HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 6ISRSJ SUP TITIUUS U.1l1LL.i./,t.+.+. RS ,an nili)rr!titti0U5 ttt9 g'111tmbler4. TIl'eains t of horses are ).specially considered CASE WIIERE 825.000 WAS WON precursors of fortune. One suoh TBROUG13 A FLY. circlun was responsible for the win- oint; of pots or unouge Plough tho A Piece of Coal Brought a Sian incident happened so 1o111; ago as leael, it is stili renumbered In racing a Fortune at lvloot° 5 Carlo, circles in America. +.• A certain Frank Snyder, a ea oll- knuteNewn �w York rurracinguurn, dreamt tuut EVENING FROCK, r t . A common Fou,, duxld fly t n !otiv alighted on N0 1:3 on the roulette that a horse natural d'arule would twin You mus develop a lovely evening table In One of the gambling rotate; the h'Oelc from the soft ivory Ceps by at lul`tr Ceu stlat1lunioft^ers l.ni Inc,.al LIVERPOOL SPRING CUP, 1 1 11 1 L t tl 1 It jt 1n'1.1ng a moron r a p n n At hip and knee length hold down Was this and omen 01 changing fur- w'ft11 Aduluite, onothrr hors•, 55(0011; with diamond shaped medullion8 cut tuna;' '1'hs sttl<.stitiom; (Ind nut ]tsi tet that, u rho entrance to t !rem all over Voleiwiennes lace. 1015, Within ec few moment the :troch, Carole would c o:s Ali unite, Outline these with 0 beac[dttg thread- "I1rddle don•u' - tllit is, the n itr.b. 1.1 and a Clain). for t&,ul 11,111ir Iliad,. (01 - eel with turquoial blur and Coral thirteen to 11,•nt+-four--Were liberally ctbowed, Ada mite wo id be given the •' 1 ''rel St•L,.. "'Y ]mese. At the time Snyder t old his dretun to a eir le of friends, Parole, art Am- erican hurso, had not even broil Mil- i,arl:ed for I'u;:laud, and as for Ada - mite, titre Was 110 such Force enter- ed for the race. ']'here was an Ad- vance, however, to be ridden by the then woeld-tautens Fred Archer, and pink baby ribbon telt et, that is, toscle.l wr•<.. • ;. thread .,;'.1f of melt diamond with Quito and :.).,(fled by the 1+'1nes it. ,blue add the other half with pink. .was arousing:. the fly- walked from Arrange tlhein so thtot a blue meets a mmth t^ thi te'n to number len, and pink, and then do the -two colors then over ail the nembere 1'rr,nl ten tagotdlor im a tiny bow, Those (Oa- 10 set ( der n. To one suporst it 101.3 200018 must be close to each. other, old gamier t];e lay's metals:1,m r ac - forming 0 continuous band, and the tion was ] Ir. 'u. nt with i o.sielltties. 'tiny bows will run through the err Ile tiled '111.01 143 on every one of tee only, not at upper and 10ntcrtho , 1 c.:v sou tact). this horse was accepted by those who edge of diamonds. Finish the bit- 1 'i'h:' It wry tit i1 bl5 wile sent spinning knew Snyder us the one he had tom of the h'kirt with folds of the round the roulette wheel, there was a dreamt of. goods. -moment of susoons', and th'n the On til, day of the race, excitement Make a yoke on the bodice, cut out croupier annn0n cot the winning num- in New York Turf circles was intense, very sightly in t ho neck of lace toll b. r --thirteen. Put what is far more but when the cable was received glo- om! 1 outline it with a ovcl' goods,. and a e. 'rvtrr,nlrnu•, the sauce nntuber (,nine ing details of the race exactly ns slurped bertha of tl;e goods, which ; '' ' dreamt bySnyder, has been Maly pits -tucked, up three tunes in succession, That ,-' e cru the fortunate back - has cost the Cas no 8:•,000. res of Advance could scarcely restrain Edge it 'with medallions,- cutting : away the material nnde:•ncatli. Ada it is t'rnto v nus tui for •enter -d !raln le- themselves. Though the drocr. the full lower portion of waist, ;rets to be in tite neighborhood of this himself had not betted a penny on the (hien may he as full and blowey as city of riches anti ruin, and, when 00 race, quite a crowd had staked their lIt Was a dream, too, that yielded possible, and bring into a corsage .Ills way from 9lontone to Monte Caro moues. girdle of pink (a tl blue panne velvet, flare jumped into his compartment 111,ta the. sicevca .t fill purl', nod lin- • five negro s, an Englishman, well 110 less than S°1,000 about