HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-30, Page 81'El B110t3t3ELS POST ugs are Scarce on a patch of potatoes when it has been well sprayed with our Paris Green, It is quick Beath to them, lit is very discouraging after the work is done to find your time and money has been wasted, such is often the case after using Paris Green. If you get your 25c.Ib. PARIS GREEN 25c. Ib. from us you can depend on getting it strong and pure. We keep but the one grade and that the best we could procure. Give it a trial. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. 800THEEN EXTENSION W. 0. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GOING BOOTH Gonia Nonan. Mall 7:15 a.m I Mixed 9:00 8,01 Mlzea.........10:00 a.m I Mail Expre8a...... 3:to p.m Exprese „8:85 p.m tient Items hems, A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Emery haying is at band. THE MAPLE LEAP FOREVER. ADDITIONAL 100E21 news on page 5. OooNom meeting next Monday evening. REPORT of Foot Ball match at Wood - stook may be reed on page 4, Wor. ELLIS, Brussels South, has a pear tree now in bloom, the eeoond bearing. Tan lady Maccabees held their annual pio-nio in the Davideoo grove last Mon- day afternoon. A vow took in the I. 0. F. excursion to Kiooardine on Saturday deepite the showers of the morning. LOST—A. silver dollar brooch with ,"Annioe" engraved in gold. Kindly re• tarn to Mre. J. Leckie. Reward. Tun Co. Board of Examiners will hold a meeting at Seaforth on Friday to attend to some necessary business. BRoeenLe Band will play at Listowel On July 12th being engaged by the town lodge for the day ae they have no Band at the present. M, H. Mom, V. B., has the enlarge. meat and improvement of hie barn com- plete. He has fitted up a neat veterinary office in one part of it. NEXT Monday hbe Junior and Senior Leaving Examinations begin. There will be sixteen oandidetee writing at Brussels under the eapervieioa ot4Ioepeo for Robb. Tan Toronto Daily G'obe of Tuesday aeknowledgee the receipt of a bognet of eweet peas from J. G. Skene, of Brussels. They :wore sown teat Fall and have been in bloom einoe the 20th inst. THURSDAY evening of next week the oloeing meeting of the A. P. A., of St. John's ohuroh will be bell until after yaoatioe. Mise Jean MoLanohtin will give a paper on "The Prodigal eon." Tan Odd Fellows' annual decoration service, whioh was to be held on Monday • evening next, baa been poetpoued owing to the Platteville—Brueeela Intermediate Football match here. Announoement will be made later. Sewall people from town are attend. ing the ranee at Stratford. Neither of the Brussels horeee were winnera at Lietowel but Kaplan showed up very well and will make the winners hustle that beat him before the season ie over. BELLING WIAaTON SUGAR FACTORY.—The entire property and plant of the Wiarton Beet Sugar Manufacturing Oompaoy, Limited, will be offered at auction at 68 King street Ellet, Toronto, on Friday, July 16th, at 2 30 p. m. The factory was completed in 1 03 and was equipped with Rom 9 Pnew modern beet sugar machinery. WINGHAM bowlers paid a friendly vieit to Brneeels last Monday afternoon and won by a eoore of 26 to 20. The visitors put up a good game. Oar sphere trend lore will have to look sharper after their laurels. Several bowlers of our team have been off duty eo tar this season through the illness of Dr, MaNaaghton and Robert Downing and the inability of Principal Cameron to absent himself from hie ditties at eohool. AMONG the people going Weet on Toes. day morning Poetmaetet Farrow Bold Mallets to Mre. J. B. Smith and Mrs. Wm. Work to Snowflake, Man. ; W. A. Mason, Ethel, to Prince Albert ; John Robb er., and Mrs. Rachel Thompson to Esteem. ; James and Mre, Dungan to Moose Jaw ; Peter McDougall and Jed. Manning to Deloraine ; Mieeee Luella and Gertrude Rose to Calgary 1 Hugh and Mre. Hugh Lamont to Bineoartb ; Mise teabella MOLanohlin to Arcola ; Angus Shaw to Mooeomin ; Mrs. Wm. Ritchie to Portage la Prairie. Co. Oon800, Nomas.