HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-23, Page 11*v I. 32. No, 80 Advertisements. cal-Mre. J, R. Smith, iingine for PosT, New geode--MoIIinnor, do Oo, Change of buetneB6-Moore Broe. Jerseys for gale -Rev, A, Andrews, tztxxct Rau, �7fkn.tor►. Toots POISON BY MISTAEE,-A sudden death mouthed here Monday night, when Betide, daughter of D. A. Forrester, died from the effects of oarbolio acid. She roes early that enemies; to persue her studies, and uot feeling very _ well book what the thought was a done of pain killer, but whioh proved to be oarbolio acid. When her lather got up shortly after he found her unooiaoiou0 on the sofa with her books open beelde her, Dootore were immediately palled, and about 4 in the afternoon elle regained oonseioueoeoe, and was thought to be improving, but her heart was affeobed, and ebe died at 10 O'oloolt. 13leeavnlce. Mre. Robs. Musgrove was called to attend the tonere' her of unpin at Guelph last week. Mies Nettie Wasteful its able to be Droned again after a severe attack of in• flammatory rheumatism, Harold Swam handed in his reeigne. tion as Sooretory of the Methodie& S. S. lest Sauday prior to bio removal. J, J. Demme, who hae beim they fling for The ()amide Bi+otlit Oo , of Toronto, hae been promoted to the management of their bosinaeo to Manitoba and the Nortb- wast. We oongratul-te kir. Denman on his promotion end wi h him success. Hs advertises an enation ea'a for erxt Toes day to dispose of hie nettle, hay, &n , prior to his departure. Mgt here yr r th There will bo a wedding in outs village on July 211d. Organizer Doil', of Gerrie, was calling on friends in Maleoworti, on Tuesday. A number from here attended the Garden, Party at Wm. Gregg'e, near Gerrie. John Scat and Harry Grainger have been bnyiug up the fat cattle lately in this locality. 'Sam). 8augetse, who was nu the siok list haat week, we are glad to gay is able to he arodnd attain. Rev. J. E. Rueter epoke here in the interest of the Forward Movement for Mieeione on Wednesday evening. A este of biome en route for Winnipeg -passed thrnngh here on Tuesday, bought at Seaforth for the haudeome tam of $60D, klieg Eva Wellwood, teacher of the junior department of Wroxeter Pathic Bohvol, spent Saturday and Sunday with Ohne. and Mre. Leppard, Wert roti. A Garden Party will be held at the Meuse on the evening of Friday 24th het, The Broosola Band will be in attendance, and a program will be render. ed. Dou't forget the foot ball mal.eb in Brueeele an Monday evening, Joue 27th, Woodalock ve. Brussels. The last metal in the }semi finale. A fust game will be played. The Blyth Standard eaye of our new resident; Wm. Emigb and family moved from Myth to Walton last week. Mr. Emigh hes taken poeee.eion of the Walton hotel, tablet' he recently par. alleged, The heat wishes of many friends in Blyth and vioinity accompany them to their new home. The citizens of Wal• Ion and vicinity will find Mr. Binigh to be it capable and popular hotel man, and one who thoroagbly understands how to oondaot a first class -public hoose. On1Tuuw.-There passed away peace. folly on Friday evening, June 14th, at hie homestead in MuKillop, Lot 14, oon. 14, Thomas Oakley, aged nearly 66 years. The deceased was bm n in Lindsay, Vico toria Co , of whioh his tether wee one of the founders, owning nearly all the land on whioh it is built. About 26 years ago the demand purahaeed the 100 sore farm in MoBiliop and set to work to provide a good homeeteed for himself and family. He was a hard woritiug farmer, taking Opeaial pride in having everything neat and clean ou hie (arm, and thus summed. ati in. putting hie farm hi +111 expellent oondition in every way. Being of a kind r CT, . Q ye - he eyes are age earners. n thi tr vbr onot oriost sae dninfWer limo turninwers: We perfect your sight: Our is masa as ti an irri post catY e td r ou laubm! and1 al rot rn u a. 4.001 itJo re, T., lr1'ilte, 1..L•at?;xt Ear t ax+..et4 teen sl' Cern/Y.1step Vete, phare and obliging disposition, always willing to help those in distrcen hie benevoleooe will be remembered and hie demise re grafted by mauy. Tho olokneee, to which he eaooambed, dates bank to lel January. Beoidee the bereaved wife and adaughter, Isabel, five brotherm and three eietere are among the mournere, hie parents having pts deoeased biro quite a number of .years. The brothers are : George, In Dakota; John, Vlntnria Go. ; William, Grey, twp. ; Jamie, Woiliugton 00.; Al. bent, Brace Go. The eletere are : Mre. Mitchell, in Michigan ; Mre. S. Shine, Moorefield ; Mre. Brownlee, London. Wo extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved Lanny. The deceased was en adherent of the Anglican church, Inter. math took place at Brussels cemetery Friday afternoon. Theta wile