HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 51S17Ly' `7, 1904
:fina3ty r-
A,la when up noud him or
hoe to
LIsro 4, Greenhouse,
Torus opens April lith, 1904
Two Ooureea—
Ooln eer•ohU anti Shorthand,
Send tar Conego Journal.
�1,/�(�� A. L, MatNTY1Ui, Manager.
FT'K T'C;f�dl.�• mala' G0�%�rS�C�r9�
1 oeot, 11'.S, SCOTT, Brussels, —^
U Y • H. 11foORA.OKEN—
Ieaner 01 Marriage Licenses, °t -
Seo at Grocery, Turnborry street, l3rusoeis,
naaeraNEn hae several good Farms for
sale end to rent, easy terms, to Townships
of Morris and Grey, F 8. 50OTT.Bruosol
ONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000,
We nave the above amount of erl-
vate funds to loan on reel estate mortgages
at 44 and 0 per Dent, Busy torten of re-pay-
mout and costs of Mau moderate.
Barristers, &o., Goderlch,
issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—T1411 J41FR OF—
13324-0.7aSF.74S, 01.43-114.
O10oe over Hursloy's Drug Store.
Nov, Ord, 1202, 00.0,0 Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire. 1nsii ,ileo i:0.,
resonance taken on the oaa1 anti premium
nota system imminent rates. Before iusur-
log oleowhoro call on the undersigned Agent
0f the OOmllany.
GEORGE 1200311RS, I3rnesolo,
It- • flan, will Boll for bettor prices, to
better men In less time and less charges
(bun any other Auctioneer In Fast Enron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at mite office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Salus arranged tor
at the office of Tun Pon., Brussels. 2211
tI • Rouor Graduece of the °uteric Vet-
erinary Collage, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated anIlools .ln a oompot-
opt rummer. - Part3•10100 attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. OII1ee and In armory—Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Brooeele.
• Harriette', Solicitor. Notary, Fte,
hucceseor to O. F. Blair, 01000 over Stan.
lord Bank, Brussels, Solluttor for Metro-
politan Bask,
e Barrister, Solicitor, tOonvoyanoer,
Notary Publio, &c. 011100—Stewart's Stook
1 door North of (rearm Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Batik.
w, Pnoo2l9ooT, IC, 0. R. 0. HAYS
G. F. Bunn,
Offoae—Those formerly occupied by101oeere
Cameron & 13010,
,7F, 0., O. Ili„
Trinity University, Follow Trinity Modica,
College, Member Oolle o of Physicians and
Burgeon, Out, Lleoutl'ato of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
;.•ifery Ediuburgb, tar Tcnepbono No.14,
Reeideuoe—Mill street, Brussels,
Oradnato of the Royal College of Dental
Bargeoueot Ontario and Met clams Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unlvoralt9, Onloe
next to 1rewer'e Photograph Gallery,
are reoeived from leastwise firma and S
MAt4I(' STUDENTS are 411000,130 good If f•
positions each year by tee famous Lt
STflA"('rbRD; ONT.
J This school stands for the HIenEBT
0 AND BEET in bueinose oduoation in
fry Canada to.da34 Many Mistimes Col •
rd, logos employ our 500411ato8 as teach=
1 1100, WO 11080 900060 til a11p110atione
; from other Dollegos. Aok to 000 them
ilthe day, you .enter, 0Omm0000 outgo
lbw, 0ataloguo free.
l W, J.ELLIOTT, Principal, a't
You will find at Brussels Greenh3aae
any quantity of Tomato, Oauhfi lover,
Celery and Dabbage Plante, T0l01140
t"ante 10o. a box or 80. a citron loose,
b`iue oohec1ion of Fiower(,g Plante.
A oholee lot of Geraniums and
Annuals for bedding.
Out Flowers' supplied.
Floral Daeigno made to order.
iotri.tt ttet'o 0
MC Iii (lois.
Pertioniarly sad was the death of Mrs.
