HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 4gibe :russet$ fast, THURSDAY, JULI' 7, 1904. Dott1Nlote Parliament etille drags along. For a euppoaed brief eeeaion it le aceum. fag e. tidy Tittle age, LAST week Hon. N. A.. Belated, Speaker of the Oommone, was proaeuted with a finely engrossed and illuminated ttddreae by Ottawa Liberate eongratulat• ing him on bis elevation to the Chair. The Hon. gentleman made a suitable reply. PETER McKenz]e, the Liberal .nominee in South Brace, will make a strong candidate. Be is well and favorably known aud has au intimate acquaintauoe with a good share of the riding. It will not be a svalk.over though by any mane it the present Conservative M. P. is hie opponent. Tac Tibetans are very slow to see the folly of opposing the British troops sent to Tibet to straighten out several important matters. If the people of that heretofore hermit land would arrange terms and open her doors to the world's commerce the advantages reaped by themselves would be the most aetonieh ing thing to them in their history. Tem Torootn Globe of last Saturday was a dandy. It was made up of 70 pages containing many splendidly writ. ten articles, The Globe is 60 years old but grows more vigorous ae it incense in age and wields an iofluenoe second to none in the Dominion of Canada. A mast effioieot staff flit the various depart. mente and its management is Al. Long may success attend the Toronto Globe. readers of %nether reporte will eau that a wave of iuoreueed warmth, attended by falling barometer and ether storm ecu. ditione will organize in the Weet and pass Eaetwardly scene the country on and Gouohiug the abo7e days, More tbrenteuing Summer olOuds with thunder, some rain and severe binder wit break ant along the paths of actual storm areae. This period is near the centre of the Mara dietarbanoe, and whatever peeuliarity thie partioular Mare period May oommueioate to the general oun• ditione will approach a maximum stage at this and following Ju y end Augnet storm periods. A brief partial respite front great warmth wtil probably sun. need the dieturunnnee of this periud, On and touching the 27th and 28th rentiocary storm oonditiune will return with more titer ordinary intensity. At this time the earth will be heating the opposition of Saturn—that is passing between the Sun and the great planet, Saturn, The moon will oleo be in opposition with earth or sun, or at in full, and the Mare period will be exactly central. Great warmth will in every probability reach a olimex on and next to these dates. There ie also a time when many seinen disturbances may naturally be expected—probably not dangerous or destruotive i0 any plane, bat quite gen. eral along the sensitive earthquake zone of elle globe. This period will also be within the brace of the Mercury dis• turbanoe, receiving the perturbing tome at this planet added to the other onuses tneubioned above. If by any means beavy and general rains shoo d have fallen at previous July periods—a result we candidly do not look for—the same may be eounted on at this period. If violent, tornadic storms bass bear common daring July up to this period—a thiug we do not foresee—in all reasonable probability they will react in added force about this time. Our decided opinion is that sustained Summer heat, with a minimum of etorm and rain followed by seismic) pheuomena, will obarac'erize this closing period in July. Corner Stone Laying at Monkton. Maze and various are the anomie sent through the mail bags but it falls to the lot of the Panda, New Jersey, post- master to tell one of the moat manual receipts at hie office the other day viz that of a live oat, baying come from Pbiladelpbia. Pusey wee not in the beet of trim on arrival but a dish of bread and milk restored the former vigor and Passaic pontofltce mice will require to be on the alert or this Philadelphia meager will get them if they don't wean out. FOROASTS FOR JULY. The Mars Ttatarbance Is a Pnzz'er to Pres. Ricks. Rev. Ira