was a most eevere one, he ie now duing nicely, Borne weeks ago the cttizen9 of St. Marys voted an a Bylaw regarding the building of a Oarnegie library. The 13y. law was carried by 282 to 197, but now ft is ahead that a number of voters re• corded their votes illegally. The ndviae of BIabee & Makin@, barristers, has been aek'd with a view it is alleged, of apply. ins foe an injunction to prevent the building of the library. It 9 further alleg,•d that Committer Roberta, not being at member of the Library STOCK FOR SERVICE D0Alt FOR SERVICE. -TOE nnderalgeed will koae 1m• aervloo, on 1.05 2, Oou, 14,r4rey, a fibro' bred Yorkshire (lour, Tonna, 760, to be paid at time of ear. v'oo with privilege of returning 5f hetes. nary. JOHN SMITH, 47 c Proprietor. DULL FOR SERVICE, -THE nudorslened will keep Sor eervlea on Lit98, 4111 Line, Morris, the tboro' bred Durham null, ,Terry" bred (from A. Bis. lou'@ set Brise bull and a thorn' -brad cow, Terme8126, with privilege of attendee it necessary. BORT. OURHIE, 48.4 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.— THE Undersigned w115 keep for service a thorn' brad Durham bull, on hia farm ad- joiningBruasela. Terme, 8100 with privi- lege oreturning if neoeseary. 000, 1ROBB, ;Proprietor, IMPORTAiT NOTICES THORO'-BRED YORKSHIRE t sows, 4 months old. for sale. Will be sold reasonable to quick buyers, JA5112$ 80101111I91, Maple Grove Parm, Lot 16, 4111 Lluu, Morrie, Brusteio P, 0.1 48 0 C. 0, F. urt Princes° B usria sels, meets in their rLodge Room, Bias - hill Block, on the cud and last Tuesdays of each moat), a58 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAB. 13URt3F,88. 0, It. WALTER SMITIH, 18, B. rilHORO' - BRED YORKSHIRE 1. Bow Fon BALID. - The undOreigned villein for gale one Moroi -bred Yorkshire Bow, 31- yenta old, in pig to his ppthorn'-bred NICHOLSON (Bot27�min Lime Works), It. Mor- rie, Belgraya P, 0. fig-tt WANTED.— SPEOIAL REP- 115671NTA'rrVID to this county and ad- joining territories, to represent and adver- tise an old eetebliabed boldness Irouoe of Solid ananefat standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expaoaes;advanced each )tlouday by °heck direct from headquarters. florae and Matey furnished when neeeseary ; Posi- tion permanent. Address Blow Bros, & Oo , Item 010 Monett Bldg., Ohleago, 111, NOT/CE 1 We, the underetgned, agree to raise the price et hoveleteloeiug to Hie, for eettleg and 150g, for new Blume, owing to the advance in the price of material, eta, This goes into force o1).Monday. June 13th, 3911. Signed by P'WAN & Oo„ Gino. W. Po1.081», P. Sco0T, Ilurit1Jlnllca & Bow, 8,T. Peter, 14.Lr MOL vercumN, Trina, POLLO011, (3100. Boxim5, Josue Penman, JOAN 1OxttIIDa. Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. Eight young 230110 from Imported and hams brad cows o feby imported S.ro. Ateo Cows and Iolore 0! different ages. A few pure bred Berke)liro PIge, 10 woeful old, fox tate. Zieve a quabtltg of Seed Ports the Irlarly June variety, to ddlepooe of. It le ameeium eieod Whlto_ pea and wore grown from teed front near North Bay hod yielded over 57 lsueba3s to the sore, tree of two. wilt oleo eon a good aged working and drivinghor0o' 08 D, 24201220 0050, SSthei, r +1, SONIESEEKERSI L76:1- EX UIZONS Winnipeg Mowbray Delarutuo Boccie Wootton Lylebou Lenore Mutate ain WetwaneBa BIn00arth Mooeumiu Arcola PAM -van Yurkt355 —To--,• 511110.511 .'legion $33 16 31 50 'Cannot* 114 00 swan ltivor 111 Saskatoon 15'.20 3100 Prince Albert 300 u Macleod 111100 Calgary 3850 Red Door 3090 St rathoona 9060 32 35 3250 0;7.05) Going June 14511, 28th and July 19t11. Returning weal Aug. 10003.00th and Sept. 