The Brussels Post, 1904-6-30, Page 4rbc Niatostto V. s' t
THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1904.
JAPAN keeps stinging at their slower
turned aatoganiet and are tightening the
cordo upon Port Arthur sod the Rae•
Man army. If Russia were wise she
would call her troupe home and, .accept
the well deserved castigation she has
already received as a fitting rebuke to the
overbearing, or perhaps outrageous,
violation of 2011 century civilization
government, The Jape have surprised
the world.
All the new buildiage will be oonetruoted
en framerw0 work willbenofp steelp.les. the fella
detinue of oement and the enperelruoture
of solid briok. Tie tneaue that tee
etaff at emp'oyeea will be Maenad by
several hundred, bringing the staff up to
between eleven hundred and twelve Mete
dred men. It 10 expected that s goodly
part of the wlrk will be completed ibie
TAEn .le;room,for a ohauge In the
rules and regulatioue ot the Weetern
Foot Ball Aesooiation whereby a team
defaulting, without due notice, will be
held reeponeible tor a share of the ex•
peneee incurred by the club they should
have played with. In addition to this
there ie nearly always the lose of gate
receipts to say nothing about the brueoh
of faith with the public after a matoh
has been advertised. It may be die.
agreeable medicine to take in playing a
foiorn•hope game but It is at least eporte.
manlike and those who do not poeeeee
this trait of oharaeber should be taught
it by the Aseooiatiou.
GailDE1ABLE interest has been stirred
op over a proposal to raise the iuenrano°
retest in oonneation with the Maaoabee
Order, It has been hinted that it this is
pressed 10 may eventuate in the
eeoeeeioo of the Oanedinnoontingentfrom
the American body. This might not be
by any mean the worst thing they could
do se similar moves on the part of other
fralernalinstitutions were prodnolive of
goal. Ode thing is certain, the rates in
ale the sooletiee will have to advance to
be enabled to keep page with the calls
upon them and the membership need
not expect to receive the desired protein.
tion and liquidation of their olaima ae
they mature only as they place in the
treaeary the necessary collateral to
guarantee this.
Semi -Final Feet Ball.
Wessels wonelf. 'OYOOtdteelr to n
Brunie Intermediate Foot Ball teem
journeyed to Woodetook Tburedny of last
week to mea the husky kickers of that
oily in the first boat is the eemi•finale.
Our team won quite handily by 2 to 0
aubough the game was hotly oonteeled.
The Woodetook dailies bell the et0ryof
the match ae follows
'V rr]yI JE Iqn LL U 8 8 t1�t IA t1 q ff 3 1 J uN1'. 30, 1004
the oily. Several opeeohee eglogistio of and exoeedingly ireful and showed the S. George's Auglieen (Morn, Guelph, I �M It ppip Anything W ►loll l h our
Mr, Mille were made, and G. B, este. m in which the bride id heli by a ie oelebruting its eoveuty•eeoond aunt. I a there 1 11
Ryan read the address, referring to the large circle of friends, The groom a gift eersery.
Services Mr, Mille bed done le the Prov to the bride twee a handsome Newcombe Rev, Canon Cody, of Toronto, who was ''fie. �, ��
inn, the Dominion at largo, eafor tale piano. The bride wail' 'flan away by her sleeted Biebnp of Nova Spotlit. hellll ds W�
city of Guelph, and the energy whish he grandfather, Jewel Doneldsmr, ere and °blued the aloe, •
had displayed 10 everything be put hie le on t f our moat prominent young Mies Jounie, daughter of Ald. Bit roll,
shoulder to. Ald. Struthetn unt'eiled the ladies, hnviag taught tobeol in the town• cif Hamilton, died suddenly utter taking a
haudsolne oink, The uddreee wae signed obi or Tome fynars,vuln 1 boar"
el Ions blot I heT a Marconi powder.
oless station at Fame
by Mayor G.