a year fsh these us fancy dictates. Make a known at the ganriiling tables, saw ago to a lucky little Italian boy rosette of blue,. pink rail black baby . fortrme in the incident. named l.u:gi TIranti. This youngster, ribbon velvet, and add, When so de- Upon reaching 'Monte Carlo lie at employed as me and boy in a home sired as a corsage garniture, tuck- - once stesed lite_ loris (about 221.25 for lost Children in Rome, had a dream in which torn: ,(umbers frequent- ly occurred. So impressed was h') by his drawn that ho put aside his scanty savings till they had reached three dollars. then he invested the whole in lottery ticisets bearing TILE MAGIC NUMBERS. A few months afterwards he was an- nounced the Winner of the enormous sum mentioned. It must be udmitled, however, that the greater number of fortune -winning dreams have not this fine regard for superstitious feeling. One dream, in- ing the strands falling from It into . altogether) an black at the tiftlt table, the belt, !leaving his money on for re Imo of A pearl or coral dog Collar will be 'five. As luck would hate it. his in - a pretty 11nis11 for the necic, whilst, sriration for day wear, a band of black velvet l CAM' OUT TRUMPS. may be substituted, and, of course, 'Five tures black turned up, enriching black velvet instead of the colored ,hiin to the extent of $020. thrcadings will be in better taste. I There acv rely feW habitual gamb- - krs wlio do not possess some talis- AISTS AND BLOUSES, or charm. Yet one seldom hears 11 a man a Many women are still hunting for 'or any great coup which can be trac- not•elties for shirt waists. and fancy ',ed. directly to some object significant blouses. Shirt -waist suits in the of 10rt1111?. These are one or two ex better materials have been m vogue cei.t]ons, however. only two or three years, and early in ' A small piece of eorumon coal is the s trfrg it ryas suggested that the much cherished possession of the decd, which eventually calm true, had a goodly portion of irony in it. About ten rears ago a Vienna Mer- chant dreamt several times of a cer- tain number. The recurrence of the number seemed to him an omen of fortune, and he forthwith purchased a they might not be so popular this owner of a large estate in Scotland. season, but they are quite the smart- ,Though now immensely wealthy, at est thing. The simpler style of one period of his lite lie would not shirt -waist suit is disappearing, and have parted with this piece of coal the very elaborate take the lead. for a big sura of money. And for Year's ago a morning gown of silk ;this good reason. would have been regarded as extra- i A regular visitor to 'Ionto Carlo t'egant, Auw tt is so cheap that it ' infatuated with the gambler's passion, is within tile reach of almost even• lie had found luck entirely against women. Never before has taffeta hint. Again and again he lost till brad such a sale, and probably it wall he was all but ruined. One evening, still hold first place among the silks ,whilst wandering. morose and di next fall. 'spairing, along the quay, he passed Braided taffetas, embroidered eon- a !large at that moment being un - gees and embroidered lines are sup- loaded of its coal. As he walked un - 14018 tog plain materials l,icuechirotf dor the swinging crane a piece of the waist suits, exr_pt in ti shiny mineral fell from the carrying' tailored gowns. Last seas- bucket Into the gambler's coat pock - on. white linen was regarded the. smartest, but this year 50101ecl lin- jetTIere was tucko omen if you like. erns are becoming' popular and Yash- a ionable. They do not soil SO easily, Raising all the money he could, he and if care is taken can be worn obte'ntin5rl to stake it all on a last throughout the season without being chance. When he left the tables in cleansed. Many of the linens and the early morning he bad over ;:0,000 muslins are 010de up jout elabE.r- francs ($6,000) in his pOssession- ntely and expensively as some of the HIS NIG1rl"S EARNINGS. silks. From that time he never left the --'- gaming taleles e xcelet as a winner; sometimes of a radii amount, more often of a large. Even to -clay the piece of lueiiy coal accompanies him every :\ here. Quite as Incl•:p for a time, though somewhat gruesome, was tite charm carried as a brooch by a well-known FAVORITE GOWNS. The gray voile and crepe de chine gowns are becoming more and more a. favorite. These costumes aro heavily trimmed, dyed lace the ex- act shade, though not new, being especially pretty. These gowns, too, are fashionable in the walking length There is nothing smarter this season 'limncrepe do chine, both plain and embroidered. 