HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 3s--------- -.. - ....._ Neh".4W1OlONNE.4.*I.C.MiKfieli:.4%.1,0se 1sS islistS "It helps MI local 9) t a *"•• PoStages," ohe added. ilut at lust, ss relentteg a little, she said she would send her antmer -Sumo day by tides phone. "You will telephone to -g1,' I aSked, alf only to say you have ar- rived enfe1y9" "I will get father -to 1 ell you of out. HMS arrival," She replied, with merry laugh. Alter Crace and her father left I Introduction by Reber!, Aneerson, ,. Telegraph Inepector to •Lbe itio Man- .`sree7rivjeSirt;IY'Atuened,73)Suh01 tvislt,i,tki, , 010 District :-- promise that she would. wild. "just To Sender perfectly clear that one wortl" herself Athen they arrived tthich shall follow i must Mete that back. UM Maned() %x tilLitnted some nve Impatient of the two hours' dc-lity thouSand feet above the eenslovel on whieh the Journey took, I wandered tho coast side Of Brasil, and thnt IL mewl 03331 chntted with my driver -- is Wilt on a tributary el the Rio the only men I had cm shift, witli Rosso. Ito chief industry is min- me ---who wat; a half Portmolese, and Ing. . incl once been an engineer on an Eight ;sears ago indications point- seism isnisli, ed to the fact that the richest ore "Do you know where Master llydo terundoe the bed of the river, and is now?" he asked, presently, that, could the water be diverted, "Yes; in 1.110," I euld, Rio Manerio would rapidly deveSop '"Pbert he is deed," said Antonio, Into a presperono town. An extreme- solemnly crossinshluself. "For this 1,•V cloves engineer of the name of afternoon I saw hls ghost standing it clamed in mai, alt lough the , add 3 tablespoons geinij„„; br.. carefally wiped off before. it le I hen Wh**11 IMMICal 1.1,ff/rim; come army in a ruilwan ear, John Hyde Was engaged from nig- at his favorite point on the dam- emounta remained the same aonetant fia‘t.!‘li has been tanking an hoer in eate t ;n. As hes often been ;este& they are not likely 1,3 lie on Western 1,1no-Yang is a square -built, drab - land. and he reported favorably up00 path, 'and when I approached he VIM- fignra 1- tiT i a cup tepid water, the idea, islissi awns,. May the 81111118 keep us Five, ten, ten -five, len-ten-ten, • stie smooth, and when it be ;once is an Ise, • 1.11)) 1)1)11(1131 invisible mould clinging lisits, but t3 revival of exteit•nt Ens- tinted Chinese city that has sprawl, . . gins to Ito it Can be a cause of diplitiviria. 11110 111,1itellonS. 0110 of 3113133) 114 ed ineontinently over lin 11111d Welkl• Mr, 1-Iyfle'S [AMMO 1)310 to throw a .from harm." five, ten, five -live, IWO, Cvee . fiv set, stir in ono pint whipped. cream. t le S i ates-f . envie, I. 'l'his Wa11 int° Suburbs nod subsidiary burnt dam acroSs the river some four miles "You were dreaming, man," I an- Was I going mad or had settle evil DID YOB EVER ? — ori missolltIn of uolilee, ettelosias- lets. To its south and west is the above tho town oild so divert (118 steered. "Ilyde is doubtless alive- Spirit entered the instrument on the ' I.:.usts,_ 1.0.,1.0,,...„7".0 °Ad 6,et::''.e with 2 0 1 wries arouno 3 4., • • ties and the !Schee Moscow niers railway stetion. Tho officials lodge • course into another rocky valley. a.though possthly drunk -thousands esnitchboard 9 It Was coming again ti "'c'S'O'rea",;',0',1.- Did you ever try canning pie plant m.n. thid (Stoats. Its isst net of power was ing 10 we,ginn, in huts:, in the cots 130i1 separately notes; With cold wteV 9- 3f 4 4 yt inospecting proved ant rich oro ex- of -miles from here." Short, long, longs -short, long -long ' si 3n I.3o, Mien it railed the Empress (ages of the railroad adminietration • tended to within a mile of the pro- Antonio, however, crossed. himself -long-long, short, 3 ans., .sb °et_ ; toes and cabbage. Mash the former i it worth your while. J ust - we, . 1 Attie to the throne. Later Anne - are the officers of the staff, aidee, • , and squeese the latter dry in a clean land peel the Stalks, then cut imo , posed dain, tvhich Was tO be built . again and muttered an Ave or two, short, short, short, short. ' suspended" it and it has remained the Ilea& -of military departments... between the sides of a narrow Val- I -and then, ono of tho turbines be. I almost hutghed, for, by some etc.. and to 1 qt. of the mixture add 1..S the fruit. Cover with cold water susTENDED To Tms DAY. Four years ago this was mediaeval • eiotb, then chop fine; inix thoroughly Inch pieces and Pil yoar Cana with ley about eight hundred feett above,ginning to race, he supplemented it telt limning, my "earth" was allotting victot • over the invadin Cayenne , teasprione stalt, 1 saltspoon white i and make each .can airtight. When out h Morse 0 ufe the wora "Watch ' , and dot with J. tablespoon you wish to use it mixt winter or Then the signals changed and the .i-'°I)Peri mesgage ,,,,,ad : “ C tin '3138' 11 3' 00. WI.. : of holler after turning into a butter- emits; you have only to pour off the derstand." led mold. Drown In a hot oven, water and sweeten to taste. - i Careot; Pudding -Wash or squeeze Did you ever put horse -radish It was •uncanny -more unctumy • thee ITycle's horrible details of my i 1 th• daygm. a s e pagoda at mar s • • boiled carrots, add 1 lb, four, through the meet chopper, lostead of each: of raisins and currants, 1 grating it9 lt's fully as good and some ahem; where the last left MT ft end. No oue could know tho danger :if lb. I was in, My telephone was cut 'oz, sliced citron, Mater size of egg, twice es easy. Cover with 3)1110(4)31',rmight ('13(313)) (11,3 following proposal the headquarters of the thirteenth Ds, s is teaapoon each of salt, cinnamon and if you sprinkle- a bit of sugar for a Constitution which was sub- centil•rYc°111414nacr-In-chief' Ma - and yet this ammeter was giving in- tory is repeating itself in strange 1 end ginger and 3.• sugar. Mix to- over it, when you take it upon your mated to the Empress Anne s-- telligent signals, "Yes, I understand," I shouted, 1 ern aecording in the pleasure of the ••••”-2.ang' ,ftlishie,n upon the station yard at senior, putting 2 teaspoone baking plate, you Will find it much more "First, The Emperor Snail only goy- .. "Understand what?'' snapped Powder in flour. Steam two hours, Palatable, and, servo hot with hard sauce. IT 'd Those who are fond of caraway Supreme Council. secoed, Neither THE SCIENTIFIC FACTOR, We)' shall be deelared 1101' patlee 0011- As 10 all modern warfare, there is eluded without the advice and appro- an utter absence of the pomp and batten of tho Senate, Third. No panoply of battle. Guns there are (uses to be Imposed or important none. The only flag is an enlarged: . offices conferred without the author- handkerchief marking headquarters. Sty of the Senate. Fourth, Prose:- The number of sentries would not siert for fair trial of noblemen, Fifth, satinfy a provincial German Mayor. Abolition of confisention of property The scientific factor alone is prong- • lande tot to be alienated or Sold, CX.- tent. The offleers are directors of cept by the advice of the Senate, engineers or commissaltat or trans - Seventh. The SoVereign shall neither .port, The Men aro electricians and ' marry nor appoint a successor with- telegraphists, and railway adminals. • out the consent of the States -Gen- trators. The air is ruled with tele- ersAl..0. phone wires, as a usuerer's cash: 1 onstaution on this line would book with money columns. The off/- put power in the hands of the upper tiers in uniform are but exalted mos- . classes and chiefly in the Cabinet or stinger boys .carrying despatches from Supreme Council of Ministers and in 4.1io brain in the railway car to the the Senate, which at present still men in shirt sleeves at the telegraph .- exists, but merely as an honorary office. Twentieth century war is in- . body to which superannuated states- dined at headquarters to the ap- pearance of a stock broker's °Mee. - Gen. Itouropatkin is a man of ialgonAweg IN RUSSIA. mon will; he is courteous on occa- sions of formality, yet sternly' sehools his affability to his purpos0. a red-hot stoVe, and is authentic. At Hdierh, sia is etrong enough to neglect the luNstereadtepdf leiy4uferaeligenntinstiotruisessiao 1 is ti131:1 as come to Manchuria as a. eel - grossest superstition among the pea- and will not he ceSoled from - stmts. The latest is a device to se- his conception of his duty by anY curo justice by placing the culprit on blandishment whateoever. As Rue- s threats at her prestige, so Is her . '1> A zri Girl's Wit z, zr, •••tiqw-k-iimat..42,filsteloieteimpv.m.;31=N ohall tiro a Mina I have laid against. the thiM doors, and then watch the rei eseseeseesqegitisse.seiersetere 'spots con be 'wowed until removed. el'ho colter windows should be wiped ON THE EVE OF CHANGES SCIENCE AT LIAO-YANG it,„.,,t „„t .nd go tearing' down to Weep New ltio Mlinre10, 1111101 1 A boUt the' itil.11,01,,,n,'1;':-1;1.."'I'viittit. ,;:le[:111?1(11)11:11:11(1ort',11%!)::-1 EDUCATION FOR THE IYI.ASSES ABSENCE or, POMP AND PAN'. -I, John Hyde -made, haek 4,1 the : .0 hi tiki 11 . It nit ill t irely MilieesSsary oPrr or BATTLE, 01, ISTJ__SSIA. Do you like My, PhIll, Alt11'13 11011, 10,111(11:?0,,SVII of twewly 00 thirty houses. ....House !to use an!' witter, 'Me alcohol alone !cleans end polishes the glass bet -toff- The statee_General., a, Ancient geuroptitisin Kn—ows the In Ica - Aly. blood seemed to freeze as I lie- :fully. Oni,e a little iti needed at a .tinie-- just enottith to wet, a small Institut4on, May Be Be- cies of Ilis Service tined to his awful plan, ter its ter. laMr.31.11,31341187N, c OMR vived. enr11011 of 1 110 chit/1021S Skill. Wind 0101 TherOUgilly. it Walt 110 wild eonception of' a mom- rible nompleteness showed. ine that DOMICS'ilf11 lalell'ES. ' in 143 1104' parts ot the 11010.112 May al - I thtsnia, fussy eloSe olaierVarS 10.