HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-23, Page 7l'ASS WEE BE lATEll
Enveloped and Slaughtered
• by the Japanese
from Tolile says :-,Jin
o of relievtog the pro».
rt Arthur by thi•eateniag
..41 Oen. Oke, the command-
o' the Jepanese tome Investing
the Russian steoughold, carne to au
end on Woduesday at Tellesie
point on the railroad 50 miles north
of Modulo nerd 85 miles north et
Vidoegow, when dm Missions were
otdiettemeuvred, enveloped and nweepe
ingly defeated. They /eft more than
MOO dead ea the neld, and Um Jap -
,manse captured 800 prisoners. and 144
emekenring gene, The Misstates re-
..treatee hastily to the northward.
The .Japanese charge that the Ruts-
sians violated. •the Japaneta Sag..
Certain officers ever that during the
• - ;lighting a, body of Runslan, soldiers
aPPeared carrying 0 Japtmeen flag,
g, end Una the Japanese artillery, de-
ceived by tide (lag, matted firing
.. on that particular body of Russians.
". • Official demputches from the Jamul-
eso cOnnnanders /natio speeille chant.-
co of this flag 'violation.
, Early estimates or the Japanese
losses at Telisse say Rua 1,000 men
,. were killed or wounded,
beam the advance on Tuesday along
artillery opened on this Boo, and the
Russians i» this position were at a
• disedvantage, but they hold it with
Darkness put- an end to tho lighting,
on the male Russian poeitiott. (The
determination 1111(11 three in the al -
estimated at more than two diva.
main Japaaese force was moving
north along the railroad, columns
were swung to tho left and to the
eight and finally converged at noon
tornoon. At this hour they wore
succeeded affiffirably. While the
ehen to Chengt.sustuto. with a force
ent that the Russians wore being re -
a, geeeral -attack in the morning and
the. Russians near Telissu, anti they
force the Russians tato a defile hattk
C 'Pelisse. 'nen morning came it
was discovered that the Russiane
held a. line extending from Tafang-
Thee Japanese doepatched a column to
infoveed and it was decided to make
from Tungclilatung to Y11110t1111.
the westward toward Eu -Chow for
the purpose of .covering the Russian,
righE wing and protecting •their left
and ream
continued toe two hours, and it WaS
aneSe line to a position extending
Mahe held it, line between Tungwan-
llessittee responded. The shelling
foliowed by the advame or the crap-
tiao end Taitingshon. The Japanese
late. hone* fit tho afternoon the Res -
both Hides et tho railroad, They on -
(anthem and drove them back. At a
countered tho Ruseirtns east o•f Va.-
The ;lavaliere -planned to envelop
During the night it became appal.-
The Jepanese attacking farce was.
divided in right and left calumne and
reeled, The Japanese cavalry con-
tinued pum
to rsue the enemy, and pro-
bably, infileted considerable punish -
s. The J apanese commander makes
. no eetimate of the Russian losses,
but says they were probably groat.
Arming the Russian officers captured
by the Japanese 18 00 colonel of the
'Fourth Regiment of Rides:
1.00,000 lux ax) Arry.Aca,
. etthrit•
lAt'alat a ihe,Tp
liaI:ailaatmae'eea 11
tictit18 tterate;
. thous:led men on the Litto-Tung pen-
ineula Len days ago, eays a Chafe°
- despatch. 1 t Is believed Butt it is
theiv intention to use 190,000 men
1n the attack on /Sort Arthur. Pos-
. eddy it wilI be a, fortnight before
they ere reedy, to make the expected
, • e. at tack. .
— -
All the accolints reeeived at St,
the battle at 'Pelisse
'vas great carnage,
lag ems cantered
titentptlies to de-
eed at, Stiangleti that the
mpturen six gulls at Tel-
dditeten. to 14 quielferteure.
to reported zit Now-Obeveng that
Con, Kurokl's teemed division ie
marching in the direction or Kalcheet
to take the Hessians in Rix rear.
Titer() is no longer Ling Honi,t that
the Japauese treneports and
Sada teem sunk by the Vladivostock
stondron off 001 Island, in the Strait
of Oorca no Weilnesday, and over 1,-
000 of tho troeps on Meted perished,
sort a Tokio deseateh,
Although pereued, the ibieelan
eradsers eecaped in the fog and suc-
ceeded in reaching Vlatlivoectock 10
Safety. :Details ohtaleable Mien the
survivorof the illefoled transports
allow that the Ilitachl and the Seed°
met three :Russian warehips mar Old
island, at 10 o'eleetit Wedneaday
morning, The Iliteslaus fired on the
Japroutee Ships enti aotiped them,
rind scion afternard they torpedoed
und sonk the helplese transports, The
caplets of the Sado met gavelenl other
awn were captueed.
Three hundred and ninety -green eur-
vivors of the Tliteeld hetet arrived 31.1
MOP, and 110 naryleors, al the Sado
have at re nt Nikera.
The I rensete t Jetted' /A 91 111 mime-
ing, The trenseorts 11 haeht tied 841-
(A tarried oely Mem mon. If this
*meet of the 'Weed or Shire, of tho
Old group, The transeorts 111 mobil
0,172 Lone, and the Sudo, 0,219 tour,
were seen two InDes Lo the WeStAvtArth.