B. It Ott on behalf proved
Commit ; B. Ryan, Cunirman Board the Y. P E L The prrom is an estl[n• Point hall 0 anouenslui tel will the
of trade ; Dr. lltaoltinnon, Cbnirmau able young merchant of elocktmm h4'1`he r Putman. at SVlm,ipeg was
Board of Education ; J. E. Me dere, destroyed by fire, which rendered twenty-
Obairmau Separate School Board, and one families hornless.
Two lade, Walter Taylor, aged 10, and
twenty, Dr. NON Made ft imitable reply,
Wilfrid Smith aged 11, were drowned in
nom Too ESPAEeO,
Yesterday was a sad day to the history
of Woodatook sports. The toot ball de•
feat was as much regretted ae it wan
unexpected. Up to yesterday Woodstock
was making huge etridee in the direction
of the championship, and then the an
looked for happened, However, it was
au bouorable defeat, and the boys were
apparently outclassed. The game Qom
meuoeti before a big crowd, about 7
o'clock. For a abort time both teams
worked coolly, bit just long enough to
get onto the ball Then Broesete, with
out a minute's warning, worked in a
oombivation play and the trick was done.
This was repeated again in the first half,
makiog the awn 2 to 0, which it remain-
ed till the end. Barrington was ruled off
for 6 miuutea for punching a Brunie
mato who cashed headloug between the
poste when the bell was not there. Dun-
lop, Watson and Hiram pleyed,hard, but
could not get through the Brussels defenoe.
Ia the second half Brueeele pieyed
defenoe game end played it well. Some
end shote were put in upon them, but
Herr, their goalkeeper, proved himself
equal to the 000aeion, and made some
excellent stops. In kioking the Brueeele
boyo ate, to nee a 000100'0 expreeeion,
"simply peaches." The baoke were
magnificent kiakere, and eo were the
forwards. The latter, too, were onto the
game, and made short passes, rarely
letting Ole Woodstock backs get a obaooe
for a long kiok. Aird when the locale got
a long kiok and sent the ball half the
length of the field, it was only to nee it
returned. A few abort kitties in oombin
anon would have been more effective. It
was a good clean game, however, and the
epeotatore expressed general eatiefaction.
Tan e0NTINal.—noYIEW e000. :—
In an intereetiog game of foot ball on
Viotoria Park beet evening the Woodetook
Football team was defeated by a score of
2 to 0 by the Broesete team, the W. F. A.
intermediate obampiooe of 1903. It was
the first game in the eemi•fiuele between
these two clubs and was witnessed by the
largest crowd ever in attendance at a foot
ball oonteet in this city, 11 being estimated
that there were at treat one thousand
This unusual diepiay of interest was
the result of the faithful wtrk of the
local foot ball °lab, and the team mere.
Beating it, eine the opeuine of the season,
By hard and oousieteut efforts the team
captured the district and thus qualified
tor the eemi.finale. Its members were
all Woodetook boyo and tbietogether with
the promise of a etroog contest with the
Brussels champions alt aontribated to the
impartanoe of the event.
Although the visitors ecored their two
goals io the initial beef yet this did not
tend to dieoonrage the immense orowd
of onlookere, whose entbueiaem never
abated until the fiord call of time,
Naturally some dieappointment was
felt over the defeat, nevertheleee all will
agree that the beet team won. This
eeatemeut applies to the relative ahowiog
of the two teams on the field last night,
for the fact cannot be questioned, that
the Woodetooka have been seen to better
advantage on former uooasiooe this eea-
Jamee Laidlaw, juo., Warden of the
Pntoet of this week ie the 37th birthday
of this great and grand Dominion of
Oanada. The programa and development
made in the years gone by have been
simply marveloue and augurs well for the
years to Dome with wise and competent
management of public affairs. Since
Confederation our population has grown
from 3,250 to nearly 6,000,000 and our
citizenship is surpassed by no other for
industry, intelligence, moral living and
loyalty. Canada takes front rank with
the greatestprodaoere of the world and
well she may, with a wheat crop of
100,000,000 buehele ; a mineral produc-
tion of over 963,000,000 t forest output of
980,000,000 ; fishing industry, $22,600,•
000, and a total trade aggregating
$467,000,000. What with our gold, ooal
niokle, copper, iron, eto. oto., there
appears to be an inexhaustible aappiy
and whatever tendo to man's happineee
and to the advancement of the material
welfare of the people appears to be near
at hand, If Canada ie to oocapy the
pr000inenue she already. dna -,&mase' .the.
