The Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 7}flu''+• -•?-a,•'' 5:;.�7ULgesisi,.k1f.s i-Ssesco 4ossoesseetion u?7S7Z•1jle i 'ases.issWo'rf�•ly"' xi jai..' nil her silly 1,3,„1il l;' will proles^ I
bIy ch•5troy L r one great ch n••2),
il 'Ali, you ave 1.unr•r:t 1 1 like
r that!” onus she eilroostiss
'lam n f7), romooders 11.,14 h=r -
self Is not 111 y 1. nn. 3, toward hunt,
mall her hc,u l ru!,u1•, within loss
I[3, Kos, " s,,ut 111, mdse 111 "I
don't think you wit/ be nide I 1 21.1'
rust ray- 1.111 kith 1Wary
hot i ,!..2.71 11'i11 e, Jnl and lunch with
its arain 1"-1414.1.ros - 41e talk:
het : I1 that 111121et t harpoon nue
will compel 11llary to .uv' 1•1111 to-
"Vol. are Vert c;,./.0,"a•,ys Tinr,
"But the fact: 3,.t, 1 1111111 ]c2(0 hero
to-mor''otr, for a 11.1,1:, 1 havo
s1lnr! b 2)ti1111s to 1' Ihiin. I ant of -
raid I shan't ho buck again until
A Girl'
elal)Lr1a l'rrT r': I( 4
CII:\L'1'F3I V. tare hushnnd 172 like when he Is oft
011. I'm not in rho humor for his gutted."
ken,' says !nand. la.ngv111Jy,0111 so On Cs your reason 1" says
'That's (0 Clifford,
good thing, foe I'm in "T know you will forget ,yourself,
in1i1, sober earnest, Though I and call n10 Damn," rays her sister.
ens I'm perjuring myself, You "fly -the -bye, svlttlt'n your name to
v 1 talc! you T should not rap- be?" asps Clifford, tut•nin " toII11-
at luncheon to -day, and now I ary, 6
Though not as Hilary, as "'triage, of course,"
rat." "loco mercy's sake, Jtn1, if this mo -
It out of your head, It 1s a fol affair is to leo carried Llu'ough,
en. X shan't even let you don't forget that," stays ]liana, who
f it," is still plainly aggrieved.
you prepared to control my "Normenso. He can't forflet Brid-
houghts then ? 'G t:at• is Dia- get," says T7ila•y.
we all Know but still) shall "'Prue for you. I wish to ITeaven
of this thing, in spito of you. T cold," say's Cli1To•d, who has sof-
stranger is corning. It is es- fel'cd many things at tho hands of
I, considering all things (my tho original Bridget, who certainly
Prospects principally)". with a docs not shine as a parlormaid. U1/-
ialiciou5 grin at her sister, on this he saunters out again into
should. put your hest foot the garden, to read his "Cork Con -
so 1113 to melee a first st1tution."
rad intpresniolt. Ilut, unfortunate- * * z 11 x *
1y- your 'best foot' is deserting you grace ovitoDiann. buying given in to the fa -
for a 111311'g putter.' Bridget 11111 l,le, though with a bac!
cettninly go to it or else remain and man misgivings, now sits trem-
hero by yourimperat•iv0 a('tlel;S, and tiling in ytho drawing -room, waiting
sulk 1111(1 deo ! t 1117 the 5](01.)0. Now, for Xer'5 coming. The hall -door has
1 010011 1101 sulk, and X !!hall drop sem thrown mos open, and it Inas
no xllshes, and 1. have got my regi- been arranged by, Ililary Butt Diana
t'uentnls in my W$rr1•obe upstairs." on hearing his footstep on tho gray -
"Jim would stover co110e1t to it, el outside is to go at once to the
;rad then there aro cook and nurse 5!001 and greet hint,
o ho considered. Do you wish to "rt will look so nice and Mond-
aye your name all over the couii-
ry ?"name ly," Said 1!!!11144, ,11.011 Bottling this
As for that --1 shall send cooly u) question, Of course Hilary herself
o Oaklands to get us some eggs, could hardly have done it, being (m-
imeo luncheon is nearly ready, and gaged on the lust touches to the
1(111roi out with tho children; for the luncheon table, and cook gono for
rest, I know T call manage it, Now,eggs, and the children and their
don'•t 01441(0 a rugs, Di darling. maid far away up in the hood with
Assure yon it. is better to have ren a little basket of goodies all for
for .a parlo'naicl than nobody at themselves,
and Bridget,
titin, as we know
time. Diana
A11, here is ,Tim!" says Diana, sitting in the drawing -room, is, to
rising and running to the window, tell the truth, quaking. But now
and tnPprng vigorously, „Jim, COme
in. '00111e 411 her. 1 want to to11 you
Si10 tells him .a great deal c0rtain-
ly, and I-fllary tells him even more,
10 becomes phi in to Jim that his
wife is dying with fright about the
wants of a parlorlaaid for this i1n-
Port0n3, occasion, so naturally be
throw's his intim:nee on the side of
77th,• -almost unconsciously, how -
e r,
" 1Te'i1 never know me, Jim," tries
• My- good child, that's a large say-
ing. Ile is going to stay in this
part of the world for a month or s
w 1: expect hell got to know yo
ono luny or another."
]lo IVOtt't know 1110 to -day, an
1'1)xerpt as the girl who swindle
hint mit 0f two shillings last night,
"Oh, ,7illtr"
",'i ell•-didn''t ,;you?"