R. Hioke, the St Louie weather prognosticator, hoe ieened hie bulletin of forecasts for the present month, from whioh the following extracts are taken :-- This mouth begins in the last stage of a storm period entree on June 26th. Storme and pertubatiooa of this period will be well ou their way toward the Atlantic by the 1st and and, with fair and cooler weether following from the West. A reactionary etorm period ie central from the 4th to the 6th. As the moon is on the celestial equator to the 4.13, we may reasonably oaloa:ate oh a deoided rise in temperature, ending is thunder and rain etorme during these reactionary days. George Inner, of Halifax, wee drown. ed by telling unt of a dull. Tbe Government have leaned a prop. lameticu freeing Dawson Oharlie, of Cariboo, Ynkon Territory, from the reetriotinne and disabilities to witted ono treaty Indiana aro eubject, The pretty village of Monkton was the centre of a large oouaouree of visitors Monday afternoon of last week when the cornerstones of the new Methodiet nhnroh were laid. This edifice will be one of the priuoipal arahiteotoral adorn• meats of the village. The Methodist congregation of Moncton dates back to the year 1857 when occasional meetings began to be held by Rev. Meters. Dyer aud Sealy, from htitahell. Boma three or four years later a resident minister was looatect in lfoukton in the person of the Rev. Mr. Piech. In 1887 the present frame church was built alongside of which is the site for the new church. Tice size of the new ohnroh is to be 36 ft. 8 ins. by 64 ft. 6 ins., with basement auderueuthfor Sunday School aud other parpoeae and with handeome ball tower rieiug on Northwest earner. The found- ation ie laid with hollow cement blocks having rook face, and the euperetru0tnre will be of red briak. Tbe toot is to be of elate. The active and popular pastor is Rev. H. E. Currie who baa now been two years in charge of the pastorate and with his wining won a warm place in the hearts of the community and 0ougrege• Mon. The cornerstone laying was a goad• ramie event, Three of the stones were in the tower and the fourth in the other front corner. The ohiet part of the (ler. emooy was oonduoted by Rev. R. Hobb+, of Stratbroy, President of the London Conference, associated with whom were Rev. Dr. Langford, of Stratford, Chair. man of the Stretford district, and Rove. Pinball, of Atwood, H. Barnby, B. D., Milverton, A. 0, 'riffle, of Trowbridge, J. E. Hunter, of Victoria College, and the pastor, H. E. Currie, The first or chief eioue was laid by Mee. Wm. Horn, tr., of Elms; the eonond one to commemorate the building oom• mittee, by Mrs. Wm. J. Thompeon, of Logan ; the third, the Sunday Sohooi, by Ieaao Hord, of Mitchell ; the fourth for the Epworth League, by John Sanders, of Monkton. Haodeome donation were made toward the new banding fend by those who had tbe houor of Irving the corner stones ; in all some 2700 was realized in this way and by loons colleo tion from tbe people in attendance upon the event. In all 25,200 is in hand or eabecribed toward, the new ohnroh whinh 10 is estimated will cost about $7,000. The old nhnroh will bring $500 to be applied toward the new one. Doubt- less by the time the oburob to completed and 000npied the whole ooet will be provided for. Ib the respective stones were deposited boxes ao0laining lista of officials, church and secular papere, and a few opine. There was also placed in one of the etonee a memorial to the late Joseph Near, who died Feb. 26 last in his 77th year. Hs was a Man leader in the church since its formatiou and before hie death had untanned 2100 toward the new edifice. Part of the memorial consisted of editable verses by Thos. E. Hammond, of Edna. The OOntraut0re for the oburoh are Mr, Fritz, Listowel for the brink and mason work ; Horn & Calder, Listowel, for the oarpen0er work ; Robert Smith, itionktoo, galvanized iron work and windows. Beginning at 5 p. m. a handsome tea was served by the ladies of the oongrego• Mon in Thee. Dodd'e