HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-23, Page 3tioar.t.. 15.1 ••P Miff IF THE Or WIlich May Help to Dispel the Clouds 'Which Overhang Some Househoids, eccording to Act or tha n&t- 0t ot reentela, in the veal. One eseand nine Bemired and Pour :Wee Belly, at Toronto, et the e'..4eusee0 of agriculture. Ottalta A despot:oh from I.os Angeles's, Cale nays f-liey, Erank De Witt 'Intimate) Preached from tho following text leph. v, 2Busbands, love your wives.'' Two startling teeth about Peure pereonality June alwaye v tvldty im- pressed me, The one the entimate of his phyeleal personality formeil by his eneuden in the Corinthian church -wit° had sat undeo Isis ministry and therefol'e knees hen wen. 370 01 him- self toile us ,thet. they said, "his begin presence is tveak nett his epeeeti contemptible." Chrysostorn, According to A.lbert Barnes, declared that "Paul's stature was low, his back crooked ana his bend bald," According to Niceptiorus, Paul was a little mall Willl eurvature at Use spine anti a pale countenance, long end wrinkled, and with a head' like Julius; Caesne, noted., for [its scarcity of hair. Whether these clesceiptions are true, Nye know not; hut it is lit- tle likely that the Corinthians would have :molten of him as they did, and that writers Bo neer his own time as Chrysostom and Nicephorus wotild have so descritsed him, if this Intel- lectual and spirituol giant heel p00- 0080031 an imposing persoleititer. And yet, All through the' Pauline writinpoe tigures of speech bristle with the eynxbols of the athletes annul_ The runner, the fighter, the gladiator, the struggle with the boast of Ephesus, all have their inspirations and gore ye} teachings. The second Men which etands side by side with the first, about. tne per- sonality of Peel its this s, 'Paul was a bachelor. It bas been contended that he was a member of• the sonhedrle and, if so, must have been married, but the iAct full duty to my wife. provide for expression e s xxvi, ' her gots( bome. I give her all the on which the theory of his membot, money she needs." You do? Oh, ehip is based, is vague and may 3(10111131 that is very kind. As for as I can have amounted to no more than tho tootimciuy of a wilneqq 011 tho Rialto out you give your wife nothing other hand, his urguinent L Cor- but her own property. She 'earns her Inthians ix, 5, clearly implies that support, just as you do, and the has both lie rind Barnabas wore limner- a right to et least one -ball of your lied. This condition, eowever, by income, 31 front a mere cold-blooded 310 311011/18 indicates that he was de- standpoint you had to hire a house- ficient in the affectionate side of his keeper to do the work she does, you nature. ITis letters show that be 3avislied on his ehilth[en in the faith the love that other men give to their offspring and that he Ives an eeenelingly affectionate, warm heart- some mau saye, ' hoW ara I to pay ed man. Ile taught parents that 131131 wife unlees I pay her in =ones'?" they should love their children and !Ivey, give her the manse rewards the chittiren that they slimed care for taimstle lets Commanded in the words their parents, wives Out they should of my text. Did 'Paul ever speak of honor their husbands and husbande imomy in inference to the husband's thet they should love their wives. It lemy to his wife? No; ho takes that for granted. lIe says, 'frusbarels, love your :elves," But that is not ell, lie gives ltis commandment in 'Mere la special reason at, this the super:fatty() sense, nIftiebancls, love time for sbowing the need of a hus- your wit -es even as Christ also loved hauri being truly devoted and loving the church and gave himeelf for it." te wife, because there seems to Ine, conid there Lie any sweeter or be a popular theory abroad that the more devoted or more intense inter old fashioned ide13 en' tamily hoine , hLlsh*tfld's 051301.10115 is gone ane gone forever. But in- that? It is love the true wife louge stead of believing that the old fash- for, „4 re. r„ 10„„ tho true liosbauer in greatest pulpit 901(1(0308 of his age. I was about to he meerted, and weft talking with Wm, when he 9(1.11*' 111 ine Ode thanteterietie advice) : "Al- ways love smut. wine more thee that, 1111103(1learn to reepent and 10111111' 113.1 judgetent, !venni-al She C1131 1)11 y1.1111' beet adviser. 1111011 3113)11a yelling man stein:el 0111 1311113 3101110 (411000101, I /(11014 I could' 0)3(10,13,and I could ante write. And often often when .i. wetted write emnething I thought very thee I would take it down to 11131 wife and rend it.. Sometitnes fiht, WOUld. look 11)7 1(3 lier Sewing. and say, 'John, don't say Lhat.' With that I 11101(1(1throw down my nainuseript and Atolls up and Moen the 501)10. 