HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 8ugs are Scarce
on a patch of potatoes when it has been well spr»yed
with our Paris Green. It is quick death to them. It
is very discouraging after the work is done to find
your time and money has been wasted, such is often
the case after using Paris Green. If you get your
25c. lb. PARIS GREEN 25c. Ib.
from us you can depend on getting it strong and pure.
We keep but the one grade and that the best we could
procure. Give it a trial.
Trains Woe Bennie Station, North
and South, as follow;
Mall 7:15 a.m I Mixed 2:00 a.m
Mtxed.........12:80 8.m Dfatl 1:20 p.m
Express 8:88 p.m Exprase ...... 8:85 p.m
,arai Edo em ,
A ohiel's amang ye takie' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ir.
(Jenne weather for haying.
TUESDAY next will be the 12bh.
Bonooa, Board Friday evening of this
APPRENTICE wanted to learn the print•
ing. Apply et THE PoeT.
A NEW awning was placed this week
before W. F. Stratton's Jewelry store.
Try Richard Stevens, the olothee.
cleaner. He promisee fireb•olaee results.
A. Cousins has had a general interior
renovation of hie express office making
tante an improvement.
BARRISTER StNOLAIR, of Brueeele, bee
beau appointed Solicitor for the Howiok
Mutnal;Fire Inenranae 00.
A NUMBER of townspeople with a Panay
for fast stook visited Seafortb on Tues-
day and Wednesday to take in the horse
LAST week THE POST received a healthy
looking rattle taken from a rattle snake
killed in Uocie Sam's poseemmione and
tient to ne as a ample by a enbeariber.
Lose•—A brooch between F. R. Smith's
drag store and Jas. Batlantyne'e grocery,
Thursday, Jnue 2Srd. Finder will
pleaee leave it at THE POST Publishing
owning tote in Braseels cemetery may
have them pat in shape and kept so by
arranging with Robert Dark, the care.
taker. Residence, South Tarnberry
EARLY BuNRIen —Thnreday morning of
this week John Tait, Queen street, pre-
sented THE Pon with a pail of dandy
new potatoes, the first ;of the season se
far as we are concerned. They were of
the Early Sunrise variety and were a
prime lot and Mr. Tait has our beet
FRED. Anna has been pushing quite a
windmill business thio seamon.He has plea•
ed mills in thie looailty for Nelson Cardiff
and Geo. McFarlane, of Grey, and Alex.
MaLauobiin, of Morrie, and hoe the
following orders to fill :—In Grey town•
ship, Jno. Sperain, 12th con. ; Thos.
Iugde, Alex. Fraser and Wm. Elliott,
con. 14; Wm, Love, 10th con. ; end Jno.
Lindsay, 4th con. Wm. Taylor, 5th line,
of Morrie, bag also purchased one.
RUNAwox.—Friday evening of last week
as Mre. William Robb, 6th line, Morrie,
and Mre. Win. Cameron, of Braaeele,
were driving on Tarnberry street, South,
their horee took fright ata lawn mower
Dear Fred. MaOraaken'e property and
ran away, The ladies were thrown oat
opposite Jae. MaOrae's end the top of the
boggy pulled off. Atter a mad rash
down street the animal was manght at the
Amerioan hotel. Mre. Robb fortunately
escaped unhurt bat Mre. Cameron had
Ler knee aoneidarably bruised. The
buggy suffered to quite an extent by the
aooident, Mr, Robb owned the horse and
Court of Appeal, re MOOrae and the
village of Brueeele.—Judgment (R) on
appeal by McCrae and Mulford, from
order of Boyd, 0. (3 0. W. Be 288), die.
missing their application to quash e
local improvement bylaw for the oon•
810801ion of 8 BOWer for the village of
Braaeele. Held, that the appellants were
entitled to ebatubory notice and were not
bound by the seseeement. Appeal allow•
ed with oasts and by-law quashed with
poets. W. Prondfoot, K. 0., for appal -
lents. W. M. Sinolair (Zenoeels) for
village corporation.
Aoommix Ayon:me,—The Wingham
Advance of last week Saye of a former
Brneeelite;—On Sunday last, A. Ring.
ebbe with hie wife and three children
were out driving with a team, and when
Miming the corner of Maple and Joseph-
ine etreete, the right line broke. Having
lost control of tbe'boreee, Mr. Hingeton
.dradeallydrew them with the left line
towards the Bell factory hoping to atop
them withoutiejury to the occupants of
the vehiole, In this be succeeded ; the
tongue of the buggy smashed one of the
office windows of the faotory, fortunately
without any very serious reunite.