"I think .08 you do," says 1)!11110
"that he must sleet her in a day 0
so, and thea'! --what will hetppe
1'Imo crook .of 'Doom will be not!
tag 'lo it," replies !tar husband so
d l'r'ally 11.18h ,y011 would not les
!,bout it, , Hoye hie wife, who is 7101
tn'i(!cn•ty of 'the :verge of tears.
"llut Diam;" anxiously, from
lfi:iary, "what are you going to do
:n't luncheon withatut.n, servant to at-
1.encl table?"
T don't know,"2 tearfully.
`1i'ell., ns 1 told ,you. before, T do.
X know All about ,13,. I'vo drilled
en0I2 11 parlors t12kIs in my time to
lama how to hand wound plates and
things myself, anad how to conduct
myself .generally, The question Is,"
)!hely., "will you two ;prow ]tow to
'conduct yourselves?'"
""Sills is an open ,luape•sion 111011
our manners," says .Jim. "Diana,
rite you going to 8u,buait to it?'-'•
"Time is flying'," says lilla;y, "Am
I. to attend table or not;.? I shan't
appear in any other cltosac'tel', so I
linty as well he of use to you us not.
.And really, Di I don't see how you
are going to mating° thugs without
Bridget. „lint, tell hor i may rho
it. T," laughing in 21. suppressed
sort: of fashion, "hove set my mind
upon it. X want to Ree,,' with a lit-
tle tilting of he' nose, "what my 1'tt-
sho hears a stop upon the gravel,
and as "courage 1no,ntebi1 with oc-
casion," so her spirit comes back to
her, and going to the open hull -door
les) vos or with a delightfu
smile, and leads Nina back to 111
room she had jun, quitted. It is
pretty roots, filled with sunlight a
sweet flowers, and a few other thin
besides, and with all the windows ly
tug wide .neon,
T 11111 so sorry," says she at, ou00.
"My sister---" she falters. Realty
it is ho•riblo of Hilary to place her
in sll(111 a Position.
"Tired, no doubt -laid .up? Not
511) li
t 11
"The day of 11Tr*, 01cfutyri's fancy
7)111 !•1 •,
"Yes, 1 hops I shall Meet your sta-
ter !horn, at all °venin,"
"'1'1',12), beyond doubt.! Dot' yolk
most not !:e so tato as you were last
night," says Tliann, trying; to carry
It ofT with to higlt hand and innorinlg
1118 with
'•011, I shall 110 early, An(l your
• l'horc is rinlly no r0nsol why you
should not call her Ililnty," says
Airs. Clifford, with a faint smile,
"8110 is your 00usbn, you know,,,
Ker IOoks at her,
"Yes, of course, But such a
strange cousin. A cousin who—"
1{3,' stops and Inghs involuntarily.
"I know," say's Diann, toughing
too. 'Oita) ought to 1. e•---''
"My wife.''
"1t is dreadful!" says Diana quick-
ly, "Dreadful 101 1)0 I.)1 of you. ]hut
rat all events 11011her of you aro in
fault. You should both remember
that when you talk it over',"
"When we dot" l:2),' lifts his brows
as if amused, "S'our-T beg your
pardoh-IT1laa'y is, I am afraid, not
anxious to talk it over. However,
even if sho is too fatigued to come
down to -day, ,you promise Inc Iva
shall anent at the AfcIutyres'?"
"Certainly nim will be them," sny's
Diana, but a little faintly.
could assents° for Ililary ? She turns
to him. "You havo a Ion g leave, I
hear, Ihope whoa your visit at the i
Dyson -Moores' is at an end you will
coma hero for a littlo while. It 1
would! give you and Hilary 1111 oppor-
tunity„ s
tunity of being better acqualntod- 1
"Making up our milds?" The t
T n) 11,0231, l' plr•,otieing this
A n ilhlc± l ,l i t s tiu• t 1111.1ry ,
1410nt i
haul- t
Iain I ? � Llh
!Man Lei
1, ItL Oit
THE ,3,r. _
•3,r+• I x
]1 one can carry a juke too !til
111 ' 1.l Key, i,' lifts
/4'01121 { 11,3 11 IL i0 1,1,111 to 1
it ,1 1. 1t 231rc t It r 012 111)!44•
1/11.1! 3 j, 3!ir,ol. lie!' 1.1htel'! "I 1.
1110,1 Lu 1crvr I bravo nr,t. 04t'n
With 1,3'1' 21 any way. 1 112111 f
' 111,11 I,erlt a ,:lu• w'as ttvol,IilIg 11
^(1n 1hr sal loos-, 11!0' dent' ft.
I0- 3,'.4 r�d?!.r!( 5,y3r,I)
c„ FG't,i✓ta' �+.,a:1,::'C.3'">iS�' 3,'r 3'4F
11111'1. 1001(1110% 'i'1.' 0x2,00:'• of a\111 •I'-
nlli ,
l3, 1
t (1 4411 1 1 4.
r!" d 1 1 t op. 0,11 i Ill 11 i'2)
tl,t i )
r Pu ,
1 ! ! lit i., !,,,
111'1+3. } u< 1 t !0111. at !0 I.121";‘,1,11',
ulinu 1+11 e •,3,l F1 t e 4i )t.
iA Y
Irl 5 4444=� Iy� r 1.:7 Ill .i it I„ 1,,1 col' (t "ii,• 11!'1
•1 i ks,r@�'�.,,d"s'1, "C,ft
lfru211' i1!.,'r aa'Y a'.4*ianP .1st dPe� Y t I
11�--" ii!;11511'; t 'i):1IIIV 10151111:4.