a large attendance. .3unmet-1tower, 8, Caldliok and Lew. Eokunier were at Godotioh heat weep an jurors, Mies Margery Strachan was at Clinton last week writing On a magical exam. ination. Robert Sbaw, of Bluevale, was the preacher at Victoria Helt last Sunday evening. Mre. A. Simpson'o health le not any too vigorous but we hope she will soon be fully reetored, John D. Miller was at the 0o. town last week performing eervioo for King Edward on the petit jury. Milton, eeound sou of T. McEwen, of our village, wee married let Arthur on Wednesday of this week. A flue yodng driver is now sported by Inmpactor Miller, a purchase from Job King this weak. It ie a nine one. Remember that Thursday, June 80th, ie the defy of the box social to be held ou our school grounds, 1j miles West of. Jamestown. No pereou should mien it. Don't forget the foot ball match in Brueeels on Monday evening, June 27th Woodstock ve, Brunetti. Thie ie the laet match in the semi finale. A fast game will be played. The annual Sabbath school pia Ma will be held in the grove On Alex. Bryane' term on the afternoon of Dominion Day. There will be a musical and literary program, games, ewiugo, &o. Everybody is invited to attend with their baskets and enjoy the afternoon. Id0ticat. There wan a large turn out to (help on Tueeday'e excursion, New topic osrde are being issued for the Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church. John Imlay is at North Bay where h le in the employ of William Milne & Sou formerly of Ethel. The Presbyterian Sabbath sobool wil hold their aunual pip nip in the Ddwort grove ou Dominion Day. Good program Jno. Jamieson and wife were vioitiu relatives end friends at Owen Boned and ltreaterd, during the plot week. They had an enjoyable time. Next Sunday evening, June 2041, Rev 0. P. Wells will give hie sermon o0 the Russo Japanese War and its bearing ce the Missionary problem. This dieoonree was put off for the want of a map. No map suitable can be seamed, eo be will speak without one giving hie remarks a turn differento tr m that Y ern inn I I in- tended. Sunday June 19th wee a red letter day tor the Epworth Leagues on the Ethel 0iroait. Rev. J. E, Hueter, an ex junior pastor, preached around the circuit and met the League ltxeoutives. Roe's 8.p• pointmsnt hae for some years supported the Forward Movement for Millstone but gave more pledges for the same move mut. Union on May 22nd pledged about $82.00 and lest Sunday evening Ethel Leegae promised $63 00 with more to opine. We are expecting the Leagnee on thio oirooit to raise about $186.00 or $t4000 this year for the support of our mleeionary, Rev, Mr. Raley, ab Kitameet, Ella01 TH LEAebx 5001,1L. -The Ep worth League of Ethel Methodist church is making preparations for a firet•olate time on Monday evanimg, June 27111 on the Methodist church grounds Ethel. There will be refroehmeute ooneie iug of etrawborrioe and cream, ion 'gream, lemonade, sandwiohes, tea and Coffee. There will be e.- finiteness propane - Miss L. Mo0orniek, of Trowbridge ; Mies R, Sponoe, of Ethel ; the Ladies' Qnarlebte, of Meloeworth ; the Quartette of the Methodist Choir, Ethel ; the League and Church Choirs ; Mtge I. Coe and Miss L. Pearson, both of Ethel, and others have been invited to take part. Au Oraheatre is oleo expected to be in attendance. Is the planing of the retail gale of liquors in tea hands of e. Goverument Agent nn advance iu Temp stance Legislation ? In Temperance now aue oliticel issue s 7 When polities touchers p moralion nest ' s ehogld and Ob ec hen di into not Miniature p politica 7 The above will be dienneged for about 20 edema. There will aleo be games, swinge deo. Let this have the mimed of the Methodist publin. Also come whether a Methodist or trot, A first• ureas time will be given you, 'lbs ferule will be applied to tbe r pairing o i rlo a f the 8 p I aliuroh abode. lifting A. Mason 10 the Provident, Mies L, Simplon the 8eare- tary and J. Welsh, Treasurer. AN Gob Rlt$tneNT Panne ANY/Y.-About noon neat Sunday the epirlt of Jacob KeSer, an old and well known resident at this locality, took Be flight from the May hutment. Hie demise was not un• expiated as halted been in failing health for the paet 4000 yearn from en inward tumor and old age, Deemed wa0 born in theUb, of YurIt, where his father er had nettled, on coming from Pennsylvania, TJ S., nearly 100 yeare . ago. In his earlier yearn the subject of this notice wag a carpenter and hada gam mill and wan a very handy man, In 1868 he moved to Grey towuehip (ao0otnpanied by bie wife whose maiden name wag Margaret Oster, and to eehom he wag tnarrhed about 60 years ago) and bought the 100 note farm, Lot 16, Con, 7, from a man named William Bailey, and upon Which he ooutiuuottelyresided until hie