HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-7-7, Page 1Vol. 82, No. 82
New Advertisements,
Local.. -.G, L. King,
Local—Ewan & Co,
For safe—John 1J1oNabb.
Watch lost—Wm. Elliott,
Puree lost—Edward Me0allum.
Annual meeting—Standard Bank.
Mistrial Stirs,
T. E. Hughes, wife and ohildren, of
Punkentawney, Pa., are vieiti•ng Mre,
Last Tuesday evening the Lawn Party
woe held et the Methodist °herob ae
annoaneed. Titers woe a large attend.
mute, tine masioal program, in whioh
Draftee's Band took no small part, sod
the Committee will have over $60 after
expenses are paid.
OrgLlt brook.
Miee Lizzie Maclay is holidaying with
her brothers in Niagara, 1J, S. A..
There ie sometimes more "circus" at
nor gravel pit near bore than at Baraum'e
Show. Somebody will get done -up if
more oonoiliatory measurer, am not
The pupils and friende of the public
school enjoyed a pleasant outing at River -
Bide Grove on the attornoon of Saturday
last. Boating, foot ball, 'nee bell and
lawn tennis were the amneemente pro.
The eyes are'
wage earners:
,Anrthln1 shori of
pyerfeet vision dimIo.
ishos the -earning
Wo perfect your sight:
Our dlasso, as ort lnj
esimont yield you
ubatantlal returns.
A'Sro. T. Fletcher
rscfa,;7.tific and
Csxada•r•.t, Omtiniaar.
111110 'n1ee.
Mr. Pilkio, ot Wexford, waejvisiting at
Wm. /deepen.
James Grey, of Listowel, spent Domin•
ion day at home,
Mies Isabel Sanderson le visiting in
Blaevale of present,
Gordon Hay, of Listowel, 'flatted Will.
Elliott over Sunday,
John Scott, of Clinton, viaited hie
tamale, Frank Scott, over Sunday,
Mise Belle Hendereon, of Brunette
viaited Mies Olive Soots thin week.
Jamas Masters ie home from Aston
where be has been attending school.
Fred,Borgees, of Owen Sound, is visit
iug his aunt, Mrs. George MoDonald,
Miss Mary Thornton has been visiting
her grandmother, Mre. John Gardiner.
Mre. Will. Manning, of Minneapolis,
is visiting her parents, Thoe, and Mre,
Aghta° and Mre. Mason and ohildren,
of Stratford, are visiting relatives In
Bloovels and vicinity.
A goodly number of Orangemen
attended the service io the Methodist
ahurah Wet Sabbath morning when Rev.
Mr. Baker preached to them.
Mole (swot- t:h.
Heuenece.—An eveeitl of unusual in•
tenet tranepired in one village on Setur•
day, 20d inot„ at the home of Jno. A,
and Mre. McKee. The 000aeiou was the
marriage of their eetimable daughter,
Nitta Ida E. to James A. Size, of St,
Thomas, At 4 p, m., while the sweet
strains of the Wedding March were
rolling forth from the piano, the groom
attended by R. F. McKee, brother of the
bride, took his plane beneath a beautiful
floral arab to await the bride, attended
by Miee E. F. Gailiford, of Ingoreoll,
The bride was given away by her father
and was beautifully and be''oomingly
dressed as was also the bridesmaid.
Presently the mania ceased and Rev. A,
C. Tiffin of Trowbridge,
e f r
f0 me t
Tiffin,d be
marriage ceremony in the pregame of
only a few immediate relatives and aloe
Mende of the °entreating parties. After
most bearty congratulations had been
extended bo the happy couple the nom•
pany adjourned to the dining room and
there did ample juatioe to a wedding
sapper of great variety and rare expel.
Twenty -Ninth Annual Meeting of Shareholders
The Twenty-ninth Annnal Meeting of the Shareholders of the Standard Bank of
Canada wag held at the Head Office of the Bank on Wedneoday, 15th June, 1904.
The Chair wag taken by the Preeideut, Mr. W, F. Cowan, and Mr. George P. Bald,
General Manager, acted as Feeoretary to the meeting.
The following Report and Statements were nnaoimouely adopted :
The Directors have pleasure in plaoing before the Sbaroholdero the statements
of the Bank's affairs for the year ending 8181 May, 1904.