"),f• P(Itrn h r h,n,i! for ti A,pr!1 11.211'-
3 t as 112• )21,,x1,••1 a 1, 1(11,•1',.
1he 1 nf, Pride of (i •
121• :,o 1,,v cent. Meier A C11.T1+1 i1., 1J0S 111•;11(3,
lir,+n 1,r .a 1t1�,1h of '•„rr;1 (11.'1(!44 it, After any's ,1 bombardment. i11 1110.
Ai til. 1 'ctt!ot 1tt 1 '1111 11.11) ivtts n. )1111.
'1 h • ,••,r, y nl,l'c •, 3211,1,!0 fru' ter i , fn,• ruluu Llroa , 1 u bila 11 111 '.osuge to
the 1.1111"0' lamb .,111 he r1,. 1,•.0;1 el '17,'21-1;1.1 torr} Juake kr<...lres) to alp
i('211127) (112 1:'l (11,1)2!" 11011111.8 3113. til„(11ion In
311 n„ :1001142(2 c„3,8 al 11.: 12144 11,, 1'01.111. Son10 tun•,:l111111; 113351 al-
typ'' I h” 12 ul 111111.1 1.0 of I u3, ' 1:x111)' gone (1UL 121111 had been 1:11113(1;
3,21,1 (1' 1.(.t , o)hors laid Wei, 110d, say ;ug t1,ey,
h 3,l I ^, 1'7) t
ram 1 ti 1'1 1,f this r'rr.' to,,,y b, 11:; 1,!'1111(1 nil. 1011 throafih the 1}1100 of
fur 211.11,1;11101', 5.4,11 11 . 0080 10.nhs.thn Iiuv)r5• A ('hi!.,;;q2) 003' vol un-.
if 11!1101 of 1'1.011''1 a..'' 4,1,011!,! 0" ratan'!) i tecl'ed.
1;itlt uuuth''r 1 uu•-hl•ed Ik>rs„t 111111, `• a)2) July 4 },e 15110 led to tl(e top of
11:0 1a'urltr:° her n; tlrc,.-1pclrterr; 1)01-�ihe cit,^'all. As it Jatea been Plan- .
' s,.,3, 1 lonrl, t.1,,. 1)1;44 brat, ]<inll of ,rales i11nd 3.!1111 hu 1(1,1111(1 go ns 11 beggar;
fur v;int' 0 lata .. I)ru•srt 111'72 111','1(1 lie had been 1in4s:cT 112 rags 11!15 Lttt-
llarlll S ('., lnnifll'irlly 111 111,• !1111 1111 tcr5, /l ltd or:ill:led with a large,
coeu'sn howl, :;u2)•
1 levet! Ira (12)11-01112 n (1)•4''011121,
110 401 I.1 an( ., at all 1,110
104 11;•,1111.1) ttould.^---”
"S1211112011,ni1•!" 1.1144!1 11!1ru'y 11
r than', at titin 1111)21,°112, 1(1 1111 t
103, ', 1.:0* In2,148 up at her,
that the soft, logy voice 1112112
offered hint po111.)es?
"\o, than]: you, Marla!" sn,,•8
foal, genially.
Poor Diane's )30.8 once more
ler Note. Marla! 1111,1) is Ma
:111)1 he Mid Neon so Warned a
43,1,122 13, !s 1(11.'.. illle it) f+a alll�l 111. 1'11l'i
.13, ds. ' 11'28 fort!,,!. (woos 2!72 1.11 p••111122.
t 10te full 1tupl ly of food 1hroe hula 3,1
rat 1.'u 111 1 in;; season, or from 'l3
nvful I to Nur tat e1' 1, and th'e .111.10.1
159ts r,• arra t0 1he rhsraeter o1' the sea
hod son, says I1', 1.0, 13. Voorhies. Thee
111(1 tunny rettROne Why f, , a ; 12 t
not adopted this rule of 1111.120,, 1-
'cdtief ono bc;ulf kat the;/ do nut u,
Fess Pre'!' " tho rubes of a irrfnl,0r c
ria 7 rr01.8 now grown for this p2ricolx
/nut Tat-'., for )0111111,!'', 1•ye, Which is on:
that "ltri1get"! As for pilary
has retrr•.nte11 to tit'' sideboard,
is stendll:44 there, her hark to
to the roots, Dia1u, gluneing
10118!44 totl.tld her, is disgusted
sen that :.ho is shuki1g with la
31'r is growing confused, ITo
has heard the later aplmliatiol,
surely, Clifford had called tido s3,
hely lovely maid 100144et only
minutes ago? ITn has hnrdly '11010,
however, to wonder at this thing,
W111'n the "maid" herself is isiside
"Claret, sir?"
"Mayo 3,t 110tt10 of ale, Tier?"
CliTard, hospitably.
Well, thank you." says Her,
is so shortly Home from India
he still inclines toward that ki
"Some ale for Mr, Her, Sara
says Clifford, with an irnmov
Isere Diana breaks into rho won
Mg silence that threateos to env
them, with quite a rush of cone!