- No netiou has realkiell 001 SLALLL*** cut, antl I knew from this [met that, .o , F 0 IA' VI oil I ,c,1 lo this Woy. mo awl nve. 11/ 11)1 1,1143 t,V,' or gmat olaitg,s3 gie valet, of rniiviss s So 'c.caltipie-te.1-Y, 0,:tnettitivunt liaread-When the :Toes,' St is be' 'sr limn ttlatuallia, 1,11°1'0141 11111- although softie of those 11110 111',' rent- aa the lite;sinit nit'lje i in on ns" rth. 111,130 110fille‘141.11111h°r(L)1'111011.411.11t°3111111°1 '41:°13(1 11':::(131V- r011)1Y I:" 1111111)1(100 141;v1s.,"1,(.1.111;(11111,,,L, se1/1:)....', :111411i';'):IiitLe 111-ttin 1'1:Y') istilly.' giAn r'i-''.i11.11"1:111;1'.." int`4' 11 t11:1.1,o1S'.14,1111111.4"111'..**Sr'1.11/1131 01112'1'1'0 C81(1))111,)11.:1..Y111.1.:1(1.‘;). 14 f31):2111112iSaul1113 1 'f'12122i1;14,1*Irs ‘i;t'Ssdi'Ll'olb-iglIi-eks.i.(..'xiensi ' Ins to Moths lieu, With fiendish delight lie gloat el nave two doses. bho,i.sed 011111,1118 'of eleohol wil/ be Pliellgh for 41 11:110. honsol111 of WthdoWS. ( Mali° 1 11.4 11 pro010 t en+ t et : I' they Iseron, • a has (01.Palided 011StWard over every detail of 11333 plan, and (1(1111.1i.041talcuz;:iclab1,1;11gellr'ihot"111: .114,';',1,1,13'1,-, All portable pleres of 130 1' 111 1,,!,es' never „sow at au, Tha first w(1 14 the. speed of its trans -Siberian /Woo (144 1 11stutiva /ike ain animal niE- . ixtlire, add 1 113711 '111(1)) sori,,,,,1 a 3 (1)1513) e"11nr si'„"1d 1'1' i"I'"" 'LP '14;:.1).. 1•''''' P1"".""" in 111 1i Wnwtnyn lor'''''n1.1"1.". What nrilmin is hh a ciliated by a serpent I notived that '1' lam 1umnam, showpd an aaroi, .,1e.. nut ter, t toes/nom suit, „se 1 oss„ ttbont onee it )..tt I. ana played neer ,.,1, .,.11.',,,'",•"11 .1.,Y. al° SaPoe V14 11):"'11, far Lain! power, ItUaria iS 118 IL railway. * spoon soda dissolved. In a lit I i„ row !the Id town stove to dry tint. When*, !,' ':•:,):, 3,)13e.:1I1'10 of 1 ho 1111114,-,,. IL . power. The Ittosies. .1.2andy wow. Ten am in..rs to Oar tli, Vivo, a tte ewes °Hpugli end I noted alumet meelieniettliy, „.0„,.. mix all wet 1 together, „id there 18 danger Of in 0111d 111,111,1,1,11.,,L0i11) ,11.1::;;;:,t ,,..?, j!:41,1,-2,,,t1...,21(31.,,,..thiit,]?.:,x,, .11 21111,1,311illui:.1•1,1,1),:lt,11,101shil,1:11.;:t .tioS.:;;LL,nh)...10,13,11:11,2,nigl‘st.;r0i/ joLisrlitiungesiars, 110181,..ni.gbe ffiral- Lrhole wheat Floor to ows,„ 'Hine should be used ftvely. tweet his ghastly deseniptions of my 4(1(,).,,, earetii,',03',Z::t‘,-1--st,,e1/111-10'en-i-j-el(;s7„. sumo all white bread. , tiers. Efinal part ti of powdered 11,1 11 .' 1°11 • al 'law- 1 a 1., a • iNv 1 .1 el y gum eVery limber, every in small boxes in ont-nistleswey cur- ' the dough qu I le id iff end 111112111 1.1111 ,' 2 (Its. • glass told etenent (thoroughly mixed .„.. . : 11 ' .. " 4:1: 1 '•11 S s111 1 IltdC1. c:f the quarter million In Sian- ' Sointithing G oud.-Plek OVer 111,11101, a MI 1 '•/ 1'1 i '1 1 . let 1 r * .1 - should have deemed impossible. Then statit variation. lt, was it thing I whet was closing such an even con- . strawberries, squeeze them through a •''•"PiPil'erl will Permass'idlY stoti 1IP H.!_),'.',"),),'" conuet 1roll 1/0 1131 5301 eintria bas cams hither 13y train. It uni;ii seine progeess has been Mails iishenistwatrisitliani140,,b.islig.f t/t3 iTimoraelutici3uriliandu n1110111 WI tl . colander, and add two teacups white ull rat holes. All fruit stored in the uunr i 1 1 oet, cellar for a11L' length of t Imo should ", i t• tho beginning 04 the rapids muter , with a hearty display of Portuguese which the ore lay. Mr. liycle also expletives, proposed the erection of electrical' I hurried to the switchboard, but plan•t about half -way down this 33111-1 400n31 all in order, and I remained cipitoes gorge, which, driven by the; thorn idly reading, as the time was water required for irrigation, woultymaring When 3. expected Greve to supply the mines with power, :ring up. Money was raised, and Mr. Hyde! I bad been there some time wben, was instructed to proceed with tho' suddenly and without warning, a clam, which he carried out in a nuts- looped rope wan passed over my terly manner. head nird tightened from behind, The ore beneath the old torrent- lashing my arms to my side. Before bed proved fun richer that was anti-lI recovered from sly surprise I was cipated, curd a, new town rapidly,thrown forward and my legs' were grow up in the gully beneath theBed and my arms pinioned. I called dein. ',Pim oleetrio station was next. loudly for Antonio, put in hand. The only site ctvallablel "Ift. is no tee calling Atitonto; he is VMS a, projecting ledge, some thew dead," saki a hoarse voice. or four hundred feet wide, half -way Strong arms then picked sue up and up the rocky gorge. This position, sat me In a chair, bound