HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-30, Page 1tai
('01.32. No, 81
W. Prop,
f Advertisements.
• rrooch loot—Tu, Peed,
eiW H. Salter,
oleo- . lter
47. Strayed—Hugh Hanna,
Sudden death—Jas. Fox,
Flay for sale—W. B. Kerr.
Tuoober wanted—W, Work,
Millinery—MuKinnon & Oo,
Bugs are scarce—F. 11, Smith.
xs±1x,c , b3 l
*3elg reeve.
Belgravo 'Methodist ohuroh inland
having a Lowo Social at the Parsonage
on Wednesday July 6th. A good pro.
gram will be provided and Brothels Baud
in attendance,
l:x a ter.
About 6,30 Monday morning the largo
stables of Beoj.min William, of Uaborne,
about tour miles Beet of Exeter, were
burned down. Three horse,. were burued
to death and othere were badly injured ;
thirteen pigs were ,leo destroyed. The
origin of the lire is unknown. Lees
nearly oovered by ineura0o0.
W 106 eg'1l fft.rel.
Miee 011ie Vanetone left on Tuesday
ou a visit with relativee in Manitoba,
The town bowlers were tet Brussels on
Monday afternoon and won their game,
They were beaten by Kinoardfne hero
Thursday afternoon of lath week.
Jung 12th.—Arraugomente are being
completed for the celebration of July
12th. Addreeees are expeoted from Rev.
R. Hobbs, Strethroy ; Rev. Joseph
Philp, B. D., of Kinoardine ; Dr. Brad-
ley, of Berlin ; Rev. W. Lowe, of Wing.
ham and others. Besse Bands will be in
attendaoor, in addition to the fifes and
drums and bag pipes,
[futonded for last weal.]
Ohne. (3onlles, of Listowel, spent Snu•
day at horns,
Fred. Johnston is borne from Brant.
ford for variation.
Miee Mabel Geddes wan a visitor to
Bluevaln last week.
R. N. Doff aud alias Eva Doff were at
Listowel on Monday.
Mre, Wm. Gardiner, of Goderiob is
vieiting relativee here.
Will. Elliott ie speeding a few days
with Listowel friends.
Miee Ethel Knight, of Ripley, is visit•
Ing Miee Ethel Oonitee.
George McDonald was a visitor to
IkLttleeworth this week.
1 T, Mimeo it, tasting the Bret delioions
fruits of Ida bed of etrd'wberriee.
Mieeee Mary and Olive Soot') were
vieiting relatives at Galt last week.
Mies Annie &Robeson spent a few days
loot week vieiting relatives at Guelph,
klise Janet Hood, of Sunshine, was
vieiting friende in the village this week.
Miee Woods, of Strafford, is the "guest
of Mies Belle Fowler, of the Bluevale
Mise Belle Bargees has returned from
a 3 week.' visit with relative', at Brant.
f ord.
Mre. Wm, G
i.leein Toronto,is
P ,f
visiting her rand arente John and Mre.
Barges. g P
Mre. Robert Musgrove was at Guelph
lost week attending the funeral of a
Mre. Sanderoon and Miee Harriet
Sanderson, of Totouto, are visitors io
Mies Burdette Geddes, of Broaeels, hue
been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Henry
Mre. McLean end Miee Maggie, of
Winghem, have been tbo meets of Mre.
J. Johnston.
John and Mrs. McIntosh and children,
of Molesworth, visited at Thomas Ooultes'
on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mre. Dennie and children are
vieiting at Mrs. Dennis' parents, Wm.
0nd Mrs, Smith.
.Emerald Anderson, of Haat Wawanoeb,
was vieiting his grandmother, Mre.
Anderson on Sunday.
Mise Aggie Smillie has completed her
course at the London Normal school and
is home for the holidays.
A large number took advantage of the
annual Excursion to Guelph on Monday,
eighty tickets being Bold here.
gablise Annie Howe, of Clinton, and Mre.
M. H. Edtott and onildren, of Winghent,
were vieiting Mrs. Robert Mason recently,
RECT 'x'
Present straining
meansutu ff
f ro su or-
tn •,
Wt) will a and re youreyerecom-
gl and re.l' i
rooted Lely bs only b.
absolutely 'Satisfaction alai .
'Searan Loon
�11aS,�PJ dpi'. P'
'a•^1oanhlPiv; steel
e�lve`jJew+tyee �O�p}eawuttaa
Miura Ethel Xing, of Wingham, was
vieiting her aunt, phare. George Mao.
Donald last week,
John Ga:dinoe and bride, of Rat
Portage, aro spending thole honeymoon
with relatives here,
Quite a number from here attended
the garden party its Eadle'e ohuroh in
Turnberry taut Thursday evening.
Ed. Coultee is home from Philadelphia
for the holidays. Ed. hoe gradosted
from the P. O. D. S. et Philadelphia and
ie now it full fledged denilet. We extend
to aim our oougratulatione.