Goo. Has Mr, E'er been hore-
12 +4 +++4 ++++4 ++ 11++4-f
++++++++++++4 44++4+•14
she of the e rlie:,t of- our forage (TOP;
and nod is for tbo purpose of s11,ylemo-u-
reed ,114 1101,4 pn1lurc'0, tont for (;r V1'nt
m3,- 411 a Loo clow: 0 paatnreate 0111444 da
to Lb0 fx'nson, am ofthe hest; its volts
ugh- has not h"en fully apprnci,tte1 11:•-
causa of tho tcnde)cy on the part of
too fanners to 1111o1v 1t 111 erJ1•nnrc tn.,
but, fur in the period or luaturity before
ran- hegil:n'ng to food
- u1 1 .111 . Ihl• r,eselapnleuL of.t, (28 the native beg
breed in their notice Juane in 1',,r- gau5 The preciOOs rnessugo,
1.111 -*1,10142 of e°111111i0us 1)'l2.ten \r„?,;', sma11, 1(115 Wt'aPped in
which rare most fa)neoble, has tend- 011 1,)11,01, and
is the bottom of
cat to fix this tend1•ucv levy 111111144 in 31.11 bowl 11!1(1 rovererl with porridge..
It 11.1 1,I'e1pd. 11 hen fed grain lib0rall,v
it is rinitc natural for them to breu,j
tl•tca In 471'' you*.
fht m•eoant of the high 1,11.5210 which
pure 1!''1';1.35 r(Iliralld, it is neces-
sary to look "100wl0,-c for a cheaper
111.0 )n the. (-1111, Which will cause a rapid
that develotnnent in spring. 11 i P'• b• 14111''r such
conditions it can be used in ns early
h," as May 1, anti continued for eight
able,to ten clays. Successly, *)"dings
hero enabled us to feed it st,rcel,1ft3t-
der- !Sy for 1)0 days, This will carry the
0101) supplementary feed over until what
-oa-his ready, which is even better than
or.rye, as its period of uaefuMess is
at ? 101144(1'.
the Then• IWo croPs will gunflints)
nn.- against any hack of succulent food
1144, daring the season, when the paistue-
ind age is at beat uncertain, Po110W•tg
]Tis these, oats, or oats and Pens, will
an- be fornd advantageous, and if not
ho nnedeil may he made Into hay. An -
b° ot1101' crop which is very helpful for
ltim summer (ceding, and which, seedod
the after rye, will not interfere with reg -
es • Totalities, and come earlier than
coin, is banyan! millet. '1'llis also
is not understood as it should, be,
but it soirees an excellent purpose
If seethed in the right 1813444 rand cut
at tut right time, it is P111211uh1e and
digestible, and provides in all re-
an excellent food. The crop
should bo'secd0d not Inter than .tiep-
t1mber I and wen 1uantlr,'d, in nrd,•.r
that a largo top may be obtained, in
which is stored up food accumulated
s ho seen this, or t1.
Wo all know the conversations in
country where the guests aro sir
gore, . Kee answers her delightfu
pleasantly, but all the time his m
011 "13riclget--hfaria-Sarah,"
eyes are on her toot In fact, ho c
tot keep then] off her! Where has
est her before? All at once
Sho is the girl Who had given
hat glass of water last night at
Site is trying to give him a glass
of ale now, but with. difficulty. She
has got the corkscrew into Lilo cork
but crookedly -as girls always d
and consequently the cork refuses
coma out. Clifford is talking 1•fg
ously about nothing in the Ivo
and sees nothing; but Iter, who
watching Hilary, grows gradua
1'1:'l.ntic. All that trouble for hi
young man laughs lightly, "'Thank
you 'very much. I shall be delighted
to giro Miss Burroughs tho chance
of seeing how---"
"Yes," says Diana. She leans for -
1 ware,
o "1701 clinrming I am," At anis
a they both laugh.
an • Here, to Diana's great relief, the
g8 door opens, and Clifford ratters the
- roost. Ile shakes hands cordially
W101 lien, 111(1 in a little Informal
o 0bio to .appear?"
u "Well," nervously, "she lopes site
inns- bo able to appear—"
Diana, who las snotty meant .only
Y- to 1enlpo'i'e, nolo seeing where her
d !worths have led her, controls with
' difficulty a mad deslre to laugh.
"Afterward? After luncheon? I hope
so loo," says her. '"Of coul'se 1
on quite understand how sho feels
c about all this. It as very good of her
3,t not to have refused 1110 tit 01100, even
1vit0out a trial. It seems unfortu-
1- nota that we cannot meet,"
1_ Ito Pauses.
"Y'es yes," slays sumo Diana vtg-
t 1(0!•44. What 011 earth 1s sho going to
y .stay nex't'?
"Thu will was T1're1)ost'oro'111," says
Ker. "There was smoothing that
o- when propel'ly seeded and cart at the
to right tote. Its best use is before it
or_ is fully headed and the. fhst cu (.ling
3,]d, sh04dd tlterlfol'e 021 motto as soon as
is the heads begin to nplicar,
I1y Following Millet, corn may' he used
m 1 and among' the varieties best. soiled
all for 51Pplementa'y feeding with
on- tura is tho Thoroughbred Whit.), Saint,
first because it is a rapid grower,
as, ' and will bo ready for feeding 'f
planted early-, by the middle or Latter
he, 11,1113 of July-, and second, because it
h0 stools !ergots-, and docs not maim113 is coarse, 1)031)44 stalk, 111315 Pc'rmit-
(ting of els °11th•) consumption lay
IY54thc cattle. Of these crops. the rt'0
fn mhian tells his wife that luncheon 1
is ready. Hilary - sent him in to f
break the fee. A nt011)ent later the
gong sounds, Hilary has Neaten a
wild tattoo n!'01l it and then rushed
back to her plum at the head of the
table, )1 hero Liana will sit behind
the cold 24020511 beef 1
11 is not until 1(er has 110150ed his 11
saluton that, looking up suddenly, at
llo finds his eyes mot by thoso• of the di
pa'lormai(l. Her eyes aro quickly he
Vvitllda'awn, site is handling 100111(1 tho
cold roast heel 1101, but his remain 11.
