The Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 4TH* BJRU013E160 FUS'P (Title ',igrosels Vault, THURSDAY, JUN1 16, 1904. Wn have beau asked by au interested party to call the attention ot dealers in oigarettee and toba000e to the law au it relatea to minors ae it may save them the trouble of appearing before s magietrala for its violation. Some of the youth are quite Drafty in this matter and hence all the greater need in obeying the pro. vieiooeol the Statute. Tau Council of Brueeele propoeed some months ago to pees a Bylaw to prohibit epitting on the sidewalks, in doorways, halls, are, but it appears to have been overlooked. It should not only be petted but rigidly enforced. Last week our attention was drawn to the white front at the Fletcher jewelry store where some tabaaoo chewing perean, tbougbtleeely we hope, expectorated on the newly painted woodwork etaiaing the paint and petting the owner to the trouble of trying to re - remove the blotch. A few other pereone 1lave complained of the same dirty trick being perpetrated on plate glace windows to the annoyance of theee who have to care for tbem. Tbie kind of conduit is not clever at all and ebould not be per• mitted. The cement walks are often treated to the same dose end made most ob)sotionebie, especially to ladies. Galt, Seafortb, and other plaoee recently had By-laws prepared along the line of pat• ting a stop to tbeee habits end numerous other placid) are following Bait. People who nee tobacco oould easily aid in this matter by a little thoughtful recognition of the righta and likes of others, A eemaz delegation waited upon the Go, Council Last week at Goderioh, from vedette towns in the County, asking for au increase of pedlar's license t000tcidere partioalarly to the shoddy goods fakir. The matter was dieauesed and referred to the County Soliodor and will be dealt with at the December session of the Connell. There le ample room for re. dress in this matter se we believe while there are reputable people canvassing the oonntry for the sale of their waree there are also fellows whose business it i0 to maize their living by imposition, mia- repreeentatiou and swindle. Little eympatby should be accorded many who are bitten as the people have been warn. ed thousands of timed against the wiles of theee gentry but it should be the duty of those in authority to Bee that the rich harvest reapedby the shoddy pedlar is curtailed and that he be made to under stand that usleee he traocaots a legiti• mate business he is not wanted. The present Go. license fee is $25 per annum and ie no deterrent to the person who can olear that amount in a day's work in hie travels. These people pay little or no taxes, but nee all the privileges on the dead -bead line. If the way is legally open for Huron Co. Council to shorten np the tether of the outside pedlars there is every probability of them making a vigorous effort to do B0. WRnNo'nes afternoon of last week the fleet rod in connection with the propoeed Alexandra Hospital, located at Goderioh, wag turned by Warden Bowman, amidst aaepiaione surroundings, a report of which appears in this issue. The ladies who constitute the Daughters of the Empire, with Mrs. D. McDonald se Regent, have labored indnetriouely and faithfully in the advanaiag of thio praise- worthy and humanitarian project sod deserve hearty support ui their efforts. It appeare to us that a mieteke is being made in the location chosen for the build• iug ae it is too alone to the public school, will take many dollars to cultivate true, hedges, lawne, &o, and is riot lben se desirable a site as some othere. We hear the fine property of the late M. 0, Cameron, with aboat two acres of land, can be purchased at a reasonable figure and with a small expenditure the resi- dence oould be fitted up, we understand, to very well meet the necees-sties of the out), The amount of money in band i° not very large and the proper mainten- ance of these charitable inetitutione often require better financing than the eon• streeting of them. Braiding material is costly and labor high and it is a well understood feat that properties can often be bought °beeper than they ooeld be built. The Cameron property ie in fine oondition and the site an admirable one 00, as an onteider, desiring the great. est enaoe08 to the laudable enterprise of tho Daughters of the Empire, we would suggest the propriety of even yet nego• tinting for the better looation with ite fine