orchard near by, where a large number of people gathered to enjoy the boanbiee liberally provided. In the course of the eyeing an excellent program was rendered in the orchard, with the genial Inn Hord as chairtnan, A Mara egoi000tial period is central almost the entire month of July, being oentral on the 28th and rnuniug into Aagnat. Tbe Mare dietorbanae tends greatly to prolong the kind of weather prevailing at its beginning. This being the case, we may know, with a degree of oertainby, the general character and tendency through July and August, by the oharaater of the weather prevailing daring the two first storms in July. It the teudeooy is to excessive heat and light rains from the 4th to the 6th, and from the 9th to the 14011, it will be safe to count on a predominance of snob weather nearly or qnite up to September, We fear there are good reasons to expect nob results. Upon the other hand, should cooler weather and general mine and storms be the rule of these periods, mach of the same kind of weather will char- acterize all the storm periode for the followingsix to eight weeks, About the 11011 to the 14th, the central dates of the second July storm period, no one should be etlrprieed by a wave of excessive warm weather, onlminating in many threatening storms and violent dangerous bluetering. Borne local aloud. burets are probable here and there, but we do not believe that suffioient mine will non ab this time, over wide ex. tremae of tbe grain producing regions. Heavy bail storms, especially to the West and. North, will moat likely attend these diatarbanoes, in which event tem• porary change to mnoh cooler may naturally be expeoted. The 12•h, 18th and 14th are the days on which the culminating oriels of this period is to be looked for. Change to higher barometer, Westerly winds and 000ler would be the normal order, progressively behind, or West of the oentree of storm areas. On and tanning the 17th, 18th and 19th the temperetare will greatly in. aranse moving like n -wave from West to East, Barometric unsteadiness and final fall to low reading will a000mpeey the warmth, and many threatening storm olonde with thunder and bluster will take op their march Eaetwardly sorties the country. Heavy looal con. oentrabioue of rain and bail will tousle scattered localities, but we fear that there will be tieriong look of general diffused rains. We eandidiy contras that we minuet foresee a0 yet the turn the weather and statins will take, in con. eminence of the Mare dieturbenoee named above' but this question will be fairly settled by the oharaeter of the phenomena the first half of Jody. Thie reactionary period will partake largely of the same remelts attending the two previous periode. A regular Vulcan storm period oovere the 21st to the 24th, having rte entre on Morris Council JVteeting. The Court of Revision met anoording tq ndjonrument in the (leutteil Ronin 011 June 27th, Membere alt present, '1 Ito followiug entries were made on the Aa- seesment Roll :—Geo. ft enema mitered tenaet S E 27, Oen. 7 1 Geo. Boat, 011 tered must NI 24, Ouu. 6 ; P. donna entered owuer 13 k 27, ode. 5 ; Kaoline! Fella 16, F. B 87, we 1 ; Leonard Brown M. F. Na 58, on. 1 I Wesley Oomelt M. F. Ni 11, non. 2 ; Robe. Oar tiok tenuet p1 NI 1, aou. 6; Frank Wheeler tenet 28 tt; 89, Beldam.; Jane Parker owner N. W. pt 11, eon. 6 1 Wm. Emigh owner tut 1, Walton in plana of Wm. Blashill. Moved by Shaw, emend. ed by Jackson that the Oonrt of Revision be uow olosed and that the Aaeecameut Roll as now revised end oorreoted be confirmed and eetabliehed ae the Assess - meat Roll for the Township of Morrie for the ailment year. Carried, Moved by Shaw,seoonded by Jaok.on that after hearing OOnooillor Taylor's report re mina dition rf sideroad between Lote 25 and 26, On. 4, this Coaaofl put on the necessary outverts and be at half the expense of drain on said road. Carried. Moved by Taylor, mended by Slow: that $50 00 be expended in gravelling opposite tots 3 end 4 ou 8th