on 111411• -moving as sho stoves, Whore -
on earth 1',as he soon her before ? an
Slant ho has seen leer beforo Ito is Di
positive, but 101100e•? He is also 3,I
.quite sure that when first he did sin
see hoe, he did not realize that she co
was--w•as What is sho? lioauti-
Cul ! 1)2 beautiful too word? ih
lri0 is obliged to tame bis eyes off in
ler 11011', .LIS she hes 00110 round aad in
s standing almost .behind Isis back,
"Potato, sir?" li
Iter gives et littlo .start, 1Ter voice gi
so ow, .almost ars beautiful its her yo
self! en
.1 hank ,you, says b'o. 1 -Io facts as
1 the x5 apologizing to her for the 3,h
rouble she is giving 'herself on his 3,1
(count, 'Then suddenly bo pulls so
intself together and turns to Diana. of
".l fee T tun not to have the pleas- .--__
re of seeing your stator," says
with a slight smile. 1,u
"No.. I ton so sorra „" sitys Diana , sit)
hos eyes wit her prole. to
hope. I haven't frightened her den
array'," says Tier; lie now addresses y'o1
-1111434111 to Clifford. T
"You 11041ldn'11"says Clifford, 1I11
Nobody could frighten her I I'1to ll 1
!'ea tried -and failed: tiro mustard 1io
rillge'l. She's strong. Story strong. 0. 1
"Ah!" says I{e•. Diana casts an for
ndig'n11nt pinn00 at her husband, but for
111Yord continues his repast with all
tho air of a saint. "I thought per-
haps I was 1110 calls' of her staying
away from luncheon."
"She never stay's array from lunch-
eon. She is at it 110W," sayatCl11-
ford inlperturhobly,
"00, I see!" 1Cer's tone, hotvot'er,
is a 1it1lo vague. "She is fatigued
210 doubt after last night's dance,
and 1$ still upstairs."
"is she, Di? I'm not quite sure. I
quite thought I saw Iter a moment,
Hilary is at this instant staldisg
Just behind him ant the 81de0o0.rd,
"The foct fs," 030)5 1)iana, turndltg
bar delightful !neo that bas now a,
vo',1 11}1110 21110!1 (1])1114, it to 1'103', "that
l:Tilary feels -a little nervous at.bout-
ebout--" she falters and breaks
clown 406111 211101.181y.
"I know'," says Xer kindly, "I,"
laughing a little,fool rather like
that n1,v8011, ;Anti, of course, a girl
--- 11 was a scandalous will. sho
es to 800 1)10, and I -•wolf. I don't
0 to sea her, of (10t11'se-but 12" an
aid it seeds chutta imposs!b.le that
should 0v0r like oto (mother,"
at touch of ClIffot•d'3 about the
renglh" or his future wife has
difle(1 still farther his Weak desire
sec 1.1)0 With 01105021 for 11111) by This
(1 (runt, "She is taking a little
l;, I dose sin'?"
"rust a stroll,' 10118 01I(for1, goy -
"A snore hint n1 a walk! 'About
far as round this. ta.blo 011ee or
cc, She 110cs short 01.111ks. She
teantly', "is an 41)1111144 lazy
ere them is a Satter of Cho
was and forks on 1110 Sideboard.
dont !hulk ITilary lazy stip;
111; gtttcltly, '(Vlmt o1 earth does
that caroming of her back,
hat flushing of her face, Why, c
ound the beer!
Ilo half rises from his seat -he 11
indeed, forgotten everything,
"'1f you will allow me," says
his tone as careful ns though
1801'o talking to -at lady! 1f he o
Oh! can't you draw it?" set
Clifford, springing to his feet
rad seen TCor's gesture, and is no
little shocked at seeing Hilary
101131na. "Go on, I'll do, it," sa
Iin a low tone,
ter hears him. 'Ther'e is so
log so eo:adotntiul in rho tone,
beyond friendly, that, for a mo
t, he stares. Then he looks.
ala., but Diana is breaking the Ji
o bit of brood beside her plata in
all fragments with rho lutist u
ncerned air.
And now Clifford has come back t
e table, and Use beautilnl 1)11110
Mid is pouring 1110 sparkling a
to Ker'0 glass.
'My wife tells ane," says (31121'or
ghtly, "that you have promised to
10 us aL little of your time (1110
or visit at the Afoorso' J5 at a
T shall bo very pleased indeed
auk you. I'm rather out of it, i
way of friends now. I've be
long in India. ht's awfully !tin
you to think of 1)10, and of cou(•s
" Ito hesitates.
'You would like to sec) Hilary,'
111 in Clifford, "I can quite under
•play be pastured ix coos:moot to
1v 40 240; it is tors expensive, but. much
::!more Wasteful than if carried to the
1)0 Oninlots. Tho 111i11et, 11 not 1100110d
mo - Ifo!• green Poragr, !nay b( marl0 11110
so liay.
t -
n -
;suggested atm :limas about it. klut it 1
appears it is all 1 igh t."
