HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-30, Page 5rt+
JUNE 30, 1904
t!"If II 11 E:.fIf•31i 1.48 POST
CSi ,tert1 CVrii'? t°J
And when 1101' 18 np 00I1d him Or
Term (Went) April lith, 11104
oommorTowol Cvud h—
o Bouufor OA
.gAoIoJN1`nYu, Manager, Q
��.c3s cuff ro•v•.sar.
vont. F.8. 800TT, Brussels.
H. IJo01iACKEN— —
y • Issuer oI siarrIo o Lioonoos. 01
1100 at Gr000ry, Turnbotry str0et, iOruesele,
11 nl1ne1ONit1 has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy term's in 'townships
of Morris and Grey, H Li, Bb OT't,Bruooel
ONEYTO LOAN.—$25,000,
We have the above amognt of pre•
vete funds to loan on reel estate mortgagee
at At and e. par oaut, Rally terms of re -pay.,
inept and oost0 of loan moderate,
Barristers, &o., Godel'feb.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
J. LECKIE,_�_.____
0taoe over Hurmley'8 Drug Store,
Nov, Srd, 1002. 00-860 Bias sole,
Wellington Mutual
Fire 11801'nllao Co.,
110TADL10a13» 1840
Insurance taken on the Bash and premium
note system et om'rent rates. B ef0re Maur.
Ina elsewhere sail on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
OEO0G10 110031188, Brussels.
• Rion, w111 sell for better prices, to
better men in 1000 time and lees charges
than any other Anotloneer iu I:aat Buren or
he won't charge anything, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at ibis oinoe or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reaeolnblo, Bales arranged for
at the Mhos of Tint POST, Brussels. 22 tf
EY • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oullego, is prepared to treat all des•
eases of domesticated animals in a oompet.
antma1ner. Partinnier attention paid to
Veterinary Dentists Cells promptly at-
tended to, Odloo and Infirmary—Fonr doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry et„ Brussels,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, BM.
Saoeeesor to G, F. Blair. OfOoe over Sta1l-
derd Bonk, Brussels. Soltoitur for Metro-
politan Back.
�TT lel:. SINCLAI'R—
I1' • Barrister, Solicitor, '0onveyancer,
Notary Public, eco, OUloe—Stewart's Block
1 door Northof Central Hotel.
So]ioitor for the Standard, Bank.
W. Pnonnaoor, X, 0. R. 0, HATS
0. F. 13LAnt.
O03oes—Those formerly ouenpied by 100o00rs
Cameron & Bolt,
M. D•, 0. M.,
Trinity Uniyer0ity,jrellow Trinity Medical
College, T ember Cuilege of Physicians and
Burgeons Out. Lloeutieto of the Royal Col-
lege of
and Liaeutiate of Mid-
witfery ledinbergb, eneeTolopbouo No.14,
Residence -Mill street, Brussels,
Graduate of the Bova ()Mingo o8'Doutal
Burgeons of Ontario and li'ir0t•olaee Boner
Graduate of 'Toronto University, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
es=3 of*di,,-- is t+t*ztz,
MANY CALLS fi�g'}}
aro rrcolvpd frombusiness firms and a
MANY STODI0NP8 era placed in good trf
puslttoes each yeat' by the fatties all
/ j
I/This ecbool ',toads for theBlanns2
ANn limes, in bueluots education 10.1,1
0y cotenda'treday. Many Business Col -
U loges employ OW: graduate's as teach.
1r ors. Wo bavo 0000160 of appliestiooe
tD irons other Colleges. AMI tosee them it
the day you outer, Ciom1On010 C0urse
new, Uatalogue free,
w; J. ELLIOTT, Principe, ,
You will find at Bruoeole Gn0mthoese
any quantity of Tomato, Caul0'wpr,
Celery end Oubbage Phulto, Tomato
Planta 10o. a box or 8e. a Bozell I000e,
Fine colleotiou of Flowering Plante.
