HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 6D AS YOU
It is the Greatest Boast Which Any
Soul Can Make.
You Must Carry Your Servants
With You,
Every ono who gots to India to
travel or live at hotels must have a
per:tenet eervant, 0, petive who per -
forme t! e duties of valet, waiter foul
mend i oy, aunt whntever else InaY
o rectitirect of him. This is a fixed
cuetout of the country, to resist,
whleh brink's 01,111e -q; trouble, to the
itOet4red aolordiftW .12t,O r 1-118 reiittl
ege, nsany liteplres certedecoe, tee\ eller.
nareeet of cremes, in Me yens one maw, talad-One tlespoo
e,twet Cabbage feabn
Thousand Nino Rendre/I end Four, for despite all of Jacob's ne awe 1-24,Rune 211 the
A desooten from Los AngolcS, Cal., Pronl incfl 11f 1 411 met obtain ol we i tors, end are cooieqy uelit tso e1 Men n'•elted butter, ti eggs beaten
toes for the !Kitchen, 0
103' tho Housekeeper, St
O (R•
reglefle and Other Notoa
by Wm, ot Toronto, (IA tt
and sin 111111 wrong-doints, les faith the gnest s to hring tot ileer own Mustard, I tableeeoon Sugar, tea -
reached up by way .of the covenei,• eel -tem -tee hambortmod, ene 243 00 34 P1 eta to taete, 1 tattle-
60eleeetwiet of agriculture. ()tome
'eeperatelv, 1 cup intik or cream.
•li".11L, 7, 'nieerreltreal llpgreot/e51c t too 1101p, i o Is .,1 lot.1. , o.c. / . ., . l .
l'ools. in 11011)410 b-eohileer 1,ubntil moot.
sa,sOFrdn110 leitt table to (1,231111 Llo God of aeb 11: COW'S 11.111014 1111111 bag Imnalyeo relent voiddress I. emelt head ofp1022111011 front the follo))2 put dt n hilsncalaaee and 2 oaions eutped fine
1 he Lord f Hate le with;taGod M he bas intt et human need 112 rIIa 1101iVSPvantleenen tAlleee.-01aat et fou
Coe of Jaeis (11 2' refuge - alai 1( 2(11 OtVe lion in times f ugindirisablefortreeer,
Tho weeds of our tes ext, like the trlegreatest daekeees ana datiger. Irhie 11'l! erir. LI to celery their own 1i...titling, 11 1! a 1.0211111 c1f hotter, ono (34 21
limit shout of e returning army t
lthe kimi ef a God we 1101'(3'l This ,ieel-e thole 0)21 111'. 0.11110.1111flind;:b bln0.,11 l/1 allspice, two of ground, gin-
pro:defining the inowees of the great .1s he hind of a God wo have! !th,,it 4) >1 toweIn. Tho cemeiee.,- pre, jgeT, the grated peel or half and the
general wbo has kd it to vielewY, 1 But not every one earl claim that , Oche; e tentili la ;th-..ej) 0/I, '1(2 112 to juice (11 a large llon
tez, Mix all Well
. .
Bound forth front the 461 li Cd of Jacob Is our ref
Psalm, "the Lord of /rests is with us; the those in freight raboosee. ;together, ('(.3(1a eir) of molassiss, beat
which was weitten eumgetedly in cola- I ouge." I 7 11. !
S,' , Eaoh n
e,. has alw n was:11-1,01n 112)4 1.1112
won, pour it on buttered 01)('('1.menniration of the gt,t,at. deueerenee (1.1tristiens oftentimes cannot hVike ,SeInVilni.'n Waif. V• But ii the trove}... ; tins and sysead it thinly over them.
of ' Jeruttalent froet the mighty e
As- 1'1,1'18 proud boast, becauR1 bill has ',kr velele'A 1 ./ Le ni/1.0 of we011ng his I Bolo! in a rathov slow oven. When
syrian army. It was during the foot. ill the 11 emetic, mel if he iz, e zes doze, on it into Ftiunn4
.1, and o
rawn them front God's stele, mid be -
reign of the godly King, efeemmah cause, when in dditettlty anti dist smite ho will s 2111 het 141)310.1. to the eta- !ouch • square 000221111 the 111g112' as it
P410(521 from the tin. These are
that these retuarIcable events transpir- •stheyteed of looking to GodNot all 'twee turned to human aid la- t emu totter I.: el ere t he traiii otert 4 • e
ed. They are Pal of thrilling inter- .rlittrab. yeti aek to imee the welerd. •10111/4 1111.., ; f1124inite S daudy elicitme ns the best br„
es that are founded In the l'imee.
. :
.et a 3(11)1111 with a goalsklit fell of mats Reid tier confectioners.
Jong fringed 011115 Wer0 111011011 1 111 1E0 sa, hie, 9, wae ruto
eet. Following the vigorous valet- tiod
nalue of the Lord t' 'Hosts Ma, "Thee meth)
lime was easel 11)111)4,10 towels with I
gar, WhiteS of the 053[3), 11.0231 the ex-
tract, Pounding all together until
thoroughly mixed,
Lemon Cream. -The petted Piled,
juice, and pulp, if liked, or one or
two lemons, ono cupful of ewer, 000
egg, one generous tablespoonful of
corn steed:, one teaspooeful of but-
ter, am! one capful of wetter. lieat
the egg, add the sugar, corn 51.121211,
lomon. rota butter. Place the water
on the ere, end when It boils, alowly
air In the 1241) 01) inIxture(301231.(301231.. o
until thick, remove from the 24102"',and lost until 101(1 ('3)0(351) to Ilse.