and 11131(1» 131(110314311 only half a mile frOM UM lees. merest mine, was only neossible Then for the first time I saw iny from over the top by means of a assailant, awl front a photo,I nati rough and dangerous path, the jour- seen I had no doubt it was Hyde, although drink and fast living had ney about two hours. The erection of the electric mach- already marred his once handseme inery and turbines proved another face. masterpiece of engineering, for it MIS Ile stood watching me for some rill carried tip suspended. below minutes, and in his eyes I saw the grooved wheels on two ropes, which wild gleam which betokened either "if I've got to be a, shooting star 1,0 ° a • , A Delicious Salad Course.' -Take a Hyde stretched from nbove his ledge 11121d110S0 Or delirium. let's wait till it's dark. Don't stew cream cheese, and with a pair paid. Each member of the family across thc gorge into the gully be. "Ansi so you're the wonderful Han- spoil the effect." should have his or her OWn pdeket- . of butter sticks, which must be very low. The 1111,0 cables eventually. car- bnry, eh?" he said', "who so admits "Well, you've got a nerve," said wet, roll it into little balls or pats 1)00k.' 'The profits above living feed the corrent to the 31111103, and nbly succeeded the drunken sot II,yde. Hyde, with some admiration; "and should be equally divided between in the same way butter is molded t cdthough steel is not such a good Succeeded after Hyde had done all as I believe they grent*the last wish Man and wife, after each child has conductor as copper, they were able the thinking tuul hoed work. Wily- ot a ma, bernse they Ilan him yell servo individually. A cam of milk been given an allowance. Money bor- must be close at hand into which the to withstand the strain unsupported., I've got more brains in my little lin' shall have yours. 1'11 tvait an hour rowed from one another should be ger than you II have ii you live a and a half, although by so doing T . • -3 1 l ° ° . paid back with interest, as at bank. - 'fresh piece of eheeSo is to be molded. hundred years. But the fools up hero sha'n't see the water 80 well." + thought because I drunk I was for- "No," I ealil; "but you'll see my 11; the cheese is rather dry, enough ROW LANDSEER WORKED. mills should lie added to it to make getting what I knew. They couldn't 'hog' t 1111)bottom better " understand that a, clever man thinks best 1011511 he's drunk, eh?" I thought it best to humor him. "Your work should have proved the fact to thou," I Said, as calmly as I could. I know I was in a tight corner end that by some means Antonio had been got out of the way. But 0 way of escape had alreacly suggested it- self. If I could only get him. away on some errand for a few 1331310tes 1 could preee the laitten On•My tele- phone with Illy forehead', and, having given the call, could lift the receiver off with my tooth and send a mes- sage for help. "You don't drink, Banbury, do you?" ho said. "But Yin not a four men Sprang over the rocks. ba -d chap; l've brought sonic spirits Ilycle started back, but made a dos - with 1110, and you shall learn to perate attempt 1,0 strilce a match. hIi,,h„jos wni mgard the To -clay it, is the scene of the sus preSeni, MI 001101 emergency great Possilily preme direction of the forces design- ed to beat back the invaders of Cor - enough to Wat•rant, calling it togeth- ea. A pistol shot from the per- fectly, equipped ear of the present- er again. If a new States-Cleueral should re - "How you will enjoy yens To_ Rhubarb Custard Pie -Stew rho- , ',Tugs," I said, 4011 My 1102d fear Was NIA slowly until (cyder, then put 'through a flour 810V0 or beat with that ITyde tvould detect the signals. ft spoon until smooth and fine, To Instantly they (banged, and the message that followed told 2110 1.110111 °°P of this allow 3. cup sugar, 1 tablespoon 001111Starell, 2 eggs and a by some means someone heti learned piece of butter. Bake With an Under 1ny danger. Perhaps Antonio had escaped. i crust:, Sift sugar on top when plao- "Humor TTycle and delay ae long as mg in the oven. We th1nk it is floe. poesible. Delp is coming." I Steak Stewed with Walnuts -Place ms.enge;,, :1 lb, steak in a stewpan with pt. "l'in glad yen like my water, 1 onion and a pinch of red cried Hyde; "and now I thiak we'd better begin." pepper; let stow for ono 13,our. Pound smooth 2 pickled walnuts and stir It would fake two hours for help in reach me 1 Auto liquor. Add salt to taste. 33 said. Place on a, hot platter, gall/Mil Ivan "But, hang it all, ITycle." seed in cookies will find them equal- ly good in gingerbread. Did you ever try it? Dicl you over cover pineapple with cold water, when preparing it for the table? It keeps it very tender. Pare tho fruit, and cut it lip in small Maces and place hi the fruit dish, with water to cover it. 