A 0boloe lot of Geraniurne and
Annuals for bedding,
Cot Flowers supplied,
Floral Daetgns made to order,
' I0acat gem Items.
Fatnpy will be a public holiday.
ALL schools in Outarta close for the
Summer vacation on Thursday, Jane
3011, Entrite 08 examinations on the
28th, 28th nerd 80th.
Swabs fare return tiuketo for Doninion
Day will bo intent ou the railways.
Tickets good lrom Thursday, June 30,11,
to Monday, July 41It, .inclusive,
131,XT11 Standard says ;-11. R. Brewer,
of Brussels, paid a visit to Blyth lou
Wednesday. fie ie ode of the leading
photegraphere in Huron county and
couducte 00008 etul gelierioe iu Blyth
and Brn00ele.
A JUNK of I3rtterole bowlers 108111 to
Wingham on Thursday afternoon of lest
week and were defeated by u loom
quartette. The players from town were
D. 0. Ruse, H. Santee, and H. L. Jaok•
eco, Mir. Bishop, of Kincardine, sub
otituted for the 4th man who failed to
get there.
B110800Ls Salt Werke ie turning out a
new grade of the saline product called
urysbalozsd salt that is a very fine artiole.
The dairy and table salt manufactured at
the block here is not eupereeded by any
other end the new brand will be another,
feather in the cap of Messrs. Rauslord,
the proprietors.
etTwoon Bee of last week remarks
gaits correctly ;—Braesele football team
defeated Milom"y in Mildmay last week
by 8 to 0 and the Germane were billed to
play 1h0 return mama in Brussels 011 Pi i•
day but they flunked. Not a very'oporte•
manlike action on the part nl Mildmay as
the game would have netted the Brussels
boyo n large gate receipt.
Tem Wingham advance of taut week
soya: 91ingham and Brussels Football
0881718 played off the tie for the champion.
8hlp at Wroxeter on Friday. The game
went to Brussels players by a there of S
to 1. It is hard 0e be so near, and yet to
miss the ohampionehip, but so long as
our boy! do their beet mud play a fair
game, they stun do no more --at least for
thio 0eaeen.
A Paovmmoan Fruit, Flower and Honey
show will be held. in Toronto during the
second week of November. The various
Aeoociatiois interested include the
Ontario Fruit Growers' Association, the
Ontario Bee Keepers' Association, the
Toroutb Hortioultural Society, the
Torouto Gardeners' and Florists' Ammo
iati0n end Toronto Beaton' District
Society, A 050(80 of big meetiuge will be
held at the time of the show.
P41110OL Aoom103T.—W. 11. Willis, of
Seetorth, met with a painful aocideub,
under rather unusual 0ir0unratanees,
early Friday morning, 17th Met. He got
up to go to the VanEgmond fire, and to
gain time was riding hie bicycle. In
front of the Methodietaheroh be collided
with a large atone which had fallen off a
lead that was being hauled for the build.
ere, The oollieion gave him it header,
and in the fall he came down on hie
ri_ht arm, hanging a severe sprain. The
iejory was a painful 0110, and Mr, Willie
has been compelled to carry the iojered
member in splints and a sling.
FRUIT CHOP Liau'r.—Reports received
by Mr, H. B. Cowan, Provincial Super
in0eudent of Hortionllurai Societies, show
that the plain orop will be very light all
through the Province, and in some 080
tions the trees bees been so badly injur-
ed by frosts that they are being Mime
out. Apples promise to be a good prop
generally, although some of the tender
varieties have suffered severely by the
frosts. Strawberries will be a light crop.
The damage in the Northern section of
:heconn r. 10 ate.
e t y greater than web at gest
thought. POaohes will be a very light
orop. In Essex, Kent and Brant counties
there twill be pruetloally no yield at all,
while iu Welland and Linooln the orop
will be very much reduced.