Plain icing luny bo made by boiling
011e 01111 of granulated r u
sligentil it
j111'13141171W1100 lifted cm llie spoon,
then pour this gradually on the stif-
fly beuten white of (me egg. 1211)2bo flavored and colored to teat°. All
acidity may he imparted by a 111-
tie lemon juice Or half a saltspoon
of tar t ;vie arid. Gill 011 0000n0111,
111E S. S. LESSON(
JUNE 19.
Tent of the Lesson, Matt. 425211,,
1 -1 5, G olden, Text,
Cote xer., 50
2110 melee duy of last week's lessen,
the only day of its 34(111 in the %elude
3131(101',' (1! the world, 1110 day of the
atonement for the of the 1)011(1,canto to ea mut. When the soldiers
(nm ute tate down the Indies and
broke the lege of the thieves to has-
ten their death they 103-1211 that .lents
Was already dead. Se they broite not
legs, thus fulfilling another Serie-
turf), ".A. bone of 113(22 Shall not be
broken" (Ex. xii,, 40; None ix., 12;
Pa, 4255(2',,2,0), 04)1 0! tbe soldiers
melted chocolate, lialf a cup of chop- pierced 1 -lis side with a spear. and
1:1(2 (11(1.0, or a cup of chopped 100111101(11e0.1110 111010 01I1. 13100:1 011C1
11151 01' of dates will vary the plain water. again fulfilling Scripture,
ire/Ming, if cheered, and the changes "They shk ell looon 113112 whom they
are many that ean bo rung oil it, end pierced" (('.42011. ell., '10).
are limited only fly the ingenuity of
the cook.
ITINTS '.1•0 USIeliElerlealS.
.Toeepli of /0112241111(11,a Mel; man, a
asket1 l'ilate ear tho body of
.7eses, and with the aid of 510011011(1(13wrapped the body spices Ulla laid
it in .1 oeeph's .11`210 1011th, 1.11.1(1 th.us
ous and political reforms W11.11 Wh1Ch C10101 in truth that witl; titre twL41"1.2 111 `111"b 10 r°1'1 °gel twr tw° "Pf1d° 31.18 'rar1' with 11'1 I I
11 car 3110 V0(3)3081. of the chief
it am entireties in their methods
tun' will stand before the door aud touch , 1"'3' 14011(1(1 of sugar end a level "ne iltmetuntee 'towel is tbe proper
and till it, aucl Moine detemeted, 110-r, half a tease:melee of salt, y‘enectl,fle ..foy 11;;; tezt bedroom. 1,1011; r e 1 in lila
Hooetaah innegarated his reign, he . . .
thinr. For earo, again. fashion's Pelt -else 1111ate emenitted 'tile Jews t.o
To a Great Extent the Wife Can
Regulate His Physical
Many nottrone went to be under
tho lutpreselon that Ili -health ts whol-
ly a matter of eltance, almost a1'
1112)18 unavoidable, end duo solne
Stiperhtimun, inevitable cause, They
11151«, no attempt to ward MT impen-
ding ailments to which their Moe
hands are liable, by provention-the
beet of all C11108.
Other wives there are who err in
the opposite extreme, and invite
Phyeleal and mental uneasiness for
their lords and masters by their ex-
cessive fussiness and everlasting fidg-
ets- But this (chid, haapilY, ls rare.
One of the. chief alas to health is
well known to be a properly balance
diet, suited to the requirements of
the individual.
"One 01011's meat. 1E1 anOther man
poison," and it should be one of.t
chief abns of a. sensible wife to fint,
out, as quiekly 'as possible after mar-
riage what Is "poison" for Imo
spouse and what is "meat." Some
wives UMW make this discovery at
all, oe only to a very limited ex-
tent. Others begin to get an inklin
ee by tehe ee
,• : 1 ill'l'-.10,W151 mes eaa.,,'
•eilf:ih .for
to "what 0(1115'ils John by a
bodily threw rte the yoec of the As- pratices, their worldly -minded 1)1 his forcitead every time th11 22(11 Is 1e/ ourel of b105 PORI Le.arelict 5011Siie 111Iielabielt doles 1 1 the 1121131 for thsilver wedding
syrtan kleg and refused longer tivitieare not in the blessed I0,10,,„imeetit 111 11/ ,5 /1,t11Oili 01 11t00 055ad one c-
e•.,gepnueecroaegcmtesped a'sd
i Lb'Cl.k'1 "f•'1•1Ig.`I'•l.,f1i
t ,''. wf"1i,,,f,At,,. ,,,•e
et.,n s• , ‘ 1'"....c'a-e.
, .• ., !1,'I,i•:
e 1 , i • ,
tl'e :.s.c.i'n mo"-r'e .e,i.neLl tha"n O.w:7dee'" '.
