The Brussels Post, 1904-6-23, Page 6/h++++++'a" ++ a+++++++++++
The pure, the bright, the beautiful,
That stirred our hearts In youth,
The impulses of wordless player,
The df, ' of love and truth:
The loeginga after soineehiub lost,
The spirit's yearning cry,
The lArivitig after better hope
These 1 ings neves' die.
The timid ]land etretchctl forth to
A brother in his need,
A kindiy word. In grief's clerk hour,
-That proves a friend indeed;
The plea for mercy softly breathed,
Wheel justice threeeue nigh;
The sorrow of a contrite heart—
These things shall never die.
The cruel and the bitter word, •
That wounded as it fell;
The chilling want of synputli;:,
We feel, but cannot tell;
'rhe hard repulse that chills the heart
Whose hopes were hounding high,
In nn nnfading record kept—
These things shall never die.
Let nothing pass, for every hand.
Must. find some wail: to do,
Lose nut a chance to waken love—
Be firm, and just and true.
So shall light that cannot fade,
• Beast on the from on high,
And angel voices say to thee—
There things shall never die.
—Charles Dickens.
Ethel and L•`lsio were two children
who lived with their tether and
mother in the country. They were
twins and 12 years of age. There
was a well on the fern], which froze
over in the winter, and the two girls
used to stand and look at the ice,
which sparkled and was very pretty,
they thought.
One wintry night, Ethel, being tir-
ed, went to bed earlier than usual.
She fell asleep and dreamed that a
beantiful fairy told her she might
Swish for anything she lilted. Ethel
asked if she might visit the fairies in
the vwe11, whereupon the fairy touched
her with her wand and in an instant
changed her into a small person like
herself, This fairy was the queen
of fairies and her name was Bluebell.
The queers next struck the floor
with her wand and immediately a
little sleigh drawn by four white
anise appeared. Then Bluebell and
Ethel got ht and drove away very
fast. When they got outside the
queen struck the ground again with
her wand and it opened into a ball
under the ground.
Forel felt the sleigh go down,
down very far, and at last it stop-
ped before a little door, which
was opened by a Iittle fairy dressed
in a yellow jacket. Ethel saw that
they had entered a pallace of glitter-
ing ice, built in the well,
The fairies had been awaiting the
arrival of their queen. There were
little fat men, litre women, rosy
children and all kinds of fairies.
They told Ethel that they hod built
a palace in the well for their queen
because, she was in danger of being
carried off by an old witch: who
lived in tho mountains.
After that they took her all over
the palace and showed her the
queen's lIttie bedroom, parlor and
other rooms. When it was time to
go, Ethel, bade them good -by, say-
ing she had had a very nice time.
13lnebell and Ethel then drove away
end soon reached the bedroom.
Bluebell eves jest driving away,
when Ethel hoard someone call her.
She started up suddenly, thinking it
tvas,tho fairy again, but she woke
and saw Elsie standing by the bed.
The sun was streaming into the
room and it was late in the morning.
She told Elsie her dream and Elsie
said that she would like to visit the
well, too.
Arany years ago a boy who lived
in the far west of America was sud-
denly thrown on his own resources
by the death of his parents. hiring
himself out to a farmer, his eye
chanced upon the statement that
every man should know something
about everything and also be a spec-
ialist in addition to his occupation.
The next morning the boy decided to
snake the idea his own, and because
the willow was the tree that was
nearest hien, he decided to become
an expert upon willows. He found
willows that were red and willows
white and willows gray and willows
yellow and willows blue: willows
that stood up straight and willows
that bowed themselves down weep-
ing, lie collected choice specimens
of willow seeds and leaves and ex-
changed with awl= ltlll'15ts in all
• parts of America. Then ho gather-
ed specimens of willows from China
and Japan, from England and Rus-
The time canewhen teachers of
]antis beyond the sea
sent to this -farmer strange specimens
of the willows for examination and
clnrsilicatiorc. Ho lived and died a
termer, but, if his occupation confin-
ed him to his fields and meadows his
hobby made narrowness impossible
b ondene(1 the scope of his study and
observe, lion, Ion thim sympathy and
made him friends in all the countries
of the eu'th, There is not P 'ngto
mermen tits of the Glowers or trees
or hest'.cts or birds that is not welt -
leg for ',cane farmer's boy to inspect
At, and in doing_ so the youth who
lots thought himself -Cabinet' and con -
fated will fine} that he has become the
child of 1incrly and at last his Peet
are in the pathway that lends to
grow 1 h and happiness.