1'he evening gowns for summer wear are daintier and prettier than ever. Silks of all kinds, flowered actress, It was the right forefinger bone of a man Mire was the seventh - son of a seventh son. This she as-' s •(ted, always brought her luck oaten playing at the tables at Aix -les -Rains o1' Monte Carlo. One night, however, as slit stretch - acts and gauzes, mulls and chiffons, ed across the table to rake fn her are fashionable. Embroidered crepe winnings, the strange ornament fell de chine is expensive, and chiffon is from her throat, and, striking the perishable, especially at. the sea- edge of the table, broke at the knucic- ehore. The skirts are shorter and le. -Though she had It repaired int - fuller, and are trimmed and festoon- lnediat.ely, its charm ]cod departed, ed with many ruchings, garlands of and in a few days she was so unlucky lace, and sometimes ,old-fashioned as to lose all her winnings. pinked ruodlings. The waists are simpler, and aro fashionable after the old style baby waitt, with berthas, ficbus, and capes of lase as trimmings. Many of the bodices and sashes are of flow- ered taffeta ribbons, Some of the waists aro sleeveless with just a band over the shoulder's, while oth- ers have -deep ruffles of lace ending tit the elbow. TUE PETTICOAT QUESTION. The question or the petticoat is a subject which grows in proportion to ttiffctas, cl'r.pe de, 511100s flowered the interest in dress (311(1 never was it el more concern than at this very moment. The nicest petticoats are made with fitted hips and are hooka, not tied, in the. hack. This gives a nice hip line. Tile petticoat which is a swing clear is trimmed with silk reties (trailed the foot end the edges of the ruffles aro 'deiced. Ender each ruffle there is a smaller raffle to make it set out. Tho result is char - minty chic. Lace as it pet Ileont trimming still holds tts popularity, But the rael - ed ruffle, headed ix,V an old -fuel' rued ruching, is the best thing that, can be worn under a full round Olein. Four and five reifies are employed to ' make tho 8kit't as ft'ou frou as possi- ble. FRETTING CHILDREN. THE POSTMASTER HO 'S EIJPJJATIO 11ELIEVES DODD'S ISIDNEY PILLS TEE RIGHT MEDICINE x'01.1. KIDNEY TROUBLE. T. N. Beiyea, Postmaster of Low- er Windsor, N. B., Endorses an Opinion Popular in all Farts of Canada, Lower Winds01', Calton Co N C. ,h ly •1.--(Iipecfal) --f. II, Prel,iiria, pcnintaslIr here, 1,14 ccilm ant Wit nn en-phutie stat"lu-nt that Is hetut- ily endorsed by the great mnj0rity of people of this district, "1 believe,'' sass the post Master, "that llodil's liidnt'y Pills aro the right medicine for Eidw;y 'Trouble and will do all that is claimed for t hent. "I had boon Mothered with Kidney Trouble for years hid tried several kinds of plasters and other medicines but did not get mode lasting benefit. Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and would say they seen to have made a complete cure as I feel as well as over I did." There are -numerous people pre- pared to snake statements like that of Postmaster 13elyea, but the case of kidney Disease that Dodd's .kid- ney Pills will not cure has yet to be reported. When a mild frets and cries almost continousl, the root of the trouble in nine easesout of ten lies with the 510010011 or bowels. Fermentation and decomposition of the food means colic, bloating and diarrhoea -the latter is especially dangerous and of- ten fatal during the bot weather months. Baby's Own Tablets aro just what every mother needs