2051, respectively, Pickets are not good 011 "Imperial Limit- ed," Pamphlets and fall particulars front any Mtnadtan Paeilta Agent, or A. 11. NoTMAN, Toronto, ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal Mail Steamers P.om btontroal Prom (Plebe(' Ionian July 8, a am, July 8, 0 p at Bavarian July 13, 8 can, Jniy 76, a p to Parisian July 22, 0 " July 29, 8 " 'Tunisian July 09, 3 " July 29, 3 " I 'BANISH or PAaSAnss First oablu-366 and upwards, according I 5.0 atoamar, Second onbtn-.Liverpool & T.onriaadorry -Bavarian, T&"la)au and Ionian, $40 and 942.00; Parisian $07 60, Loudon 03.90 extra. • '1`hlyd-claw-Superior accommodation, $15 , to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and • London. Through tiokote to South Africa, Montreal to 6laagaw Direct Corinthian Nod. July 20 (Daylight) Naw Yat'k Io Chtsgow • Mongolian Thursday, July 14, 11. 11.m Low rates by above Glasgow etetmiere on , application to Jut ) 4, 1.''04 REAL ESTATE. 1 1A]I M FOR SALJa.-13EING L. 160 nares,, Lot 1355 and South Half Lot 30, llm,.6, Winn, 1442 novae Bleared, be Immo hardwood Lush. Large bank barn with 0105550 shod 1 stabling trimer all. Largo brick cottage ; plenty of water, well fenced and ditched. '1?oaaoesiort eau be given any time. Prise $8000. icor further prrtieulare apply to J01114 J, 0015181, Britton, Out, 47.51 !_lOOD ''FARM POR SALE,- Vl Tho twdoralgnod offor6 for sale her excellent farm, luxated on Wu. 10, Gray township, and containing 366 acres. 'Phare 555 a comfortable tramp (goes°, heath hare, Proiniwoevl droner; itrm teed, well drained anti feao,t a It is also well waterer( by t11e river Molt. laud and au Invaluabie Spring, Convenient to market, Boland and ollurobea. FOr prloe, Orilla and other particulars apply on the promisee, or if by Jotter to 51119. T. CAL• Den, L ro4Wetrass, Oraubrook V. 0, 5055 T..41ARMS FOR SALE. - 360 narea Oret•n1aae land in the Towuablp of Grey -Lot 10, Con. 14, 100 scree ;• Lot17, Oon. 11,100 amps ; and W4 Lot 18, eon, 14, 00 aoroa-200 acres. A11 in excellent condi- tion with flrat.ela6s, buildings ; brick house with all modern conveniences, and large bank barn, root and straw 11o11s0, Stubbs, &0. Wall watered. Fro,u 355 to 40 item nt gond hardwood bush. Lot Id, Oun,13,con- taining 100 acres of drat -ohne land, good frame house and largo bank baro nearly new. The property can be Bold in two or three percale to suit ptrre5nrears. Tema liberal. Also a oemmodlaan dwelling house and Int in Mussels, Far fun then patti8u. lore apply to the owner on the prendees, LAU01 10,09 MoNNIL, Or to JNO. LEONID, Brussels. 21.51' STILL IN T'HE OLD STAND While we are not given much to prang up our business in the public print wo desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1903, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmitbing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As We have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- peteut to underatanc18 the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see us. S. T. PLUM W. H. KERB, Agent, Remittals. ' Ti1Oma8 street, Brussels. Is there AllytJirIg Wrorf with Your F so the undersigned is ready, on short notice, to put it right. Cleaning, Oiling, Repairing, Mend- ing Punctures, Replacing Spokes, Hubs, Rims and Tires included. Reasonable charges and good work. SOME 2ND HAND WHEELS FOR SALE. Give me a call cony evening from 7 to 9.80, TERMS CASII. Iter OVER I. C. RICHARDS' STORE. WAGONS '��'J''��` �'i Y EELBARROW S GO CARTS ROCKING HORSES ^j^ TOY CARTS g, �y S DOLLS CARRIAGE BASE BALLS RUBBER BALLS POST tiOt OU9(STS6RE. Stook of Wire Wheels fon Wagons to supply Onotomere on band,