"]-oma tried'?" Udo*a• tells herself 1
sho 111 nbstu'd, but; sonmhow a, feeling
of 0335tH' toward 111)11 rises now with -
/21 her .1111431st. file had trial to
break the .strange Osoaad between •htln
and 11'i'los'y. Prey where, would 712)
lint] a1 equal to Pillory? In hoe- 1
heat she has forgotten that as yet 1
has nev'e'r seen •ITil.ary.
'"Naturally- Inst tJk.:og. 'tVhen ;1 h
came back to England I Wont
straight to my lawyer- If the 10114 v3,
could be 121180t -if the smiley could
be divide(! betwoon 44;0111 'lister and
1210 --what a relief!"
"To Hilary -certainly!" very cold-
1V1NT1.R LA 11111,44,
'.1'110 101;1 111.80 repuirent0nt, if Nye
aro to reach the hhgh0st degree of
success with hothouse or winter
o lalnbs, will be a Sass of CWWCs for the
r- breeding flock that aro adapted to
to this purpose. Some of the very beat
mutton broods, such as the Stirop-
1, shire, Soutlidawn, Hampshire or f)x-
ford, are totally unlit for 11115 line
of breeding. 'Cliey cannot he Jncltwed
n to breed °arty enough in the s1asol,
It is veru uns1tnal for 0 aloe of any
of those breeds to ,trop lambs earlier
11 than January 1,i antler roltlitions
long are most favorable for earls
e, Ibreedi111, laulet• oed!nims conditions
1t is apt to be nearer Starch 1,
A failure in securing ewes of a 53,1t-
_ a.b10 breed is, it s0c221s to me. 1110
rad it, Most folIowe would year
see the girl their aunt had eon
meet thele to marry. Why can'
i See her?"
To stops hoe, /Intl both Diana and
11;1' grow pale. To them it 50512)0
'0410001011 on Mr, tier's sight 1 To
r, providentially, it seems only
'('proach. Having given full lime
tete explosion of his missile, (3111-
(1 goes on again.:
X thought Di, that Hilary was
rather determined to optical, at lun-
cheon. She certainly said somotbing
about it, About attending. Do you
renlembor? Sho was great on the
Ilei 0110;44 lays down a plate bo -
fore hitt with extreme vigor, aul DI-
ana begins to talk very fast,
ICer, with diillrulty drawing his
eyes frotn 12110 pa'lormaid of many
names, enters into tho convnrsation
wits Diana, but presently Clifford
strikes into it too,
"After all your must have soon 1T11-
arty," 5ay8 110, "Last night I
No, Not at all, You sec I come
so late,"
"But, my 'dear follow, you mist
havo 50011 11.00 for all that, sho
Wan a matt conspicuous figure,"
"Yos, nor dress, you know, Site
There was a sudden 1110'1401010111 be -
11111(1 11101,
"Your 110Pi(ln, sir," sa.y5 the Pa'-
1or)11111c1, handing it to him with
angry eyes.
"Row was sho dressed?" asks lief•,
"Well, you could hardly call 1t a
lnagnilleent costume, but certainly it
was remarkable is its OIyn way 130-
(0.3100 so out of tho co21103011. Altd.
yet," meclitatyaly, "so in it, You
Might sea it hero," a pause that 1111s
his trite with anguish, "and there
and everywhere!".
".il rather ambiguous (Inscription,"`
says I{oty Iang/ling, "What watt
Miss Ilurronghs 414csed as?"
Iigro a plat( falls With a eras!! to
the ground, The pardo•nlaid is
bending 0,04' the fragments,
To moth !•' frankly. b
Ile is so entirely ab0vc 00111x1 that „
in spite of 'herself she cannot keel]
from smiling. 11, docs seen honest. 0f
And if so, 211151 If 1tea1'l:whole (as he 3
had assured her last night), what a
husband for l'l'ilaly 1 And now, with 10
s :nook place, the causo of most frc
t- • quest failure in the business of c(u ])'
t_____.._.�._---- .._-_......_-
",Accidents will happen," says ('ltf-
! ford, shrugging his shou1(1es* anai0
I b1y. "We were 1(5111ng of '!11!11')
I Were W0 1101? 1,11142 111214 her ji1121
fauAAR, you Ree."
1 "Cheese, sir'?" says a. voice at his
!elbow that ought to have reducerd
him to dust.
"No, thank you, 11'0210k-11al'-' re
3,ln'121 110 01011111)'.
After this!-
Diann rises h,tst.ily from rho tIhlc
anti with a hurried 8mi1(1 to ROT
leaves the room. Sho is quickly 101
lowed by 1•1 nary, and meeting 111 01.,
safe seclusion of the drawing -room
they fall into ea eh other's arms 1311
give Ivey to wilt! mirth!
"011! but it was too bad of 11in1,'
says Diana, "I -To alight ha1'o warn
ed tis, giving us a hint, ilut to go
on like that.! Hilary, when bo spoke
of your 'oltencling," I felt as though
I should Have to got up and go
I'hat wasn't half as bad as his
attempt at the betrayal of lay ''dress
a t 1110 c1alcel,''
"Bol1•nynl ! ITc 100113 neve' have
betrayed your"
"I st1p1050 not. 13111 yet-ltushl
Are they coming? I must hurt ;y away
and sea about afternoon tea, I sup -
Coons! Not Eat or Work --Powders anc8 QuEok Cures
of no Avail—Lasting Cure Obtained From
PR. CHASE'S k s•"' 1Len fQ tiVl'm Y -
This case of MR'. Thurber well 11111s1 -
rales the way in wlilclt 11r, Chase's
e 3,o I1'oocl cures headaches,
IM tried Cao. so-called "rpllr0 euros"
721, 'brit-, without obtaining benefit.