111 die- guet, 'Why do yoti say thut?' I would ask, '33)3) 3011 13(11)33 110311 to Preach? Are you a better judge of prenehinm g then yeelf ? ITaven't 31 spent four )'C01'0 in college and three years in the seminary? What lyusi 131100 have you to tell 7310 What, to do? You are nothing but a woman anyway.' But idler Iong experi- ence 1 intent that my wife's judg- meat could always • be depended up - On. When I followed her judgment I always 00030 out right, end when I followed my OW11 against hors I al- ways came out wrong. Andi though 1 am now an cid man and ono or much experience, yet whenever am in doubt about anythieg have 0V01. written alwayfs go to her. And wben sho says, 'John, don't say that,' I take 1113, pen and scratch out the whole Tinge. My success is clue in a great measure to my wife's judgment and net to my own." SUSAN 'PA.LeSTAGE'S INFLUENCE. Men, husbands, friends, how are we going to repay our wiven for all the setexifices they have made for us? "0.11 " some husband says "I do my would have to pay far more for liar wages than your wife ever spends for clothes and entertainment. "Then if that 110 the vase, Ind it is the ease," i$ in reference to this last commane- ment that I would sone: to-dey. MARITAL, AFFECTION. lomel idea at love should be d011° tlie home should long for. Not money away with, believe that, like tee Iso 1117.1011 as love, Intense, devoted, ; eil in our ancestors' front yards, i pay your wives for their 1100L'1110110 of thee remind be cultivated more and • 111001 O. g,arden beds which used o be plant- I 1 10 1 a If rifting love. TInsbands t more. Marital affection may 170 ono ; II 1 goen o 11 0 1111 nf lhe 107111051, finest most beautiful alt11111.1"A141es'S PROADSS011Y NOTE things in life. The Holy. Book de- This swindle in reference to prom- etaies, "Whoeo findoth se wife Melee' esed affections which n husband seine - o good, thing." It 113 110 part) of '-1.111105 practices upon et wife Is the 1 -.1 11110re coeteniptible because le one My purpose to tell young.men v they should proceed in eryrng to w.iu. ,SOISC thn wife is absolutely helpless design rather the erreetle"s 0E the G1-14 tkeY 31n8le°Infter the perpetration of tho fraud. to marry. Aly is to urge married men to 5110w their ,e wives the same deference, the mune lovo and devotion, that characteris- erl then; before the twain stood at. the marriage altar, 'leering tent Bay- ing Use solemn, words which made them 0110 1.0S11. Why 10 the true wife's valne above 111,3 outside business relationships. Ile the price of rubies, as King Solomon hos his ineinantile friends as well as his store fritnds, Ile meets men on the street, i111 the earn, in the office, . the counter. IIe eau get awny and does get away from the home. liut tor the most part, the wife is authored to the kitchen, the bedroom an(1. th,) nursery of Innue by the children, enterefot;0 if he fails her and defrauds her of his promised love she is alleolulely helpless and must, suffer more than he can realize, elm bas practically no 1`11(11.0)51, fov elle hes Mien up her all for him. If, howeter, on uccottnt 01 131,1* husbaed's leglent a wife lawns her back men Into and goes forth to meet the wenn as on independent woman, then the world itself will tun' its back upon 1101.. Just liefore I began my ()Meng° pastorate a very peominent rittsburg 1a'0 who was divorced ealet to mot "th1 tmeoteit of the neglect and the inhumanities of e brutal husgand, for the protection of meeell mid children, I got a leget separetion, But if I had all 1,1 (10 oVer again I would nay what you will, 11)900 013 you Ivey, talk glowim ngly ut poetiettlly 013a grandiloattently about wotnan's opportunities, a wife's opportenities 1111110 alweys twee and nearly always trill les eireumscriben Ity the four wails of her home. The husband has (10(11311(1? She is 1101' husband's lent - Mese partner; Iter husband's equal in braie as well as in heart power, She lights with 111111, in a, financial way, tlie greet, 11111110of lifc; theinfore, like her fintsbund, she hos 11. right to expect the 1(0 1310 1.0Warlla fill. 1105 lae Imre 111at hfor 11)1*. has fhis. 10 ems been the 1101111, of 501110 0,1111511 to ro- of the 1131b1031(, 1011(01,11101.1 beautiful hanger 0». a ellegieg 1:1110 n , a bans- eio or a human leech sucking out the lire's blood or her 11111801111110 partner, Polygnotes, the great (Dengue artist, painted her 4:2(.; 13, 0, its 10111' 1.19901! beast in '"Vh 110110 uf (31111114,'devouring all the labors 01 her husband, while 110 works oil and 011, WM-0111g Oat 1115 tic 33(11(11 1(1 11 1'0110 of straw. lint filet is not my idea of the time .wife. 'Inn true wife 18 a consumer as elan is n. consumer, but she Is also a hualwisit producer aft man la a 11110- 1111111')\MP. 11E11 !XIS Teile 0 N Ye. 