Jno. A. Smith, of 8eolorth, wbioh o0
purred at the roeidenoa of her mother,
Kra. Peter Dodds, non. 0, McKillop, ou
Monday of last week. The dooeaaed had
gone out for to few days' visit, vhoo she
became sfllioted with heart trouble and
died very suddenly. She OMB louttweety.
two years, of age and had beau married
emnewhat over a year, The sorrowing
husband is left the oars of a tittle infant
live weske old, and has the sympathy of
the entire community. The funeral took
place to the Maitlnndbauk cemetery on
1181110 3'01.ift.
The marriage tonic place at the Meth-
odist pareonge, Wia;,ham, on June 00, by
Rev. Dr, Gundy, of J, J. asuman, oom-
m0r03a1 traveller, of Blnevoie, 131/f11114013
Franoes Ann, daughter of Robert Yeo, of
Turnborry. Mr, and Mrs. Denman belt
by the early morning train for Hamilton,
St, Umbel Mee and other places,
'1'he amulet report of the Methodist
church an Btnevule circuit has been oir-
cu!ated and shows a gratifying oonditiob
of ibe ft lances, The total amount raised
wee in 8$0880 of last year, and roaohed n
very creditable amount indeed. For
peeler', eatery $760.40 was raised, 0s,
follown :—B.aevale, 8360 50 ; Johnston',,
8190,75 ; Ebenezer, 8203.15. For Mie
sionary and other feuds of the Church,
Sunday Sohoole, Trustee Boards, etc..
8844.81 wee raised, so that the oirouit
makes a very good ,bowing indeed, The
record 3r all the more pleasing beoaoso of
frequeot removers. The result of the
year's work shows that the people are
loyal to the iutereets of the Ohuroh.
The oftiolate enter euohher year hopeful
for ooutinuod progr`ee.�
There le talk of an automobile being
ran between here and Grand Bend.
Mr. Gowen, of Uaburne, had charge of
the Ener000e examinations here while
Kr. Molloy presided at Exeter.
Arnold M0n0artburleft for Thedford
where he hae reoeived 1118 appointment
01 accountant of the Sovereign Bank,
The W. A. M. A. of 81 Paul's 011010h
meet, every Thursday at present in
order to get the bale of clothing for the
mission Indian Home, at Priem Albert,
Rent away as 80013 rte poeeible.
Hannah Odd Fellows, to the number of
about 35, attended the District Lodge
held at Bruoefield. A very enjoyable
time was spent, and ileneall team was
highly complimented on its work.
Oat business men state that others as
well as they are benefitted by the street,
being watered and ootleequently it i0 n0•
fair that they ehonld have to bear the
brunt of paying for everything of this
The Eohardt Family were here and
gave some bend selectiouo on the street.
They attempted to give a oonoert in the
evening and only failed through look 01
audience, Their rubber stamped date
tutee had not a very prepossessing effect
c0 Retreat! people.
The oontreat for frescoing and rano.
voting Henson Methodist Ohurah has
been let and the workmen have oom
roomed the job, The lecture room w111
be completed first and eervicee will be
held there while the upper part 18 being
done, A reopening will bo held on the
last Sunday in July.
NW 00 41..
G. T. R. Agent Gray is asking the rail.
way authorities for extra bole at Atwood
Dr, A. 8. Lengrill returned from Niag.
era military camp on Monday evening of
last week.
0, H. McFarlane lett on a two months'
trip to Oketoke, N. W. T., where he will
visit hie sisters.
Elms Cheese Go. shipped 400 boxes of
June cheese to Moutreel. Hodson Bros.,
Limited, were the buyers,
The tr0008ee of the Pubbio 8uhool have
engaged D, A. Morris, of S4rathroy, as
Priuoipel at a salary of 8450 per annum.
Seven mile from the Atwood Publio
8aho•.1 wrote on the High Sohool Eu.
trance Lxame. at Listowel lest week,
They were : Annfe Erskine, Annie 0uth.
bertson, Mary Wilson, Allan Mblhauoen,
Albert Pontine, Albert Gordon and Mel.
vyn Fol rest.
The Engineer wee on the ground on
Wednesday of last week surveying the
mud for the Dement Co, and the work of
grading and building the tour miles of
railroad to the marl beds begins at once
order the pe0eonal 8opervieion of Ed. T.
Qtsensldee, Mr. Greonoide0 is a praotio.
al bueiosee man of many years' experieooe'
and he will see that a good job le done.