DEATH of xl, N. Beene—The death of
Robert N. Brett manned on Wednesday
morning of loot week at hie residence on
High greet, Seafortb, at the ripe old age
of neventyfive yang. The deceased wag
COM of the pioneers of Seatorth and
Egmoadvilie having aondnoted a tannery
at the latter many yeare ago, He was a
man of sterling Manatee end OOiliy and
took a great interest in publio affair'', and
Wan well versed in mattere relating to the
tentacle of the oommunity, Air, Brett
Wee deservedly reepeoted by all who
knew him and hie demise Will be felt
where his superior qualities an a. eitieen
were appeeoiated. The funeral Wan held
Friday under the unpins of the
en Y P o
Mennfe order, leaving on the eight
47'0100k train ler SL Thome,
INSTALLATION of oMaere in Weetern
Star Lodge, I, 0, 0. F., takes plain on
Thateday evening of this week.
333.10 were the enema from the
weigh scales for the month of June as
reported by Weighmaeter MoLauohlio.
Tau Orangeman of this locality will go
to Wiugham for the oelebration of the
memorable 12th whioh will be Tuesday
of next week.
MRS. BALLANTYNE, who recently remOv•
ed from Brasses to Blyth' and who was
so ill for a time while a resident hero,
died last week at Blyth.
IN the report of promotions in Brus-
sels Pnblio School published in last issue
the name of Pearl Baeker was omitted:
She passes from Jr. to Sr. 4tb,
Renee OLD BOYS' Annual Exonreion
will be run from Toronto on Saturday of
this week. A special train will leave the
Queen oily early in the morning.
Io' there are any other persons (ladies
or gentlemen) who would Dare 'to join
Brueeele Tenoln Club, would they kiudly
hand their names to the Secretary 7
Bananas Band wag at 0ranbrook
Garden Party on Tuesday evening and at
Belgrave on Wednesday evening. They
go to LietaweI next Taeeday for the day.
DINNER oN THE 122H.—The Ladiee'
Aid of the Methodist Ohurob, Wingham,
will serve meets in the basement of this
ahurob from 10.80 a. m. to 5 p. m, on
Tuesday, 12th of July.
Qum a number of Brneeelitee went to
Wroxeter on Dominion Day to the /tele.
bratioo there despite the threatening rain.
Wroxeter and Braseels pull very agreeab•
ly together, as they should.
CHANGES OF PRarsaTY.—Mre. Jacob
Wilton has purchased a house and lot on
Queen 610801 from Jno. Leckie, the price
being $750.—The R. G. Vincent property
has been sold to Welter Lowry, of Brus-
sels. It looks a little enspiaioue when
good looking bachelors bay houses and
Wens Lem—Last Monday evening a
gold, open faoed, watch, with Wm.
Elliott, Brueeele, engraved on bank case,
was lost in Brossele. A obain was
attaceed. Suitable reward will be paid
for its recovery. Finder will kindly
leave at THE POST.
CARD of THeNxe.—To the ofiioere and
members of Brussels Council, C. 0. 0.
2„ No. 868. I thank the above Connell
for the prompt payment of $1000, being
tbe tuil moat of Certificate held by my
father, thejlate Edward Bowles. Wishing
your noble Order every semen, I remain
Yours very sincerely,
SODDEN DEMISE•—Tuesday evening of
last week Eigin Emigh, a brother.in.law
to Mre. F. S. Scott, Braseels, died quite
suddenly in Teonmeeb Park, Loudon,
while sharpening a scythe with which be
was mowing some grave. He was 54
years of age and leaves a wife and 3 eons
to lament his Budden departure. Mr.
Emigh bad been a resident of London
for the pest 10 years moving there from
Woodetook. Deceased was widely re.
opened. Funeral took plane on Thurs-
day afternoon. Mre. Scott attended
from Brnesele.