'Oh, 1131,'':fess the 1110141211111111 *190- , " 330(1011)ifs not the Itreadwin- Veal' „1121317 111313811(0 alla eerier (mete: nee of the intense 13. is tho hosbalut '')3911413,V. rilLber then get 13 tlitoree. ' solo, os wme re, In the outsitte world does 1101 1001, 11110 the fetuses of a family diem s court rooin ; a physan , gat tis UPt len, loft tummy I'm a poi 1,11 1 ui an a 001,0ui.; 110 30 1.11.335 11001.110 Will always look 1111 - hp)) (1 11.111 00,111,0.y,„ -1,„Atim „ on a divorced wife as on 01111 111110 11410110, 011051S 141130, 1011 1C11 1 ho male 11110 11 bine% 'llakrk 111,011 lior brow." exiire t I vii onforens; he is the Imre Oh, Sie taillike% 1 e)lovillte husbands, elientione, who feele the goods; he Is Will Sent not be honeeli to yourselves foundremen, who menufactuses 1,1111 'honest to your WI 1(38 aufl pay tlie Al eel ralle, :Men, mare o vein"- the Il omlesory note of 10 10 Which where et 1(131), the lentultvietwe. We you elude When the retnisten, pro. find 111(13, nem tills the Ittelle, and rimmed you and your wife 011e "un- snarl rulers 1110 money tearkete, end LB (Meth do yea pert?" nom silts Anion the judicial bench 1100 KEN Il1neetT1e.1) 31*311 141 the erotessionel elusive." 1t3 11113 0, in the death' knelt of a litishene's fact, 111y beother? ells tree, man is the vlsilde 13101 'in 11111111. But, ellen Inv') 1 nlOo hette the soils es' the 3)1ak- 11)., leolemr fer fen driving force en heart; of a mother es ,,'11,s Of a whie11 peedneas sesults seeiely 'do Wife. great, &emelt:ft wrote, nee 111(1 ho tin, nine:the of euppoeing "013: ellerPer then n 5eiTent's1 100111 Mt there 110 power bet Whet ydn ft is to have 0 thenkless elilitli" Many a mother' halt leerned thin by steid to 11 ('31* 110(11 301100 111 11114 '311 11* 101911 the oblige 1.101114 Which bitter 0Spar1011(11, the:71191i her Men fifth y ear, hirer, he enew 511,31' • i1'110 111111401d ()1ven 10 n true wire hand's conduct. The love the( tle, note, has Ore:isle* Ma& ifs ar,pear- 10 ,vears ago IV.;" 1,1.81111(1 1011110-1.4111(1 naturelly feels tor the 3110111er Innen reel he le [now reporten have Wleten. 1 wheeler one of, the eteeleere and dies 'Oder the emieou then ,e0111Pleied ft "1111lre4r.'t remes from witneseIng tIlo fittliern contempt for lho (3101 11111'. 1,11)33 ifeely is a elind to se -vets -nee tht reooter after hearten the blame and yaml era) loo 11111.15a at. her by het letsheml, If n. brutal father syetenia- ticelly nen ileum to end fault e11.1 his wife, if /311 neglects 110.0 and rbil Niles her and 14110055 ho sete en example whin) hie children are (111^ ly 1'i'3,113. 1.0 10110W. 111(1 0731111131t0 0 111.11. Mat nor, often enareely 11(11 bluntly expreesed, in likely 1 bonnets theirs, end their imbued anon -ion foi her turns lo inflifferenee end ingrati tude. Oh, my friends, who are hes- beads end tathern, you kuow how sanctify lug alla purifying is the Melt 1 men that hen Nano to yeit from your motherfe.graine. Your love and rev- erence for your mother has kept you in nuety an hour of templatIon. Let your children have the same benefi- cent Influence. Novel' by look of thought or woutl weaken the influence your 10110 may have °ler your chit dren. When you are entrees to yom wives, yoti are untrue to your Mill - diem, 'RESPECT ANI) DEFER-11:NC 1,1. Vll'elOa0etleitleetraile)111i)08013.C1 1.. I FOR ,tIOME 8 F5 0 er ISeeinee for the Kitenee. tsygjeee Imo Other Nate)) gor 110 tionsefte'egtkg, 01geOci0OfaioescifogRit,eqnsCiFiage (1 000 TBINCIS TO EAT. ntrawberry Sauce. -11111) half 0117 of butter and 0110 Cap of finger to a cream; ask! the beaten tvbite of nn org and one oup of strawberrisse thoroughly inasluel, Plain iitrewberry Sbortenee.-lelft two teaspoonfuls oi baking powder with a msart of noun tuld half a. innepoonful of Salt and thick sweet cream to Make u soft dough. Divide , 'into three perilous, roll out, rub , !over the top of the /Wet layer end _ second taxer with butter, cover with . Ithe third, and bake. DivIde end !cover cruel layer with sweeteeecl strawberriee. Boiled Salad Drepeing,-Betit three eggs 1101.3' light, stir in a eup of vinegar, a tablespoonful of weenie 1 TTow14111111 WO love mir wives? 11 giving them a few silty compliments Oh, no! Not ibot. A seife is mile to detect insincerity in seeti Inanities But 31011. Call 511017 her your respee and deference. You can prove to he by your pleaeuro in her noceety, b the little attentions that when yet were a. lover came naturally 130 yo and by your preference for her ore younger women that e-oue heart 1 still ill //PP keeping. Tile little pre - Nerds, the co»shleration of ber thine land , 11113 desire to give her pleasue ;which mese to cheracterize eon !treatment of her would delight be better now than ever before MU W0111(1 bring to her weasel' face th glad emile of tf71der men:Mon. TruR bands, love your wives. We simian tote then) in making them tem wile US in all our thoughts and hopes an ions. We ehould love them so the the brightest bore) of our love 'would bo to lighten their burdens and to al way's have them by our sides. 