220 11111
e2)1,, 11 ('32
hee lle
bation100.7 be urged thaythis
Pay him tributeLater the northienpuny of the Ono fel of sweet milk and elk Into ta Lo 1' WalMill1001/00(1 '43 0120 anmainly Jobns own fault1eat ho
bites of Isral were taken captiv;WS.aNAIW11,e1its Add too table mWn'4ointments that thmght come ane
and. their countrylaidWaniI1 PAttee;al '
Assyriansand this exposed Judah They may feel that they furthe1i1(1 1)21. 1;111 hnv1o raId 131 494 of melted 111001 (11C1 tile sOS
to freh attackany of her strong1024 tho man of Christ's kindom3113.s a!id lil14w 101and 3)1 12 biliyrat011 11111e5 OggCook c°1111844)'110r""4''',",4--e„70eanoint 111111 Wel 111 111/11 ath was
holds were tan and (1(1 u1. hut teev are seeking tIsvr,(1 la t tt1fohis lat1))o 422 greved hot 2124. Po ionorre 131101i-rwg'''0ngc181ugg"peetfor thebad not1w111(1 /Ng
an ‚2112121 uner nna(beno eeami 14'11that which has ge in the 4. 1.212 are provt.„.=11 11,1 111011 2111I1 2121 11 52ne )1,tout1,0w11,,edhemstitching is w.eespot neci Word thet Ile would rise again the
(l 2(11 JeuenThrarb1aa10are ehewill him; la5(13441211 24 and will '3 111 ''ors outtee mallet) wears as loi,,,,t(tax'1110102011 111211 lunch
city 2)415 ordered to 2(2(1(1 (1 in th4::11c11(1)?t11"ad; "vas netnd to allthecetnls of tlltelfngi')V)(1' 1"ngilltl'11aknoast11011but did not fuly 1101101 01 lIhad
Most insulting wld blespheetoes lan1th;sv;0Ifa1e""8.Cell14 ad en otmesIn 11 4141 124 i\OtIg76.;',g11:1tlT0;1091t1ealinTdb°rthrs"ITn8n11
aeThe 0od of Judah wdelew,11)4214may'ne‘tT500 1,.;,tln be hirOa fatbrow Into boilinilted water and ht",",mee11111 astr,,"`wry'',11nly onthfirst day of thWeA
led as 11011)34 linable to save them Lord of llosts nitlle%;? 1e111; (0 11215 amonth1. 001 cook till tenev.Drain ofT the Wall whit°111(1 \S came to thsepulchre ex
from thiron ina of the great conthese "IF'11111Qr1""11"05be 1); en the ar0 c1! '1 can be ter 1121 put the s531/he111 01 a ery 111`12240112dAll"8110151,110014e10(13114' tfnd a deed body which
ceerorIn the hour of petit foulties- tionsegaged for 3100 oti 0e 21.1I11r1 a ft 1 tteITalo 1 ,de the whitesremovedfrom rugs and 01(1,93115 asitbe)' 111)54)1. 1111.11 loving 11011218 anoint
e need ITezelcith lays the matter First, who moclaim 311(1 the (1401211).and exeet to nut them- o .- .' g31, arnis11nocn as eoliced. If neglected t,ay i my wondered who would roll away
b,et thtrvellee110E1paya1E11 1111113 pea0211')'al)11 (111) 01 gaticr dust (1)14 dirt and became 212!- tho stone, but semingly did not
(hp. . 1, 11A.
bfrte Lord 111)21obtainsw0rLo1'd4)21I0313,5is5t1111411121elefrfThWhite 5111100 made by cooking to -
through the Prophet Isaiah that the them, that the oninipoteal tweet. is ,
1111wItY m
orc ' a. ' a ' P . ' d will r 1. cl 'it! 110420.0weaker's, in in- ..,).--- [gaiter a tablespoonful of iloue rine
twe of buttev till they bubble, then
the 412 1(121 "And it came to pass fold act of e•11.1 and heart tuts turned. Fi.T10.11 BHP' RUTLAND .dding . ell "Ik 1 •ti ria , tell
p 01 1111 allI b r te, 1
warm only, not hole I we eagle
deliver the city out of the heeds of vincible union? He who by 11. three-
' that night thee the angel of the Lord towards God, has accepted llim and - 'ill I"' - it thielens, eerie -ening with salt and
- melt the grease before the paper ale -
went out and smote in the camp of is walking with Him. It is a mat- 1 gols.s OE INTERF.ST FROM •
pepper. Orate the yoles of the egg.b:
5011)011 it, Change the poe,illon of
the Assyrians an hundred. four score ' over the top set in the oven to get 00 lhrtt 13122111
and five thousand,: and when they
arose early in the ramming behold,
they were all dead corpses.
So much for the historical facts ,
which probably furniehed sante de- choice will always place human feet Auld Scotia.
on the pathway along which (4od
vout Jewish poet with his inspiration A memorial bust: of the late Mor -
moves, aucl right conclect will keep ,.
for the Psctbe. In the eleven short / t -s of Bute wee unvedea at fret.
vetees of this Pellet of ;raise ti.,,,. the soul in step with the Divine,
jA. ;trews letelv
(Mutt to rentave. •
Fresh grease stains can be removed riving at the tomb, they lied the
stone rolled away, the keepers trernh-
with a bit of blotting payer and a
wa,rin flatiron. The inert nulSt bo Ping f°'' fear and a me:teener Isom
heaven, in heavenly reiment, with a
message for them wliielt is recorded
in Vel'SOS 5 to 7 of our leseon.