Nations of the world—the brightest
diamond in Great Britain's coronet of
ooloniee—then we moat not forget that
oar citizenship mast be of a high type ;
oar political life free from soandal ;
the Sabbath remembered ; the Bible
loved and its teaohinge followed ; tem-
perance taught; and practiced in all
things ; honesty, industry and integrity
lived in the daily life and as these els-
manta are woven into the national life
of this Dominion, Canada will continue
to progreee and will do a large abate in
binning the world. Upon the young
people of thie Dominion rests no small
responsibility and it behooves them to
Beek the best equipment for lite : to be
guided by the preoepte and praotioes of
their elders iu eo far ae they have been
right, and to Beek to have a large share
in every good word and work that will
tend to the country's well being and
well doing. It would requires prophetic
vision to ferniest the history of Canada
a be taken
for the next 20 yearn bot it may
for granted that the progreee of the past
is only ae the rising of the sun ie to the
blaze of the noonday. What share will
you have in the history making 2
to eestiorLet.
A new metallic root has been placed on
the Grip Hone.
Wm. Battey lino been off work the
peat few days with uore eyes.
Rural Dean Hodgins was et London
laet week alteudtng a meeiug of the
W, G. Willie has been appointed local
agent of the Independent Oeeh Mutual
Fire Ioeuranoe Co., of Toronto,
Mise W itteou, who has beau in Detroit
for the past three menthe, in attendeeue
on her brother Harold, has returned
About twenty Seotorthitee parlioipat•
ed in the moonlight exoureton from
Goderieb on Monday evening of last
week and report a pleaeent time.
Thursday night 16th inet., at about
two o'ulook, Ole haudeome brick reeidenoe
of Leopold VariEgmond, next to the
woolen mills, wag dieoovered to be on
fire, nod before the blezr was got under
control and finally extinguished, the
hoagie was badly damaged. The blaze ie
supposed to have originated in a emelt
frame kitchen at the rear of the house
and was Hest dieoovered by Mr. Van.
Esmond who at once gave the alarm.
The fire company responded ae quickly
as possible under the oiroumetanone, and
theorowd which Boon gathered removed
all the furniture from the front part of
the honee, only the kitchen furniture in
the frame annex at the rear being de-
stroyed. Mr. VaoEgmond was parbio
Mealy unfortunate in not having any
ineuranoe either on the building or coo•
tents, and many friends sympathise with
him to the partial dee'raotion of hie
fine home,
This ennonno'ment is made without
any qualiiloation. Hem Reid is the one
preparation in the world that gaarenteee
Hom-Road will cure any Daae of Piles,
It is in the form of a tablet.
It ie the only Pile remedy used inter.
It is ieiposeible to ours an established
nee of Piles with ointments, suppositor-
ies, injections, or outward applianoee.
A guarantee is limed with every peck•
age of Hem Reid, which ooutaine e
month's treatment.
Go end talk to your druggist about it.
Sold In Brunets by Jae. F(x,
Perth County.
Bishop alcEvay, . f London, ooutlrmed
eighty -nix children at St. Joseph's R. 0.
Ohuroh, Stratford.
Mr. Mabee denies the report that he
has any intention ea resigning 1e Liberal
candidate for North Perth.
Several memorial windowe are to be
placed in the new oburoh at llonklon by
members of the aougregation.
Joseph MaOiey, of Wallace, who au.
fortunately attempted suicide by cutting
hie throat, ie improving nioely.
