HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 5JUNE 16, 1904 iksto4tsvo4tst ivi.6i2,,,-4,se.% TRAIN UP A CHILD And when upbor pond him or to • �C/STOWEL @. int' Term opens April Ilth, 1904 Two Oouraee-- Commeroial and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. A. L. MoINTY1tE, Manager, BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cant. F. H. SCOTT, Braasote, WH. MOORAOKEN— e Issuer of Marriage Lioeneee. Of. oe at Grocery, Tnrnberry street, Broomall', -1ARMB FOR RALE—THE UN - e and to rent espy terms ala dTownships orris and Grey. F B. SCOTT, Brussel OBEY TO LOAN.—$25,000. We have the above emouot of pri- vate funds to loan on real estate mortgagee at 0.04 6 per -cent. Easy terms of repay - slut and Deets of loan moderate. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Dentition, &o., Goderioh, M. MORRISON, sailor of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT, MISS ':LEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN. Nalwcrsems..6. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI /NBURANaa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRM INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, ORlee over Hureley'e Drug Store, Nov. Srd, 1902. e0.9m Brussels, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., EOTABLIDIED 1840 Inenranee taken on the Dash and premium note eyetem occurrent rates, Before luaus. log elsewhere eatl on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1." 8. SCOTT A8 AN AUCTION. • Sas, wit) sell tor better vetoes, to better men In lees time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Deter and orders can alwysbearranged at this ogles or by personal appnoatlon. ROBT. H. GARNISS {BLUEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable.' Rates arranged for at the office of THE Pen, Brunets. 22tt VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK — tl • Honor Grafters of the outario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to treat all ilia• eases of domesticated auimpta in a compet- ent number, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dantietry, Calls promptl at- tended to. ORtoe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brauela. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. B. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, lite.buceeesor to G. F. Blair, [igloo over Stan- dard Bank, Bruning. Solicitor for Metro- politan Beak. VVM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Bolioitor, lConveyanoor, Eaten' POW. Aa Mae—Stewart'. Block 1 door North 02 Centra Hotel. Bollettor tor the Standard Bank. PROIIDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIEB PUBLIC, PATO. W. Psouxi ooT, K. 0. 11. 0. HATO G. F. BLAIN. Omoes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & H016, C•onnnroii, ONTARIO. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAU HTON, 15. D., O. Rl., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical Sente cetaetn.oylolurgons OL College of O lege ot Surgeons, and Licentiate ot Mid- wltcry Edinburgh. tm'Telephone No.14, Reeidenoe-Mill street, Brussels. DEHT!STRY DR. R. P. PEIL.D. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Metal Surgeons ot Ontario and Firet.olaee Honor Graduate of Toronto Univereityv. Ogles next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. t=m;:p=mmstzt=situtzprzi� MANY CALLS are reoelved froth Mosinee@ time and MANE STUDENTS emplaced In good 11 positions much year by the tamoue .f CENTRAL lieratibr�i�/ STRATFORD. ONT. This eobool stands for the Hi ru m AND BEIM in bueineee education In Canada today. Many Mennen Col- /ogee oolegee aptploy our gradaatee its tench, ere, we have scone of applieatione Berl othee Colleges , Alk to see tt{am thenay o enter. Co� IEa oe course now. Catalogue free, " W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.. Brussels Greenhouse, PLANTS AND FLOWERS. You will find at Brussel. Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Oauhfi,wer, Celery end Cabbage Plante. Tomato Plante 10o, a box or 80. a dozen loose. Fine oolleation of Flowering Plante, A aholoe lot of Geraniums ani Annuals for bedding• Cob Flowers supplied. Floral Deeigne made to order, MISS KELLY. Huron County Council, [Continued from page 1,) MONTY PROPERTY 00t1MtTTEE. We visited the jail and found the j'il. er'e report oorreot and we adviee report to be printed in minutes. The contract for heating jail with hot water system is now oompletsd and tested and hat given good eatiefaotion. Vielted the Registry o01oe and toned same in good order with exception of the carpet. We reoommend that linoleum be purchased at 50o a yard to replace oarpet. We re• commend that feriae at beak of Registry office be repaired. Visited the various rooms in Court House and found every- thing in good order and clean. A. Yonne, Chairman. The report was pasted with Mr, Miller in the obuir. EDUCATION COMMITTEE, In the matter of Walkerton, Haerieton and Park Hill Uohegiatee requeete for payment for non•reeident papile, we adviee that monies be paid only when proper notification has been given. Re porta were presented from Goderiah, Clinton end Seaforth Collegiatee but two lettere do not show reoeipte from moo• reeidenb pupils, Advise payment of Maim from Listowel for non resident pupils. We reoommend that the exam• *nation centre this Bummer be changed from Bayfield to Varna so as to a000m• modate oendidatee. M. LOCKHART, Chairman, Report passed with Mr. Speakman in the chair. Re o*aim of St. Marys Collegiate Institute your aommittee, the '7arden, Solicitor, Treasurer and Clerk, m 1 and after considering the matter, decided to pay $97 OG The full claim le $97.06 for 1903 and $56 for 1902, making $153 06. We do not ooneider the Go. liable for any amount claimed previous to 1903. W. Somme, Chairman. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. We reoommend that the Co. Engineer's report be printed in the minutes. With reference to Kirkton bridge between Huron and Perth we reoommend that our Co. Engineer sot for thin Co. In re• gard to Amenl's bridge between town. drips of Grey and Elmo whioh was injur- ed by Springfreehet to be rebuilt in con- j00ation with Perth Co., the bridge to be of steel with dement abutments, Tenders to be naked for in the uenal way. Reaom• mend tenders be asked for ereotion of bridge aoroee Bauble on town line between Stephen and Hay, known as Steulake'e bridge, steel structure and Dement abut. menta. With refereooe to letter from Meson. Prondfoot, Hays & Blair re Pori Albert washout and bridge and the visit of deputation on the same matter, we re- oommend that it be referred book to the Council to deal with. We reoommend that 9300 be granted Engineer Ansley to 290nre an aaeietant for the balanoe of the year to aeeiet in overseeing the neaeeeary work in progress. With reference to nea009ary security re bridge building °entracte with Hunter Bridge Co., of Kincardine, we reoommend that Warden sign omtraot in usual way. With reopeat to Monier from Ontario Co., respecting Good Roads we roam• mend no aation. D. OANTELON, Chairman. Mr, Bioko °occupied the ohair in Cum• mittee and report was adopted. AMER'S REPORT. Number of prisoner; 000flned in jail at present are 8, ae fullowa ;—Robert Wal - Moe, J. W. Gibson, 8. Todd and Wm. Matheson, for vagraoay; Geo. Sohwerzere, Jas. Gunn and Mrs. Polley, for insanity ; and J. 0. Carson for larceny. I would like very much it Council would visit jail at this meeting ae a large number of improvement; have been done, that I would lilte you to see. 1 may say that the hot water system put in the