to ]seep liar little 0110s healthy. These Tablets gently regulate the bowels, clue constipation, prevent diarrhoea, cleanse and cool the stomach, and promote sound, natural sleep. Tho Tablets can be given with safety to a new born baba Mrs. J. Mick, Echo Bay, Ont., says : "I think 13aby's Own Tablets the best medi- cine in the world for the ailments of little ones. No mother should be without then." Sold by all drug- gists or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing Tho Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,state lottery ticket hearing it. Ile bad no success at the drawing, but did not lose courage. Again and again for a period of ten years he Purchased a ticket having the inspired 'number, but always without success. So much a matter of custom had the purchasing of this ticket become that the bank which the merchant used sant a servant regularly to him at his usual coffee-house to give him rho ticket and receive the money. A month or two hark the servant came as usual, but was shocked t0 learn that the merchant had "died and been buried four clays before. Some gentlemen present listened to the story', and in fun purchased the ticket, promising' the lean live per cent. of the winnings, should the num- ber this time prove successful. Much to everyone's surprise, a few days tett- e•, the holders of the ticket were de- clared the winners of 821 ,5flll, for which the dead man .liad waited in vain for ten years. Thu winners, however, refused to pay the servant liis promised percentage, a1(1 he thereupon took action in 1110 Vienna courts, where the story of supel'sti- Lion aril irony was (1lsc1080(1. "Does God Bend tho sirlrnner, John?" "Yes, miss." "Well. I do wish he'll send it in the winter, when ;eve need it." "I pity the man who can't - learn anything from his own mistlt.k03. NOW, that's one thing I can do," Said Bragg. "A11) You're always learning something then, aren't your, rept Ied 'Knox, The petticoat; which etre sees in the pictures, but which elle, neem' sees 111 real life, are DOW becoming possible 4or every woman. She need only knots the 'secret of building NERVOUS TROUBLES. Promptly and Permanently Cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills, There is no torture more acute nod intolerable thou nervousness. A ner- vous person is in a state of constant irritation by - day and eler'plossness by night, The sufferer starts at even' noise, is shaky, depreesed, and, although in a constantly exhausted state, is unable to sit 00 Ile sti11.1f you are nervous or worried or surfer from n. combination of lungour and Jeri tnlion 10') need •1 nerve topic, tend hr, Williams' Pink fills -are ab- solutely the best thing in the world for you. You nal only; get rid of ucrvotisne88 through feeding your nerves with rich, red blood, and Dr, Williams' Pink fills ec'tuaily make new blood. There is no doubt about this -thousands can testily to tho blood -making, nerve -restoring totali- ties of t.l,eso pills, tit. Vitus dance is one of Lite most severe forms of ner- vousness, and Mrs. 1i. ITevener, of ('lravenhursl, (hot., tells how those pills cured her little boy. She says: "At the ago of eight my little boy was attacked wilti tit. Vi1118 d01r00, from wllicli he suffered in a severe form, Itis nerves twitched to sucTi an extent that he was a1111ost help - lass and had to be c0n1Lantly wee - deed, 115 was under several doctors rot lifTerent t.ime8, but they dirt not help hien, so 1 dectdod to try Dr. Willien,s' Philo Pills, and these have completely cured kiln, and now not a, sign of the tt'oiible remains, When ,you buy these pllle always look at the box and sea that the full mono, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for l'ale People, is printed on the wrap- per, and refuse to take anything oleo. You can get these pills from n11 medicine dealers or they will be sent by moil at 50 cents it box or SIX boxes for 52.40 by Writing The 31r, Williams' Medicine Co,, Break - Saone cillo, Onte BIGGEST MR U•lI E�RT'II WILL ST. LOUIS FAIR BEAT TEE RECORD? The Exhibition is