—The oontraot for a new cement bridge on the boundary between 'Osborne and Blanchard town. ship, near Kirkton, has been let to a Bt. Mary's firm at $1626. Bridge le 45 feet long and Huron and Perth Oouotiee will; bear the expense equally—A stallion broke through the flooring of a bridge in the Southerly part of the County and had a leg broken. The home had to be killed. It is said the owner will look to the Go. for the price of the animal.—The present debenture debt of Heron 0o. ie £16,000 eterling.—Tbere will be 6 or 8 Go. bridges conetrnated this year In all probability.— The stone work at the House of Refoge addition basement is being commended. Brink is now being delivered from Ctredi. ton for the walls.—Aebfield townebip Oounoil threatens suit against the Go. for the washing out of roadway at Port Albert, by the freshet of taet Spring. The Aebfield Council pregame that the Co, iron bridge wee at fault in being too narrow, they affirm, to allow the ice jam to get through. .At the June session of the Co, Gonncii, Port Albert was visited by the County Ooueoillore who after viewing the eitnation declined t0 make a grant to the replaobment of roadway; bends the me0aoe of a law stub, TaaRE was service in the R. 0. church hero last Sabbath morning. Dozer forget the Foot Ball mateh on Munday evening, Platteville vs. Brunie. A Mar tuTE's oRBe was on the pro. gram over an assault bat the trouble was settled by the parties interested. PoexorFlos boars on Dominion Day will be 9 to 10 a, m„ one hour after arrival of afternoon naafi, and from 6 to 6 80 Tan hay on the Agriooltnral Park ie offered for eels by tender. See advt, in this issne of Tan Poor. It le le good crop. LoeT.—A brooch between F. R. Smith's drug store and Jae, Ballantyne'e grooery last Tboreday. Finder please leave it at Tan POST Pabliehiog House, PLATTevirda has not lost a game this year. What will it be on Friday eight ? The return game will be played on Man• day evening on Monday evening, July 4th on Victoria Park, A ROADSTER oolt beionging to F. 8. Slott got naught on a fence iu the pasture field it was attempting to get over and was a prisoner for some time before it was uotioed. She is doing all right now. ENTRANCE EXAM,—There are 82 boys and 80 girls writing at the Entrance Examination at Brneaele this week. The papers, on the whole, were rather easier than some years. Inopeator Robb and Mimi Jean Ritchie are the presiding Examiners. A,o.EETIxo of the Directors of the East Edon' *lid Grey Brauoh Agrioultaral Soni"eitiee'was held for the revising and enlarging of the Prize list for the next Fall Fair, the dates of which will be, 1bareday and Friday,October 7an de Committee on Speoial Attraotioue was also chosen and one of the best Faire ever held will be prepared for. OR1T.—After a liogering illness of two yeare, the spirit of Henry Taylor passed to He reward last Saturday afternoon June 25 et the home of his son, William, Stanleyttwp. He had long been waiting for the enmmone, eo when the cry wan made "Behold the Bridgroom oometh, ego ye forth to meet Him," he went gladly forward knowing that all was well. Mr. Taylor was born 84 years ago this month in Btirlingeltire, Sootland, sod mems to this oouutryyneariy sixty yeare ago, He took up land on the 10th Con., of Hallett, where he helped to make a eomfortabiefhome for bimeelf and family. The funeral took pia08 012 Itdonday June 27t1a to Buena' cemetery Hullett, where the remains were laid to rest beside those at his wife, who predeceased him three years ago. He leaves four sone, JOeepb, William, Henry and George. Mr. Taylor was a fine spirited man and highly esteemed by all who knew him. He and Mre, Taylor lived in this locality for years. PLATTEVILLE DEFEATED DDNDAB. — On Saturday lbs Platteville and Dundas Soot ball oiobe played a semifinal W. F. A. intermediate match at Sb. George. i Platteville won the toes, and eleoted to kick with the wind and