In this ancseage let us give special
attention to the words "Feat' note"
"He is risen as Ile suite" "Clo gulek-
ly and tell Ills dinciples," comparing
such Script;ures as Gen. xv., 1; Rev.
i., 17, and the many "fear nots" be-
tween those two. With the angers
"Go tell!" note His own "1311 not
afralcl, go, tell (t-erve 10), mei Ilia
special meseage to Ilfary Magdalene,
"Go to My bretheen and Fay unto
them, 1 atscend to Ary leather and
your 'Pother and to My God end
your (lotr' (John xx,, 17), Compare
Isa. 01., S, and Nine/ter if you are
willing to eay, "Teem ant I; send
mel" The fear ancl great joy of
choice between self or 0 cal, nnd of hot stgain, and seem Spagbetti and 1110 1.04.01 oe e,
ter of ettitude towards t,ocl, ex
What Is Going on in the IIigh. macaroni Lute both rultritious ,and will lee a deem surface over the
tonduct following the choice. Right ---
attitude towards God will 12 11331 matte toothsome dishes to help Out grease spot,
Alcohol will remove spate on a
' " IT' d -elli eaco• ri in lands and. Lowlands of the from before fresh 1.egetables are
carpot made by jelly, sticky tiy-imPor,
to be had,
121012311505 or varnish without injury
11111121.0(1 Salad with Potato - Hats
A little salt la the se-
yoe ever made a salmn cohol assists the process.
osalad in to the color.
this way? 71 not, try it and you
veill be snrprised at the result. Tho -
worde ot our text are repeated twice,
echeing the thought in the ro ;ming
verse, 011:1. fernishing the key to the
will, so that it earl conitclently claim,
It hes ben reeolved that the meta -
"the Lord of Hosts is with nie; the e ,..1.09‘11 decideded ly Deily taste of maltreat is
God of Jacob is my refitge.e ruble bets of the new Inverness
three-runged ladder mess be need by 11(211(1 will wear Mite. 13)s))'4'(1by malty, lett if combined
whoie, The sound of the words with 1.oteto it beeome.e. a very pleas -
gets stiff and lumpy. Make a
saint and sinner ctlike in geining the A reduction of lel per cent. is
;Int dish. Take a can of etoak sal- ("a
The sinner cannot share in the tri- in the Scottish iron trade. man end drain off the 011, then add eliP of pretty calico ov sateen the
4 good-sized cold boiled potatoes and same size as the comforter, j115t an
comes with the reassuring calm of annottl.pd in the 124223, 14 01 120) 111140
, the realm in which God moves.
choe toeether until very fine, or to (1,, yoe would ceeen a 3111102) 51131 hem the
"PEA.CE, DE STILI-!" umphent strain of 0111. text until I Some of the Scottieh 3. 01 11110
' • ' ' • S 1 th . 1 1 ri 1 vl •, finished have it
Weeny housewives complain about
waehing bod-comforters and tho cot -
lee to re.st. It is Et confident boast until his will has leen sai'rel.dorc,n 1 AfrIelt, are still without their medals. Pant O. NOW nmse a tires -sing of the ,
about two Inches longer titan th
, Vent? 8 may be explained by Ps. ii.,
which hushed the raging sea of Gall- his heart has turned towards (roc), t ' 51011. 10 2)21
which strolls and throes all through and a /10W motive rules in his' life. I
er wa 4 ens outside Ore linding it eN•
Till'..11rS W110 encamp in their tents Leatee yelps of ;1 eggs, 1. tablespoon
butgar, 1 1 able-m.00n musterd, II -I3 cup comforter. Now slip it ON'er the Ill'
ii., 12, for thole; is a holy awe which
reloic0 with trembling;" also by Phil.
"Serve the Lord with time and
the Psalm and reveals the gh,ry Attitude is the light which shows ) .it ere in s It to comforter, fold the hems over eneli
which. comes from the litdeing of tin ,whero Clod is; choice is tee s step le neia e in MorueeOire, as they (11 toot . •,
' toste and o pinch of red pepper. Pot other, and baste down with long his mind be undeniably elevated or
invine power with human weaktraes, elude ef taken, places the soul at fiord, the other three sides Letec 1,7 11"t' th-10081s1•011 1 with great ine'; A depreesed by her influence. It is to,
f•e•,. to grieve Hint is always helped.
the side of Ood, and conduct is the else eleanus Cousins, the blind or- tiva tiw stove cold stir until it begins stitthes;
position eliteat four inches from be feared, however, that Otis bleu --
music of the life which enables iL to le
/mist of Aesten, Berwick, has been
• We thicken, and when cold add whites to
led to give to tames 1 1. to 1 5. Thete
of cogs beaten to a. stiff froth. This tho edge. When soiled, it is but the .tw,v.. brief glanea 18 all W° 10°1 ClIell IS not always very unselfishly or
, ' very intelligently directed. FOr /11- '
stance, nmey WiTeS strive hard to -
'keep their partners fast within doors '
durine almost every mineto which
cau be spared front business. This
is oftc0 a mtstaken policy. Many
x":' 1)); xx-I, 8). 9'1101'0 must 11'100 men of a domestic turn of mind
been. much bribery all round W11011
ought to know whet emits leim, and
Of colleen, only e 'gay, iliexperiene-
ed and untamed bachelor would argue
in this way. Ile may bo dismissed
with the reflection that WINOS are
1101 1101! coolia angels.
In the first place, john probably '
has lefty things to think about be-
side and apart, from tile preparation
of his food. S'econilly, he will, as a
rule, eat what. there is to be had
withoet comment rather than com-
plain or make a fuss. Thirdly, he
frequently does not know himself
whet food even with him and Mutt
does not. This it should be the
wife's business to find out. • .
