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Juril>t 23, 1904
Clean e
'`--The Spirit of the Times,
THE Decay of Teeth is caused by different germs in the
mouth attacking the enamel and destroying it. Keep
the Teeth Olean and you, to a very great extent, remove
the cause of Decay. In
which is put up in collapsable tubes, will be found a most
excellent Tooth Preparation. It removes tartar and keeps
the Teeth sound and white, also hardens the gums and
imparts a fragrance to the breath. Pride 25c. per tube.
Of course we have a large assortment of Tooth Brushes
with which to use the preparation.
Trains /'taut Brueeale Station, North
and South, as follows;
Tinil 7:15 a.m 1 Mixed 9:00 a,m
Mixad.........1660 a.re Mail .....„1100 p,m
Express 8"08 pm1 Express ...... 8:15 p.m
Toni Rekts tel <ts,
A ahiol's among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith bell prent is.
Loos out for frost.
WEDDINGS are p!entifnl.
SUMSIER outing trips are now being
A. 0. Deems ebipped a oar of hogs on
APPRENTIOE wanted t0 learn the print.
ing. Apply at TRE POST.
HIGH School Entraoae examinations
oommeaoe next Tuesday morning.
A NUMBER of Braeselibea were at
Lietowel this week attending the hares
A CAR of batter was forwarded by
Councillor Thomson to Halifax during
the past week.
Comm Princess Alexandria, 0. 0. F„
Brussels, will meet next Tueelay evening
when the report of the High Court will
be given.
Tare week five ogre of baled hay, some
of h for Glasgow, Scotiaod, mod a oar of
oats were shipped from Brussels by
Councillor Backer.
We have been enjoying ideal Jane
weather. The eingiug of the birds is
joyous and the air je redolent with the
mingled perfumes of earth. •
TER Lady Maooabe,s will bold their
annual pi0•nie in Davidoon's grove on
Monday afternoon, June 27th. Convey
anon will leave K. 0. T. M. Hall at 2 30,
DON'T forget the football matoh in
Brussels on Monday eve0iOg, June 27th,
Woodetoak VS. Brussels, the last match
in the eemi•finale. A feat game will ba
INTERM30IATE championship Foot Ball
match next Monday evening on Victoria
Park, Braseele. Woodetook and Brussels
will be the contestants. This should be
the beet game of the eeaeon.
TEANKS.—TRE Pose begs leave to thank
those who have squared off book cub.
eariptione and hope those still in arrears
will also pub themselves into a position to
for also f r the same action.
A CONTINGENT of our Bowling Club went
to Wingbam on Thureday of last week
and bad a game with the sphere bruod•
Jere of that town. Wingbam won. We
u e at our disposal, have not the swore p , how.
following players to Woodeboak on Thure•
day to play against the team of that city
in the semi -finale Kerr, Robinson,
MaRae, Cardiff, Brown, Lindsay, Miller,
Straoban, Lowry, Switzer, Cameron and
Carley. Woodstock team will play on
Victoria Park, Broesele, on Monday
evening next. Mr. Govenlook, of Lon-
don, brother to Mrs. T. Wesley Cosecs, of
town, is expected to referee bath games.
License Oommieeionere met in the
Queen's Hotel, Broesele, on Friday last.
Tranefere of hotel Minuses were made
from W. Blaahill to W. Emigh, at Wel.
ton ; and from A. Orr to W. Glebe, at
Fordwiob. Before adjourning the follow.
ing resolution was passed :—"Hereafter
the Roles and Regulations paned on
March 24th will be etriotly adhered to
and any hotslkne er
found guilty of sell.