Tux following paragraph is taken from
1beHorse World, published In .Buffalo
01Juue 1400 ;—"About everybody on the
aif•uuile treats knows Gus, Goebel, of
ttohall, Ont., formerly of Brussels. He
rove Mies Deimaroh, 2 14}, in over ono
undred reeve end was seldom behind
be money, and nobody elee could ever
rain the daughter of Delmaroh, 2.11j,
met enough t0 get warm. In feat she
cold kink another driver out of the
114, aid no fooling about it. Gus. and
he old lady had a enuttta1 underetandiug,
zed got aioug 1116813' together. She now
SR a Colt aired by (Ineeo Baron, 2 18k,
nd ha0 been bred to Oro Wilkes, 2.1 1,
rre oe the beet of trotters now owned in
°nada, Mr. Goebel him lie barrel well
Iled with.money,.and is one of those
ever gentlemen whom we aurid hardly
t stone without,"
TOAONTO EXl1Im111010 P0008 LIST,—A
py of the Prize Liens for the Oauadi(0n
AtiOngl RS1)1bi01ot1 to be held in Tor -
to this year Isom Aug, 29011 to Sept,
te, hes beau reueived. It ie an except.
naily handsome and well printed
rodaolion, 11ho Dover le in three colors
011 tastefully embossed. All the classes
m nicely arratuged and the Executive
e pleased to any that the greatest care
s been taken to have the roles, remake.
ons and oonditione explioitely set forth
clear mod uumietukeable langnage.
here are no fewer than two hundred
id fluty filmetes, covering practically
ery industry itnown t0 Canada that ie
orihy of onoouragemeut, and oallieg for
6,000 in prize looney, In govern! de.
t•thionte oongidorable ehangee have been
ado and the premiums added to, A
w Art Guliery and anew Adminietra•
on Building are being erected and ins•
evoments merle to the ,rounds, The
old "t»'orly•lwa," have bean engaged Anil
will ploy three thou each day during the
entire exhibition. A number of other
decidedly eupel ler uteruotiona hove aloe
been arranged for, Alloga her, therefore,
the txeoutivo feel beatified in promising
that '1'oroatoln Great Nair of 11104 will
Wiper) ell its predecessors. Copies of the
Pr z1 List ems be had on pplioatlon to J
0, Orr, 111eentge1', 70 King Se .,'Toronto
11 Yams 4NO 4 t10NT113 ••—Fianulo L
1:[n •ri e i N ,
l s I , re misguided English oath
who WOO arrested suet week on Ove serious
011309'•0, intending forgery, the mleep
propriatiou of lettere and theft, in Goo•
ne°0ion with Dr, Oarengb'a dental
but/Mesa, Owen BOUM), 1000 sentenced
Salorday ma sing to serve one month in
the county jail et hard labor, after whittle
Le will be Odeon to Kiugo1 n to serve
concurrently four terms of throe years
each. Mngfetmate Bpen0er impoeod the
minimum 0entenwe. Harrison had plead•
ed guilty t0 fuer counts, but 1e a fifth, ft
breach of the politest act, a plea of not
guilty woe entered. A tedhnioal inter.
pretation of the word stealing was the
only Hope young Harrison had of setup.
lug minimum eentenoo of three years.
After the evidence of two witnesses had
been tokou Lieut, Ool, Paterson aaltod
permiseion to change !heplm. to that of
guilty, The Magistrate thou imposed
ee kelerte v10.
The Methodist Churob of thle place
hue issued the annual Report for the
year ending Ilay 81st last. Morava
'Trial monk raised 364150 ; Briok
Oburoh, 3856.21- ; Benedetto, 3684 76.
The total roieed by the circuit wse 31685.
62 1 of this 3658 37 wee putter's eatery,
3547 00 for Trustee Board requirements,
315840 for musico land—the remainder
included eoouex'onal funds, Sabbath
Bohool, Ladies' Aid, Leagues, oto. Won.
Wray le Reoordiog Steward for the
cincuit. The work appears to be weeper.
trig louder the pastoral Dare of Rev. A. E.
Jones, the energetic pastor.
The congregation of the Methodist
church have put in a cement walk from
the etreet to the uhurob.