DEATH 014 M1to, Gino. H1LE0,-The
whole uommaoity mourns the death of
Moe. Geo. Hiles, which tad event took
place June 20th. She had been 111
elx weeks and not mob hope wee ever
entertained for her recovery, iter death
le a terrible effifotion to her lambent' end
six children, the eldest of which is about
11 years of age, Mre. Hilae was the
daughter of the late 0. J. hither. She
was born in Lima on the 14th don, in the
year 1870. She married Mr, Hilae about
12 grime up and provetj hetitolf an excel.
lent wife. All who know her epeak in
the highest t0rm0 of her loving, unselfish
nature. The funeral took plane on Time.
day and was very largely attended. The
deceased erne a 0t00i0te00 member'Of the
Baptist Church The btrrenvod 1lonband
and eorrOwhlg 01,41,17011 have the quo
peaty of all in their sore trial
A pretty wending took plane on Tues.
mooing rql 1 Of Moo yes E
y r g a week u nine a olook
in 51, James' ahuroh, when Jack Ryan,
of Walton, erne united in marriage to
Mies Etizebeth Diokeou,s popular young
lady of Sealortb. Rey. Father Corcoran
performed the ceremony. The bride
looked very stately drained in white
with bigot( pioture hat and carried pink
00808, Abu was supported by her motor,
M341e T08810 Di0110ou, who looked pretty
le a dress of white voile with black pia.
tare hat, and carried white cargatlens,
Jemee Ryan wee best man. Mneic was
rendered by the choir, Mrs, P. Mulcahy
singing a eelo in good voice end eaves.
eiou, The happy couple left oo the
e(teruoou train on a short wedding tour,
We join their many friends in wi8hing
them u smooth voyage down the stream
of lite,
Cie r',rr-iet.
Lewell Andrew le able to be about after
his recent severe Melees.
Mre. John Stratton. of Toronto, le
visiting her daughter, Moo, Abe Strong,
9th con.
51re. Wro. Mose and eon Roy, left on
Tneeday morning of lust week for Elm
Creek, Man., where her husband has a
good oituatioll.
Jae. Baetie, of the Oth son., had a very
auooeseful barn 001edos on Tuesday after.
noon of fart ween. Everything passed
off oa000sofnlly barring a tow minor
An Orange aermon will be presobed 10
10, Orange Hill Methodist thumb on
Sunday, July 10, at 2,50 p. m. to the
brethren of Is, 0, L. No. 675. The
pa pit will be 000Upi033 by Rev. 1, Mooney
of Clifford.
1, R. Torrance who hae been principal
of our public school for the past six
mouths has headed in hie resignation
and intends going into another breech of
business. He has been a very enooeasiul
teacher dnriug his short stay here and
we are sorry to see him leave, Ohne,
Lepperd, of Moleswortb, has been cum -
ed eo fill the vaoanoy with duties to
aomm0000 after the Sommer vacation,
We wish our new boohoo every 0000088,
F. E. Bern end W. W. Taman (pant a
face days in Toronto. While in the pity
Mr. Karn purabaeed an automobile,
Mist Ethel Farmer graduated with
honors se Loretto Abbey, Toronto. Sete
brie sinter returned to her home here.
P. U. Quinn, some years 0inee an
employee of the Kolooue Bank here, is
now starring as 00 aotor with an
American company.
John Taytur, Exeter North, who Dome
time ago had a horse stolen from his
farm in Hay township, rro0000033 the
genie through the efforts of Chief Gill,
Robt. Sanders, having parohased a
magnificent gramophone, gave a free
concert of an hoer and a half in the Ex•
eter Town Hall, to the obildren of the
Exeter Publio and High Sohool,
Early on Tuesday morcliu34 of last
week the death took plaoe of Mimi Anna
Hyndman, eater of the late Dr. John
Hyndman, at the age of 77 years. The
deaeaeed had been a resident of Exeter
for over forty years, during wbioh time
the bad resided at the home of her late
brother, on Huron street.