sun behind them. The first halt was very muoh in favor of Platteville, and alter about fifteen minutes "Bottle" Adams eoored, bat it was die - allowed owing to a Dundee men being injured just as the ebot was made. Shortly before ba t•tiroe Cowan s Dred on shot, In the eeoond belt aided a long eh by the wind, Dundee preened bard, and cao- oeeded in soaring in about eleven minutes. They tried tv score again, bat the defence wae impregnable, and a few minutes be. fore time was up, Platteville forwards, .by the prettiest oombioation run of the day, carried the ball to the other end, Pope eoored with a beautiful shot. This left Platteville winners by 2 to 1. H. W. Brown, of Berlin, made au Al referee, The winners were :—Goal, Conon ; full, beaks, Cowan, Ramsay • half•baaoke, Hunter, Hall, Taw ; right wing, MoDon• aid., Waite ; oentre, Cummings ; left wing, Adams, Pope. Thie victory pate Platteville against Brussels in the finale andftwo great games may be expeoted as both teame are in ilret•oleee shape. The last match will be played on Victoria Park, Brussels, on Monday evening July 4th at 6.15 sharp. SPECIAL MEDTINe OF TEE CO, CoDN01L.— On Wednesday of thie week a special 9e8eio0 of Huron Oo. Oonnoil wan held in Goderioh for the purpose of preparing and reading a By•Iaw to borrow the eum of $20,000 for 15 yeare, on debentures, payable in annual inetalmente of $1200, to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent, $10,000 of this amount will be applied on payment of addition to Hoose of Beluga and the abet: $10,000 toward bridge building now contracted for. All the membere were present exoepbing D. Patterson and B. B. Goon. Bylaw wee 000eidered in oommittee with Jno. Mo. Lean in the chair and it will receive its third and final reading on the dib day of Deoember at 7.80 o'olook p. m. On motion the neoeeaary advertisement was ordered to be inserted in the Goderioh Star. Barrister a Bl it addressed the Council relative to that body taking some aotion iu securing authentic information relative to the waeh•out at Port Albert 8so., ae Ashfield Council wee proposing to ascertain by legal promo npoo whom the responsibility reete for damage done last Spring by the freshet. No notion taken' ae Oonneil was convened for the special purpose of dealing with By-law referred 10. Jailer Griffin melted for some repaire at the Jail, referred to 00. Pro. petty Ooeomittee, 0ouuoil adjourned at 5, m. Standard Bank of Canada o=1s=.A.car-as as 1.M7 ASSETS — OYER THIRTEEN MILUION DOLLARS A. General 13araldnly J3urglneLista Tram—meted -" L$AVINCS BANK'' —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwarde received on whioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT et the HIGHEST BANE RATE. AOORUED INTEREST is added to eeeounte every six months and beoomee principal. —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS moy make and withdraw Deposita without the iutervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE•$EEPING only for which no oharge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and oonrteoue attention. A. 0. MAOFARLANS, AGENT. APPRENTICE wanted to learn the print• ing. Apply at Tan Poar, Among the Brueeelites who went Weet for aholiday were :—Mise Meggie Backer, Mieeee Luella and Gertie Roes and Mre, Rachel Thompson. Tun Brussels Intermediate Foot Ball team playa in Platteville for the fleet game in the finale on the let of July and the return game will be played on Via. lona Park, Brussels, on Monday evening, July 4•h. Bo far thie season the Brussels Foot Ball team, Ietermediate ohampione of 1908, have bad only one goal eoored against them in the W. F. A, series while they have scored 11 goals. Watch out for the Platteville game. Tea CORPORATION LOST.