HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-23, Page 4T.be Igruszet$ Bots
fiUURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904.
Canadian Order of Foresters.
Nigh Cnrir't Sleeting In 'reroute,
Large Attendance.
The High Court of the Oanedian
Order of Foresters opened its annual
Peed= in Victoria Hall, Queen street
Eget, Toronto, Tuesday afternoon of last
week with a large number in attendance,
inoluding High Court Officers and dela.
gates representing Subordinate Oourte of
every Province of the Dominion.
After the usual opening exeroisea and
the appointment of the varices Dom.
mittees the High Mart officers presented
their auntie! reports, wbioh were of a
most gratifying oharaoter, showing as
they did the remarkable growth of the
Order during the year 1908. By refer.
etoe to the report of the High Seoretary,
some oonoeptiou may be gained of the
vast amount of business treneaoted
through the Hood Office of the Order.
It is intereetingto note the growth of
this sooiety, eepeoially since 1884, the
year in which tate High Court met in
City of Toronto. The membership then
was but 3,500, and the eurpine in the
insurance brenoh was 96,952.87, while o0
the net December, 1908, the membership
had reeobed 52,160, and the surplus
91,526,967 .. n
3, There were 7,439 members
amitted to the Order daring )act year.
The year opened with a balance on
band of 91,310,159.79. The reoeipte for
the twelve monthe from insaranee pre.
Imams were 9433,110 43, and from
iutereet on inveetmente 952,224 46, mak
ing a total of receipts of 9385,434 89, or
an aggregate of 91,795,594.68. Out ot
thio sum was paid for death claims
9968,027.44, leaving a enrolee ab the end
of the year of $1,526,967.23-a net in-
crease for the twelve months of 9216,808 •
41, Thie cum much exorede the addition
to the funds in any previous year, and
b t
a o
represents a saving irk forty -live
of o
per neat of the total reaeipte, the remain-
idt; fitby-five per oent, being requited for
liquidation of be desth claims.
The rate at whioh the surplus funds
increased during the year was 16 5 per
ocnt which is 'somewhat greater than in
1902, when it was 14 per cent. Death
looses were actually tees in amount than
1902 by 93,503.30. In 1902 the death
rate was 5 22 ; in 1903, 5 18.
The receipts from interest for 1903
amounted to $59,224 46, as compared
with $44,553 06
the revioe year,an
increase of 97,671 40, and sufficient to pay
SJ per vent of the liabilities arising from
death lune.
The surplus moneys of the Ineuranoe
Fund are invested as shown in tbefollow-
ing table, wbioh gives also the proportion
of each of securities to the whole amount:
Municipal and sobool debentures,
91, 175,742 26, or 77 per cent.
Deposita in chartered banks, 9160,223.-
97, or 10 5 per cent.
Dominion of Canada stook, )150,000 or
9 8 per sent.
Loan oompany debentures, 940,000, or
2 7 per oent.
The Sick and Funeral Benefit Branch
of the bnsinese is ebown elan to be in a
moat flourishing condition. On the let
January, 1903, the balanoo at the oredit
of the fund in this branch was 923,627 801
the receipts during the year amounted to
9109,493.76. making atotal of 9133,13165
Out of this cam were paid Mamie of
994,351.00, leaving at the end of the year
a credit balanoe of 938,770 66. The net
gain for the twelve months wail $15,142 76.
The expenses of management and
organteetion in 1903 amounted to 965,•
816 60, or 91.26 per member.
Altogether the record of this popular
Canadian eooiety for the past year is one
of marked progress, and the management
and membership are entitled to unquali•
fled congratulations.
About four hundred members were in
attendance at the opening of the oouven-
tion Tuesday in the Victoria Hall. High
ChielRanger J. A. Stewart, Mayor of
Perth, wait in the chair, and prior to the
opening of the session an addreee of
wsloome was made by Ald. Ramsden.
The following o$ioere were on the
platform :-High Chief Ranger J. A.
Stewart, High Vice Chief Ranger 0.