DECIDED VIOxoxY.-Three rinks of
Brussels bowlers played at Stratford last
Friday morning and two Stratford rfnke
suffered defeat. sore was as follows :—
ff S w
Deacon, A C. MaF l ne
A. W. Da A. 0 ar a
J ane an, Dr. Fetid
E S g ,
T, Trow, H. James,
J, Trow, J. H. Hewitt,
skip 21 skip 17
A. M. Campbell, T. Farrow,
W. Maynard, 0. Broadfoot,
J. Steele, J. Irwin,
Ool. Seyfert, D. 0. Roes,
okip 7 skip 28
Mayor Hepburn, R. Leatberdale,
Thoe. McCurdy, A, (Janney,
J. Harris, 3. Ferguson,
J. J. 0onghlin, F. J. Sobeak,
Skip 10 skip'''. 25
Totals 44 70
Brussels winning by 26 shote.
KAPLAN Wote—At tbe Stratford noes
on Dominion Day Kaplan, owned by
Meners. Boort & Warwick, Brussels, won
the 2,28 pace in three Straight heats.
There ware seven horses started. The
Stratford Daily Beacon Saye of the race :
On the and appeared the name of Angus
Pointer, and it was a foregone ormolu.
Bion that he would land the rime without
any great trouble. Aboordingly, when it
wag announced that he bad been wretch.
ed a new interest WAS added to the event,
and the orowd studied the books afresh.
The ninon given for the withdrawal of
the home was that his owner was afraid
thee the soft track might knock him out
for come big stakes in whioh he ie
entered and at ony rate' the bookice
would acoept no bete on him. Rob Roy,
too, was matched, and this left a field of
seven. Jubilee wag a hot favorite, but
Replan proved somewhat faster than bed
been reckoned on. He Won in three
'straight home. Summary :•--
Maplan, by Eramlln, Scott & Wnr-
wiOk, BruOsele 1 I 1
Jubilee, Wk. g„ by Satrap, P. B,
Wood,Hamilton a 2 2
Little Bandy, b.g., by Alt0000r, T,
O'Rourke, Toronto 3 8 8
NalhoRaine, fem., byLorraine,e
Moltengle, Guelph 5 4 5
Maplewood, b.g , by Nutwood Wilkeo
R, H. Reid,Londou 7 3 4
Jessie Rogan,ban., by Bobo, J. D,
Swale, Wingham 4 de.
Bo0Bie Hal, bon., by Bruno Hal, 8yd
enham Stook Farm, Wailaoeburg Ode.
Tlmo--2;241, 2;21,1, 2:28).
A .li,$ it ,la
0 T
Standard Bark of Canada
=s'r.e.215=0rx8= 1973
BURPT,UB, 011MEB1BRVE FUND a 1,010000
.A General 13fl.h1Ling: 313utnitleste Trnitesetc Qd
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwarde reneived on whioh
la added to amounts every six months and becomes principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Depaeits without the intervention of any person,
only for which no charge is made,
YOUR BUISINESS will reoeive oar careful and courteous attention.
BLADE shawl found. Owner may have
it by proving property and paying for
this notice. Tan Pon Publishing House.
Next week A. 0. and Mre. Maofarlane
will take their holidays. They will en-
joy themeelvee at Lake Simone and
W. F. STEWART and D. McNaughton
were in Wingham last Monday giving
evidence in connection with the Ferreted
vs. Twp of Morrie mill dam suit.
Gesornle EN0111E,— Last week .Tai
Pon installed a MoLeohlan gasoline
engine, 8 horse power, manufaoiored in
Toronto, repining the eleam engine in
use for a number of yearn.
FRIDAY was winning day for Brussels.
Oar bowlers bit it at Stratford ; Kaplan
won the 2.23 pace in the game city ; and
Brussels Intermediate Foot Bail team
trimmed Platteville. We are not stuck
up either.
THE Pon weloomee Station Agent
Henry to Brnmee's. He comes from
Alma. Mr. Henry has leased Mre.
Orelghton'e residence, lately vacated by
Juo. Milhaueen and Mre. Henry and
baby are expected shortly.
PRESENTATION.—The members of Mel-
ville Sabbath Bohool P,imaty elan
presented their teacher Mise Mary Rose,
with a oomplimeotary address and a fine
china cabinet last Monday evening,
Presentation was made at the home of
J. and Mre. Leckie. Mies Roes hoe made
a greet moans of her work.
Exens.—There are 11 candidates writ.
ing at Pt. II Examination this week at
Brueeele and 2 on Junior Matriculation.