—After a long and tiresome delay the judgment of the Court of Appeal MoOrae vs. Braesale re Sewer case, was heeded cot on Tuesday of this weak with the count againet1 the village. The full judgment will be given next week. ST. JoNN'6 LODGE,—The following ie the list of hew ofivars in conuectiou with the Maenaio Lodge, Brneaele, who were iuetailed by W. P. M., Bro. P. J. Biebop on Friday evening :—J. H. Cameron, I, P. M, ; M. Blank, W. M. ; Jae. Bal. laotyue, S. W. ; C. H. Dodds, J. W. ; I. 0. Riobarde, Ohap, ; A. Gormley, Treas. ; J. Wright, Sea.: W. Pennington, S. D. ; W. Oaldbiok, J. D. ; A. Reymann, S. S. ; Jae. Humpbriee, J. S. ; L.13, Danford, I. G. : J. Y. B. Kirk, Tyler 1 H. Jewett and Jae. Fox, Auditors. Immediate Past Master Cameron will represent St. John's at the Grand Lodge to be bald at Brook- ville in the eeoond week of July. Brus- sels Masonic Lodge has a membership of 70, alIes ETHEL SCOTT'' SISTER DIES BAD• DENLT.—Last Saturday forenoon Mies Ethel Boett, teacher in our publio school, feed the sad intelli CeOe enne of the g demise of her eieter, Sarah Letitia, who was teaching near Clifford. Sin, had taught on the Thursday previode Ian) not feeling well on Friday she aooeded to the advice of the people of the home in whioh ebe boarded and did not go to her school. Her illneee increasing the Dr. and her relatives were sent for Friday night but deepite all that could be done ebe flossed away early Saturday morning, Deceased was 28 yeare'of age and although not ea rugged as many she bad taught for several years in the eame eo1oo1. IIer death Dame as a great shook to the community. She was kindly In her disposition, a enooessfnlinetrnotor of the youth and a member of the Methodiet oborob, Heart failure wae said to be the oanee of her demies. The funeral took plane from the residence of 0. Hooper, where Miee Booth died, t0 Lakelet came. tery, on Monday afternoon, Rev, Mr. M000syt of Clifford, oonduotiog an appropriate service before a large gather. ing of relatives and friende. "Be ye also ready for in moth an boor as ye think not the Bon of Man oometh," is certainly applicable moth enairoumetanoee as those stated above. Thera has been a sad continoanoe of bereavements in the Scott family during the peat few years in the decease 01 father and brother, Oboe. Howlett and Mise Pipe attended the funeral. They are relatives. BxeaontNCE B00082 —A large audience aesembled in the School room of St. John's church Thursday evening of last .weak in connection with the Exnerienoe Social annonnoed by the Young People'e Society. "The incumbent, Rev. I. M. Webb, Resisted by Mr. Powell, presided, A short but interesting program wae pre- eented with credit to the pretormera sod pleasure to the people. It was ea fol- lows :—Bolo, H. W. Avieon ; reoitation, Miee Beatrice Harris ; eolo, Miee Vinnie Cardiff ; recitation, Miee Manning, Ex. perienoee of how pereo0s oonneoted with the Sootety had earned a dollar outside of their usual vocation odme next, Comely matrons, fair maidens and enter. prising bachelors told their experiences, either in prose or poetry, and renonnbed the washings, hoeing potatoes, picking potato huge, mowing lawne, embroider. ing handkerchiefs,hooking mate making taffy, giving supers, washing cream separators, thinning eager beets, making burse, boaee cleaning, shooting ministate, &o., that bad been done to 0eonee the muoh desired ooln. The amounts varied from $100 up to $0 76 the total realized being $22 00. The second part of the program 000eisted of a bomoroue reading by A. H. Plummer, of Blyth; solo by r • reoi tion Miee Violet Onope , to by Mise Dupee ; solo by Mies Nora Holmes; and a reading by Mies Mabel Haggard. A taety lunch was served in which etraw- berries and oream, oake, lemonade, &o , were generously distributed. The National Anthem and the Benediction brought the enterteinment to a cloae. Total financial proceeds over $47.00, Noisiness Locals. Rocas to let, Apyly to Mre. J. R. Smith, Go to Brewer's Reliable Photo, Studio for drat•olase Photos, PAeTnRa for a number of steers, Mao se B Apply to THD¢. o , rueeels, PHOTOS ot wedding groups, pio-nio partiee, houses, &c„ taken en abort notice. H. R. BEEwas, WANTED.