mon. Oarried. Moved by Jaokeon, seconded by Taylor that $20 be expended in repairing sideline bottveen Lote 10 and 11, Con. 6. Oatried. Moved by Taylor, eeoouded by Oode that the Reeve be ioetrnoted to have the road opposite Lot 5, Oon. 2, East of the bridge, put in a passable state of repair. Oar- ried. On motion of Code and Jackson the following accounts were ordered to be paid :—Doff & Stewart, repairing bridges, $89 83 ; Western Foundry 00., grind- ing grader knives, 62 50 ; Wm. Flndlater, lumber for culvert, 28 60 ; Wm. Salter, gravel, 23 81 ; A. Hughes, grovel 21.05 ; Atex. Hawn, gravel $1.75 ; Geo. W. Proctor, repairing bridge 210 00 ; Geo. W. Prootor, gravel 86 80 ; Geo. Taylor, gravel 2125 ; Adam Sholdioe, gravel 24 88 ; Tboe, MoOall, repairing culvert 23 00 ; Dr. Toole, professional foe 500 ; Milton Watson, gravel and damage, 68.17 ; Brussels Herald, advertising 50e ; R. B. A+000k, tile ditch $4 00 ; James Marshell, 0urveying and aeeletan0B $13.00 ; Chao. Wilkinson, gravel $5 22 ; W. H. Knox, gravel 65 15 ; Jae. Ntoholean, covering oulvert $200; Robert Young, work on grader 22 00 ; Alex. Cloekey, gravel ture Ragieiar Mp World Book$4 377 ;JohnD beWiden, equalizing Union School Section $12.00 1 Obae. Pollard, gravel 25 88 ; Dr. Moen, services re smallpox outbreak 655 00 ; Edward Irvine, serviced re email pox outbreak 635 50, John Watson, postage and stationery $6 00 On motion of Shaw end Jackson the Connell then adjourned to meet again on the let of August next. The body of an infant tied up in a Bank with a stone attached was found is a marsh at Hamittoo, Wm. O'Connor, of Pert Hope, a G. T. R. brakemen, fen frim his train, was ran over and flied of the injuries, E. E. English, of Hamilton, led bio jawbone'nattred by a lire extiugoieher exploding while he was giving an exhibi• tion near Brandon, Thieves broke open the corner atone of the new Ridley College at St. Oathar;uee and stole 2885 in bank biller. The belle had been oauoelled before being planed in the stone. William Swartz, proprietor of the Oommeroiel floral, Enhbro, was shot in the leg while meting away to escape arrest. Re •threatens action against County Oonetable William Tiledale, R. 112. Clraham, Principal of the Sfmcoe greet Normal Training School at London dominated I niaide by throwing himself under a train at St. Mary's Jonotion the 22nd. The most ordeal observer actf while temporarily insane, SV. OLAatt, Oieeil. Sr`l i.[itl kOli L' merle afterwards by different guaeto. The grootu'e gift to the bride wee a haudn ent) white olefin pereline ; to the bridtoamtid aud organist, a buoitle of penrli', trod to the flower girl, to terqu0lee ruts, 11er tannic gift wee it Morrie piano. Mr. and Mrs, Widell left on the four u'oiuolt train for a trip up the lakes after watch they will node on Irwin street, Berlin, 'Nati rel, SCn0o1, naeonT—Exatni.ted in Arith. motto, Jr, IV—Pearl Bremuer 80 ; Flo. fence Imlay 74; Edith Moline 66; ileatrioe Bateman 60 ; Katie McLeod 55 ; Lizzie Cooper 48 ; Elsie Dunbar 42 ; Gurdon McKee 40 ; Winifred Barr 36 ; Jemee McCallum 32 ; Samuel Motetoeh 19. Jr, III—Roy Eukmfer 88 ; Ruseeil Love 88 ; Lavine McLeod 78 1 Aouia Cooper 78 ; Rose Fraser 55 ; Laidlaw Straohan 50 ; Colonel Davidson 50 ; Oharloe Haueuld 48; Eiwin Thompeon 48 ; Roy Gill 48 ; Celestine Lane 40 1 Joaepb Peareau 88 ; lreue Heath 85; Edwin Hemeworth 80. Average a000nd• snow fur June 81 ; average attoodonae for half year 55. A, E. Bittern, Prinoipal. Junior Deparbment, examined in Read- ing, Spelling and Arithmetic—Sr, If— James Bremner, Moreno McCallum, Allioe Barr, Vera Molall, Joe Cooper, Pearl McKee, Fleda Freetnan, Lizzie McIntosh, Alvis nether, Luella Fleury, Jr. II — Robert 'Totnpeen, Wilfrid Eokmier, Berman Fugal,' Willie Thiel,. Pt. II—Stanley Strand], Pearl Gill, Clifford Dunbar, Cecil Eokmier, Spence Hemsworth, Verde Pol,ard, Elwin Dobe ,n, Edmund McLeod, Rose Coates, Wesley Yea, Charlie Davidson. Sr. Pe. I—Olive Cooper, Nubte MoKee, Roby Gill, Grace Eokmier, Edith