Laporte, High Seoretary G. Faulkner,
High Treasurer John Neeland; Chair-
man)of Medical Board, U. M. Stanley, M.
D. ; High Registrar, D. R. Kennedy,
High Obaplain A. R, Galpin.
The following oommitteee were ap•
pointed ;-
Finance Committee -A. B Van
flowerer', W. D. Earngey, Max Hergear,
Thomas Fleming, H. D. Henderson, A.
Dnrealeen, J. Peaooak, Dr. Leeeare, S.
H. Lonna, T. W. Kinder, E. J. Redpabb,
W. Bailie, F. J. Turner, W. L. Roberta,
W. J. Westuver.
' Good and Welfare Committee -A. R.
Galpin, Disen Lenieux, W. H. Kerr, W.
D. Dunbar, Oil. Elbert, A. Meophereon, J.
W. Moliendry, W. Lee, J. H. Mulvey, W.
H. Anderson, &. B. Renaad, C. B. 'Brit.
ton, John Irvine. Dr. Bodard, D. D.
Oampbell, W. Bromiton, 8. Whetter,
James A. Bell, W. A, Reid, L. Fattest, G.
G. Miles, Robert Sbetvert, S. MoCalloeh.
Anpeale.and Grievanoe Committee -
G. H. Finlay, A. E. Biesonette, A. Gren•
in, A, Oaoolliard, A. Durealeab, E. H.
Johnston, E. Gunther, W. D, Earngey.
Distribution Committee -Dr. Hobson,
A. E. Buchanan, Charles Doe, Dr.
Deugenatee, W. H. Eckhardt, R. Harper,
D. E, Mn$innon, F. W. Carr. Iu the
evening the Toronto courts took the
delegatee on a moonlight intension on
the Chippewa, The Highlanders' Band
dieao¢rsed mueio, and a good time was
enjoyed by a large number of the
Wedneeday'e eeeeion woe chiefly de-
voted to the reeeeving of noting of motion
dealing with the addition of new denies
and slight changes in the constitution.
At the opening of the meeting W. H.
Kerr, of Braaeets, was elected reoording
sraretery 10 81l the place of J. P. Hoag,
of Brantford, who was abeeut.
The Credential Committee repotted
this the largest oonVentien ever bald in
the history of the order, theta being 888
outside delegates from all over the
The following efficient ware elected by
aoolamation for the coming year :-High
Chief Ranger, J. A. Stewart, of Perth ;
High Seoretary, Geo. Faulkner, of Brant-
ford ; digit Treaourer, John Ne°lands, of
Brantford ; High Registrar, It. D.
Kennedy of Montreal ; High Auditors,
W. L. Roberte and Jho, Bargees+; Hitlh
Chaplain, A, 1t, Galpin ; Exeolltite'Corn-
mittee, R. Elliott, 10I, D. Carroll, D,
Allan, A, E. Bissonetlo and 2, Mandy,
At 12 o'clock the delegates were photo•
graphed in fruut of the Oiby Hall.
A complimentary cement !vee tendered
the delegates in Meseey Hall iu the even-
ing under the direction of Donald Mae.
Gregor, who was aseieted through an ex•
oellent preempt by Mies Grams Lillian
Oarter, Mise Lillie Kleine Payne, Erueet
R. Bowles, Jas, Fax, Harold Rich, and
Bert Harvey,
During intermission an address was
presented to Alex. Muir, author of "The
Maple Leaf," by High Ohief 'tenger, J.
A, Stewart, who also oonterred on Mr.
Muir au honorary life membership in the
Osnadian Order of Foresters, The ad.
dress was ill the form of a beautifully
bound book. Mr. Mule replied briefly,
thanking the order for the high favor
conferred 013 him, after whiab the
audience sang the ohorue of "'The Maple
Leaf Forever,'
The enjoyable evening was brought to
a olose by singing "God Save the King,"
There were 11 invitations for next
High Court meeting and after several
votes decision wee given in favor of Gan.
anogne, meeting to be held mixt June.
