The Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 8Clean Tee
The Spirit of the Times.
THF, Decay of Teeth is caused by different germs in the
mouth attacking the enamel and destroying it. Keep
the Teeth Clean and you, to a very great extent, remove
the pause of Decay. In
which is put up in collapsable tubes, will be found a most
excellent Tooth Preparation. It removes tartar and keeps
the Teeth sound and white, also hardens the gums and
imparts a fragrance to the breath. Price 25c, per tube.
Of course we have a Large assortment of Tooth Brushes
with which to use the preparation.
Model Form next
KINCARDINE bowlers are here to day
playing a ttiendly game with our sphere
DON'T forget the football match on
Viotoria Park, Saturday evening, Mover
ton ve Brussels, 1908 Champions.
AN evergreen hedge has been planted
in front of the commodious brick resi-
dence of D. 0. Roes, Turuberry street.
Cane. BROA0000r, of the American
Hotel, bee pnrohaeed a young fanny
',Coatnmer" driver from J. Simpson, of
MEeoRa. BaoTT & WARWICK will start
their horsea iu the ranee to take
plaoo at Lietowel next weak. Rapine
should give a good account of himself as
he has the speed all right. The wet
weather has interfered with regular trach
work thie Spring to quite en extent,
THE Directors of East Huron and Grey
Branch Agricultural Society Direators
will meet on Saturday afternoon in tbe
Counoil Chamber, Brussels, at 2 o'clock,
to revise and extend the Fall Show prize
list and attend to other necessary buei•
nese. A large tarn out desired. •-
Tax Jamestown Juniors played an ex•
bibition game of football on Viotoria
Park on Wednesday night. They were
defeated by a score of 1-0. Art. Robin.
eon refereed. The Btu
stela m
team Co.
posed of Kerr, Sharpe, Anderson, Cardiff,
Brown, Thomson, Scott, Goad, Little,
Kerley and B. Soott.
MATRIIIONIAL,—On Wednesday after•
upon of this week a quiet wedding took
place at the Methodiet Parsonage, Brae•
Bele, when Thomas George Mille, of Grey
township, was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Miea Mary E. Pearl
Embury, of Morris township, by Rev. T.
Wesley °Diene. THE Pose extends
Tam Cannan should see about some
plan of nutting the grass on the streets.
Its growth this eeaaon has been mane.
nal cad with so mach wet weather walk•
ing through it is the next thing to a wade
in the Maitland. Possibly people on
certain atreete would see that the grata wile
kept out for the feed to be obtained for
stook if they were inetraoted so to do.
WINoaAtl Poseoraoao.—The plane and
specifications are now at Wm. Nioholaon'a,
Wingham. From the plane we would
judge that Wingham is going to have a
very fine building, It will be plaoed in
the centre of the lot pnrobaeed for the
purpose, and on the first floor will be the
poet office and customs office, and the
eeoond and third floors will be the living
rooms for the Postmaster. The work of
building will be aommenoed se soon as
the contract is award.
G. T. R. SHIpabnNTe.—The following
are the shipments this week from Bruer
eels station :-2 oars of hogs by A. 0.
Dames ; 8 Dere of salt by Brussels Salt
Works ; 1 oar of settler's effects to
Portage La Prairie by Wm. Ritchie ; 1
oar of oats by Robb. Graham ; 6 oars of
bay by A10. Baeker ; 1 oar oats by A.
Backer ; 2 oars of wheat by R, Graham ;
1 oar of wheat by Alf. Baeker. Inward -
1 oar of Dement for A. M. M1Kay &
Co. ; 2 oars of lumber for P. Ament.
000TaaRN =TENSION w. a, & n,
Trainsleave Brownie Station, North
end South, as follows;
Gonna SovTa Goma Norma,
Mall 7:16 am 'Mixed 9:00 a,m
Mlxea......,.,12.80 e,m Malt 1:20 p.m
p.m Express 8:8e p.m
' '
.ek�� .Alto '.Ax�z
A ohiel'o amang ye takix' notes,
An' faith he'll prent f t.
Ana you going to Guelph next Mon.
day 7
LlexowEL Ranee Jane 21, 22, 28. R. J,
Kidd, is the Secretary.
ArpaENTIOE wanted to learn the print-
ing. Apply at Tae POST.
Tam double house owned by R. Leather.
dale ie being re shingled this weak.
Poor BALL: Miverton VS. Brueeele on
Viotoria Park, Saturday evening.