demise, transfornang it from a bugle lot to a fine farm. Deceased bad been a 11 e BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904 hearty mau and wan 81 yeare and 4 monthe old, Hie father lived to bo 01, ansa, Keifer, whose health is not any too good, and two eons, Peter and Aaron, who reeide here, earvivo hpeband and father. Mr, Keifer nem an industrious, honest going man 1 IS Lilian' in politioe and for a number of years wee a slags leader in the Methodist church. Hie eurviviug brothers are Hoary and Ieaao Keifer, of York Go., who attended the funeral and he has one eieter, Hire. Oster, who also liven in York, Mre, Wella, a urine, of Peel, wee bare for the fpneral also, Rev. D. B. Manse, Presbyterian minister, conducted the funeral eervioe on Twenty afternoon giving a very up propriate addreee. Interment was made at Oranbrook pemetery, The pall bearers were, Angus find Donald Lamont, Robb. Marty, Joseph Oster, Joseph Yeo, and Hugh Wright, The bereaved are eympatbieed with. W rOXeetre . Geo, Ferguson, of Walto, opent Sum day with John Barrie jr, C. and Dire. Wendt, of Mildmay, visited J. R Wendt on Friday, Geo. Town and family, of Gorrie, visited friends here os) Sunday, Miss Howe, of Brasaele, spent Sunday with her father and efators bare. Mrs. Brawn has gone to Exeter to spend n few weeks with old friends. - Miee S. Taylor, of Chatham, was the guest of Mies A. Elamiitun loot week, Mrs, T. W. Gibeou, of Toro» to, is vieitiag her mother, Mre. Geo. Brown. etre, A, KoLeunhlin, of Brussels, was the guest of Mre. 0. Smith a few daye of last week. Ramose of a wedding are afloat in whioh one of our baohelore takes a very prominent port, Mre. A. Campbell and children, of Lon• don are guests of the former's mother Kra. J. Leckie, Alex. Gibson returned trona Toronto on Saturday where be attended the annual meeting of the C. 0. F. Thos. Tiitrlore moved hie household effects to Rarrieton last week where be has eeoured a situation in a bakery. Mrs. Mope and eon Roy, of Gorrie, are speeding a few days] with Mre. Lewis before leaving for Elm Oreok, Manitoba. Two large barn raieiugo are to take Sem thio week, on Wedneoday at Fred, .Poylnr'e farm and on Friday at Robert Hnpfer'a farm. A large number witnessed the football game between Wingham and Brasaele fu the park Friday evening whioh reenited in a viotory for Brusnola by the more of 3-1. Or tans te0 001[. Dr, J. L. Turnbull, of Goderioh, is 1 holidaying here with hie wife and baby h at A. McNair's 'John McQuarrie, of Walkerville, ie g renewing old friendehipa here and visiting bis sou and daughter who live at Daniel MoQaarrie'e their grandfather's, sines their mother died. A Lawn Soofal will be bald on the Methodiet church grounds hire on Tues. day, July 5th. The Brace Band of Brasaele has been engaged for the emersion. A program of vocal musts will also he given and a good time is expected, REv. J. 0. Ow= THE PnEAonnn.--Tbs Sherburn (Mincess)t u) Admetus, e, of June 10th, says of a former resident of this locality :-The commencement exercises of the ohm of 1904 proper of Sherbarn high school were inaugurated Sunday evening with services at the 11, Til. church. The cheetah wap literally peaked with people interested i0 the grand work being a000mplished in the schools and many pereoue were pommelled to stand during the entire proceedings. Vocal mueio for the occasion was furnished by a ohms consisting of Mesdames Miaheleon, Mat- son, the Miss Hartman, Peterson, Ed wards, and Meoero. Sutherland, Mackey, Allen and Greene„ with Mre. Grace Grill as orgoniet. The baccalaureate eermon was delivered by Rev. J. 0. Garry, and it i0 tbe verdict of all that it was tbe beat in that line ever listened to by a Bherbura audience. We with we bad time and specie to give our readers the di0oonre in its entirety, but 'hie we are unable 10 do, Hie topic wee "Girded Livee," or "Gird. ing the Loins of the Mind," Following we give a few exoerpte from the german : The Orientate wore a loose flowing robe, which dangling about the feet hindered swift, straight motion. When they would move quickly and with prroieion, they must needs gather the trailing garmonte into the girdle about the waist, You remember how the children of Israel were commanded to eat the paw0- over. The lamb slain and roaeted whole they were to eat, How .1 Standing with travelling staff in hand with !eine girded. A dentate aim woe theire-to leave Egypt and march towards freedom and nationality, and they were to be harnessed toward that sic They were to be Bober, to hope to the end, to bo obedient ohildren, to refuse to live atter the faah• ions of their former heathen lute. They were to be holy aims be who had galled them was holy. A shining and gracious aim wee , g tbeire and there woe e bu