High Court Mooed at 1 p. m, Friday,
$95 00 was voted to the Hospital foe Sick
Children and $25 to the East End Mis
siou, Toronto,
Huron Co. Christian Endeavor
and Sabbath School •
The Huron County Convention of the
Sunday b" Ohoot. and Ghrietian Endeavor
Associations met in the Methodist church,
Wingham, on Taeeday and Wedueeday of
Inst week. This was the bbirtyfiftb
annual Convention of the Sunday Sobool
Aesooiatiou and the eleventh of the
Ghrietian Endeavor Societies.
Tuesday was Christian Endeavor day,
and a large number of delegates were
present from all parte of the Couuty.
A feature of the afternoon mission was
an excellent address by Mime A. Elder, of
Blyth, "Christ's need of Young
People." A telegram from Rev. A. Baler,
of Turonto, was read regretting hie
inability to be present resent on amount of
iiloees. A resolution of sympathy wee
passed and prayers offered for his recce.
The round table Oonferenoe elicited
many valuable enggestiens as to Ohriet•
fan Endeavor work.
At the evening session a stirring ad
dress was given by Rev. J. H. Oliver, of
Listowel, emphasizing the need of great-
er reverence and sineetity on.e
part of
everybody at the present time.
The musical part of the program was
provided by the waited noire of the town
under the direotion of J. A. Morton.
Beautiful solos were rendered by Mies
Cline mud Mr, Hill,
The following are the officers elected
for the 0. E. Sooiety for the year :-
president, Walter Hall, Wingham ; 1st
viae•presidenb. Jae. Dodds, Blyth ; 2nd
vios.president, Mies L. Ross, Brussels ;
secretary, Mies Anderson, Blyth ; treas.
nrer, H. bison, Ktppen ; executive Dom
mittee, Rev. J. Hamilton, Gaderiob, Mies
Tyndall, Carlow, Geo. Buobauan, Bel.
fast, Mies N. Beattie, Seefortb, Mise
Edna bloOallnm, Exeter.
At the forenoon session intareti►ing and
practical addresses were glean by J. A,
Jeskeou, B. A , of Toronto, Provincial
Secretary, mud Rev. John Holmes, of
The ronnd table Conference disneeeion
were as usual most iutereeting aad pro-
A ohauge had to be made in the after-
noon program, owing to the faot that Rev.
J. H, 0 iver received a telephone message
that necessitated his going home on the
3 p, in. train. His addrsee on "Bible
Study," from 215 to 2.45, was, however,
greatly appreciated by those fortunate
enough to be present.
A round table Oonferenoe on Sunday
School work and methods was held. The
interest centered chiefly around olase
promotion and how to iudaoe pupils to
brine their bibles.
Where of Sunday 8ahool Aseooietion
are as follows :-President, A. Conn ;
vice president, D. E. Munro, Auburn ;
secretary -treasurer, G. 0. Stoneman,
Henan ; oorreepouding•eeoretary, Jas.
Mtt(bell, Goderioh.
It was deoided to hold the next annual
meeting in Goderlah Tuesday find Wed•
nesday, the 3rd week ie June,
June Sessions.
The June 8essione for the Oounty of
Huron opened at Goderiob at 2 p. m.,
Tumidity, of last weak before His Honor
Judge Doyle, with six civil suite, four
with jury and two without, and two
criminal oases, an assault ease from St.
Joseph, and the wife assault case from
Stephen township. The (lull oaeee were :
For jary trial -Webb vs. Menzies, an
action on the warranty of a horse; Ham.
link vs. Eokbart eb el, an action to re.
(over the prise of a oar of evaporated
apples : Contain ve. Grand Trunk Rail•
way Co., on the improper carrying of a
quantity of dairy produce ; and Bilbeek
ve. Roes, an action to recover for nutting
a quantity of oord wood,
For trial without jury -Page vs.
Pickard et el, an action to restrain a
bailiff from Belling goods covered by a
ohatbel mortgage, and Ooliiugwood vs.
Kunz, an action to recover wages for
services as a blaokemith.