ing to minors or during prohibited hours
need expect no leniency. Clause 12 in
the Rates and Regulations will be etriatly
Oonmtor.—Tbe Wingbene Times gives
the following advice to some of the
hoodlum element of that town that should
beer fruit :—"The of users and players of
the base ball team would be greatly
e tutors wo
n d refrain
i f the e po s
from "rooting" ae it gives the vieitore a
bad impreeeion of the local team as well
es the town, and also "ratblee" the
•players, blooks the umpire, eto. Give
the players a obeer when required, but
don't make that yelping sound, mash like
the grey wolf." Ben ball matohee are
not the only 10690 ee9 of uueporteman•
like ooudnat which is maob against the
wishes of the fair minded element of the
BeraReTmu TO OoELPu.—' The annual
exoareion to the Model Farm, at Guelph,
over the W., G. & B, railway, took plaoe
on Monday of this week and attracted a
Large crowd necessitating the running of
two sheernion tralne. The Bret one left
Brussels shortly after 8 a. m., taking
about 200 from Brueeele and picking up
the exonroiontetg at the etation5, except-
ing Henfryn, until after Gowanetown was
passed. Oa leaving Palmereton a good
run 1008 made to the Royal City. About
8 45 the gond train arrived et Brussels
with 800 paseengere from Kincardine and
intervening pointe. An enjoyable doy
was epent, barring the rain, and the
contingent from this 'locality got bank
before 0 p. m , and the other train paneed.
through &both 11 o'clock. The Model
Tarin le me popular a spot ue ever.
R. Outten shipped a oar of oats and a
Oar of wbeab.
5 Deas of salt were ebipped tbie week
several of them going to Winnipeg.
NATURE has attended to the street
prinkling faithfully 00 far this Beason.
A CAR of cheese was ehlpped this week
by W. W. Harris from Brueeele factory.
ANOTn3a quire of Rept was added to
Ton Poem oiroelation this week indioating
the steady growth of so mach value to
the advertiser.
Fonts III Brussels Public sobool will
not oonolade ite work until Wednesday
evening of next week. The other depart.
mate will oloee Friday afternoon of this
week so as bo make room for the Ea.
trance candidates writing nest week.
GRAVRL o contracts were let lest
Saturday da evening for work to be done on
the gravel road North and South of
Brunets, as follows :—W. Denbow got
the 1. miles North and South of the town
at 32 and 35 dente per square yard ; W.
Reilly, the 2nd lj miles North at 49e ;
and W. Denbow the Fraliak swamp road
at32n. H. Al000k was the lowest on the
Sed 11 miles South at 40o. ; and Chas.
Pollard got the beet farther South at 50o.
The work is being done by Grey and
Morrie townships and is very badly
Deeded in some places, the only trouble
being that the expenditure is inadequate
to the neoessitiee,
ATTER TEE NEST Rcneens.—Complaint
has been made to Reeve Wilton of a
number of young lade who are robbing
bird's neete. Their names are being
banded to Constable McLauchlan, who
will give them warning and if the prate
the is not stopped at once the wheels of
Justice will be set in motion. The law
says "It shall not be lawful to take, in•
jure, destroy, or have in possession any
neat, young or eggs of any bird whoteo•
ever, except of hawks, orowe, blackbirds
and English eparrowo." The penalty is
from 61 -to 920 and octets. The whole
id t r eaten
shall be pa o the p oseoufor eale
the J. P. thinks be ie in collusion with
the aooueed. We hope the bnye will take
this hist as there is trouble ahead if they
KINCARDINE bowlers were here Thorn
day forev000 and played a friendly game
on Meitland lawn. They left for Wing -
ham cm the afternoou train where they
intended having another round with the
looal bowlers. The eaore here was as
follows :—
Miller, Farrow,
Heifer, Causley,
Brach, Jackson,
Smith, skip ....17 Rose, ship 17
Hunter, L
Kerr, Fella,
MoDauald, Hewitt,
Roes, skip 14 James, skip ....18
Totals 31 33
Brussels winning by 2 Matte.
Snorer, 00. UtlUNOIL MiN W
den Bowman bas Mistreated Co. Clerk
Lane to call a epeeist mission of the 00.