T191 11 SY I II
f)r, Anderson moved the -family t
Grand Bend to ()atop during the '3pm
trier, They were a000mpaeied by Mae
Elliot, of 111tehehl, wbe wilt remv,ll 00(41
,lira, Anderson, The do dor will o
course 110001d 10 hie business here.
refer Publio Bolded U BU Uul
Board bay.
ing (moored the oorvioet of W, T,
O'Brien, late prinoipal of the Alexan
dila Public) Bebop', as Commercial
Mester, will institute a Oominerotal De,
partment in oOnneetion with their High
Sohool mama. Shorthand, typewriting,
bookkeeping, oommorrial leer, banking,
penmanship, et0 , will be taught.
W. 11. Downey presided at the
Entratloeexamirlaelon it) Wroxeter,
B, S. Cook Se putting In a cement
pavement around 1110 02.30111 aide of his
General and sinners sympathy wi0 he ,
'en. with 1..,netabl0 liiobard Pha.leu, in
e 11e 11 . h i Ilia wile, after a luhg and
t pito', . t •,y,
Po i .,,stn L'oellewaite, white making
1'14 , w 1 on
the S9 pare sboat 2 a no.,
Monday el last week, heard a aorulohing
noise apparently a few yards away, and
following it 14p found n targe muekrat in
the doorway of Blsoketouo's reotaurant.
Ground 1198 beth broken for the ereo•
Olen of a Ladioa' Garment (notary on
Kingston street, in rear of Odd(eltowe'
Hall, and notwithstanding the diflioul.
flea attending building operations thin
see0ou, the protnoters, Snaith Brb8„ ex.
pool to have everything in re0dln000 be
lore the snow fiiea,
The (011owfug were el00Eed o(fioore in
00nne01100 with the Mneioal Soolety for
the enening year :--President, Sheriff
Reynolds ; vino president, R. S. Will.
hams ; trees , 0. A, Nairn ; sroretary,
W. H. itoberterio, manager et Baud, W.
0, Goode ; Exbolltive Cum•, Mayor
Lewin, Theo. U. Smith, R, Bleok, A.
Bounders, Jus, U. Molutoeh and N. B.
The ebo,lework of t110 new hotel is
llnished and the briokwork will be pro.
000ded with at onus,
T10 Metbodlete of this oironit gave a
reception to their new pastor, Rev. J.
Hume, on Wednesday everting at the
At a meeting of the Preebytoriau non•
gregation held some time ago it 1108
decided to fence and otherwise improve
their cemetery,
Mies Brook,tesoher of the Entrance
oleos 3n Wiogharn poblio school, pre.
aided at the Entrance examination bare
from Tuesday to Thursday last week.
There were 18 candidates writing, 7 being
from the village 80hoo1.
Geo. and Mrs. Johnston entertained
the choir of the Methodist nhuroit and a
few friends on Monday evening of last
week. Tea wee served on the lawn, after
which an enjoyable time was opent at
baseball and other games. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnston proved themselves good enter-
At the clone of the League on Friday
evening 44th sit., Mre. John MoKee
called Mrs. D. Bogen to file front, and
on behalf of the aharob and League, Olin
01. Williams read en address, expre0eive
of their appreciation of her 80rvi008 as,
organist, and in other ways daring the
past three years, emoompanied by the
presentation of a purse. Ou behalf of
the recipient Mr. Rogers expreeeed
thanks and stated that any service
rendered had been cheerfully done in
harmony with the custom of years, and
without the expectation -of fee or reward
but that said gift was truly appreciated
and gratefully reoeived. He 30100 re•
quested that they would extend their
sympathy and aid to his sn000eeor, Rev.
Mr. Rawer,
Civic Holiday Wednesday, Anti. 3.
Town grocers have deoided not to take
orders Saturday nights after 8 30 o'clock,
for delivery.
The Goderioh Toef Olob will hold
their Annual Meeting 00 their track
Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
Mre. J. T. and Mies' Gorrow, of Tor-
onto, have arrived in Goderioh and are
residing at the family dwelling on
Montreal street.
!*Mayor Lewis hae returned from his
Weetorn trip, much pleased with 1130
outing. Time did not permit of a visit
to British Columbia. Io hie travels to
the extreme of the wheat belt, Hie
Worship met many Huron and Brace
people, who, while satisfied with their
new homes, still sing praises of these
sections of Ontario.
x xxxxxxxdwt,cllh•. xxxxxxxxXX
rram i
Cllaiio ol Bllsilless
HAVING 'AVING purchased the Fur-
niture Business carried on
by JOHN WALKER we desire to
call the attention of the public to
the same and ask for a share of
public Patronage.