1s a. well iinoWn fart that such
medios 1011011 they do bring t0nlpor-
y relief do so Witlt a trontrnulons
4(110 of 21010(4 fcn'eo and coo('11ne11t
jury to the syste111.
bastas Nerve .1000(1 0141300 by
mlet:Mg the 03000, vitalizing 1110
(11.08 and building 2110 1110 system,
1 Jli'adaohe 110 well as all ether symp-
toms of on exhauster 2ys!e01tlisap-
Pea' before its influence, Its ctn•es
lasting because it removes tile cause
six boxes or lir, Chase's Nerre 700(1,
11110 havn not boon teoublorl with
Ziontlitctio since. :It made a thorough
nact lasting 01100."
141,5. Janina Chines-, 71 4 Wo I es
'Asset, Peforborol, Ont,, stutes
have ustal fool' hoscos of Dr, Chase's
Norvo Tama, and round then) an ex-
cellent onslieine, I was troubled
mbre or iessi for nine:toot) years with
110Vere hrada,01105, made mc
motes% as far as accomplishing, my
"The Nerve Vocal 11001110)1 to bond
Me up generally, and so made a
would not thitde al being without Dr.
Chose's! Nerve Food itt the house,
And would strongly reeounnond any-
one suffering. as did to give it
Om 1
a groa I, nt any 2'01110(110t2 1121 11 failed," tly,
a box, his: boxes for SP2.60, at all I twi
dealers, or Tilthuanson, Bate8 Co„ plat
Toyama), To protect ,y,,ou agaloSt girl
t110 Porttait and signs.- 11
roc,pt 13000 atitlfor, are on (moot "T
poso ho'll stay for that,"
"Poor darling, you loOst bo tired!"
"Thorn" Hilary throws out hot.
arms tragically. 'Viten it Is for --
"Oh, TIlloay!" anxiously. "That
reminds lam. What do you thistle of
him? He iS goodlooliing, isn't he?"
"You forget I saw hint laSt nights"
"Weill Da nose in daylightl I
think 0110 sholdd always Aldo a per -
"Think he hooks just the same as
ho,,ndu atHlinh,f(41,101,11.zr.t, you coo.,
f°Sr'gTet-cit said lie should lind it ins -
(To be Oentinued,)
foundation for a breeding gook. IV0
and it most ovonomically in the large
smooth tlefe) of the Morino owe. They
re 11101.0 naturally hollned to breed
artier thee any oftier ewes except
;wen the most wily Boxer would
bardly think te look thero, and tho
boy bad felt 1.10 convern about it oa-
th be had moved the bottom of the
Then his bowl struck against
11e could not eall back to Ids
friends, for fear of roosing some
who) In good thrift they' otare garment, wrapped it, with the tiny
tearing a little piece from his ragged
rcaloved the oil paper and,
wfr:,,,111,,,aanyttymucl,,,o1,1,1,soresaretaso,11'y'sositannrtihs: noto inside, around ids Singer, as if
it were sore. Later he ripped the
hem. of his garment rind E41 plied the
note into it.
lieforo long the Boxers hailed and
soarched 111m, but, thali»g nothing,
they said : "Let the Little beggar
llis progress wets slow, but always
in the direction of Tiont sin. X ind-
boasted native women gave ;him food,
mid he slept under the
went well until, 1011en about half
way 011 his journey, he stopped at a
farm-bouso to ask for food. Now here
dwelt a man whose farm hands /tad
oll left him niA joined tho Boxers;
therefore be forced the boy to stay,
cold work. for eight days.
13y refusing to stay or by running
away, the boy fearedsthat Ile would
cacao suspicion; but while he was;
workIng he was thinking how to es-
cape without appearing too anxious
to go.
bucterla. T1111 St 311111 of On the eighth day he would not eat
uot very good und the season quite rice smelled vory savory to him be -
unfits orahle from &with. The beans fore night, but he would not eat
were cut with a mowing machino Isioally, the farmer snid,
0111)0001131t21111gluitionaild/11,1:t onfs Aulltoguismaos have to clear out of here. I can't
afford to have you die on my bands.
ofool;iolson,gv,as. opts; 1 .13.,:),,111 'That man would have been surprised
fairly good for n enteh croo under oil be could hnvo seen bow briskly
Finding Est iny (malt) wore ex t re.- ta'11,10';,,ofbro,s0y:11,r„te,,ii,C:21,1,eltr'bl'a1'51:1.1int S.,1,..111utiosofildtrit
7,11114 prOanCer coMparison With
elovee tiny. with tho folloo Ina about for tWo or three :lays beforo
guard everyahere. TT* wandored
tsci:/s81,,,,c111,0,01,1151111,,:,, ocaoiw-;;..; ic14.1011tidio,auni1.0ii,t grse,:tio.plt11).114rD0o7utgo,1:1,011111,111desolnilornitel.elii.u.sndalnelf.