1Te I II bovo (31(4 conolnuo (0 bov them even. 1119 ChriSt i0VeS the eburett when, ill the canticles, WC read Me beautiful blessing mon its "As the dIly among the thorns, go Ls my 10-e laderwee the daughters. .As the apple tree a/Ilene thetrees of the woode, so in illy beloved.',0 hoebend, do you love your wife as Christ loves Ills diureli bride. WITERE CZARS ARE CROWNED, All the c.zars of Itussla have been crowned in the famous berearilin ill MOSCOW, and in the treasury there are the thrones of all the emperors of the past, as well as the historic 31 9 two tahlespooefuls of salt, a rie531 k of paprika and a small tuespoonfit • of French mustard. Beat Inted, Lun iuto a saucepan and 141.10 eteadlly 1131 ✓ 113 the mixture begins to boll, tbei Y 'add a teaspoonful of butter. Whet t this melte remove the dressing iron u the tire, boat hard for several 11111111 o 'ICS, 11100 4101. away to get very cold s It will keep in the ice-eh0341 for soul days. a ; rawberry Pudeling.-nrane on e plat of pineapple jelly 113111 threr. o foarths or :t quart of strawberry jet o by for these, using canned fruit 1 itlice and gelatine. Decorate bot e tom of nitelld with crystallod fru' - and Mane/lett alrooleis, placin9 a thit layer of strawberry jelly in the bot- tom and chilling on lco; then ad more, and when firm piece a layer t halvoct strawberries; then pour ova a layer of pineapple jelly, adding fit _ Pineapple pulp lla 11 begins to be - .008730 111.311, 01 1017111.10 Those layers un tile tbe mould is filled; then sot la s. cold place over night, When ready to serve, (1i)7 into hot 'water a min- (3 1111(1 ((10 Cf10112Olit p riow owned be the Russian crown, There aro $600,000,000 worth of gold and silver and preeinue stones in that treasury, fuel there ere basins of gold then) as big as a baby's both - tub, and two card tables of 8011t1 MIver, '11II1,1 MOON, From recent photogrepbs, I130 cra- ters and eraterlets of the moon aro estimated to number more than two hundred thousand, but less than a inillion. }tithe patches in some cra- ters and the 1)119111 lines radiating in sonic eases hundreds of mike aro thought by l'rol. Pickering te he *1140 to .311017 and the less convict -t- its lunre canals, w 1101 geadually eppear, increttee and lade awns, in the lunar day, are attributed by the sante authority to vegetation. A thin atmosphere of carbonic acid and water vapor may feed the plants. )JAN0E:ROCS. Ile -We had better hurry, bliss 033011. ill11000'S (3 thunderstorm min- ing. She-Olf, I'm not afraid. Are you? Ire --Not for myself. BuL you 1011 - got how Attractive 3101.1 IWO 1 MEANT TO KEEP A sharp practitioner 33115 negotiate ing for 0 horse. The 131.100 WAS $1 00, "111 Pay y01-1 $75 on account and owe ;roe the rest," he proposed. 111$ offer wns acceeted, and he got the horse,„ Some time after, the sel- ler aeked liim to Pay the balance. "No, no," he replied, "(lett would be a breath of conereet, 31 waS to pay you $75 and OWO you the vent. If I paid you I should no longer owe BANK OF ENCLAND NOTES, The Bank od England notes are made front new white linen outhings -never from anything that has been worn. So carefully is the paper prepared that even tbe umnber of dips into the pulp inade by eneh W011(11100 114 registered on et. dial by machinery. FAMILY LIFE IN' :FRANCE, Family lite in France has greatly improved in recent deeadee. It is lees eustorenry then formerly to hove eaughtere brought up entirely in convents or to send 1110 thildeen to lien '31'1111 their nurses in her 001113- te3' home, Mee, Villacioni--"Why do yell went; 30 eeill o11 the lforents to -night?" esle, Villadont--"Ilee.ause if We don't they're eertnin in aurae civet' here. It will be easier to go Mine When Wofre tired of theta than to tsars theta to go lime," Master Max Thirowelii. the lateet "wondenshild," who half recently been exeitirer the lithedretion 01 lice 11)1301- ([31 world, le reeents, elaimed te be the 311, ti 0.-1 onductoe the wort 1. le) la: nitaIntill big the ago 1i4 1,110 t 010 1111 /1 1 Of eonietuserst, A vale, of ho ((1(11131 (13(11(1 "II, Rees," ute, then place a lace -paper doily over the top, pressing down into the jelly, and invert, onto a cold plate, when the pudding will slip out unbroken. Garnish -with a iew choice berries and foliage. If the latter (tannest be seamed, uso rose foliage. Fresh Fish Caltes.--Trave reedy neeelied potato, either hot or cold, and to two cups ol this allow two tablespoonfuIR Of butter and one egg. Put with tho potato rin equal quantity of flake fish -baited ot boiled -and mix thoroughly. if there 1$ no fish sauce with which to moisten the mixture and it seems too stiff. soften it with a very little ntilk. Form into cakes, fry .slies of bacon in their own fat, and after taking them out fry the cakes in the fat 13)101. 1,1 115(1. 