Roy Pelton wlio has been etaiion agent
Isere for some time has been promoted to
a batter pooition tit Alma, White we are
glad to hear of his promotion we are
sorry to lose auuh an obliging elation
School nloees thio week.
Dr. and Mre. T'urubu:l and baby are
away to Milverton to visit relatives for a
week or 00.
Miee Lib. MoLauoblin arrived home
last Friday from Sydney, Cape Breton,
where she has been filling a millinery
Allis Porroet and Fred. Bunter are
writing at the Entrance Exemioaliou at
Brussels this week and we hope to see
them eaooeseful.
The final football match will be played
in Brussels on Monday eveticg Platte•
villa ve. Brussels. The game deoidee
the holder of the Oup.
Dou't forget the Lawn Social at the
Methodist ohuroh next Tuesday eveutog.
Brussel', Brass Baud will be there and
other interesting featurse.
Tuesday Mrs. Will. Ritchie and her
sister, Mies Bella MoLanohlin, started
for Manitoba, to which goldeu land Mr.
Ritchie went o short time logo. We wish
them both the uomforte and luxuries of
I if e,
Friday evening of last week the first
of the preparatory servioeu in 0000001100
with the Cemm11niou in Knox Ohurob
was held. Rev. Me. Dunn, of White•
ohuroh, preached on "Ohriet's appear•
armee after the Resurrection." Saturday
morning the mime gentleman 0o0upied
the pulpit and dwelt on the oomforting
words of the Mater, "Let not your heart
be troubled, &u." His dieeoureee ware
good and the congregations were profited.
Sabbath morning and evening the pastor
preached exoellent sermons. A. large
number partook of the sacrament.
Jnnt e s to wait .
The final football match will be played
in Brueeele on Monday evening Platte
villa vs. Brussels, Thio game deoidee the
holder of the Cup.
Mre. William Riley, who has been
ander the dootor'e ogre for some months,
is improving nicely in health we are
pleased to state. She is vieiting relativee
et Owen Sound tbie week.
$0.00 REWARD.—The above reward will
be paid to any one who will produce
evidence to convict the party or parties
who stole the "weaver" from my Dalt on
Friday afternoon June 24th, 1904.
Mee, Tuos. WRIGHT, Jamestown,
James Ionia had the mtefortane to
sprain one of hie -knave and is getting
about with the use of a walking etiok.
This is bad news for the junior Football
team atiignaeele as Jim wae one of their
livelykibkers, We hope he will emu be
o. k,
PRESENTATION.—Friday evening of last
week, at Victoria Ball, Rev. Frauoie
Swann, of Bluerale, was presented with
$15.00 in gold by the people of this
oommunity who atteudservice in Via
torte Hall, for the faithful and highly
appreoiated work he had done along
ra,igi0us linea. A suitable address was
read by Thoe. Strachan, ar., and John
Outs made the presentation. The reoiin
taut expressed hie appraoiation of the
gift in language that was brotherly, deeply
apiritaal and fnoiting to progre08 in
things divine. Mr. Swann will always
be welcomed beak to Jamestown.
this 1Mmltty will be pleased to read the
following from the Ohne (Oitlifornie)
Daily Enterprise, of June 18, referring to
Miee Dryden, a stater of Mre. Walter
Innes, and a former reeident of this
vicinity : — "Yestardoy afternoon the
ladies and others interested iu the new
W. C. T. U. ohuroh at Magalia gathered
at that plane to witneaa the laying of the
oorner atone. The oeremooy was marked
by an appropriate program whioh ooneiet
ed of "America" snug by the audience ;
the soripture reading was by Mre. Bidwell
and the invooetion by Rev. Harwood.
Arohitoot Roe presented Mre, Bidwell
with a trowel and gavel of Manzenita
wood. Mre. Bidwell then proceeded to
lay the aoruer stone by planing some
mortar in the bed for the corner atone
with the trowel, The stone, which wan
donated by William Robbie, was they
lowered from the derriok into L
, o he bed,
An addreee was delivered by Rev. Mo
than upon the future of this church and
i , uenoe It should exert - r
of the iii a t over the
community. "Nearer My God to Thee"
was then Hung and the benodiclten pro.