jail for heat• infi purposes hen been completed to the entire eatiefaotion of the Committee. JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN, Jailer. REPORT OF BUILDING COMMITTEE. Your committee met at the House of Refuge on February 20. We sent In. etruetlone to the Co. Solicitor to prepare an agreement between Contractor Cooper and the Co, and eee that it was properly monied. Tbie has been done and ie eeliefaotory to 00. Agreement ie attaab. ed to Ibis report and we trust will meet with your approval. The oontraator's cheque ae security for 9900 is on deposit to the credit of the Op„ in Moleon'e Bank in Clinton. Mr. McBride, of London, the Architect, has agreed to vielt arid inspect the building when required by Mr. Cantelon Chairman of Committee.' 'loch inspection will met $10 per day. Monthly payments will be made the, Contractor on the certificate of the Arakiteot only. Arthur Cantelon, of Clinton, ie appointed inspector of all atone, brick, moment work and plastering and Alex. McKenzie, of Clinton, inopeo• for of alt wood work, painting andgiaz ing. Each ihepeotor is to be paid $2 per day while engaged on the work and pay. Went le to be made to euoh inepeotote on oettifigate of Chairman of Committee and Mr. Fr no e h. Ify ilio to n n a 4 should P arise between iae eat rs and o aontraotor the Architect shall be the Bole arbitrator and the party deoided ag,inet (the Co. or Oontraotor) shall pay the expellee of the Architect. We inetrnoted Ilse Clerk to attend to protection insurance oh present hone° oleo on new building ail work pro, greaser'. This has been eatielaolorily done. The woritman'e riek on present bonne and content(' for G months hae coat the Go. $60. The builder's risk on new building ae,work programa meet be paid ley. eonttaotor, We Mot again on was nearly oompio'ed and exposed gn Olay bottom, b'au„d ounaidoruein T.11.111 1 .R n8 ELU PO13T oil It ie parfait' y harmteee to the moat lleiioate oonetitntion, A mouth' treat man* in each package. licit at $1 00 Further h,furmatioo in r,•gurd io it ai the drug store, Bo d iu Rematch! by Jae. rax, London Methodist Conferanoe, material mt ground such as lath, .umb atone, &a. May 7 h the erohitert 0314 an inepeotion of the wont and =tort and gave a oortlfioate for payment 91000 to ooutrautor, bay 26th Oommi tee met again to 000elder 11 [oupdatl enfolded in plans and apeoi5oatione won be euftloient. We oopnlnded that would be necessary to pat 12x24 emigre footinge under the atone work in order to mute foundation eubatantial, .eon agree. moot woe made between the Go, and oontra0tor epeolfyiug tbe work, oontrao• for to be paid $125 for extra work bub no extension of time past Nov, let ie to be given for completion of whole work. D. OANTELON, Ohairmen, HOWWE OP 011PUDE COAEtoITTEE. Your Committee met on March 30, and made a careful inepention of Honor end farm. We are quite eatiefied that the management ie good. Moe. Frunob wish- ed to withdraw her resignation and re• main as matron to end of this year at 'met. On account of workmen being employed on addition to Renee of .Re fuge we adviee that Jae. Gunn, an inmate of uneonnd mind, be transferred to the Co. jell for a time, We advised the Keeper and Innpentor to purchase an- other oow and thereby keep a soffloient supply of milk for inmates. On June 7th we met again and found the farm looking exceedingly well. There are 78 bimetal; at present. We adviee that a eonffier be purohaeed for cultivating root orop. We recommend that the Counpii eek far applications for Keeper And Matron for House of R -fuse, applications to be planed before Daoember session of Council, Re. garding the Dineley case we recommend that he be discharged, that he be not per. milted to return except as a paying patient and that the Keeper be notified