Night Calls for Undertaking
will be promptly attended to by
calling at the residence of George
Cardiff, or our boarding house,
MRS. A. HUNTER'S residence,
Thomas street.
C6Cmioco 0
L. G. Van Edmond hoe oommeneed to
repair the damage to hie reei,lnaoe
oaoRed by the rooant lire,
Alex, Winter left one six week,,' trip
to New Ontario and the Went 00 trevet•
ler for a wall paper Company.
Jaynes McNamara le at present soling
as Cbief of Police, Ilia predeoeeeor has•
ins taken a hurried departure.
Norman Campbell, for the past few
years tenor 3u the Bank of Oommeroe,
baa been promoted to the Toronto ofEce,
Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., L. L. B., the
new pastor of the Methodist (March,
occupied the pulpit of thio oburab 0n
1'sarly oloeiog on Wednesday afternoon
of eeoh week during July and August,
The agreement to olo,e was signed by
48 of the bosioese men.
Wm. 8uhtter hae perohased an interest
in the grocery business at Beattie Bros,
and the parp0000 going mere ex•
toneively into flour, teed and 0eed0.
Angus Kanuedy, of 'Kennedy Bros.,
butchers, who left about two months ago
fur Portage la Prairie, suffered a bad
aooident recently at that plaoe in having
hie hand oaoght in a 0008age maobine
and badly lacerated.
13,0herlee Constable, aged 12 years, ap.
peared before Police Magistrate Beattie,
one charge of having stolen a gold
watch from Josiah Tyerman. The lad
was found g0ilty, baton a000nnt of hie
age he was sent to jell at Goderioh to be
brought before the county Judge. The
Children's Aid Sooiety l8 interesting
itself in his behalf. His mese came up et
Arrangements have been completed by
the 800100th breach of the Bank of
Commerce for the 808011on of their new
bank betiding on the vacant lot on Main
street, just South of Broodfoot & Box's
furniture store. The new building will
ba a handsome and imposing two story
etruoture. It will be built of atone and
red brio* end will oast in the neighbor-
hood of 812,000. The interior will be
forniehed with all the np•to date banking
fixtures and the up•etaire will be need au
rooms for the offioe staff.
1C31y til.
The young people of Blyth DLethodiet
ohorob hold a pion3c at feeueeet011g park
Bev. J. Holmes is preaching a abort
aeries of sermons on the book and per•
eonality of Daniel.
John Moffat reoeived 81100 for his
roeidenoa and grounds from A. Darr, and
not 8800 a8 stated.
Blytb'e former base -ball pitaber, P. H.
Douglas, is now a member of the
Britannia olub of the Hamilton city
The Epworth League 131 the Blyth
Method,8t oh,lr0b will hold their annual
pion3c on July 22nd. N, B. Gerry has
offered his flue grounds for the 00000ioo.
The annual sermon t0 Ibe Orangemen,
of Blyth, and vioiuity will be preached
in Trinity oburoh on Sunday evening,
July 10111, by the rentor, Rev. J. Ed -
Blyth merohante commenced on Mon.
day evening of last week to oloee their
planes of bnsineee every evening et seven
o'alook,exoept Wednesday and Scoter•
day eveniuga.
Norman Moroh, of Clinton, has been
engaged to teach in U. S. S. No. 12,
Bgliett and Morrie. Hie duties will
00mme000 after the Sommer vacation
and the salary will be 8360 per enn0m.
Dr. Long and bride returned from
their wedding tour Monday afternoon of
last week and are now looated in the
beautiful home the doctor recently ptir-
ohaeed from N. H. Young.
Mre, Hinny' Metoelt died Thursday
evening. The funeral lett the re8idenoe
of her sou, Oona, Metoalf, on Monday
morning at 6 45 end preoeeded to the
Grand Trout station, Interment wee
made in Trinity church cemetery, Mit•
At a rooant meeting of the quarterly
board of the Blyth Methodist circuit, N.