Wm. E;zerman'e planing mills,
Mitubell, wee destroyed by fire about
noon lust Friday. The lone will be
heavy, No insurance,
W, R. Davis, editor of the Mitchell
Adv, trate, wile a typesetter ou the Globe
from 1855 to 1857. We alwayo thought
W R had a redeeming past.
The intermediate 0. L A. matoh,
eobeduled between Sealortb and Sb,
Merge, did not take place, St. Marys
having dropped out of the „eeooietiun.
Au unfortunate accident ocantred at
Berlin on Sunday mornir'.g early, when
W. B. Rife, spare brakemen, of Strut
ford, had an arm taken off at the
Dr. Nethercott, of Woodstock, ion of
Samuel Nethercott, of that plane, a
former resident of Mitchell, hae bought
out the practice of the late Dr. W. R
Hamilton, Stratford,
A meeting of Mitchell High Scheel
board was held, when it was deoided to
heat the bobcat buildiug with a Kelsey
furnace. The priee,includiug work and
ventilating, is 9286
F. W. Blakeman and P. F. Qninlao, of
Stratford, and F. W. Babb, of Carling-
ford, have passed the final examination
of the College of Phyeioiane and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
A petition bee been circulated in St.
Marys to have Thursday, August 4th,
proclaimed a civio holiday to enable
Forest and St. Merge bands to have one
Brand exoareion on the above date to
J. L Yuunge hae eeored the contract
for the ersotien of the Stretford Chair
Oompany'■ Moiety on Albert street,
Stratford. Work will be oommenoed
immediately and it is expected -that the
building will be oompleted by October.
E. Berland, oerriage manufaoturer of
Tiieonhurg, was in Stratford and met
the directors of the Stratford Oarriage
Oo. Everything was settled, and all
papete eioued, for amaiaametiou of Mr.
Boriaudel taotory with the local com-
p Mrs. Wm. F. Moreez, Mflohell, attend•
ed a family reunion at the home of her
mother, airs. Miobael Pauli, Bebriug-
ville, when there were forty five preeeot,
including twelve sone and six daughters
and their children, The lady was the
recipient of a handsome oouoh.
Frank Markey', woodworker with 0.
Richardson it Oo., St. Marys, met with a
mishap oo Saturday forenoon, While
passing the blacksmith's department, he
aooidentally tripped over soma iron work
on the floor ttud fell heavily, striking hie
head on a piece of iron whiob left him
prostrate for several minutes. Beeidee
the head bruises he was also bruised on
his Bide.
Wm. G. Wright, a former reeident of
A:Mabee, who married Bessie, daughter
of Benjamin Timms, of Mitchell, nom.
milted euioide at hie home, about five
mitee North of Donglee, Man., on the
18th ins. He was troubled with ieflum-
mation of the brain, which oaneed
temporary insanity. A wife and eix
obildren survive him. He was in pood
oiroumetancee, and the owner of a fine
farm of 300 acres,
David Tanner, of Downie, met with e
painful injury on Saturday evening,
which will neoeeeitate hie resting for a
few weeks. Along with hie father, Wm.
ruin home from
Tanner, he 'was returning
their new form near Fairview, at the
time of the windstorm on Saturday even-
ing, and its he was passing 'the farm of
Fruit Salkeld, Embro road, a limb from
a tree broke and the borne shied into the
ditch. The 000upante of the rig were
thrown out, and the young mane arm
was broken below the elbow.
The °barge againet Mre. Jennie Wilson,
of Mitchell, of placing what purported to
be Paris green and salt on Ontario
etreet, where a neighbor was in the habit
of cutting grave for hie oow and horse,
was beard in the police eotnt. Mre.