to thie effeot. E. SPAOEIIAN, Oliairmgn. Report paned in Uommittee with Mr. Ferguson in the chair. er de al of t• on !d it to co ENa1NEEn'9 REPORT. Bonds and agreements have been duly eigoed by the contractor' for the bridges you ordered at last mission, exoept the one et Kirkton. Co, of Perth has not yet accepted tender for steel bridge as they want a cement one. Expeot they will take definite lotion at the June session of their Council. The Spring freshet did more than tbe usual damage to bridges, destroying one on boundary of Grey and Elma which must be rebuilt, the Co. of Perth being called upon to pay half web. Old bridge was about 100 feet long but new one should be 70 feet, balance of imam' to be filled in. I don't know whet action Perth will take, My opinion ie that to steel superstructure on Dement abntmente should be the plan. Bridge is Iii milee North of Henfryn. The old bringer will require about the nenel amount of repairs to be made and some will require to be rebuilt during present year. My estimate for bridges and approaches for 1904 is $21,000. 3120. ANRLEy, Co. Commissioner. 'PREY KNOW 11', Thousands of people throughout the aouotry know that the ordinary remedies for piles—ointments, euppoeitoriae and epplianoee—will not sore. The beet of them only bring passing relief. Dr, Leonhardt'e Hem Reid ie a tablet taken internally that removes the mane of Piles, hence, the cure is permanent. Every package sold carries a guarantee with it. SPECIAL VALUE . IN NICHAHUS' PUB:E SOAP ONE OF THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS MADE. ALSO IN DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS The list of stations for tble 0onterenoe year will be as follows ;— Londe', District—London, First Me. thodlei Chnroh, George J. Bishop ; Dun. dee Street Oentro, Charles T, Soott ; Wel. lington Street, Jamee Liviegetone ; Col- borne street, George Daniel ; Centennial, Actinic If. Going ; Hamilton Road, Dim• iel E, Martin ; Aekht Street, Win. 0, Howson ; Empress Avenue, I. B Well. win ; St, John, J. 0. Nother000tt ; Siloam, Hugh 3. Fair ; Bryanston, A, N. Mooultou h ; Thoredule, George Baker • Putnam, S. Moorehoaee ; Thameeford, J. Bidwell Freeman 1 Dor. cheater, John Veale ; Belmont, F. J. Oaten ; Lambeth, Alexander G. Barrie ; Weetmleeter, R. Fulton Irwin ; Dela- ware, John B, F cher. Stratford Dietrit—Stretford, Central, Alexander L mgfurd ; Waterloo street, G orae Jaokeou ; St. Mary's, Thomas .Manning; Mitahelt, Charles W. Brown; Listowel, Joseph B. Oliver ; Milverton, Robert H. Barnby ; 'Trowbridge, Albert 0. Tiffin ; Wallace, Leonard Bartlett ; Atwood, Wm. Penball ; Monkton, Henry E. Curry ; Srs$a, Rufus Wilson ; Ful*ar. ton, E. W • ISnowlee, H. Fowler ; Har- mony, George H. Johnson ; Embro, J. Edwin, J. Milyard 1 Wellborn, Humphrey A. Graham ; Kintore, J. J. Noble. Her- bert E. Kellington taken a year's reel owing to poor health, Wiogham Dietriot—Wingham, Jo R, Gandy ; Kincardine, Joseph Phi Lookaow, Reuben Milyard ; Brussel Wesley Ooeene ; Teeewater, B. Clem Ethel, Merles P. Wella ; Fordwioh, Hussar ; Gorrie, Joseph W. Holm Wroxeter, J. H. Oeterhont; Blame Geo. Baker ; AebOeld, William A. Bra Salem, Jamee Welker ; Bethel, Si V. R Pentland ; Ripley, Robert I. H ing ; Bervie, William B. Vanes; Ti ton, Edwin W. Edwarde ; Wblteohnr Ohrietopher 0. Keine ; Belgrave, Al E. Jonee. Goderioli Dietriot — Goderiab, No street, ,0. N. Hagen ; Viotoria Str William H. Graham ; Clinton, Wes church, Henry Manning ; Ontario etr Joseph S. Cook ; Seaforth, A. K, Bir Holmeeville, F. Swann • Blyth, Jo Holmes ; Dungannon, John W. Rob son ; Nile, John Kennedy ; Benmill John G.