grounds and 00005331851000. We be. llaee the parrying out of tbie proposition would find favor in the judgment of a large number of the leading oitizene in the County town se well es madders and is worthy of careful ooneideration before t further steps ere taken in the erection of a new building. In the list of the honour graduates 10 arts and medicine at Toronto are the names of a number from Stratford dietriot t Arte, fourth year—W, H. Spence Trowbridge, 2a d clue es hone p in i o0ophy • . P. Grasoh, Milverton let alase in pelitieal 8018000; H. N. Baker, Teruelo, 2nd Mau in political eoieh0e ; Third year -Mime Carrie K. dialing, fete Marys, and 3, S. Bennett, Stretford, let oluee is eland e° ; Mies A. D, Switzer, Rannoch, 8rd ohm in alaeaioe ; Mise Ethel 17gbert, llllverlon, 8rd oleec in moderns ; J. 4, 0. Mason, Toronto, 181 plass in history ; Second year—Gerald Megan, Stratford, 9rd in °lassies ; H. A. G, Baker, Toronto, let ohm in obemietry and miuerology - First year—Miss Muriel G. Oakley, Stratford, 3rd oleos in Euglieh and history, end 2nd slags in moderne ; Mies Mary H. A. O'Doeaghae, Stratford, let clue in muderue, A Peep at the World's Fair. To the Editor of Tan Po00 DEAR Sts.—On our way homeward from California we stopped off at St. Louie for ten days to are the Wor1d'e Fair. It is a sight never to be forgotten and well worth a long violt as six menthe oould not take all in. It is well said to be the grandest exhibit this world has ever seen, as the enlerpriee and civilization of all Nations of this Earth are focussed on those 1,200 aoree, about 5 miles into the eubarbe of St, Louis. It is a great city itself of 750,000, representing the large manufacturing interest° of the great South and Western States. The noble Miseiecippi river flows Southward to New Orleans joined by the Mieeoari 8 miles above and the Ohio Some 50 miles below at Cairo. At St. Louie the Mississippi is fully half a mile wide, averaging thirty feet deep and of a brown muddy appearance. Several monster rai,wey and street oar steel bridges woes it to East Louie, a large oily on the opposite aide in Illinois. St. Louie le in Miaaoari end is largely a Catholic city. It her 67 Roman Catholie °berates with a goodly portion of all other °harobes, two of whish are Bwedeuborgiao, one Euglieh and sue German. Several eleotrio Dare lead the visitor to the Fair, fart service, every minute or two and always orowded. Standing in the middle entrance the view of the great buildings ie fairly bewitohiug—a fairy scene—the great white Dreamy buildiuge to right and lett and ou the hill beyond the lagoons, —oaeoades and fountains, Immediately in front, orotund by many artietiobridges, steam lannahee and gondolas from Veuioe sailing poet lends a life' scene to the greed buildings with their great Corinthian oedemas and otntaary in every available niche and 00r0er ae well as aormounting all the buildings makes one feel that mac has overdone bimeett or rather a keleido.00p'o view let down from Heaven as St. Paul bas told tie of the grandeur of the mansions above, e0 ineffable that human language (an't deeoribe. We first entered Machinery Hall and found it in a etate of oonfuaien, freight oars and railway traoke all over it ; huge steam cranes lifting off heavy goods and removing othere ; workmen laying cement walks, others erecting abetting that will take a full month or more before it is ready for the poblio. Most of the other buildings are unfinished with their diepley, quite a few are in a forward state but everywhere we found workmen from all over the world boey opening np boxes of goods. In the Manufacturers' Building we sew Japan ahead of all occupying a very large spade filled with their own prodoote that is aetonlahing everybody. Promptly on time, all in apple pie order they are the wonder of the world at the Fair as well ae in Mao• churia. They ehaw miniature silk mills and process of manufacture from the silk worm up to the finest embroidered dress. es and spun silk in abuudanoe. Oue maker advertises a dye of deep coloring that oaenot fade. Their lovely em. broidered goods of all kinds offered mach attreotion to the ladies. In the game building Italy is oon0pio0one in her great display, some 1,500 pieoee of marble statuary, proving the exploits taste and perfect art of the Italian marble worker. We noticed a large egaare entirely an, occupied with two large ague "Russia" fronting the bare floors. The Agriaal• tura) Hall