t one w8. for them t Y o reach Iti.w bs refire 10 We aim gird np the lolue of your mind says the Opoetin. Thongbte loose end wandering, thoughts boedl000ly trailing over bile thing and that, allowed imegin inge of'your theater heathen Mats, Such ungirded thoughts he se great a hinder. ano0 as would have beauloo0e robes of the Israelites on their desert marsh. Girded thoughts are what you need Blessed ere ye young people of this land and century toe ihe faireet avenues ofnt i ellnmtuai acquisition and poaeibil• iliee are open before you. In no age or 000ntry bee the advantages been greater. It is a great thing to kayo a girded mind. The value of liberal education cannot be easily eetlmeted, trig enbjeot however ie not the girded mind but the girded life. It does not portent to the intellect in any txolueive 00000, but to ten whole men. There is something of far greater value Onto Mining or teething in determining the future, It is ohmmeter. The 0ttprenle Waimea of life is character butldiug, AS the tree grow0 3'001 within Outward, go it ie with man. The inner W. H. KERR, Prop, ever determines the Ontee Man in a very real00n00 is the meter of hie own destiny. Thia feet makes (melons and at the game time Sublime If we will be greet and good nothing eon Ieeep us from it ; if we soar no one ogle clip our Shone and keep oe from the heavenly fiighte. Go the other hand if we he mean and selfish no one ours keep ea from the esrth level, no one can give us the eagle'e aspiration or lend es winge. Character alone ie that whish Meares 000c00a. Man'ewill inLiao o0no0oli0n 10 the all determining 110100. God we believe does not enter this sacred sphere except at our invitation, gni a tot , Mies Vinic Cardiff was vieitiag the Misses Bartliii at Oliutou, The eooiatbe ounneotion with Bethel Sabbath eohool hits been postponed in. definitely, Before June Mona eeveral more wed- dings will take pleas in which Greyites are interested, John Mo.IUnnon le home from Sanit Ste, Marin for a holiday. He is o son of Sohn Moltinnoo, 8th con. Marshall Harrison, Jno. 0arncohan, Wm. Bremner, and Ghee. Alderson were at Goderieh last week ou the jury. Wm. Blake jr„ 13th oon„ is nursing a dienbled arm, it jelled by a fall while having a ployfni mettle with hie cousin. Elagb and Mre, Lamont, 7th oon,, in- tend tutting a trip to K,nftoba and will leave on next Tuesday's exonroion. We with them an enjoyable stay. A logging bee was on the program at John Robertson, 1601 oon., ou Wednes• day of this week, The work wee done on a clearance of from 8 to 10 ace 01 fellow. There were a good many from this township et Guelph last Tuesday in sou• ne0li.n with the exonralon. The errange• menta were good end an enjoyable day was spent, Taeeday of last week of Jews. Mann, 160 oon., had a bee raising bin barn preparatory to having atone stabling bnilt under ib. A merry time wan spent at a party bald in the'eveuiog, Allan, son of Hugh Lamont, 7th eon„ in undergoing treatment at the Ortho- paedic Hospital, at Toronto. He bee been bothered for some time with rheum. atiem but we hope the m.dioal attention will prove eflioacioua, Auction Bale of farm stook, implements, rem, will cake plane ab Thos, Pepper's, lot 6,000. 9, on Saturday afternoon of thie week, commencing at 1 O'olook. Mr. Pepper will remove to Braeeels as the purchaser, A. MaDonaid, takes poems. Bion. Mre, Sprung, sister to Mre, Jae, Arm• strong, 10tb oon., who was here for several months undergoing mediaal treat- ment. started for her home in Manitoba on Tuesday, greatly improved in health, She was a000mpanied by her daughter. We hope complete restoration will ep: ediy Dome to Mre. Sprung. Saturday of thin week Robert Pearson will leave for Banff, N. W. rT., where he will be 'stationed for the Doming Confer. shoe year in oonneetion with the Meth• Mist ministry. Mr. Pearson is a young man of no mean ability and we expeob be will succeed well in the Maater'o vine- yard. He goes into the work with many good wishes for his 0000008. The Wingbam Advance of lest week sari "-Bert. Huffman, who hae been an employee at Bell'e factory for some time, hae left town and gone to reside with his father, who recently removed to hie farm in Grey township, Bert. wee a popular lad among the employees at the factory, aid on Friday last they presented him with a silver cup, lined with gold, which. had his name engraved thereon. BUM= INTO MM. -Early Thursday morning of laet week the call of the Meister acme to Mre. Jno, Dunbar and peacefully she bade goodbye to earthly friends in joyful autioipation of a re- union i0 the Home Beyond. Mre. Dunbar'e maiden name was Eliza Jaue McKelvey, eldest dangftter of the late James McKelvey, of Ethel. Her mother dying when ebe was 12 yeare of age she Me early called