Connell in Goderiob for Wednesday of
next week, This is rendered neoeeesry
to enable a By-law to be prepared and
read for borrowing $20,000,$10,000 of the
amount to be applied in paying for ad-
ditiou to House of Refuge and furnish.
inge, and $10,000 on new bridges being
erected so that Co. rate may not be in•
oreseed by the large expenditure this
year. By law hae to be advertised three
months before its final passing benne the
necessity of the meeting BO that the
matter mey be closed up at theDeoember
session of the Co, Council, the debentures
sold sod the thuds disbursed. One day
will suffice for the work to be done next
On 'lneedY venin of last week the
a evening
pastor of the Hamilton Road, Methodist
°hurdh, London, Rev. B. J. Arlin, was
pleasantly eurp,ised when the mmebere
of his congregation assembled and pre.
eented him with a handeome travel.
liog ogee as a token of the high esteem in
which be is held io the oomma0ity.
Preoeding the presentation a short pro•
gram was given, after which the pastor
was oiled to the platform when the
presentation was made by R. J, Webb.
The address was read by F, H, Talbot,
and wee as follows :—"Dear Pastor,—Ae
the time i8 almost here when we shall
have to part, we, the membero and ad.
herents of thio church, have taken this
last oppotinnity of expressing to you in
Dome tangible form the love and respect
in which we bold you. You have proven
yourself to be a faithful, earnest and au
efficient pastor, and we now ask y00 to
accept tine travelling one a0 an earnest
of the affection whiob you have inspired
in every heart. While we regret exoeed-
ingly your departure, yet wenn find some
knowing that some other
tion In win
congregation will be blessed by your able
poeborate. We trust that God will bless
your latera work, as He bac bleeeed it
here. Yonne on behalf of the oo0gre•
gation (Sgd,), G. H. Pearl, E, Parker,
The recipient madea feeling reply, thank.
ing the oongrsgation for their nianykind•
rinses to him and 055091ng them that the
love was reoi.proaal, Mr. Aliin'e new
Bold of labor will be at Parkhill. Rev,
Me. ARM was the highly esteemed peter
of Broesele Methodist ahurob for three
years and is well deserving of this token
of regard. We With him a good time sh
Standard. Bank of Canada
=STA7Lx+20XXX0a 1373
A. Ghnertal tiattkliagr. 1131a10inet+Tf.•{ 1i'Un ttet',(tll
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwarde reoeivod on wllielt
is added to mouton every six monthe and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS met' melte and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any preen,
Duly for which no obarge is mode,
YOUR BU8INESS will receive onr onroful and ouarbe0ue etteution.
WOODSTOCK VS. Braseels nest Monday
evening on Vioboria Park, Brueeele. The
visitors are in good form.
A 000PLE of Italiana were in town on
Monday and dieooareed mneie on the
street by the tree of a violin and harp.
THE LATE Annan FARROW.—The Guelph
Mercury speaks as follows of the deoease
of the late Asher Farrow, of that city :—
Asher Farrow passed away very euddeo•
ly at the last at Toronto on Saturday
evening llth ioet. The fam.ly got word in
the Afternoon that ha was sinking, but
he died au hour before they were able to
reach hie bedside. He bad attained the
patrierohal age of 86 years and four
months. He will be long remembered as
be was a type of the bluff, hearty,
shrewd, honest Eugliehmen that have
done so mach to build up this nanny,
and have proved very eooaeaefnlin their
farming in this country, Claming from
Lincolnshire in 1848, he settled near
Port Hope where be was married, and
where most of hie family were horn.
Here the most energetic period of bis
lite was spent • he became
a member of
Hope towoehi
Ho it and was votive
in all public) affairs. oouvoairs. He oame to Era•
moan in 1872, settling near Speedside,
and retired to the city in 1866, pnrohae.
ing the Jaoambe property oat on the Elora
road. He was a Jasbioe of the Peace,
and for many years an active and Nihon -
tial member of the Liberal party, baying
been one of the deputation which offered
Hon. Edward Blake his first nomination
in West Durham. Mr. Furrow was also
s member of Guelph Lodge, A. F. &" A.
ed., and since ooming to the oily, has
been connected with the Dublin street
Methodist thumb. The family surviving
are Johu. at Armetrnng's Mille ; Alfred,
Asa, and Leek's, Eramesa ; Mrs. T.