Tan Bowling lawn is in good condition
and ie a spot sought out by nualerone
Baue0ELe juniors play off with Wing
ham at Wroxeter on Friday evening of
this week.
FooT BALL.—Satin;day evening of this
week Milverton will play the return
match with Brussels. Don't fail to see
Tan aonnal district Oddfellowe meet.
ing will be held in the I. 0. 0.F. hall,
Wingham, on. Wednesday afternoon, Jane
Tan masons oommenoe the stone work
for the cellar of John Smith's new brick
residence this week. Briok will Dome
from Henfryn later.
damn 50 aoree of sugar beete are being
onitivated in this locality for the Berlin
factory. Some farmer■ have as much as
6 aoree ander crop and will have a busy
time thinning and weeding jnat now.
IT begins to look as it the Inter-
mediate Foot Ball ailverware now in
poeeeeeion of Brneeele team might con-
tinue to stay here but we won't orow
much yet. Oar boye have not lost a
League game yet this season.
Two marriages conveyed members of
the Shakeepearian Reading °irole to the
reeideooe of D, and Mre. Taylor, 3rd non.,
Grey, on Monday evening where they
were .mast pleasantly and hospitably
entertained. They enjoyed the outing
very mach.
THE Fire engine was taken out for a
a practice Monday evening and was foetid
to be all right. It the Fire Brigade and
Oonooil took it into their beads to
brighten up the engine room and put it in
something like the condition the Fire
Halle are in some towns a• new interest
would be created.
SOME jaok knife fiends have alread been
at work on the new railing put ap North
of the bridge in oonneotion with the new
walk pat down. A smooth wire run along
the top and stapled there permanently
P (Raving might revert the ha v
and a dollar
• let not do
added mat
and moa[t
'a k knife
tothe a
as a rami)
K. O. T. M. SERviaE.—Nest Sabbath
evening the members of the K. 0. T. M.
and L. 0. T. M., of Brussels, and visiting
members will attend Melville thumb
when Rev. John Rose, B. A., will primate
the anneal sermon. Members are asked
to assemble at the Lodge room at 6 80 p.
m. so to march to the church, The
Band of the Order Will lead tbe pro -
A STEAM traotion engine, aureate to
Fordwioh from Exeter broke down on
Tarnberry street ss it was starting North.
ward lolonday morning and blooked the
roadway for a little while. By the aid of
a blaokemith the damage was soon set to
riphte and the men in charge eat off on
their extended trip, Tbey oarried a
barrel of water and a supply of ooal along
with them.
Homeszta BRC' ExonamoNs. OomrnenO-
ing on Tuesday of this week the C. P, R.
inaugurated their annual 60 day Home -
seekers' exoureione to the Wash. The
next one will go on Tuesday, 28th inet„
and a third on July 19. The tickets are
good to reborn Ang. 15, 29th and Sept,
20th reepeotively. Quite a nambet will
go from this locality, among the number
talking of going is Joe. and Mre. Duncan,
Jno, Robb, Mre. W. Work, Misses Lizzie
and Getty Rose.
To Menneux.—By patting up a
guarantee of $126 the Grand Trunk ran
a special train on Monday afternoon (thee
Brussels to Mildmay for the oomfortable
oonveyanoe of oat Intermediate Foot
Ball team and gems of their euppor oot
to the borne of the bot tinkers and bard
foot ball fighterg in Bruce. The train
lett here shortly after 2 o'clock with some
140 passengers aboard and pinked rip a
few more eotbueiaete at the depots t n
tote so that financially they fared ,bet better
than a year ago when they made a similar
trip and bad to dip into their trea0nry
to the tune of about 520, Mildmay was
reaohed at 4 o'olook and after ample
opportunity of doing the town and spell-
ing oat 00010 of the nimost uiepron0un•
cible names on thea ne, Carewe were sig
and the eteem bores 0taeted off for
the carpet town which W009 eitfely brought
to vieW at 11 30 fn, m,
T 13». 8011;13 1 Oaf'
Standard Bank of Canada
31STA S-4113 361= 11372
err eara1 Ileteekire o; 113111 i1nes:hi IC veva set (e >(:eti
,i " -
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and apwarde received on whinit
is added to accounts every six months and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposita without the intervention of any person,
only for whioh no oharge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoeivo our oarefal and a.rnrteoue attention.