upon to ae0n ee duties and responsibilities in oouneetion with the home unknown to the average young person. These ebe performed with the intelligeaoe, kindliness and faithfulness wbleh oharaeterized her after life and endeared her to more than her immediate relatives. She was born in the townebip of Vaughan, York 0o., and was married to her now bereft partner in 1876. In addition to Mr. Dunbar there are 2 eons and 6 daugbtere surviving, the eldest daughter being a cohost teacher at Bohrieber, Ooneumptnn was the came of Nth. Dunbar'e detniee with whioh the bed been bottling for the past years. She was greatly emaciated at the them of her death. The enb.l est of this not pe wag a faithful member of the Presby terian church and enjoyed the friendship of a wide circle, She was in her 64th year and was a elle fir 10 Dr, McKelvey, of Brneeele, Wm. McKelvey, of Grey town, ship, and Robert Mokelvey, of Ethel. The funeral tools place from het late a home Lot 28, 0b. 4,o n Thurgd t y eEternoo to Brueee netery Stavin was hi charge of her pastor, Raw D. B. Menne, The oonem0nity empathize with the bereaved, Nonhuman. -- On Wedneedoy, 16th inet„ a very peaky wedding wee nele brated at the re0i(ienoe of the bride's parents, 16111 oon,, when Mies Mary Louisa, youngeet daughter of Goo, end Mre. Molly, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Duncan 1+, Bloom, of Thameeviile. The bride wen given away by her 'father, Ceremony took plane on the latest, under an a ergreen melt decked with roam, croute bloeeome, &o. The bride wee charmingly dressed in white organdies tetmmed with valencienueo Iole and insertion and elle alto had a shower bognet of roam r0ge0 fn her band and lookod very pretty, They took their plan00 to the inepiriag amine of the Wedding March played by 'William Mann, I, A, D, M., of Glaogow, on the bagpipes. The magic, words wens opolren by Rev. D. B. Wane, of Cnambrook, end wee done in big usual genial manner, :A large number of relatives and Mende witnessed the ceremony after which they oat down to a sumptuous repast provided by the bootees, A eujoyagle evening was spent ie games, mueio, &0., the guests tiene0ple Juniors Capture the Itnron returning borne in the wee ems' hours of keel Mtn Wended,the morning, The next morning the ^- happy couple started on 5. wedding tour Whether the Obampionehip silver to Hamilton, Toronto, London, Wiodeor tankards) for the Western Foot Ball and Detroit, The bride'e travelling gown Aeeoaiatioa are retained by Bre cele was made of nevy blue cheviot sad was Intermediate and Junior Mame for 1904 very pretty. The young couple start into ler not they certainly have put op a lively married lite with the eoograiulatione and fight for the honors and up to this date good wiehea of the entire neighborhood, have not )oat a league game. The presents were many, 038tiy and as na06e000 08. 001)00011 propriate and showed the high esteem A tie WKS existing between Wingbam *o whish the bride was hold, and Brasaele in the Junior aeries whish bed to be played off on neutral ground, Wroxeter was chosen as the battle field and Friday eveniog of laet week wee the dale set, A goodly oompany from Brue. eels drove North to witnese the mato!) having confidence as to whet the result would be with fair play end their oon. 8deuce was verified. Tba teams were the ease 8.0 faced each other at Wingham excepting that Sharp wee substituted for Little on our eleven. In the first half Brussels steered 2 and added one more in the eeoond half. Wingham bad not found the goal until tbe lest few minutes when one of the Brussels Intake by a aide turn of the sphere kioked the ball through and the match ended 3 to 1 and tbe6bampion• 'chip of the Huron Diotriot for Brussels. In the absence of Referee Allenby, of Wingham, Geo. Paulin, of Wroxeter, performed the duties. The teams were made 0p as follows :- 13100080110. K'rnen'd10. Tarr Goal ttobtneon Lindsay 1 Haake 1 "" ••.,...boll Bgarp Daaae l Backe { STILL WiNNINC. ler Or rtes. Morrie townebip Ooutwit will me, t next Monday, F, Uhrietopher, of Welton, was a visttnr at A, Brodehaw's 18.81 Sm,d0y. Wu are sorry to hear that R,be. Nichol, 6th line, matinees fin, Appendicitis le the ailment A large straw shad with etnno etabliog ander it ie being built on James Nicbol'e farm, Ni Lot 17, Con. 7, Morris. A good yeerliugco•t belonging to Inc. Shuttle, 4th line, was kitlod test week by a stake running into its flunk. 