Inspector Robb ie presiding. There were
816 wrote in this Inepeotorate last week
at the Denson Exam. as compered with
884 in 1908. Entrance results will prob.
ably be pobliebed in THE Pon of July 21
G. T. R.—Following are the shipping
notes for the past week. from Brussels
representing 21 oars of outgoing freight
—Geo. Best, oar hogs ; Alf. Baeker, oar
bay ; W. F. Vanetone, oar hogs ; Salt
Werke, 6 oars salt ; J. Grainger, oar
oattle ; A. 0. Dames, 2 oars hoge and 8
oars oattle ; Clegg & Dames, . two care
export oattle ; J. Montgomery, oar scrap
iron ; Clegg & Son, car export sheep ;
Rev, A. Andrews, aar of household goods
to Burlington ; R Graham, oar oats.
Inward there were 2 oars lumber and a
oar of shingles for P. Ament ; 6 pare
coal for Salt Works ; 4 oars one for R,
Henderson and a oar of Dement for Cheat-
er Armstrong.
IIx/ort FOOT BALL.—The Bret =toll in
the semi final Junior foot ball champion.
ship aame off Wednesday evening an the
Park here between Brussels and Lletowel.
It was a ragged game with ooneiderable
good play intermixed. The home team
had by long odds the best of it bat was
only credited with one goal. One other
goal scored was not allowed. Listowel
did not goonbobtheir detains. pat up
splendid fight and the goal keeper save
possibly half dozen or more threatened
tallies: The play was almost entirely
in the vieitore' section of the field but
our boys did not begin to play with
their usual enap. They will have to look
sharper alter their laurels in Listowel on
Friday evening or they will not be in the
finals. The players were :—
BRUeeELa Lee Tower.
Karr Goal Taylo
Lindsay Banka f Bric.kerr
Little f l
Cardiff,l. Bamford
Thomson 1 t Backe 1 Ziliisx
Scott ............... Racking
Good Tremaine
sharp Forwards Gee
MOLeod McFarlane
Miller •
Art, Bamford, of Listowel wee the
referee. The winner of this aeries playa
Berlin for the ohampionehip.
emery number of the Toronto Globe,
whioh appeared last Saturday contained
articles relating to different Canadian
banks. The following appeared in re.
rerance to the Metropolitan Bank ;—The
oommoroial prosperity and influence of
any country ie greatly eobanoed by the
possession of firmly established sod well
managed bank institutions, whioh oontri.
bate so moob to simplify and facilitate
the oomplex prooeeeea of ezohange. In
this connection Canada has been
particularly favored in the past, and
daring the last few years, when the
volume of trade bee been so rapidly in•
creasing, the enterprise and baeineee en.
ergy of some of her prominent fine -Mere
have been shown in the establishing of a
number of new banks to meet the de-
mand for lnereasing exchange taoilitiee.
One of those is the Metropolitan Bank,
whioh is vigoronoly pushing its way to
the front and rapidly taking a leading
place among the finanolal institutions of
the Dominion. The rea0oh for in
rapidly increasing business is not far to
seek, for if it were not established on a
sound financial banie it would not be able
to command the confidence of bneinese '
men to the extent that it has already
done. It has a fully paid up capital of •
$1,000,000, and the reserve food .ameente
to $1,000,000 more, The affaire of the
bank are conducted according to the
Most approved and thoroughly organized
ordeal. All phases of the banking bolsi-
nese are oarefuliy looked after, "
The peesonuei of the directorate le (lona-
pond of men who stand high in the
estimate of the busineee men throughout
Canada, and would be a tower of eteee th
to any community where busineesprobity
is the first eseenbial for none, The
President is the Rev. R. H, Warden, D,
D. ; Vioe-Preeident, S. J, Moore, Egg ;
Direotors, D. E. Thermion, K. 0., hie
Honor W, Mortimer Clark, K. 0, Lien.
tenant.Gevenor of Ontario, and Thomae
Bradt haw ; General Manager, W. D.
Roes, with the Head Orae in Toronto,
and branabee throughout Canada, and
eonneotions in every important financial
centre in the world,
People We Taik About.
Mies Bella Henderson was visiting at
Moe. Murray, of Seatorth, was visiting
at A. Oousley'e.
B. J. Beaton, of Whitechurch, was in
town on Saturday.
D. M. and Mre. Soott have gone to
Woodetook for a visit,
Mise Jean Habkirk wag a visitor with
Blyth relating last week.
Mise Ethel Spading spent Sunday at
her home in Whiteoborob.
Melvin Baueton WAS home from Pres.
ton for a brief holiday visit.
