HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-14, Page 1Vol. 88. No.
New Advertisements.
Apology -Geo, Breen,
Loet-Thoe. H. Bolger,
Notiee-john 0. Morrison,
Sunday Sohool Excargion.
(Joming-Prof. Doren tvend.
Perm for sale -Mies Spume,
Looel-R. Leetherilale & Oon,
Fall term -Stratford Business College.
Ctrrt gam
A. union Sabbath Sohool hue been
Abated at Hearyn, 11 meek? Sunday
morning at 10 30 a. in. L. Meson has
been °loosen Superintendent,
MoKu.a.ot Oonuoir. -Council mot in
Unroll Hotel, Dublin, on July 6, All the
members present. Minutes of the form-
er meeting read and adopted. Anounte
were paned, mostly for bridgee and abut.
mints, for $1688 40 end paid, Cowell
adjourned to meet hi Chriatopher
Wince's, Leadbury, on Saturday, A.ng. 6,
at 10 a, m.,as a Court of Revision on
Drains, bylaw Ott aud to pass bylaw for
County, Township and Oohool rates.
'11rueteee tato uotioe. Threshers re.
member that the statutes require all
traction engines to oarry plank to put on
Widen and oniverte before rooming so as
not to tear ooveriog. Any parson run•
fling over bridgee and oulverte without
is liable for damages,
Jim. U. latontoson, Clerk,
eTri en ties to vo, .
Min Aland McKelvey epont Sunday
with friends near Forciwiele
Several from this /entity attended the
oelebration in Wingbem on the Mb.
Mre. Walter Jackson, of Brussels, and
Min Myrtle Anderson, of Hemilton,
have been visitant at Thos. Btrauhen'e
during the past week,
Neat Sabbatb evening Hebert Malley,
of Ilthel, will be the preacher at "Coterie,
Hall. W. H. Kerr, of Bruesele, took the
service last Sunday night.
Mesdames Cult, of Goderioh, end Mre.
Coombee, of Hanover, are holidaying with
relatives and old Maude in this tenting.
They are wcloome riaitore,
Wm. McKelvey, who haa suffered
severely for the past four mouths with
nerve trouble, le not improving as quickly
as his many friends would like to see.
We bope he will Boon be 0. 11,
Mrs, Jae, Ooombee, of Hanover, ie
visiting her sister, Mrs. T. MoEwen.
hlr. Ooombee wee preeiding in Drubato
in oonneation with the Collegiate Datum
Mr, and bire, Coombe will epeud their
visitation with [deride here.
Mies Meljorie Straohan, who tried the
nuetiottl examination for the Oonserva
tory of Mute° at Toronto, took Honors in
Primary Theory and enured a pees in
Junior Piano. We are much platten' to
hear of the young ladyei 9000808.
Know your
eyes are right
The degrees of sight
,range from perfect,
'vision to the verga on
!rya wUl test areKtrti4
a Kacommand
glasses ants. when ab..
IT'Motet. T. Fletcher
- .: 11.t.c1,....teeie neene.
Ontea.Vatenn , (C./Itrxici0.0
W. H . KERR, Prop.
There were 76 at the Sabbath Soltool
bare last Suuday afternoon, We are
pleased to see the interest manifeeted,
Miss fizzle Straohan arrived home
laet week from her millinery position et
Bt. Oatbarines and will enjoy a few weeks'
well mead rest before returoleg to the
Linooln Co. oapitel,
The Anniversary ot the inatitution of
Victoria. Nall, lamestown, will be aisle.
brated on the evening of Tbureclay, 28th
inst., when after nab e nipper as the
Jamestown loosing people ottn provide,
a mentiond end literary program of rare
exaollenoe will be presented. Talent ie
expected from Toronto and other pointy
of which partianiare will be given iu doe
nurse. Keep the date reseeved,
itn iron et ro vele.
Quite a flambee from this looality will
go to Kineardine ou the Sunday Sohool
Exoureion on Tundav, Jul 26 h as they
had an A 1 time last year.
Somebody threw a buggy auater into
A. Baymann,s yard on the evening 1 the
Lawn Steelel at the Methodin &aural
here, The owner may Leve it by proving
Swum Annoyer -Last Monday as
Gordon, son of James Cameron, was
playing with Borne companions in Peter
Baker's barn be had the misfortune to be
badly Nand by a fall from the granary
to the dorFie landed on hie bead and
Noe and oonenesiou of the brain wee
feared bac we hope he will soon be fully
FS toe vett ee.
About $70.00, oleer of expetnee, were
realized at the garden party held by the
Presbyterian °berate of this place.