WALTER BOOnE, W. Trippe and Frank
Roche, former Brneeele boyo, now in
Winnipeg played on the "Young Lib•
erste" teem ou Jane 6 but the team were
defeated by a eoore of 6-18. Walter and
Billy Trippe each made a run,
Owiao to a tie being in the Hawn
District for the juniors the third match
will be played off on Wroxeter park on
Friday evening. A good match inn be
guaranteed as both teams are out to win.
The Brn+eele beano will be picked from
the following players ;—Kerr, Sharpe,
Liedeay, Brown, Uardiff, Little, Thomp-
son, Smith, McCloud, Miller, Innis, Good
and Scott. W. Allenby, of Wingham,
will referee the match.
4 oaTM.teTER FARROW Wee at Guelph On
Tuesday attendiug the funeral of hie
unole, Asher Farrow, who had attained
the good old age of 87 yeare. Deoeaeed
0a330 to Canada from England 55 years
ago and after a sojourn iu Clark town•
ship moved Westward and bought land
near Guelph where be and hie family
have oontiououaly resided. Mre. Farrow
died years ago. The subject of this
not•ioe was vary suooeeatul in material
tbinge ; he was a very warm supporter
of Liberal principles in politica and
enjoyed the good opinions of a wide
Orate of relatives and friends.
New Tam TABLE.—Lnet Monday a new
time table mime into effect on the W. G
& B and the arrival and departure of
trains are now timed as follows :—Going
East —Mail at 7.15 a. m., the same as it
has been ; mixed, 12.30 p. m., instead of
10 o'olook, this oharge being made to
accomodate abippere of stook ; Express,
3 28. Going North, mixed will be here
at 9 a. m., instead of 10 as formerly ;
afternoon mail at 1 20 ; and evening
train, 8 05 inetead of 8.17 lent as it never
came at that hour little differenoe will be
noticed. Standing time table may be
read eaob week in Tam Posit at the head
of first oolnnln of local news.
Business Locals.
s—Thoreda of
last week Jno. Walker, who bee been en•
in the Furniture and Undertaking
basineee in Brneeele for the past 8 years,
gold out to Moore Bros., the firm 000•
Mating of Eli and Ambrose Moore. Tbey
are now in posseesioo and will energetic•
ally push tbe path the baeineee. Tax
Pon wiebee them moms. Mr, Walker
hes not definitely decided what he will
do, as he meds the gale rather unexpeot.
edly, but may take e proepeoting trip to
the Northwest and have 0 look over the
ground before locating. We would like
to see bim remain in Brne:eis but wish
him good luck wherever he goes.
MAo0AoEEe.—At the triennial Provincial
Convention at Chatham there were 868
delegates present from Ontario and a
couple hundred more from Port Heron.
A hearty welcome was accorded by the
residents and tbe streets were gaily
decorated. Games and eports were also
provided for the entertainment of the
gneete. A banquet wag given and a long
program of tooeta and mu8ia brought it to
a talon. A male quartette from London
rendered choice eeleotioce. While the
bit Knights were busy Mise Irwin pub
through a elate of candidates in the L, 0.
T, M. mysteries. Following were the
officers elected : — Representatives to
Supreme Tent, ex Mayor Batman, °hat.
ham ; Dr. A. E. Mallory, Colborne ; E.
H. Wooley, Toronto ; M. E. Glynn,
Sarnia. Provincial Offioero—Dash Prov.
Com„ W. M. MoOlemnt, Hamilton ;
Prov. Com., B. W. Trngler, Camlaohie ;
Lt. Com., W. R. Colby, London ; limed
Keeper, G. E. Townsend, Smibhville ;
Fin, Beeper, A. J. Cochrane, Kemptville 1
Chaplain, George Riaoh, Hamilton ; Pby.
eioiao, Dr. Mitchell, Walladeburg ; Sat.
geant, W. W. White, Trenton ; BLOW.
at Arms, G. W. Murray, Windtor ;
Meat Master of Guard, V. F. Weber,
Berlin: Second Master of Guard, J. S.
Poland, Gerrie ; Sentinel, J. H. Lee,
Manitoulin ; Pioket, T, Tittereon, Peter.
bora'. The Supreme Tent Convention of
the world will be hold at Detroit in July,
An At Borne and ball were given as the
windup to the Ohatham Convention ou
Wedneeday 25th ult. Delegates to the
Convention from Bratoole weep Mrs, Ar
MoGuire and el Carter,
CAM ,tft—Paid up 151,000,000
RESERVE FUNI) • • 51,0009000
Mise Lizzie Bird, who hart been in
Detroit for the past 8 months is home
Mies Jean F. MoPhereon, of Clinton,
ie the guest of Mre, J. Leokie at "Kelvin
Mre, Buchanan was visiting relatives
and friends in Luokuoty locality during
the past week.