It is often said -end with truth -
that indigestion is at the root of
nine -tenths of the diseases Which af-
flict humanity. A. avife, therefore,
who is thoroughly acenainted with
her liusband's 'digestive pewees is
Ethic, by- regulating' his diet, to in-
fluents hie' general • health to an •
enormous extent.
which are known to disagree should
find no place upon the table. The
wife should be very ctutocratic in
this respect, but, whilst declining to
prepare dishes which Etre injurious to
her lord's constitution, her ingeouity
caa be exercised in. devising, ilepasts
of a harmless nature.
Just as a man's physical condition
con be nMeifled by the food with
which his Wife' provides him., so co.n
bringieg victory an the face of a
mighty foe. What must these words
have meant to those helpless Jews
shut up in their city and unable of
themselves to strike a single effective
blow at the enemy *which threatened
their hotnos and their loved ones'? To -
keep its step with the leivitto will, el t.0 t cd elettn.st o 111(1 •1t.. I b
The Christian cannot stund in tho church, Abercletn. is a tory tempting dish when served
temple of Cod and Fing with the '1 he town comeel and tlict Clyde in individual ceps of lettuce leares
Hozekiabs and Tsetalts that "the ' Nat leation Trost contemplate tb,„ nne gacitished with slices of boiled
1.,ord of Irosts is with us," unless he §ion of a bridge iterCWS the rner--
flay tho Assyrians are seen to be , retie,
quits his worldliness and turns to- Clyde at the Broomielaw.
wards God; unless he "seeks first Abadecn bets followed the 1ee11 of -iil'INCIVAT2N11. TTIT'l r----'' -
drawing the lines closer abotzt the
the Kingdom of 11o21 end His eight- Ghtegow, Fdialatriill and Dundee 1.1.11C1 Thin in 1110 leaat season of tbe year
et*, and proVaring to 11101(0 tile fillal
eousness," and unless lie lives in his has deceived for early elosine. Tbe for 11 tese that falls to the house -
life the religion which ha order took eaten on May 20111. Lee; 0, 1.1.1ey few seals, 1.110 111'0111115
PROFESSES WITTI GIS LIPS. 'ewe aged women, named 11c- up ;eel renovatiag the teolliars in. hor
Tho church cannot claim its right Beath, residing together at Lybeter, yiliee 5, Feathers mat and pillows
to these words if its attitude is not Caithness, were Mont to death ill a get lumpy ender centinued use, and
steadfastly towards nod emi awny nrc teliiidi broke out in their home, sometimes they bees au unpleasant
from the allurements end entieements Tee death has occurred at 'IS Cent- odor that 12,11). .1(315 the necessity of
of the world; if it. chooses fairs, zind meter etrcet Aterslct II, 01 Arthur
assault upo11 the city's walls. Dark-
ness closes in upon the city and the
encamped enemy. 'What the morrow
may bring forth fIlls the people witI2
anxious dread. But Itezeitiah and
Isaia11 have placed t,he matters at is-
alle 111 1152 hands of a mighty ally,
e 01 t or a 121921 1.11 1111 0 watchmen were well paid for thew
slip, and after it is laundered it is lying, but to -day many will lie for
quickly replaced'. By doing this, one VOI'Y little 1.110111T, possibly not,
can always have roft and clean emu- knowing their Father nor The end
festers. it is no extra expense, as web. dna ,10o10(.1011)1,11,1 „tit, 44; Rev.
th0 slip saves wear and tear 011 the
comforters and makes them al0.11110(41.everlasting.
Attractions for Sportsmen. on the
Line of the Grand Trunk.
The (1rat4 Trunk 1111.112)5)' (20102,9007
"deing 5024.0(121115,"5024.0(121115," -To trust ones has 1130.913 a handsome publication,
andwhile the besieged city waits
every lcincl lo H101,11011; shipbuilder, aged 73 yours. 1061 PillOWS 10 the feather rencestator profusely illustrated with half -tone
God's angel. goes forth and smitos the San
ppers1 ,and_ on) orft e i ii n len i s. and
had been at sea for 57 la to te forever after uncertain of engravings descriptive of tho many
Assyrian army with the seete.ge of erjscrto-13111170 alrn U:a. (-).
y a 1 t west the people 222 1124, tlie remlity and generally to find the attractive 'localities for sportsmen on
it 'seeks ion iTilacnh .1.11)es‘tead of wenee- e.'1'1'-' •
death. 'rho morning light as it -
breaks over that troubled and anxi- ing the Ciospel oi re 1,11101;ra nIrel se,1- torenderable satlefactien ie 1' [11(31' tellunite sensibly diminished atter the their lino of railway. Many of the
--`0, vati on. and keeying1 Lii sol i. unite/At ed sea inh Iintt-einess ecluentional eircles first flunOteFo is gone. It Is seme regions r
1 g 1 , wade ore 110111)11, hat 1101 0, 001'ff ard110115 taek seem to have been specially prepared
cachet" by the Grand Trunk
ous city reveals to the WOIlderifIg 01 5
of the people heaps of dead instead
of an onrushing and conouering army 1.1) ronevato one's own feathers, ' for the delectation of maniciace, end
where for a brief period the caves of
and in the distance the remnant of business are cast aside and life is
Seenacherib's army can be seen re- given up to enjoyMent. Not only 'do
treating, hoeing behind ibs lifeless
warriors. It is no idle boast which
echoes throughout the city. '1114y can fanacedilsittliopefisii gf 00,1,111)ttirtoett7tii"ci,11,1)81;0,et,sicitglot,
say in truth: "The Lord of Haste is
with us; the God of Jeeob Is our Islands of the 0001141.1.111 Day, Thou -
refuge." 3. Saud Islands and St. Lawrence Riv-
er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St.