emptied. Nino went up from Oht o andd
mug others wont from other nearby
towns, All were mat at the depot by
friends and esoorted to the pine grove
near the new ohuroh, where later in the
day a delightful lunch was served. In
the afternoon all repaired to the church
of the date of June 18
where the papers ,
the new booklet "Pine Chips,' whioh
was 10cently ieoued by the Butte Ooupty
railroad, a history of the ohuroh, coin of
the realm of 1904 and photographs of
Mre. Bidwell and Miee Brydon were
put in the cavity, To the two lash named
to due the credit of the starting of the
new ohuroh, and Mist Brydon has work
ed faithfully and earnestly for some lime
t0 tenure the thuds and support necessary
to the ereotiou of the edifice." The
Ocotillo Mercury,
of the same
„0n PtidaY afteroon, 1711.1 fust,
a beautiful and Unique function was, held
in the lovely groves of Magalia. The
laying of the ammo atone of a Woman's
Christian Temperanoe Union Ohueoh, by
mea. Bidwell. This churn ie the tri•
ample of the faith, prayer and pluck of
Mie, Carrie Brydon, an invalid w11ocame
to this mountain retreat a few years ago
torh e
her health, and who hurl cines been
constantly engaged in good works of
religions, temperance aud purity, Am
preolating the need of it ohuroh in tide
beautiful spot, and oordially encouraged
by the women of Magalia ebe resolved to
aconite it. Mre, Bidwell and her good
people of Ohine lent oubetnntial aid.
Miss Brydon at once inaugurated a eerie,
of eoolalo, faire, entertainments and the
like, woman's, ouetomary methods of
finance, and those Magalia women whoee
salute, oaken, pies, sandwloheo end doe
creams esu vie with theirs 1 They
charmed the coin from the molten' of the
men anti boys of Magalia and all its
enburbe. So the little ohuroh fund grew
and grew. The rich churches, Metho.
dist, Oengregatiooal, Presbyterian, Bap
list., dieted to assist, Carnegie -wigs, from
their lavish building node, but to accept
any of these offers Miss Brydon found
that it would become neoeseary to organ.
doe a church of like faith to receive the
gift, and she desired that this Murata
ehuuid ever be free, with open doors and
nnoectsrian, henna this breve, Ione etrng
gle. It was then a proud and happy day
when Mre, Bidwell oame up with a group
of eympathatio friende to lay the corner
stone. I recognized the taoee of Mes-
dames Royce, Crew, MoKay, Kennedy
end of othere, and the towering form of
the Rev. MUOnrt. At one o'clock a delio-
tone lunch was spread in ilia grove by the
school house and at theme a large eon•
coarse deployed to the opposite grove jolt
below the Perry homestead, where a site
for the ohuroh had been generously fur-
nished by A. A. Perry, The beautiful
services Were engaged in by Mre. Bidwell,
Rev. MoOart, pastor of Ohne Baptist
olsnroh, Rev, Harwood, of Paradise
ohurnb, and M. V. Roe, of Paradise, as
follows :—Reading of Scripture by Mre.
Bidwell ; eingiug, "Ataerioe ;” prayer,
Rev. Harwood ; addreee, Rev. MoOart ;
presentation to Mre. Bidwell of trowel
and gavel by Mr. Roe ; laying of corner
atone by Mre. Bidwell, assisted by Mr.
McOart and Mr. Horwood ; singing,
"America ;" benediotion."
W it.i tOtt.
Five weddings inside the oity limits in
one week is a pretty fair mooed.
Rev. Alfred Andrews preaobed in
Duff's ohuroh last Sabbath eyening.
Mre. (Dr.) Armstrong, of Harrieton,
was vieiting et Wm. Neale this week.
Rev, A, MaoNeb will preach a sermon
to ohildre0 in Doff's church, Walton, on
Sabbath first at 11 a, m,
Rev, A. and Mre. Andrews removed to
Burlington this week. Rev. Mr. Baker
will take the serene', next Sabbath.
The final football match will be played
in Brueeele on Monday evening Platte-
ville ve, Brussels, The game deoidee the
holder of the Oap.
On Saturday evening Red. A. MaoNab
tied the matrimonial knot between Mies
Mary Ellen Rae, eldest daughter of John
Rae, and A. R. Small, of Toronto. The
happy couple departed on Wednesday for
Toronto, where they will reeide.
A Garden Perty was held at the Manse,
on Friday of last week, and although the
weather was far from promising, the at-
tendance was considerable. A good pro-
gram was rendered. The proceeds
amounted to over $100. The Ladies Aid
Society of Duff's ohuroh always emceed
with whatever they undertake, let the
weather be what it may.
last regular meeting of L. O. L. No.
252, the following resolution was u0•
auimoueely adopted and fowarded to Mre.
and Miee Isabel Oakley :—Beuolved, that
we, the officers and members of Loyal
Orange Lodge, No. 252, in session as
gambled, desire to express to you our
sympathy in the lose of a loving husband
and father whose recent damns you
mourn, Our brotherly love and esteem
for our de]tarted brother was not nn•
known to you, ae he:beld for a number of
years the highest position in our midst
and therefore you will readily under•
stand the morrow with whioh we followed
his body to the tomb, and the depth of
feeling with which we place on record our
sympathy fur you in the greater lose
whioh you, as wife and daughter, were
called upon to sustain. We pray that
you may be upheld in your ,$lotion by
the power of God, and the consolations of
Hie 89.1011, until the time of your re.
union in the Better Land. Signed on
behalf of the Lodge.