would probably most intereel Huron Go. readers. Miesoari bad a monetrooe ultimo 30x40 feet high of corn (in cob) marmoonted with a great globe and a belt of corn enoiroling it. Some of these soba are of great aine, A ticket somewhere said 200 million bushels was the output of Missouri last year. California was oleo very attraotive in her varied fruit exhibits. They had a hones built of apricots, prunes, walnube, pea - nate, all dried and tanked on to wooden walls in varied rave, enough to make one's teeth water to get a good solid bite of some. Glace jars with preserved froite, branches of grapes in perfect growth ae large as a loaf of bread, rash grape large almost as walnuts with a profusion of all other attractive traits. The Govern. ment Building is the only one complete in all its manifold exbibile. The forward half of a large battle ebip is there (of wood Lull eize) with ite gone and fighting equipment. Below the mens' and officers' rooms are) kitchens, di°eeoting room, full sized torpedo tube, An officer wee kept buy explaining. An immense fortress gen alongeide, able to shoot 22 miles a shell ball of 2,200 poonde taking 600 pounds of powder ; e galling goo with officer buoy showing how it oould send 800 balls a minute ; a great whale, 70 feet long and many staffed animate some of them of medieval origin. A meotorite three feet moue like a halt moan of rook•oopper•otone ' lightho nee mechanism—poet oar improvements— modele of battle ebip in large glare Dates, six to eight feet long, were very perfeotly portrayed—every gen, aoobttrs, obaine, ropes and paraphernalia of three sea monatere made manifest to common landsmen. A St. Joseph, Miohlgau steam yacht building firm had one out Ing $20,000, took 3 flats Dare to carry it— s petted) palace on sea. The Edooation Building had very attractive pictures of schools and olassee from the little Kinder. garteo tote and their own work—piottlre drawing, compositions, needle work, eto., tip to largest matured soholarehip. F,ngljeb ax1ibita of this kind were also protege and attraotive. Canada is well to the front in Agri- oaltural Building with large oolnpine of coal, greet chunks of mica, a very full ae0ortment of the !pines and minerals all in nioe tidy order forming a great attrac- tion, with painted taps in oonspiouoog places giving information of the large ylelde of the prairie farms, the mines, the foreete and the gees, inviting mos and capital to oome and reap the harveete. In the Fine Arts Building Germany evidently had the lead, her grand piolar8a of 9nrpaseing life portraying her artiste' great ability. "The Berlin Copgreoe of 1878" ie one of the largest piotorce, Dome 12 feet long, 10 feet high, a congregation of European eteteemen Bismarck and Dieraeli in the !root, where the latter le known to have said "Angiand did not 00000 here to bank down," Another banding is mainly filled by French art. Tote—more of the nude art description, many baudeome maetsrpieoee. N •polemt is often in evidence, a small pioture re. Prodnoing hie Meet appoaranoe 00 St,, Helena near death') deep—hie tie:xadnd dignity is eignitloent—evidently feeling and reviewing the dire fol y of bis peat grasping, eneekleee, eeneationel, and wortbleee file. A third balding, to be need solely for Amerioa'e own artiste, was not ready. Buildings all completed, the exhibits are only behind time, Chicago papers have largeadvertieemente of Oanado'e grain fieltto, 25 buebr:e ae against 14 in U 8, "Reciprocity meet come" was the Editorial note in Detroit papers yesterday Baying "We have doubled our raw materials import the lost ten years. Oenada'e fertile prairies —untold mineral wealth—bouodleea foreeta a necessity 1 ae well ad the market she offers for our snrplue maoufaoturee." The out of total expenditures estimat ed et 50 million dollars is proeured frr m exhibits, 11 million ; foreign Govern. mento, 5 ; concessions 6 ; etatee 7 ; U. S. Government 11 ; subscription 5 ; and city of 8t. Louis 5 ; making the grand total as above. There are 70,000 exhibit. ors, each State having a large hendeome building of its own not for exbibi6a— only for a sort of rendezvous and borne meeting for their reepeotive peoples. The Canadian building looks well and attractive bat nuthtiebed inside, no admittanoe when we called. The Mid- way on "Pike" as tt is palled to a eolleo. tion of all the ranee of the earth, a street full halt a mile long, crowded with spaoioue buildings on both sides, all on the "faker" money making atlraotione. "Constantinople" and "Mysterious Asia" are well worth a visit, the latter claiming to have 700 nativee dressed in Oriental costumes,offeringdonkeys andunpile to ride o, moaioand dancing girie—all well patronized, The charge of Ramie Bion, 15 to 25 Dente, don't repreeeat half of what you are expended to spend after you get in. Yen can get a good meal on the grounds for 40 to 50 oebte or °offal, bread and butter, for 20 oente and no extortion practised. Vieitore daily averaging only 30.000 to 40,000. ,Toronto Fair doee better. Mauy not doming bo- omer of public reports, too Woe, not yet ready nor won't be fatly completed till July let, Binoerely yours, JNo. D. RONALD. Detroit, June 2nd, 1904. W. F. A. SEMI-FINALS. Cnntmtllee Ras Arranged Games. The following is taken from the Berlin (daily) Newe•Reoord, of June 9th : The W. F. A. committee, Metiers. Forsyth, Braobaoher and Brown, have arranged the following gamer' for the semi finale :— Senior Competition. Continues as per originalsobednle, Intermediate. Group A..— Braeaale at Midway, Mildmay at Bruesele. To be decided by June 18. Group B.— Woodstook at Stratford. Stratford at Woodstock. To be deoided by June 18 Group 0.— Platteville vg. Galt, at Berlin on Friday evening, June 10. Gronp D -- Winners of 0. at Guelph. Guelph at wtrnere of C. To he decided by June 11. Group E,— Southern district not yet decided, to be decided by June 11, Group 1.— Winners of A. play winners of B, To be decided by June 25. Groep 2.— Winner; of D. play winners of E. To be decided by June 25. W. F. A. championship— Winnere of 1 piny winners of 2. To be deoided by July 2. Jeniore. Group �.— Mildmay, Lietowel and winners of Huron district. To be deoided by June 25. Group 8.— Berlin al Galt Victories, Victories at Berlin. To be decided by June 25. Nolen. No new registrations will be allowed atter June 15, In all these matches (senior not in - eluded) goals count. A more detailed schedule for groups A., j•anior, will be published when the Huron winners are known. The orders ot the two genres in each of groups 1 and 2, and the final intermediate and in the final junior championship games will be pnbliebed when the winners are known. Leadbarv. MOKoLeov 0011NO •-0ourt of Revision on Asseesment Roll held by Connoil on Saturday, May 28th, at Leadbury. Members of Oounoil all present and took oath of offioe before the Olerk. There were two appeals, viz : John O'Keefe that Lot 21, Con. 1, eseaeeed at $4,100 wag too high ; also Thomas Dodds that Lob 31, Con 7, and N d Lot 81, Oon. 8, seemed at $4,200 wee too high. The Court held the Assessment correct. Joseph Brew. titer was added as F. S. in N. Lot 26, Con. 7. Two changes in ownerships upon the Roll was oompleted and Aesese. meat Roll was finally paeeed se correct. The pions, profile and report of F. W. Farnoombe, 0. E , on Barron'e drain wag received and Clerk authorized to notify all parties aeseseed to attend next meet. ing to bear it read. Actuante were pees• ed and paid on bridge° and other work for $729 60. The Clerk was authorized to write Dank for loan of $2,000 and draft a By.law tor eam8 to be paged at next meeting of Connell. Council adjourned to meet at G,11, Holland's, Beeeh wood, on Thursday, June 18th, et 1 o'clock p. m. when engineer's report will be read on Barron's drain. All parties wielling lq wilbdraw name from petition man and others wishing to sign eau. ago, 0. MoaaieoN, Cleric. Rev. A. MaoWt hams; who is abode to move to 8t, Marys, was given a farewell reception by the congregation of St. Andrew's °herdh, Hamilton, along with hi8 eyite, Mr, Dtaliwiltiame received ti quarter,oat oak eeeretery and revolving obeir while fors. MaoWilhame was given a sale of onllery, a pearl sunbaked, aid a supply of tuble linen. Palmerston Celebrates. The plonk of the Palmerston Pork. packing L'ompeny h recently been pnrobused by Joseph IA, O'.4lttre, of Limeriolr, Ireland, and is now running to Ila toll espaoity, James O'Mara, the London agent of the firm, and a member of the House of Commons for South Hit, kenay, has been hereaeoiabiug his brother in organizing the boeineee. These two gentlemen invited the Mayor, the Council, the olergy and a number of representative oitizeou to inspect the factory, and atter• words to celebrate its re -opening at a dinner given by them in the Queen's Hotel. The menu wag of it very Hoe ebaraoter, and the toast Bet inoluded "The King" and "Canada," propoeed