Miileou and Mee. J. Brooje, Bremen ;
Mra. 3. J. Mahoney, and Mre. W. A.
Mahoney, Guelph. The funeral
took place Tuesday afternoon from the
residence of his son•in law, W. A.
Mahoney, Woolwiob street. There was
quite a gathering of friends of the family
to pay the last reepeots to ftp hoveet
geptieman who bad given valued public
0000103 in iia day. Rev. T. J. Parr von
dao4ed the service. The pallbearers were
tour sone—John, Alfred, Asa and
Lavine—and two 00010 in law, S. Milleon
and 3. J. Mahoney. Among the hand.
some floral tributes was one from Guelph
Ledge, A. F. and A. M., and W. M. Gan-
way, and several of the brethren attended
the funeral. The relativee from outside
were Mrs. Aeber Farrow, Goderich ;
Thomas Farrow, postmaster, Brueeele;
Mre. Brownlee, London ; Mrs, Moegrove,
Blnevale ; Alfred Farrow, Port Hope,
and relativee from Oshawa.
cent, who at the ripe age of '72, died in
Teamster on$ the 118th inst., was not
very well known in that locality, being a
man of quiet disposition and well,
moved to that
' re o
advanced,n ea when he
village over three years ago. He was
born in the year 1832 in the North of
Ireland and lived there until he wan
17 years of nee when he joined the tide of
emigration Rowing Westward and arrived
in Ontario at the time when the early
pioneers were undertaking the great task
of clearing the heavily wooded lands of
Heron County and in that worts Mr.
Vincent spent many years of his life and
labor. He was a pioneer of Grey town-
ship having pre•empbed and felled the
first tree on lot 12 on the 10th von.
at that township. On the farm he (pent
the greater part of hie time in Canada.
He was married to Annie Jaoksoo, the
daughter of a man who like himself was
a pioneer farmer. To them were born
when ohildren, six of whom survive the
parents, the mother having died a unix;
bar of years ago. Tbe members of the
family still living are ;—J, J. Vincent, a
merchant of Bothwell ; R. G. Vincent, at
present living near Victoria, B. 0, ; Mrs.
Robert Wilson and Mre. Sample of
Portage.la Prairie, Mao ; and Mieose M.
J. and Hattie, who have been living with
their father in Teeswater. Mr. Viooent
a thoughtful and dutiful anent and
greatly endeared himself to those whose
duty it was to ease for him in his de.
elinin ears. Howas
a lifelong Pree•
byterien end wee throughout u one's.
tent member of that church. He postures.
ed in a marked degreethe virtues of
industry, perseverance and thrift—
qualities veinal go far to make the
successful pioneer farmer and daring
hie business oaten sencoee
led in doing
well financially es well•deing pee on au
Ontario farm. In 1892 be retired from
bis farm and from business and lived for
a uumbar of years in Brueeels, moving
later to Teeswater. His death though it
came eoddealy was not unexpected 00 for
the past two years he was extremely
frail and daring the recent Spring had
declined rapidly until Monday, mantel
end pbysioal vigor oinking together he
peacefully and painleaely passed to the
aide of the great majority. The funeral
whlah took plane on Wednesday, 15th,
was in aherge of Mr. Walker, undertaker
of Wingbam, Rev, 3. Malcolm, gradated
Rev, D. Wardrc
by Re
a co,ducted the
religious starving at the family home
after whish the federal 'Mended to
Weasels oemetery where Rev. Jobe Ross,
E, A, of Brunets, oondaotod the helmet
Mrs. Tarte, wife of Hen, a Teruel
Tarte, is dead.
Tbe village of Wakefield, Quebec, was
partly destroyed by fire.