W. Hamilton, of Toronto, was a visitor
at J. Leakia'e for a few days,
Arable Scott, of Port Huron, Was in
town during the past week.
Plies Ada Howson, of Wingham, ig a
visitor with Mies Mabel Zimmer.
Semuel and Mre. Carter and Myrtle
spent Dominion Day at Brantford.
Mies Maggie MOArter ie home from
Toronto for a well earned holiday.
Colin MOArtbur took a holiday trip to
Buffalo last week and visited a cousin.
Mre. John Tait was holidaying with
Listowel friends during the past week.
Mrs. B,hlater, of Seafortb, WAS the
gaeet of Mre. John Thomson, Tarnberry
Mise Gladys Constable, of Seafortb, is
enjoying a vieit with her aunt, Mre. Will.
Mre, P. Ritchie and Mies Jean are
ependiug eome daye in Toronto visiting
Mre. Ed. Levis, of Holmeeviile, was
visiting at her tether's, Jno, Hill's, queen
S. W. Laird, of Ingersoll, was a visitor
for a few daye with hie sister, Mre Will.
Mies Hattie Downing will vielt in
Goderieb and drink in the ozone from
Lake Huron.
B. and Mre. Gerry and Mre, W. H.
Willie were vieitore with Blyth relatives
nn Thnreday.
Aaron Lindsay ie home from Elora
where he wag engaged in well drilling for
several weeks.
Mies Rifle Hueter hat gene to Toronto
for a visit. We hope the abaoge will
benefit her health.
Mies Carrie Milhaueen, of Elmwood,
is visiting Mies Maud Querin and other
friends in Brussels.
Mt s. R. N. Barrett and children, of
Wiugham, were holiday visitors in town
daring the peat week.
R. W. Gordon, of Piotot' agency, is
relieving clerk at the Standard Bauk,
Brussels, for the Sommer.
Mies Flo. Baobanan ie home from
Luokuow locality for her vacation. Geo.
and Harvey are oleo here.
Minn Bernice Slemmon and Sophia
Spurting, of Ethel, were vieitore at
Fletcher Sparling's on Friday.
Jno. and Mre. Bfatohford, of Heneall,
were visiting at James MoArter'e daring
the past week. They aro old friends.
Will. Lowry, of London, was in town
on Monday and was well pleased to see
Braaeele win the Foot Ball championship.
Mre. Jae. Ballantyne and Jaolt and
Mise Jean MaLeaohlin visited Mies Mary
Roberton, at Innerkip, on Dominion
Mrs. H. L. Jaokeoa and Lloyd and
Mrs. E. B. Creighton
and Miee Nellie,
visited old friends ini
W m
g n halast
G. and Mre. Zwioker, of London, visit-
ed at Robert Sample's on Dominion Day.
The lady was formerly Mies Lizzie
W. and Mrs. Levens, of Owen Sound,
aoaompaoied by their son and daughter
were vieitore with relatives in Brunetti
during the past week.
Milton McGuire, photographer, of Tor-
onto, enjourued nudist tbe parental roof
for a few days, The Queen city appears
to agree well with him.
Rev, D. Perris, of Wingham, was here
on Monday arranging.for the Doming of
his family to hie former parental home
in Grey for their vacation.
Mies McGill, of Blyth ; Mark Gardiner,
of Lnohnow, and Mre, (Dr.) Armetroag,
of Harrieton, were visitors et M. Blush.
anan'e during the past week.
Mies Bate Wilson, of Brussel'', was the
presiding examiner at the Entrance
examinations at Blyth Iaet week. She
was aeeieted by Mice Kirkby.
W. H. and Mre. Willis, of See -forth,
and eons, were in town on July let. Mre,
Willie and the boye are continuing their
stay, visiting relatives and friends.
Mies EIIZA Roddiolr, who is employed
in a millinery More at Walkerton, agent
a few days in town Int week and was
mads waioame by many all friends.
Mre. Rowley and little daughters,
Miriam and Kate, of Calgary, are web-
Dome gents ab R. L. Taylor's. Mre.
laylor and Mre Rowley are cistern.