The weather was foggy, lied the sea
WWI cairn. Whett the Theo (kilted
the linselan fleet turned, ran and
sigented te warning to tho I•lationtrrat,
and they hoth tonic for refuge lnsiele
lite :related Both signaled'
quitter To the 11)11, oleo es -
(mod. The saw the 1RLaohl
und Sado eurrotieded by the ltuselait
The weatliet• has again favored the
Reardon fleet, The stolen, accompan-
led by a heavy rain, width swopt
ovee the son. in the neighberhoott of
Tim Island on Wedmistley hitt the
movements of the Reseinn reaselm
Ono .Inpattese 990111.11112' AT.11/191 is re-
ported to nave got In touelt With the
Itorteitin squatli*on and to 11(00 follow-
ed, 11 probniov lost nio off
001 Island,
A despatch to the Loralon 1MIly
Expresa from. Tokio, eityri news has
veached there, bet has not yet been
officielly publieheti, of a great Jaren-
esti vietory near Fit -Dhow, on rail-
way, seventy miles north of Port
Arthur, The Russians, it is added,
tem oversvheimed, lost a thousand
mon, loft ell theie guns on the fluid,
end retreated in dieetalcie
The Daily Chronielt‘'s correeponitlent
at Tokto cables the same xtews, ad-
ding that the Ressiens, to the nom-
ber ea 74,000 men, are now fa full
flight towatel Tashidleto and Kato -
Ttieno 15 110 connemetioa of the re-
port received at Landau that 'Dues -
day's battle near Fuchau resulted in
o. groat Japanese victory, and the
flight of the iteseituts. Beyond this
rumor and the Russian statement
that fighting centimes, Mem is prac-
tically no news of haul operations.
O'he Petit Journal of Parts has a
detero.teli froen Liao-Yatig stating that
the Japanese lost a general in the
fighting on, Tuesday. Tt is believed
that he Wam (100. Nodmii, who was in
connuand of the third Japanese army
which recently lauded at `I'orcuslian,
EMPTY LA 1101! SlinCle IIN'S.
A desenteit to Rome trout Chefoo
states that the Jamenese have Mim-
ed litity-two largo Siege guns epee the
heights north of Port Artnute
It hat been learned from a Russian
source that 40,000 RuSsittu troOpS
mimed Tmehielmo, 20 miles south
of New-Chwang, last Monday, going
south, It is ammosed that this tome
was going to the roller of Port Ar-
A despatch to the London Dully
Merl from Now-Chwang nays Vett the
Iluaattrus ata moving n. strong force
from 1AI:to-Yang and Mitichate avow-
edly for the perpose of covering tin
attempt to -relieve Port Arthur. Vari-
an:4 pffints between Ifai-Cheng rind
Nan:lien are. held by auttnereuS bodies
of Ruseians, the largest: eumber being
seven miles from the cotteli. Chtneee
arrive homily, bringing stories of Stre•vieg e large number ol yoUng Lard -The demand is fait*, with
0.4 not doubted, 110WeVer. that Con. a small yellow loupe is reported as to 7 le; tubs, 7 1 to 710; pails, Sc.
figlitiog. which cannot be emitted. It trees. at Leterenratown, N. S., and Drives armor. Wo quore:-Tiercert, .7f;
Komopetkin hae altered his plan of gtieldha. the sal) P•r• the stein or thf)
earapaign, and has made a wiee IcareS Of pear trees 151 the viciultv of UNITED STATES lifAMMRT.S.
reran of Ins irooes.
The Dominion Department of Ag-
riculture 'Mattes a
Ile? t.
The fruit crop reports 1.0001vPri at Ot-
tawa, Spent, Altiy 1'41x tu gale do not
Prices of Cattle, Gab, Cheese,
and Other Dairy ;ez „a... Exaursion Steamer With Sunday Sohool
at Ilome and Abroad.
Toronto, June in. -Wheat -No, II Picnic Burned at New York.
white and red outeldo at 90c on low
indicate may marked changes in the gen- freighth. Spring whent he notional
6,111 311.1„;pect. 'fihi10101%Lvniuotnet) of bloom. is /Me tate, end goose at 75e east. A. New York despatch sap; : The 1 ereught 111. The row of budiee
now pretty well except, in Prince 'Maeltobu wheat is weaker; No, 1 thr(n4-derkeit civiiirsion sternum% 1:P1I• i.111. 991 t'lled 11102131 the beach and heater-
tedward Intend where thci season Is I NOrthern, Ole, tleorgiun Bay porta: ival Slocion, of the Knickerbocker tent women and frantle 0100 WilEtt
80181110tly kite. ()rowers in °Mario ' iie. Noitteen, ut (Stle, and No, d hteatutiont Co., burned to thii wat- niong ;oohing ut ma after aeother,
,i011 Quolam aro hoginaing 33,0 feet* that Northern, 05. No. 1 hare in Mall,. 01'0 ottgo off North Brother bdend, searehing for children and friends,
the homey rainfall will laterfere with Mal at 02e. Gritedief in I moist t nt tho entrant it to ,Long bland 1Voison with disfigured faces, their
the setting of Mule, end that the ,prices are tie 1,00-,e /tame ispotee.. Sound on Weettetedity morning, 1'0- elOthed 1)01'i17 0' stripped from thein,
abundance of bloom will go for Outs -No. :3 uhite quoted at 111 to sultlug in tho death through burning store carried to the improvised ewer-
eatight, The rain also prevents 3 1.1c west, and at, (t20 low froiglitit or drowning of la leant 000 Peolde, gtmey hospital, crying for children
and pi o'. fifes conditions favorable to to Now York; No, 1. white, 32i,ic mostly women and children, who had heen torn from. them is the
the development of fungus diseases, enst, and No. 2 at ettle meet. The bodies of muny 0110 1,(11 Ped 111- mad rush vdica the bout took lire.