Tueeday, Jnly 26, le the date decided
upon for the Union Sabbath School Ex
enraion to Kincardine. Special train
will leave Bluevale at 8.55 mud will reach
the lake shortly after 10 a, rel. Return
fare 80 and 40 note for adults and child.
ren. A good time is expected,
5stre. Holland, of Toronto, was a vieitor
here for a few dente during the past week.
Connell meeting was held here last
Monday and attracted a large number of
Among those who talk of taking a trip
to the West next week are Lawrence
Dobson and Mrs. Chris, Roynard.
A good sized addition has been built to
the barn of Thomas Bowee, West of
Ethel, WWII will afford him coneiderinne
more crop storage room.
The (Moen were installed in connotation
with the Soue of Temperanoe here, with
the exception of filling the Chiene chair,
rendered nowt by the demise of Juo.
Loniont, who was one of the moat en.
chnsiastia workers.
The annual union Sabbath Moot Ex•
0010100 to Kineardint ie announced for
Tuesday, 26th Wet. A epeoiel train will
be run leaving kithel at 8 26 a, m, The
return tare for adults will only be 95o
and 50 cents for children over 6 yeare of
nee. Train will leave Kincardine at
30 p. ne. A good time is aaeured.
Ae a apeoial meeting of the Ethel
(time) Quarterly °Mond Board, beld last
Friday afternoon, the reeignetion of S.
Chambers ae Steward of the Ethel ap-
pointment was accepted and Andrew
McKee was appointed in hie plan. A.
complimeutary reeolution for the retiring
Steward wag passect-Ilthel oirou t
intends fixing up the Pareenge fences, -
There is 18 etrong talk of introtinolug the
envelope system foto Oiroult finances.
aratriee Robertson, a former resident of
this twenty, We recently completed his
College nurse at Beloit, Wieeonein, 0.
S., glad is note enjoying hie vaoation with
his parents at Burford, Oita Next
September he expecte to take <Wargo of
the &pertinent of History in Blies
Military Aoademy, at 0 eatery of $800
for tbe school year, We are pleased to
hear of hie wanes and wish him a
proeperone future and hope to brat
000nionelly frona 19190.
Bev. J. D Stewart, formerly of Ethel,
one of our missionaries in Mann, West
China, writing under date of Nay 5,
seri : "Al toren& writing all ie peace
and proeperity in (Menne The wen
weging in the least iu merge 'solaced here,
though the otnoiale reactive frequent tele
grame. They end the people continue
friendly almvat to fawning at Haute. The
Vioeroy, as before noted, has cootributed
one thousand feels silver to oar Obentn
hospital, and an Neal sum to the W. M.
S. hospital. He hae further shown hie
goodwill in, at our reenest, inning a
serum proo'arnation againet the two
great destroying agencies among these
Will be at the
Thursday, duly 21
ne-Ir youieet the id d:krinpI the
inirtlgrrinoe lent ttifaoitaitiadoleotj
grand assOrtmont of Switehes, Wangs, Pompadours, Wavy
• Freida and Wigs, which root', Dounriwomi wiil have with hem
newunittion entirely free and deroonetrationo given regarding
Sitio beautiful conceptions in natural hair.
• Even %Muth you aro beta or pnetielly 80 000 ean regain your fowl-
oneppeeranee by wearing Beeentwentlet Vi90 and 'toupees.
They *remade
They are a protection to
the head add a, euro for ehronlo nolcj in
the head and oe.tottli. They are perfeett
ly 5.1191 10 the head and hoar no 1119000 01
tat Moiality.
Pimp, .DOMINIVENiii will take measure.
roontitomil demonstrate the merits of hie
BONI VOltellain 01610
DAlka AND 110A0610.
people-opfem aol foonbintling. All
members of the minima well and Xining
WORDS Or SIIIPATIIY.-4t a regent
meeting of me Ethel Divieion Sone of
Tecuperatme it wen resolved to eend to
Anguo and Mre. Lamont and family
resolution of sympathy in the recent
death of their eldest eon. The followiug
le a oopy
Angus and Airs. Lament and Faintly.
Doo Fatattioa-We, the members of
.61thel Division, No. 149. Sone of Temper.
awe, deeire to express our sincere 8)190-
p06193' with you in the lose which you
have sustained in the removal by death
of your son. In hie death one Sooiety
loose one of its most ardent sueportere
And beat workers. We will miss hie
previews and wise oonneele, hie diligence,
taitinolneen obeerfolnees, anthem/aura
and liberality, qualities of haod, heart
and head, poneand by him, wbieh we all
remember with pleasure and also hie
noble oharaoter wide)) Banned to be built
on the prinalpfee oonteined in the motto
01 008 Order, Love, Purity and Fidelity.