Jong W. Mottnteog, Reo, Seo,
A. A, Deg has had a wind nsjll planed
at hie hotel.
Miee Mary Miller has gone to Toronto
for two weeks' holiday.
George Molntoeb, of Stratford, is the
guest of friende here.
Miss A nae Black ie spending
ka few
days with Braswell friende.
Charlie and Mre, Pope have gone to
Amherethur for a few a visit.
W da v i .
g Y
Adam McLean sant Sundaythe
guest of hie mother in Hntriaton,
Mise Etta Beaton, of Torouto, visited
her sister Mies Lizzie Buneton last
Wesley Farrow, of Manoheeter, was
renewing aoquaintanue in the village on
John Orr,of
be King D
dword Hotel
Wiugham, palled on old friende here
last week.
A number tram here attended Wood•
stock—Bruseelo foot ball game in Bens.
eels on Monday.
A. and Mre. Wella and J. and Mre,
Harris attended the Damp meotinge near
Mildmay Oa Sunday.
Frank Sanderson arrived from Chicago
last Friday and will spend his vacation
with hie paronte and sisters ]fere.
Mee. T. W. Gibson wag accompanied
by her neloe, Mies Dorothy Dickson, on
her return to Toronto lest week.
Rev, I. A. MOKelyeY preached hie
farewell sermon in the Methodist o110ro11
Sunday evening, On that aarountthere
wee no cervico in the Preebyterian
Munn They.left for thele new home
at Louleville on Tuogday, Rev, Mr,
Ooterhout is the new pastor and comae
highly recommended,
Rev, Dr. Hazlewood and little
daughter, of Hamilton, were the guoote
at W. 0. Heelewood's for a few days.
Several from here attended the plonk,
at Salem last Tbureday held under the
a0epioee of the Methodist Murata there.
Owing to the abeanae of the reotsr,
Rev. E. A. Hall, who ie attending Synod,
in London, John Hartley oondtlMed the
cervices in the Episcopal oilmen.
Amonget times who telt for the West
on Tuesday morning were, Mre. W.
Weir, Miee Longley, Mre. Thos. Gibson
and family, Mre. Miller and Mita J.
A quiet event took place at the home
of Mrs. Jos. Neale, in Iiowiek, Wednes.
day evening of last week, when her oldest
daughter, Miee Ella, woo united in
marriage to William Leckie, of Wrox-
,ter. After about a week's, visit in Lon.
dors the young oouple have returned to
the village where they will reside.
.til L1t et 1 .
Sobool Moen on Thursday for the
The McAllister family have removed
to Cockburn Ielaud.
W. A. Mason left on Tuesday for a trip
to the West the objective point being
Prince Albert.
Mre, John Jones, of Brueeele, is vieit-
ing her daughter, Mre. G. Bateman this
week. Mre. Jones was 80 ye0re old last
The final football match will be played
in Brueeels on Monday evening Platte-
ville ve. Brussels. Tbia game deoidee
the holder of the Cap.
Eeeoe Gill, wife and son are here
for a visit. Their home is in St. Louie,
where Mr. Gill is employed as switch.
mac in a railway yard.
Ethel Presbyterian Sabbath eobool
pio•nia which wag to be bald on Domin-
ion Day, has been postponed on account
of the sad and lamented damage of Joo.
F. F. Freeman and E. A. Smith were
visitors at the I. 0. 0. F. Lodge at
Atwood on Wednesday evening of last
week when some oandidatea were "riding
the goat."
Teacher Smith will leave on Friday
for hie home at Tileonburg where he will
spend his vacation. Miee Niobolle will
holiday at her home in Brussels with side
tripe to see old friende.
Next Sunday eveniug Rev. 0. P. Wells
will take as his text I Sam. 20 8, "There
ie but a step between me and death,"
because of the very sad aooident and
death of the late John Lamont.
The young lad Carson, "who stole J.
W. Pollard's watch, was released by
Judge Doyle from Goderioh jail on
suspended sentence, We hope hie ex.
perienoe will prove a lesson to him and
other yoothe me well.
The Epworth League Sooial held on
Monday evening here was a grand sum
oees, the crowd was large, refreshments
fine and proceeds $33.21. The program
tgae one of the beet ever given in Ethel.
The Leaguere worked well and stood by
their poets till all was through,
Last Saturday at 2 30 p. m. Rev. Mr.
Dune, of Whiteoharoh, preached at the
preparatory communion eervioe in the
Presbyterian March here. • He gave a
hoe ditoourse on "The water of Life."
The pastor took oharge Sabbath after -
mon and student Duooaneon, of Walton,
000upied the pulpit in the evening.
Miee Edith Freeman is eh Seaforth
thist writing week at the Entranoe
Examination this week, Among those
doing similar work at Brussels are, Mel-
vin Mammon, Myrtle Imlay,` Nettie
Simpson, Bert. Eokmier, S. Chambers
and Tom MoAiiioter, We wish, them
New Gement sidewalk has been pet
down from Mr. Laird', corner Eastward.