Fred. Hodge swore Chet the caught the
defendant in the eat of epteading the
etnff on the grass, end called Mre. Thos,
Vivian and her daughter's attentiou to
whet wee done. The latter two swore
thee they saw the woman going away
from the scene, with one hand down her
hiding something.
h ho was d
thou e g
aide as a g
iified that he wan
Oooetable DOWIin�, t(e
apprized of what is obarged to have been
done, aud that he gathered up a lot of
what appeorerl to lam to be Parte green.
'Until the stuff is analyzed the ease wee
adj urued,
F.xeucex .
Mise Jean Hawkehew hae been eon
fined to her borne owing to the removal
of a troublesome toe.
Thos. Brewer, blacksmith with Mr.
gun, met with an accident. While
dining a horse the animal jerked its toot
away and a protruding nail, that had
been diiven, penetrated hie legend oaneed
au ugly wound. He be, however, on ditty
but suffers ooneiderably from the wound.
Rev, Dr. Hannon, pastor al the
Jamee•et, Methodist church, will holiday
dnriug the mouths of July and August.
His pulpit will be filled daring July by
Rev. David Wren, whose home is in
Heneall, and during Auenet by the
Dootar'e coo in law, Rev. F. E. Mulott,
who will speed hie holidays here.
Earl Browning and Roy Farmer ex•
perienoed a swift ride down William
street on a recent evening. A tug be
oame undone at the corner of Sanders
and William streets, frightening the
horse and oaneing it to ran for a few
blocks at a rapid rate. They finely enc•
seeded in stopping it, and found notOtiug
the worse for the ran.
Word was received here during the
past week of the death in Ohioago on
June 16 bot Jobe Halle, eon ot Samuel
Halle, of Elimviile, at about 40 years of
age, due to typhoid fever. Deoeaeed hae
lived in Cbioago tor several years, bat,
no doubt, will be remembered by many
resident° of -Osborne townebip. He
leaves it, wife and five ohildean.
John Taylor, Exeter North, met with a
painful aooident. While bringing a load
of raile from hie farm to town one of the
etalree in the wagon broke, allowiog Mr.
Taylor and the rails to slip off on to the
hard road. In the fall be was injored to
saoh an extent that he became a000n•
eoioae for some time, but after recovering
be succeeded in getting on the wagon and
driving to town, when he wag found to
have sustained a broken ankle, an injury
to hie hip and some internal iujarioe.
Why their very strongest game was not
put up last evening aaonot be determined
however, and the foot remains that they
were beaten, the chief reason being that
the visitors played a combination game
that the locale were enable to nope with.
Their team work was superior fn many
reepeata although the toasts, it must be
remembered, made the oonteet a aioee
one lhrouebout. The Brunets team
°beaked oioee. The mutest was entirely
tree from roughness, whiob airoumatanoe
goes to show that
management sportunder competent
nen yetbe worried on
to the greatest interest of the spectator
without recourse to rowdyism and rough
Mottos, The oleanneee of the game was
a source of much favorable comment,
But two men were ruled off, this was the
reeule of edit/mite at the Woodetook goal.
in which Barrington and Lowry partici.
paten, Both were ruled off for fire
minutes end it was during this interval
that the second goel was soored. Sire.
elan tallied this goal for Bracelets near
the end of the opening half, while
Cameron scored the first, In the final
half Woodetook made many excellent
rushee bob bile superb work of the oppee.
ing defenoe saved the visitors' goal. W.
Goveuloolr, of London, referred to the
entire eatiefaction of both teams :—
BnneeaLe WoODoTnoK
Kerr .............. t Goal ,,.,,. Harrington
Meaae f IIaokm { Thomson
1 Gu
Lindsay(( - Watson
Brown 1 i Backs i Reline
Oardiif 1 1 Rime
Cameron Dunlop
Switzer ' Dennis
Lowry Forwards 1rol[0ekin
etraehan McTavish
er leily
The vieitore were well pleased with the
treatment and the reception tion s 0
them by theoda club I i b and hope to return
it on Monday, The Brunie team work
to excellent advantage the system of
abort, low passes In combination.Their
delenno also is all that can be desired,
They will surely win the W. F. A. Inter.
mediate ohampionehip.