by Mayor Skelton ; "The Town," propoeed by Jae. O'Mara, M. P., and responded to by H. Hyndmen, jun., Town Clerk ; "The Packing House," propoeed by J. M. Campbell, and responded to by W. J. Falconer ; "The ,Host," proposed by G. H. Donaldeon, and responded to by Joseph O'Mara. The °peeobes were all of a congratulatory nature and emphaeiz ed the feet that the very beet of good feeling exists between the proprietors of the factory and the Corporation. It iu intended to run the taotory to its oopaaily, wbioh is 2,000 hogs per week. The town io excellently situated for a bneineeo of this obaraoter, being the point from whiob rix branches of the Grand Trunk Railway radiate, making it a splendid receiving and distributing centre, POISONED. -- Rang t'olaon le Created when road does not digest,1504 that to when Sleknese Commences. If the man or woman who done not feel right, will at once look to phting the stomach right they will strike the right key. Every ache and every pain is a cry of poieun, too muoh of whiob has been made in the promise of ounvertine food into nutriment. It may be the beckaebe or sidesahe of the kidne.ye telling they are overtaxed and cannot fi'ter the poison. It may be weight, pain or dietr.es In the 'domed' that tells of fermentation and decomposition instead of digeetien. It may be headache, dull, depreeoed, welsh toile p dson has reached the fluid which surrounds the brain cella. The ' first canoe ie the same—lack of gastric juice to properly digest, ANTI PILL, the Great System Treatment, is a new discovery whiob so sore on the moons membrane of the stomach, a natural enpply of gas. trio juioe ie aeenred, To prove the wonderful action of ANTI -PILL, you may have a free trial bottle by addressing Wilson Fyle Co., Niagara Fella, Out. Sold in Brussels by Jas. Fox. JUNE 16, 1904 IMPORTANT NOTICES REAL ESTATE. SHORT HORN YEARLING Bull for sale, red lu color and brad fJ,oD. MoNA0R, Prprl tor, 23, Lot 00n. 12, Grey, THORO'.-BRED YORKSHIRE ex Sowe, 4 mobilia old, for sale, Will be 0010 resaonable to qulok boyars. JAMES sElCURL al, Maple Grove Farm, Lot 25, 4103 r.durrle, B,u.sele P, (.1„ 480 C. O, r. Court Prin owns Alexandria. No. 24, O. 0, F., Bruasolo, meets to their Lodge Room, Bias. 11111 Block, on the 2n1 and Met Tneedava of each month, at8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always weloou o. JAS. HOUGHS%, 0.R. WALTER SMITH, R. S. THOR0'•BRED YORKSHIRE 11 Bow son BUM. — The undersigned offers for sale one Thorn' -bred Yorkshire Sow, 171 years old, in pig to his tboro'•bred Yorkshire hog. For prion apply to It. S. NIOHOLSON. (Bodo/1u Lime Works), Mor- rie, Balgroye P. 0, 83-tt WANTED.— SPECIAL REP– REsRNTATIVR ,n this county and ad. joining territories, to represent and odver. cies an old established bl utness hcuee of solid Bnanolal standing. Salary 821 weekly, with expouses advauoed each Monday by cbeok direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furniebed when necessary ; posi- tion permanent, Address Blew Bros, & Co., Room 610 Allmon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. Eight young Bulls from Imported and home bred eowa got by Imparted Sire, Also Cows and Heffere of different agree. A few pure bred Berkohlre Piga, 10 weeks old for sale. Have a quantity of Seed Peas, the Early June variety, to dispose of. It is a medium aimed white pea and wore grown from Beed from near North Bay and yielded over 87 busholo to the acre, free of bogs. Will also Bell a good aged working and driving horse. 33.11 D. MILNE & SON, Ethel. STOCK FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 2, Oou, 16,Grey, a thoro' bred Yorkobire boar. Terme, 700, to bo paid at time of 08r' vice with privilege of returning if neaps - eery, JOHN SMITH, 47.6 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot28, 9th Lino, Morris, the thoro' bred Durham Bull, Jerry" bred if rom A. His. lop's 1st prize bull and a thoro'-bred cow. Terme 81.26, with privilege of returning if necessary. ROBT. OIIRRIH, 45-4 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.