The following gentlemen answered to
their uamee as grand jurors :--Samnel
Oaldbiolt and Louis Battier, Morrie
James Grieve and Samuel Wise, Tuoker-
smith ; Robert Huston, Colborne ;
Marsha] Harrison, Grey ; Ohas. Marks,
Bayfield ; James Murray, Exeter ; H.
Macdonald, Thos. Richardson and Thos,
Styles, Ashfield ; Thos, Ryan, Stephen ;
and Robert Turner Stanley.
Robert Huston wee elected foreman,
and when the Grand jurors had been
duly sworn, Hie Honor addressed them
on the freedom of the country from seri-
one mimes, and the aeeanlb oases that
would he brought before them, His
Honor said there was bot one prisoner in
Sail for orime, a boy udder 16, awaiting
gentano° for stealing a watch, and that
other prisoners were either vagrants or
persons conmmitted'^ as lunatics, He
briefly explained the lase SS to what Don-
abituted "'Moult, and then took up
Bilbao!' vs. Rose, an action without a
jury, The coos did not lase long, and at
its oonolneion Big Honor reserved jedg•
Ment. Wm. Proudfoot, S. O., for pialn-
tiff, E. L. Dickinson for detendeet,
1"11Jlk xtLtLiSSkiI.,S P
Caotelon vs. G. T. Railway, wits
settled ant of eoart, On terms not made
public, Brydune for plaintiff, Jae. Bell
for defendant,
Ae there were no eon jury oases ready
to proceed, the gour1 adjourned to 9 80 a,
m., Wedueeday.
581001 ear,
Ab the opacity, of the Court, a jury
was Sworn to try Webb vs. Meuelee, sod
it lasted till well into the afternoon, the
one being given to the jury shortly after
8. At 6 10 the jury returned, and in
a000rdanoe with their auewert] to quee
lions, Hie Honer directed judgateut for
the plaintiff for 9145 after 30 days, and
costs. H. Morrison for plaintiff, 14. Van
sboue for defendant, The Grand jury
having returned true bale in the King VS,
Sberritt and the King vs, MoLenu, the
first named was tries while the jury in
Webb ve. Menzies were out of of ort.
Sherwin when arraigned for aveaultiug
hie wife, pleaded guilty. so a jury was
not swore. Wm. Proudfoot, K. 0., made
a strong appeal for his client, and Hie
Honor, atter speaking of the serfo0eue.s
of the offence, imposed a fine of 9100 and
costs, ordered the defendant to gi,e a
hand for 910,000 and two ouretiee of 91,-
000 smolt, to keep the peaoe for two years,
and pay the aunts of the prooesdings in
all the oourbe. The outs in the courts,
it is said, will be in the neighborhood of
9600, and the defendant's legal adviser's
fees will have to be added to the above,
makiog the total a large one.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council met pursuant to order in
theTownehip Hall ou Monday, Juuel3tli,
1904, at 10 o'clock a, m, The Reeve in
the chair and the members all present.
The minutes of loot meeting were reed
and approved. Moved by Frain seconded
by Turnbull that the ram sf 9150 00 be
expended on the Gravel Road between
Grey and Morris provided the Morris
Cnuooil grant 50 Ulna' enm. Carried.
Moved by Frain, eeoonded by Turnbull
that the agreement of t'he oo0traotore on
the 6.h oonoession Municipal Drain, as
be accepted and Gull th
rated a e Reeve
be natborized to sign the same on behalf
of the corporation ; that the corporate
seal be attached thereto and that a copy
t of
of the said Don ra he flied with the
Clerk. Carried. Moved by Turnbull,
xeoonded by Frain, that the Clerk notify
parties on the 0th con drain that their
refund will be paid o0 the llth day ot
July at the Township Hal) at the hour of
2 o'clook in the afternoon. Carried,
There being no appeals on Bylaw, No.
217, known as the Hislop Munieipal
9 e1
• tv it was moved la d by!
Drain Breser,
seoouded by Turnbull, that the By•law
be read a third time and be finally passed.
Carried. Petitiou from Joseph Jaoklin
and others for a Munioipal Drain. Moved
by Greet, seconded by Fraser that the.
petition he approved as there is a
majority of the ratepayers interested ou
the same and that a Bylaw be paeeed
appointing John Roger, Engineer, to
examine and report on acme, -Carried.