The tenon of the Mt. Pleasant
chttroh, Wallace, have all the Band and
atone on their new premieen, end the
mason work begun on Monday, the 27th,
Corner atone laying will be celebrated on
the let of July.
Megace. Orr & Runt have completed
plane for the new R. 0. church on Well
street, Stretford. Owing to the site bay
ing been changed, Ole plana had to be
I The d
altered considerably.
will he 112162 feet, rter and wider
than at first intended. Instead of three
front entran0ea, there will be two and the
saeriety will be en the aide instead of at
the book.
The G, T. R. ehope, Stratford are to be
enlarged at a wet ofabetween9100,000and
$200,000. For some time past a staff of
experte In steel work and arobiteete have
been at work, and their reports have been
laid before the G. T. R. management at
Montreal by Master Meobanio Patterson,
end approved. Tenders have been galled
and the work will be started at one. A
boiler shop will be emoted 1600.20 feet,
a tender shop 326102 Meet, a oarpenter
shop 100x63 feet and a braes foundry, 76
x40 feet. The blaokemith department
will afen be enlarged, end en addition
of 176 fes long made to the erecting shop.
the bay, and a young man, believed to be
Ralph Harlow, was drowned in the Don,
uudereigned will keen for norviee, on
Lob 2, Oon,10,elrey, a thorn' bred Yorkshire
boar. Terme, 760, to be paid at time of eer-
vloO with privilege of returning if noes -
47.0 Proprietor.
i� uuderelgued will keep for eervioa on
1,10 t8, 4011 Line, Morrie, the Moro' bred
la ''0 bat prize bull nod a 6ldioro bred Hie -
Terme 9125, with privilege of returning if
neoeeeary. 100BT. CU Plrop fetor.
Undersigned will keep for 0000 00 a
els a Terms, 01 0on U i withprul ivi-
lego of returning itnecessary. B, Proprietor.
ex Bowe, 4 menthe old. for sale. Will be
Reid reneonable to quiok buyers. JAMES
SHU1tRIE, Maple Grove Farm, Lot 410, 4th
Line, Morris, Brussels P. 0.1
0. 0. 30'.
Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, 0.0. F.,
Brussels, meets lo their Lodge bloom, Blae-
hilt•Bieok, ou the god and last Tuesdays of
each mouth, a18 o'clock. Visiting brethren
ahv aye welcome. WALBURGESS, 0. 11.
1 Sow won BALE. — The undersigned
offers for gale one Tboro'-bred Yorkshire
Bow, 14 years old, in pig to hie thoro'-bred
Yorkshire hog. For pride apply to R. 8.
1/0140080/ . edmia Lime Works),aMoor0.
L3.. tWOoCt.
Mise Beanie Graham left en Tuesday
afternoon of lest week for. California to
visit her mole David.
G. T. R, Agent Gray Bold nearly 60
tickets for the excursion to the Model
Farm on Monday of last week.
The brickwork of Dr. Kidd', new
residence ie now oompleted and Jas.
Strutberele rnehiug on the carpenter
A score of people from this vioinity
took in the N. Perth Farmers' Inetitate
and Milverton Pnblie Library exonreion
to Niagara Fella.
G. T.R. Detective Jae. Hodge epent a
few days in oar village iaveetigatiug the
matter of cattle running at large near
the railway oroeeioge.
George Loohhead bee eold hie splendid
100 aore farm, on the gravel road North,
Atwood, and hae
of Atw d
no. Hone
to J,
ae part pay Mr. Houze'e lot next Roger
and Radoliffe'e hardware store, He will
erecta fine new residence ibis Summer.
We understand that the price reoeived for
the farm was 96,500,
From the annual finenotal statement
of the Methodist church, Atwood oironit,
we gather the following intereetinl facts :
—Money raised by Atwood, 9608 62, paid
for pastor's salary, $688 ; Dotieeal, 9214..