Expected to Break all Previous Records. It is, of course, impossible to at- tempt with any degree of accuracy to predict the number of visitors that will pass through the turnstiles at St. Louis; but experience in matters deal- ing with exhibitions shows that the aggregate nurnlicr of visitor's that may be expected should be between fifteen and eighteen times the total population of the city in which it is held. In 1900 the Patio at the Paris Exhibition amounted to the popular tion of that city multiplied by eigh- teen; at Wolverhampton and Chicago in 1S913 the ratio wile about fifteen; while at Glasgow it W0.s sixteen. Taking the highest of these figures, and applying it to the population of St. Louis, wiiich is the foul'th largest city In the States, it is found that the expected crowd should number thirteen and a half millions, which would place it a trifle higher than the position occupied by the Glasgow show of 1901. IIIIIITTION Ri:CORDS. Although the Paris Exhibition re- cord of 1000, with its aggregate crowd equalling the combined popu- lations of the Iil'enclr, I3elgial, and Danish nations, appears fairly safe, it is quite on the cards that the record for a single clay's attendance may 'be broken e'e December 5st brings the !St. Louis show to a close. On the ,occasion of CJlar,gow's first exhibition, m 1888, on an average, 57,000 peo- !pie passed through the turnstiles each !day, paying $3,51:; while the record 1Saturday witnessed 117,1100 persons, who Paid $1.:1,475, thronging tho grounds. On the occasion of the ex- hibition of 1901, the. average attend- ance daily was 68,625, and the record "gates" were those of September 28rd, when 171',060 peop]0 were pre- sent-•tlfe receipts amounted to $1^r,- 046.711 -end the closing day, when 178,266 folks said farewell to this most popular show. Naturally, tlioso figures were easily beaten in the cas- es of the Paris expositions of 1889 and 1900. In the first -mentioned year the averetgo number of spectator's daily was 180,000; while the busiest -a- —+ 11OW TO READ. leo not rend at random. Select your books in advance, Read intelligently anti with fore- sight. Prepare a plan of reading for the season, not too large to be world Cd out. Reed books that interest you. Fol - ]ow the lino of your taste, Unless your taste is wholly untrained. If it is, read good books in 'different fields until you find Out orient you caro for most, 1Tave a book always within reach:, and make the most of your spare mimltes. Read only good books, an'd put your nl]nd On them. 'Po get the beet out of books you must be able to remember them. Do not make a task of reeding, head for enjoyment, REFUSING TO citOW OLD, Young -Como, now, own me: don't you find it a little harder to get around that you did floe or ten year's ago? Elder -Not a bit, 7 assure ,you. I have 110tie0d, however, that they Make stairs steopor than they used to, bot that, of 0011"80, S5 another matter: u tr A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than clothes. dB day was October 1311), 1880, when 402,0(15 visitors were admitted. Enormous es these figures are, they were easily left behind by tlio exhibi- tion of 3900, which averaged ail, - 000 1 l,-000 vivito's daily, haci a host -day at- tendance nnounting to 380,535, and a re.ord day of over 600,000, or two- fifths of the total number of visitors that entered the grounds of the Wol- verhampton show during the entire season of 1002, 110 T1I11r PAY. The Chicago Exhibition, although its average daily attendance of about 140,000 souls was considerably less than the Paris record of 1.889, pos- sesses, at all events, one record eclip- sing anything that Paris cats point to -nnmely, the attendance on that day (October Oth) known as "Chicago Day," from the fact that it is the anniversary of the clay upon which Chicago was burned down in the early seventies. On this clay in 1898 no fewer than 713,640 persons wended their way t� the exhibition, where the crush was so appalling that six per- sons lost their lives in the crowds. TUE SUN'S RAYS. Many know by experience