While we regret his removal from our
midst and sympathize with you and
every member of your honeshold, above it
all we may rejoioe that his faith win in
Him who ie the Saviour Of all, and we
look forward to the glorious reunion in
onr Father's House of many mausione
and would pray that you may have Grime
given you to bear with fortitude this
eevere trial,
Signed oti behalf of the Division,
Robb. MoKey, D. G. W. P.
Alvin Barr,
Ida M. Cole, W. A.,
Annie L. Maeon,
SVILI nou.
The Orangemen from Walton attended
the 12ib at Winghara taking the train at
13rossels. An enjoyable day was spent.
Annual Sunday Sohool Exourgion to
Kincardine will be held Tuesday, July 26.
Special Exourslon train will leave Brute
Asia at 8 40 arriving at the lake ehortly
after 10 o'clock and will leave on the
reture at 6.80. Return ticket 85e for
?triune and 450 for ohildren. Walton
will no doubt be represented.
New Bene. --00 Thursday afternoon of
lint week the messive frame of Charlie
Ottee'a new bare was raised when over
150 men assembled to put togetber Abe
atruoture, winch when completed will
make one of the finest of the many flue
barn of Ole vicinity. Sidee were
chosen by those veteran captains, who
land each won 'amide in former contests ;
Thee. Newsome and Tom MoFadzsen
and alter a meted eeteetion of men and
rowels a gang of able bodied men lined
np on each side of the building and led
on by their captains, eaoh of them being
O whole team in themselves, so that each
were intendant of winning the place oii
prominenee. Bob there being snob 8
vest ttmonnt of timber to handle darkneee
was coming on before they were ready
for the race, go it was defeated off ; lest
with the increasing darkneee meta or
timbers might woidentally fall from the
dizzy heights at whloh the timbers were
to be placed. The work however was
ooropleted without accident and in the
event of a race taking place we are un-
able to etate whiob of the captains would
have carried off the paira of victory. We
congratulate Mr. Case on hie meth and
pareeverances in securing for himself
nob a fine barn, etiolate apart from being
a great benefit to bin:welt will also be an
example and credit to this part of the
DADDY INTIIRED.-Wli Ile Wm. Wright,
a farmer living in Tuokeretnith town
ship, was &Teeing the Grand Trunk
traoke et the main street atoning with
his team Tuesday afternoon bis waggon
woo streak by 4 freigbt train; whioh wag
shunting, Mr. Wright wee thrown out
and seriously hurt. The team and
sveggon were dragged some ilisbauee'one
hone had in leg broken and had to be
killed. The waggon was completely
demoliebt d.
THE Bowenta Tonnene.-The tenth
amulet tournament of the Seeforth Bowl
ing (nub opened Tuesday mowing, with
a large number of rinks. The weather
was bad iu the morning, but oleared
away, and some aloe games were pleyed
on the excellent green. Tbe tournament
was undoubtedly one of the most anctonne
ful In the history of the olob. In the
evening an opemair oonoert wag held on
the gran, when Preeident James Mo.
Michael formally presented the bowling
green whioh he recently purchased to the
club. The 8580115 :-
TROYES 9108011-r000,munditY nonen,
W, Byrione, Clinton, won by default
from W. K Pearoe, ten Thomas ; E.
Weld, Loudon, 19, A, Hoover, Clintou,
15; O. Graham, London, 16, R. S. Hays,
Settfortb, 13 ; R. G. Reynolde, Goderioh,
15, E. A. Denbo, Mitchell 11
Beet, Seaforth, 17; 3. Steel, Stratford, 18;
J. 0. Greig, lienforth, 24, W. P. Spauld-
ing, Clinton, 18 ; W. Jaokno, Clinton
21, Dr, Burnt, Mitchell, 14 ; J. Rob.
ate, Seafoeth, 14, D. 0, Roes, Brunetti,
18 ; F. Sod, Mitchell, 21, Alex. Wilson,
neafortia, 11.
D. Weld 19, W. Beydene 18 ; 0.
Graham 19, It 13. Ileynolde 16 ; 1. At
Beet 21, J, 0. Greig 14 ; J.13. Roberta 17,
W. Jackson 14 ; F. Herd 18, J. 10,
O'Oonnell, Guderteh, 8 ; W, Ballettyne,
Seaton!), 231,T. Wein, London, 11 ;
Fieehemp, London, 19, D. Rueter,
Goderiobeee ; 13 Hamilton, Settforth 16,
G. F. Coning, Sean:tub, 13.
E, Weld 17, O. Grate= 9 ; S. AL Beet
20, J.13, Roberts 16 ; Hord 16, W.
Ballantyne 18 ; B. Finehatnp 27 ; E.
Hamilton 8.