Bylaw No. 220 read 1st, 2nd and 8rd
time and finally passed appointing John
Roger, Engineer re Jaoklin Mnuioipal
Drain. Petition from Alfred Ward and
others for a Municipal Drain. Moved by
Turnbull, seconded by Frain that the
petition be approved, 0e there ie a
majority of the ratepayers interested on
the same and that a Bylaw be paeisd
appointing John Roger, Engineer to
examine and report on same,-Oarnicd.
By.law No. 221 read let, 2nd and 3rd
TEA and
time and finally pegged appointing John
Roger Engineer re Ward Muuiuipel
Drain, Moved by Frew, eeoondod by
Ynrubnll that Cleric write to 000trttotore,
toe tender for the oonetrIolion of the
Helot) al anioipai Drttie, end that tender°
bo renewed up to June 28 h, 1004 at the
hour of 8 u'oloak p. ,n. -tarried. Moved
by Fruit), Seconded by Grant that the
following minuet. be paid t-
John Slollinger, ehov'g gravel.,.•$
Jacob flit liugtr, repairing oulvert
13. 11, 2, eon, 10 1 00
Angue Shaw, shovelling gravel., 4 00
Jesse Wilbee, repairing culvert
Lot 8 non, 5 100
llobert Lowe, tepairiug 'oulveris
S. R. 3, con, 4 di S. R. 2, con
3, it drawing plank 3 00
John Lake, shovelling gravel,.,, 5 00
John Oartain, part payment on
ditch lot 18, Don, 18 75 00
Thomas Dougherty, tepairiug
nnlvert 8. R. 6 non. 12 80
Jae, Cummings, tile drain ie re-
pairing road Grey & Elmo,
boundary 3 00
George Dunlop, ehavellieg gravel 0 00
John McIntosh, postage &
stationery 20 00
Joshua Flood, ehovelliug gravel„ 4 00
Denial Spillet,, ehovolling gravel 5 60
A, Reymann, equalizing union
school sections, Walton -Na.
11, Turuberry, Howlett and
Grey, No. 1 Howlett and Grey
No. 1G 12 00
HenryAl000k,repairiug Mitchell
Oranbrook bridges... .,,.• 13 60
HenryAl000k, pert payment "1
ooutraot Cattier bridge abut.
me100 00
Connellnta y & Waters, part payment
contract; WhitMeld M, drain 300 09
Moved, seconded and oarried that the
O).nnoil do now adjourn to meet on Mon-
day, July 1119 at 10 a. m.
5 00
@'t1R ','lilt STOMACH'S SAILS,
Au eminent physician eva"
Zile should last live times the years it
takes to matnre"-thus it twenty-one ie
maturity we should live over it buudred
years, but thane are not wary )rami the
century meth. A great deal more long.
evity would exist it the etomaoh did not
get crippled and played out. That organ
gets plenty of abuse, and is deserving of
attention, It is the starting point of
most ailments, and it needs the first
attention when eymptons of sickness
appear. If an elderly stomach 'eau be
kept werkin right be sore of a
K ,Yon ma Y
ripe and contented old ege,comperatively
free from phyoioel burdens. The great
new dieoovery, ANTI PILL, thr Great
System Treatment, bee a grand eff.,ot in
old and deranged stomachs. Any .aged
paean who will address a Postal to Wil-
son Fele Go., Niagara Falls, Ont„ will
get a free trial bottle by return mail.
Sold in Brussels by Jas. Fox.
MOKILLOP 0oENOIL.-Uounsil met in G.
K. Holland's, Beechwood, on '1'hnreday,
June 16•h, Members of Council all
present. The Clerk read the Engioeer'x
report on Barton's drain, with estimated
net of 93968 00, Two more [signed
[molting and 0ounoil authorized the
Reeve to Sign it. The report wart then
paeeed and Clerk WAS authorized to draft
a By•taw for 20 years, at 4 per Dent, to be
payable in 20 equal payments of prim•
sipai and interest and have 75 copies
printed and serve each party with o copy.