10 was worth $125, Mre. Jae, D. Sherrie, 4th line, wag 030101ng for a week with her daughter, Mr:. Sharp, at Goderieh, returning on Saturday benefitted by the trip. Mies Nora Maunders was visiting her sister, hire. (Rev.) Fmkbeiner, at Sebringville, during the past week. Nelson Maundere a000mpanied her. Quite 8. number of the sturdy yeomanry of Morrie townohip took in the exaareiou to the Model Farm, Guelph, on Taeeday and enjoyed the day at that beauty spot. Peter and Kra. B mak, of Owen Sound, are visitors with relatives in Grey and Morris. Mr, Black is a brother to Ino., Malcolm and Neil Black, of this town• ship. Mre. Jae. Cleonan and Miee Cleanan left for Detroit co- Taeedey of thin week. Mre, (Annan bite gone in the interest of her health while Mien Clennnn is nom• bitting liminess and pleasure. Tithe week W. H. Maunders Wee heal ing brink from Brussels etatioa, shipped in from Drew, for the purpose of veneer- ing hie residence which be hae raised and enlarged. fie will have A very tidy home when all is completed that he has planned. Andrew Moliay, who has been attend. ing the Horological College at Toronto passed hie examinations exceptionally suooessfolly and hi 010itheg at his brother's, H. Jackson, for a abed time be• fare going West. We Congratulate him ou Ina enema. Owing to her eyes bothering her Mise Marion McKenzie, teacher at Barton's sohool, ban gone home for a rest. Her brother, Don„ a rowboat student, is sap plying the school until vacation, He is an old teacher end knows how to teach tbe young idea. Mre. Thos. Bradshaw, 4th line, has been on the sick list for the poet three weeks with peritonitis bat ie ooneider• ably better but still aonflued to her bed. Her mother, Mre. Neil McNeil, of Wrox• titer, is waiting on her. The many Mende of Airs. Bradshaw hope she will goon be oonvalesoent. Wednesdayof lent week r t Alfred Button and Sties Saah May Gibson were united in marriage, Rev, A, MsoNab, M. A„ tied the matrimonial koot at the mange, Wel. ton. The bride is a daughter of James Gibson, of Brussels, Mr. and Mre. But. ton will live on the former'e farm, 7th line Morrie. May their jays be many. James Bolger and wife, of Belmont, Manitoba, arrived bare this week for a, visit of a few months. It ie 2 years since they were here. Mr. Bolger gold 001133t; batoher bneiueoe and Mao die. posed of his farm at a good profit. Since then be has parohaoed more land in the Dauphin oeotion. He is a 00n of James Bolger, 8th line. Genie Box Soo3Ate-In order to plane s library in their school the people of 8. S. No, 10 hove decided to bold a box social on the eohool gronnde on Thnredey even ing, June 80th, All are cordially invited and en a most excellent program is being prepared, in whioh talent from Wingham and other enrronnding towns will take part, a moot enjoyable time may be expected. Everybody oome and spend a eoeinble eveniog together. EINHENEAL -Tba 16111 day of June will be a red letter dey in the history of Wm R. Kerney, 4th line, Morrie, so tbat wag thin date of hie marriage to Mies Nettie, daughter of John Lawson, 8th line. Rev. A, belaaNeb, M. A., of Walton, tied the matrimonial bow ab the manse. In the evening a reception wag held for Mr, Kerney and his hride. They commence married life uleder favorable auspices u a d with the good wi he a of a large airole of relatives and friends. The (steamer Joe, Milton was burned to the water's edge at Papoose iolaad. Hon, George W. Stephens, a prominent Montreal Liberal, died•euddeniy while on a fishing exenr0ion. A le rem( ke e remarkable career sada t with to he death of John Soo t 1 n, who passed away in a box.like home on the outskirts, where be lived a bermib-like existence. The old man had been It re0fde0t of Stratford for eighteen or twenty years, and had lately been reoeiving eity aid. A fine galmier, he loft in bis little home a library of over one hundred standard books. He had a thorough knowledge of Maggio, and had been u sonool•teaoher previous to coming here. ]]iehty-two years ago be was born in Bellioagoidy, near Enniskillen, Iroland. Ho taught eohool io the Old Land, and fitted him• eelf for similar work in Canada by taking a comae at the Toronto Normal School. Eifg N,ormai Salmi oertlfioatee, dated 1868, and signed by Egerton Ryerson, were ema0g hie treasured po0aee0i0a0, Els taoghl. for Dome years neer Ottawa before oomiug to Stratford, where be sl one time was the private tutor of 'a few pupils. He gradually drifted into Meth poverty thee he Wae gent to the Houee of Refuge, bat wag taken away at hie own eegne01, xis said he mold not live with the MAO of people he met there. 