Heath, Norman Addy, Pearl Bateman. Jr. Pt. I—Wilfred Thompson, Fred Hotlenbeok, Annie Ward, Russell Eultmier, George Cole, Reggie Hemsworth, Edith Fergu. son, Roy Dunbar, Lydia Tbibideau, Harold Tyumen, Harold Love, Ftoeey Seeders, George Pollard, Willie Cole. Average attendance for half. year 30: average attaudanoe Ins June, 30, LAu3A E. NIorions, Teacher, LtSIT 0-wv The street grader lase been employed on the town Weed. The Kindergarten, which was npeued last Fan in the Listowel Pablio Sobool, has made good prograee. Malvin Hay, of the Winnipeg branch of the Imperial Bank, is apendiug hie holidays with his parents in town. Dr. E. H. Kidd, of Alpena, Mioh., was in town, having come over to attend the funeral of hie enols, the late Richard T. Kidd. The ladies of Obeid Ohnroh intend serving n hot dinner on the 12th of July, and there will also be refreshment booths on the ohnroh grounds. A. 3. Oundiok, who left here a short time ago to take a poei0ioo in the Sov ereign Bank at Toronto, has been Manta ferred to the bead office at Montreal, The Entrenoe examinations were in progress at the High School last week. 95 aaudidatee wrote in Listowel, and 43 at Milverton, au unusually large number, Clarence Earl Kidd, eon of G. 8. Kidd, of the Arlington, has just finished his schooling at Trinity College School, Port Hope, and will take a position in the head ekes of the Imperial Bank, reran to. The Standard nye :—A special meet- ing of the Town Ooouoil was held in oonneotlon with the water•worke Don• trade. A resolution wart passed to notify heater Broe,, 000tractore for the boilers and water tower, that ening their work was proceeded with immediately the contract would be enamelled. This step appears to have had the desired eff:ot, as the firm baa bed a gang of mea here planing the boilers in position at the pumping station, and the erection of the water tower is now being commenced. From preeeltt appeerauoee the water- works will not be completed for two or urea months yet. ,Yutr 7, 1884 gradients melting Parte green, 'I he woman teat oomouittoci to shoed her trial at next oonrt of competent jnrledbOtion. Meanwhile the 04 ant on 2600 hail. STOCK FOR SERVICE (?OAll FOR .SERVI0E,-Tj1E R 3 tind'oralgned will keep for eervloe, on Lot 9, Coo. 16, l4rey, a there' bred Yo,koltlre boar, Terms, 75e, to be paid et time of ger• entry. with 1+rtvtlage JOHN S 1�1I11l, uooua• 47.0 Proprietor. Clitttcret. Ernest Rnmball, au employee of Mo. Keuzie's factory, wee scalded iu the face while cleaning the boiler. Rev. 0. It. Dunne and John Raueford were elected by the Synod of Huron members of the Executive committee. 'rhe looal Bat,ks have for acme time been keeping their doors open for Ind. nese Saturday afternoons, but they now announce that they will in future alae° et 1 p. m. eharp o0 that day, the year round, Rev. J. 0. Dunlop preached his fore. well sermon and his plumorate of the Clinton and Bale Line Baptiet oborohes is at an end. He has been here three and a half years and hoe won the esteem of o0r citizens regardless of deuomina• tional linea. A young man named John Gibson, who had been a resident of Clinton for a ooupie of menthe, stole a watch from the till of the Mason Hoose and loft by the afternoan train for London. The time piece ens soon whaled and it was found that Gibson had sold it to a cibizen for three dollars. The, polios at London were notified and he was nabbed ae he left the train. ()unstable Welch went to London next morning and brought him back. On Saturday he appeared before Mayor Hoover and pleading guilty wag allowed to go on suspended sentence. Gibson is a member of a reepeotable family in the Niagara dietriot, bet has apparently chosen the wide road that doesn't lead to future enjoyment. Hie father, who was telephoned for, came up oe Friday, paid all the expend In um - 080110n with the ease aud took his erring eon away, A most pleaeing and well carried ont church wedding took plane at 1 O'olook no Wednesday of last week in the