Will. Cameron has gone to Blyth
where he will take obarge ot Dr. Loug'e
praotioe for some time art the above
gentleman is away being married.
Ed. Mole, who has been ai Seaforth
lett to take a position as eltotriuien in the
Free Prete baildiug, Loudon. Mr. Mole
was a resident of Brunet's for some time.
Mre. (Dr) MoNeughton and Mies
Florence were at Soaforth during the
past ween. The forwer'e rather hoe
been quite ill with a heart trouble and
Mrs. tdaNaughton went to see him,
Wm. Martin and W. II. MoOraoken
were elected delegates to the Grand Lodge
Of the Odd Fellows as representatives of
Western Star Lodge No. 149, Brneeele.
Lodge will meet in Toronto next August.
Mise Myrtle Wilson, who has been at
the Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto, for
theta time, was able to leave last week
fwd is now visiting relatives and friends
in Guelph before ret0rniog to to her
home here. We are pletteed to report
ooneiderable progress in her 000ditloo
and hope she will noon be convalescent.
Mize Wileou arrived home on Tuesday of
thio week, her eieter, Mre. Falconer,
meeting here at Palmerston. She is
welcomed book.
At the Medical OonvOoation of McGill
' al on the 10.11
Univerrity, held in Montle
inst., among the graduates, who received
their medical diplomas was J. W.
Hutchinson, non of Dr. J. A. Hutchinson,
of Montreal, who privatised for a time in
Brueeele. Dr. Hotel:down jr. has since
been appointed, one of the House
Surgeons, at the Royal Viotoria Hospital,
in Montreal. We wish him every euooe0e
in the profeeeiou of his ohoioe.
Go to Brewer's Reliable Photo, Studio
for firet.olaee Photos.
PAarono for a number of steers.
Apply to Taos. MooRE, Brussels.
Pianos of waddiug groups, pio-oio
parties, hooses, &o., taken on short notice.
16o and 15o. Wool 18a
to 22o, We want another oar of butter,
oaeh or trade by July god,
G. E. KING, Wingham.
To THE PuBLIo.—If you wish to have
lawn mowers pat in firet•olaee order you
eau have mime done at a reasonable figure
by T. McGregor, Will street, Brussels.
People We Talk About.
Geo. Bishop has secured a situation in
Paris for the Bnmmer.
Lawrence Addie, of Stratford, was a
visitor in town this week.
Postmaster Farrow was in Toronto on
a boeineee trip last week.
Mies Pearl Moblillan visited frieade in
Walton during the past week.
Misses S. Heist and Leo Carry were
visiting near Trowbridge over Sunday.
Mies Vera Barrett, of Wingham, is
renewing old friendships in Brunie this
P. and Mrs. Watson were visiting last
week in MoKillop and on the Huron
therdale attended the
,and Mre. Lea
i a
t Harrieton on
wedding of a relative f;
Mise Edna and Elsie Cooper, twins,
bad a nine time at their birthday party
last Tuesday.
Misses Jaokeon, of Petrolia, are visit
ing with Mrs. Jno. Leokie, this week et
"Kelvin Grove,"
Barrister McDonald wee 010111ng old
home eoenes in Aalfinld for a few days
during the past week.
R. D, Cardiff, eon of Merle Cardiff, of
Morrie, has been added to the Brueeele
staff of the Metropolitan Bank.
Jno. Roddick, of London, a common
offal traveller, was visiting relatives in
Brussels nod looaiity for a few days.
Mies Jean (Netts, of Ohioago is vlaitiog
her grandparents Jae. and Mre. Menzies,
William street and other relatives in
Mre. Harry Dennis, of Chatham, is
renewing old friendehips in town. She
ie the guest of her parents J. Y, S, and
Mre. Kirk,
Inspector Robb he in Toronto this week
eating a0 an examiner of Practical Teach•
ing at tae Normal Sohool. Be will be
absent all week. ing opened with it hymn and prayer,
Will. Jamieson, who has been at Mit- After the eleotion of Mr. Nash as Reoord.
obeli, wag here this week on a 010i1. He ing Secretary, the ohairmen teed tba
reports from the various Sonday 0011oo10,
and after a few remarks the meeting
adjourned. At two o'clock the delegates
ooeembled for business. The following
papers were read and• disouesod •—let—
Why we ehonld study the Bible,' by
Mies Ella Metaa'fe, Blyth ; 2nd—
"Teaoher and Class," Rev, J. M, Perking,
B. A., of Exeter; 3rd—"Home Life and
training of a ohild," Mrs. E. A. Hall,
Gorrie ; ,41,h—"Leeann helps," Rev.