Two meanings are to be planed ,leo.
Chris. Eokmter is the Pathmaeter and
W. E, Sanders foreman. We would
advise that any more walks built should
be "roughed" rather than made too
smooth Eo ae to render them lees slippery.
There i0 nothing like the permanent
walks and we hope the good work will
go un. The township might make an
additional grant to title work as a good
many get the advantage of their o0e.
A YOUNG MAN HoaouED.-Wednesday
evening of last week a few friende of
Robert Pearson, B. A., gathers.' at hie
home, on the 4th Oon„ in the form of a
surprise party ant presented him with
an address and gold watch chain and
locket, He left for Banff, Alberta, on
Saturday, where he will take up mission.
ary work, We are sorry to lose him bat
our lose will be Banff's gale. The
following i0 the addreee whioh was read
by W. E. Bryan, and Jae. Hogg meds
the presentation t --
Dean• Mr Pearson :—
It is with mingled feelings of joy and
sorrow that we learn of your intention to
leave our midst in the near future. Joy,
because the work you will be engaged
in—Missionary in the Great Weet—ie
that whioh lies neareet your heart;
sorrow - betimes we who ho have been bene.
fitted by your o r P Yereonelitr your ad.
disease Ond manly oharaotor are loath
o t e
to see you depart from am o ge u , We
will mise you. Your friende will feel
your lose while your own family Girdle
will often be lonely for you but singe you
are in the West our sympathies will be
broadened and our private will aeaend
with donbled vigor it, your behalf, Your
partioular form of life work Galls for
muub 9elf•dental and your Christian
zeal in spite of this is an object lemon
for ue all. On the eve of your departure
your ohuroh friende cad heighbore hove
desired to spend a pleasant eooial even.
ing with you and your parents, and that
you may see we esteem you more thou
words can tell, we ask you to accept this
Watoh obtain and locket whioh we hope
will ever link you with your friende here,
We trust that God may awe yon for a
long andurger in Hie ministr
neefu1 o
andrn that there may continue
eminating from yon that halo of Godli-
ness that those with whom yon come in
contact may feel that yon are Ohriet's
ambeeeador indeed. Signed on behalf of
your friende.
Joon Bnwave, JAMES JAoneon,
LommNe° PRAIN, Janos Hooch
Rub, made an eloquent and touobing
reply. He could not see when all alarms
of people were swarming to the West for
the aooumulation of wealth that God'o
'servants should be loath to go in pursuit
of their calling even under trying sir.
oumsbancee, An impromptu program
was given ooneiuting lot made to the
various forme and speeches by the men
present, The ladiee had provided a
splendid supper and altogether a very
pleasant evening loan spent. Mr. Pear.
son leaves many friende in thie
MaTnLxowoaL.—At 4 o'olook on Wedoee.
day of loot week, one of the moat beeuti•
fel days in Jinn, in the pretence of e'euo
40 guests, oompoeed of relative', and a
few Intimate friende, the matrimilial
bow wae tied by Rev. D. B. Malta,, of
0raobrook, between Robert Pieta, a well.
to do young farmer of Eima township,
Perth Go., and Miee Jeeeie Altana,
daughter of Robert and Mrs. Oloee, at
the parental home, The priooipale, who
were unattended, took their pleoee in a
large horseshoe of ferns and lilies to the
mania of the Wedding March, played by
Miffs Lizzie MoRae, A very beooming
costume of white was worn by the bride
and she carried a beautiful boquet of
roaee. After hearty oongratulatioae were
over the company eat down to well spread
tables and thoroughly enjoyed the good
things provided. The wedding gifts were
numerous, metal and valuable and were
accompanied by many good witches, not a
few of the primate coming from friende
not invited, attesting to 1110 popularity of
the bride. The groom's gift was a gold
watch. Silverware and $5 bills were non-
spiouous, relatives from Napanee, Lind-
say and other pointe not able to be
present not forgetting to remember the
happy maple by kind expreeeions and
highly prized tokene of esteem. The
Page Wire Fence Go, (of which Mr, Close
is agent) by their representative, E. L.
Dyer, forwarded congratulations and a
beautiful silver berry spoon. Mr. Pirie
and bride left the next day and are now
enjoying their honeymoon with relativee
and friende, The first plaoe visited was
Woodetook, arriving on the evening
Brunets team was showing the boys of
that oity how to play foot ball and Mr.
and Mre, Pirie were ready to give a cheer
for the wt:eers. After a few weeks'
bolidaye the happy twain will settle down
on the groom's farm in Elms, thereby
redaoing the number of "bachelor balls"
talked about at Trowbridge, Friends in
Grey express the wish that Mr. and Mre.