111 the pan. Keep the lemon hot while the cakes are cooking, and serve it on the sumo dish with the fish cakes. TIIINCS NUT TO 1;0. To make remake about the feud at dinner. Pe talk nbout things wil'ich only inivrent yourrelf. To 133(03 ('(34(31) your (delete when they i.)e (1)...)11:111(S. TO 0011.011110 111/11111 310111. J.0030 and nee 511 To str,, notart !hinge 3131,14,13 ;any !dirt 0110 '8 feelings. To rinse eltahlsily in the mora- ine' beeassfe 1/0 ONO esill Pi`l! SOU. 1.1111' to those who 00011. you, either in fih011 Or 1101310, To 1.13 11113 first of 3'43111. 01111 11111:1S - U1'.. 011511 3'011 tire giving' a Perlis. refeee ungraciously lam 31(1(1(11' 1(111(13' wished to do 3(111 31 rover. '1e) 1,01111%13 in a street seer se, trui11 as if no one else had a richt to be there, To 01)0111: flisrespeef fully of any 0145 older 1 1 • If -- ABOUT YOUlt 1) 1)17139340. Tt be Is honest, honor him, When you marry him, Mee After you marry him, study him, If ho is traitorous, watch hisa. geoersius, appreciate him. is selnele shame hint. ha is sed, cheer him. he Is cross, autune him. ' ho is t elk el ive, list en to 11 he 1-1 110 When When When THE S. S. LESSON, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, VINE the Text of the lesson.: 0,vuirt:irly Revlew. Gelden Text, . rliil. it., 0. 1413.(3.01 1 .--.1,[ef411 Ter, ene Sidon t)lerk sil.,123131'). tio!103 2'3101 , xi., 0, "3331110311. faith. it 11* ifl0034l,iU 10 plea'', A de- nanx poseeeed gift mid dessf 11(1*1 iiituth man fa•aled are th.. gene. 51 511134 Of itia 110' (1,11,10n '1"'tt 3111111:3 1111311 31 10 /11. 11131 W' 5/11:11.1 1011 115:305;01 110 fr,'1.341 ([(1413 1 0111/111 0l11 the fs rent 1111( 1)1 cf 11,35 einturion (Matt. 1113.,1 11) ;MA 1:01.1,111. /1 111111 the ilittle hiith of 1 110 clO.ciplea ()1att, .%111., 20; 11.••1., 3 .f.1.-1,et or oonfes:;,,,s the CliriLt (Murk 127-38). eloklen 'Peet Melte .71111., le, '"Ihon :set the (•11riet. the Son of the Heise:, Gods' The me '1.5300 01511 I/MCI:all:a Et 13511:)C- 1110; /1153.33:///) 1111.511 our Lora e11- 1•0:un1'11l the i••leriiitures. to the per on -it after llie (teeth .the seid ethieht- not Christ to 13113 11 eoffere thee! 1ilia 'Ss" (hut 511 xxiv., :But when in t11;11 1000011 He spoke o • iiis stifferings Peter, not lmowing 1.1When ho le quarrelsome, ignore :.seripluivii, Hniti it .ninm, 13.01. Leeson .111.-elents trunstigure( (Mark 333., 2.-i)1). Golden Text Illark ix., 7, "A voicemune ou1 o the cloud raying; This is My below Son. Irene Intim" ently es we b faith reie the glory of JIM eingdon C011 WO 011d111.11 patirritly in the daily denial of self zeal in the confliet with RENT $11q.000 A YEAR MABAVIS Ole ANGLESEX 1)4P 41. ROLLEIL, Over $3,000,000 Dissipated in Sin Ireare and Debts Nearly Equal That atm. in the six years the young inerquite or Anglesey has held the Luartmleate lie 1145 not only event $3,000,000 of (:'"33,) 1:51 from his estatee, 1/13 11014 035!31;151011 imleitteenees surnaming to 11;0-111i7:1'ijli.13t.:0113i(s), ert;7;t5or:forx70t1t1:le hese, twoused him into tho Bank-- reptey Court, all Atiacial London le epentling ile 1111143 in gossiping as 16 bow young man managed tO 8110nd math an timount of money. It. 31113011H ru,orariiea1015,1,.that lin hus spent $1,000, ony- , Arrangements have been made wbereby the creditors will immediate - receive three ehilangs on the pound, end ultimetely they will get all, but they meet wale -until the income from _ tlie estate amonnts 1,0 *the total nt- delenchene. _In the meantime th d Marquis of Anglesey 1131.1131 1/11101,1Y ) 1110(lif.VilhilisNix(;31Roantel,pxn r, of' AliVinLis 0 The 1011.rquis of Anglesey nrust be rated as all anarelnemiam. Eati1.13,V11 1 guilt beyond description, a fop, a lov • er of things beautiful, he belonge )''- t111r to tho days of the dandles than d to the present inaterialestie twentieth es century. Ile ia officially described as 1 the fifth ;Marquis of Anglesey, the Ear of Bridge, Middlesex, seed Baron Pag- et of Beaudesert County 03 Stafford. The marquisate was created as a ee- t ward for that Earl of Uxbridge wlio 1 commanded the British cavalry at Waterloo. The preeent holder came 1(1110 the title six years ago and immediately 1 'began Lo attract attention by hie ilaeleh expenditures, his inea.trical en- etertalinnents and his matrimonial cotnplieations. n'reviesus to Ins ewe cession to the title he had followed leinch the same course as the rest el his kiad-ELon, then a, creek regimeAt the Welsh Fustiest's. Once in possession of the famous estate he broke looee. Ire had al- ways been meal interested in ama- teur theatricals, a large part of his army 1011300 bevleng been devoted to them. One of his first. ants 011 marquis was the transformation of to the bettiful old Gothic chapel, Plas Newydd, into a gaie4y theatre, ITe also began to spf,.nd huge stuns on jewels. The. anglesey jewels, 33111c/3 panto to 111131 with the tit/og, have been fainons far years, but his new 17110011)3,505 surpassed them. In the bankrigney proceedings it was fia- serted, for instance, that ho owned two pearls 1.01111 of winch was worth 850,000. Tlio total amount spent by him for 4033018 Is estimated et con- siderably more than $1,000,000. lite theatrical entertainments at Anglesey Castle became as famous (1.8his jewels. )1Ioney was not consider- ed. 173 the early days he used to 'gather around him amateurs as well as professionals,- but 111 1310 htter thews lie had only professionals to (11314(1111 101111. Ile seas alwees the star. 1 Ms taste Call little toward ploys serious interest or droanatie value. 