The profits for the year have been very eatiefaotory, amounting to $188,007 17,
whiob, together with the bolanoe of Profit and Looe ao00ant, 914,606.79, brought
forward from lase year, have been appropriated as follows,
Dividends at the rate of 10 per cent per annum $100,000 00
Added to Reserve Fund 76,000 00
Carried forward to Pn.itt and Lose amount 22,516 96
The Reeerve Fund, after the addition made this year, now amounts to $1,000,000..
00 1(100 per tent, on capital), all of which has been aoaumalated from profits earned,
with the exception of 955,470.00, premium on stook in yeare 1882 and 1886.
The Inepeetion of the Head office and Agenolee has been made and the Officers
of the Bank have discharged their duties with zeal and efeeienoy.
All of whioh i8 reepeotfally submitted,
Balance of Profit anil Los Ao-
oount brought foaward from
8003, May,1009 414,000 70
Profits for year ending 8100 May
04 after deducting expenses,
interest accrued on deposits
and making provision for bad
and doubtful debts 182,007 37
5107,018 00
14 tee in circulation $ 008,000 00
Deposits bearing in-
terest (including
interest aoOtued to
Deposits not bearing
interest ,,, 1,460,878 81
11,460,017 80
Duo to agents In Great Britton 880,800 88
Due to other Saints inOanada, , 86,001 60
Due to Atients in United States 180,000 00
Agency Dratte on He ad Oaiee
outstanding 78,000 01
Letters of credit issued 120,204 81
Total • liabilities to the public 818,080,780 18
Capital paid up • 1,000,000 00
Reserve p'uud 1,400,000 00
Rebate of intermit on bine dto-
Former dividends nue tanned
Dividend No. 67, payable tat
Jute 1604
Balance of 000110 sad Lose Ao•
count carried forweid,.,.,,,.,,,,
40,000 00
20 00
00,000 00
92,018 00
816,781,814 l4
Dividend No, 60, paid 1st Deo,1008 $60,000 00
Dividend No, 07 veyable let June
Transferred to Reserve Fund,.,... 75000 00
Balance carried forward 82,018 08
9107,010 00
Spoofs $ 227'648 82
i b /1008 0,1001 i
772,472 00. and oho iso of other
640,Ob6 88Deposiwith Dominon Govern
moot for seourlty of note oir-
cillation 60,000 00
Due from other banks—
In Dailada 808,014 03
to the Vaned States 280,010 04
Dominion Go vernnleut2 and
other Sret-olaeg Bonds., 2,780,040 22
Loans on Oa11 011 Government,
Municipal and other first class
Hondo- 034,107 27
80,108,000 86
Bills discounted and advance('
menet 10420008, 10
Accoptanae re Letters
al Credit iseaod se -
mired 0101,604 01
Lotto of Credit oat.
800111;111111 21,770 20 120,801 81
Notes and Bills overdue (oebimat,
ed lona provided for) 30,608 67
Bank premisoe„ 100,000 00
Other /Wets hat foolufled troffer
the foregoing
8,848 77
810,782,814 14
01601060 P. ADM, General Managor.
After the adoption of the Report acid Statement, the motel votes of thaulte to the
Board et Direot0ro and the Staff were paeoed.
The tallet for the efeotion of Dlreotore wan then opened, and the Scrutineers
deolared the following gentleman unanimonely elected for the fanning gem :
W. F. Oowen, reed807ok Wyld, W. F. Allen, A, J, Somerville# T. R. Wood, W,
R. JOhn8ton and Wellington Frannie,
t a snbeegdent meeting the Direction re.ele0194 W, F, Cowen, Egg, President,
and irederiokW Id, Vioo•Pteeideet.
W. H. KERR, Prop.
hence, The wedding preeenl8 wore many,
being both useful end rlafrity. Miee Etta
M0Koo, °oasin of the beide, wee the
graceful placid fee the 000aelon, Mr,
and Mrs, Size will make their home in
St. Thomas and a hoot of friende join in
expreeeiug good wiobes.�-
Janette Evans ie enjoying a holiday
visit in North Dakota.
Herb. Manning spent Sunday with
Mende in Whiteobnroh.
The Mises Ma0raaken and 0, M1Neil
Soudayed with Blyth !Heeds.