No that 'env. crops of good fruit ere Batiley--No, 2 cpiolod nt 41 1,„ 42o to the river have. not yet been re- Aretinwhile the Slocum burned to
by tto merles aenered ea yet,
APPME,"4. „erg bro. ri 111 38_5 0 :18 1.1.. mitiem itlitit,Issot111\01,11,n41:sg:slo.t ir.11;;hiii•in.clioi,s1 i.i,,,,,.‘,141:37.1,1inistti at, titt,in.litolitorant.:11d10(11,00, ii it11.5tty.,,rprilsis„,m01:4;urettd.s,
(1251 1118 '"- -
meddle moots; No, 8 iisi 1%.,, .1 de. 901•91911. The <leered Sleet) 01 , which the wa tor'e edge. A I. 1 2.21 o'clock,
him.tt Scoliti and British Columbia,
Tti IYestern and Con teal Ontario,
ntl'e5nlis-c ,:?,..,1 2orshcli,Itiing ltens »menial
board the unwed Siundoyeselitiol ex- were then nearly lop charred bodies
It i %Tr, at. 9,33') a. In „ 1)11)' trig, on 9)3'0 h1.11110. 1!. 39 091 111111 t01.1 that thOre
W11409. the apple le' larieely grown, the - ,, ,, „, • ., ,, ; ... version of St. Illarles Gemmel DWI!' 011 lair (3 '(331
teem lime had a peofttelon or bloom., i'-'°a.ili'zi-ii,..tot.: i' ,11111110•13'. Y."1 1tr•V 110c):: emu eifurch, Sixth Steed- lier Juat aft.e* the 1) 011,0 901111. the
and early, ined hen and late VariatieS 1,7 ,,,Ir',,,d-- .,,°°,,L1;`,3° 'e;I":1..!.11,i.1'°,* I'l ' dent butt 1001 With 1..oeust ills)) ii, on watcw was 1)50 11 te i t. ii boil 'mi. gem
ail promise a, good to fell crop. The ' --,'"'"',„'"-s- s'''''"'`,,"'',°' 101a, the Sound. Tho vessel 0:18 1'001••• Ulif Fidelity 81.199.9(10.0 in pieking up
prospect wcs rawer butler In the naTtle at '''' 6') 1'1° we'''''. "11, 800" minuled by Captain William Van eighty-olght charred eorpees in
feenoue Annepolia Valloy, The pi, gr,n1,?_. .., . ,
Schaiack, one of the best known ex- 110,)) 03 (7.01'9, OCT Itieket's Islund, and
0081Re, which is the leading marEet itticii(l'is1111.010;'80,1.31jii's4.'"jlial at 55 1" *Irk' cerefon boat captains in Se0 York carried them lute IUe Sollnd. l'if ,oe
variety in Eastern Ontari0 and Qua- liopka iii,ot„,,esco e (,1011,13 at 4_n, lt,iiritor, alio has commanded the of these bodies, It is thought, ever
bee jo 11001y to geeo a heavy Drop. outsi ,i, - — 1 • , Slocum ahnnst since she was built, can ho ufenutled. 'leads, Mem and
Baldwins and Spies seem to have stir- ,,„ __ea. in .1891, 'The ntnaber of excursion- arms are learned off, anti not a shred
Need more thee any other standee(' eime' 0001 1110(7 Per roof- ITionln 1,11- ists on board veriounly is estimated of
del:aged at $8.fir, to $13.70 middle clothing is left ou any of thent.
varieties from the Severe winter,
frolt bin for domestic 1190. Straight ,i ..
' • at from. 1,500 to 2,500. 'net looked bike a, hIte hatchwny on
River. each of her decks bernerrrowde was found floating in the core at
Teo saintlier proceeded up the East. which 0090 ii.(e or MX 9111.09)A1 bodies
0C1 with merrymaker:5,, with baildS frunt's lealet, and 100011 carefully
PlaYing nod flags 01-11133. The Slo- alongaide tho Fidelity. The Wood
emit Mut reached a point at the Sun- was also badly charred, and the bod-
WS seemed to stick to it,
IIARROW.ING Stemehee lee
When 1 lie morgue authorities al-
lowed the crowd teem ter the morgue,
a scene ensued width was harrowing
Efioris to subdue the Ore were 1' u- in the extreme. 1n some cnaeS first
tile and Word. was pent at. once to ideatifications would be found to
the captain, who started to laud the have been erroneous, mon laying
churn to bodies they afterwards dis-
jcantvitivieV were not those of tbeir re -
'At the entrance to the charities
pier at the foot ot East 20th Street,
the crowd tried to push past the po-
lice, and a riot resulted. At the
height of the trouble a rnan who
had learned that Ids wife was among
the charred dead, tried to stub
himself, .