—Eggs 160 and 15a. Wool 18a to 22o, We want another oar of butter, oath or trade by July 2nd, G. E. B1NO, Wingbam, To TILE PuRLIo.—'It you wish to have lawn =were put in firet•olase order you can have lame done at a reasonable figure by T. McGregor, Mill etreetl Brugge'''. PROMOTION EXAMS. Drnasel$ Continuation Classes. FORM III Promotion baited upon the revolt of departmental exams. Twelve pupils are recommended to write, two of these tag. ing pert matriculation. 8701214 1I Honors 76% with 50% on slot sabjeot, Paee 50% with 88% ou each eubjeot. Names iu order of merit. Honore— Roes, Bertha Roes, Argo Paee— Deadman, Roger Cameron, Willie Davideoo, Frank Turnbull, Leslie Mo0raoken, Johu Riobardson,Jemee Haneuld, Ella Btraohan, James Byrans, Robb. McQoarrie, Annie Dark, Mary Armstrong, Jennie FORM I, Houorm— MnBee, Bessie Oober, Eva Randa, Jennie Bryane, Serve McQoarrie, Stella Lowick, Norme Fraser, Fin.. Pass— Stevenson, Willie Streohan, Laura Bray, Lorenz,.. McNaught, N. Elliott, Mina - Elliott, Jessie Oemeron, Eva Bryane, Ohm. PUBLIC SCHOOL DIIPAR'r1IEd"P. Entrance standing determined by re. Butt of Departmental Examination. JR, IV TO BR. IV. Honore— $, Deadman M. Brothers F. McKenzie P. Leatberdele Pass— L. alo0raaken W. Turnbull 0. Holmee V. Wilbee 0. Soott V. MaKeozie 0. Bell 8. Stubbe F. Campbell W. Strachan M. Millar G. Armstrong R. Ounniogham L. MoArter J. Cunningham L Leatherdaie W. Hendereon A. Thomson K. Harbottle A. Jaokeon A, McMillan S. Campbell rhea 01. Ill TO JR, Iv. Honore— Jack Leckie H. Moore E. Good M. Birt 0. Simmooe Paso— F. Mainprize E. Wilton A. Bishop J. Wilbee 4T. Armstrong W. Soott T. ()ober E. Ewan Wilton 'T` 0. Gerry E. Spinal E. Oolvin (S. Walker 0. Denbow S. Wilton J. Ament PIt01I JR 11I TO SR. III. Honore— el, Jamie A. Rose F. Boott W. Adams 0. McMillan $. Ament B. Curry Z, Lindsay Pass— W. Bell F. Gerry V. Walker 0. Jaokeon B. Leckie E. Wilbee FROM PT. II TO JR. III Wee. Honore— E. Deadman E. Plum S. Speireu H. Goad G. Coseley B. Harris 0. Leckie V. Ainley J. Armstrong Pace— S. Fox E. Gilpin L. Denman B, Walker E. Somers Winnie Long M. Walker H, Oampbell M. Thomson S. Gerry De W. Oosene 0. Ament J. Henderson E. Oober N. Ewan L Barkley A, Robb G. Wilbee H. Mooney Wm. Long W. Sperling B. Warwick W. Miller M. Bargees L. Lamont K. Wilton H. Armstrong FROM INT. Ir TO Bit. II. PaeB— W. Kerr F. Robb W. McLachlan P. Dark E. Lamont F. Stubbs G. Kerr M. Thomson H, Ament E. Cooper JR IT TO INT. II. Paee— M. Lowry R Fox 0. Shaw J. Jaokeon H. Lowry H. Burgess E. Barkley PROM CLAN V T04711. 000OND, Honore— Ada Moore Nellie Fox Vernon Ross Page— Hazel Simmons Alice Wilton Ethel Holmes FROG wee 1V TO 0n088 v, Honore— Mary Bishop Wilfrid Lott Paee— Irene MaLaablan Roy McKay Garfield Jamieson Grace Walker Leslie Lowry Peroy Thal' Florence Lowry Jean Elliott PROM CLASS I10 TO CLASS IV. Honore— Stanley Tomball George Colvin Lovette Ballantyne Estella Nfoore Sydney Brothers Clarence Crooke Lawrence Booker VIE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Paid up B1SERYE FUNS 18EV, R, H. WARDEN, D. D„ Directors 8, J, MOORlrE, Preeident, Yiee'Pl'oeId011t, T Oa, BEADED AW, F.I.A. me HONOR MR, W. MOn0IMER CLARE, 11,0, D. n, 1r1001120008, a. 0. 81,000,000 81,000,000 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W,D,1.;OSS - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoounted. t a^4.. tis .aalN9Z BE HEITIN 2* Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed ou all emus of $1 and upwards ANI EPSSbAM,9 WNW A, E, MELLISH, Manager. Page— Willie Harris .. Joe Habkirk Edith Toole F11011 CLASS Honore— Annie MoLaoblan Lorne Holmes Paee— Edgar Lowry Willie Denman Olarenoe Oober 01101I OLABB Honore— Wilbur Armstrong Amy Roe Paee— Harold Work Millie McFarlane Charlie Mnrr Alfie Lookrldge Harvey Walker Viola McCracken II TO CLAN III. Elsie Cooper Bert Wilbee Edna Cooper Harry Boneton I TO CLASS II. Bethel Kerr Harvey Fox George Edwards Lily Bargees