that the relief afforded by tho suo's rays to cure pain -neuralgic and inflamma- tory -is effective and lasting. Those who have face ache should prove it for themselves by sitting in a sunny window, where the warmth falls full on the check. For nervous debility and insomnia the treatment of all others is rest in sunshine. Tlrol'e is no tonic like it, provided tho good effects are not neutralized by ill feed- ing. To restore a withered wen, a palsied or rheumatic 11mb, or to bring a case of nervous prostration up speedily, a most efficient part of the treatment would be to expose the limb or the person to as many hours of direct sunlight as tho clay would afford. With weals lungs let the sun fel] full on the chest for horn's. For the chilliness which causes blue hands and bad color re- sort to the sun; let it almost blister the skin, and the circulation will an- swer the attraction. It is a finer stimulus than wine, electricity or massage and we are on the verge of ing it. TWO STEPS. The Last One Helps th.e First. A sick coffee drinker must Lake two steps to bo rid of his troubles and get strong and well again, The first is to cut off coffee abso- lutely. That removes the destroying ele- ment. The next stop is to take li- quid food (and that is Postum Food Coffee) that has in 111 the elements nature requires to charge the blood corpusnlos from pale pink or white to rich, rod, and good rod blood builds good strong and healthy cells 111 place of tho broken down cells de- stroyed by coffee, With well boiled Postum food Coffee to shift to, both these steps are env and pleas- ant. Tha experience of a Georgian proves how important bout are. "From 3872 to the year 1900 my wife and I had been afflicted with sick or nervous headache and at times eve suffered untold agony, We were coffee drinkers and did not know how to get away from it for tiro habit is hard to quit. "I3ut in 1000 I read of a case silni- lar to ours where Postum Coffee was used in place of the old coffee and a complete cute resulted, so I conclud- ed to get some and try it, "Tho result was, after three clays' use of Postum in place of the coffee 1 never 110(1 a synmptom, of the old trouble and be five months 1 had gained from 145 pounds to 168 pounds, "My friends asked m0 almost daily what wrought the change. My at - sorer alevays is, leaving off coffee and drinking Postum in its place. "We havo many friends who have been benelitted by Postum. "As to whether Or not I have stat- ed the facts truthfully I refer to ,the Honk of Carroll Lon or any busi- e0••q firer, in that city whore I have lived !foe many yams and non well `known." Nano giver by Post1m1 � Co., Itat Ile Creel!, AT ich, 1 "There's a veneer')." Look 111 each package for the fan- ons little hook, ""l'lio "load to Weil- reille r' The Prince of Wales, through the death of the Dulco of Cambridge, comes into possession of many leas- es belonging to the Duchy of Corn- wall, These were granted forty or fifty years ago on the "three lives system," or for the term of the .sur- viving three lives. The late Duke was the third surviving life in many of the leases, and the Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, has valuable property restored to him. How's This We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward for any caro of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Marl's Catarrh Oure. P. T, C11PNEY C 00., Toledo, 0. 1Va, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the. last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable 10 all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. 