— THE IIndereigued will keep for service e Elmo' bred Durham bull, on hie farm ad- joining B masala. Terms, 51 00 with prlvl- lege of returning if necessary. GEO, ROBB, Proprietor. Grand Trunk Railway System Union Farmers' Institutes EXCURSION TO .. ,. GUELPH Model Farm MOM,: JUNE 20 Following Low Excursion Rates will Apply : Fare Train leaves KINCARDINE $1 55 6.30 a, m. RIPLEY 145 6.45 LUGHNOW 136 7.00 WHITECHURCH 125 7.15 WINGHAM 1 25 7.35 BLUEVALE 120 7.50 BRUSSELS 115 8.05 ETHEL 115 8.20 HENFRYN 115 8.28 ATWOOD 110 8,35 LISTOWEL 105 8.95 GOWANSTOWN 100 8.60 Arriving at Gnelpk at le O'clock. Children under 12 Years of Age Charged Half Fare. EXCURSIONISTS Will take Speoial Excursion Train from above mention- ed places to Guelph, Returning passengers will leave Guelph by Special Train at 5.30 o'clock p, m. Tiokete will bo issued from all stations, except Henfryn, ethical will be supplied by Conductor on train. All Tiokote good to return by Regular Traiue on following day ex- cept from Gowanetown, G000 COACHES FAST TIME Join us and Enjoy a day's outing. Electric Cars in fµ11 swing between the City of Guelph and the Model Farm. THOS. MOMILLAN, R; J, NELSON, Prle. ;East Buren Farmers' Ins. See. Centre Renee Farmers' Inc. J. A. LAMB, Hee. Month Druce Farmers' ins, 'L 1A1fl1 FOR SALE,— BEING 1.' 160 gorse, Lot 85 and South Half Lot 16, Con. 5, Elmo,. 140 Bores vloarod, butanes hardwood bush. Large bank barn with straw ailed; etablins under all. Large brlalr ooltago ; plenty of water, well fenced and dltelted, Poneosioo can be given any time. Price 0800. For 1prther particulars apply t0 JOHN J. 00RRY, Britton, Ont. 47-tf GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— TI) e undersigned offers for rale her excellent farm, located on (Jon, 10, Grey towueblp, end containing 153 acres. There lea oomfortnble Inane cottage, bunk barn, good driving Mid, orebare, dee op the premiaee, farm le well dratued and fenced. It to also well watered by the river Malt land and an invaluable Spring. Convenient to market, eolmel and churches. Por price, terms and other particulars apply on the provokes, or it by letter to 01110, T. CAL. DEB, 1' ropriotress, Craubrook P, 0, 3011 I 'IARMS FOR SALE. — 350 aoree pret•olase land in the Tovrnehtp of Grey—Lot 16, Con. 14, 100 aoree; Lot 17, Oren. 14,100 acres ; and Wi Lot 18. 000. 14, 60 uoree-250 acres. All in excellent 500,N - tion with Oret•elase buildings ; brick house with all modern oouveuiences, and large bank barn, root and straw house, etablee, &o. Well watered, From 85 to 40 acro; of laming hardwoodood 00 acresb nth first first -ohms land, con- taining re good trams house and largo bank barn gently new. The property can re sold in two or three liberal. 5,ls to suit porch aware. Terme andMt Also a oomanooroue Maher hone - aur lot in IIruasela. For 0 the c promisee. apply to the owner on the promisee, LAIIOHL0N MONEIL, or to RIO. LECKIE, Brueeele, 21-tf STILL iNTHE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded !ns in 1903, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As wo have spent 18 yea in Brussels we think we are o0 petent to understand the wis) of the public to a good extent Call and see us. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Bri sees. BICYCLE REPAIRING fiP� The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the Public in the prompt fitting -up of Bicycles such as Cleaning, Oiling, Repairing; Mending Punctures, &c., and will also replace Spokes, Hubs, Rims and Tires, Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged. First-class Second-hand Wheels for sale. Give me a call any evening from 7 to 9.30. W. H. Salter; TERMS CASH. OVER I. C. RICHARDS' STORE. WAGONS WHEELBARROWS GO CARTS ROCKING HORSES TOY CARTS DOLLS CARRIAGES BASE BALLS RUBBER BALLS POST BOOKSTORE. Stook of Wire Wheels for Wagons to supply Customers on hand. New Canadian and American Wall Payers W11 have a full stock of this Season's production in Wall Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs' and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High, Grades, but in those as low as 6 CENTS PER ROLL BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florale, producing obarming effects et Low COO. PARLORS—Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greene, &o., in delicate Shades. HALLS, DINING ROOMS, &o.—Fine, effective Designer in Magnilloent Colorer Riving Warmth, Richness and Beauty to an Apartment. AND PRI0E8 1 We oan only say we are offering this season Better Paper, Designs and Colorings than ever offered. Don't wait until our etook is broken. Make your seleobiou now. I! you have any rooms not recently papered, just call and let us tell you flow little it costs to make home bright, attractive and happy. In Smale's Block, two doors Nortb of Postoifioe. Fred. McCracken Painter and Paper Hanger. T1 0r St w ere Bu ter tie