63, pald for paetor,e ealary, 9212. Paid
for Ministerial support 9828 28, Missions,
9202 88, 131 oentoary Fond, 906 27,
Oonnexioal Funds, $11286, General
Conference, 910 60, Obarah abode, $249.84.
The total amount of money rained for all
purposes wee 91888 00, truly a very good
showing n nh indeed.
' t at exceedingly pretty hoose
OW b al p Y
wedding took pleas on Tuesday evening,
June Het, at the home of Jae. and Mre.
Donaldson, 00, when their granddaughter,
Mine Annie Mand flange, was united in
marriage to Jenne Oliver Erekiuo, of
Monkton. The ceremony took place et
7 p. re. and was performed by Rev. Wm.
Penhall, assisted by Rev, Dr. McLeod. Mrs, I. Footer was killed on the rail,
The young eonple were unattended. The way et Highgate.
bride looked charming In a beaul4ful Albert MOMahon, of Ottawa, commit.
dregs of white silk, trimmed with ohlf£on ted euiaide by takingpoieon.
and anoordion pleating and berried a The Government hae (enoelled the
megni6oent boquet of white rosea. The Treadgold ooboeeeion in the Yukon,
house detonations were ferns and oarna• The four old•oid eon of Wilson Roy'
Mona. After the oerem0ny a dainty watt lolled by a street aur at Hamilton,
Innehoon was served to the gae000. Ow• A message from Philadelphia 0,000nn0•
ing to recent bereavement in the b,ide'e ocl that Rev. Dr, Pattereon, formerly of
tardily duly the immediate relatives were Cooke's (thumb, 'Toronto, hae been
present, The preoenle were enmeroa0 etrieken with parklyei6,
There was a largo attendanoe in the
Guelph Oity Hall, Thareday evening
when the presentation by tho citizens of
s grandfather's olook to Canadian Rail.
way Commissioner 141111s, late President
of the 0. A. 0., took place. The chair
was 000upled by Mayor Hamilton, who
had on the platform with him .lodge
Ohadwiok, Judge Jamieenn, Sheriff Al.
Ian, H. Guthrie, M. P., J. P, Downey,
M, P.? , D. Guthrie, Ii. 0 , end repro.
eentativee from every leading industry in
F so the undersigned is ready, on short notice, to put,
it right. Cleaning, Oiling, Repairing, Mend
ing Punctures, Replacing Spokes. Hubs, Rims
and Tires included.
Reasonable charges and good work.
Give me a call any evening from, 7 to 9.30,
EEeaNTaTrvE In this county and ad-
joining territories, to represent and adver-
tise an old eatabliehed business house of
solid Onanotal standing, Salary 921 weekly,
with expellees advanced each Monday by
cheek direct from beadquartere. Horse
and buggy furnished when necessary ;
'noalO 010 Moan Bldg., Obleago Ill. s, & Oo.,
li Onnem.—Rev A. Andrews, of Walton,
expecte to move to Burlington on Wednes-
day, 20th inst., and offers hie Jersey oow,
rising Oyears, and a yearling better for ,ale,
Both are fine specimens of file splendid
breed, and pedigreed, being registered in
the American Jersey 8 ord Book. Pride for
rho oow 846 and for tete heifer 065, Oaeli or
6 month, credit at 0 per Dent. Enquiries
may be made of G. A. Deadman, Brueeele
show heore,00 of the Editor ofrTHE e PonT,
L 150 nares, Lot 81 and Booth half Lot
80, Con, 6. Elma. 140 aoroe cleared,-inlaoee
hardwood bush. Large bank barn with
etraw shed ; ,tabling under all, Largo brick
cottage ; plenty of wn ter, well Mooed and
ditched. Poeeeeelon eau be given nay time.