It is stated at Ottawa that James
Magee, R. 0,, will be appointed to sea.
need the late Jaltioe Ferguson on the
High Court Benet) of Ontario,
A little eon of John Oampbell was
drowned while bathing at Brantford.
Mies Ida Clark, of Enterprise, was
harness t0 death, by her olothing ostobiog
Francis L. Hannon pleaded guilty at
Owen Sound to obargee of forgery and
An order in Conceit has been paned to
provide for guaranteeing the bonds of
James Bay Railway,
Business Linitis.
Rooth to let. Apyly to Mre. J. R.
Got to. Brewer's Reliable Photo. Studio
for Ann ettare Photos.
PASTURE for a number of steers,
Apply to Time. Mane, Brnesela.
Peeress of wedding 900095, pia-nio
parties, hotness, &a., taken on short notice.
H. R. BREwos,
WANTED —Eggs 16e and 15o. Wool 180
to 223 We another Aar of butter,4ter
oashr t July 2nd
o redo b
G. E. Mee, Wingbam.
• To THE PUBLIC —If you with to have
lawn mowers pot in first elan order you
eau have same done at a reesonablrl figure
by T. MoGregor, Mill street, Broesele,
A. Sample le home from Paisley for a
Vi it,
R. Drone is renewing old friendehipe in
Miss Ida Edlima, of Listowel, teas in
town on Friday,
Mrs, C. E. L' ooke, of Tara, is the guest
of Mrs. J. A. Oster, Brussels.
Mrs. Walter Jackson arrived home
from Toronto on Monday evening.
alro. Wm. Hamilton, of Toronto, is the
guest of Mre. Jno. Leckie, Broesele.
Dr. J. L. nutshell, of Goderioh, was
nailing on Braseele friends on Monday.
Mrs. A. Koenig, of Mitobell, was renew-
ing old friendships in town daring the
past week.
Miee Maggie lioNanghton, of Kinoae.
dine, is epeudioe a week at the parental
borne, Princess street.
W.F. Venetone and 'aliases O'ive and
Norma, 01 Wingham, were in Brunets on
Tneeday of this week.
Mies Edith MaLaoohlin, of Toronto,
has been enj tying a vaoation with rola-
tivea and friends in Brownie.
D. M. and Mre. Scutt. of Hamilton, are
visiting at Blair Athol the home al F. S.
Saone, William street, Bruesela, for a few
Misses Eva McOraoken and Mina Hun•
ter and With MoOracken and Jos Bunter
took in the Emersion to Detroit on
Mre R. H. Green, of Trowbridge, and
Mtge T. Phillips, of Toronto, were visitors'
with Mrs, H Thomas Harris, h street, for a
few days.
W. M. and Mrs. White, of Mitchell,
were visitors et S. Orawford'e, of Brno -
eels, and Jahn Mooney's, Morrie, during
the peat week.
Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Mra. O. E. Turn.
bull leave tine week for an extended visit
e s
in'Toronto, Canniogton and Owen Boned
with relatives.
Alby Rnbineon, the beetling roprneen•
tativs of Riohards' Pure soap, manurao
tared in Woodstock, .was in town on
Wednesday on hie regular trip.
Charlie Hingeton bas gone to Messrs.
Wilton & Torobull's to learn the tin-
emithing and hardware business, and
should make a competent band.
J. J. Vincent, merchant, of Bothwell,
a former resident of this laoality, was
renewing old friandehipe here this week.
He's quite a hustler after busineae.
Min Jennie Gene and Mr. Rose, of
Brandon, Man., were in town last Bun•
day and spent a short while at Kelvin
Grove, visiting J, and Mrs. Leckie.
Mies Ella Fannon is home for a visit
fromtraE sin College 8 ford B a sea On le a where
she has been for thea t
live monthe.
She purposes returning
to oemplate the
Mre, Percy Carroll, of Woleely,N. W.
Tis visiting under the parental roof.