Rev. E. A. Heli was absent on Sunday
in Landon, J. Hartley, of Wroxeter,
toots the 0800(0es in this parish,
The Presbyterian congregation have
erected a Frost wire town fence in front
and at the North side of the church;
They are also putting in more cement
Springbank Creamery shipned 250
boxes of butter, weighing about 8 tong to
Montreal, for cold Omega on Tuesday of
last week. This is the largeet shipment
they have made yet.
Rev. D. ,Lingers moved to Thorndale
this week where he will be stationed for
the coming year. We wiah Maned and
femily abundant enoneso. Rev, 'Mr.
Bueser in the new pastor moving here
from Holmeevitle. We bid him welcome
t0 Ferdwieh.
The members of the Willing Workers
Society of the Methodist uhurob met at
the p10reenage on Tuesday evening of last
week and presented their retiring preei•
dent, Mrs, D. Rogers, with a rug and
jewel cabinet. The addrete, wag read by
Mrs, W. Ef. Downey, which woe grate.
fully reoeived and acknowledged by 11irs.
Make out a
List of Tour
Where you will find a good as-
sortment of all lines of
White Molina, Organdies, Dim-
ities, Lawns, Vestings, Can-
vas -Duck and Linen Home-
spun Suitings.
Colored Muslin, Organdies,
Ginghams, Flake Linens, too,
Black, Whiter Cream an'd all the
popular shades in 27 inch
J'apaneee Silk, at 50c. per
yd., suitable for light and
cool Shirt Waists or Dresses,,
A full line of Summer Gonda,
Vests, Gloves and Hosiery.
Seo otir Six different lines of 5,0c.
Corsets — each a Specialty
and the best value in the
A largo range of Laces, Em-
br.oideries, Ribbons, itis.
July Standard Patterns, Deeigtere and
Fashion Sheets 10 hand—One of the
letter FREE to thooe who °all toe
emus B mak �Vathh Baud, by graaiolr8
n011114411011 of lite Mllje8ty the Klieg, and
the Coilonoi and otaoera et the gallant A.STRACHAN
P ah0t=-811Jf<d of
Rogers, It woe a real ettrpriee, Nev.
Mr, Rogore being gamut et Neehrilge
uud the other nlombete of the tensity
were about relit Ing.
Otis a. r t• ie.,
The Township 021011 is to be fitted up,
ltobt, Dougltte, of IZedver, Agee., wee
the guest of friends in town fur a few
Mien OerrieArdell arrived home from
of 1 wilt visit her mother for a
Mies Sarah Padlleid, of Orange Bill,
who bee been attending the Normal
eohool in London for the past six menthe
hue returned Mime.
Geo, Podlle'd, er., of Orange Hill, is
matinee' to hie bed at present by an
attaok of bronchitis to winch' he hue
been aabjeot for meant! yeare.
Rev. E. A. Hails driver had the mia.
fortune to step on w suety nail a short
time ago and the injury wee thought to
be a bad one, She le getting along all
right now.
I'. A. MSloomson and bride have am
rived home from their wedding trip.
R. D. Olimuroa delivered an address at
the Independent Foreettre pio.1110 at
Grand Bend.
Mime Annie and Mamie Joynt, of
Alma College have returned home f,ir
their vacation.
The beautiful bowling lawn belonging
to the Leeknow Bowling Club, at the
corner of Hamilton and Iuglis streets, is
now completed, and it le expected by the
1st of July it will be ready for ploy.
In the death of Angus MoQaaig, whish
took place at the family reeiuenee in this
village on Friday 17th teat„ the cam.
munity has lost a good 'itizee end
an old and highly reopeoted eesidens.
xlenfaa;i 1,
John and Tom Elder left for the
World's Fair St, Louie,
Robert Carol, formerly of this plane,
paid his old Mende a visit after absence
of 20 yeare. Re drove the stage between
Heoaell end Zuriob for some time. He
now resides at Battle creek, where he
holds the positrion of State Manager of the
Modern Maooabeeo,
Naroi.e M. Cantina, the manager of
the Stratford and St. Joseph ElectriaIly.
wag in town. He reports the surveyors
as progressing rapidly and favorably and
thinks oouetrnotion work will be started
in July. He thinks the wharf being con•
atroctod me St. Joseph will be a penman.
ant affair.