"I. have a MegSage for 70111`
1'0111 WC. 0201701' any mom yeeennier 3 i
YehalWere (Oil soy boon hay with tho same 11111 langoage; but ho finally HU-
t111. 0floit3M09.11P1n01113ania.,y5 4 -of "10 P"
had been feel with lhe clover hav The ery soon after a. reply was given
retortion naily production of milk was him, and he started on his return
28,47 polities per head, showing a trip. This was the message Which
gain of about por cont in fovor of Ito brought on n tiny- slip of paper,
roy Seen boss us compared with °oil addoessed to Sir °natio Macdonald
bean test, and terat!erature very
much the *111110, the actual gnin for
soy bolt boy over the clover Wag
more than the figuros indicate.
1 Stan, grOW11 Soy hoLMS 401' sever-
al years and ata fully convinced. that
they con 1.10 successfully grown for
either seed or forage, and are a most
valuable addition to our legume
Het lison the oPspring or the Merino
Limn upon that of any other breed,
In 010 s Tina of 903. teoriog I
should mit' luive ti, sufficient iationnt
of forage to :mow my cattle through
the [ant WI/11 00„ clod:14 to plant
:mom 0,0 1.001212 for a Itay crop,
writoo Capt. Ss. T, Mills, The pays
T had prmiously raistel had been for
the Sued to Ise groond into feed. On
May 25 plamod 0 1.3 -acre field
with a wheat drill. The Boys wore
of the voriety ca/lod Early Brown.
r knew this variety was 1113t one of
the best for forago, although a fairly
good producta of geeil. But having
trio septi of my own growinty, I cow -
eluded to try experiment.
Th.. soil was poor clay lond. I had
no manillas nor dicl I lama the oov
Ihere are now 24,000 troops landed
anti 1 9,000 here. Cellars! Ciaselee
exported Taku to -morrow. Itessian
troops nt Pohang. Tientsin City
under foreign governirient. Boxer
power oxploded. 'there are plenty of
troops on tho wny /I you can keep
in food. Almost all ladies have
left Tient sln.''.
Our 11 1 tle hero's **turn trip was
6 — Jess eventful than the ono going
down, but he sow Boxers in every
, village. end on reaching Pekin on .
"Let's piny 'shadow -line," suggest- 1.)nly 21.3, 130.1 ing been only 111)*. (18Ni
cif Jolly, !on the return trip, he found it dit11-
"What is Cult?" asked Sunshine. !cult to got throligh without attract.
"Never heaml of sueli a play," solid !ing attention. Clowever, just be,
Alerrily, 1 Sore daylight. he managed to crawl,
"Italy," ond ii oily 1001,,e41 1%111nd, !throng% the slut...may under the wall
::i.\;,7113 hsnuoinaill1,".1.:irle171'.1.,1810810,,111,111(s)/11,,ititi•wgriiiimds? ;113,,iga,111010,111.1.tle later entered the British
Won, wo aro to shut our oyes nod i'erhol/s no beggar ever r°S°1red SO '
0110 11101(11'0H. T11011 'WO 1111101. 011011 2 11 1.111. 1111 with vanity. Ile modestly,
',mop v:alking round W11110 We Count !warty a welcome, but it elld not puff
Our eiVeS, end If Ivo Ilnd oltrselves 1n- Moan 111211itell 11s04111 in many ways.
skle the shadow, then we are 'dead,' until the legation was relieved by.
dud must fnll down,"
'Shen they oll shut. their eses and 1 tishru norilith..41;.41 411.1e urntk8 tram Tien -
count etl, "One, two. three, four, ile is now with the missionaries in.
five, six, seven, eight," on told on, Pekin, nail it is to 110- 110110(1 will re -
till they e11111 0 10 111110 ,} -Unto .
"Dun hu n dr ed!" 81)01110d .1.11y. '00100 11, 111404111 education. Then, with
! his bravo heart and willing spirit
"Ono Imoctrod!" shouted Morrily, las well us his pet•soverative in the
'Ono Itundrocl:" ohou toil Simshltie, !icier of obstorlos, what may 1)0 not
'Not doad yet 1 '' they till toughed, I nee:In:pi ish for China?
ben again thoy shut thoir eyes;
counted, nod when 00 000 11110-I
11 10 US 11111F/110d d 1111Y catcolated, (
1!" nod tiowo site roll, ITOPELESS CASE.
'rho forgetful man was stopping
ust then thero )vas lond chatter! ''‘Nli?". lei. me think," ash! ilia fOr-
lo-trro, suet) an outpour of bird lit happened. Sty wile wanted nu/
tens end shrinks, such a flutter to got her ungwillla that's been mene
ArlinoT?olnrhoott? will'iTolit'S 1,1111 V? What (along tuba) to rein Ind me, i t being a
deb ond she thought l'd better bring
the /notate' be'?" Whispered 0110 'pleasant day: anti then 7 thonelit 1' I
iging up, "the cat's after a. belly " .
robin! Scat! Soot!"
/Tow quickly Merrily and Sonshino
jun.),Ped uP, and how tint cat ran,
her tail Showing ber fright at the
tont direct le the diteese' A
ihe slows, stars the ale
Nothitto worries 0, woman go hilleti
whim starting oo a. visit as being Am -
I./1.01e to remember smoothing the hos
forgot ten.
Isom:ming of the three 10 tie "flood"
girls: Thon polio vault, ))1111 pot the
haby Polito hark is) its nost, mut llio
pla;e a floc game.
"Why," exclaimed Id'errily, ".11 We
bed not lweil 'dead,' then 'We colliri
nrit have 011 ved tho 111e. of that Oar