Mre. and Miee Parr have returned to
their home 11 miles North of Bruoeele,
after an extended stay in Moliillop,
Wo congratulate Miee Rose Clark on
passing a reoent piano examination in
theory and oarrying off honors, She le
doing welt.
Wm, Fergasou raised a driving eked
last week. Efts intends building a barn
with cement basernene to replace the old
etrnoture that he pulled down some time
Mre, Joo, Potober, of Laolinow, was a
visitor with her amain, Mrs. Jae. D.
Sherrie, 4th line, for a few dept. Deno.
aue hero.Marohieon, of Gnn
ienaan, wan Mao
Mre, George Hartford, who hag bean
on a visit to hoc grandmother, Mts. Lucy
Barkley, of Belgrave, bat returned to
her home in Toledo, Ohio. This being
ber fleet visit to Canada since childhood
ehe enjoyed it very math.
Mies Nettie Findlater has gone to
Biemarok, North Dakota, where ale will
engage in Deaocuese work. She bad a'
very pleasant trip there but says for
farm hawse the Staters don't compare
favorably with Onnada.
Reeve Iabieter and Wm, Findlater or.
weut to attend au Old Boye' meet at
Wrigglies' Corners, North Dumfries and
aro visiting the friends and relatives of
their boyhood days. Mr. Iabieter sr.
was the first school teacher there.
Wm. and Mre. Lauchlond, of Oshawa,
who have been here 0u a ten days' visit
Wm. Shedden, who has been laid ep
elm Wet Fall, and also Mre. Gilbert
Spate whose health bee not been very
good this Spriug, returned home last
Smallpox, even of a light type, be a
fleetly epidemic in a neighborhood. As
will be seen by the minutes of Morrie
Oounoil the township had to contribute
$56.00 to the Medical "Leith Officer and
935.50 to Edward Irvine for servioee
rendered in the same connotation, If
Morrie gate off at that figure they do well
as compered with some other municipal.
MILL DAai Mauve—Monday and
Tuesday of this week before Referee
Rankin, the case of Forrand vs. Town.
ship ot Morrie was heard in Wingham.
Barrister Vadanone represented Morrie,
Barrister Prontifoot looked after Grey
township's interests while Bartieter
Diokineon was in charge of the plaintiff''
oa0e. Six or eight witnesses on eaob
eide were heard and decision was reaerv,
ed until Ang Met. The tuft arose out of
the claim by plaintiff that a water
privilege was destroying on his farm by
the (totting of a municipal drain, This
was combatted by the defendant wbo gave
avideaoe to show then the milldam was
in disuse for years and that there was
not water enough to be of service,
Somebody will have to pay the piper.
Butanes or, ENnladiNit8NT.—Although
the weather wag somewhat unfavorable
a large number of people assembled at
S• S. No. 10 on Thursday evening of last
week and spent a most enjoyable time at
the Box Social bald on the school
uroande, Tbe following was one of the
floest programs ever given around bare ;
—Opening hymn by the sobool ; Zobo
Band eeleotiob ; gong by Jean Roes and
Jennie Moffatt ; reoitation, Miee Mary
Peamiak ; gong, A. Moses ; selection, Mr,
Wightman, Wingbam ; selection, Zobo
Band ; instrumental mnefo, Maseru.
Frain and Hogg ; selection, Mr. Wight.
man ; instrumental, Zobo Band ; song
and more, W. Mines ; instrumental,
Zobo Band ; song, J. F, Straohan ;
selection, Messrs. Frain and Hogg ;
Zobo Bead ; closing hymn. William
Mines occupied the chair and made an
excellent and efficient abairman.
CR r eV•
Grey township Connell will meet
next Monday.
Miee Annie Bryaue is home for a holi•
day visit from Toronto.
Service was held la Bethel aburob on
Sunday evening Net.
A new shingle roof hes been pat on
Wm. Armstrong's bare, 011 oon,
The enlargement of R. J. Hoover's
barn, now in progreae, is a big improve.
meet and will give him Considerable more
This week Charles Bozell, 10th Com,
18 away on a holiday visit with 801001088
and Needs iu Michigan, particularly at
Pew Paw and South Bend.