- Yelland ; Auburn, Thomee Ooupland ; Walton, R. S. Baker ; Lond boro', M. J. Wilson ; Bayfield, Jamee Snell ; Varna, Robert A. Miller. Exeter Dtotriat—Exeter, Main Btre William Godwin ; Jamee Street, Jam Hannon ; Parkhill, S.' J. Allen ; Eli villa, William H. Cooper ; Centralia, Henderson •, Hensel', Emmanuel Med Kippen, Edward A. Shaw ; Credito Richard W. Knowles ; Grand Bend, J. Sntatiffe ; Sylvan, John W. Andrew Ailea Craig, Archibald MoKibbon ; Bi L. W. Reid ; Luoan, John A. Ayer Granton; Jamee E. Holmes ; Woodha 0. 0. Cozener Kirkton, Selbourne Andereou, Strathroy Dietriot—StraIhroy, Riche Hobbs ; Petrolia, R, D. Hamilton Adelaide, Thome E. Sawyer ; Kerwoo Mahan ; Watford, Joseph Gallows Warwick, Ieotor W. MoTavieh I Arkon homes J. Snowdon ; Brooke, Pet Myere ; Appiu, John Hart ; Moen rydgee, T. 0. Sanderson ; Melbobrn . F. Clark ; Wanstead, A. R. Rella it City, Peter W. Jones ; Marthavill enry W. Tyler. "'Sarnia district—Sarnia, Central, D. N °Camoe ; Devine Street, J. W. Baird oint Edward, Thomas A. Steadman yoming, B. C. Hutton ; Oamlanhie, A orkee ; Brigden, Byron Snell 1 Alvin on, J. Galloway ; Oil Springs, Alle Brown 1 Medford, G. Bnggin creel, S, Bond ; poronna, Robert 0. erten ; Wilkesport, A. E. Doan ; Port ambton, Wm. Oooway ; Sb. Clair, am B. Ayleewortb, Windsor dietrlot—Windeor, Alfred own ; Windsor West, R, Hicks ; Waik. ville, John H. Kirkland ; Amberethurg, Era A. Fear ; Harrow, George H. Lone ; sex, J, E. Ford ; Kingsville, H. D oyer ; Ruthven, John G. Fellte ttam, J. W. Pring; Woodelee, Sylves. L. Toil ; Maidstone, William Patter. n ; Leamington, Hugh W. Locke ; nth Mereea, J. J. Haylook ; Wheatley, hn Bali 1 Comber, John Morrison ; mney, Walter E. Milteon ; Pelee Island, be enpplied. Chatham dietriat—Ohatham, Park eet, George H. Cobblediok ; Viotoria nue, Frederick E. Malott • Charing nee, Robert Thompenn ; Blenheim, slay 11 Kerr ; Cedar Spring, James Kennedy ; Mediu, Albert E. M, ompeon ; ilbury Centre, Herbert ren ; Jeanette's Creek, W.R. Osborne ; rwiab, W. J. Waddell ; Louieville, I Kelvey ; Northwood, . S. Whitebait ver, A. J. Brown Dresden, T. E rieon • Dawn Mille, William H. bor ; Wallaoeburg, Reuben J. Ger- i ; Tapperville, Egerton P. Arm. ng ; Rutherford. 0. Moorehouee and W. Mackenzie ; Walpole Island, Abel dwarde, Ridgetown district—Ridgetown, Jasper eon ; Morpeth, 0• W. Ravers ; Guilds, ries W. Bristol l Highgate, Alfred L. sell 1 Harwich, Herbert E. Yelling. Thameeville, 'Monroe W. Bletoh. Bothwell, J, J. Sinolair ;, Moravian - n, George H, Thompson 1 Wardeville, lam M. Pomeroy ; Newbury, E. ant; Florence, William S. Shaw ; t Lorne, William J. Ashton; Dutton, rge Jewett ; Sunnyside, Ieafah Kit. iok. Thomas dietriot—St. Thomae, t Church, William Yonne ; Grana rob, Gorham A. Gifford ; entral tell, William .Kettlewell ; Alma ge, Robert J. Warner 1 Mount Elgin tate, T. T. George, Principal ; er, H, MoLllieter ; Spring. W. H. Butt ; Lyons, Solo - O. Edmunde ; Brownsville, Geo. J. ; Corinth, Alfred E. Lloyd ; Avon, Pring P Vienna William g, , W Baugh g r iahe A Thomas n om e , Malahide, J. J. e ; Sparta, Samuel R. Moyitty ; urdviile, A. W. Dever ; Port Stan. L'bzra G, Powell; Fingal, Albert J. ford ; Talbotvilie, R. Redmond den, A. Thibadeau ; Munoey, on Packard; Oneida, Charles W, oh. o dietr' t w cbairroen And secretaries e London Oonforenoe for this year -London Dietriot-•••Chairman, Rev, 04011; aeoretary, Rev. .1.