000001101011-00800 noutim
S. Hoover, by default from W, X.
Pearee ; R. S. Hays 14, E. A, Dunbar
18 ; J. Steele 14, W. P, Spaulding 12 ;
De, Burrittle, D. 0. Rose 18 ; A. Wileon,
0000gri 0010110.
111,63. 810,78 14, 3,, Hoover 12 t De.
Riteritt 18, Stele 14 I A, Wilson 18,
Se D. Oneenne116 ; Dr. Heater 14, 3,
Weld 0; W. Brydone 17, G. F. Coning
113; J. 0. Greig 21, R.: (3. Reynolds 18 ;
W. Jeoloon, bye,
a- A, .
Angue Shaw is hatalt from hie flying
trip to Braude,' and Winnipeg.
A. bettor oleos of roadwork is being
done than wen performed yeare ago,
Mines Anna end Senn Livingston are
home from Detroit for then vacation of
e few wenn.
Min Edith Campbell and Min Mabel
Armstrong, of /nutlet, are epending part
of their holidays at Wm. Armatronget
901 Oen., visitiog their nosing.
There are seven Municipal dojo(' in
eonrae of oonetwollon in Grey township
end a few more to be constructed yet,
Drainage bee done nand? for Grey.
Mother Goseip whisperha our ewe
that one of our Grey young men in the
Innen of J. Enna, 12E13 oon„ spent Sun-
day at elle home of Geo. Hamilton, 80b
oon. Rime,
Counoillor Jno. Grant has gold hie 50
more farm 14th Oon., to his brother James
who will new have a fin 100 in a biota
The former will move to the Jae.
Mitobell farm 12119 con.
141,108i0fONIAL.-In the presenn of only
the immediate relatives; of the bride and
groom, the wedding took place thio after.
noon at the bride's borne, of Mies Lily
Anweett, daughter of G. El, Faint*, to
Carl Engler, B. A., D. L. 13. The bride
was given away by her father, and at-
tended by her sister, Miss Mattis Few.
oath Obee. Douglas performed the
duties of green:mean, and the nuptial
knot wed tied by Rev, F. G. Lett. A
very pleaeent time was spent after the
ceremony. Mr. and Mre. Engler, after a'
abort honeyr000n, will reeide at 213 Pat-
tereon Ave, (The above is a °lipping
from the Ottawa Evening Joarnal, end
has reference to a former resident of
Grey township and a brother to Joseph
Engler, of Grey. Re was popularly
known and 9000 00030 yeare ago a student
at Othnon Collegiate wbere be raatrioal.
abed taking the Blake soholaraltip. He
then attended the Toronto Hui veraity,
geminating after a four yeare' mune of
study. He was recommended by the
Chnnoallor to the very lucrative position
he now holds in the Dominion Land
Survey at Ottawa, His many friends
extend 000gratulatione.
The following is the report of S. 8. No.
8 for the months of April, May, Jan ;-
Claes Sr, IV. April May Jane
George Barron 488 835 195
Kiley Fulton 468 737 147
Beanies Whitfield e 299 692 137
Olaee Jr. IV.
Johnny Strath 860 343 806
Kenneth MoLeen ...; 831 349 852
Sandy Barron 153 193 142
Class III.
Lewis Whitfield 848 857 212
John Oartniebael 848 861 216
Johnny (Wale 98 347 89
Part Sr. II.
Annie McLean 255 260 190
Pert Sr. I.
Millie Onio 20 241 229
Part Jr. I.
Nellie Carmichael ..,. 0 43 224
Promotions i -From Sr. II to Sr. II -
Johnny (Wino, John Carmichael, Lewis
Whitfield ; from Sr, Pt. II to Jr. II -1 -
Annie MoLean ; from Sr, Pt, 1 to Jr. Pt.
II -Millie Outdo,
T. SWITZER, Teaeher,
Red hay weather lately,
Next Connell meeting will be held on
Anguat lot.
1,, Eokinier was visiting his enter,
Mre, Sae. Lynn, on Sunday.
Min Harper, of Chatham, is visiting
Ebee Minnie Walker, 6111 line.
Mies Minnie Walker, 6th line, arrived
bome last week from a vieit to Tupper.
Roy Kingwood; of Iugereoll, is enjoy-
ing a holiday visit with Morris and
Brussels relatives-
Willitun Hanna, 3rd line, is getting
well on toward the notary mark. He is
a great great grandfethee,
33'. 0. and Mre, Banshee and ohildren,
from Minneapolis, Mittel., were visitors
with Peter and Mrs. Barre The ladies
are sisters.
laIre. Hamilton end her danebter, Mies
Pearl, of Toronto, aro visiting the former's
parents, James and Mrs, Hall, 6th line.