Miss Florone Hollenbeok, 10411 oon„
gave a very enjoyable birthday party to
her friends. The evening wen spent in
social chat, musk), games, Jto,
O. W. Sewere, teacher of S. S. No. 9,
closed aahool a few days earlier than the
usual datteno me to get home to the mar-
rlage of hie sister at Brumfield on 'Tues•
day of last week.
The Exeter Advocate of last week said :
—Mre W, Hogg, of Grey, and her
dao hter Mies tea
•g , Hogg, talar at Sodom,
viaited over Sunday with Mre. Hmeti0ge
and are now visiting at Centralia.
Owing to the 4008808,of Alex, McNabb,
who was interested in the threshing
outfit, Jno. MoNobb, the owner, has
deoided to Dell and the advertiaoment
appears fu Haig weelire bete of Tura PoaT,
QOite a number were in Brueeale ou
Monday evening to to see the final boot
hall match for the Intermediate Omen
pionohip between the home team and
Plattovllia. It wag a hot game through.
Mrs. Jno. B. Smith and Mies Laura
left on Tneeday of Mat week for a vieib
with relative(' at Winnipeg, Langdon end
Other phots, They will be away for a
0oepie of menthe, mea. Peter Stewart,
Of Langdon, is a stator to Mre, 8ruith.
Leet Friday et noon es Miee Moil,
danglater of Robert Coutte, 12th oon„
wan sitting down to dinner oho bad the
misfortune to tweet the teapot into her
lap scalding her from her waist to her
knee, Wo are pleased to hear that Miee
Deena le getting along very nicely mud
will noon be o, k.
Thomas Somerville, of Brantford,
publisher of Glad Tidings and other
periodicals, wee a visitor at Jamee
Turnbull'e during the pact week, They
uoed to be boys together at Ayr and had
not met for 86 years. A pie8eaut timo
woo enjoyed you may be acre in remia-
A logging bee wee held on the farm of
William Mann, Lot 85, coo, 10, on
Thursday of last week. Owing to rain
the attendanne was not es large as wee
expected go the bee was repeated on
Monday. A party was held in the even.
ing at which begplpe mule and dancing
were on the program.
8onooL RzPoeT 1—Following is the re-
port of S. S. No. 2, Grey, for the month
of Juue, Jr. III, --Maty Stewart 298 ;
Maggie Clark, Sr. II.—Richard Con.
niogham'283. Jr. 1L—Wilber Turnbull
421 ; Casale Stewart 803 ; May Oliver
801 ; Orme Steles 238 ; Jennie Oliver
283 ; Iva Harrie 209. Sr. Pt. I.—Lola
Steles, Jr. Pt. I.—Leelie Oliver, Alex.
Stewart, Ione Steiee, Ina Oonningham,
MAnnL ZI000Iaa, Teacher,
There were over 200 riga at the funeral
of the late Jno, Lamont on Thursday
afternoon of teat week, it being one of the
large81 procee8ion0 ever seen in Grey,
The Sone of Temperance, of Ethel, of
which deoeaeed bad been each an active
worker, attended in a body and 6 of them
aoted ae pall bearers, viz :—B. Molay,
Hugh Lamont jr•, Alvin Barr, Joe Weleb,
Wm. and Will Balmier. Rev, Jao. Rose,
B. A,, of Braeaele, oondunbed the oervioo
at the cemetery,
SAnntTn SauooL 500I87 —A eooial under
the anepiaee of Bethel Sabbath Sobool
will be beld in the church at M000rieff,
on Monday evening, July 25. Tea will
be served in the eohool house from 6.30 to
7.80 o'clock, Atter supper a choice pro-
gram will be rendered 0oneieting of
addreaees by Rev. D. B. Molise, W. H.
Kerr and others : vocal solo by Mr.
Bobertaon ; reoitatione by Mine Me -
Naught ; dialogoee, recitations ; and
Innate by Oranbrook Presbyterian Choir
and Bethel Sabbath sobool. Everybody
wetoome. Geo. Hanley ie Seoretary and
M. Hexrieon, Superintendent.
Tbe 29th annual statement of this
Bank, pabliehed in another oolumn,
shows profits of $188,007.17 for Ole year,
after deducting all expenses and allow.
mom for bad and doubtful debts, This
is undoubtedly the beet statement
the Bank e'er presented. From
the above amount, $75,000was
added to Reeerve or Surplus Fund, whiob
now makes that amoaob 91,000,000.00 or
100% of the paid•np capital. A11 thit
fond has been earned by careful manage-
ment end eyetematio bueiueos methods.