The Clerk to publish with miuntes of
meeting that all parties having fences 0u
road allowauoeo are responsible for any
damage caused hysa°h fences. Aeoonuts
were netted and paid amounting to
31187.75, mostly for bridge and abut.
insure. The Clerk was to notify Mr.
Pigeon, contractor for drain to have she
work completed as eon as possible. Two
letters from J. hi. Beat one asking 925 00
the other 9100 00 for damages caused by
oontruotore throwing May too far inland
digging drain by Mr, Warden, tenant,
No action taken at Engineer tae not
taken job off oontraotors hand yet. The
estimated poet of work on roads beoidts
bridges this year is to be 9820,00. Ouun.
oil adjourned to meet in Huron hotel,
Dublin, July 5th, 1904, at 1.80 far the
oonveaisuas of ratepayers of thatlooality,
Ratepayer]] take ootioe every owner is to
out weeds and thistles along hie land un
halt the road. Atter notice from Path -
meter or Clerk all not doing eo if etbe
Connell does it they will charge acct on
the Roll. A word in time to the wise is
Jen 0. MoameoN, Clerk.
i 4ert.IOr-t:lt.
The tender of F. Gutteridge for skein.
age work, se advertiend, was noospted.
Largo quantities of hay are being ship.
ped emery day from the station to Boston.
The Seaforlh Milling Co. are having a
galvanized iron covering put on their
large elevator.
Robert Beattie has purchased the
George Murdie farm in McKillop, paying
for the same the sum of 96,700.
Mre. Win. Ameot and slater, Mies
Hazel Winters, left last week for a few
weeks visit with relatives at Ypsilanti,
W. H. Wil is is laving his shoe More
decorated with a metallic calling. Mr.
Willis has parohased 0. 0. Wilson's
rde00.nee on Cloderiah street. Frio°
Dr. 3, F. L Killoran is home from
Toronto. Ile has completed with honors
his course in Medicine et Toronto
Univ,e,sity and reuetyed hie degree at the
University Oonvooubion,
A petition has been °insulated among
the merobante and businnes men for a
Wednesday halt holiday during the
months of July and August and hoe been
largely signed, only two or three refacing.
The Mayor wee authorized to tffor
Mrs. Halpin the guru of $25 00, in full
payment of her olelm against the town,
for damages eustaiued by the Spring
froehet, said eller to, be without
Mins Laura Olnff,'a daughter of Mayor
Gleff, died at ()riffle, on Saturday llth
ine6, aged 21 years. The funeral on
Tuesday was largely attended by relabivee
and friends and the remains were laid to
rest iu the Maitiandbank cemetery,
A base ball teem composed of bine
little girls from Seaforbh public Wheel
played a genie with the little gide of
Egneoodville. Tho game was Very
Interesting and lbs youngsters et joyod
themxolves tmmeneely. The aeon was
8 to 1 in favor of Seeforth. Jaime
Thompson bad charge of the indicator,
Bull for Dale, red b, color and tweet
from int prise stook. Lot 40, eon 10 Grey,
J. D. 21ONA131, Prspriet0r, eraubrook P. 0,
el Sows, 4 months old. 1w' sale, Will be
sold roseonetlo to gulch en yore. JAMES
till lrillbl l', Al sills Grove ,''arm, Lot 25. 9th
Ate,.unate, 11. nseela Y. O„ 980
C. 0. ]J.
Oourt Printout Alexandria, 01084,00,12.,
Brussels, meebe in their Lodge 'town, Bias.
hill Block, on the 2011 and last Tuesdays of
opoh mouth, at8 o'clock. Wilting brethren
always welcome. JAB, BURGESS, C. B,
1 Bow non 8►LA. The undersigned
offers for sale one Thoro'-broil Yorkshire
How, 11 years old, in pig to his thoro'-bred
Yorksulre bog. Per price apply to It, S.