Oon- gregational church, the entreating partise being Dr. Albert Reddell, of Berlin, to Janie Mildred, youngest dao,thter of Postmaster Hay. The church was attractively and handsomely decorated, the pulpit and platform being bidden with palma and daieiee, the bridal party standing under a wedding bell of White ll. were and the nest nets decor- ated with derides, The ceremony was performed by Rev, J, S. Hardie, of Knox churob, aeeieted by Mr. Pierce, of the Oongrecational numb. Mies Ruby Hay wag brideemaid and wore a gown of white flecked voile over green taffeta with lana trimmings and carried pink roma and orchids and wore a wreath of daisies with a Ozeolite veil of white Lille. Tue attire of the beautiful young bride well became her stately oarringe ae she came up the aisle leaning on her father's arm, She wore a gown of white silk Voile over white reflate with trimmings of real lane, while the wedding veil was daintily Wield up with orange blossoms. White roses formed the bride's betted. Little Bertha Yates made a very sweet flower girl, Miee Miuuie Bedell, of Heepeler, one Of the bridegroom, presided at the organ, The groom was assisted by Dr. Graham Jaokoou, of Berlin, G. M. Yates, while the register was being signed Bang in a good voice "The Vain that breathed o'er Eden." The notch wag filled with goads and epeetatore. The Inch were 'carved at the borne residence Ott Wallace errant, end with Mayor Hay in Charge oongratnlatory epetohee were BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE nuderoigued will keep for service on 7,1028, 4011 Line, Morris, the utero' bred Durham Bull, "Jerry" bred ifrom A. ilia- lope Lt prize bull and a thoro'-brad cow. Terms 51.25, with privilege of rotartdug if neoeesary. 1ROST, OURklE, 40.4 Proprlet0r. BULL FOR SERVICE.— THE Uuderetgned will keep for earviee a Moro' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad.. joluin Braseele. Terme, 81 00 with privl. lege of returning if necessary. CEO, 1001311, Proprietor, IMPORTANT NOTICES THORO'–BRED YORKSHIRE e Sows, 4 months old, for sale, Will be sold reasonable to qulok buyers, JAMES SRU1tl110',Ataple Grove Farm, Lot25, 4th Line, mortis, lilne0010 P. D.t 48 0. O. V. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. L'., Brussels meets In their Lodge Room, Blae- hill Bloalr on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each mouth. at,8 o'clock, Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS, BURGESS, 0,10. WALTER BAIITH, R. S. (THORU' • BRED YORKSHIRE Jl Sow non SALn. — Tbo undersigned offers for Bele one 0 koro' -brad Yorkshire Bow, St years old, in inng to hie thorte.bred Yorkehlre bog. For prion apply to R. B. NICHOLSON, (Bothnia Lime Works), Mor- ris, Belgraye P, 0. 05.tf WANTnnBEEDNTA.— VE SPm abbe ECIAecmtty L RandEP— TIttd- tioriee Be an old iteetablla/ edpleseut businessnd h0nee sof vend tleanalal standing. Salary 521 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by cheek drroot from beadqunrters. Horse and baggy furnished wbeu necessary; 008i - tion perwanet,t. Address Blew Bros. & Co., Room 010 Moaou Bldg., Chtoago, 111. NOW FOR FINEST JERSEY Cn0AOO.-1tev A. Andrews, of Walton, expects to move to Burlington on Wednes- day, 29th inst., and offers his Jersey cow, rising 9 years, and a yearling heifer for gale. Both are flee specimens of this splendid breed, and pedigreed, being registered in the American Jersey 11 erd Book, Primo for the cow 345 and for the heifer 585, Oaeh or 0 months credit at 0 per cent. Enquiries may be made of G.A. Deadman, Mineola, who has the anima18 i0 charge and will show them, or of the Editor of 'lane Poem. NOTICE 1 We, the undersigned, agree to raise the price of horse-ebosiug to 1540. for setting and 80o. for new shoes, owing to the advance in the price of material, etc. This goes into force on Monday. June 15111, 1901. Signed by EwAN & 00., Gro. W. PoLLAnu, P. 000TT, HRMP$RIEe & SUN, S. T, ?Lim, EL11doLAVOanin, Twos, POLLoax, ciao. E000000, J um; Focea0BT, JOHN EOEMIRR. 