Jae, Irwin, of Toronto, wag here for a
few days. He went to Stratford on
1lonainiott Day with Brunie bowlers and
helped D. 0. Roes' rink wine great
Misses Lillie Marshall, of Seafortb, and
Violet Cooper, spent a few days with
Mount Forest friends thie week. Miss
Lillie Maretiall is now netting Mies
Violet Cooper,
Elide Feminine and wife, of Heepeier,
and Mrs. Warner, of Lietowel, were
plane with jno, and Mre Oober, Queen
'tenet, Mr. Cobra end Mre, Panabakee
are brother and sietor.
u den
CAPIT AL—Pa ti1 up i,; ,000,000
Ri(SIIRYE FUND D • • $1000,000
11101, R. H. WABIDEN, 1).. 1)., 8, J. MOORS,
President, Vioa•Proeidont,
T Oa, BRADSHAW, P I.A. 7118 HONOR 0118. w. merman GLARE, E.O. D. E. '0001808, E. 0.
W, D, 71088 - - ell NERAL 0048400)018
Drnfte Bought end Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted,
g T"8,3Ff rr.'o" e'2$Ml D( d1 'ardt e@°rrFiEW0v
Interest at IJIGBEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all ems of $1 and upwards
A. B. MELLISH, Manager.
P. Hogg, of Wellesley, has been iu
town thie week.
Mies Laura Nioholle has been a sufferer
from an ulcerated tooth.
L. Callan spent Dominion Day at the
parental home at Innerkip,
Jno. Yeo and wife, of Holmeeviile, were
visitors at B. Gerry's this week.
Mee May Birt left Monday for a visit
with relatives and friends io Toronto.
A. J. and Mre. Lowick spent the Dom.
inion Day holidays with relatives at
Barrietere Sinolair and Maodonald were
in the Co, town on Monday on legal
J. and Mre. Humphrey and daughter,
Valeria, of Toronto, are vieitore with
Jae. and Mre, Jones.
Mise Annie Budd left for Glenboro'
Man., for a visit and in the hope of
benefitting her health.
Mre. 9. Scott and two ohildren, Grace
and Stewart, of Zanesville, Ohio, are
visiting at F. S. and P, Scott's.
Colin and J. MaArtbnr left on a trip to
the Old Country on 'Thnreday. They
went in charge of oattle for Messrs.
Clegg & Dames.
David Maxwell is on the sick list at the
home of A. Somere. The old gentleman
is over 90 years of age and has been
feeble for Boma time.
Tkureday evening of last week the
aontingaot of Braeeelities who had been
employed at. the Ariel sawmill, Muskoka,
arrived home consisting of P. Will. and
Earl Ament ; W. McKay and W. Gor-
don. Mark Buchanan took a trip to
North Bay and may gee Manitoba before
he returns to Sensate.
Business Locals.
Rooms to let, Apply to Mre. J. R.
Go to Brewer's Reliable Photo. Studio
for firet.olase Photos.
PuoTOe of wedding groups, pio-Rio
parties, houses, &a„ taken on short notice.
HAYRAORo for sale, atm combined hay
and stook rooks with donble box. Call
and see them. Ewan & Co., Brossele.
To THE PURLIO,-•If you wish to have
lawn mowers put in fi.ret•olaae order you
can have same done at treasonable figure
by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brussels.
CLEARING SALE -00 Friday, no 8,
we oommenoe a clearing earth ease of
Drees Goode and Light Summer Fabrics.
Eggs 170 trade, 150 Dash. G. B. KING,
Council meeting here next Monday.
Mise Mary Pearson, who Pae been very
ill, fm recovering.
Mies R. Spence intends making a visit
to New York oity shortly.
Jao. and Mre. Miller, of Harrieton,
visited emoog friends here for a few daye.
Obrie. Reynard bad a valuable horse
.die tbie week whioh he bad only bought.
a abort time ago.
We now oan boast of having the best
walks in our village of any plane the
game size around no.
Quite a number from here took in the
Foot Ball match Monday night and
helped to oheer for Brunetti.
I. M. Henry received a oar of Manitoba
wheat thio week and sent consignments
of flour to Seafortb, Blyth and Atwood,
Mr, end Mre. Duren, of Toronto,
have been visiting relatives here and io
Grey. Master MoAllfetet a000m s
y Paigd
Mie Eva Cole left on Thurg afor th
e d e
American "Soon for a two or three
months' holiday trip, We wish her an
enjoyable time.
W. E. Seeders is *hipping not quite a
few oars of grain this week. He has also
mold three one of cement for the Durham
Cement Works.
Mise Laura Shannon, a former school
teenier here, but now of Biobrook, aaoom•
panned by her friend, Mies Watt, visited
in our village this week,
Mies Mamie McAllister and Master
Qom left for the parental home in Cock-
burn Island this week. Tbey were
accompanied by Mre. Robt, MoAllieter
who also joins the family there.