111 1: 4: AM Iii•:Si' 'rc:1T-131.111lt,l:,.tt:d.
I f ,tan;, 1 !goers as earriorq of
arh,,,,lry despetclies May by-and-by bo
ani res ah d by bees. The homing in-
stiu:•t n[ the in tier is intensely etronq
en 1 1le•;w are less likely than pigeons
to lc shut by the enemy. Transferred
by inierv'»photography to a minute
piece of linger, n good deal of 11Gfrji'-
lrnarnlr c(edr4 lrc ehfi'Plyed on a bee's'
A Severe Sufferer Tells low :FIo
Overcame the Trouble.
"Not only do I not hesitate to de -
claire the benelit I have received from
Dr, Williams' l'ink fills but I feel
Them itniyduty to do
50" lire are
the words which Mr,. Edward Lavoie,
of St. ,,Tar pate, ghee lately addressed
to the editor of L Avenir ,1t Nord,
When relating the story of his cute,
Lavoie ie Well known in qt.
ierna'e, and what hr says carries
wetllit x11(011 these who know lien.
1 or tt ennsidOrablo 111I.t be wean ti
'eat sufferer from dypoi it which
caused setete, hear e.he:4, lute; is the
stomach and so1letMies nausea.
Sonlrliules hr felt as thong]] he
would rn0pcate, he wonld become
di.zy ,olid eeperteticed ringing noises
Happenings in the Emerald Tsie
of Interest to Irish-
C 1
Two executions have taken place
in the lrieh town of liiliheuny in one
eek, ltotli cullers Mlle wife ui ur-
(h ill'S,
Belfast is to have 1111 expositiell
'roo11.. Merchants told 1 u•uues m
hr b • 111,
ad een h 1(,irig lnrvtin€s t o nrouaf
the interest o1 the foal 1e and. 100-
l erniilcl, 1.
.1 o1111 t'ee1'r
p'ee, o1 cnn51151le, met
a u,y st 'rims death, 1'.•111 lnrhip: au,
after r•itrlrtliag fromMa'1'n' t loll'.
ills ]cele wu5 dieeoeor,,1 011 the
utuuiras after four days' Search.
in the ears. Iris app., Mrs. Fltu•c -M001'0,run old lady who poor, and his gthual ltealtit so bad y
fell rile,, over h•r deyutielts in the
University Chapel in Dublin. woke
up to rind herself poorer by 1:4.0, 1
whielt had disappie ed front her beg.
Elio had 13,0i1 robbed.
A yome porn, iluph C. Brickley,
was bit',ling on the 13nllygomnrtin
road, Belfast, walked up a hill coal
mounting nt the top came down at
terrific speed. Tie was thrown against
a stone wail and had ]ria brains
'dashed out,
In 3rsdlingar Coldailn ferry ('niton
Hurl 0:1, of the Cunnatight Ilangers,
while walking along the streets with
Major. Chaluler, reeled, and sale—
"Catch hold of rhe; 1 Leel awful bad."
LTe th':.n fell dead in his brother of -
liver's arms. Apoplexy wt's consider-
ed the cause of death,
Tho King has sent a letter to Mr,
W. McCormack, of ('room. Co, Limer-
ick, the rather of 1.11,' young jockey
who was killed when riding at Punch -
town races recently expressing his
sincere sympathy svilli the members
of the fatally, and deeply regretting
that such a shocking accident should
have occurred.
.At Killarney, Jntnes Campion was
executed for tl:e murder of his wife,
Men, in November last. Deceased
was the second wife of Campion, and
the evidence at the trial showed the
men had treated the woman iladly.
Campion was seen to Lick her several
times, and drug her Mon; the road
near Cttseleronxer, and next nlnr•ning
she was discovered dear]. Death was
lite bet'ame
that 1.o found it alntosi utpossible
to work, turd when the headaches at-
tacked hint he had to quit work,
For six months, he rhes Le suffered
both sheet catty and mentally more
-t.han can be itn,1Rined. ]luring this
time ho took medicine from several
doctors, but found no help. Tltett
one day lie read of the cure of n sim-
ilar also through the use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink falls, and decided to try
them. lie used the pills for a couple
of months, and they have made hint
feel like a new person. lie 15 no
longer troubled with any of the old
symptontc and says he can now go
about • his work as though he never
had dyspepsia.