NICHOLSON, (Bodmin Lime Works), Mor-
ris, Bolgraye P. 0. • 80-61
itBOr,NTAT10E m bile °aunty anti ad-
jsiulug teerltortee, to represent and adyer.
title au old esbabiiehed bueinees house of
solid aaaneial standing. Salary O21 weekly,
with expenses advanced email Monday by
(hock dtreet from headquarters. Horse
and buggy furnished when neoeesaey ; uest•
permanent, Addreee Blew Bros, & 0o„
Not m 010 k1°non Bldg„ 0bioago, Ill.
We the undersigned, agree to raise the
g g
aprice horse -shoeing oboe 'to 123e. for setting
nd 000, for new andel,,,owingsbo. 4o the 000 into in the pride of material, etc, This goes into
force on Monday. Tune 1019,1004.
Signed by
WA17 d: Oo., GED. W. PoLLAED,
P. 8aonr, Hvntrnnins & NoN,
11005 P8LLoax, 0E0. Roxanne,
TWIN Falntasw, Joan Eoxmfln.
Prize Winning Snort
Horns for Sale.
}tight young Balls from Imported and
home bredcows got by Importedorted S
re, Also
Cows and errs Of different ages.
Inc pure bred Berkshire Pie,
10 vodka
old, for sato.
Have a quantity of Seed Peas, the Darty
June variety, to dispose of. It is a medium
fazed white pea and were grown from seed
from new North Bay and yielded over 37
bnsbele to the sore, fres of bags.
Will Yea sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
80.12 D. MILNE & 60N, Ethel.
Wool auteU
Am prepared again this sea-
son to pay the Highest Cash
Prise for any quantity of Wool
delivered at my Elevator, Brus-
sels. Also for all kinds of Grain.
Ohief of Polios Morrison has handed in
his resignation, which was aooepted, to
take effect July 18th, or as 8000 as the
council can prooure a emooeeeor.
Atter a short illoeee from an attack of
pneumonia, Albert Oooetable died at bit
residence on Railwnv street on June 11th,
The deceased wag 54 years of age and
leaves a widow and a large fernily to
mourn his loss. The services were on.
ducted on Tuesday at the house and the
rendes were interred in Maitlaodbouk
GALT BOLDS GHAoIrxoNsoI'. - Friday
evening before the largest crowd that ever
witnessed a f) abaft match here, Galt and
the 8eeforth Herne played o draw game,
one all, and Galt retain the ebampion•
ship of the W. Ir. A. for another Reese».
The two beams were fairly evenly match•
ed, but 8eaforth plainly excelled in
combination, and the result was doe to
the excellent work of the Oslo defence,
In the first half Stewart of the Huron
was injured. retiring at balf•bime, Pee•
000h going off for Galt to even up. The
ohe°king wan very °loge, and Referee
Sims had diffionlby in keeping the teems
within the limits. Twaite and 81115 going
to the tenon for short eentenoee. Galt
scored their goal within the last ten
minutes, Steep doing the trick after a
brilliant run. Seatorth made strenuous
efforte to regain the lead, and the epeota•
tors saw some splendid football, bat no
more scoring wag done, and the game
remained a tie.
Perth County.
The Nitobeli publio eohool board 10
ooneidsrlag the question of closing the
model Reboot. Some of the members
think that 10 disorganlzee the work of the
The Stratford Horticultural Sooisby is
1 fleeing four prizes on (rent gardens, viz.,
90, 93, $2 arid 91, and the stone on lawns.
Thy competition is opened to all oitizene
without charge.
Mise Lily Cameron, a former leanher
in the Mitchell Public school, was mar-
ried on June let, to Rev, A. H. McGill,
ivray, of Ohwtham. The young ample
are spending the honeymoon iu the Mari.
Brno Provinoee.
The little daughter, Jean, of S.
Lang, Grange street, Stratford, was no-
fortonete in having the index finger of
one of her hands almost severed et the
second joint by doming in contact with
the blade of the lawn mower.
A string of flogs which did duty et the
Queen's Jubilee and the King's Coron.
atioa in London, England, watt suepend•
ed aatoss the street from F. A. Camp.
bailie corner to the band stand on May
240 et Mitobell, 101r0. R. B. Laokland,
a new Domer to the town, was the
patriotic lady who made the dieptay.