Gra00ett Smith, M. A., 100ewater • 6th
—"Ways et Working," De. W. M. B.
Swale, Wroxeter. The papers were all
of a very highly inetrttotivo obarooter,
showing great thought and oarefal 'Andy
ta)UitCll U11111EM.
Rev. T. W. Oosene will occupy hie own
pulpit next Sabbath.
The Synod of Huron will open at Lon -
duo on blonde}, of next week.
There will be Bevies in the Catbolio
oharcb, Breesele, next Sunday at 10.80 R.
m. and special mermen.
The annual sermon to the K. 0.1. M.
Order will be preached in Melville ohnrob
next Sabbath evening by the pastor.
Mre. E. B. Oreighton, of Hamilton,
Rang a choice solo at the Methodiet Bab•
bath School, Brunelle, last Sabbath
Several Brnesalitee attended the Co.
Sabbath Sohool and Ohrietian Endeavor
Ooovention at Wingham ou Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
Melville Sabbath school is wisely ap-
propriating a sum of money to send two
of their teaohere to the Summer School
for Bible study to be held in Toronto
next month. Misses Lizzie Rom and
Mise Jennie Habkirk will likely be the
tenoltero attending this minion.
Vert. Arobdeaoon Richardson, of Lon•
don, preached last Sunday at the reopen-
ing of Trinity church, Sombre. Thio
church has been refitted reoently and very
muoh improved, and is prospering
greatly under the ministry of the present
inonmbent, Rev. H. D. Steele, The bat
named reverend gentleman was a reel
dent of Brueeele for a time and titre.
nnor former,
Steele was Mise Minnie 0'Ca
1y oft
this place.
Leet Sabbath the pnlpit of the Metho
diet church hate wee filled by H. W.
A.vieon, This was the first opportunity
the people of Brussels bad to poor him
and we are pleaeed to state they were by
no means disappointed. The morning
text was "Am I my brother's Keeper ?"
and in the evening the text was St. John
1.42, "He brought him to Jeans." The
morning disoonrse was good and the even.
ing one was better. Mr, Avieon will nom•
mance his regular ministerial labors on
Alma circuit on the first Sabbath of July
and many good wishes will aaeompany
him for a useful and successful career.
The young gentleman has many things in
his favor and with good health, hard
work and a level head we prodiot that he
will fill prominent places.
—The Convention that wail held in St.
Stephen's aural, Gerrie, on Wednesday
appropriately oommeeoed with a cele•
brabiou of the Holy Oommunion, Rev.
Rural Dean Bodging, of Senforth, and
Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wiugham, being the
oelebranto. At 11 o'olook the meet.
S. J, 51001t11,
President, V1ce•President,
T 0a, nn0nenew, 8 0.A, are HONOR 1111 W. ef0RTl111111 CLARE, E.0, n.10, TuODra0N, E. 0,
Drente Bought and Sold. Formers' Notes Discounted,
Sa110Z.1%Q°vE flamJr PP VIIVOSAVV71°
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all flume of $1 and upwards
A. E, MELLISH, Manager.
words, A touobing incident that '1
occurred during the afternoon's prom d.
iuge, showing how "bread oast upon the
waters returns after many days," and for
the encouragement of the teachers, wee
the tribute paid by a layman and a lead-
ing clergyman of the Deanery, to an aged
former Sunday eobool teaoher of the
village of Gerrie, to whom they owed
many of their first good impree0ioos,
which afterwarde induced the latter to
becoma a clergyman. The choir rendered
two appropriate anthema in a careful and
hearty manner. A pleaeing variation not
on the program was inteodaoed about
five o'clock in the afternoon, when pea
Elizabeth Hanetook and Richmond
Armstrong were united in the boude of
holy mobrimony in the preee0oe of the
delegates. The ceremony wee performed
by Rev. E. B. Hall, unstated by Ven.