Mr. Hamilton la expeotod on Saturday,
A shorthorn boll, 14 monthe old hap
been pnrehased by Thou. Bone, 8rd line,
from D. Milne & Soo, of Ethel, It is
bred from Red Duke imported and hie
mother wan an A 1 show cow.
Min Mend Bryans was home from
Toronto, where the le undergoing medi.
oal tenement, for N few days, returning
on Monday evening. We are pleased to
hen that e1t ie tnaking favorable pro.
Robert Sooeh, Brd line, hag had an
attaok of thingles added to hie other
eilnaente and is not by any, =teens well,
Mb a eyesight is very badly impaired and
in hie weakly condition he le compelled to
often week rest.
Alton A. Wheeler and wife, of Detroit,
are enjoying a visit at the parental home
of the former, 4th line, aue also Visiting
relatives in Grey township. Mrs,
Wheeler is o daughter of D. Livingston,
of the latter township.
The trustees of Button's sohoot, 8th
line, have engaged the 88806000 of Miss
Georgia Roes, of Brussels, ae inateemor
to Mies MoKenzie, Mies Roes will
00111030000 her &Mee after vaoation end
should make a oepitel tettober.
James and Mee. Dtworm, who went to
Illeuitobe on e recent exonraion two ex -
wend to upend oonple of menthe,
Arrived honie on Tinniest evening in
reeponee to a telegram owing to the
serious Dineen and enbeequent decease of
then danghter.in.laiv, Mee, Harry Dun.
, Wilson Nieholgen, of the Bodmin Limo
Werke, oerried on hie wheel eleven sticks
of denamite and one hundred „mete a
distanoe of five 001100-18 daring deed to
pertortn. Wm. Philipte head. quarryman
for A. Nioholoon and Son is Wing the
dynitinite to blow up the heavy rook in
e Bodfliin 16310 quarry.
We congratulate Min Lizzie Bowmen
on her suocese in the recent examination
ha oonneetion with the Toronto Con-
eervatory. In Printery Theory, obe took
let Clan Honore and in Junior Plano
enured a pan.
Boy Soakage, Sob line, hen taken up
three homentade and bought Another
farm in the Weal, His father, P. Jai*.
son, exptate to take a trip out there to
nee the passeseione enquired. Mr. Jaok•
eon has not disposed of hie fine farm in
Morrie but may 0 ho le favorably im.
peened with the looetions In the Noeth•
Mee, HARRY Donne Deno. -About 1
a. ra., Tuesday morning Men Marry
Duncan, 4 h nee, paid Nature's debt at
the early age of 25 years. Sbe woo the
second daughter 01 Allan and Mrs. Spain
ot thin townehip, and wen married to
Mr. Darman on June 25th 1902. A little
son was burn on June 27th last and ie
now left to be oared for by relatives.
Deoeaaed was 1 bright, industrious
woman and beloved by a wide Mettle of
relativee and friends, who deeply regret
her early demise. The funeral took plaoe
on Thuredtty afternoon, Rev. Jun, Ross,
B. A., oondeoting an eppropriete service,
Interment was made in B caseate oemetery.
Mr. Donne and the sorrowing relatives
will share in the sympathy of the oom.
The Ladies of the Belgrave Methodist
ohnroh g ,ve their annual garden party ea
the Parsonage lawn Wednesday evening
of lent week, As on former onasion
thin event wen a brilliant unions. The
lawn was put in first elan order and tbe
lights were 00 arranged en to present a
flue appearance, The people were
deligbted with the musio furnished by
the Brunets Brase Band and were higbly
pleased that the boye from Brussels were
so liberal in the Dumber of selections they
gave. Though the modest fee of 10 and
15 oents was °barged, the proceeds
amounted to $80,00.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met pursuant to order in
the Township Sall, lithe], on Monday,
July 11th, at 10 °nitwit a. m. Reeve in
the °heir and other raembers present.
Minntes of last meeting read and palmed.
Moved by William newer, seootided by
John Grant, that the agreement of the
oontraotore on the Hislop Munioipal
Drain, ite exeouted, be aooepted and then
the Reeve be authorized to aign the earns
on behalf of the Corporation ; that the
oorporate seal be attached tbereto, and a
aopy of said contrast agreement be filed
with the Olerk. Carried.
Moved by John Grant, seconded by
Adam Turnbull, that the Clerk notify
parties on the Hislop Municipal Drain,
that their refund will be p018 00 the 8th
day of August at the Townebip Hall at
the hour of 2 o'clock. Dueled.
Moved by Lorenzo Frain, seconded by
William ;Fraser, that the Reeve and
Treasurer be authorized to borrow from
the Standard Bank the scan of $3000 for
townehip purpoeee until taxes are paid.