The Mitchell Advocate says :-It's
only now thtt we are able to seo the way
in whioh the °owe need to keep the streebe
cleared of the long grass and weeds,
When the mtlkers were oloeed up the
ooanoe' promised to keep the ernes along
bile main roads ant dawn, Now is the
time to do 0, and if the Street Com.
misnioner or the Ohairmen of the Board
of Werke would like a few tone of hay
for Winter fodder they Dan get it along
the walks in the SVicet Wald,
L 000 naso, 104 05 and South 1101f Lot
00, Oou, 0, Ellen, 140 aures cleared, balatoo
4e ellkaraktiawhdsnnunder 'e brfo
ooblage ; plenty of water, well 15555d. nod
ditched. Possession 005 be given airy time.
Price 98,800, For lu,ther partieulara apply
to JOHN J, CORBY, Britton, Out, 47.tt
'Pbo nudsesignod offers for sale her
excellent- farm, located on floe. 10, Grey
towuship, and containing 158 Soros. 'I'horo
18 it Senn tastable, triune noose, bank barn,
good driving rued, orchard, &a., on the
premises, Defib le well drained and fonerd,
It is also well n'ate,o,l by the river Melt
land nod an invaluable Spring. Oonvonieut
to market, eohool and churches, Por price,
torula and titian parttoubue apply 00 the
11r oprietrobee, Oruntrool to P. O. CAL-
T'1AR11fs FOR SALE. - 350
12 pores erst•olass land ht !be Township
of Grey -Lot 10, Con. 14, 1(0 aorne ; Lot 17,
eon 19,100 serest and WI Lot 18. (lou, 14,
50 aaroe-010 aures. All in excellent condi-
tion with ilest•olase buildings ; brick house
with all modern oouvw,ionoee, and large
bank baro, root and straw house, stables,
&o. Well watered. Peons 85 to 40 acres of
taining 0 armeursland,good
frame house and huge bank barn innerly
new. Who property eau t,e sold in two or
three ,parents to suit purchase] s. Terms
liberal. Also a armmndlouedwelling human
andlot in Brussels. Nor further puttee.
lare apply to the owner ou the premises,
LAUGHLLN MoN1410, or to NO. L19CKIE,
el 1
Srues e. 214
JUNE 28, 1904
While wo are not
to pulling up our buea
public print We desire
our numerous-etlmtome
hearty support accord
1908, and to State that
still in the old stand ready
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksnlithiug, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we ,lave spent 18 years
in Brussels wo think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent,
Call and see us.
street, Thomas t
) Bl
The undersigned is prepared to attend to the Wants of the
in the
t fist
irg-uP of Bicycles
s such as
Gleaning, Oiling, Repairing,
Mending Punctures, arc.,
and will also replace Spokes,Hubs, Rims and
Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged.
First-class Second-hand Wheels for sale.
Give 7ne a call any evening from 7 to 9.30.
VT 63
Stook of Wire Wheels for Wngaus to supply
Oustomere o0 hoed,
New Callaciatl and American
E have a full stook of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. We have made a special effort to sedure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades,
but in those as low as
BED 1L0oM8-Ws have Dainty Fiorals, prodaoing charming effects at Law Cost.
PARLORS.-Beaulifnl Deeigns in Gilt and Creamy 'Tones, Blues, Geesne, &o., Ln
d'elisate Shades.
HALLS, DINING# ROOMS, &c.-a'ioc, effective Designs, in Magnifloent Co)ore,
Riving Warmth, ttiobnese end Beauty to an Apartment.
AND PRUDES 1 We Dan only say we are offering Ole 130000151 Better Paper, Designs
and Coloriugg than ever offered, •
Don't wait until our stook is broken. Make your selection now.
If you have any rooms toot recently papered, just call and let no tell you bow
little it costa th make home bright, attractive and happy.
In Smale's Block, two doors North of Postofftce.
Painter and Paper Hanger.
Y'• .4,