People We Snow. Mre. Wm, Martin is visiting friende in Paris. Mre. Israel, of Seaforth, is vieiting in Brussels, Mies Edna Good le visiting relatives in Wingbam. Jae, W. Fox is following hie trade ae a briokleyer at Berlin. Mies Cora Lowick is visiting friende at Tiverton and Kincardine, Mies Etta Coleman, of Detroit is visit• ing with Miee Lizzie Bird. Mise Dora Stnith left on Thursday on a visit to friende, at Platteville. Mre. A. Carrie jr, is renewing old friendships at London and vicinity. Mre. Geo, McMillan is visiting her daughter, Mre. J. Sinclair, at Paris. W. II. and Mre. Salter will spend Dominion Day with relatives at Exeter. J. J. and Mee. Gilpin and Eva were visiting old Mende near Blyth this week. Mies Mabel Adams is home from a visit with her grandmother at Troia. bridge. Mre. Molotoeb and baby, of MIKillop, were visitors at Watson Aiolay'e over Sunday. Mime Agnes Black, of Wroreter, ie enjoying a visit with her girl friende in Brueeela, Arthur Jacquee and the Mimes Haase, of Howick, Spent Sunday with J. and Mre. Oster. Walter Smith is hardly ae well during the past week or eo ae he was the preoed• ing month. Garfield and Mre, Vaaatone, of Wing. ham, were visitors with Mre. A. Good last Sunday. Roy Pugh has taken a position with Moore Bros., in connection with their furniture badness. Mise Govenlook, of Atwood, wee in town for a few days visiting her sister, Mre. (Rev) Ooeene. Mise Vera Ainley bee gone to McKillop to spend her vacation with her sister, Mre, Hugh Molntoeh. H. and Mrs. Ball, of Wingbam, were visitors with John and Mre. Tait on Tuesdayof this week. Mre, , I. McCall, of Chatham, epent several days in town with the Misses MoOall and other friends. Mre. W. 0. Stuart, of Arthur, ie a visitor with ben daughter, Mre. James Fox, Stuart Barn, Brussels. DeWitt Comm has gone to Trowbridge for a holiday with hie grandparents, Ho will visit Durham before returning. Etta, youngest daughter of S. H. and Jackson, who wit an Mre. Jaa o , e d gern0ely Ili during the paet week, is getting better. Miee Budd ie home from an extended stay at Gaylord, Mioh., and is now 'visit• ing under the parental roof John street. Go. Oonnoillor W. H. Herr, attended a epeoiel meeting of Huron 0o, Council at the Go. town on Wedneeday of this week. Mre, Harbottle and Miee Nellie went t0 Woodetook last Monday, where they expect to make their home for some time. Principal Cameron will be the preeid• ing examiner at Wingbam next week at the Junior and Senior Leaving Examina• tions. Mrs. Jae. Beatty and Vara and Will. of Fergus, are visitors with the former's pimento, Wm. and Mre. Blaehill, of Brueaele. Miee Downey, teacher, left on Wednee• day for a vieit with Chatham relatives, She may take in the St. Louie Eabtbi• lion during her vacation. F. J. nod Mrs. Soheak, accompanied by Mre. John Wynn, loft Brunel!' on Tnee• day morning for their Summer Cottage at Oeoebs, Muskoka, where they will spend a couple of months. Mre. W. J. Welsh, of Kamm City, Mo., eldest daughter of Capt. Jae. Stratton, accompanied by her two daughters, Halsey and Rbeba, are here to spend the Summer with the fernier's parents and many friends. Mies M. L. Brook and Frank Hill, of Wiogham, spent Sunday i0 town with Mrs, Freuk Baines. Mr. Hill Bang a splendid Bolo, entitled "Angel Land," in the Methodiet ohutoh at the evening eervioe and the congregation will be Valued to welcome him book. W. F. Boottl Government Agent al Now Liekead is here n visit after a sojourn of 0 months in the Temiekaming eoantry. Be thinks there is a great future in etore for that part of the Province when the railway' are nom. plated. Mr, Soott enjoys hie worts and expeobee to return shortly. The Mitohell Advocate of last week Saye :—"Frank and Idle, Fiebleigh, who were among the very $ret setblere of this neighborhood, are expected in town thie week. They are now well advanced in yearn, and a visit to the eoenen of their younger days will no doubt be =eh ap. preoiated," The old people referred to are father and mother of Mrs. B. Gerry, of Brussels. I3O0w ILS, DuNoix.