The stools in this Bank is rated in to -day's
paper at $280 for $100 share.
Dividend of 10% paid to etookboldere.
An agency of tbie Bank has been
eotablidbed in Brussels for the pant
fifteen yearn, and during Hutt time, bas
built up a business most satisfactory Ho
the Directors and the General Manager.
Spada' attention given to the require.
menta of farmer(' and also to ouetomere
living at a distance. 5% Interest on
Daily Balauoee paid on Saviage Bank
deposits, $1 and upwards received in this
Agent, Brueeale Agency.
Brussels Council.
Tbo monthly meeting of Brussels
Council was bald last Monday evening,
the Reeve in the chair Ooanoillore
pre0en1 Metiers, Banker, Hendereon and
Minutes of last meeting read and pm -
The following accounts were presented :
R. Henderson, mieoellaneone..9 4 00
Eleatrio Light Co. 101 25
Jae. Cooper, Fire Dept. 1 00
F. S. Soott, salary and mise91 00
Alex. McLanahlin, salary, 25 00
Geo. Lott, street imp 8 00
Jae. T. Roes, hay scalae 6 00
Geo, Smith Fire Dept 1 00
N. F. Gerry Fire Dept 18 48
H. Jamee, Fire Dept 8 00
Jno. MoDonald, lumber 76 14
D. McNanghton work at sidewalk 16 00
Moved by 8. T. Pluto, seconded by R.
Henderson that above amounts be paid.
Tendertfor gravel were opened a0
follows :—
D. Denman, screened 70e
Wm, Denbow, eoreened,Oho
Moved by A. Broker, seconded by R.
Ilendereon that Wm. Denbow'e tender be
accepted, Oerried,
Chief Gerry was instructed to prooere
momentary wrenobee for the Fire Engine,
Dorrieter Sinol"air briefly referral to
the Bawer oaee and said he would report
more fatly when copy of Judgment came
to hand.
Moved by le Hobderson, seconded by
A. Backer that a letter of nondolenee be
forwarded to Mre. Paul having referenoe
to the demlae of the late Rev, R, Paul,
who wee for many years chairman of the
Board of Health; Carried,
Connell adjourned to meet on Monday
evening of next week,
The trophy presented by Fred Davis 00
the Mitchell Bowling 011th Will he played
toe iu rinks this year, There will be
nine rinks in the oonteet,
5, A, Hodge, of Mitchell, is a prize
donee at the tournament of the Ontario
Lawn Mowing Association at London,
commenting July 25011,
The long grass alm08t mento over the
eidewelke in some plaoee in Mib01111
whiob makes it very unoomfoetable for
lady pedeetriano eepeofaily when the
graae 18 wet,
We Did up PJntl8yiho too,"
Brussels intermediate Foot
Ball Team Wins the W. F.
A. Silver Cup for the
Second Tifne.
The Boys Deg9rye Great Credit.
1'nU tevU18
810178 Them n lilted Pialtt but
Bru80010 et1,1 Berries tilt 0pu1e.
PLATT0V0LL1 0010010 DOWN,
Dominion Day at Platteville was stele.
broted by en Old Boys' reunion and a
program of games and sports was given.
No item on the program awakened more
interred however than the championship
Foot Bali match between Brueeale and
the sturdy kiokere of that village, who
held the obampionsbip Oup for one 000 -
ton prior to Brunetti winning it lest year,
and were casting longing eyes for its
return. Toward the a000mplishment of
this end they had made the Intermediatee
of Galt, Goelpb, Preston and Dundee, all
well known teame, bite the duet and our
lads only barred the way, to the transfer
of the silverware. Brussels bad as their
motto "What we bave we'll hold” and
were not nonplussed at Platteville -being
a trifle bloffy over the result of the two
games to be played bet were well aware
it would be a battle royal.
Brunets team took the morning train
to Tavietook and drove from there to
Platteville a distance of 17 milee arriving
in time for a 1 o'oloak dinner. Tbe game
was salted at 4. m. with it r
$0.r Brown,
of Berlin, as Martial referee. Daring th
fleet half time neither side floored al-
though the opposing goals were repeated•
ly attacked but ae vigorously defended.