31(103331) lure, 11 ha is progreeeive, (1)7111' hen, 1-1 he is slothful, spur him, If he 013101110, praise 11)111. If lie is ignoble, shield him. If he in confidential, encourage him. If he le secretive, trust. hint, If he le 350101111, Care hint. If he is indifferent, pique him. 11 he cares naught for pleasure., the powers rif darkness. LIke ('0033x Abrae hanoses n) anti Cliris 0.10.fille)lin.ham n(1 M ((0((011 Van fat ors society', accompany Iliinssif, we inuet be much eneupin with the glary (17.3)1. zi.. 10, 26; 1( 1(13 does you 0, fav(3r, thank him. xii., 2; Rola. in., 1-8). When he (15501.‘013 it, kiss him. _Lesson I V. --The reirslon nf the 3103'- 7.013 him think how well you under- enty (Lute x., en Golden Text, steed him; bu1 never let him knew Luke „v., 2, "I'ray ye therefore the that you "manage" hint. I.ord of the harvest, that lin would eetel forth laborers in " to Ills harveet. AdIlleel"PO M.OTTIERS. They went fot•th before, Ifis face to In erlificially fed children the not- prepare Iris tray, and they went ^ 1 ties elmuld be boiled daily, and the ProaC11111g 11410111, and yet as lambs tubes end other rubber parts should among wolves. The world Mill Beth be soaked for 0310 hour in teeter enn- in the evil on -s, the wolees stIll taining 25 jeer cent. of pure glycol-- abound. Ifs will roam again soon, 113, Ilurno and scalds are meet. likely to .- REMEDY FOR SCALDS. happen in the kitchen, so ft remedy Ynni wuks nnd ..ee skull 1113d. To should always be at hand there, for know our Tetttlier is to trust Him , is called "earron oil," and is made it cannot be too (middy applied. It free ix., 10) and also to be strong to do (1an_ xi., 32). To kilo:7 Min 'by shaking together count parts of means delight. in llis screw, Ilis will, lime wate.r and linseed oil ill a but- nis 3111130, . tle. Apply to the injured part on! Leeson VI.---Watelifulness--temper- lint or soft linen, and cover with once lesson (Lillis xii., (15-18). Hold - cotton tvool to exclude tho alte , en feet, lealm xis., 37, "Blessed are - ;those :servants whom the Lord when TO REMOVE SCORCII MARES. nee comoth aball find watebing." boo on 1vol,0,,,,,enpv*,eeatoectrau,,e-lobiloshi trout 1(1011* 1113(1 To remove scorch merits, i y 1 e previous b ood onion, than 1131110190 out tho juice end ,.''' mix it with an ounce of fuller's 0 efeet it is that we may verve the 344,11 roam heaVen (f. 'Mess. ii, 9, 10). le ing and true God and wait for Nis eortei, a whieglassful of vinegar and a email quantity of shredded soap. 1 -Teat together Lill the soap has melt- Lessen VIL-The prodigal 0011 wan we are here to prepare Ihe way. Ieepon V. --Prayer and promise (1.1111. xi., 1-18). Golden Text, Luen xi., if, "Ask, and It shall be given Obocolato Bread Pudding.- Tett into a bowl two capfuls of etale bresselerumbs and pous over thean 0111 quart of scalded mine. While it is cooling put two squares of chocolate in a saucepan anil melt it 01101' hot water. When the bread and milk ase cool 311133 with them re -thirds of a cupful at 'sugar, two eggs slightly beaten, the chocolate, '0110 ealtspoonfal of salt and ono tea- spoonful of vanilla. Bake in 0 but- tered '1 111 all 1100 111 a moderately hot oven. It ia to be ea= cold with cream, Canned -Corn Pattles.-Take one can of best sweet corn and chOP fine in a chopping -tray. Add 'two beaten eggs, to which him heen add- eil two tablespoonfuls of milk, a tableepoonfie of salt, a hall table- spoonful of pepper and two even tab- lespoonfuts of flour. Beal; well flIla fry 011 a gentle in a tablespoonful of mixed lard and butter, dropping one spoonful for each patty. Fry brown on both. sides and serve hot. USEFUL 11331ITS. Now When linoleum ia used in eo many rootna other than the hall, and eornes in such pretty, warm patterns, it might be well to learn of a. few 1111)14,3 that help to preserve its freshnoes. A coat of floor varnish- 1 tho ordlnery will not do -applied oce. ceeionally, • eaves the 33001' Vary 11111011. ir1/0 W(1.101. that gets in nt the C00 (ata and joints' causes. m1519111.- lsr welts and naive, besides rottleg the melees floor covering, and to remedy this the senate of the newly_ laid linoleum should be cemented, so that no water ean permeate. 