She ie a daughter of Robert and Mre.
Sample, Prinoeea street, and has spent
several years in the West,
Mrs. B. Garry, a000mpanied by her
father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Fieb•
neigh, went to Seeforth on Thursday for
a Visit. They will eall On old friends at
Mitohell, the former home of Mr. Flab-
JAMB end Hugh R'bb, of Detroit,
were visitors at Jae, Bellantyne'e this
week. They were former reeidente of
Sealortb. Tbe former has a position in
connection with the Detroit Tribune.
Mre. Ledgerwood, of Paielay, is a vie•
itor with Mrs, ltaobel Tbompeon, Erne.
Bele, The latter willlenve.for a holiday
trip to Manitoba next Tuesday and will
visit her daughter at Lauder and other
relativee and friends.
TBR POST welt:Mee Wm. Ble•hill and
family book to Brunets. They will men
h0 their former residence se 800E as Dr.
Toole oan ware a house, Mr. 13Iaebill
Will likely go into cattle buying with
whish heathen Ile i8 well aogaainted.
The Teeswater Neese says of a young
gentlemen favorably known in Brae.
eels 1—"Bert J. Forenoon arrived home
from Toronto University on Saturday.
Bert. wag in this year's gradnating ohne;
and wo are pleased to learn that be wall
guooesefal in winning hie degree, Be i0
new Dr. Ferguson," TBE POST wishes
him 5009585.
RESERVE, 'FUND • $1,000,000
utreolerM 8, J, moons,
it, H. WARDER, D, ee
Pressident. Vmo•Plroeldent.
T Oa, DRAna11A1V, F I.A, 018 00E011 irn W, AfODTIMNlt MARK, I,O, D. E. T0OMSUN, R. 0.
Drafbe Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
nwav'e$' flame /ilrad9ft°r%P16W?
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and apwarde
Bll`rsgeVEZas° Affld4dlsaww
A. B. MELLISH, Manager.
Dr. J. H. and Mrs. McNaughton, of
Pan Yen, N. Y., are enjoying their
Annual holiday with relatives and old
friends in Brunets, The N. Y., air
appears to agree with onr one time
ebripling who now plumps down the
ewes at 175 pounds.
Druggist Fox attended the annual Oon.
vitiation of Divisional Aseoaiation No. 12,
wbiob met at Binoardine. He was re.
eleoted Seoratary-Treaearer and will 511
the bill most ocmpetently. He says the
Kincardine druggistsleft nothing undone
that would adto the oomfort and
pleasure of the visitors and those who
absented themselves miesed it in more
ways than 000.
1:11UILUD UlfIJlf'1M.
Quarterly Review in the Sabbath
sohoole next Sunday.
The program ie about completed for
the Wingbam District Summer eobool
which will be held in Kincardine from
Aug. 8 to 15 inolasive. A fine time is
o ntete latest.
o p
"By•b walls Faith the lig of Jericho fell
&u., was Rev, Joo. Maes' text last Babb
bath morning iu Melville obnrob in
connection with the series of sermon he
bas been giving on Faith.
During Jnly and August the weekly
meetings of the A. Y. P. A. will be
dispensed wit/, on account of the warm
weather. There will however be a
garden party in connection with St.
John's ohurob some time in July. Watab
for the date.
Rev. John Roes, B, A. and family will
leave in the oonree of a few weeks for
their Summer vacation winch will be
spent at their cottage near Braaebridge.
They will be away for 6 or 8 weeks. Mr.
Ritchie, who hae recently nompleted hie
theological oonree, will supply Melville
thumb pulpit in Mr. Rose' abeenoe.
The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Charoh,
Brunets, ie having an "Experience
Social" on thio Thursday evening June
23rd in the bast ment of the oharoh. A
good program is being prepared consist-
ing of Bongs, reoitatione, readings,
epeeohes, etc. Refreshments will be
served. Come aud enjoy Rn evening
with the young.