'When ready to serve, add the sugar. If you acid the sugar at first It eXtreetS the juice, but hardens the fruit. THE no= BANK. The home with a steady Income should have a fumily bank, From this all living expenses should be 01141 the additional loss was nothing whore current cost so little. After seven years, during which the town had increased twenty -fold, friction arose between the mines and . Mr. Hyde -inevitable friction due to Sir. Hyde's increasing insobriety. He was dismissed aud was succeeded 1.1Y Mr. Mark Danbury, WhO Carried ant further improvements by giving oleo - trio light to the town. The last heard of Mr. Hyde was that lie Awls, gambling ericl , drinking beavily in Rio de Janeiro. Statement by Mark Hanbury My first acquaintance with Rio Manorio and the works was in Janu- ary of last yews The engineering work hail been conceived and carried out by a mastee mind, The current W1)0 continuons, of 500 volts pres- sure, and was Used for 'driving mo- tors and lighting arc lamps in series, advised the purchase of, a "balaie or," and carried a third 01' middle wiro into the town, thereby halving the pressure and onEtbling ordinary - incandescent lamps to be used in the hotel and private houses. In accordence with raodern practice 33 "earthed" this middle wire at the supply station, and had an "earth ammeter" which would show mo im- mediately sif asiy current leaked to the ground from either of the two other wires, Honses were connected between one of thoso "outer" wires and the middle wire, but in the case of largo installations such as the hotel and the post -office half the lamps would be on one side and hal/ on the other. In addition to carrying out this work I fell in love and wooed, but had not 3 -et won, the lave of Croce Anderson, the daughter of the super- • intendent of telegraphs. Grace hole the posItion of postinistress to Rio Manerio, end it was said received on an average fifty proposala of mar- riage a week, I ean believe this, as in addition to being One Of tile pret- tiest girls I have ever met she had a disposition as sweet as sho was beaietifui, To while awoy my limo at the works I had constructed two tele- phones, and, pointing out my isolat- ed position, obtained sanction to run a small wire into the town,. and in case an urgent telegram might ar- rive for me -I have not a relation or friend in the world -I could think of 110 30)110)' place to terminate this 1113e then the post -office Knowing Very 11 We of telephones I placed the bettery in the main 013" 01(11, This I learned afterwards was ' inceeroct, but to it I eventually.owed my life. On October 1.8bli Grace and her father paid me a visit at the Elec- tritely Works, and I proudly, showed them my extensione. Mr, 'Andereon ,doubted the adVisability (as a tele- graph export) of "eartling" mid- dle wire, but I explaineel how it reduced the possiblo shock to care - leas concert -less, mid the warning il, would give Ine of any leakage, To illustrate this I passed a, current through some lamps to earth and pointed oet lioiv the noodle of the onnnetev deflected quite peoportionnl to the number of lamps in circuit, Grace took the keeneet interest in these explanittione. In the aftereooe Mateo and I climbs ed the hill to the reeervoir, Where I had Wall boat. Bele, on tbIS iong, narrow lake, between 161104, toweling Mountaie sides, I told Grace of my love, lnit, the Was in tossing Ino4d and begge'd me to pro, it soft and pliable. Carefully wash, Punctual to the time we ststried dry and pull apart ct, head of er1013 up the path to 'where the cables wore i ' bleached lettuce, Twist each loaf frtstened into the cliff. Purposely :into a shallow sup, place one or two stumbled and pretended to hurt my of the little cheeses in it, and mois- at a dash IS prObahly tho one who a village near Odessa an old Men foot. Quito tenderly he helped me up Conamander-in-Cbief sts ong enough the pntb, mid the Increasing darks; ten with French dressing, Servo , has spent patient piers in prepare- named Peter Outecho was suspected to withstand thattacks upon his ness helped mo to delay, ivory cold with dainty sandwiches 111011 for it.. An enthusiastic English of having stolen a. 3301180 containing e interest arid his prudence. Gen. "I should like to see yOUr mine at (made by pu Wag together s a . 