After a brief refit ronnd No. 2 was entered
upon and one team settled down to bug.
nese and snored two goals in gniok sec•
cession by a pretty piece of oombinalion
work. The home team realized they had
met their match and put on a spurt
daring whit% they tallied one and with a
some of 2 to 3. in favor of Braeaele the
aonfliot came to an end, with a well
pleased team and a disappointed eleven
on the home. ground.
Sapper over Benguela boye drove to
Bright, 4 miles away, and got the train
for Stratford where they had to tarry
until the next morning for railway con.
neotiona to get home.
Owing to Friday being a holiday
neither telephone nor telegraph messages
were got through Rs to the result of the
match but Saturday morning the settle.
faobory news tame to hand. The Band
very kindly turned out after dinner and
went to the depot to meet the wieners
and led the march down street, mown -
panted by a goodly number of ctlloena,
with excellent musics, while hearty con
gratolationa were accorded the victors.
The line•op wee ae follows :—
Snowmen PLaTToVILLn
Herr Goal 008000
Robinson Books j Oowan
MoBae 1 - liameay
Brown 4 Baas4 HulOall
OardtS ) Tew
Oa moron Adams
Forwards Cumming
Miller "• fSInDoMn r1i
000Nxn 111000,
Platteville Park dose not compere with
Viotoria Park, Braeaele,
Platteville suffered tbeir drat defeat
this season by Brunetti. It was nasty
medicine for them to take.
The Oxford Co. reproaentativee have a
strong team and put up a ea0oy fight but
as 90000 count better than anything elee
they were a little short,
There are a few oompl'.ments usually
understood to be owning to a visiting
team that were not accorded Brueeale by
the home club last Friday.
Among the onlookers wbo obeeeed for
Brunets were "Shorty" MaGoire and
Geo, Bishop, of Parisi P, Hogg, of Wel.
leeleyMies Mary Roberton, of Innerklp,
plus vieitore from looal pointe.
A 000 WAEI%,
The. final Foot Ball meta, for the
Western Foot Bail Trophy, Intermediate
aeries, for this year was played on Victor.
in Park, Brussels, on Monday evening
before a large and very enthngiaotio
gatbering, Platteville and Braeaele being
the opposing teams. There wag only 1
goal difference in the standing of the
oluba in the previous( game benne the
odds were not moth. Platteville turned
out in full foroe to witneee the game end
for 000vonieuoe n special train was run
from Bright, theirIlonas
nation, arriv-
ing here about 4 p, m. on whioh were nen
wards of 100 plosengere. The visitors,
who were willing to talk, were quite oon•
fident of turning the tabled, To 'Improve
their olub'e obanoee they brought with
them a Detroit "ringer", who played on
(he forward line ender the mourned
name of of "Wm, Ramsay,": a most nn•
oport0manlike and crooked photo of
bueinies and.eaob 0e should bar Platte.
villa from the ball field for the next year,
A downpour of rain game on in the
early evening that threatened to inter.
fere with the pleaenre of the game fiat as
the grace bad been newly oet the moisture
largely dried off before the Widetle blew
for the starb.
Both Marne wore out to win end ae
they took theft plhOee on the field they,
ahowed in good form, the vieitore having
the advantage in weight. It wee expect.
ed to be a 01000 ebetea6 and 00 f0 Wae
with not a little rongbneee at times but
Referee Brown Jaokeon, of Seafortb, was
lenient or e v rat
Platteville play
would have adorned
the fence on differ.
entooaasion0. As it was no players were
ruled off although upeete were not in-
frequent. The filet half of the play
was fairly evenly balanced, with a trifle
in favor of the visitors bat neither side
was able to penetrate the stalwart de-
fence or the goalkeepers' paradiao before
half tima was annanooed.
Atter a brief breathing eyed sides were
reversed and the ball was put in play.