Pirie may be as popular in their new
home Re they were in Grey. One person
in writing was hoping that the knot
would be tied all right bat anybody who
le acquainted with the offiuiatiug minister
would know that he was an old band at,
the business. Another thought the name
of the groom indicated that he might be
Scotch, not a bad gases, and the writer
was not astray in stating that he was a
fire1•010se man. May the joys and bright
spots in the married life of Mr. Pirie and
bride be many is the wish of a wide oirole
of relative', and friende.
Haying will oommen08 in -soma plaaee
next week,
Miee Minnie Walker, 6th line, is
holidaying with relatives at Tepperville,
Kent 00.
Quite a number of young folk from
Morrie are writing
at various points
at the Eutranae Examination.
Miee Maggie Bielby arrived home
last Friday from Termite where ebe hue
been attending the Normal school,
Warden Bowman was at Goderioh on
Wednesday of this week attending a
special meeting of the County Couuoil.
John Manning left on Tuesday to, visit
his eon and other friends in Manitoba
hoping to benefit hie health by the
Morrtsiteewere represented on Tuee.
day's excursion to the West by John
Robb or., James and Mre, Demme, and
John Manning,
The dual football match will be played
in Brueeele on Monday eveuing Platte.
vilte vs, Brussels. The game deoidee the
holder of the Oup.
Mies Nettie Davis, of Alpena, Miob-
igan,is here on a visit with her parents,
5th line, It is some years since she went
to live in Unole Sam's pooeeeeione.
Mre, A. I. McCall and Mae,ter Teddy,
of OhaLham, and Mrs. S. B. MuGall and
George who have been vieiting at Alex.
McCall's will return home on Friday,
July int,
A new 20 horse power engine with
canopy top, was received this week by
William Dark from a London firm, It
will be utilized in hauling and running
ife threebing machine.
The new Methodist pastor, Rev. Mr.
Baker, will preach his introduotory ser.
mons at Johneton'e and Browntown
oharohes next Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Swann
removed to HoImeoville this week, 00'
Ing many warm friende on Bnevele
The home of J. H. and Mre. Brandon
of Morr ie is under the shadoof bereave-
ment oaueshadow of
by the death of their son
Olark Mille. It appears that one day the
page lase witting
boy stepped on a p oe of g g
me of his feet. Blood -poisoning set in,
and on Monday morning of last week the
young life woe ended. The funeral took
plane on Tuesday to the Brandon cem-
etery. The community eympethiee with
the bereaved,
WEDDING BELLS.—The comfortable
residence of James and Mre. Bolger, 6th
line, Morris, woe the Beene of a very
happy gathering of 50 or more guests on
Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'ulook when Rev.
I. M. Webb, inoumbent of St. John's
ohuroh, Brussels, tied the nuptial bow
t e
n Chas. Pollard a well.to do
hews 0 ,
young keener of this township, and Mien
Mary Emily, cue of the estimable dough.
tern of the host and beaten. The
Wedding march woe played in fine 0ty1e
by Sun flake Shal
dice and little Mien
Bolger erformedEbe duties of
girl very
prettily. The bride wore a
Very becoming Madame of white and
carried a beautiful bogaet. Hearty
congratulations over, the gueste were
invited to the elegant supper awaiting,
where ¢eoeeel.riee and delioaoiee were
served in riot profusion. The bride's
health was proposed in felioitou0 term,
by Rev. Mr, Webb and Mr, Powell,
although a baohelor, made a reply .in
behalf of the groom in language befitting
the occasion, To the evening a recap-
Hon was held in which a large and joyous
oompany took part. The llgbt fantastic
was tripped for 'leveret bare after whioh
the oompany separated happy to meet,
sorry to part, hoping to meet again and
expressing many good wishes for the
prosperity of Mr. Po ilard and bride.
The young couple have taken up reef•
donne on the groom', farm, where we
toot they will enjoy many happy sum
easeful yaare.
ORIT,—The palming away of the aged
residents in the surrounding townships
ie oonetaotly going on, and before long
the pioneers will have all gone to their
rest. Last week Robt. Btoomfleid was
numbered with the dead. Deceased was
a native of Ireland but removed to Can.
ads when a young man. After living
near Olintou for a time, he came to Mor.
Hs and for forty seven yaare reeided on
lot 10, eon, 2. Hie age ie given at 79,
though some plane it at 85. Of late years
he bad beoomo feeble, and more recently
the infirmities of age increased. He woe
an entbueiastio Orangeman, and an
honest industrious man. Many epeoi.
merle of hie handiwork have been admired
and show a latent talent along ooamtrno-
tive linea. He leaves a widow to continue
life's journey alone and one eon. The
funeral took plana on Wednesday, hie Sabbath eohoob and Moi., being a teacher
Orange brethren conducting the eervioe of in the former and one of the alto singers
the Order at the grave. in the latter. All joie in wishing Mies
McNaught euooees iu her studies.