0ardiir Brown Smith 00011 Good Linea Married Mules Mitchell 110Leot Smith Ansley E1)1ott } Forwards .j MOGillvray I 1 ,Flemra 1 l Iembnp 01I1,08.1100N VS, 8310000118, Owing to Whitney defaulting after the drubbing they received in their own town lust week, Brussels iuvited Milverton olub to play an exhibition game on :Sat. urday evening, whioh invitation vase accepted. There was a large attendal0oe at Victoria Park when the opposing Mame lined op and the match was an interesting though one sided o00 aa the bell was kept at the visitors' goal %Imola the whole time. Three goals were soared and there were shute enough to have bad 20 bat owing to the extra good work of the goal keeper, Peffer, who rendered valiant service, pine bad shooting, the game ended 8 to 0. It wee a lively nom• bat and the spectators thoroughly enjoy• ed it. Milverton has a number of good players on their team and they pot up a Olean game. Brumaire boys were in good fettle filling their 0003000 pooitione in moat oreditabte form and no opposing team is going to run away from them very far. D. MoLanoblin was the referee and dealt oat even banded justee. Following was the personnel of the teams Hneaee£L0 Meny0000N Tarr Goal Pager Bobiaaon Smoke 1""•""w' Sea ill Ec0*ao Lindsay ) f Tanner Brown 1 t Backe { Large Cardiff J l Lederman 0ameron resigner Switzer- Miller Forwards A.F Bpr %SmihLStowuh an 0. Finkbeiaer SHOTS ON Mill There is not d weak man on the team. "Moody" Cameron polled the heel off his oboe in the last half and E. Kerley took hisplacefor balance of the game. The matches are well patronized, even if a number do "sheeny" in without call- ing on the gatekeeper, but at 10 and 16 menta it requires a good crowd to keep expenses balanced, $Elft 01Nale. Woodetook having defeated Stratford and Beatitude winning from Mildmay brings the winners into the semi finale, The first bout will take plane et Wood• stook an Thursday evening of this week and the return game will come off on the Park here next Monday evening and will be a warm one which everybody should witness. Platteville and Dundee are pitted against one another in the semi- Simla in the East end are playing off this week. The winners will have the final tneele for the cup with the viotore in Ibe Woodatook-Brasaele matches. Goals count and two games will beve to be played, We hope to see Brussels retain the ohsmpionohip. J0N1010 9Effi00, Brusaele Juniors will have to play with the winners of the Listowel -Mildmay game. Listowel won et Mildmay by 8 to O and the return game will 001110 off at t Listowel Friday evening of hi e week, Ce in Berlin wail contest with the winners the finale as they have that dietriot. 1am011AY 0,1011T0100 0011010)0, The first game 1n the eemi•flual aeries of the W.F. A. between Brussels and Mildmay took plaoe bare on Monday evening of this week, resulting in favor of Brunelle b r !Whether the Y 8 goale s e to0, nnlooky thirteenth day of the month had onytbing to do with the defeat of the Satre or not, we are not able to nay, but the victory for the Brunets slab was a denims one, and our foot ball enthusiasts are reeling sore over the result. The Brussels people, 176 strong, arrived by special train about 4.80 end the game commenced at 6.80 with Dr, Reid, of Walkerton, emoiating ae referee. Brun• gels won the toes and the Store played the first half with the atm in their fame. The Stare were Ole the aggre00ive the first ten minutes bat Were unable to More, $&rials forwards tbeu seethed the ball, and adored two goals in quick oneoeaeion and in the second hall tallied another goal, whioh ended the Baring,, W, Berry, oentle forward, bad the mfg. fortaue to have hie foot badly beet before the game wag called and wee simply out of the game. The Stare lacked that snap and vigor whioh usually lamellate/rim their playing. Onr boye bate done little or no preotieiug thio 0ea000, and to this foot may bo attributed their defeat. The Jrneaeln 01011 fa well belenped and the National Anthem. played a stronger „acne than they did neat season, The kerne was entirely free from rough play of any description, - MACCABWCS AT CHURCH. A 13,11(111 AT•rthengSt1i•. AOR) tomtits s1i1110(510, Lust Sabbath evening rims mantel mac- mon wee preached to the 1111-mb800 of Brttesols Tent of the Jltaacmbee Oster by . . the paster of Die vtL'e ul,rrah, Rev, JuNu' Rees, B. A. There were a large 0.01514., ano0 of Sir Knilrbte, numbering 80 ;.. eevorai Lady Mkuoabone and u load Of visitors from Wingham. The proomeeioo formed at th0 lxaooabee Hall, Stewart blook, with Poet Corn. mender Somers as Marshal, end headed by the Society Band marched to the °bdreb, where they omoapaed the centre ' pews, Alter the usual iLtrodnotory exerttees a very auitalrie, 108tri0Oti0e end praoti0al dieooureo wen preached. The texts chosen were :--"Theo David returned to bless hie houenho'a," I dam. 6:20 ; "If any provide not for his nwo, and oepeoially tor those of hie own house, he hash denied the faith, acrd is worse than an io&t01,". I Tim. 1:8. After referring to the 0outex1 of the two pas• . sego einem, and shoving that, though far apart in the word, they ore one fn thought and spirit, the theme that wag dealt with wag"The Home, its pr.foand