Moved by Adam Turnbull, aeoonded by
Lorenzo Frain that the following accounts
be paid :-
John McIntosh, re signing 611.1
Oon. Drain debentaree
0 1 00
Wm. Spence, horee hire resigning
Hislop Drain debentures 1 00
John Smith, working grader..,25 00
Ohbarldees Cleaver, gravel 4 82
Gillies & Martin, grinding grader
1 00
Wm, Armatrong, shovelling gravel 5 00
Jno. Metemohlin, onlvert lot 11,
Oon.Witier Il 1 00
ea, spikes 5050
Wm, Riley, part payment 1009801
tag gravel Grey & Morrie Bdy. 8 00
Senklin & Hogg, repairing bridge
and °elven, lot 7, Clou. 2 6 00
Devil Marshall, work on Grey &
Eltna Bdy 8 00
W. T. MeKee, repairing culvert
Gey & Wallace Ddy. Grey's
Wm. MoNeeland, gravelling S. R
5, Ow. 6
Robt. Bell, balance for working
grader in 1.1103
Samuel Dann, gravel
(3eo. MoTeggart, team on grader
& removing timber S. R. 4, non,
Neil MoNair, team on grader
Wm. 3, ablate, team on grader.,
George Duhlop, olearing road for
Jas. MoNithol, teem ort grader
Bdy. Grey 5.Elmo
Wm, McKay, Oriedi on grader Bdy
gray or lelraa
Jae. Onraminge, tenni on grader
Bdy. Grey & Elm
Jas. Mann, tuna on grader, Bdy,
Grey & Blma 6 00
Jae. MoNiehol, team on grader8 OD
Noble Milne, gravel 1 76
Jas. Onuomings, gravelling on
13tly, Grey & Eima 15 50
John Curtain, bal. of contract for
ditob Oon. 18 115 40
John Brown, oomtnntation entente
Labor, G. 0, B... ........ 6 00
Robb. McDonald, gravel 84 08
George Herr, gravel 10 40
Wm. Denbow, on nuked, Bdy,
Grey & Morrie 70 00
Jobe Switzer, reenovlug pinata
• from river 1 00
Robt, W. Livingston, expiator's to
Winghane postponed Perrand
one Lamont Mun, Drain2 10
John W. Rose, gravel 22 48
Wm. Hoy, oelvert Lot 6, Oon. 6,2 60
Thee. Al000k, gravel 18 16
Jae, Pearson, ahovelling gravel1 26
Joe. Raynnrd, ohovelling gravel1 25
701080 1,9190, shovelling gravel.,2 60
Henry Al000k, pare payment of
oonttaot Calder Beings abut.
19 55
1 50
51 40
9 00
6 00
6 00
4 50
6 00
6 00
6 00
so 60
Frio:tole Miller, gravel..., ..... 8 06
W. H. tem Voters' Liat bootie
and note Myer' 3 25
W. H. Kerr, part payment of
printing 25 00
Te, A. letinon, 4132
XI, A. Mason, dunning tile and
plank for (Advert lot 27, Oon, 7 2 00
Bolin W. LivIngeton, phone to A
Hill re KIng'e bridge
John Roger, 0. L. 13. preparing
plane, proale, tweed -Amnion, 6113
Don. Municipal Drain., 330 00
W. hlf. Sinolair, re deolaration
Hislop Man, Drain Debentures 7 00
D. Tbonapson, ref'd Otle Oon.Dr, 16 00
W. Lowe, 0 " 10 00
3. Sevage, " " •.„ 60 00
J. B. Smith, " " „ „ 48 00
W. Jeanie, . " .... 100 00
J, tleynard, .. • 82 00
H. Bateman, " 92 00
0. Flutobinson, 14 113 00
A, Bishop, o 63 00
W. Hutchinson, II 27 00
W. M. iiIntaliineon, 1. 12 00
A. G. Webb, 14 60 00
J. Weleh, 60 00
W. Pollard, 40 00
D. Milne, " 26 00
J. W. Rose, 41 10 00
A. McKee ., 10 00
R. It. Rose, 6 00
G. Addy, ?: 0 00
Be Peareon, t „., 24 00
G. Bateman, e " .... 76 00
H. Bateau, 14 " .444 15 00
A. Holland &I " a." 82 00
J. Panchen, ., " ... 40 00
illunioipality of Grey " e .... 49 00
Moved, seconded and carried that the
Commit do now adjourn to meet on the
8619 day of August iu the Township Hall
et 10 a. na. Joon Mermen, Clerk.
Deepite the rain of the early morning
Teensy wen oelebrated in right royal
style by the Orangemen at many plane.
AT wilirinAni.
Wingham ie noted for stmmatal aid•
ebratione of July 1203, and that of 1904
will be written as one of the most 800.
oessful ever witneesed, The lamming
was wet and the Primary Lodge merob.
ed in mad to meet the incoming trains.