—Io Morrie, on June 27, to Mr. and Mre. Harry Duncan, a Bon. Latency—At Dauphin, Man„ on June let, t0 Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Linehom, a daughter. Loolcxrnes, Io Brneaele, on June 28, to Mr. and Mre. Wm. Lookridge, a daughter. x.¢aa:a x an- ERo1cINE—HARRIS.—On Teat/flay, Jane 21st, at the reridenoe of the bride's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Donaldson or., Atwood, by Rev. Wm, Penhall, aeoioted by Ray. Dr, McLeod, Mr. James Oliver Erskine, of Monkton, to Mies Annie Maud Harris, of Atwood. L►OEIs—NEALN,—At the residence of the bride's mother, in Howiok, on Jane 22nd, Mr. W. Leckie, of Wroxeter, to Miee Ella Neale, of Howick. MoQooIo—' IoDoxoIn,—At Seaforth, on Jane 29, Mr. Anguo MrQuaig, of Morrie, to Mies Graoe MoDonald, ot Grey. McTAeaAItT—JOHNSTON.—At the reoidenoe of the bride's father, 17th ova., Grey, by Rev. A. MtloNab, M. A., Mr. Geo. McTaggart to Miss Margaret, (daugh- ter of Mr. Thomas Johnston, both of Grey. POLLARD—BOLGEo; At the residence of the bride'e tether, by Rev. I. M. Webb, of Brussels, Mr. Ohne. Pollard to Mite Emily, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Bolger, all of Morris. Siri1L—Rat.—At the Ivfanse, Walton, on Jnue 25, by Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A , Mr. Adolphe R. Small, of Toronto, to Miss Mary E , eldest daughter of Mr. John Rea, 17th eon, Grey. ax>rn- BLOOMFIsLD. Io Morrie, on June 20, R. Bloomfield, aged 79 years. B12ANnoN.—In Morrie, on June 20th, Clark Mille Brandon, sou of J. H. and Mre. Brandon, aged 12 years and 6 menthe. LAMooT.—Io Grey, on June 28, Jno, 0. Lamont, aged 31 years, 1 month and 21 days. Soorr.—In Howiok, on June 25, Sarah Letitia Scott, aged 28 years. TAILOR —In Stanley, 00 June 18, Henry Taylor, aged 84 years. Junk, 30, 1904 Sn den eath That's the inevitable to every Potato Bug , that feeds upon our Green. Every poun1 guaranteed to be Gov'-:, went Standard chemical' pure. 25o. per pound at Ems Drug Store sg XMCA.RKE1V6 Fall Wheat 86 Berley 35 8'' Pons 50 55 Oats 29 80 Better, tube and toile12 13 Eggs per dozen 1214. 18 Hay per 10n 6 00 7 00 Floor, pet cwt 4 00 6 00 Potatoes per bus 50 00 Apples (per bbl.) 1 on 1 26 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hogs, Live 4 90 4 90 Wool 16 16 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ITTANEfuD.p—rJERSEY BULL. LL. l tBnxet,APdweb, TJ'OR SALE.—A BRICK COT - 000E on Rlianbelll Street for aa10. Apply at THE POST. 3 HORSE POWER, STEAM EN- GINA and unrM,ht boiler for sale cheap as a gasoline engine ie befog substituted, For further pertioulare enquire at Tno POST Puhliehiug House. TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. No.3, Grey Township, Duties to eom- menee after holidays. Applieatiooe, with testimonials, and stating salary, received unlit July 10. W, WORE,, 51-11 Secretary, Brussels P. 0. QTRAYED FROM MY PREM. t.7 suus, Lot 17,Con, 11,Morrie, on or about the fleet reek In Juno, two 2.year-old steers, one gray and the other white with red neck and thick horns, information thankfully reiwlved, HUGH HANNA. 51.3" Brussels P,0. Morris, HAY FOR SALE.—TENDERS will he reeeired for the hay on the A0rioulLural Park, Bream's, up to noon of Jelly Mb, All weeds en the Park will have to be properly out down. The lowest or any tender unt ueoearar,ly amen tad. JAS. SPRITZ, W, E. KEERR, President, fieoretary, XXXXXXXXX= xxxxxx xx CllallenIBl1siess HAVING purchased the Fur- niture Business carried on by JOHN WALKER we desire to call the attention of the public to the same and ask for a share of public Patronage. UN Night Calls for Undertaking will be promptly attended to by calling at the residence of George Cardiff, or our boarding house, MRS. A. HUNTER'S residence, Thomas street. MOORE BO FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS. 1c :11000IIM^'IbO'+4'al{+UCX OCIC=CO3=X=I=IC