Jparticulars .11y
to JOHN. 00ak-e B00000,Ou471
We, the undersigned, agree to raise the
pride of bores-ehoeing to 1240, for Betting
and 1300, for 0017 elloee, owing t0 the advance
in price
n Monday, June 18th, M This goes Into
Signed by
E19014 & 00„ Goo. W. POLLARD,
P. 80o0'r, HrlurlaIE6 & Hou,
S. T. Prim, ELI MoLan0HLIN,
Tune, POLLOOE, J o, Eons( 0,
300N 110010000
Prize Winning Short
Morns for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale her
excellent farm, located. cu 000, 10, Grey
township, and containing 153 acres. O`here
is a comfortable Game ottage, bank barn,
goo driving shed, orchard &o., on the
premises. Harm is well drained and feinted.
It is also well watered by the^. river Malt
tom rket an
luaud invaluable Spring.
`For priuo,
terms and other particulars apply ou LUG
Db 1Pro prietreif ee, Oraubrook to Pe. 0,T 8011
L acres first-class land in 1110 Towuebip
of Grey—Lot 10, Con. 14, 100 Korot ; Lot 17,
Con 14,100 acres ; and WI Lot 18, Oou, 14,
60 acres -260 aoree. All l0 excellent condi-
tion with first•olae0 buildings ; brick house
with all modern oonveuieneee, ad large
bank bare, root and [trate base. stables,
good hardwood obush m7 of 1to
Oou, 18, on.
taining 100 acres of first -eines laud, good
frame house and large bank burn nearly
new, The property eau be Bold in two or
three parcels to suit purchasers. Terme
liberal. A180 a commodious dwelling norm
and lot in Brussels. For farther particu-
lars apply to the owner on the premises,
Bight young Bulls from Imported and
home bred Down gob by imported Sire. Also
Oowe and Heifers of differeut`ages.
A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weelre
old, for sale.
Have a quantity of Seed Peas,the Early
Jnue variety, to dispose of. It e a medium
sized white pea and were grown from Beed
from near North Bay and yielded over 87
bushels to the are, tree of bugs,
Will oleo sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
08•t1 D, MILNE & 80N, Ethel.
Winnipeg 930.00 Regina
1leloraine 11,
Miuiota 36 00
N7lgin. 1{I.
Aroola 3250
Eetovan 33,00
$33 75
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1908, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly•
attended to and all departments
of blackemithiug, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
•in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and see us.
Thomas street, Brussels.
Mooed Jaw
Bram cock 84.00
Swan River
Saskatoon 35.25
Prinoo Albert 30 00
Macleod 3800
Calgary 3850
Red Deer 3960
Mullane 40.60
Going June 14th, 28th and July 10011,
RetUrtling.unto Aug. 16011,200h and Sept,
20111, repetitively.
'flaked are not good on "Imperial Limit.
Pampphlete and full partioula1e"from any
Onnadi,w Paoillo Agent, Or A. H. NOTeIAN,
1Vool Waled
4m prepared again this FM -
son to pay the Highest dash
Price for any quantity of Wool
delivered at my Elevator, Tarns-
sets. Also for all kinds of Grain.
Stook of Wire Wheele for Wagons to supply
Onetomern on hand.
New Canadian and American
Wa 1
E have a full stock of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades,
but in those as low as
BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florets, producing charming effects al Low Cost,
PARLORS—Beautiful De i ue in ill and Creamy
Tann, Blues G
delicateS hadeo.
HALLS, DINING ROOMS, &o.—Fine, effective Designs, in Magnificent Oolore,
giving Warmth, Riohneee and Beatty to an Apartment.
AND P13I0E8 l We eau otrly nay we are offering thio nun Better Paper, Design
tied Oolouinge than ever offered.
Don't welt until our stook is broken, Make your eeleotion now,
It you have any rooms not recently papered, just gall and lot uo tell yep how
little it oo0te to melte biome bright, attentive and happy.
In Smale's Block, two doors North of Postoffice,,
Yf c ;4, en
Painter and Paper Hanger.
e n
a tee
' O'