H, Young, who hae been prominently
commuted with the Methodist ohuroh
here for years, tendered hie resignation
of the position of Recording Steward.
Great regret was expressed by the mem•
berg present at the necessity on Mr.
Young's part for this course, and the
following resolution wee un0nimogely
passed '—Moved by Jobe Wilford,
seconded by W. Skelton ; "That thin
board receive with deep regret the resig-
nation of N.• H, Young as, Recording
Steward of the Blyth alrouit lot the
Methodist churoh ; we enure Bro.
Young of the high esteem in which he is
bold by thio board and the membership
of the church throughout the oirouit, and
ern sorrow much at the proepoot of his
early removal from our midst and we
earnestly hope end pray that his lite may
belong epared to serve the Dense of
Christ in the oburoh whore hie lot in
10103(0 may be octet."
Wottbroobt pooto01oe was robbed of 800
or 870.
Mre. Tolmie, wife of John Tolmie, 01,
P. for West J3raoe, died et Braoobridge.
Mre, John Morrie had has oknll tract.
tired by being thrown 0401 of a baggy at
Til leonburg.
Edward Beanpre, the yenng giant of
Willow Bunch, Mee, died at the St.
Louie World's Fair,
The body of James E. 01. I]dwarder of
Hamilton, wag found in the power canal
• o at Sault 81. Marie.
'` cx A little boy nerved Willie Balzer died
in Ottawa as the result of 3njuriee rawly -
ed by being knocked down by a Ohm -Ming
our at South Indian,
Now -rte the Mi'linery sewn ie drawing to a close we are 0,01110400 to
rodeo our stook 10 the 101Veet possible point, We will Oarry nothing over
to another season if low prices wbll Meer them out. Ono wok ie all new
and up.te-dale in Trimmed and Tlntrimmod Hate, RsaSy.to•woars, Sailors,
Eto., aleo k anoy Trimmings, Feathers, F owere,Buckles, Ribbons, Chiffons,
Edo, From now till the end of the season we will make terrifio rodaerione
in prices to clear.
Oar Block ie fully 088orted for the bot weather. Moet of the following
geode were bought monthe ago before the advance in pr(oe0, and will he
sold at old prices .-
-Men's Balbriggan Underwear, in all alma, at 25e, 35o end 50o. --Ladies'
Fine Underwear, 3n verde and drawers, at 7o, So, 100, Ido end 208,—•
Ladiee' Fanny Hose, with lane fronts, in all sires, at 25o, --Ladies'
Gloves, in milk, taffeta and L'Isle thread, iso plain and lane efieoto, in
blank, white and cream, at 16o, 20o, 25o and 35o.—Ladies' Frenoh Kid
Gloves, in white, blaok and colors, at 76a, 86o, fit and 81 25,—Men's
Bleak Oaehmere Box, silk toes and heels, et 25o and 35o.—Men's Over.
aIle, 30 black, blue and fanny otripee, with or without bibs, very special
at 50o, 75o, 86o and 81.—Men's E's'say Straw Hate, sew and very swell,
at 50o and 75o.—Boyo' Baits, in all sires from 26 to 33, frbm $1.50 to
$5.—Men's Saite, in great variety, at $8 60, 84 60, 86, 88 and 810.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
Superior ilfaterial, Workmanship and Finish in all our, goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 'Vehicles yearly we have our Would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Olcl Reliables" in up-to-date Finiljl
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to eall as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices,
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph,"
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
Ne S.
,n. w'u,m•'a,0.'ed9d9; U,fe'p; lu't,'nm.
C a the n..
Are You Going
to do any Fencing-
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Railways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
LAd ea ,'lt'leiveia't,'t ass.l
what our stock is.
good rigs will do it.
We have added to one bolts end rivets from breaki Baggy Thie hem l been a season lonSpring
{ It want, prevent the
We have 4 styles of Axioe—Dust and 031 Proof, Long Distance, 1000
Miles, and the Noiseless Axles, also a few of the old stylee,
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own Baggies we handle a number of f1rst-elass
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2i and 8 inch tires Trucksand
Medium sizer
We invite v every intending pnrahasor to mill and Bay
floor us and save money,
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
We have kept the lead and intend to do so if
EWAN & Co.:, Brussels.