But the 1.01(1 Is more than a milie John, and the mane attractive lo -
tent Lord leading Ilis hosts to vie- calities in Maino roll New Hamel -
tory. Ile is a safe refuge into which shire, present equal me ortunities for
Ills children 11107 withdraw when the health, pleasure and sport. All these
storm is sweeping down upon thorn, localities aro reach(r) lay the Grand
0.2111 they may rest Glom until the Trunk Railway System, and on
(101)5(10 is past. And it is tbe Cod of trains unequalled on the continent,
Jacob Who le our refuge. Why so? Abstracte tit Ontario, Michigan, Quo -
Why not the God of Abvahom, or the bee, Now 1311.0)5511110 and Maine fleh
God of Tseac? We do not need to go and game laws are inserted in. the
into the history of Jcteob very far publication for the guidance of
to discover the reason. Who was it sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail -
who 342311to ace foe his life to escape way has also issued descriptive. il-
the anger of a wronged brother and lustratel matter for each district Seri'
W110 0101113 El resting place at the /Irately, which are sent free on. ay-
geteway of 1.15421021, where Clod met plication to the agents of the flora -
him and made lliS covenant with party and to MN .1, 3), McDonald,
het? Who was it who 503011012451 in District Passenger Agent, G. T. It.,
the lend of his jealous and a.vericious 'Union Statiot, Toronto,
, father in law, who suffered wrong,
uho wart
A stranger who had taken lodgiugs
owl eased and threatened, and yot foe 1.140 night at a hotel olt the Rue
who found the Lord was With 11110
'I'reeerslore, in Paris, committed red -
and giving him great ettbstenee and
cide by tokirig poison. Ile had eov-
• a 11211113100))5progeuy? 'Who Wan it erell 1111115011 with a large mtantity of
who wee trogeled with the sine of roses, and in ft note left on the table
eie yont 11 as he journeyed toward the begged to be buried with the flowere,
land froze wh(rl) he had been forced adding: "I ant a mystery, come from
to fee, mid who when ho heard his MySterY, and Peter)) tO layStOey. I
brother was 111411111)5 to 0)201'. hintewith have conk to Paris to die there, 2(12"
force of fighting mea clespaired of , it 111 love
ids life? Who was it sought out
Gol elope that 1115111 and wrestled '11)310 ere %1241111111 ten nitlie 11411)201012 to my family
of lel- 1 knee tifettest of goosequill in the EleeilYlli that kills me."
with llim ail night. and at last the sarefully tended etle lying mum leg Crteee 1.011:1011, no fewer than of met,.
i Meow ticks, generally tWo, 4. ----
found in Tlint a, Aare refuge, even it. The goverranettl. liolVetcr, rod, 762 pleees (yr oupwr,,/,,Itt., wrth ,01 ,,H...
'I hie represents.; tit 1.,,eceeztti,, lo 2(3122(11 ti, allow, di_ Mrs, Speodera--"T wonder what
out, the yew, of his days? 'rho frigitive ineisted that all ollicialet elmeld ap- of 1 .(0,ezez 1,,,,I.,0,„s.
a•11 1 be the popular etyloes in bonnets
.1 eeoh we,e0 God brooght back in Pear with [triode like blacking 11011e11- a le.rge inereeze, oh lee figuroS of Lon
11 501' ill 111e 1,11(3 of promise; . the es', and their bodies; almayed in 1VcM - year:, 11.1). 4)111 Of 014 3 incrouno 0, very
°Pereeeed 'Tivoli whom 00c1 delivered ern evening areas, bet, In melee to .Iiirge pert is to 10' (10,1111(01 In the,
1)4 «'1) Wealth und largo family; eneottruge tbo inshion among the growth of ell elle 11 '1 ftiv within, the
1 n" 11,1111)1 1) end hated Jacob , country people, ereeted nt the 00, period 1(1 'or rea tow the 11,1111ber of
whole Got remedied to ine brother i Vallee of every considerable village n. tousle halls has inerensed by 45 per
. Gad 41.5 a God of refuge. The Ged of ebatti, weieteeellee, end t rot:sore, ev- that of the 1,01'1(10 tom
-able is the one who can SPaak or roilrtt 1115001114 1 511Or's Pottorns or crolt., pp ineroaso adadi greater than
Jerol. is the aod who never frills Ills /try eliteli end ovary gram in ita Piece
children Wilen thoy , ere in dIetreee 1Whieb the loeul tallore wove orlon fee A, 110' 34 •It,r would raie,,r hohl a eve /trope of otter/lei of rose. Pound
- end trOlible. 'Pe speak of God as the rbe eeen copying 113111 worn exactitude . lee • 0; tel eirl . than a 1>1 12)1111 the eintontle to a NT,' panto With a
God of erAtteit, to Chant 1/1111 Me our iihtO to140010. ' 'babe, 1111."0 toga, Add 11.0 met 01 the it* 41 corn,
front tho world. The words nine be
beautifully inscribed upon the t'vells of the erovineiel ('011)) (4(4 uf the now
of a church, the conferee:0 ion -which 8rbeliPh l''''aucatiab 111 11'
resorts thither Dley thern ()ter 71" d exth is announced of Ithe
Malec a, good-sized cheesecloth bag,
leaving a, portion of one end open.