The digestive organs—like ell the
other organs at the body—get their
strength ami aonrishment from the
blood. Pr. Williems' Pink Pills ac-
tually make new blood. This new
blood strengthens the stomach, stim-
ulates the liver, regulates the bow-
els and sets the whole digestive sys-
tem in a healthy, vigorous state.
Good blood is the trite secret of
good health. That is why Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills always bring good
health to those who use them. You
can. get these pills from your medi-
cine dealer or by mail at .'50 conte a
hox or six boxes for $2.:101 by writ-
ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville Ont.
A sacred bell in n town in North
China has been kept ringing for a
eentiny. A. tax for paying relays or
ringers to pull its rope incessantly
day and night is tvillinglr raid by the
inhabitants. For it is irapliritly he-
liovod by the benighted pcnple that
whenever the tongue touches the met-
al a devil is sgneldhed for over. `Phos a groat age, and was perfect !n wind
it is to the public interest„ according rend tmuscultu• power to Lha last. Ile
to this superstition, to have as many Iwas quite patriarchal in nl'pearancc•
of these objectionable spirits done The decent -ea peter was well known
away with as is possible, in connection with many Dish tun-
a tions and celebrations. ire was a 'm-
ilers of the West of Ireland,
..R 37' a r s T3
Ont. of 1._,,,, 1 m_mb 1, of ale. nil- At the Dublin Commission Court
errhahers' aeicty, 5,:333 are uncut .Ahidrely If nice who escaped lrom pris-
ployed. The Hay report takes a on in February last and remained at
much less optimistic view of ship- ]urge far a week, and who was cap-,
building prospects than has been turgid on a house -top after a two
shown in recent reports, Tho balance hours' fight with 100 policemen, dur-
ing wbtolt he injured several of them
with bricks, tiles, and slates, was
brought up for sentence. For as-
saults on the Police he was sentenc-
ed to nine 111ont115' imprisonment,
and for breakini jail, to which he
pleaded guilty, a similar sentences was
pissed, the sentenced to run concur -
Soothing medicines, opiates and -Agrncments have been made in the
strong drugs should never be given County Cork' for pl:ulting over 13,000
to little children, any doctor will tell acres of sugar beets, and factories for
you this. Baby's Own Tablets should the manufacture of row sugar are to
he used because they cannot Munn
be erected. A large series of trials
]laving proved Ireland to be admix-
ably adopted for the growth of tins
crop, it has been decided to begin
the prelhninary work of a large com-
pany, which hoe been organized, in
this cot,nbry. The pro tort e1 industry
has only been Pelade possible by the
sug iti• Mounties - convention, nett the
prate:tire tariff of •ts. 2c1. per emit,
TWO alarming accidents occurred
due to effusion of blood on the brain,
caused by violence to the head.
The with -known Irish piper, Luke
McVey, died at his residence in Liver-
pool a few dee s ago. "Luke," as he
was familiarly known, was n 1nuo11s
musician, held in high appreciation
in Britain and An:erica. No lived to
in hand at the close of the last quar-
ter showed a decrease of 411,001,
due to the large proportion of mem-
bers in receipt of unemployed pay.
tablets instantly relieve and prompt-
ly _cure all stomach and bowel t.rou-
ides, break up colds, prevent croup,
! destroy worms, and allay the brittle
'1100 accompanying the cutting of
teetii. Thoustulds of mntilers say
;they are the hest medicine in tho
!worlds one of these, Mrs. R. Scul-
Innd. Calubogie, Out., writes :—"I
have tried many remedies for child-
ren, but Babe's 5 Own Tablets is tho alnaosi. 5lnuiltnueoasly in different dis-
itest I have ever used, 1' havo been triets of lir•lfast. recently, A large
giving them occasionally to my child water main burst underneath the foot-
path in Creme': street, blew n lithnbct•
have t,1wovs kept him well, and he is of 'urge paving stotict; several feet in
a hig healthy baby." A11 medicine the air, and the water, rising n des
clrnlrl" :.f,']1 there tablets or you can tante 0f 110 feet, t, smasher] the win-
get them post pail.] at 23 cents a, dnw5 and ruined the contents of a
ibex by writing to Tile Dr. Williams store opposite. In the other case a
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, large :ammonia tank on the premises
of the Belfast Cold Storage Company
ex1-lor1041, blow•iug the roof alt the
01.111. TWCCF,-OVER COUSINS, building and wrecking the promises,
For the benefit of rhos': who cony
feel "exclusive," or "studs up," or
who prate about blue blood, etc., it
will Le well to remember that if we
Travel for health vs. Dieting.