Arohde00on Richardson and Rural Dean
Hodgins. After the departure of the
wedding party the meeting was called to
order and busineee proceeded. It wee
decided that the convection, upon the
invitation of Rev. Mr. Perkins, meat in
Exeter next year. The following (Boers
were elected tar the ensuing year : Hon.
Presidents, Von. Arohdeacon Rlohardeon
and Rural Dean Hodgins ; President,
Rev. R. 3. M. Perking ; vioe preeideut,
Mies E. A. Hull ; reoording eeoretary,
Mr. Nash ; corresponding eeoretary, Mies
Irwin, Exeter. A hearty vote of thanks
was teudered Rev. Mr. Hall, Mre. Hall,
the members of the congregation, and
Mies M. Keine, the oorresponding 000 -
rotary for this year. The prooeedinge of
the day were brought to a Mose by a
service in the evening at 7 80, Van Arch
deacon Riahardeon being the preacher,
hie vitas art Enka
from D
xodaa 2 : 0
"Tape this child aw y and nurse it for
me and I will gi10 thee thy wage." Dale.
geese numbering abont fifty were present
from Exeter, Seatorth, Oliuten, Blyth,
Belgrave, Wingham, Braseele, Fordwioh,
Wroxeter, eta. Thea ended a most
inetrnotive and interesting convention,
which despite the wet weather was
euooeeefal beyond expeotatiou,
In oonneotion with Melville Com-
munion Bev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter,
preached a fine sermon last Saturday
afternoon to a large congregation. The
pastor dteo0nr00d Sabbath morning en
"Sacramental Faith" and in tbe evening
00 the Israelites at the Red Sea. Hie
divisions in the latter were (1) It was a
Faith swayed by fear ; (2) Faith euppii-
oating Jehovah • (8) Faith's onward
movement 1 Faith's triumph. Rev. A.
MaoNab, M. A., of Walton, occupied the
pulpit on Monday morning preaching a
very imitable discourse from "Praiee ye
the Lord." Fifteen new members were
received into ohoroh fellowship. On
Sabbath 842 members participated in the
Lord's Supper, being the Iargeet number
in the history of the congregation.
There were also 11 visiting members.
080 $40 00 for old furnaoee be accepted.
Moved in ammendment by R. Lcatbe--
dale, seconded by A. Ooneley that no
motion be tatter bat that' the Board ad•
journ to meet again on June 17th.
Motion carried.
Board then adjourned.
It da reported that Thos. Fullerton has
parobaeed the old Methodist church at
Monkton and purposes moving it aoioee
tbe road to Ida lot, where he will fit it up
as a hardware store,
Clarke Vance, of Mitchell, received a
eufprise, a brother, whom he had not
eeeu for 42 years, having dropped in on
him. Reis the oldest of a family of
twelve and resides in Portland, Oregon.
He intends visiting many friends fn Oau•
tide and many parte of the Stales before
returning. Although he is well up in
years he seems to enl'.y travelling and is
vary favorably impressed with one
Jt q1i , 1904
iotende going West on an outlook for
somethingood in hie line.
Mise Minnie MGNanghton ape0t
several days of thie week in Kiboartline
enjoying the healthful breezed et Lake
Huron, with her sister, Miss Maggie.
Min Jennie Madder baa taken a
position in the Dry Goode More of A,
Straoban a0 0ttmo00eor to Mies Mary .Rees.
The latter will shortly aeoume a poet in
W. H. Kerr ie attending the High
Coati of the Canadian Order of Foxeetere
in genion in Toronto this week. Chief
Ranger Bargees' was also chosen as a
delegate from Count Prinoeoe Alexandria
but ryas Unable to 501 away. in preparation, One of the pleasing
T. A. Hawkins, of Jimmie, and features of the afternoon woe the reading
Mies Margery Straoban,of Grey, and Of an addreae el congratulation to the
Mies Lizzie Bowman, of Morrie, are et Von. Arehdeoaon Riohardaon, from the
Clinton title week writing on the theory
examination in aonneption with the
Toronto Conservatory. We wish them
o �Ia:ra .
Bawd.; —In Molrewnrth, on Jooe 13.1i,
to Mr. and Mre. Wm. Belden, twins,
girl and boy.
WILLaoNn.—In Lietowel, on Jane 14, to
Mr. and Mre. Moses Willfong, a eon.
aeaRRxm.. .
Menne—Elmunx.—Iu Braseele on June
16, at the Methodist Parsonage, by
Rev. T. Wesley Ooaene, Mr. Tbomae
George Mills, of Grey township, to
Mies Mary E. Pearl Embury, of
Morrie township.