Last Sabbath Rev. T. W. Gonne oc-
cupied hie pulpit after an abeenoe of two
weeks. Before tbe morning sermon,
which was on "Tbe Holy Spirit," be
referred briefly to the work of the past
year and the outlook for the third year of
his pastoral term. His evening theme
was "The mook trial of Jesus." H. W.
Avieon sang a very appropriate solo
entitled "Gn the Cron."
Rev, I. M. Webb, rector of St. John's
thumb, aseiatsd fa the servioee on Sun
day last. Mr. Webb is grsSually im.
proving in ebrength and is almost bank
to his 115001 vigor. His many friends in
Brueeele and Walton were pleased tosee
him and welcomed him by a large con-
s ation. Beintends remaining in
g g r g
Brusaale for a week to enable him to be
preeeut at the sutertaimment on Jane
Wednesday evening instead of the
naval prayer meeting in the Methodist
ohuroh a abort program wan given to
which aongratohationa ware expressed
at the return of Rev. and Mrs. Donne
for another year ; peak Jaye revelled and
future prospects outlined. The pastor
gave a short review of the late Confer-
ence; Mre. W. F. Stewart repreeenttd
the Ladies' Aid and Woman's Mieeioo
ary Society ; Pas4maecer Farrow spoke
for the Finance Committee ; Mrs. Como
for the Junior League and W. H.
MoOlaaken humorously gave a retrospect
of Metbodism`in Brueeele., The peter
returned thanks far the kind words sprat.
en and expreeeed the hope that the
ooming year would be one of the most
enoaeestal in the biotery of the March.
"The Home Land," a beautiful solo, was
well sung by Mies Carrie Hingeton, Miss
Loretta Bunoton noting me m000mpaniet.
W. H. Kerr °coupled the obair.
Tuesday evening of thio week Rev. J.E.
Hunter oompleted the campaigning of
Wingham Dietriot Epworth Leagues in
the intonate of the Forward Movement
for Missiooe He had a moat successful
f C
and interesting series and the outlook is
meet hopeful. In 471 weeks he addreeeed
85 meetings and attended 30 Committee
meetings in connection with his tour,
$135.00 has been expended in Missionary
literature in the various Leagues which
will no doubt greatly id in imparting
u g Ya P g
valuable information and instruction.
Tbe Forward Movement is now being
worked in every League in the Dietrich
and the prospeotive fande for Missionary
85vaneement will be largely in extras of
last year, Rev, Mr. Banter left on Wad•
nesday for Moleeworth where be tom•
menoed a campaign on the Stratford Die•
triol. He's an indomitable worltor and hie
enthusiasm ie ooutageouo and the preen•
sol presentation of the work never faile
to effect the good contemplated to a
marked degree.
DOIG,—•In Fordtviah, on June 12, to Mr.
and Mrs, John Doig, a daughter.
KE„NEY—Leweou —At the Manse, Wal.
ton, on June 16th, by Rev. A, Mac-
Nab, M, A„ Mr, William Kerney to
Min Nettie Lawson, both of the
township of Morris.
BOTeoN-0111enN.—A.t'the Mango, Waltoor
on June 15th, by Rev. A. Maellab;
M. A., Mr, Alfred Button to Mtge
Sarah May Gibson, both of the town.
ship of Morrie,
Bz000—McKee,—Ab M0Oorieff, on Wrd•
uesday Jose 15911, by Rev, D. B.
McRae, Mr. Duncan F. Bloom, of
Thamesville, Co, of Kent, to Mies
Mary L. McKay, 15th Con. Grey,
daughter of Mr. George McKay.
PIeIE—Ozoen —At the reeidenoe of the
bride's father, 6th Con. Grey, on the
22nd inst., by Rev. D. B. Mages,
Mr. Robert Pirie to Min Jeeeie A.
OIOee, all of Grey.
OoM1u0.—In Morrie, on Jena 7111, Lilly,
beloved wife of john Ginning, aged
28 years.