go back but twenty generations, or A malt who tuns sent to Europe for
181 years, each one of us has 1,- his health and finally found cure in a
(181,5713 ancestors, and iS related little change in his diet says:
mom or less closely to at least 2701, "1 was troubled with dyspepsia for
;000,000 of our [ellews. Coin? back five years and two dieet,cts biro in
phut a couple of bendier' years fur- Eenosha that trentsd Inc fur aver ft
'thee, and tracing Owren our geneah'sy year both told me Uwe was no help
we 5210111(1 find that we breve more for roe. Then 1 had an expert from
crrss'ns than there are ample in lire Chit•ugo, but still received no relief;
'world, anil that on tire, basis al but then followed another expert from
two children iter fatally. The des- C'hieoen who came to our ho150 two
iei•ip,sney i5 accounted for by the fart times a 111011th for four mouths. 1re
that there have been so ninny inlet- gave ane up 111:r, all 1he others ant
,marriages that we have not only its told me to take ;a trip 111.1.005 the
many cousins as there are people in nonan wbir'll 1 did in On 'year 180'0,
the world to -clay, but aro related to and come home about e,s had as when
a great number many flares over. T. started, The doctors 1.011.1 Inn lily
stomach lining was full of sores. Then
1 began In study my own corm and
learned of the deet recommended b,y
the Poston] tenni (10,, so T gate up
papers anno,tnce that, after a search cobra', 1.1111 and all greasy foods and
extending over five centuries, the great began nsiug i'ostulu hood 1:0:foe,
buried treasure of the Traces, upon Gradually 1 got better and butter un-
hvhltdh countless romances have been 01 1501 well 111150 as 1 Mier was in
feuded, n di
has beescovered buried 1ny y o' neer drys, hate no trouble
in ilolivin. The treasure, which Is and tat ,n:,•t112ng bit to rut.
veinal at $30,000,000 was discovof- "Rol net array front hone 7 nm
persuaded to deinet coffee, rant. I only
take a silt of it for it jrttsCr11 bitter
and disagreeable 1.0 115', but the long-
er I use Posthm the Lotter 1 like it
1511(1 the hotter I. feel. I orale] say a
great deal more of lay e Tprrinnce with
Postnlln, bah 1,]1111*• this will gh0 ev-
I11551:.N 1r]LI.,iOr1S, FOUND.
The Bntl0lan and Peruvian news -
ed by a party of British and Ameri-
can engineers at Clutyeltay,x. The
natives are, in a state of -groat excite-
ment, for they believe that there is
treaSUrs to the value of $315,000,000
5(111 to be discovctocl
Enormous catches of mackerel- are eryone a good idea. nr wltal, leaving
being made by the Manx fisihing fleet o2Y coffee and nsin,; Parlour ran do."
off the Most coast of Ireland,
given by Postural Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Smit«love gives sin its lodgment.Look in ouch p,arltese for the tach-
Silver hands aro• as slippery as sus little t,00'c, "•I'lin pearl to Iron -
any, Ville."
Then His Rheumatism and Other
Pains Vanished Once and for all
--Ills Case only On of IVfany,
llarwfck, Ont,, Jule 20.- ]Sped l.l).
- '} bat Dodd's kidney Pills will cure
Rheumatism, or any other diseoss re-
sulting 1'ronx disordered kidneys 1s
the experience of many of the settlers
in this Rainy Hirer country. The
ease of William joint Dixon or this
plata is n fair sample of the work
the great C'e ti:Minn Kidney Remedy
is doing.
'•1 had ilheumnti5ul so had T had
to use Il stick to wall:. I luul pains
in my bark and right hip noel :f had
no comfort in sleeping.