111. this way the appearance is Improved as well as ine durability increased, To preserve the violets that form so dainty an attention to the toilette, the wearer should place them when not worn, in slightly salted water, the reeepteele being in turn 'kept in a closely covered veseel, a pail with (ever answering every purpose. ni Iasi:leering ince curtains, juet take ts pair at a -LIMO, lay the wrOng sides together, beinging Um points end figuree together. Baste tho front and bottom edges together; with rather short but loose stitches: pulling the points and pattern into ‘, place care/1111y'. Then put, the cure ' 1.4,31113 10 soak in cold wafter for a few minutes. Next seek for several hours in. tepid 50541;a1C113, Waal) 111. fr0Eal 1311115, 1011 (10 1101, 5111), 111a130 In 170111119 enter, mat 1e1, gaud awbile to steam end ‚3'111( 1031. again, • ptel, through tide garde to which add bleeing it deeired, but. Some wafer a ereant ellatle, 'Put tt111-011911 evriefees, 111004111 Oil sheets e Ontelled en tile door pelting to Urn fry (squired leegth, draw out the points and pin to the (furled., 11 is better Ihnt two People should do this to- ` getlier, es IL is most defile:11de to lneve Um curtains Oaten Me:tight, Let simeltine inul air into the room, 1( and if desired Iran when, the p,,) 101)4 k.P1VO to require 1). one. eel ,10 men, 1,111 the curtinne, 1111.11.1S. 1e141 11 111 1 0 (111i1110, bat. the khof of curistin will donde tbie notel. When dry rip tl±e. pairs sport and who» Iniag 1- 3v111 look es good AS tOty, b XV, 11-24). (folthin 'foot, ed, leave till cold and then eeply ,to the searched 1111011. .f.et dry ou 'and then W31011 /0 the usual may. SORRY TIE SPOKE, Ain. Wilkins, wandering ainneselei deign the street, met his old friend ireatly. "Bello, Pettily!" he called, iron vi, 1, "Come and let us return onto the Lord." This chapter nylon ntiveys be etedied 019 n, whole to wt. forth on the one hand the love of God, the Father, Son end lioly Spiv - it, and on the other the wayWard- ness, the inditierence aud the selfish- ness of fanners. The wonderful love cheeri1Y. "'Where have you been 01 Caul is Most beautifully seen in this loeg time?" the welcome given to the erring "Serving en a jury," said Featly. son mid also in the futher'e woi:'d to "Well, I can sympathize svith you," the elder brother, • k heen a good deal of a. bore. Ise t it ity (Merle x, 35-4 5 ). (1031330 Text, said lffi. ee I ins "It must have 1,esson ft -Jesus leeches liumil- (furious by the way, that they al- ' no,k x, 45, "For 0-1-3)11 the Son of 1V113r13 50(01) in want ignoramuses on Man eame not to be mite:dared ure- a jury nowadays? They 130V1.10 {Like (0, bat to 1ninistev." In Leeson V. anybods, thett-that, of course, 1 we were taup•Ilt to ask and receive, mean a.s a general thing -for they 1to atn importunately, but here is no once in ft while get a man of in- s R0810 asleep; amiss, mut that nu the telligence-Inn not speaking of you, I I d'eci des 0 te has said that eale. of two the inner circle of of course -I don't know whether you ser - got exactly what I any driving at 0i( vie, is true ruling, mai humility is 1101, 1)111-13at-1,110 fait 111, I -that's ! trim O mighty iloo stick -pin you'rn wear- ,WOUld 110 g1.031i: be faithful if you greatness; he humble if you ing, old maze Where'd you eel it?" -- - [ wiot,Ild.,,1717 rinswa._reutelit. ; ss 1V r 14. it Nevi 1 7-30) (Polden Text Cor NUMBER' OF COWS IN EUROPE. I ' ' '• • • ,v, 7, 1,611. ( 110i)11, our 'Passover. . . •13 1 33o.111 il f • us.'' 1 I' lif f published the following figures, us humitiation (1V01T i 1 0111 005 prepared ' representieg the number of eolve in for Him, end re act -olden 1111 as it.liieiropii;eiti, eNivpi01,111 coattetrei: tsinotfatte°1-Inipthrgidituicil IfLor,$)1,,I.ellilaiteuiFiftiter. 1 1 vies all written i stud lie fulfilled all. , tion of butter and cheese in metric From Irts baptism onward it was l 1.0115 : R118)310, 10000,001) COWS, M/101101(1 suffering. "Suffer it to be I 950.000 tons 1350111:00: 1(0(111111(1' 8,-. so now" woulfl 3.00111 to covece, fiel. 050,000 coves, 800,000 ions; Aus- Dolor; orfoetually sheltered by Ms tria, (1,000,0110 00115, 170,00(1 10110; )11.0010118 1.100(1, we must Nth leen France 5 000 000 COWS 1(15 000 continual:Iv (.1 (din NI, 57)„ mot wa..., tons; Belgium, $00,(501) COWS, 00,- ail 11)1119 1)1005 ilerlIS nor unleavelled ; 000 tens; Switzerland, 800,000 broad, showing 11114 death till Ne i cows, 70,000 tons; Denmark, 1 ,050,- , 001110, 000 cows, 00,000 110118, Innen X. -Christ's trinl heroin 01. I 10110(113 30 11a. 1.. xes yus , 'allowed costly costiumng and enabled him to Wear 10001 gorgeoes clothes- nvoletees as wall as 1111111'43-013a gave ihim a ehance •to display his jewels. i Among the playe /1/1 prodeced were I "M(1,1din," "Sinball," and "Bed !Riding Frood," The entertainments 'usually continued for NU' weeks, TIIT IN "ALADDIN." 1 In "Aladdin." produced the year !before last, he made the hit of Ins life, or rather his costume did. It roneieted 0! a gauze suit, to which hall besn fastened literally thousands ; of brillIents, so that he WAS 0,11 of a :sparkle wherever he moved. About. 