Inside the Fier the bodies are
ranged in three rows, extending the
entire length of the pier, or 150 feet.
Both early and late pears have an tie:1,11,4;0es noufoisodpecaitttl brands for domeritie
30 Ontarbo $4,25 to $4.4 0 in
erndele° or blown th° Manitoba flours arc steady. N.
fruit belt, bilt prospectS are onlyt
. 1 1,111ents, $4.80; No. 2 patents, 51. -
medium in the other pear a o la'
0114 stroll.* bakers', gt. 1 .10, on
districts of Ontario, Nova, biota),
growers me looking forward to heavy t*"*.t.k. Twent°,'
eronS Initlt early nevi late retie -
ties, while the reports from Britieh
Columbia rend Primo Edward Miami
am satisfactory.
Reports indicate a medium crop of
Owes 111 the Niagara and Essex (118-
tricts and a light yield in the rest
of Ontario, except for Japan and na-
tive v,arfetIca. Nora. Scotia haS ex-
cellent prospects for a full crop, while
the other provinces send reports 01
medient yields. The rna„lority of the
growees say th,at poaches are p total
nixettiltt Cioeci:17.ional orchards will
Millfecal-firan is dull at •.$1.7, ful41.
shorts at $10 here. At outshie
points bt•an is quoted at $15; and
ehorts $1.0.00. Manitoba bran 01
sacks, $18, anti shorts at $19 liere.
Dried Apples -Trade is Trent dull,
end prices aro unchanged at 8 to Bee
per lb. Evporated apples, Be to 7e
per lb.
Deans -Trade 19 qttlet, with prices
weaker; prime beans are dootail at
$1.85 to 81.45, and hand-picked at
$1..50 to 81.00.
Irons -The market is unclienged at
28 to /Mc, accordine to duality.
Roney -The market is quiet at G
A utedima yield Is all that growers te 7c r•er 11S. Comb quiet at $1.50
890171 to anticiaate in the chief geape- to $1•7.5.
growing sections. Strawberries ap- Ray -No. 1 timothy fs fleeted at
pear to promise an average crop in $9.75 on track, Toronto, and is sob- °nal° - „ ,. ,.,.., 'I'here is hardly a Ge.rmaa family on
) the heat and smoke that, were
Straw -The market; to (Met. With increasing constantly. '°"°°1— the relddlo east side of the city that
all 'districts except the Mutt bolt of ]ing at $10 to 810.00 a C011.
peters unchatered at 55.50 to $0 on gled hard to qUell the panic, Intt . .
and dockhands aboard life boat strug-
is not =urinals g dead, or
trade Toronto, their efforts were 110,10 '0-• The ;
iMured friend or relative,. St. Marks
Oormen Lutheran Church contained
Potatoes -Car lots are quoted at wild disordei i ncr eased . n s f ran tic
In its membership practically all of
Small lots job ,at 950 to $1 per hog. mothers sought to find their 011 deon.
who had 'been at play about the thoee of Protestant faith within a
85 to 90c per bag, as to quality.
rotary -Chickens. 12 to lan per . e radius of ten square blocks. The
lee; tuekeys, 15 to 17e per lb. for dn'al.'11'171. steamer's ellifith! V.•as blGwing
year fur scorlatel excursiun was the event of the
es of well-to-do and
---- for at(eistance. and tiles and other
nearby craft answered tu the coil. thrifty 11`euton familieS, and had been
fresh 1:111ed.
looken forward to many months.
TIM DAIRY ItIAIIIC.ETS. Before any, of the boats could reach
Pettedly partie.s ol tea or more had
the burning stetunee, however, the
Butter -We quotee-Einest 1-11), rffils Mantic women and children began to been made up, including in menet
111 to 11c; ordinary to good large lump overboard. Tim boats that easos the old grandmother, the moth-
er, and the children of all ages,
rolls, 18 to 14e; Matthaei and lower were following tlie Slocum picked up with ci sprinkling of those man of
grades, 10 to 11e; treametee prMte, many from the teeter, hut these
17 to 1Se; solids, lei to 17e, the families who could *are a 'clay
Eggs -Ca lots ere eelling at 15c were only 11. 90111.11 1111111000 Ot those
per dozen: strands, 1 2 to 121c. wlio were Seen struggling in the swift rrelr" their 00rk'
Cheese-Tlio murket is quiet, cu0"ir t't1.;.e Sleet" the tlyst s\veeP a
latter for twills.