The funeral boots plane Thursday after•
noon and was largely attended, Itev. D.
13, lyioRae tools charge of the eervioe and
interment woe made at •Bruseel0 acme•
tory, Six oouaine were thepall hearses.
Widespread sympathy ie oxpreeeod for
the sorrowing relatives,
Mre, 3. W, Maulers, of Sault Ste,
Maria, 10 vieiting her patents, lilohord
and Mre. Roe, liar sister, Mre. T. Orieb,
and other relatives and old friends, itis.
blathers ltae gone on a prospecting trip
to the Norbbweet and may notate there
if he finds what suits him.
Thie week Alex. MoDonaid and enters
moved from their ferns, on the 7113, of
Morrie, whioh was recently sold to
Maloolm McDonald, of Blyth, for 78,800,
to their new home, 9th von„ to the 100
sores recently pure/aimed from Thoe.
Pepper. We welcome them to this
The Perm of Jas. Shaw, jr. was Bold
this week to Oounoillor Jao, Grant, 14th
con„ at a slight advance on the price
paid to Jae. Machell last Winter. Mr.
Shaw hue perohaeed Jon, Mol1'addeti'e
100 acres, 12th con., at $5100, F. S.
Scott made the last sale. The change of
ownerehip will likely take place next
Miee Alberta MoNaught, teacher, has
resigned, and will enter the Normal eobool
Mass at London in September. Mies
MoNaught will be missed as, in addition to
her Bohm) duties, she seeieted both in the
Gr e:V.
William Bateman is spending a few
holidays with relatives in Toronto.
A new teacher is being advertised for
by the truetees of 8. B. No, 3, rendered
neoeesary by the removal of H. W.
The final football match will be played
in Brussels on Monday evening Platte-
ville vs, Brussels. The game decides the
holder of the Cup.
The barn on the farm of Jesse Bute.
man, Lot 13, Con, 6, has been reified and
atone stabling is being built under it,
Modern arrangements will be made.
Tuesday of this week Wilson Evans
went to Brueeele and brought home •a
brand new traction engine. It was
manufactured at the pity of London.
Tuesday morning Hugh and Mra,
Lamont, Angus Shaw, Peter McDougall
and Mre. Wm. Work took the excursion
train for a holiday visit with relatives
and friend', in Manitoba and Dakota.
Few men stand the battle of life like
our old friend James Knight, 10:11 eon.
He is in his 90 year but i0 still able to
attain to the chorea about the house, at.
tend ohureb, &o. Mr. Knight is a re-
markable mac,
day afternoon before the close of school
in S. S. No, 3, an address was read by
Miee Juste Doll and Mies Maggie Mo.
Donald presented the retiring teacher,
H. W. Avieon, with a volume of Shakes•
peare, a shaving set and a purse. The
address was a follows :—
H. 14'. Aeisort
DEAR TEaomoa,—It is with no small
regret we realize that the hour of eepera-
tion between us as Teacher and pnpile
has almost arrived and we desire now to
return you our very hearty thanks for the
kindness shown andgreat the interest
you have always manifested in the past
two years ae our teacher. If we have
not made as rapid progress as you desired
it ie through no fault of yours, Your
Christian life and manly example, as well
as preoepto taught, have not paeeed by
uunotioed but have and will continue to
bear fruit in the school and neighborhood
we believe. Please swept this volume of
Shakespeare, Shaving set and pooket
book ae mementoes of our love. We
tenet they will keep you in remembrance
of S. 8. No. 8, Grey. Oor beet wishes
will go with yon in your work of preach.
ing the Gospel and we einuarely trust
your labors will be Drowned with mown.
Mr. Avieon made a imitable reply nom.
bining thanks and good wishes. Short
speeches were made by Teaobere Weir
and Lamont and chorines sung by the
solaced. Mr, Avieon left on Saturday for
a short visit at itis home in Heerlen')
before oommonoing his ministerial work
on Alma oirouit. His Superintendent
will be Rev. Mr. Grandy. The many
friende he made in hie two years' sojourn
in this locality will be delighted to hear
of hie saooeee and will be glad to see him
bank oboaeionally 0e a visitor.
small regret we are palled upon this week
to tell the sad story of the Budden butting
down of John 0., eldeet eon of Angus
Lamont, by accident, last Tuesday
afternoon about 8 80 o'otoak, Dammed
a000mpenied by bis father, uncle and
brother Wm. were In the swamp on their
farm South of the Con. and were (letting
lea with one horse
and hauling 001 poles ,
getting reedy for the Doming of the maw.
ing maohine to aooVert them into stove.