Our lade ebortly struck their combina-
tion work. whioh bad been a little off in
tee lint half, and into the visitors'
territory went the epbere. It was pnb
between the flags bat not counted and the
hottest kind of hot work was on deck
with an 000aaional run down the field
only to result in the ball being speedily
tient back again. In receiving a bard
°heck Rue. Browne right area was
severely injured and a halt bad to be
palled but the plucky half-baok, who
oonld not poeeibiy be spared, soon got to
work again. Later W. Miller received a
kick in the ankle while directing the ball
toward Platteville goal and soother inter.
mission eoened to be followed shortly
after by a slight injury to Pipe one of the
buetliog forwarde belonging to the
vieitore. The lass few minutes of the
game wag one of the most exciting of the
play as the ball wag landed into close
proximity to Platteville goal again anti
again and at last went through, The
Referee called it a gaol but in the melee
the time keepers' were shouting that
time was up and room for wrangle was
Platteville had not eoored and as Brae.
eels had 1 goal to the good without this
they did not press for what had been
won. A great big, Meg continued cheer
went skyward by the hundreds of sup•
portiere of the home team when it was
known that the obampionebip honors for
auotber year were clearly and cleverly
won by Brume's.
The personnel of the opposing teams
was the same 0e et Platteville with the
exception that for the visitors Adams
gave place to "Ramsay," of Detroit ; some
eay another "ringer" watt on the team
but as to the oorreotneeejof this we can-
not Day.
Afew bonfires blazed,
ratnl ti
were freelyoffered, oousiderabie
natured olhaffing.earried on and the team
was well and deservedly praieed for their
line showing throughout the season, mi.
minating in again winning the ohampioa•
Platteville people got away on their
train shortly 0fter 9 o'clock and no doubt
enjoyed their outing even if the uov'Oted
trophy was not lifted,
Bn0T0 ON OM.
Poor old Plateville.
B -a -u -a -e -ane -s. What's the matter
with Brnseole 7
Gate reoeipte were $134. This pave
the boye a good lilt but they still have
the "shorta" to cover expengeo.
Mr. "Romany" oonfldod bie story to a
format Brneeelite while travelling from
Stratford to London en route to big
home in Detroit.
Every player did fleet elms and well
deserved the hearty applaaee acoordod
them. Evan "Moody" Cameron, the
ligbteet man on the team, went into the
"apeelOing" bneineee after having reoeiv.
ed m good many hard *ales, and tipped
over three of the betty !Mews on hie
wing taking the ball from the trio.
An exotting runaway team, With demo-
ar0t wagon ()Detaining Minta 0111, a nurse,
and a fonrteen•yoar•old boy, named
Joseph Kerr, oceerred on Mein street
here Saturday bight hod is was et nest
reported that both were eerioaelyinjered,
no the wagon was completely overturned,
dragging them along the mad, Though
severely out and bruised, they are now
raouveriug from the 8110018 of whet
narrowly eeeeped being a fatality. It
appears that tine team Witt frightened by
as automobile and started off from the
Branewiok Hotel not being stopped until
reaching the National Hotel.
jetll'4(3 te Cr? w 00.
Prinolpel Strachan, of 'yseewater, is
otiioiatiog et Lnoknow'hie week as ex-
aminer at the Pt. 11 Jr, Leaving Exam.
held at that plooe. Wo are always
delighted to bear of Mr. Stroohan'o
mimes and feel that the Department
made no mistake when they gave him
this reepoueible position.
MATurS00ooro L,—The reeidenes of Geo.
Johnston, eon, 1, Morrie, was gay alai
brigbt with a happy event on Wednesday
evening, Jane 29, wben his daughter,
51ies Martha E„ became the bride of Ld•
wardJaokliu. After the mystic winds
had been spoken which made the twain
one oongratalabioae followed and Oben
the company sat down to a onmpto, ne
repaot. Tbe evening was spent in emend
oonvereation and emus meute. Both
bride and groom are welLkoown and
have boats of friends. A large number
of guests witnessed the intereoting dere•
mo0y. The bride was beautifully dressed
sad looked charming. The guests
allowed their kind wishes in humerout,
appropriate and handsome gifts. May
the young couple bave long life and
much happiness is the 84101.0 of tbeir
many friends.
'47 r•OX
N. Cook returned to Heneali on Mun.
Mre. Foster ie the guest of relatives in
Hugh Rae, of Galt, visited at hie home
in Howiok this week,
Miee Gay, of Toronto, was a guest at
Dr. Brawn's lads weak,
Hugh McLeod, of Wingham, ie home
for two weeks' bolidaye,
R. J. MoLanohlin, of Brueeale, visited
friends here on Sunday.