Soon the eky Mewed and the streets
dried. Many were deterred from coming
from a distance on account of the wet
morniug, but in the afternoon nearly ten
thousand people thronged the streets.
After dinner the hags pretension was
marshalled, with nearly Baty lodges in
line, and over 10,000 Orangemen hi the
melte. The arrangements for the aeN
ebration were made by a onarnittee of
No. 74, Wingharn, Bro. A. H. Pawn
grove presided during the speaklug. Ad•
dresees were delivered by Bro. Dr. J.
Bradley, of Bervie, Bro. Rev. H. Hobbs,
Stratheoy, President of the London
Conference ; Joe. Pbillip, 33. D., of
Kinoardine, and Bev. Wm. Lowe, of
Wingbam, Proviooial Grand Chaplain.
The town was prettily Wooreted, and
had a gala day look. After the epeaking
was over the Lonnie, of Mount Foreet,
and the Maple Leah, of Wiugham,mayed
a game of laerosea. Seore-2 to 2
Speoial teeing from Goderiah, Stratford,
Dualism, Palmerston, Kincardine, and
Orangeville brought thousands of visitors.
The day passed off without anything to
mar ita mono.
madoneeron 010 91I0T0I9EL.
The Orangemen of North and South
Perth county lodges; Alec the ontoty
lodges of Weal Wellington and South
Grey, oelebrated the 24th anniversary of
the Battle of the Boyne in Dineen].
The wet and unpromising morning kept
many away, yet the number of brethren
and visitors present ran well up in the
thoneands. The town wen profusely de.
aerated with swine, flags, eto„ end
ample woommodation Wee furnished by
the hotele and ohnrohee, The procession
formed at 1,30, and marohed to the Driving
Park, where addressee were delivered by
some of the Weal ministers and promin.
ant members of the order, The Mitchell
and Brussels Brass bands and innumer-
able fife and dram bands made the welkin
ring with Peonstaut Aire. The orowd
was very orderly and the day passed off
to the satiefaotion of all.
Brussels Council.
A ?veinal meeting of Brunets Commit
was held in the Counoil Oheenber on
Monday evening, with all the members
in their plane.
Barrister Sinolair read some corns.
pondenoe from the Machinery Supply
Co., at Torooto, relative to a proposed
offer for the woollen factory here, bet en
no definite proposition Wee made the
amnion will awed the coming of another
The recent judgment of the Court of
Appeal re the proposed extension of the
gown 00 Turnberry street, South, whioh
wen anwat the town. Various clauses
were explained by the Solicitor Baer
which the question of (tarrying the oaae
to the Suprema Ooort was discussed. It
was stated then the ooete up to the
prim& would be 0350 and probably $200
more would bo nenesaary to get the
opinion of the mixt 00811.
Moved by El, T. Slum, et:deeded by E.
Thorason that our Solicitor be instructed
to take the Ration to the Supreme boort.
Counoillore Beaker and Henderson
01090) 10011 atoonded an amendment?, that
the suit be dropped and a now By -lave be
This divided the Council end the Reeve
gave the casting vote in favor of the
It wee argued that the next Ootirt wag
likely to sustain the fleet judgment and
would pronolowe upon the VeriOne knotty
points of law definitely, end that
°Retying opt this one would be adeterratt
to others offering to mitten Munittipel
suite in the frtteret Times opposed to
the expenditure of any more money ou
the ease thought the sewer should go ou
from initiation again al onoe so aa tu
Waren h orlon/woe. to 8080601 interested
ratepayers ; that pest legal fights in the
town 90880 801 Woken bank npen With
Omit eatiefitetion and that no real
interest wag benenetted by Lighting longer
over it.
A few 01 1(15 ratepaers preeene express.
ed their opinions on the eubjeot atm
Moved by It Thotosou, geoonded by 63,
T. Plow, that the Reeve and Teetwarer
be inetrueted to have neoeseary bond of
$600 prepared as nourity 60 euterum the
One is the feuprone Often. (hurled,
Win. Lookratige addressed the Oonuall
relative to bio wages as ni,;ht wetohntan
at the Woollen faoury amenntieg to
031.00, It was orderee to be paid.
01,0 000016011 of tempentry relief for
the removal o1saber to niters 00 Turu-
berry street Wee Wised. ,ver and in.
formation given to those Wm/eaten after
Which Cowen seljourued.
Brussels Scheid Board,
The regular meeting of the School
Board was held last Friday evening is
the Board room, all the membere preseet
exeept W. AL Sinclair.
Minutes of fruit regular meeting were
read and approved.
One 000w& was presented viz: R.