Reeve Livingston and Clerk McIntosh
were at Wingham this week attending
the hearing of the Farrendsuit against
the Township of Morrie in which Grey
is iutereeted owing to the drain oommena.
ing in this towhebip.
The shipments from the G. T. R.
station at Ethelfor the past week are :—
Fogel & Cunningham oar hoge ; Win, E,
Sanders a car of wheat and a oar of
oats ; P. Ament 4 care of wood, The in•
coming freight was 2 oars cement for W.
E. Sanders ; 2 Dare coal for Kreuter &
Ritchie besides local freight.
Oourt Ethel, No. 2610.0. F. had a good•
ly tnrn•out Thursday night of last week'
to bear Bro. G. G. Imlay who was' their
delegate to High Court, make hie report.
Bro. Imlay knows how to bring in a
report and explain the workinge of the
High Court so that the newest member
Dau nnderetand it DE well an the older
ones who have been there. We hope to
see him go to Gananbgne next year.
• Bewley Jane 2611 Rev. 0. P. Walla
took es hie theme, "The Russo Japanese
war and ice bearings on the Miesions In
the Ellet," It was then teeoibod to take
up a special oolleotion on Sunday, July
8rd to help supply Rev. D. Norman, B.
A,, with Bibles, oto., to be diatribeted
among the Japanese soldiers in the field,
he having been appointed a chaplain
arnotig them by the Japanese
MmoantdayT mhoornemg tool tle77M
5 ewthodiset nMtofen•
Our blaakemithe are very bully getting
the farmer's maohinee fixed up for hay.
ing. Hay is n heavy crop in this notion,
Parse containing $9.00 loet on the toot
ball ground on June 18:h. Finder will
much oblige by returning to Edward
MoCallutn, Ethel.
Mre. Jae, Laird and Mrs. Spann are
visiting friends in R ,gement thio week.
They will alio spend two weelre visiting
at &niston, Stayner and Oollingwood
before they return.
lowing resolution was passed by the
Ethel Sone of Temperance and needs no
comment :—
To .ellex D. and Mrs. Lamont :
brothere and slaters of Ethel Dlvieion,
Sons of Temperance, No. 149, desire to
tender to you our kindest sympathy in
your present bereavement, in the death
of your brother. We know that our
Division bae euobained a great lots which
every member regrets, with heartfelt
sorrow, for hie presence was ever and
always an iinepiration and token of eco
cess to -all our uudertakinge. While we
feel very keenly our loss as a Division we
know 11 ie not to be oomparad to that
whish you realize in your hearts by the
snaring of that tie of natural affection
and love which binds each family to-
gether, bat ae we rt nen upon hie useful
life, hie noble ammeter and the lofty
ideals which were the guiding principles
of hie life, and last and beet of all his
Trust and Faith in Him who oan save
to the uttermost, we should be comforted
and remember the words of Him who
said "Let not your heart be troubled."
We hope that we ae an unbroken band
will meet in that city where Borrow and
sighing shall flee away and where God
shall wipe away all tears from our eyes.
Signed on behalf of the Division,
ALvIN Bette,
Ise COLE, W. A.,
Miens Lizzie Rose, Jean Habkirk and
Ella Smith and Mrs. Archer McGuire aro
in Toronto, attending the Summer School.
Rev. T. W. Oosens took as hie topic
last Sabbath m0r0iog in the Methodist
church "The Way, the Troth and the
Life," and in the evening "The source of
true happiness."
Rev. Dr. Grant, of 81. Mary's, who bee
preached to the same congregation for 40
years without taking a holiday was
recently presented with a puree and told
to take eix weeks rest by his people.
Next Sunday morning the members of
Brnesele Orange Lodge and visiting
brethren will attend eervioe in St. John's
obnroh at 11 o'olook. They will march
from the Orange Hall to the cherub,
Leet Sabbath Rev. W. J. West, M. A.,
of Binevale, and Rev, Jno, Rorie, B. A„
exohauged pulpits. Me. West spoke on
"Lite" at the morning service end from
Rev. 3-15 to 18 in the evening. Rev.
Mr. Ross will take hie leo Mays after
next Sabbath,
At the Methodist Sabbath Sabaol last
Sunday M. Lambert gave an address on
South African people ; W. Hamilton, of
Toronto, spoke on Missionary work ; and
a quartette was rendered by Misses Pearl
Baeker, Edna Speeain, Dolly Basher and
Harry Aiulay. The monthly Mienionary
collection was $6.76.