1VAL1ING, NINNAN & Ofee num, Wholesale Druggists, Tolado, 0. Ball's Catarrh Owe is taken internal - 1y, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price, 75c, per bottle. Sold by all Drugqggists, 't'ake hall's Dangly Pills for consti- pation. CHILDREN'S CHATTER. Tom (our doctor's son) -I wouldn't have anything to do with Capt. Smiler if I wore you, E11a, Miss 1)11a -Tocol what on earth do you mean? Tom -Well, he's note safe! I heard clad soy his very laugh was infecti- ous! - Minard's Liniment Lumkrman's friend Cra-rite-fro/de,,Waiii Once, dii1/4e;74L, -�JC7le 'i 1R4eZe a 44. Potatoes, Pouf). Butter i �s �� B � f Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and eve will got you good prices. THIE AWS®N COMMISSION 00, Uiavaliafil 00r, West Market anti Oonaorne Sts, TORONTO. agransmga,.. , .1zR.Fi .? ii°L r r"Tas,tSrfdiiliiia' r : vat LOWER USTT USE ��te� 1'al PRICES 1C`r d 1 E aT �f A tl 91L Wash CAN ®E WAD Ie P4lis5 Wash 0,,tsins, MR � Pas, &© €qILJALrry Any First -Claes Grocer Cm'n Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. • HAUNTS OF FI511 AND GRIME. Attractions for Sportsmen on tato Line of the Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has i8sae(1 a handsome publication, profusely illustrated with half. -tone engravings, descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen on their lino of railway, Many of the regions reached by tho Grand Trunk seem to have been specially prepared for the delectation of mankind, and where fora brief period the cares of business aro cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only do the "highlands of Ontario" present unrivalled facilities for both hunting, fishing and camping, but the 80,000 Islands of the Georgian Day, Thou- sand Islands and St, Lawrence Riv- er, Rideau River and Lalies, Lake St. John, and the many attractive lo- calities in Maine and Now IIamii- shire, present equal opportunities for health, pleasure and sport. All these localities are reached by talo Grand Trunk Railway System. and on trains unequalled on the continent, Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que- bec, New Hampshire and Maine 11511 and game laws are inserted in rho publication for the guidance of sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail- way has also issuer( descriptive il- lustrated matter for each district soli- arately, which are sent free on ap- plication to the agents of the Com- pany and to 'Tr. J. D, McDonald, District Passenger Agent, G. T. 11., Union Station, Toronto, CLEAN SITOOTING, Russian surgeons say that the Ja- panese rifle bullets, while 10550S - sing a great deal of stopping Power, make small, clean holes, which can be treated easily, and give excellent opportunities for the early recovery of the wounded unless some vital or- gan is pierced, 'There have been many cases of recovery after the in- testines have boon Penetrated. In- teresting contributions to surgical science will follow the ending of hos- tilities. 131:1'S ',ABOUT DAMES. A11 the world over the mother leas queer superstitions about her baby. la 11ceomania the infant's ankle is bound up with red ribbon inmtediate- ly after birth, to ward oil evil spir- it's. In Ireland, for the salvo reason, a strand of woman's Lair is ,placed in the cradle, Garlic, salt and bt'eacl aro placed in the cot of a newly -born child in Iloilo nil. Th the West Indies the nogroes fol- low the same 01s'tomes as the wom- en it Roumania, but their ribibon. is blue instead of red, If they have 110 ribbon they make a mark with washing -blue open the child. 1)x Russio, there is a superstition that a baby, turd a kitten cannot thrive ih the sante house. Ono is sure to pine away, and die, so pussy is always driven away as soon as a baby comes. 111 Spain the women say that baby under a, year old should not be al - looted to look in a Mirror; otleorWlsc it will grow up proud and leatigdety. 1Vfost mothers aro very much alarmed when their babies fall out of bed or off their laps, but i1'1 India ).deo women think it is an excellent omen, In Ireland tieere is a fibrillar super- stitfol , which 'says that, unless a baby falls 0115 of bed fotfr tl eco be -- tore it IN a year old it will be 'a liopeloss idiot, FIGS AND TSIISTLES. Delays aro never clangorous when we aro angry. The 111000 a man knows 'himself the less lie says about it. We do not judge our 'friends by their failures. Oliiic(ren bring the cheer as well as the tears of a 1eoulo. The richt aro not always godly; but the godly are always rich. Mtnard's liniment Is used by