1 i--ce sportsman, W Mr, ells, of Itedleaf, eight roubles. He denied his guilt, Houropatkin never loses sight of the the dam," I said, us we reached the each of brown and white bread, Penshurst, had engaged Landseer to and his accusers were unable to which have been spread will i soft end in VieW, and sacrifices all things top. paint the portrait of Ills favorite prove that he had committed the to its attainment. Ile will compel "IVell, it won't take long," lis butter mid ileely choppedmgsh i P 1' dog. But the artist was ono of theft. In these circumstances one victory, not gamble for said. walnuts. For the Frenclt dressing, those who put olf their duties as Of the portents named Martsehenko Of the soldier within the man the But for me it was all too short, take 1 saltspoon salt, S saltspoon long as possible, and ono day Wells, suggested tliat Basch° should be war is too young to have exposed ancl tre were back at the cables and PoPSer, 3 tablespoons salad oil „ who had been growing more and tried by ordeal. ally significant part. His operations was maturating lne With 1101180- (melted butter nany b so "sea ie '"c more impatient, shotved his feeling Tho proposal was accepted ana d the are conservative nd long-sighte(1. Hyde lioe. Also Ito carefully sled nay feet oil is not liked), 3. tablespoonine- T by some sharp i.).2c330e5510n. peasants placed Dutsclio on the top in his army his personal supervision to the old pulley -wheel and got out gar and a dash of cayenne pes per. "I know I have behaved shametuis of a red -hut stove, Flaying that 11 he penetrates to matters of detail, to his matches. Then quite suddenly Mix oil and vinegar very 0101‘13'' ly " 'aid Landseer, "I t I will come , s , 111 Were innocent Gael would protect hint coals and horses, to the mending of stirring carefully all tlie time. down next Thursday and stay no from all injury. Dutscho himself of- roads and the disposition of corres- Monday, and the picture shall be fared 110 resistance to this method of pendants, to the schooling of Chinese — An Incident in the Life of the Great Painter. The man who can accomplish work men 0103) gracefully retire. There is no word of universal suffrage or any- thing of that kind, drink to -night. It won't take me live 30100(03 to fetch them. X loft them by the path side," This whe as tVol,, thing wanted, With levelled pistols they drove luta fr0111 1110, and then, seeing himself cornered, lio yelled 1- "Jobe livde's not done yeti 1'11 nawrs FOR P19311 LAUNDRY. done before I leave." trial by 01(10(11. believing that tho officials, and tho direction of court - Sometimes a lawn, muslin Or 01, On Thursday he arrived, just in lire would do him no harms as lie Martial. tune to dress for dinner, and his scho sostumed fearful injuries, and first remark was, "011, your man on the same day it was discovered tells me you are going to ding the that 'the theft had been committed great pond to -morrow! Hurrah! by another man. 11211 31.18t in time. That is a subject I him often meant to plant, rind T shall get any number of sketches done." This was 4111 unpleasing announce- ment; but the host bore it, Land- stestencsedffi,d an ci "thPet11111e..V(ti.a1:11081171/01e11: 011 0°111' suggested the ordeal of fire•for an lie cense down to Imeakfasti, he said: innoceut num, /le went to prison, "Mr. Wells, I hear you are going' glad in the hope that the evil spirit to shoot to -day. I've been looking would be exercised there, forward to that for a yam or two," So it went on nail Sunday morning and then Wells, W110 WaS very peal- PAYIN' ITIM BACK. miler about seeing his gueete at the Ho Was mortal who was much to be pitied. For several days he had suffeeed 0, martyrdom of toothache, and now he bad delivered himself in - extent of tho damage to his jaw. Iletat:ice/dm:ids of a dentist who large - 1111 fliTte•raatl°bItil;s, five 1111110MS the of- fending 111(11(11' was drawn, and the victim was trying to ascertain the ly advertised the "painlessness" of "re that what you call painless?" "Certainly," smiled the wielder of the forceps; "it was entirely painless toosmsic1:"Was it? Well, this is what call a painless punch," said the victim, .And letting his elenehed hand dwell for a, 1110111ent the'operater's nasal organ, he walked out of the knew himself to be innocent. Dub- BELIEF IN NTIMBEItS• gentile gown or WalSt has faded so Gen, Kouropatkin ie a soldier who that it is no longer pretty, tiungh knows the intricacies of his service and I eagerly -perhaps too eagerly- Von] solo° revenge." too good to discard. Try bleaching from the private's pipe -clay . to the suggested he abould fetch the spieits Before they could divine his idea it white. Boil ih a good pouribie marshal's baton. BlutT mad impul- doWn, ho slung the other pulley on the elide and hang in the hot sun to ciry, sive of manner, he is a strategist of "I will," he saki, with a horrible wire and, grasping the betteal, flung 41. little chlorine water will aporate smile, "but, before I go I Will lath himself off the ledge on 11. wild ride to the 301/10 purpose. Or cream of you to the railings in ease you jerk d,oWn the wire to lire the charge, of tartar in the water in which. the the lights and 10. them know I am dynamite at the bottom. boiling is chino will also bleach it, hero, for I have arranged fel' yoll That wild nuidnian's cry was the Percale waists, aprons, ate., may to be my messenger Presently; and last I heard; but, luckily, he