mite prim, eteeely ee 0 to els, the the flames cut 01? escape from the
-- hurricane deck, where a great mettle
1100 PRODUCTS. crowded together, and soon burned
of the women mid thildrea were
with away the light woodea work which
ling a ire-
Dresscd hogs are unchengeil, A M d' I a I* ' N W T "i ill
prev,alent In previous years, The oy- offerings small. Cured meats are in supported the deck. It is
• thought 0 15" '"' 2 ' ' " "sPet'
says: On Wednesday mort
stet* 011011 hark louse le said to be good demand at enchangernprieee. We that the most of those who were
mendous flow of natural gas was
had at Bradford, McGarry. and Tro- emotoi-liaton, lung clear, 8 to Elle onAsthitshodeicillc.nnienicorebasnoranectliia sivilggie
struck in the gas well 0111011 is being
drilled by the town for the municipal
mode, 0111., and tet Peenreld, N. 13, r•er lb. in case lot.s. Iffees pork, 8 1 0.- I to gain a point of vantage at elle
Vie ce tott li 0 is reported to be a pest 50: do., short cut , St 8 to 331 8,330, jet ma became frightful. Women and ges system, In other wells gas WEIS
at 10300.1510033, Clue. A. correspond- Smoked meats -Trams, light to me- , childeen crowded against the after 10))
first flow was (Med (Mt wif1i 41,-
nd at (300 feet. In the (Seep well
9111 at Barra' Corners, N. S., re- chum, 121,c; do., heavy, 111 to lee; trail. until IL gave way, end muithods
poets- time a new Mewl: of seine rob's, 9e. to 91c; eitoulders, 84. to ' wore pushed off into the river. After iivh easing. Two hundred anti nfey
atronm of feet of soft formatien Inas drilled
sort Is destroying the pear blossoms. fle; backs, 18 to 181c; breakfast ba- this there was a steady
A stnall blacIS borer is sald to be do- con, iile. tlicese who jumped or were thrown ite. through. For several days the (1Mill-
ie tho Neater. 'rho lugs and small ing war; doile in ille hard format:jou,
anti at a deptli of 1.01.0 feet a gusher
evert following after kept chno itt
the wake of the Slocum, and rescued was struck, A. mercury toot was
alt of (110110 0110 came within reach Maite, and it is eStimated that the
of their 999.199. F1.10 or these telio 1Vell IS 1:00111g EL 111011011 arid a half
wore 8119011 had on life preservers. cubic fret a day. This is a wonder -
At. no time during the progress 01 rui. thing for Medicine rat, anti the
the lire 0104 I1,999 any opportunity Couneil and Otte Commimsioners me
either to lower 1 he lifebonts or get greatly pleased at the results of their
99e e. C. orn-Quiet ; leo. el yellew, , the life preeen ers ota, from ender- experinmets, The ouestion of deepen -
553c; No. 2 mixed, 591 to 54e. Oate !Heath the seats. Throughout. the jag. the other Wylie on the town sys-
ein wtil he conaidered. The finding
of this gas now will make Medicine
Dot tho manufacturing mitre of tho
ken %Teeelows, off 1351 II Street.,
Which is at the extreme eastern end
3.11 Dandalls' Dilated, when fire broke
out in a, lunchroom on the forward
dock, caused by the overturning* of a
pot of grieme. A high trind fanned
the flumes into instant fury.
steamer at 1.31 Re Street. Ile was
warned, 110Wartir, that the boat
would eet lire to Lauber yards and
oil tanks there, end changed the
Sleount's couree, heading her for
North Brother's Wand, half a mile
The flames ilowlind broken ont all
along, either side of the steamer and
were fainted by a etroeg head wind,
The Passengere, eeiztel with panic,
ruslied to the rear of the veseel to
Outaxio where many pltuitations are
winter -killed badly and tbe yield will
bo llaemberries are excellent in
Move Scotia, Now Brunswick and
British Columbia, while other prov-
inces expect an average yield. Cher-
ries nro good in the southern part
of Ontario, but irregular In tlio re-
mainder, and in Quebec. Trt Nora
SeOtia, Nert Brimewick arid I3rItish
Columbia. the prospects aro very
good. The recent reports indicate a
medium to full crop of both red and
black currants in all soctioes of the
So fee there is not much complaint
of insects or fungi. CorreSpontleMS
at Orimsby and Elginflold, Onte, and
Lawreneetown and Shelburne, N. S.,
report tent enterpillaes numerous.
Sonic, P•act 1 cuis at Now 13runtwick and
Nova Scotia where spraying is not
done, relent the codling moth vory
ONE and a Zell - Million Cubic
Feet Per Doy,
X(It 8:050 the wur began lies meth
excitement been uppercut at the Wm
and 'Naval Slialstres at Ste Peters-
burg, ae reigned theru 011 - Tueedtty,
With. the enconntee between the op-
posing Mots imminent and heavy
14111131g in progress mouth of Vafan-
goW (Liao -Tong Peninsula, about 55
lentos north of Port Arthur along the
lluo eetablislied by the Japanese
reaching across the peelheula from
Pitsewo to Port Aflame), both
from the land and sea Woe awaited
with feverish amidety. The general
staff behoves that the Jepanese form
Nowt:orb, N. S. Several eorrespoeti-
rats tiny that the gooseberry worm is
eery active eat( troublesome.
Tlio London "MarSet GroWeri;'
zette," of May 18.1.11. says: "Some of
the speakers at the annual meeting of
the National Fruit firowers' Fedora,
tion menticmed that there were Melte
cations of a heavy fruit crop this
season. efie John 1nood, of Swan-
ley, foe instance, stoted that, there
were thousands of tens of Plums
which woeld not pay for the picking
by the growers within fifteen miles of
London. 11) is 80010 yearS Sinai the
fruit pleonations petitioned DO pros-
perous an aptiearente as Slav show
at present. Intuit blossom has rnoet-
the' n'tte'cimel Cler"gress'.divisi°11 f„llen off, havIng been abundant
on lelottclay was the advance fort() of on innture trees, and lose so on young
Oen. NO1019. 911111'0 newt of Imarly trees that wade a good deal of un -
50,000 inert. Clem aeon Staltelberg, rietenedi wood last season, Apple
'watt° eim11""tts the :Mist' ilherie" blossom, which is beginning to open,
teerPM Personally diveeting the oe- is LIM mIgni. end tbe trees will pett-
ed that the major eortion of 1119 ae, frost ()court, to mpoil trio blossoM.
oration at the front, Ind it is believe eat a &emus sight a weak hence if
Buffalo, :lune 21, -Flour --Quiet.