07isissede rd. E. P. Paulin, formerly of W Ingham, fa erecting a residence at Dashwood, The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church has decided to forniah mealoIn the basement of the church on the 120b of July. Rev. Wm. Lowe was in attendsnoo at the Synod in London aud was again elected to the Exeoulive Oommittee of the Diooeee, Broad, youngest enc of Jno, and Mrs. Oonery, formerly of Winghem, i0 in Guelph hospital with scarlet fever. Re. covert ie boped for. W. H. Green is still confined to his hoose by the injuries received from the fall through an open cellar way rep.,rted three weeks ago. At the Batman examinations last week in Wiugham 46 aandidatee were writing with Mr, Hartley, of Wroxeter, and Miss Hamilton, of Blyth, in charge, The lady members of the Tennis Club in towu will hold a Tennis tournament 0o Friday, July 8th, commencing at 10 a, m. C. Kneohtel is giving a handsome snit case to the whiner, At the Lietowel races, Derkey, owned by J. Scants, of Wiugham, dielingniahed herself by winning the free for all taking the three heats. Derkey lowered the record by 3?; anomie. The time wee - 2.17 ; 212 ; 2.164 The 2nd of August la the date appoint ed for the annual Sabbath School Exonr. eiou to Kincardine, and a opeoial train h20 bean secured to leave Mitchell early in the morning. A0 before, the date will probab.y oleo be that of Wingham's Olein. holiday. R. and Mrs. Molndon expect to leave Wioghum within 0 few weeks, and make their home in California. They had purposed remaining here until the middle of,Augnet, but Mr. Molndoo has accepted a good situation, and it ie necessary that he report for duty as anon as poeeible. Mr. and Mot. MOlndoo have been identiti• ed with Wiugltam for many yeare, and are strongly attached to the old town and and Its people, but the climate of Calf. Ionia bite its atbraoti0ne. M. P. Davin, the well known contract. or, was nearly asphyxiated at Etohemin, Quebec. T. H. Ran, of Mitaheti, will return shortly from St. Louis, owing to hie wtte'e eonditiou, Abe Davidson's pear, Tim Alert, of Mitohell, took 4.11 money in the 2 50 eine at Stratford races. Mre, G. A. Barclay, eldest daughter of Judge Cornwall, Ashcroft, B. 0„ died Friday from the bite et a rattlesnake, The nee against Jennie Wilson, who is charged with planing Paris green on Ontario street, Mitchell, where a neigh• bor wooin the habit of ending granfor his bores and cow, was oontibned on Fri• day. De. Armatrang sail he Ind analyz. ad the gruff brought to him and found it to netatn dopper and arge0ia said in. Prize Wincing Short Horns for Sale. Eight young Bulls from Imported and home bred cows got bylmported Sire. Also Cowie and Heifers of different agoe. A few pure bred Berkehire Pigs, 10 weeks olrl, for sale, Have a quantity of Seed Peas, the Early June variety, to dispose of. It is a ene019m sized white pea and were grown from seed from near North Bay end yielded over 87 beatable to the aore, free of bugs. Will also sell a good aged working and driving horse, 50.01 D, MILNE & SON, Ethel. Is there Anything Wrong with Your ajP441P-1 .U' so the undersigned is ready, on short notice, to put It right. Cleaning, Oiling, Repairing, Mend- ing Punctures, Replacing Spokes,.Hubs, Rims and Tires included, Reasonable charges and good work. • SOME 2ND HAND WHEELS FOR SALE. Give me ca call any evening' from 7 to 9,80. TERMS CASH, Salter. OVER I. C. RICHARDS' STORE. REAL ESTATE. ,'ARM FOR SALE.—BEING 150 item, Lot 85 and Boutin HRH Lot 80, Oon, 5, Mona. 140 Rotes Wormed, balance hardwood bush. Large bank barn w104 straw shed; stabling Roder alt. Large brlolr cottage ; plenty of teeter, wall fancied and dltebed, Poeeeseion eau be given any time. Priors 58500, For further particulars apply to JOHN 3, CORRY, Britton, Ont. 47 t1 80}1ESEIHRS1 4:60.2-° EXCURSIONS Winnipeg. $30.10 ' Regina 833 75 Mowbray } Deloraine Souris Brandon Lyleton Lenore Mlhiota 3200 Elgin Wawanesa Binoeerth 1 32.25 Molsuuin f Aroota 32 50 3150 Yorkton Eetevan 1 33.00 f Moose Jaw Eawseck 34 00 Swan River Saskatoon 3145 Prince Albert 30.00 Afableo0 38 00 Calgary 38 50 Red Deer 39 50 Strsthcona 4030 Going June 1401), 28th and July 19th, Roturuing until At g.10 51,29th and Sept, 20111, respectively. TIokets are not good on "Imperial Limit- ed" Pamphlets and full particulate from any Caeadlan Paol0o Agent, or A. H. NOTMAN, Toronto. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal al Pail Steamers GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— Tbe nndereigued offers for sale her excellent farm, located ou Con. 10, Grey towuahip,and containing 153 narme. There tea comfortable Oracle cottage, bank barn, good driving shed, orchard, 40., ou the premiees. well teifa o asowwoiteeeby hriver Malt laud and au invaluable Spring. Convenient to market, school and (Moraines. For price, terms and other particulars amply on the DER, Proprietreor if ss, Oraubroo 00.0,etter to MRS. T 8011 From Montreal From Qaeieo Ionian July 8, 9 a.m. July 8, 9 p,te Bavarian July 35 8 an. July 15, 8 p ni Parleiau July 22, 9 ally 22, 8 ' Tunisian July 29, 3 " July 29, 8 " RATIte os. PASSAGE Firstnabfn—$79 and upwards, according to steamer, Seaocd cabin—Liverpool & Londoudorry 9Bavarian, Tunisian and Ionian, $40 and 42.00 ; Parleiau 587 50, London 32,00 extra, 1'bird-oMoeo—Superloraceommodatiea, 315 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and London. Thronkb 0102000 to South Afrfoa. Dinned. 1n Clneow Direct Corinthian Red. July 20 (Daylight) New ]aril to Glnesgow Mongolian Thursday, July 14, 11 a.m Law rates by above Glasgow steamers ou appiieatfon to W. e, RI3RR, Agent, Brunele, T.'ARMS FOR SALE. — 350 acres drat -class laud i0 the Township of Grey—Lot 13 Con. 14, 100 aurae ; Lot 17, Oon. 14,100 acres ; and W# tot 18, Con. 14, 50 aures -250 acres. A11 in excellent condi- tion with Scot.:demi butldinga ; brink house with all modern eouventen0ee, and large .6kroot d straw house stables, o. Well watera F 35 to 40 acres o1 good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Con. 18, con- taining 100 acres of fleet -algae laud, good frame house aunt large bank barn nearly new, The property oan be sold In two or three parcels to suit purchasers. Terme liberal, Also a commodious rtwelliug house and lot In Brunets, For fernier partiou- lam Ito oowner ECLAUGHLN MNMi, or to JNO. premises, Brussels. 01-t1 STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given ranch to puffing up our business in the public print v70 desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1903, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their waste. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blackemithing, with a specialty made of Horee-shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see 118. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussele. V^V AU-ONpS� �y �y yy IEEyLBAARR1O `dV S GO CARTS ROCKING- HOR OCKIIGHRSES TOY CARTS DOLLS CARRIAGES BASE BALLS RUBBER BALLS i. POST 4 t TORE Stook of Wire Wheels for Wagons to supply Oaabomere on hand, New Canadian and. American Wala,4 A. r- rg E have a full stock of this Season's production in Wall Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs. and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades, but in those as low as 5 CENTS PER ROLL BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Flora's, prodnoing charming effeote at Low Cost. PARLORS —Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Bine, Greene, &o , In delioate Shades, HALLS, DINING ROOMS, &c.—Fine, effective Deaiges, in Magnificent Colors, giving Warmth, Riohneee and Beauty to an Apartment, AND PRICES 1 We can only eay we are offering this men Bettor Paper, Deeigne and Colorings than ever offered, Don't wait until Our stook is broken. Matte your (selection now. If yon have any rooms not recently papered, net ball and let us tell you how little it coats 00 make home bright, attraativo aud happy, Xu Smalels Bloeli, two doors North of Postofdco. Fred. cOracken Painter and Paper Hanger.