The remains 01 0lareioe Lynn Work.
man, moo of Mr. Workman, of the Parr
Line, Stanley, were brought here on
Monday morning of last week from Lon.
don. He had resided in that city for
some time where he had a situation, and
was taken 111 recently with a growth in
the bowels. An operation was tried but
!ailed to save him, and he died on Sao.
day morning at the age of 22 years.
Will. Livingeton'e automobile to a new
arrival in town.
At the races in biome Jaw on Victoria
any two horses, Alexandra and Karl Ko -
ken, trained by Dornan McKenzie, a
former Listowel boy, took fleet money he
the races in which they were entered.
D, L. Scott of the banking firm of 3,
W. Scott & Son, lett last week for a trip
to the Old Land. Be will be accom•
peeled by a friend, Mr. Walker, of
Buffalo. They purpose taking a steam-
er direst to Parie, and after spending a
short time on the continent will take a
trip through England and Scotland, Mr.
Scott will be away for about two months,
The Maitland Star Football.Olob drove
to Mildmay on Monday of last week to
play a league game with the Mildmay
Juniors. The score was 8 to 2 in favor
of Listowel. The return game wee
played on the rink park Friday evening
when Listowel agate won, Thie will
put them in the semi•fluals with Brum
Richard T. Kidd, of Kidd Bros., the
Well known horeemeo of Listowel, died
at hie home at 9 o'olook Thursday night.
Two weeks ago he returned from Seethe,
where he had been staying for some
mouths on bneineee feeling unwell, and
Nie ease was soon afterwards diagnosed
as a severe attaok of Bright's disease.
Mr. Kidd was in hie 48th year, and wag
married about eight yeare ago to the
eldest daughter of the late Dr. Niabol,
who survives him with a family of three
An adjourned meeting of the Listowel
Booth Wallace Agricultural $ooiety
was held intoe town hall, at which there
was a good representation of members
present. The question of removing the
Fall Show to larger grounds was pretty
thoroughly dieoueeed, it being the opinion
of those present that the Show bad one.
grown the limited apace available at the
rink park, and that it was desirable to
seance more commodious grounds as Boon
ae praotioabte. A resolution was ottani.
monely oarried favoring the removal of
the Show to the Driving Park grounds,
providing eatielaotary arrangements can
be made with the owners, and the
Dtreotors of the Society were authorized
to take steps with .a view to completing
Early olosing commenced in Blyth
Monday. Seven o'ulook is the hour sot
for ()losing.
A large contingent of Blyth young
people book in the moonlight exotlrsion at
Goderiob on Monday evening of last
Dr, G.11 Long went to Harrieton on
Saturday, 88th lest,, awl during the day
wag married to Mies Mollie, an eetimable
young lady of that town.
Mrs. J, S. Hahkirk, of Brneeele, i8
visiting at the home of her eon, Wm.
Habkirk. Mimeo Late and Graoe Bab•
kirk, who were visiting. io Brussels, have
returned home.'
Mies Luella Holmes, who has been in
Loudon and Legermoll for some time poet,
ie at present visiting her parente, Rev.
and Mtg. Jure Holmes, While visiting
in Ingersoll, Mise Hokum' was taken ill
with appendicitis, but enoceeefully re-
covered item the attack.
George and Mrs. Dawson have eeteb-
liehed a knitting industry in Blyth.
They came from Wentworth and are
people of long experience and oarry the
highest reeommeudotions, They will
manufacture fine and acerae hoeiery for
men, women and children,
N. B. Gerry hag purchased the reeiden•
0e and g0o0ncle belonging 10 the estate of
the late Mre, John Bale. The price paid
woo 12600, Mr, Uerry hoe soured a
deelrable home at it low moire, 'Phe
prep, r t r 1, at the North end of 1110 village
and , ""'•0u0 a large briok veneered betide
brim, .•t „r and 10 mores of land.