1his re,ek be wore strings of dioanonds itaul on his shoulders were bows olf the iprocious stoneS. Nis head was gimlet, - led with 11. timbal), ehiell would havli ,exeited the my of the richest rajah i of India. It eontained a magnificent, emerald, surrounded by turnuolses. On his breasst lie wore another wouteerett arrangement of Jewels, the centre of 0(11(10 WilS a ruby as large as a 25.. (01113 piece. Thm4 gorgeously arrayed he danced, while limelight cast. varied hued lemma on hine. Another extravagance recently en. beetled was 0 0'01T:5011S Maar .c0,0, n.1%11101111 001011d1,1;),,nililiSit ca.d.11011111131}11.1.1 32tisctit.:;iirriiirl this the Marquis was accustomed to weer .4,, mem:Meng coat of imperial Ilueslon enble. .0.11 10/1 WAS worth thou - Hands of pounrls, an'd his motorruan 331(8Iio elmtrosrsee (81 111,1,1,euestetne offsnelialine sp:nrill)10ctio t. bits home, nlla MS 501.01.11.11".4 W01.0 pet Milo uniforms that metthed their nineteen For example, his evening suits woro orldrinitl,yesgobdwbIne:0001713•IsPinkw.ora 01 ole 1.00.111.a1 (1311.1 rielient twoendes. leis 10(111011` 101114 ill green and gold, and hrea valets were nocessLary to aid 'him u his toilet. After his jeWels, hie prossion was elms:1. and be 18 want to soviet the whole morning fil tfeyising tete color salionlos for teelsides men nisllp.Tti,e1cicist:titittstriirnosnilailis,ey.xiip:!),:aenilea1010:dieusallvivsiellioeiede he benetffel daughter of ' (lir any in tit.s,traijoneytnoon, the common te- net being that he settlee $7.5,000 a ,ear on lier. in 1000'Sir Minna; Tenni, innuilloe Ilia marriage, lint a ew months later the two met on the tivera nue a reconciliation waft et- 101t,,,Lneid,w,,i,411isetlifet rilanieatt tirlfte,,tptilLitei nutttilvl-, 100 551', the two haVo never lived °get hor. LARGEST f late (Mark xv, 1-15). Coblen lext, Lake Il"11:111, 4, "'The maid Pilnle to ; the chief 1110.131 S 10 1110 people, The largest /nap in the 11.01111,, ia t fine no elnle in of„ 111nn," Having the Ordnance SurveY mall of i'.(11g- but one lesson on His trial mid tie- lattd, centa.feitte ot'esi, 1013,000 street:: nomsernisse; event.s, ell must be if [ and costing $.17,000,000 a year for inehated, Hole 134; face I twenty years. The Bente Varii)8 ff."' /:10:01faally Sts1, 1 11011 note n11 lie suf- 1 ten feet to ono -eighth of an inch to insof Dem lee; nee au won au from i1 the mile. Tho details aro sr) minutti .11is eneinies. the Jews, unit from the Vint mane having a scale of twenty- . 1 gentilem who eared not. 1)110 : „ I wall, leading, and eve.n 0111'))' 380131.01 1 .1"°21.'" X1'-(111.1.,11Akonlni,lre,:,,flx°13.1 .13 11311.0nAlc,, 3 te,itlio,tvreoniont tollielly 0011.171101thir,x.actTsilletappe101017 „ ',.', n,22-89)• "Chriet tiled for ouv sins tte- Peery buildieg, but every porch, 'area. , cording to the Scripture:4." Bel 31110 1 toor_stup, himp_past, rati„07, mud 10101,V 110 faa W(10 '11111.(1(1 sin for Ireentig. deliverNI for tem offenees, wounden for our treesgrefehres (T.I. Cm% v, 31; liont. iv, Ile; Tea. lite 5). Ar011041 1 DIAMONDS. 1,110 CrOSH W5 11o0 01:01.y, phase of he - The annual production 01 oiemonas 'enmity, and tho 3101.1111 111111(1 113 fully 14 warth, the rough, about $116,- eshowtoto (lenity agnient Mod, lett )00,000, of which the De Beers mine on the eroes we swe the love of thel m11181108 1/5 pee cent. The cost of oe nowhere One, lettings which is dune priecepally Leeson X1 -1, -Christ laS011 (Mott. „• msterdem, and the 10.011 113 Of 1110 1 -1 II), (10111011 'Inset, 1. Con ' nglish syndicate, bring the value "tv, 20, "Nov is Chriet risee from .1 the donne' Not once 71111, hut r ovory awy, i.vo should magnife' 0 rieen 1 Chriel el, 173(41 11 right liand for us, we 1 12 A 31 f the diaMontis tip 1.0 $41,000,000. United Statea takes naarly half he wortres dissemble( with a 25 per Ng. duty added to their cost. Woelti 11.5 11111105/31.001.1 1.110 altP1111-. came este Limier of this grcel, and !mini 0)38 poist 01, the :loco or 1 bo glorious feel. Not 'only it; there no rent refointsee in a olltivaltai Jew. 1') (11131 3311" 031)1 01 0.1 roar, somodns, 13333(13, 1133j'l 1111 Item hut, os Ile said to Mary, Hin Clertiiim elMost es (11.303) 11y ne er natiee femme, She preparee 1111 110 (10111[18 books for the preee. or it is veld that elle ls the ones, 3er13e11 Who Call rend her' famous bus- and's hendwriting,. leather is our leather, Ann Ilis • titel The (Seer Arid efterrina in their pri- vets, intercourse Speak 31311 9311131) roman, Prenoh told 1101111.01 being bid. (3 '(3101-1 tkitlir Abikeeinft 011,11 niorte. Tito CzArbitt did not once Reef:inn 1111 kot. betroqul, 1,111, hough she 1.0 yet ep.niul very s111,0131, t 18 with eopti (3)13747(3((11(1333 1iltitt040.64‘. 01 0111' 1'iO4,, Iflann--"When Tom )(1'1131('04'(1 did he 1 Pt Oa his (3110's?" Mildred -No, 1 1 141(1,'