DuNBAlt.—In Gray, on Jane 14111, Eliza
Jane MoKelvev, beloved wife of John
Dunbar, aged 53 yeare, 8 menthe and
3 days.
°amts.—In McKillop, on Jane 14111,
Themes Oakley, aged 54 ye0re, 10
menthe and 8 days.
The Grand Orange Lodge deoidea
after a spirited debate and several
divisions, to meet next year at Owen
Sound. The British Columbia and
Manitoba delegatee, aided by most of the
Grand Lodge officers, pat ep for a fi4bt
for Pam:Dover, B. 0„ and were only
finally beaten by a majority of two
The following officers were re elected
by aoolamation :—Dr. Sproule, M. P.,
Grand Master ; W. M. Lookart, A:tiston,
Grand Secretary • Daniel MoDvugoll,
Glume Bay, N. S., feu P Y Grand Beare.
Midland, G
tar W. J
ar er H
; amass F. II ,
Tre P
Grand Lecturer ; W. H. Code, Smith's
Palle, Grand Director of Committees ;
3, R. Delamere, Minden, and W. B.
Stewart, Warwick, Auditors.
After a contest W. Oalbraibhe, Mon•
treat, was re•eleoted Dopnty Grand
Master, defeating John McMillan, Tor.
out o.
clergy of the Deanery, on the 020001on of
hie elevation to the pition of droll.
daemon of Buton. He responded in feel-
ing terms, thanking them for their kind
SAroenta, JUNE 25.—Farm stook, im-
plemeots, &o., at Lot 5, Oon, 9, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Tbomae
Pepper, prop. ; F. S. Soott, ono,
R 12'(.".:[0'1'8.
Fall Wheat
Batter, tube and retie
Eggs per dozen...,.,.,
Hay per ton
Flour, per cwt
Patatoee per bus
Apples (per bbl.)
Salt, per bbl„ retail
Hoge, Live
89 90
35 37
60 55
29 80
12 13
14 15
0 00 7 00
4 00 5 00
50 60
1 00 1 25
1 00 70
4 90 6 00
16 17
Give full partioulare Address
BOX 84, Fordwioh•
Brussels Se11001 Hoard.
The regular monthly meeting ot the
Public Sohool Board was held in the
board room 013 Friday evening. All
members present.
The minutes o! the lard regular and aS-
journed meetings were read and poeeod,
The following Remounts were ordered to
be paid :—R. Henderson, coal, $95 95 •
G. Muldoon, horse hire, $1.00, Moved
by J. G. Slime, seconded by W. M. Sin.
01010 that the Board borrow the Bum of
$850,00 from the Standard Bank for
three months to pay present note and
current Expenses. Carried.
The following tenders foe beating and
ventilating were opened and read 2-1110
Wm. Buck Stove Co., Limited—Three
new No, 8 improved Garnet coal furnaces
properly oonueoted and ready for use
and with good ventilating eyetem for 111e
sum of $887,00 and the old fnrnaow).
The Jae, Smart Mfg. Oo, Limited—Three
new Imperialist furnaces planed and
ready for use with present
The greatest foes to heelbb ar•
those iavieibio onee Soienoe call
Germs, They thrive and maitipl;
wherever there ;is dampen ar
decay, Snob planes arae nom
at tide treason of the year.
free and fregneut use of Diehl'
mote will destroy every lot
gel ne and may save some moo
of your family from serious
noes. We oat supply ever
needed in the line of Dieinte
We have them fresh it
eteength at
Drug Store
The Tr1lotoee of the Goderiob Respite
vita tenders for the Masonry, Carpentry,.
Yhlmbiug, Beating, Painting, Electric Wir-
ing au ti other trades lu the ounetruotion of
the building in the Town of Goderioh,
Teudore gaoled and endorsed Tenders
for Hospital" will be received up to noon of
June 28rd,1004, by the Arobiteot, at whose
Oaio0 pions and apeoid0atione can be seen
and from whom all information can be ob.
Weed, No tender nooeesat'ily =mated:
48.3 Architect, God trio
Winnipeg 1$30.00 Regius fm3
Mowbray } Moose Jaw
Delcrm[ne 3160 Kameack
Souris Swan River
Lyleton Saskatoon 36
Afiniota 32 UO Priuoo Albert 36
Elgin in
e a � cad 88
Wawan a Macleod
Binaoartll 3.26
Moasunl in Calgary 38
Arcola ' 31' 60 Bed Deer 39
Estavan I. 33,00 strathoona 40
ToolbOu f
Going June 14111, 281h and July 19111,
0001000108 until Aug. 15111,2910 and Sel
201h, respectively.