Rev. J. P. Gerrie, lately of Toronto,
hag received a unanimous oatl to his
former ohuroh io Sstratford For eight
or Rine years Mr. Gerrie was pastor of
Broadview Avenue Oongregational
Church, Toronto, when ,e large and
commodious building WAS erected and
the membership of both obnroh and
congregation increased. A like reaord in
numbers and finances is reported from
anozxo:v .
EtrmH,—In London, on June 28, Elgin
Emigh, aged 64 years.
HANNA. -At Keyes, Mao„ June 8, to Mr,
and Mre. Wm,,Hanna, a daughter.
HANNA. -'At Keyee, Man., on June 6, to
Mr. and Mre. T. Hanna, n eon.
Weenie.—In Seafortb, on June 27, to Mr,
and Mre, Walter Willie, a eon.
RY,N—DloxsoN.—At Bt. James church,
Seatorth, on June 28th, by Rev,
Father Coroorao, Mr. Jaok Ryan, of
Walton, to Mies Elizabeth Dineen,
of Seafortb.
BRETT,—In Seafortb on June 291b,
Robert N. Brett, aged 75 years.
JoeNT,—In eleafcrth, on ' June 29•h,
Margaret Bernice, infant daughter
of A. P. and Mtn. Joynt.
SMITH.—Is M.ORSIop, on June 7th, Mary
B. Dodds, wife of John Smith, aged.
22 years.
na3'rrs»� n enet.neTnaf men.
Fall Whent 76
Barley 86
Peas 55
Cate 80
Butter, tube and toile12
Egge per dozen 12
Hay per tan - 6 00
Flour, per owt 4 00
Potatoes per buil 50
Apples (per bbl.) ., 1 00
Salt, per bbl., retail,...., 1 00
hoge, Live,.t..".,..t 5 00
Wool ...,.,..t.t.......
7 00
5 00
1 25
5 17
That's the inevitable end
to every
Potato Bug
that feeds upon our Paris
Green, Every pound is:
guaranteed to be Govern-
ment Standard chemically
pure. 25o. per pound at
Drug Store
Giro 11111 partloulnra. Address
130)0 59, Fordwioh,
E' on Elisabeth 'street tor sale,
Apply at THE POST.
rums and uprightboilor for sato °beap
as a gasoline engine is being- substituted.
For further partioulare enquire at THE Pon
Publishing House.
No. 8, Grey Township. Duties to 00.-
meumo atter holidays, Applioatloae, with
testimonials, and stating salary, received
until July 15. W. W0100,
51.2 Secretary, Brussels P. O.
BALE AT A Rename -The undersigned
offers MS Good1son Separator and a Beam -
burg l4 h.p. engine for eats, Both in Aret-
clase older. Also a Mceeey'Earrie eceflage
cutter and blower. Icor further particulars
as to prior., terms, &o,. apply to
52 -ti 3010. MoNAB13, Oranbrook.
IPJ rete, Lot 17, Oon, two 2- ie, on or about
the first week in June, two 2 -year-old eteere,
one gray and the other {rinse, with rod neck
and think horns. Information tbanklully
reoeivcd. HIIGR 848144.
51.86 Brueeele P. 0. Morrie.
will be received for the hay on the
Agricultural Park, Brueeole, up to noon of
July 12th, All weeds on the Park will have
to be properly cut down. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
JAS. BPE111, W. B. KERB,
President. secretary.
Make out a
List of Tow
Where you will find a good as-
sortment of all lines of
SEM iVear
White Muslins, Organdies, . Dim-
ities, Lawns, Vestings, Can-
vas -Duck and Linen Home-
spun Suitings.
Colored Muslins, Organdies,
Ginghams, Flake Linens, &c.
Black, White, Cream and all the
popular shades in 27 inch
Japanese Silk, at 60c. per
yd., suitable for light and
cool Shirt Waists or Dresses.
A full line of Summer Corsets,
Vests, Gloves and Hosiery.
See our Six different linesof G0c.
t. life
Corsets — each a Specialty
and the best value in the
A large range of Lases, Em-
mubroideries, Ribbons, &c.
July Standard Pa.tterno, Designers and
Fashion Sbente to band—one of the
latter FREE to those who nail for