Physicians Father -"You're always wanting more money. Now, 7 was always satisfied with the very small allow- ance my father gave oto." Son - "Then ho would have been foolish to have increased it. Now, with me is different." At the Yarmocth le. M. C. A. Boys' Camp Held at Tusket Falls in Aug- ust, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an im- mediate relief for colic and tooth- ache. ALFRED STOICESS, General Secretary. ONE ON DR, WEIR MITCI•I'EELL, D1•. S. Weir Mitchell, the eminent nerve specialist of Philadelphia, tells of an incident of his early career which taught trim re lesson ho bas al- Wnys remembered. Inver since then there has been one question Which he never asks his patients. An elderly man wee ushered into the doctor's office ono 'afternoon. Attar telling him to ho seated, the doctor ask- ed in his mildest manner: "Well, sir, what is the motter with yon?" 'The patient quickly replied; "If 1: !thew, doctor•, I Wou.d not come here to find oat." XSa47111, No, In -04. �,y f: ap , dtl 4 r F FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS S that are safe and earn Road rates of interest. We offer geed securities that are paying 3 to 4 per cent. half yearly, or better thea 7 and 8 per cent. per annum. Par full party cigars address ,e Executor." No. 1 t Queen 5t. Bast, Toronto. BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works well both on stades and ill barns. unloads all kinds of hay and grain either. loose oris sheaves. Sond3oroatalogue to M. T. BUCHANAN & CO,, Ingersoll,Ont, 23-34, CNEI1H'1 LE CURTAINS and all Minds of house liangloss, deo DYED 3. CLEANED LIKE NEW. Write to ns 51504,1. yours. METIER ANERIOA0 0561110 CO., COX 188, Montreal LADE MAINS Over the Wabash DIRECT TO World's ates ST. LOUIS, MO. Corrie with us and see this, the greatest Exposition in the history of the world. New and elegant palace sleepers, built especially for this traf- fic, are now running daily between Montreal, Toronto and St. Louis, over the Canarllat-1'arifc-Wabash short line. 'Anis is by nil odds the shortest, best. quickest said only true route from (Janette. to Bt. Louis. TM{ CO are good either via short line or via Chicago, with stop -over at Detroit and Ohfcago without extra Ulntrgc. Ail principal Wabash trains arrive and depart from World's I''air Station, For rates, time tablas and descriptive folder, address J. A. Richardson, Dist. Pass. Agt., northeast corner Icing and Yonno Ste., Toronto, The fellow who plays; the bass -drum is not the only ono who beats his way through life. For Over Sixty Years 0105. Woxst,aW's Saamn1 NO 650,10 his boon asci by millions of mothers for their ohllllron while teething. ltsnothos the chill, ref tens uliecp+ms, alloyspain ottros wind miler regulntoe thohomeoh roll bowels, anti 1* the bra remedy for Mahon, 'l'monty-8Te eent3•n bogie sold Lgdrugoists nrrougbo,t rho world. Me sure snit riskier.. Ilse. Washolv'a80orlln;O *Yana" e1 -0I IN THESE LATTER, DAYS. Eat, drink and be merry, for to- morrow we diet. Ask far Rads and take ao other. TITJ13 SUNNY WIDE OF LTFII. "Did he fall in love at first sight?" "Yes, First sight of her bank ac- count." Lever's Y-7 (Wise Dead) Disinfect'. ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the Water and dishier feats. Mr, Newlyblessed-"Indeed, sir, a home without a baby is a home with- out a soul. It is an absolute family need." Singleton -"Yes; a crying need, I fancy." Keep Mloard's Liniment In the House; A GIFT NOT ON 17YITTBITION. Perkins -You don't speak to Simp- son? lloplcins-No; when I sent hila our wedding announcement Ile wrote that he forgave me that $10 I oWed him. A Woman's favorite writer is a husband who is capable of writing checks. A man may bo as Honest as tlio day is long 0n(1 still have a bad roe Ord at night, - Tho thousands of people who write to ma, saying that Cone ;d', «ltt"t+� Careig t Lune Tena cured thole of cheonid coughs, cannot all be mistaken. Thera must bo Somo truth fu it. Try 8 Nettle for VW mph of yours. Primas: S. C. Weera a Co, 110 2So. "JDos U. LeRoy. 5.Y.,Torente,55' Can.