"1 could no more than dress or un-
dI'ess myself for Ileal}• two Months,
and I was for nearly three weeks I
could not Ines my right sltoe.
"My brother adviser] ale to try
Dodd's kidney Pills and 1 so.
After taking three boxes 1 could walk
amend and lace up my shoes and do
my work. Six boxes cured inc tone
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the ono
nitre cure for sick 'Kidneys. Sick
Kidney's are the cauls of nine -tenths
of the ills the human family suffers
Watts—"]lots your wife ever scold
when you have been out late at
night?" Potts—"Oh, L10, she never
says a wort]! She gets' up the next
morning about four o'cloelc and pray,
Woe on the piano, and I daren't say
a word."
How's miS
R'n ober Ona Hundred Dollar, leeward
for any ease of Catarrh that eonnot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Ours.
111. 0. •11111IEY & 00., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have Bonen
7, Cheney for the lust 10 years, 101,1
hellose hint perfectly honorable in all
husine.5s transactions, and financially
nolo to curry out any obliga.tiens made
by his firm.
Wald/1141, 1i1NNA ,51 'MARVIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
hfall's t:aterrh Curo Is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood mud
mucous surfaces of the system. 'Pesti-
nionials sent free, Tricot 75e. por
battle. .old by all Druggists,
Take hall's Fancily Pills for consti-
Wooer—"A11! may I he your captain
and guide your hn•guo over the sea
of life?" Widow—"No; but you can
be my second mats."
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's frlend
Eternal vigilance isn't always the
price of liberty --sometimes it's $1.0
and costs.
District Passenger Agent McDonald
of the (.riled Trunk ltailway who
recently returned from St. Louis,
states that it 'is hard to ihld suit-
able language to describe the magni-
tude and beauty of tha greatest Ex-
position ever held.
Tho site of 1240 acres being two
miles long and ono mile wide, is
covered wntr+ beautiful buildings,
broken with lagoons, canals, grand
courts, monuments, statuary, parks,
etc., all forming a picture that must
be seen to be realized,
An Electrical railway, called the
intramural, makes it easy to get
from 0110 part of the grounds to
another, and follow out the daily
programme, enjoying an hour listen-
ing to "Sousa's" or other famous
bands, or taking in a lecture or ad-
dress, or Art Gallery.
When you consider the immensity
of the buildings, one alone having
over 20 acres of floor space, and re-
flect that they ere filled with tlia
choicest of exhibits from all over
tiro world, ono exhibitor vying with
another to obtain the coveted Gold
Medal, it seems to suggest the
thought of what a grand opportun-
ity and nn education it will be, to
the young men and Ivomen of our
land, to spend a week of two at
St. Louis this year. Really no in-
teiligcmt man, woman or child can
elro•d to miss this great World's
The beautiful ]lccbric lighting of
the Pan Antorienn Exposition, which
few thought would ever be approach-
ed 15 entirely eclipsed by this Mon-
ster Pair.
One of tho features of the fair, is
the "Inside Inn," a. hotel accommo-
dating 6,000, splendidly run, and at
Mt:Ronald° rates.
Tho total expellees of o, trip to St.
Louis based on half railway rates,
Is within the reach of all and per-
mits stop over at Chicago, and other
points, and the trip is made quickly
and comfortably.
It is the intention of the Grand
Trunk to 11111 through cars from
Montreal rend 'Toronto to St. Lents,
commencing Juno lath, and possibly
The Canadian Press Assoc} ttion
were unanimous in their praise of the
ftr•and '.Treats end 1111110ls Central
route, nerd with the Exposition.
M1IU i.[r!
IN TI1h1 IIA111,
Someone has drawn attention to
Om hurt that 11111100 nrrcifcr5 an .in-
flnenc'r (111 the growtih of the ]lair in
a inert curious manner. Consistent
Ida y01,fol.einem ;teems of metal in-
struments, the trombone in particu-
lar, will cal 1' baldness; while the
playing of the piano, 'violin, and
violoncello lather increases than oth-
erwirsr, the growth of the heir. Pluto
111112 clairOnet players ere not w armorer}
to 1„a influenced either way.