Mime Forbes, of Wingham, are
guests at the Union House.
John Brean, of Tavistock, epent
several days at hie home here.
John Gofton is spending a few holi-
day(' with old friend in eta Plattaviile.
Mre. Thos. Playford, of Denver,
Colorado, is visiting Mre. A. MaLeen.
Joe. liteyworth, of Toronto, was a
visitor in the village over the holiday.
Mise Wellwood left for Oakville 'bis
week, where ehe will spend her vacation.
The Mimes Walker, of Brussels, are
spending a few weeks with the lliseee
Jobe Rae retnrneil to Toronto on Mon-
day alter a few day's tiu,t at hie home
near here.
Mrs, R. Calder leaves this week for
fdamilOon, where she will remain for
some time.
David Stewart, of New' 10 rk, bo vieit-
ing hie p0rent0, D. cod Mre. Stewart; in
Mies Sere Allan and Mrs. McIntyre,
of Cleveland, ala gueaia of their mother,
Mre. N. Allan,
Robert Rite arrived from Deming,
Man., on Tuesday to upend a menthe'
holiday(' at hie hone.
Ml's, W. Paulin and alias Mamie
Paulin, of Simone, were guests of Jas.
Paulin er. this week,
Rev, J. H. Oetorhnut preaoled his
first 00tmo0 in the Methodist thatch
bare Sunday evening,
Mre, 0. Cook and daughter Ofa, of
Hensel!, are viaitime the forreer'epermits,
T. and Mrs. Hemphill,
The harems shop here has been let to
a Mr, Oarr, of Toronto, who will take
poeseseion abont the let of Angnet.
Peter Smith is still confined to bed ,the
result of ati aooident in the Mildmay and
Wroxeter football game bete Friday
The brethren of Forest Lodge A. F.
and A. M. installed the following ottioere :
4eo,Allan W. 141. ; R. B. Harris S.
W. ; J. R. Wendt J. N. 1 Rev. J. W.
Holmes 0bap. ; John Davidson Treat„
Chas, Sanderson Sony. ; D. D. Sander-
son I. D. ; Gay. Davidson ,T, D, ; Cent
Reis I. 0, ; W, J,. Mitchell, Tyler.
clerk of the weather wee not in a very
good bumor and did not do as well for
❑e a8 might bave been done, but we
must not complete, for during all the
years that Wroxeter has been celebrat-
ing doufederatiou Day we have had
almost perfect weather here, The morn.
ing opened up with a series of heavy
shower's and the spirits ot the oommitbee
in charge were below zero when whether
it was the coming of "dot litttie German
band," from Mildmay, or not we do not
know but sunshine and band name about
the tame time, The inspiring music,
seemed to put enthusiasm bath the people
and wben the eporte began at 10.45 a. m.
there wee a very fairtura•out of eprota.
tore, Tbo first amneement wee of a new
departure a game of bane -ball by eighteen
young ladies of the village, The game
proved very intereetin and was oloaely
oonteeted,the score being 10-18, The
ladies rather surprised many in the
manner in whiob they handled the hut,
taught thee, stole bathe, oto. Allot
diener a lenroeae mntob between Hann).
ton and Listowel tools place whioh was
rather te0 one•eided to be oxai.ing.
Lietowel was not in it with YIorrieton8
leaking combination and their defence
being weak. This game was followed
by base.ball between HarriaOon and the
Unions. This watt a fi'aa.olaee euhtbf.
tion of ball playing. At the end of the
ninth innings the toore wee 7-7. In the
tenth innings Harriaton waft abut 000 and
the Deicing going to bat made the
Wincing run. The last gaunt played
suer tea wag a football match Mildm0y
vW, llWarrooxntd rt.bs TMhisdbmaay84g0o8akl ebputt porge1tutyg
to their splendid defence the Wroxeter
aria only suooceded.in flooring one
goal. Some Wroxeter 1, Mildmay 0.
George Paulin anted 0e referee. The
atteodanoe at the grime was good auii
the gate re08ip19 0dite a sum ahead of
Mat yeatee. The Committee of Manage.
mint 00rt0inly bootee credit for the
program they pet no for the day,