Loot need 13lylb oounoil purohasod a
etreat a,•rinitter at a omit 01 3125, The
eitlrene who reoeived 11 direct bens tit from
the oprinklar were to pay for its 000 by
contribution. So far title aeaeon, the
epriukior hem not been brought into aotion
and the present oounoil is ooneideriug
the is b•I t
av a I of die o f
d I y po ipg o it,
U, Ffamilion has removed the fenoe
from the trout of hie reildeaoe on lbs
earner u f Queen and Drummond streets,
The old aloe building that stood 16 the
ooreer of the two streets hes been moved
to the rear of George Powell's reeideooe
on Dlosley etreot and converted into it
driving house and stable.
W ilott;tattrn.
Percy Hill 'severely epreiued ono of hie
anklee, while preatteing baseball,
The Exchange hotel °banged ha010,
Mr, Broadway having Bold it to Mr. Hill,
of Loedeoboro',
Mre. (Rev,) Garbutt, of Wellaoeburg,
and Mro. Kepnedy, of Leemingtau, were
guests of Moe '(Dr .) Kennedy.
About sixty from Wingham took
advantage of the ohoap excursion from
Goderiob to Detroit by the Mite Star
lineof ofeamors,
Mise Emote Reynolds is the new book.
hipper in 3, & )J. H. Kerr's, Mies M.
T,bba is Cow performing similar duty in
T. T. Fiele'e butoher shop,
The aontreet hug been let for the ergo•
tion of Wioghum'a new peetotlice, The
suooesefol tenderer le B, Cooper, of Clfo-
ton,and the contract price, 315,500.
A happy event entire red the residence
of T. T. Field, Lower 'Wingham, on Wed.
nesday of last week, when his sister, Miss
Daley, bemuse the bride of H. F. Hicks,
of Wingham.
The exeoreion to the Model Farm on
Monday of last week was largely patrou•
ized, a large number taking advantage of
the °heap trip. Otte bundred and thirty•
four tickets weresold at Wingham.
Ohm. Barber, of this town, has reoeived
notice from H. P. Chapman, the Io•
repeating Trustee of the police village of
Ripley, that hie tender for 6000 feet of
concrete sidewalk has been accepted.
On Thursday June 16th, 3. J, Crothere
paned the boonde of time after an illness
of over foam months. Deceased was a
brother of Mre. B, Ball and shortly after
doming to vieit her about five months ago,
he wee taken i11. He wag 60 yeare of
age, and was never married, He woe a
member of UtioaMethodist oborab, town•
ship of Reach. Service was conducted at
H. Bail's on Thoreday evening by Rev,
Dr, Gandy, and the romaine taken to Ole
former home for interment, J. Ball, of
Wingham, and Mrs. Eck, stater of de,
ceased, accompanied the remains to the
plane of burial.
That the oeaoe of a great deal of suffer.
ing, tinselly suppoeed to be on 000onrit of
female disordere, 88 overcame by ANTI -
PILL, the disoovery of Dr. 3. S. Leon,
A greet amount of women's ailments
are caused by the food that is taken being
turned ( brough Improper digestion) into
poison metaled of nutrition. This poison
oarried by the blood throughout the
eyotem, makes week women—women
who are hardly ever well—nerves in
dreadful condition—limbs aobe, back
settee, head aches, bilious, constipated,
ANTI -PILL, the Great System Treat.
meet, will oorreoe these troubles. It
starts its work by makinga well etomaoh.
It i000ree strength to weak women. It
is harmless at any stage or condition of a
woman's life and there is no time ANTI.
PILL'oanaot be need with safety. Any
woman who Dares to may use a bottle
of AN'T'I PILL fres from any expense,
If aatletactory recruits do not follow its
ase, mail us wrapper with 08 MO of drug-
gist from whom purchased and get your
money back by return mail. Wilson.