KEEFER.—In Grey, on Jane 19, Jacob
K,ffer, aged 81 years and 4 months.
LOOAN.—In Blyth, on June 9tb, Jaime
Logan, aged 65 years, 2 menthe and
13 days.
VINCENT.—In Teeswater, on Jena 130b,
Joo. Vincent, aged 72.
BAToRDAY, Jona 26.—Farm' stook, im-
80., at Lot 5, Oon. 9, Grey.
Bale, unreserved, at 1oco
Pepper, prop. •FB. Bott, ano.
TUESDAY, JUNE 28 —Lot 85, arm. 1,
Morrie, sale at 1 o'clock, 20. eoree hay,
90 sorsa pasture land for balance of
season and 41 bead of grass cattle. J. J,
Denman, prop. ; J. Purvis, aur.
03R TTEPE 9:G:3 4,4. MTL e.•..17r,
Fall Wheat 85 90
Barley 35 37
Pees 50 55
Oats 29 80
Batter, tube and rolls.,., 12 13
Eggs per dozen 12$ 18
Hay per ton 6 00 7 00
Floor, per cwt 4 00 5 00
Potatoes per bus 60 60
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl„ retail 1 00 70
Hogs, Live 4 90 4 90
Wool 18 10
e of lot con-
o -
gong, narrow pocket 5 t 1 n
Coimin 2 oneek. ar bills, etre now and one
Dominion Beek. Suitable Toward on leav
lug ab THE POET. w®
The grottteet toes
those invisible one
Germs. They thrix=
wherever there ;is d
decay. Seth plaase a
at this e0aeo0 of the
free and frequent tree of L.
ante will deebroy array lurking''
germ and may save come member
of your family from serious eiok.
nese. We van supply everything
needed in the line of Dteinfeetente,
We have them fresh and fall
strength at
Drug Store
Give hull partienlars, Address
BOX 54, l9ordwioh,
TAGE on Llizabeth street for ealo.
Apply at THE POST.
CINE and upright boiler for sale cheap
its a 50501100 engine is being substituted.
For further particulars enquire atTEE Pose'
Publlehiug House
OREAtr.— a A. Andrews,orWalton,
expects ave b r1 on oda
0 e ttl m 1 Burlington tO W e6
clay, g20th loaf„ and yeferli Ole ifermoy vow.
Tieing 9}'ours, nun a yearling heifer for sale.
Both manna specimens of this splendid
breed, end pedigreed, being registered in
tbe Ame,loan Jersey Gerd linolt. Price for
the vow 845 and for the heifer 085, Cash or
6 mouths credit at 6 per omit. .Enquiries
may be made of G.A. Bondman, Brussels,
who bas Ole animals in charge and will
show them. or of the Editor of Tam Poe,.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 2, 00n,16,Orey, a thorn' bred Yorkshire
boar. Terms, 700, to be paid at time Of ser-
vice with privilege of returning if 08080-
47.6 Proprietor.
undersigned will lteeL, for aerrioe on
L1t26, 4th Line, Morris, the tiroro' bred
Durham Bun, "Jerry" bred Mom A. His-
lop's let prize bull and a thorn'-hred cow. r
%erms$125, with privilege of returning it
necessary. ROUT. CURRIE,
40.4 Proprietor.
d.� IIndereigned will keep for service a
thorn' bred Durhau, bull, an Ole farm ad-
joining Browne. Terme, $1 00 with privi-
lege of returning if neoes0ory.
1.4140. ROBB, Proprietor.
xxxxxxxxvel dr 2C 0xxxx' r3+eXXXO bxxx
AXING purchased the Fur-
niture Business carried on
by JOHN WALKER we desire to
call the attention of the public
the same and ask for a share
public Patronage.
{ti p KING
°pie te
Night Calls for Undertalling
will be promptly attended to by
calling at the residence of George
Cardiff, or our hoarding house,
MRS. A. HUNTER'S residence,
Thomas street
MOOREi�p ,
k �p E Y
Y °