Wheat -Winter, No. 9 hard, 08o in
store; :tiering quiet; No. 1 Northern,
-Qua; No. 2 white, 4ble; No. 2 i wild panic the •1)11110I'S 01111 men of
mixed, 421c. Itaeley-Nothing do- 1 the blazing boat et eyed et their
ing, IIye-”No. 2, in stove, 751e. poets. -
Canal faiights-Nominal. 1,11SCR''S CAVED 1N, •
Minneapolis, dune 91.-Wheat-july,
043S to 0131c; September, gos to mee: 'rho Slovene got withle f•Itly feet of
December, 10e; 00 track, No, 1, the nortli-west point of North Ilro-
balm, peeei ;No. 1 Nortbere. mile; No, ther Island, and there Stopped in the
9 Northern, 02.4c, lilour-411,g mg.,. shallow water, lust befoi•o 1110 099-•
ents, $5 to $5.10; second do.. 1,1.90 801 was beached, the hurricane deck,
to $13; nest clears, .
se,00 to 5e3,041; the Supporta of which had burned
81.5, shorts, 810, and children, adding to the panic
a0117, fell with ite lend of -women
second do„ $13,15. Itrau-In bulk,
• and horror of them on, the dock be-
-- .
Toronto, Jene 23 ..-The clay's run
Inti 410 EL 10411 01 1119 leads, with 2,-
020 head of cattle, 1,750 sheep nail
lambs, 1,800 hogs, and 227 calves.
ILxport cattle, extea,
choice . . ” .. - 85.25 to 55.00
do medium to good 0,00 5.85
corps is too fur neigh to render
footive summit. Both. skive relainer'i The 10alltff of the cherry feces, which do (tows , ..„ .... 4000 t,5 0
has been greet, ie 1100 OV99, except Machetes' picked lffis 0,00 5,15
ltroir Positions niliw thc oirffilliter 00 among Into variettee. Blot:1Z currants do 3300)113.0choice
Menday. No 1-10111d. c;cista here that 55,0 111,01y proothang. in pinnLattona ........ 4,50 0.00
the battle was resumed on Tnosony, bor.. badly attatiked by the mita, anti do fair to good 4 et -
131' there is a great 03 1)) of gooselierelee do mixed lots, mod- I boat Pa and IL (1 tied in t he long
Louls, ',ell such matters will be
But w itli 1 he whole Th int Ari»y
11.)w 14,01101.km of aw1,7,117„.., a the:tie-1y poi_ Building, 'Exposition Grounds, St,
of (minim., bat inetead rechniffisterad e01, , a
3115113 71ml' N0711 111'"v Is ,1311".111.0"s101) where the bode worn not extensively
that Strikelberg may 110 Inialito to devoured by be.deei feel , a „ .,,,,, 8,75 get 0 on the 1 tett ch , Fitly-301ee persons
,3,75 cao mad than. 1,..1111,, la, dm:tot., „.05,,, at son. AS attot1 ns Dr. tiatithier
„ I properly and promptly attended to,
got togoLlier a etiffleitelt Mier to sec-
eeesitilly oppoee the enemy. do good cotes
do eonenton and
.. 2.00 2,50 tending to 11 111 etAcred his Mistainm 110 telePlianeLITOS; 11 on1dIfietchleashitteotaling exhibit ors 'del g
the conditions et the
OVER 3,000 KILLED. mitt:tiers' buitu .„
rott ;11 :hot) 8,50 dvad wt,,.. toe°, 1 11'111. To I. ho moo:flume ho used every
As the hodios oi the Ileing end llii, ikrittliiiiiii or 81 , Roch. to tvaist xxongition in vosard 1.0 their 1,01, It
Engine and Coachee in the Ditch
— . St4rY °I 3:)°°trttati°11' °I Ann 0111 an 11,11‘111,°,118;31'gle5:11t,i'l11011.1'.),I.',',1,"i',7'1 71, .: te,‘!;15‘: (711 ei';13:',.71,, itt•iiitIO'F'1'111:111'1EF:al‘'''ll.::c:;‘e;pd itt811:111Itels'.0111110iita7t1:21741:8:118.11111-,' l'; grI11.):!.:3i. 11 751,i-.1".;v01:.(311'sveivrit";;:read twang ielltle'r'i. '1!)1i000
A tl m, etch t o ti* e Manton Pally • " "
Villages Confirmed,
do common . .. .. 2-n0 3.00 „ , , ,, ,,
1133113 110111 2 -, 2 Te 008301804 ilt F 00 V0Y, and mega* nort kinked out 0114111 lite came Neas report -
nor° nminflanem front almost nli the matter was lo '3. quiet, but the facts stiniates for ii_t_4_11itoba, and, tlict
color claszes.xortliwest. ,
i----+----- to save the unfortunate Muni-
TIIE AltEA t.TN"-----'7DER OP.OP,
-Two Nen Xilled, eine mem Coast 0 In temple says that 5,,,,,,,m.),,,,,,, 141,,,,,t.h,,,,p.„ 4..10 4:80 of eint‘Milenvo 0 Iticth vould he fotind eel to Ilia disetviet 1011. 1)1) who erdol,
A despatch from Winnipeg ears :--
A Shreveport, fat., 5)1 15113) Sara: (1011aulec re; Orts conarin Ihe recent do g•,..)0,1 „. ,., .. ,, .1,00 4,50 0,1.0 iim, into f•hoviee. ,e11 a postmortem eienleinatien.