Fyle Co., Niagaralealie, Ont. A month's
treatment for 60 wants.
Sold it Brussels by Jas. Fox,
Any quantity of Wool
wanted for which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid.
Alf. Baeker,
Royal !ail Steamers
From Montreal From Quebec
Baverian Juuo 17, 4 0,1n. June 17, s p m
Parisian June 24, 0 " June 24,10 "
July 1, 4 " July 1, 8
Ionlau July 8, 0 " July 8, 0
Ilexes os P400Aen
First rudder —Bavaban T is•a
a u e Parisian, mud. Io p.
tan, sou dud upwards 1 o 1 nd and ray
B000ud o, Timislan and & Lodendon0 reed
—Bevarlau, 2tiiuiolau and IOuian, 440 Anil-
840.80; Persian 00750, Loudon 52,00 extra,
Third-nIaeo—Superior aecemmodatioa, 820
to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow and
Through ttoke00 to South Africa.
lrlottreal 10 Maggot Direct
Biotitau, June 20 ; Pretorien, July 8• Set
oabiu,180 1 2nd 016600, 888 1 8rd elate, 820,
Neer Varlt to 111i1ag03Y
Low rates by ahoy° Glasgow steamers on
pppliellllon bo
W. H, 12IiRR,
Agent, ]3rneeele,
c io,_ & "as0
NOV? ae the Millinery aeaeon le drawing to a close we aro anxiolta to
001000 our stook to the loweet poeeible point. We will carry nothing over
• to acother ooaoon if low priaee will clear them out. slur 0toa1 ill all new
and up to•dete to Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Ready.to wears, Sailors,
Il'to., also lraocy'1'rimmings, Feathers, Flowere, Bouktee, Rlbboae, chiffons,
Efutop,rices Fro00m 010(09now. 1111 the end of the season we will make 0orritio 90dnotlon0
Our weak is folly aeoerted for the hot weather. Moot of the fallowing
goods were bought months ago before the advance in pricer', and will be
Bold at old prime ,-
-Men's Balbriggan Underwear, in 111 sizes, at 25e, 350 and Oft—Ladies'
Pine Underwear, in vests and drawers, at le, 8o, 20e, 160 and 20o.—
Ladies' Fancy Hose, with lane froate, in 811 eines, at 25e,—Ladies'
Gloves, ie sills, taffeta and L'Ielo thread, in plain Ind 11000 effe0ta, in
black, white and Dream, at 150, 20e, 25o and 850.—Eadiee French KidGlovee, In white, black sod colors, at 75e, 850, 31 and 3125.—Men's
Blank Cashmere Sox, silk toes and hoele, at 25o and 36o.—Moo's Over-
alls, in bleak, bine and funny stripes, with et without bibs, very special
at 500, 75o, 85o and $1—Meu'e Fanny Straw Knee, new and vary swell,
at 600 and 750.—Boye' Suite, in all alms from 25 to 33, from $1.50 t0
3636.—Men'sBoise, fn great variety, at 33.00, 34.00, 30, 38
and 310.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
'le'k''arl alA4d'tne'llraald't'4,'a
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we Lave our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these f/01d Beliablos" in up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Mose Prices,
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville," "Palmerston" ams "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
N. S. Mc
Are You Going
to do any Fencing ?
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Pence n10ade. . The Railways and
Road r
� are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
1104111,111.010111 ,01.1111.1011011011‘111
Wilton & Tur k w•�.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stook is. We have kept the leacl and intend to do so if
good riga will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring to provost the
bolts and riveter from breaking. This has heeu a long felt watt.
We have 4 styles of Axles—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Distance, 1000
Miles, and the NoBelese Axles, also a few of the old styles,
All Steal Body Rangers and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we handle a amber gR 111 of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 8 inch tiro
8 ; Trucks and
Medium size, -
Wvo invite every intending purchaser to nail and Buy
from es and save money,
SWAT & 0o., Brussels.