fouled be made white in. the same Way. 11013) you aro safely tied that you my telephone wire, and losing his Rinse thoroughly. cannot 'reach the switehbonra, 1 will hold fell a ehapeless mass into the Rub grass stains with molassee, just cut off the telephone in 011110 s-ou gorgo below, mid they will wash out with no Wr- enn for help." Then taking a..Pair When. I regained consciousness, two ther trouble. Or pour alcohol through of pliers he .cut tlio here Wire 'Which days after, Grace -my Graces -my them. came to My telephone, and this wire preserver, was by iny bedside, and Oxalis -common sour or sheep sots went with e coiling spring and tangi- elm did not uso the telephone to tell rel -will 11011101'0 iron rust if a lemon ed Its& in the ornamenta/ metal- mo she loved me, or exotic acid is not to be had. Rub work over the switchlmard, and vsith MOM), by Professor Adam it went ruy only hope of outside as- 3 have rend the above narrative sistance, and my explanation is simple. Miss II° Wail gone alma ion minutes, Grace Andeeson went to use the tel - during which thno I racked tny brain oplione niter it wee cut, No reply to devise some 11100115 of wave, 110 to her ring was given, so she listen - 4 seemed otterly helpless unless ed, As the battery was in tho main could win his confidence enough to circuit it nllowed a current to pass roleaso and then peratiade him to to the iron frame of the switch - drink suilleierdly that I might over- booed, amonst which the bare wire power him. Presently he returned with two bottles under his arm ancl a ilask. "No, my boy, it'S not ell whinkey," lie said. '"I`lie two bot - ties aro benzoline, and are part of the programme. But first first we'll drink each ether's health and sec - cess, and then I'll tell you my plans, He forced some spirit to my lips, ancl then, deinking froM the flask, (Med, in a mocking voice :- "'Tare's your health end success, Mark Monbury. With my help you'll get on, my boy. I'm going to make you a shining light in the world -a, star In youe profession even better than a shooting' stae, and there'll bo a big report at the end," Thee. lite Mood suddenly changed, tind coining close to iny side he shouted 'I've opine all the way from Ilio to kill you, Mark Banbury, and to have my reVenge. I'll tell yon. what I'm going to do. I'm going to pone this benzolleic over you, and mid then tio yon by yells foot to one of the olci and after setting yolt on fire I'm going to launch you. down the cable to be a Sight in the World, to be my shoot- ing star, aud at, the end by the mine I hung a charge of dynanilta, and yeti Will. strike that and cause the eopert 1 spoke of, The towne- people corn° running up the gorge to Me What's up, end then I reached the ears of tho authorities, Tho story of the trial by ordeal infinite patience and precision. Like who arrested Martselienko and his Napoleon and Moltke, like Grant tericed to 1S months' imprisonment. comrades. Martschenko was son_ and Kitchener, lie believes hi. force of it meet have posseased him when he In court he stated that an evil spir- ies and battalions lles tho eecret of numbers. In the sum of his batter - his strength. Outpost affairs and , advanced guard engagements, how- ever dramatic, cannot affet•t tho ulti- mate disposition of his plans. Here, in Liao -Yang, the Command- ee-in-Chief is no writing -desk sol- dier. Personally he reviews his troops, welcomee tlie incoming regi- ments, speeds the battalions depart- ing for the front. From Port At- tliur to Mukden, from Itin-Kow Peng-Wang-Clieng, he has himself in- vestigated the positione, familierized himself with the circumstances of each eiteation. In the Russian army, as in the Russian household, there is a, famil- iarity of intercourse, a directness of approach that strikes curiously upon tno mind of the British observer. Each company is a family, each re- giment a elan, the army a like-mind- ed society. There is here no taste - compelling etiquette, captain of a company, the colonel of a bat- talion, the commander at an tunny, each in tern is hut the father of ilia inferiors, loved as such, called most formally by his feminine, distingaisii- ed as the son ot his father. To the Commander -in -Chief the rank and filo aro hie children, controlled and disciplined as such. 'Phe result is an army of a rentarkable homage/3s pity, PERSONAT., DEVOTION. the spots with the leaves, This 'early service, said to Landseer: takes out the rust. Then take out "I euppose you aro going to the green ktains by washing in aleo- church?" hel, and finally wash in soap suds. "I don't feel like going," said Blood Mains on silk can bo remov- La.ndseer, "I thinit yoti must ex. ed by soaking In a fairly strong so- suss mesi lution of borax. "Oh," said Wells, in a blaze, "do Soaking irt sweet milk (and pa.