Rub it all OT(11' 1111.11 bar soap, and
sense of Divine neeroess and cooper- Deceased was a familiar turn the soaped side to the inside,
ation, but nlethines in some (entree" figure at all principal sheep shows Rip a Plate in tho pillow the size 01
at least there are social awl festivet and sales in Perth and cl•letriet, the meeting in the bag and SOW the
occasions when (loc) Vet`V far away An extensive property is to be ef- two edges together firmly. Then
ehale the feathers into the bog and
mow up the opening.
Put the bag of feathers into ft
bollerful of cold water and lot 00/110
1.0 /1 boll slowly, poking and turning
the bog occasionally, l'Shen the water
boils stiv and lift the bag, then 'drain
zie well es you can on the clothes -
stick, and throw into a tub of cold
water. :Rinse well; drain and prase
the waive out, (lien licseg out of doors
in the shade, The sun draws out the
oil of tho feathers, end though pil-
lows reiplire frequent airing they
should timer be laid in the sun.
Wash the tike While the feathero
are drying. After the ticks are wet
the down that has felted ot the in-
side can be removed with a whisk
broom or an old brush, Starch slight-
ly and Iron smoothly. and the tieks
111111 Le good as 110W. 11 Will take
from two or three days to dry tho
feathers Ihormighly, and they should
1,11 qtrred up occasionntly to aSSint
set eve1 hundred poende was mine, the pt•orese. They dry hest in a
The pulpit and stairs were complete, good kin' wind rind should wine milt
OFFICERS SET FASITIONS. de:Lee/eyed tho clink and ortean elean anti finffee, Put them
much dam/uncle The remitted glass back in the tiees the same way you
3131 Japan of thirty years ago oil
window , I. the enst end of . -the church took them out, With nil cave, there
110 '103 excel -11 th° (1234.3(1 24 °byre" Wes broLen, end the woodwolet add will be some deem and feathers serste
strictly to the old Mese of jnpan, I ,
1011‘.5 WM) coesitievably injured, toyed, so it is best to de the evoek
woe as much the exception then 1.0 • lit en uneeopeted tic unterniehed
• David Macmillan, the genial farmer
and the Devil himself makee bold te ferra foi sale in ,June, the mite
e0/110 ill and read 02101. tile words and estutr, in AbercieenOtire. The prop -
laugh at the falsehood they express. erty coneists of 7,000 aeres, includ-
How may we know that "the Lord ing the mansion, Chapel and dower.
of Hosts is with us?" ily testing A retired cattle dealer named
before Clod onr trite altitude inwards ,hours Young, committee suicide at
Hint, by searching out uuderlying
motives when exercising the power
of choice, by turning the searchlight
of God's Word upon our lives and
thecovering the sins of the Meer life
and the outward conduct, and by the
evidences of experteme. 'laving rens-
leort-lelphieeton by eating hIS 111.0ftt
With a, pocket knife. Deceased had
been in rp,or health for some time.
It is etuied that the Earl of Eigla
has presented to Ills eldest son,
1111440, the mansion of Oulress Ab-
heV. Foe seven years the building
surod tho heart ley the threefold test has been iineecuyied except by a
ing that "the Tetrit Tiosto is with 110.0„kell
115,'' then 101111 IteeekiL111 yolz can At nowthig of Glasgow Town
confidently wait "ntii rxi)er- ("outwit en the 21nt tilt„ a nioticie
knee Proves ihni (1011 wits ind°01) by Bettie Shaw Maxwell, that the
with 21nmr 'nee' long night fi,rt. °entries mei efeeeern at l'S'ele
of anxiety and unrerte I,v, but the in 0 rovn, a ad tba art 80coon or
m"rabul r°"al 1110 11051 the People's Palace, to 130 opened on
Sunday afternoons, was lost by 89
votes to 0,
Fire broke out lit lesngholin North
Cherele met &image to the extent Of
Assyrians lying all about, and the
triumphant shout will burst over the
citadel of the soul: Surely, "the
Lord of Heists Le with us; the God
01 Jacob is our refuge."
see a man wearing Ins int n
European fashion tts it- Is 110e7 to fete
the shaved front of the hoed with
Our granflinothees itend to erev inch-
lt 0,0111011, tin V011 ilatOrn, 1`110 1111, TIJE 1.1.451111,1(1. STYLES.
11,01101 he beltel oil his hip through-, hot with Western noti oils, not onlIe tin) t (el dales tool nig It tly a t ende lawn wn bin/ them. ha
ought to bo encouraged to. go • out
a guard of soldiers could, without
more, to spotlit 1nore time in the
fear of death, testify Out they slept
society of other folks in their 02511
while on duty. As to the body be -
mg stolen, they would certantly 1.•,e
strange thieves wie»voo111 or could
leave tho grave -amities lying as wheo
they contained the body and WraD
carefully by itself the nepkin that
had been about ,I-1 is heed Volta xx,
6, 7).