wood. A bundle of these poles avers
hitched to with a Main and the horse
started when the end of one pole caught
u am. thrown a with
a ainst a root and w
g P
ooneiderable throe. Will. woe etruolr
aoroee the breast and knocked against a
tree with so much violence that he has
been spitting blood ever einoe and ie very
sore. Jno. woe further book, within a
few feet of being out of reach when the
pole (aught him on the barna of the head'
breaking his skull. He stood for a
shooed and then fell over on a stump and
when teached was dead. Tenderly and
sorrowfully the body was married to the
home and the mad intelligence carried to
absent friende. Jno. was born on the
homestead, Lot 18, eon, 7 Grey, and wow
81 yearn, 1 mouth and 21 days old, 'He
was a jovial, good looking, able bodied,
industrious young man who was a general
fevorite wherever known and his suddgri
domino hag met a gloom over the Oom.
mutiny, in the sudden doll of one In the
pride of manhood and wiihont a
moment's warning. The subjoat of this
notioe was specially interested in the
Ethel Division of the Sone of Temper.
once and the installation of new aflame,
whioh was to take place on Saturday
evening, was a subject of interest to him.
Brussels in the Finals.
They Wen handily from Woodstock.
A large and well pleased crowd saw
Brussels win the eeooud victory from the
sturdy Woodstock representatives of
Intermediate football Monday evening on
Vittoria Park in this plane. Although
one team had taken thematch at Wood -
stook the week previous by 2-O they wore
not Buffering from big head nor under.
valued their opponent's ability to play a
hard game but were determined to repeat
the score of last Friday ,or do a little
At 7 o'clock Dr. 6,ederman, of Mil.
verton, who °Banished as Referee with
ability, blew the whistle and the ball was
off. Inside of 80 monde it was between
the flogs guarded by the visitore and goal
1 was to00nted, Jim Strachan doing the
triok. This wa', evidently a surprise to
Woodstock who put a good deal of vim
into their play to even up bob the short
combination load neat foot work of Brus-
sels kept the sphere in close proximity to
their citadel nearly all the time so much
so that our goalkeeper sem idle and the
backs were half the way opthe field look-
ing for something to do a good part of the .
time, only the excellent work of goal.
keeper Matthews saved the running up of
a snore that could not be counted ou tate
fingers of one hand. Half time arrived
with the tally 1. to 0 in favor of the home
Woodstock put up a "ruoly" game in
the emend half and many a player went
to erase but the Oxford Co. lade .blotted
too many eky-earapera and put mo muoh
vigor into their work that throw -foe were
very numerous. Despite all they could
G alt 0 their r cal
do a sea attack was a
and Strachan, by a well directed kick,
notched No. 2 for Bru000108 Smith iit'-.,_
oenttse had his aide iejered in an Upset
and was replaced by idtwell. The two
tease warmed ftp to their work and
rushed the ball but although our sphere
eharpahootere blt the goal Makes a;aouple.
of time it was a case of thou art. so 00ar
and yet so far, and amidst the hearty
cheers of the speotatore over the lively
work being done the wbietle blew and
encomia once more perobed on Brussels'
banner. The Woodstock team played a
style of gime that rather made havoc of
the combination work of the victors but
the havoo-mekvre did not appear to be
able to take advantage of openings and so
much was this the case that a goalkeeper
woe hardly a neoeseary adjonot to Brae -
seta eleven. The game was free from
wrangle or dispute nor was there a player
ruled off in the whole game but while the
boys from the Eaet are a gentlemanly lot
they are seemly in the same class at foot
ball with their bpponeute of Monday
The line-up saw four changes on Wood-
stock team from the previous - game,
Brunie being ideutioal with Friday'a
match. It was a0 follows :
BR¢0mmLB W00000obx
herr 0001 Matthews
Robinson 1310k0 1 Prput
Mediae t Moes
Lindsay1 Watson
Brown 1 1'0601110{- Batas
Cardiir.,..........1 ll tlirous ..
Gammon Dunlop'
Switzer ., Donnie
Lowry rorwarde South
t •is ellen n
Miller ,,.......... � all y
There were epeotatore here from Wine.
ham, Wroxeter, Atwood, Seafortb, Gar.
d' g villi ee.
nrroun to
thea a
ri The gate reoeipte totalled $90 and Oda
did not inolude the people who "enoopect"
in or witnessed the ploy at te dietaooe.
The final game will be played on
Victoria Park, Brueeele, on. Monday even.
ing next. Beenre and emelt, Platteville
vs. Brueeele.
The tsv.o reports of the Brueeele vs.
•Woodetook game, copied from the Wood•
Mock daily papers may be rood on page 4
of this issue,
Kuhn, Woodatoolt's centre half, was,,
member of the Berlin Royale, and played
agarue- f tlast yettee team
the fine
games. He isotte of Woodstock's star
Thos. and Mre. Pepper have moved
9111 eon. of Grey to
from theBrnys(In
having sold tlieir farm and will make
their home here,
gra. 11, Paul hi away its Orangoville
mod locality visiting relatives. She ex -
petite to have her slater, Mise Gordon,
mine back wit1111ryer to 1108 with her fie
Viktoria Cottage, Princess street.