importauoe and the duty whioh we owe 10 It," The home is rikhay regarded as one of the greatest it,0tttatiuno of the wursd. The welfare of both State and Church is largely dependent tattoo it. The pimple who believe most thoroughly in the home are the chief believers in liberty, justice, the rights of oonsoieuoe, the miuisiriee of oommeroe and the brotberho:ed of men - kind. Paley Metered 111•,.1 in the family are the rudiments of au empire, while 11 wee the view of Plato that wherever ie good or great in the state must first begin in the family ; and a resent writer bee asserted that it ever the borne, with its eaoottties and elmptiOitire, ehooid lose it0 oiharm for the people of the British Em- pire, the greatest break up and o,etaatro- phe in Eugliah history would nob be far off. The home bntidere are 1130 true nation builders. In the church's lite and progress the home is e'en a vital teotor, In the immure in whioh the hems i0 lifted up into erne dignity, put ity and epirituatity, will tbe thatch become the beautiful bride of Cbriet. The bume le also a plaoe where the uloeast and most enduring ties of earth exist. Maaua, respect, ommildeeae and affection have their natural dwelling plaoe there, end ehooid be diligently cherished and kept fresh and blooming. In the home the 0weeteat and Matt -met ixperienoee of life are known, There uta two cup., the cup of joy and the Opp of Burrow, which will he partaken of in every home ; bat the bitter can be changed into the sweet by lemma from the tree of Life, even 0e the Marah waters were sweetened by the tree oast into them. non the home, too, we ' -. shell every one of ne one day depart never to retu,n again, '!'here ere two deeply interesting and tnuobiug Bonner is the bistory of every home, Tba first ie when bridegrooin and bride eater the house for the first time to make It a h one • and the suoond in, when or other fe borne aerobe tbe threshold in the stillness of death never to return. 11 will one day be tree of us all : "kle erten return no more to his home, neither shall his piens know biro any mote." To 0e does the Divine admonition come 3 "Sea thine house in order, for thou shalt die and not liven' Our duty to our home ie great end - varied. A pert of it will be to give to the home as much of our pereouel presence • and attention as is pueetble. Lilco the bower -bird of Australia, we should make oar bonne bright and nttraative, so that the time 0001 in them will, ioatead of being irksome, bo the brightest and beet part of our life. There are other inter. eats to which time and matey need to be given, bat we should always subordinate these to the welfare of the home, never allowing aoaial reechoes or bueinese tells and engagements to sumach upon the integrity of the home life. We are to live at home, and go out to daily toil and 0ooied intercourse ; not to live abroad, and give the horn• the shreds of oar time and interest. We Mould also make proper provieiau for the material needs and requirements of the home. This will aeoeoeitate rightly directed indaetry. The husband should be "a good provider," and the wife should "took well to the ways of the household ;" and both young . men end young womuu should be peeper. ing fm the eettng np in due season of a home whioh shell be to them a plea, of eotutort end happiness, There t hcnld. also be a wine economy, "Waste not, want upt, Provision for the material needs of the home Oen also be made by 00011 forme of immune,. AN tha order of Doo aheae and kindred organize, rano afford. Siekuees, acrhient and cteeth will - bring their own scalier trials, and also make heavy demaude mon the casco, Cee of the bone. There ere few, if any, enter ' t N doeportion f one,a f'nv tin•u waye 1 es Yp 8000110338 and savings than to the mu'n0r iodinated. Thousands upon thou,,en,te of widows and orpbetle have, whore t'noh provision bus been made, b. en Mete to t tee life In the day of calamity wail hos, ,ad outage bcoeuso of the ready and precti- cal help whiahlhae time comm to than. And above all We, there is Onr 111;'1100 . duty to the home, that of *Waking It ,he abode of true piety, Onr homes ebauld face heavenward I their outlook should be life of that better lt- , e to u towards aide keg better ttf into whioh, when all earthly bonnie • re at last brolsen up, the great family tied bouoebold of tdod shall be gethcrod, where0orr0w and aufferiug shall nave: cone Med out of Which no one shall Over depart. The ohoir rendered the anthem "Rens ere of Life's Harvest," and lfipling's highly prized reoesefnnal "Leek wo Por. get," ns vol0itarios, During the march and in front of the x{, 0, T, M. Hall .the Band played "Nears my God to Thee," ]lend riindly Light, 1It0 Home there,"" "1tin Ills Being bl HOttven " a0000nd s