Henderson, for coal, 01.03 20, whioh we
ordered to be paid,
No other busill,se Wes brought forwerd
and Board adjaureed,
(3(5081013 L11131110.
baler:vice vein be bold at the casual hour la
the Cathelio ohuroh, Brunelle 110990 (Mb.
On page 4 of thio issue may be found
an exceeded Untanned notice of the
Wingbarn Dietriet Epworth League
Summer School, to be held at Kincar-
dine Aug. 8 to 14 inolusive,
The eubjeobe await upon by Rev. T. W.
Omens last Sabbatb, la the Methodist
olanroh, were .The righteousness of the
,Eliooruiba.es and 0110810000" at the morning
service and in the seating "The pearl of
great prioe," They were belpfni oolong -
Rev. E. A. Hall, Rector of St. Steph-
en's ohnroh, Gerrie, will preach in 01.
John's 01108011, Brunets, next Sunday
both 13)080104 00 evening. The rite of
holy baptism will be performed in Brue•
eels in the morning and at Walton it
the afternoon. Holy ocannanniou will be
administered at both planes. Mr. Powell
is taking Mr. Hail's work at Gerrie.
Loot Sabbath Rev. John Roes, B. A ,
pen two able disooarsee from the mono
text Hebrews Ilth ollepter end 3lat
mete Faith being the topic. The rever-
end gentleman , and fitinily leave this
week for their Summer clomp at
unix i 5199 wlecellan:reviteh eviyishwitlhl emepe naiad Its.
joyable time. Ain. Bitable, a etude& of
Kum College, will supply Melville pulpit,
oomoeenniug hie dmiee next Sabbath
Leet otinday morning the annual see -
mon to the Orangutan of Brussels
Lodge, No. 774, was preached iu St.
John's (Waren try Mr. Powell. The
menabers tweembled at their Hall and
with M. H. Moore ae Marshal, marched
to the Munch, there being 40 in the pre-
cession. Sermon was been on the text,
Phil., ara tempter and ltd veree, "For We
are the oirournoision whioh worebip
in the spirit and rejoin in Christ Jetne
and have no emaitetnnoe in the fleeh," and.
was befitting the wanton. Janette Jones
rendered a tine aolo entitled () I Eteppy
Perth County.
A Mari named Mali Farteney, employ-
ed tse officer in Rieter's Hotel, Miiverton,
wan found banging to one of the beanie
in the stable about 580 Saturday worm.
ing. The body was oold wben Wand.
The coroner oweidered an inquest
remeosseary, The man evidently henged
himself some time during the eight as
the lantern was still burning when the
dcotor arrived. He wee about forty
years old end unmarried.
Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. 0. Wahl (ue Min
Ida Killer) who is visiting at Stratford
for a few oaye before proneding to her
new home in Detroit, was surprised with
a kitoben shower, which included all
kitoben necessities'on Saturday eveniag
by about twenty of girl friends in the
city. Lnnoh wen served and a temple of
bows was epent in a very pleasant
It looke as though the Sloan railway
stamen, by whit] it wee hoped Stratford
would land a millet rallwey, hen fallen
through. The time expired lamb Monday
for aooeptanee by the eyndieate of the
oily'e franchise, but no move wee made
towards the oonennotion of the road.
The reason given for this ie that, owing
to the depreeeion of the money markee
in the ticked States, 11 10 impossible to
rune money. It is underetood the pity
will tweaked to modIfy Cha terms some-
what in order that the road may be
easier financed.
The Stow Town (as St. Mary'a ie
called) fruit merehente have had novel
and exalting experienoes duriug the pan
few weeks. Reolterd & Fleming were
unpacking gonna oases 01 strawberries;
laid week that had beeu ooneigned .to
them from Parkhill, when a oopperbead
snake, about te foot long, darted, out and
showed tight, uearly eausiog a etameede
in the etore. it wee Otipitlred, The firm
had an owning experienn the week
before with a large bunch of bitumen
that wee percher- along wino some
otbere from ItIoe 1, Stretford, The
great eize of the ie 1 was being admir-
ed, when, withd any warning,. out
jumped from the bonoh a tropioal beard.
,I3oth apeohneue were enured fee the
collegiate institute reptile oollection.
ear, Bartlett, oink with N. W. Nuttun,
grocer, Mao bad an esaitiog tittle with a
terantole that Appeared from e Winch of
habitues a few snake ego. He enured itt
and has it on exbibition et Mr. Hutto'
Aid. William Fintilten, of Hamilton,
has undergone an opershou for appeudi.
Mtn, and is In tt oritioal oonditiett,
Several inmates of the Howe 61 318.
foga at Heroilton, a &men nursed in the
Oily Hospital and one of the hone sure
geone ate down with typhoid Wee.