But, leaving this devilish episode
of elders and soldiers, lot us rejoice.
that Christ is risen una that we be -
loving in ITim, aro risen with Him
and seated with in the heaven -
lies (Col. I; Eple ii, 6, 7)• Note
also that if Gimlet be not risen
preaching is vain, lalth. is vain, 1.0
zilns vonr.forst.'1,Vell 11)113 no ono is saved
, 14-19); hut since
Ile is risen all is well, anti a risen
Chvist at God'e right hand, having
all power In heaven and on eat•th
and eayinee "Go ye,therefore, and
teach all nations, and, lo, alit with
you all the days," should have hun-
dred oC thousands of willing and
obedient redeemed onee rushing to
do Ills bidding and, like 1:110 Wine
111071 from the east, pouting their gifts
at, feet, Bet. it 18 100 much -
like the story of the tenelepers, Our
Lord is still saying, "'Were theee
not ten cleansed, but where arc the
tatter Either unbelief or ingrati-
tude, or both, seem mulch moro pre-
valent then devotion to Elim. who
gave Erin/self for ite.
During the forty days between His
resurreetion and ascension 170 showed
Nimself alive by many infallible
proofs and 11410 ever eyealcing of the
things pertaining to the kingdom of
God. If the kingdom 2)3)5 as much
upon our hearts 11.13 it was upon His
we would be more ready to follow
Hint fully at all costs, counting all
things but dross for Mint. j Our
heartSelt prayer would bo "that
10.1011, 111111 Ulla the power of
Els resurrection." (Phil). lit, 100
Give attention to this study, if
time permit, to Val`fOlia (1.11Peet-
011000 atm' lels resurrection :
Mnry, to tho other women, to Peter,
the two who walked lo Emmaus
arid to the eleven; all these 011 tho
111241 day, Then Gyve were at. least
five other aypeasinge befol'e Ire tle-
Aso Tule, the lees a man /.11t.5.05
withhis fellows the less he wants to.
After a few years in the domestic- •
cage he is liable to got into a very
unhealthy state, and liie mental out-
look becomes that of
There is no need to 'go to the Os-
trom() In either direction, but the
woman who iaduces her husband to
'mend an evening with his old bach-
elor friends occasignally 'will pieb-
ably not be a loeer by the conces-
sion, She will, most likely, lind that
his health and spirits will bo ell the
brighter, and the evenings which are
spent at home will be all the more '
These evenings at borne, too, ebe
can do inueli to enliven. By teking
an intelligent interest in topics which
interest her better -half, either in
bushiest% politics, or social matters,
and by auinistering to his condert
happiness in' a• score of cliffevent
ways, the wifo can enhance her hus-
band's stock of animal spirits and
incroase her own happiness at the
some time.
As moderation and Judie/owe 'seine •
tion are tho best rules for indleg-
ence in the pleasures of the table, eo
Is vaViation thb proper key-eote for
the pleasure of the mind, No in-
doov hobby should be pursued 'lifter -
O suefeit is experienced, The
thoughtful wife tan easily arrange
for' a change of pastime when tlie
Theriot. game of tho, moment shows
signs of getting stale, ,
Ono thing in esPeciol the clever •
matron eliould try to Save her 83>0110e
and thnt fs worry, "It is worry
that Mlle," and womy in the heme
should be avoided at all cosis.
In :Manchuria deg-rnhene ...4 p'P.4.
tieecl upon pretty it ; tl; tee eeeve1
scale as eheee-fertniter (41. .A.,'0.,(ihl,
pl'OPOrtientlte ' tO 110111111111C111. 0
concled-to the eleven a week litter course, A. bride , does e 1 eiieee . 'ee.e.
when Illtomas was meted, to ,TerneS, dowry In epeele 01; in in. d. Dees ten e
to the seem) rit the sett of anillee, the 130W1141'-"950 11 she, be nee 'Zee -Otter
ihe dey of 'His 10,1.'01110011.. Note else poor parolte, more it eee) bo ,
to over 500 nt oite time, and ono of
the post -tt ;wows on n ppe a r n n coil to fer hem
wealthy. Tho cote:lets sevee -, e -teal .
Potted they luny he meerttel
title syringe" en ciensureptiom ilieb ,eartg- ,
till 0,Ifilen, 1 1) Saul and 1 11 ,i Olin ni, Mecca coate are converted' lee,. ergs
WIr• .•41.iendr-I1.8*-"'"AtY dem', Woillett's • 8,1111 -Is; i''1,11,31‘,N170 amt. Ile nie end weet not, Forte to aff y t'alte,
Tonnes will be divided into two wol's 81'3'wed 1 1i111''''1; a 811 111.1V wa send ere so treated OVCC,3r ye111'.
Magill 1 l'illing-Tialt" a Ponnj of etedes this seeing, oe tteeml; the elyte nt I become whole [11 (11(1112, devoted neteeme,
10 iliene It: we ;tele knee; vjul. 14S. .
street, almeruls, bInnelted by 3)001 13331 Yen don't like and the style I, aan'1, s
o•• or dale hot water 'until the skies agora," we nitwit, anti 1 11 o i i iti Wo Woltut de-
votedly cry, "To me to live is
IMP 011 reatille, one end one-half cup -
fele of sugar. whifee of two eggs, mot
Melo: woolitit ham ri. te101or IWO; 11 1 Owlet!" (1'11 11. 1, .12 1,)
may he her heart ov ft may be only I A 3.40,2 '0 111,W1 (4 i!, Orn sa hp le able
,t0 1011 eft les stun' 11110 Peal motley,
1 t
111111.1)321 YOU Allte,
"Pa, what Is 1)1114:A100r
"Merely dm [Mullein* of ettepiel
my sou,
of t