`13. Wall. Stratford—Chairman, Rev, Dr. mrd ; aeeretdr4', 4ee, '.i', Manning, eeph .ip ; e, T. ant ; Jae. ea ale, ith ; mon oak• ver. oh, bert rth set, ley eat, he ; bn in- er, B. A. et, es in - J. d; n, F. e; rr, e; A. rd d, Galloway er Renee e, J T 13 0 0 H mf P w B et H F B L Ie Br 11 Es M Co ter eo So Jo Ro to etr ave Or We B. Th Hu Ha Mo Do Har Tay but etre 0. S. E Wil Che Rue ton ford tow Will oily Wee Geo pair St Fire Chu Chu Dolle Ineti Afield,, mon Kerr J. W —AT— King Nabi Sea$ Lang shed Mobil Velli 1ih in th tore 1 0. T. May aid to Sea touudation, Excavationt Lwan f g n • TRUSON'SI Winghant ._rlhairman, Rev. Dr. Philp ; e ,ttet„r,, Ray. W, R. Vance, Guderfch —Oh a ,,, i,, Rew H. M. Mancini 1 020 mart. It , W. H. Graham. Irxi•ter— Chai.m ,,, Rev, Dr, Hannon ; score. tory, Re . W. Godwin, Strathroy— Obairman, Rev. R. Hobbs ; eeeretary, Rev. It, Mnxworthy, Sarnia—Obair- mon, R.v. D. N. Mo0amoa ; oeorotery, ltev, J. W, Baird. Windeor—Chairman, Nev, Alfred Brown ; secretary, Rev, 17. A. Fear, Chatham—Chairmen, Rev, R. Garbett ; eearetary, Rev. W. E. Herr. illdgetown-0hairmae, Rev, Jasper Wil. eon ; aeoretary, Rev. T. W, Blatnhford, St Thomas—Uhairrean, Rev, Dr. Young ; secretary, Rev. G. W. H, McAllister. School Reports For the Ile- illi or ILry. melting 8, 0. No. 10. Entranoe ream examined in comp, grog. gram. hist, writing anrl. drawing. Total 500 E. bei Anderson 429 ; David Jobneton 421 ; Ralph Shaw 401 ; Nellie Comber 400 1 Nell Robb 858 ; Eroeet Shaw 358 Jr. IV.—Alioe Oombee, L'2o e Innee. Sr, III—Frame Shaw, W, ,e Breen, W. H. Andereou, Willie Ems, Jean Roes. Jr. III =Mary Lizzie Breckenridge, Bella Robb, Jamie Moffatt, Alice Thornton. Sr. II —Fero Eokmier, Agneo Miller, Artbor Shaw, Jr. Ir—A'me, King, Jennie Ande,e.n. Part II—Viet•a Cottle, Annie Brecken- ridge, Jahn Mopes. Part I.—Silva Comber', We ter Meeeer. JOHN F. BTRACnAN, Teacher, mounts e. 0 no. 5. Olaee IV.—Martha Armstrong, Jeanie Cole. Sr. IV —Fred Swindlehoret, Clay ton Prooter, Irene Clegg, Edith Prooter, Annie Johnson, Will. Watson, Frank Stratton, Jr. IV.—Grace Ferguson, Lewrenoe Armstrong, Noble Wheeler, Jennie Anderson, Fred Corley, Maggie Irvine.r. S SII.— Mary Irvine, Lizzie Ferguson, Willie Dunbar, Murray John. 900, Rennie Wightman, Bettie Young, Thomas Frazer. Jr. III—Jenny Ma Onlls, Norman Geddes, Heeeie Johnson, Leslie Wightman, Andrew Prooter, Jamee Vanaamp, Irvine Ferguson, Nor. man Wheeler, Leslie Bates, Alfred Sbaw, Annie Bell. Olaee Ii.—Morley Jordan, Soot Irvine, Horace Irvine, Bella Wight. man, John Tooker, Victor Young, Henry Armstrong. Pt. IL—Albert Teeker, Carl Prooter, Eimer Wilkineoo, Cameron Geddee, Charles Frazer. Sr. Pt. I — Gertrade Armstrong, Willie Vanaamp, Willie Stretton, Gordon Fergaeon. Jr. Pt. I.—Mary Cole, Charles Cole, Jeeeie Johnson, Bessie Wightman, Clarence Martin, Willie Irvine, Norman Stoneboaee, Florence Piooter, Orval Bell. Average attendance for the month 56. F. T. BRrUNS, Teacher max 9, 6. NO, 10. Average attendance 48. Sr. IV, vela Rathwell, Clore Rathwell. Jr. IV.— Mamie Denman 70 ; Rath Engler 68 ; Louie Engler 67 ; Eva Rathwell 65 ; Irene Fogel 62 ; Charlie Buttrey 61 ; Florenoe Whitfield 60 ; Grace Speiran 69 ; Stanley Hntoliineon 58 ; Jessie Campbell, 56. Sr. I1L—Jho• Holleo• beak 56 ; Mary Taylor 53 ; Willie Speir. an 51. Jr. III.—Alms Spoken 70 ; Katie Denman 61 ; Pearl Oxtoby 60 ; Blanche Whitfield 50. Sr, I1.—Irene Engler 71 ; Iva Speirun 68 ; Myrtle Speirao 66 ; Geo. Evans 65 ; Lily Evans 60 ; Jae. Doull 57 ; Peroy Ward 51 ; Wilfrid Whitfield 50 ; Herman Pickerel' 40. Jr. II.—Marguerite Hotobineon 70 ; Alex. Hyde 68 ; Jno. Hyde 66 ; Mary Meehan 62; Della Whitfield 58. Sr, Po. II.—Russel Coatte, Willie Ward. Jr. Pt. II.—Hartwell Speiran, Freddie Cox, Christie Engler, Minnie Hanna. Sr, Pt. I.—Stanley Meehan, Limy Tey lor, Millie Cox, Wesley Ballantyne, Milton Oxtoby, Edith Pickerel', Gordon Whitfield. Jr. Pt. I,—Gerrie Speiran, Maggie Love, Henrietta Denman, Earl Rathwell, Andrew Oontte, Emma Taylor, Carrie Ward, Jennie Ward. S. B. Lomax, Teaober• Mrs. Jones, wife of Dr, Peter 13. Jones, of the Mieeieenaga Indiana, has recovered a verdict of $10 against the G. T. R, for being put off the train while holding an "Indiau tioket," WOOL Any quantity of Wool wanted for which the Highest Market Price will be paid. Alf Baeker, BRUSSELS. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal fall Steamers Prom Montreal From Quebec Toulon June 10, 9 a,m, Juno El 8 u,m Parisian June 24June , t! " use 24 une 10 a RA'gne or' PAeeden-,Pleat cabin—$70 and upwards neeOrding to steamer and aodom- modation, Beoond cabin—Liverpool and LonrlOnd orry 697 60, 240 and 942 601 London 92,60 extra. 'lihird.olaee—Supercar noomn- modation, 825 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfaet, Glasgow, London. Through Collate to South Africa, Motttreht to Glasgow 1alreet Oarinthi au Wed„Juno 16 (daylight) NMI. York to trIntorow mongolian Tbureday, Juno 9, I9 no00 Low bates by above Glasgow eteamore on application, to W. Et. KERR, Agontt Brueeolet mingaiseemasegamm G inno . BLYTH, i3 HOT WEATHER GOODS Thio week we show a floe e,eaortment of New Goods, euitable for the hot weather, at rook bottom priors, in the following new sad up•to.date geode 1- -Printed Mneline, in etripee and floral design'', in a great range of colors, at So, 10, 15o, 20a and 25o. —White 5l0eline, in etripee and epote, at 50, 80, 100, 15a and 200, — White Lawn, 45 inohee wide, very epeeist, at 10e, 1.5a and 20o. —French Organdiee, in a fall range of qualities, in black and white, at 100, 150, 20o, 25e and 95e. — India Linene, in white and blaok, at 101, 12i,, 15o, 20o and 25o. —Mercerized Veetinge in white and eoiore, very stylise geode, at 150, 25o, 850 and 600, — Blaok Grenadines, in etripee, oheoke and floral patterns, 50o, 753 and 91. --Fanny Linen Goode, for dresses or waists, in fancy silk stripes, very stylish good, at 30o and 35o. —Black and Colored Vence, in a good range of colors, for dreeees or waiete, at 501, 75a and $1. — Ludiee' Block Cotton Hose, very special, 4 pairs for 25e. —Ladies' Heavy Plain or Ribbed Cotton Hose, reknlar 15o, 2 pair for 25o. —Men's Cotton Sox, blue and brown mixed, 4 pair for 25a, —Men's Heavy Wool Sox, worth 18o, 2 pair for 25a. —Boyo' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose at 150, 20o and 25c. —Ladles' Nine Hermadorf Blsok Cotton Hose, with natural wool feet, the 'correct thing for hot weather, at 25o. —Ask to see our new Waterproof Coate, from $3 to $10. 412101111 an wv7rAriwiv BUGGIES ! •11.=•110SEMy BUGGIES B RVI� �' ?' „ a t aE IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. 'Is'a,'het"L"I,'�I'4fhAti9,"1,'h,a Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliablee" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph.” Also a number of comparatively new Seeond-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices, m,t.'eAoe„4dvd'6'ePU, hih,hP6Nd9,, 11 T. S. Mc . ,. auc j Are You Going to do ,4ny Fencing ? IDEAL WOVE] FE\CE IN COILED SPRING WIRE LEADS THEM ALL It is all No, 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the Strongest Fence made. The Railways and Electric Roads are erecting it. Call and get our Prices. tu'k,aa'le kaket,eidia'h 11,11k kat Wilton N C WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger: stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walls through our Show Booms will convince intending purchasers what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Boggy Tope this eeaeoe a Spring to prevent the. bolts and rivets from breaking. This hoe been a long felt want. We have 4 styles of Axlee—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Distance, 1000 Milne and the o' , Neuman es Axle e, oleo a few of the old,at yles: All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with beet Leather, Along with our ownBir ies w e 1 gg w handle a number of first-class Factory Buggies. Our Wagons are all Oak with 2,"r and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and Medium size. We invite vitaeer ' every intending pueohaaer to call and Buy Goin us and save money, EWAN & co., Brusels,