'1'h^ Adorer -'•11'11 wonderful, olrl
inaa, what love will rnthlr• h fellow
10 5w' in a girl tient he n"t et' saw'
before!" The Onlooker- 1 ' 'tin doubt!
lhtt it's ecp,0111 W0ndm,ftd whet it
won't Tet hila see that he'll saw 1151"
There are very few cleans-
ing operations in which Sunlight
Soap cannot be used to advant-
age. It makes the home bright
and clean. lli
Attractions for Sportsmen on the
Line of the Grand Trunk.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
lias issued a handsome publication,
profusely illustrated with hall -tone
to man
engravings, descriptive of h Y
attractive localities tor sportsmen on
their lino of railway. Many of the
regions reached by the Grand Trunk
seem to have been specially prepared
for the delectation of mankind, and
where for a brief period the cares of
business aro cost aside and life is
given up to enjoyment. Not only do
the "Highlands of Ontario" present
unrivalled facilities for both hunting,
fishing and camping, but the 30,000
Islands of tiro Georgian Bay, Thou-
sand Islands and St. Lawreeee Riv-
er, Rideau Itivcr and Lakes, Lake St.
John, and the many attractive lo-
calities in Amino and New Miami -
shire, present equal opportunities for
Health, pleasure and sport. All these
localities are reached by the Grand
'Trunk Hallway System, and on
i trriins unequalled on the continent.
Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que-
uo-bee, Now Hampshire and Maine fish
and game laws aro inserted in the
publication for the guidance of
,sportsnton. The Grand Trunk Rail-
way has also issued descriptive 11-
Ilustl•atect matter for each district sep-
arately, which aro sent free on ap-
plication to the agents of the Omer
pony and to Mr. J. D, 31Ii Donald,
District Passenger Agent, G. T. 11„
Union Station, Toronto.
"Noung Spelderly has been flying
high since the death of his million-
aire uncle." "Yes; he has found
it smooth sailing since he calve into
his heirship."
For Over Sixty Years
milUo xr tsinocherenorusso for the aIOdran 5l 10 boas
irenuti,eathectnki,•Often, aleggnus. al'ayspatn 05,61
wind ane 15CBlares rho Ol. 'tee and bnweln, one1 is ahs
SWet old tuedy Ynr AL,rrine,. Amway -leer rents n bnt,,lo
sokt yale8�Vixsiows0005111„10Sdinnrrtv1-°01
"George! You horrid thing' If
you try to hiss No again I'll call
papa, and lie'11 hying t•11c bulldog
"EsUsI 1 don't iwtt»t to hiss the buS-
Keep Minard's 1-inlment in the House,
There never was greatness without
To the Great World's Pair St.
Louis, 1do., everything is now wide
open, round trip tickets on sale until
December 1st, at lowest first-class
one-way fare, good fifteen days, fare
and a third gond sixty day's. New is
the time to see this, the greatest of
all Expositions iu the history 01 the
world. Tho great Wabash is the
Danner Line, the shortest nod quick-
est route from Canada to St. Louis.
Tho through trains on tho Wabash
aro the admiration of all travelers
going to. St, Louis.
For time tables and descriptive fol-
der, address J. A. Richardson, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Northeast
corner Bing and YongO Streets, To-
"Before T give you my answer,"
said the fluffy -haired girl, "I would
like to know it you aro in a position
to keep 100 111 Cie style to which I
have always been accustomed." "If
the styles don't change too often, I
nen," replied the lvlso youth. "Other-
Otho!wise, the odds are hi favor of my go-
ing broke."
Deer Sirs,—Within the past yetis
I know of three fatty tenors on
the Ist'ad leaving been removed lay the
application of 11t1NA1tf'S Ll'NI1i2Ga NT
without any 51115100.1 operation and
trine is no indication of n return.
CAP'.]'. W. A,
Clifton, N, li. Gondola l'crry,
aaa,a,.,,,, ..,...
"7s ihaL dog of yours a pointer?"
asked tier.: station -master at the vil-
lage station. "No," replier] the
weary sportiiman, who was return-
ing with an empty gano-bag; "he's
a dlsappoillter !' -
Sbe--"}.''pint heart 7ever 10011 a fair
lady, you know." Tlr. •-"True. T fear
1 shall never 1110111 or up Co111•1150 to
propose," She --".lint then ladies are
not, all'fnhe l'111 s dueid0d brunette."