Tickets aro not good on "Imperial Lim
Pamphlets and full particulars. from a
Canadian Paeitle Agent, or A. H. Notes s
TAGE on Elizabeth street for 001e -
Apply at THE POST.
long, narrow pooket book lost con-
talniug 2 one•dollar bills, one new and one
DOminian Hank. Suitable reward on loay.
lug at THE POST,
Fall Fair
t t
A jMntmaetiyn of the Directors o Ens
ties will be hold in Branch
Connell Chamber,
Brussele,.on Saturday, June 18, at 2 p, m. to
revise the Prize List and attend to other
FalltFair,&e.n .11 a Intereseted are asked to
JAB, FERGUSON, l'0001dent,
KER11, Secretary,
We, 1110 nnderetanerl, agree to raise the
price of horee•0haelug to 1200. for setting
mad 800, for now shoos, owing to the advance
in the price of material, 010, This goes lobo
force on Monday, June 10th,1004,
Signed by
wAN & 00., GRD. W. Poi11000,
P. 800TT, Hurrpnnnle & moll,
Tneg. PaLLooK, JOHN 1!0 12 11 11 0 8,
80110 PonEnem,
Matra out a
List of ',Tour
SNALIID T10NDER8 addressed to the un.
deroignod, and endorsed "Tender for
Goderioh Breakwater," will be teed dyed at
tote aloe uotit llm,day, July 4,1004, inches.
ively, for the oonatruot1o11 of a Breakwater
at Goderiob, County or Hugon, Get.,' a000rd-
ing to a plan and enooidoation to bo aeon at
the °MBoe of. H. A. 0' y 0rf1., Engineer in
charge of the harbour wotlto, Outald0, ecu•
tederatlon 1,100 Building Toronto, en aupl1•
cation to tiro Po anise tor of Goderioh, Out,,
and at the Department of Public Werke
Tenders will not be ooneidered unless
system of ventilation for the Rum of lno th10d fm suppli, and
algaduodou with e tbopraon1enor
al eignatu0e0 ofedten-
An scoop ted o11eti00Onachartered hank,
able o tho order of the Honourable the
payable t
r dollars
or 5, Public of neo, for nine thousand
dollars ii:80,COOi, must 111 bo any each ten-
der. Tile °bootie will be foefeitodif the
party tendering decline the oontreat or fall
be returned;in ensu oft no aaonntauoe
of tender.
The 'Department dose not bind iteolf to
aoeept the lowest or any tender,
By order,
0886,00 lees $15 00 to be allowed off for
old furnaoea ; two new No, 80 Kelsey
warm air gene`ratore with present eyitem
of ventilation oomplebod and ready for
dee foe the gem of 6480 00 leve $40 00 to
be allowed,off for old furnaoee ; two new
No. 80 Kelsey warm air generators with
improved 0y01em of ventilation completed
and ready for use foe the 00m of $666.00
lege 540 00 to be allowed off for old
Moved by W. M. Sinclair, seconded by
Jae, Turnbull that the offer of The Jae.
two o flew
to for w
Limited, Smart Mfg. Co.,
No. 80 Kelsey tnurm air gsnerntorg with
impreved system of voaifiation at 5665,00
Departreent'of PubBa WOrha, a p
Ottawa, Jitne Soh, 1904, t A C .
ora in orcin this advertisement
Nowa a n g
-oma the U etniout
orf t
tr o a
oath n
Will net Y
tv111 Halt bo paid for 11, 48 2
Where you will find a good a
sortment of all lines of
White Muslins, Organdies, Dim
ities, Lawns, 'Vestings, Can-
vas -Duck and Linen Home-
spun Suitings.
Colored Muslins, Organdies,
Ginghams, Flake Linens, &c..^
Black, White, Oream and all the
popular shades in 27 inch
Japanese Silk, at 50e. per
yd., suitable for ' light an
cool Shirt Waists or Dresses
A fall line of Summer Corsets
Vests, Gloves and Hosier
See our Six different:lines of 50
Corsets — each a Spe:eia
and the best value in
A. ,large range, of Laces, E
broideries, Ribbons, &e,
July Standard Patberne, Designate a
FBBhion Sheets to hand --one of
latter FREE to those who oall