.nio estimated area imder crop in
To tt wrock 011 the .K.1.1 0000 oitv nce0' Ms 30 5)e 5)11(11 11051 of '5. do common mid ... Fee limos the Watt of the 51011) 10
and the Northwoa Terri -
3 1 1•119, 1119 loas In lltes ia probably hese Mtn killed mut re'veral slightly ,,,i at „„5,.,, , 1m, ;imp°. pii, ;Nona , (351 414,0,51' rie, e„.1., 3.,„, „,7.r, Street end 1 88th Street. in Mailliale , , ..' ,'" ' , '
Salih"" 0" "°1111°5'1ht"V''' rw" "ni" (Oct. 'III,V .1':11 111111 1, (he ittnid.`1' hill- 1111(35 1.1)031 `,...,,,e. - -in,21:1(;(0)
13(11 1(3 t ireees ht (.1 0 Settee) Ine- ....,2o,.ei.,,(41, 01 105 iilio (1.1,1),1:11,,T,„,,,,,,,: ic,i,,,:,,,,.::int‘s31:1(11rsc5,,, 1:,,,,,il.i.,,,,i,10113.----,,,,,:111,16, toiti—g73,101n(11510.1?1 tor laza,
tortes is EIS followe :-Wheat (1908),
I•i.,,, 1,,a)(5. The 4,111,1,1,0,1A "'own. ic11,1119911, 'I he (lend are Fronk. Polity- was endoehledlo started by (1(1 (11 lexpme. ote'ee, per rim 4,04) s •)0 lan. SOI)1, 1.0101. 11 1411190 NI 11 1 11 11•90, !fl 1e111. 10,1119 1 990101 1011 1189,9911
.... .l.1.123,11.1h 1 1 004 3, 3,4,20,411 aarag,
iri many herseii end large quart- a011, tillincer, and llenry iiinnhi,,, on " oi.,Ittoo.,s,'8, cio ,..,,,,,bw. ,,,,,,), . „ 2.....„ ei,,,,, i s:Leity g t lict 0 died. ii11 11.9 0 1/1101, Will bY the tianadtan 11 0100 Associn- incrente, l'i. per cent.; ' omta (190a),
t P05513351 on hoard.
raDes, per 10. . ,„ ,.1
)1l51\ns( tweti along the Lino of the rocreitee, 91} per cent; barley (1908),
fireman: '1 he wreck orcuroM at Roe' (ion, ergiug that rare he token to 1'.I. 01 ,(1113, 41 904e 1 205 060
o lifoji, reports that she an- ch:ireing thn lot oniet lie on a 515 55 is meta,. „5.,,,. 1 e4 ite,4 \,.;por, rrog„, „.„.1,,,,,, 1,..1. 1105, :LI 0
'-'1. 1 r'::1:‘,1"';‘.011-911 iif N,» 131 1(1.401mi' 1: hind ine(1a111 ntireantri'aelVirtle'lirttiZsi h‘ti'1)11*Ad'. 11(0
eg- 1,138 1 .1.110:il.5 1.51114 31)08 8 1)-(21 1.30(gs;:i , in7,17.:',11, ;
0)5 0(1 Ttire, uhielt Inca re, Pia', and 099 1(1?) 1) by n hall ;meal Temee, eime emeg tr101,0, so ,.„,e, , 2 440 1 0,00i 111i.lIt'll(leelillefi si'ENES, . . ,
the Russian Viedienslock The ene lee anti two totiebes fell Into charged woe 4„,-.4 4 hug are 4 4) eieet) tee , 41,4 Hole
it 1 LSO, twenty Miles a ditch. ... '45:,i8:ti.. 23 as the :wow* of ninny lionetwhiling . hay. replied mat eeeese ereort. with (.1.904), 40,5443„! decrease, 28 Foe
'IS and ti, number' of other building:, do fats
Ulla end hi VieW Will he made. ' couL
op 114011).:' no the lh ing and dead mere
Iilos•pital Doctor Accidentally Kills
a Patient,
A despatch from 011ebee • eays Ne -
than Wyckloff, aged 05 rem% a Res -
glen J0Pf immigrant wlio relived in
Cooling Essential ia the Summer
Season -Two Ways of Do-
Ily aeration of milk 00 utiderstand
the exposing of milk to air, or the
forcing of air into milk, said Prof,
Dow, of Om Ontario mitt uoo3
Collego, at the conference of dairy,
experts liehl at the Departatent ot,
1033r51111ure, 0 t taut fall, The
thoory the practice is that the
oxygen of the air purifies or inaprov- '
es the milk end at -OM same time
gaees or vo'latlie oils which are 14
the milk aro onamod to pose away',
If the leir to which the Is me -
Posed or which is forced into the
milk be porfertl,y pure, the result
will undoubtedly be on improvement.