Those whom neglected coughs
have ]tilled were once as healthy
and robust as you. Don't follow
in their paths of negiel}t. Telco
t 1a � n a
o u pt oI'
right now. It is guaranteed to
cure. It has cured many thous-
hous-and 808
Ptlr .sl 5. f/ t>rist.t ul co,
&>c 5e. i'1 rel ny, elY., 1'nronlo, Can,
Y •--211
ISSUE N0, ?15--04.,
exhif,fray.,„;," ig&
Potatoes , Poultry,Butter
Let us have your consignment of any or these articles and wo wit'
get you good prices,
eor, Most Mancot and Colborne Sts, TORCSSTO.
.err roars r -tom• -.
Natural Flavor
When rnu ore ata 1050 to knob what. to servefor
luncheon—When roe crave something both appt,
tlzlrrr and alislrintr, try
9 (Natural
�f�IIV S D'laver)
Food Products
Aprons the many Libby delicacies -aro Boneless 01,1elren. Melrose Pato,
Veal Loaf, ('oerlos5 Wafer•S:1=1 0119nd Boat. Potted nom :1018 Corned
Beef Plash, etc.—wholarune fondr, that aro as dainty as they aro pool -
oaaul>.stantlai es they are anpetizinx.
Ask your Grocer for Libby's.
Libby, McNeill &, Libby .. .. .. Chicago
8J d1aLiT V
Pans, Wash B:,.sins, 11411 14 Pans, &a
Any rind -Class Grocer Can Supply You.
,0' 00100010.01510 Mfa.,MITS.
FOR ltli&31Y1E6c$ iA4d1D ®TIERS
that are sale and earn good rates of interest.
We otter goon secnrlt es Shut are paying
3 to 4 ocr cent. halt yearly, or hotter then
7 and per cent. per annum. Icor full part -
eulars address
tlx.cutor," Ns. n Queen St. East, Toronto.
{Yorks well both on
stacks and to barns,
unloads all klntlo or
hny and grain either
l0000 oris shoavee.
M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll,Ont'
No. 1101
Nickel 011 Lump, o nod
Ohioo0 Ian ,, ,10,,Toronto.
If Your Goalor Boos Not Roan Thom, Sond 50
Toronto, fora Seapio Lamp.
Three Styloo : Table, Pendent and 01801 et.
Illustrated Oatalumo Pernpho,1 to Donlon oa
Bao oleo our tits of 011 Storm and Reales,
for Summar use.
The OEM OITY Oil, OO'!., LTD.
For the Very bestrew' your work to the
tt 8R1T18*I AMERICAN DYEiUC 80."
Look for opoet to your town, or Rand dhoti,
Nlontrcal,Toropta, Ottawa, Quebmx,
"And now, dear, said the delight-
ed youth, "when may I speak to ,your
father?" 11You wot't need to do
that, George," replied' the atveet
young tiring, who had just accepted
hien. "Ito told 1ne to -day that .if you
didn't spear: to m0 to -night- he'd
speak to you to-n;ormotv."
Ask fur Minardts and take no other.
73e—"Do you think blouses have
more admirers than bt'tinottes?" She
—"I dol;'t ]:now. You might ask
Miss Turner; she has had experience
in both capacities."
Wasit greasy dishes, pots or pans
with Lover's Dry tloap a powder. It
Will remove - the grease with the
greatest case:
Minard's Liniment Is used by9
IG1ian evo;y 'day is Sunday,
01i, won't it Pc heyday?
nut oh, it will be better still
When every day is pity, day, 1
L ag live the
Mug Ir
The Winton Touring Car is appre-
ciated by the best informed because
built on correct mechanical princi-
ples, of highest grade materials. As
a prospective automobile purchaser
you dare not, in full justice to your-
self, take chances on an inferior
car. By presenting a car of such
imperial merit as is . the 1004
Winton, we become "automobile
underwriters"—insuring you against
risk or loss. Flave you sten our
new catalog ?
The Winton Motor f orriayc'Oo
Cleveland, 0,, 11.9. A.
Represented In the Dominion
of Canada by
T11E1 A11TOi80101Ll'i & SUPPLY CO
70 Mad 51., ti..'l'oronlg, Ont.
Suit Adair:OlgaIn Chief
Dominion Cillos