- just am you think best! You know tience) will take out the stains of woll enough thnt this is liberty hall -for you, at all events." "Thank you," said Lanciseer. "And I am going to ask you to Iet me keep Charles Mathews with me, to amuse me." Wells vouchsafed no answer, and away the peoplo went, leaving these two to their own devices. The Min- ute the honse Was clear they hurried to another room, which Landseer had specially arranged for the purpose. The head gamekeeper Was there, holding the dog, end Mathews as- sisted whon there was need, nt the same limo amusing Landseer. 1Vhon the party returned from church the picture was painted, finished, and framed on tho wall, Written 011 the trunk of a troo in the baelcground Were the WOrdS: "Painted at Mellen(' in two hours ancl half." °ogee, tea and cocoa, in table linen, was tangled. This made a, variable Rub, soak and squeeze till the stain contact similar to a microphone . disappaers, transmitter and so could trausmib speech. MiSS Anderson heard th Ae terrible intentions of 113)31e, and with wonder- ful promptness disconnected the mid- dle wires at the post -office and with them made "earth"; lirst with one stele Iviiere site had all lamps on ing ten anmereS, then with the other with half the lamps on giving live amperes. Her training as a telegraphist en- abled her to save her lover's life. - London Titllits, WORLD'S BIGGEST PORTS. Antwerp, itecoeding to an official return recently publiehed by the Des pertinent of Commerce and Labor at Washington, Monde thied on the list of the world's ports, with a total totinage of 16,7;11,011 tons, entered cuid. cleared. London is first, with a total tonnage of 17,56(1,108 tone, and NOW York the secoed port in the World, with a total tonnage of 17,808,068 tons, Theo figares refer te ocean-going traffic only. Daisy-"Wliore my brother goes hes ustially 'slaked to call again." intist bo Very poptiler," Daley,- 'No. He's a bill eoilecter,"• Fruit 511/1111S may be taken out by pouring belling water through them, or by clipping in boiling milk. 11 water is nod, it must be actually boiling; if not quite at the boiling point it sets the staltu, Mildew- ca)1 be removed' from white 1111011 and eaten Witli a weak solu- tion of chloride of lime. The fabric must be well rinsed to remove the lime or it will rot it, Dilated ammonia, will remove mil- dew from woolen goods. To reneW 01110, pOUr a pint of boil- ing teethe on a tablespoonful of al- tohol and lot it stand till Jug warm then eponge the silk with it. SANITARY anuans, Too nanch'enitnot be said on the necessity of keeping tlio cellar per- fectly, d7 and in a wholesome condi- tion, 3311 ift more important to have tile cellar, kitchen and other rooms of utilitanian value, perfect 1n 114)1331- 1101185 and sanitation, than to have tho parlors alteactivo and pretty. In Most tellers there is more or less dampneSS, 311131 11 is entvist to dean the WoodWork with water. aS it will beeorno Mouldy before it dries, The cellar walls atter they aro brushed down should be whitewaelted, and all the woodWork rubbed with a dry cloth dipped in ken:Sono, Obetiriate "Isn't it bard to lose your *daugh- ter?" "No, not tide one; 3 could have married her all a year ago. It is heti oldee sister thitt's har(1 to lose." "Whet ? Is that yourig Paeol"s father? Why, the old man looks younger than hitt son." "FiXeStlY, pouts Pacer /fee outstripped him, Lived taster, you knotr." When it, bachelor gets tired of leati- ing a single life lie should' marry and be led. SMELLED COLLAR. At the last drawing room in Bnek. hightail Palmer Queen Alexandra sot 14.911i On 1(11 ))rtdOlIbtedly be copied. There is some serum in the fed which oh e exploited, and the Queen usually does things with nu object. She Wore a heavy dia- mond dog miler, end Under her col- lar wile a baud ot white tulle, which made the jewels lio more tomfertab- iy, Another advantage of the beck - groom' tulle was that the diamonds shone more brilliantly than againet the neck, The jewelled collar Was extremely lifgh, alMost four inches, Cartier, of Paris, invented tho dog Collar cSpecielly for tho Queen, who has a surgical' eras on 1101" neck, Be- fore tho day 01 the collar she Wore rows of neekittees that etreered tbsiktlit, 'Van IvanoVitch May not know that he is fighting the Japanese, He May be ignorant of politioe and su- perbly inclitierent to affairs 111 the Par Deets but lie knows and adores his (impel)), cominamier, reepecte his eOlenel and revorencee the General -in -Chief. Gen. It otropaticin eXactS every expression of thle per- sonal devotion, is lirelees in cement- ing this interests of his forces, in fostering brotherly love 1021011g 1118 Children. "Yes, 1 eonsider rny life a failure." "011, Henry, bon: scull Why nhould you say (hate" "T ehend on MY time making Money enough to buy, food and Clothes, and the food dia. agrees with Me, and /113elothell don't 11311