In the flavor aad physical quality of
the milk. The exportu'ents tlie
College inive not slioam any advane
taps from aerating milk. Probe,
tel,v- the immlitieue there, so far QS
leetliag 110 cows and caring for the
.5111117 are concerned, aro better lima
flax% of the everage farm. 'The far.
bier may be coMpelled to feed bbs
cows in sticif a way, or the 0008
th91119011'99 110.1. get RUM feed, that
aeration of the eallk woidd be an
advent age.
la many eases, however, the air 19
tom pare, end often ag notch harin.
as good is done. Instructor Tsublow
lias mentioned that fftly per coat,
of the cans in Eastern Ontario are
left In the barnyard. Aerating milk
in the barnyard is one of the worst
things a men could possibly do. We
have milked our 9009 in the yarif,
which is kept a good deal cleaner
than the average barnyard. We
have put the tweeter outside the
fence, milked the cows Mal have lot
the intik run down
The l'eSUlt. MIR that we got Foote of
the worst milk WEI 90111(1 possibly.
have, Unless the air be pure, it
would be better to cool the milk
'with as little aeration as possible,
Cooling of eallk is a most impor-
tant point. Tho arivants.ge of coal-
ing is that it prevents the growth of
bacteria or organisms which aro
ant to devote"; bad. flavors in the
milk. There aro two ways of cool-
ing milk. (Inc is by the maxiinum
of exposure to the air, and the other.
by the minimum of exposure to the
air. The first method, the use of
such a. cooler as the Star or Chain.
will cool milk rapidly, which
.is a decided advantage, A disad-
vantage is that one must have water
eleveted: or under pressure in order
to use the ordinary cooler, and
a great many farmers have not such
tt. water supply. 'A second disad-
vantage is the labor of the
milk up to the cooler, and of watelf-
ing the cooler afterwards, The ma-
jority of farmers will not undergo
tho labor necessary to do this work
properly. To lift the mllk up, let
it run o'er the cooler, and after-
WardS wash the cooler, is 11109e 01111
tho 0001:ago man will do. Then
there is the difficulty that by tieing
such a cooler, the milk is largely
exported to the eir awl the same
risk is run as ia the use of the arra- .
tor. Any form of cooler, which
cools the milk rapidly exposes it
largely to tho air. And while this
gives an opportunity foe the gums
and Volatile oils to puss oway,
Purities are apt 1,o be &worried. To
overcome this difficulty various de-
vices have beret stiggested to cool the
millc under cover. Probably. the
beet plan is to set the cans of milk
in. tanks of cold water. Running we-
tter, at a tompereture 40 to 50
degrees, giros the ' ideal ecinditione.
Whem that is not obtaluelie ice lent
be necessavy to get the Intik proper-
ly cooled. In that 01190 the milk
should be sulliciently stirred while
cooling Co bring the cool milk front
tho outside of the can to the centre,
and 80 facilitate the rapid roelhig ot
the milk with to inielsinun of expos-
ure to the a.tr. Milk for factory,
went should be cooled to a temper-
ature at least below 70 degrees, to
GO degrees ff poseible. Whore tho
milk is paid for ity Die fat content,
the owner is assured or better and
more uniform 10915 if he will stir
it.ilisahluamillt. and keep the ereeen from
Department of Agriculture Will
Duplicate Prizes:
The Dolnittion fitilster of Agricul-
ture line authorized the I,ito Stock
Cot nruiseioner to an amtnee that
any Camidine who exhibits horses,
cattle), :Moen, SW110, 01' 00111117
the St. Louis Exposition, will re-
eetre suelt services as aro granted
low, this city ten days ago by the ocean to exhibitor:4 in other cleeses, teed
Vela' soon after Darls of the second simmer Ouebee of the P1491'5011 ite addition the Department of 'Agri -
and third decks also carod in, 13ut wam accidentally poisoned 00 'Sunday otatira will pay to encli snail exhibl-
notelet this happened the tug l7"111tor last to the Covernment Immigrant tor a sum equal to the prize money
whiten he pecures In the conmelitiona
for which ho enters.. The Expoeition
authorities have asked that the
Commissioner of Exhibitions shall
countersign, or endorse tho certifi-
cates of registration of pure brott
stock. All entries or Opp:tient:1min
for space for live 01710: should be
athirm;sed to 1%fr. Win Itutehison,
gm, lion as he ihnuellt, 110' g001119 • .• •
14'astiell ashore or broil gh by muissumer tlie Canadian
iracey had C01110 -atungsido the
beetling' Moamar, Many of the pas-
sengers were taken off by the crow
or the Tracey, which remained along-
Ilbeettat Sarard Park. Wyckloff
wart detaieed hem by the medical in-
spectors beettuee lie was affeeteil with
ttahconin. and sent to the Routa .03
sido tilt) 81eamvr unt11 1'1'1(4'8 Detention for medieal treatment. On
Pilot 11-°"'"'e t°°k* rir°' Sunday Met he complained of being
Tim settee on Notell Brother Tslittati,
tee when the house physician of the
as tleseribed by the reectiern, was a, leevitoi, coothieri promed,,d
pitiful one. Body after bode 0359 "s" to