HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 2dA2INESEWONLAN.OBAT
The RUESiall Loss Was loo Killed
and Wounded,
RUSSIANS DT:MATER se',ous soperierity over the foe. No
Goo. Koropatuto tok,groots to tho doubt the Russians are entin•lyeon-
'Went of flail victory. The eteissage
4mperor, muter date of June
"A ,Tapanese brigade attacked a SY='lathy (3011t by the Japanese on
tile 000212.12211 of the Pet eolerveltevek. elite -
Rues Ian detaclument oecupying
aSter wur. not expected by the Res-
Inatza on June 7. Thi Russians- restems and lett to a conviethai that
tired slowly, because of the eilemy's
they heel to deal with a chivalrous
;mat superiority, towards Penehtilin
foe. An incident 'testifying to tho
existence of this sentiment took, 'Quo laasaa ware tw° °Cam's w°"11- place% at. Liao -Yang in a restimeant,
tied and nnei hundred iediliers killed or
evoUnded." which is frequented by officers. Tho
nom was being dismissed nett also
"Japanese troops nee concentrating
the reeent disaster to the Japrowse
sciuthward with a front extending.
warships off the Nwantung Peninmiln,
Moro than ton miles from Pulaaden when an ono_t
meproposed cheers 101'
to Feng•Jfsia-Tung, 111 the valley Of
Taissahho. he
tbrave j aptenese. which were
warmly given by the Russian oilleers.
"A Japanese force of two eompan-
who undoulitedly admire the eutarage
les of infiudey and a squadron of _, joTon..
cavalry advanced on June 7 noeth-C." "
ward from Feng -Wang -Cheng into the
JAPAN HAS 400,000 T1100PS.
Fan-Tri-Fang-Iieng dieeriet, driving
In the Coseacie ontpests. A detach- The Loleal Anzeiger, of Berlin. prints
-nient of • eltasselles mut of • infant*, an interview with Gen. afeekel, hula-
gastaned from Ualintif to aid the erly profeesor of militaity tactics in
Cossactem. The Japaneee abandoned
their attack, having lost one officer
- and non-commissioned officer captured
and several men killed. We hail no
"Outposts of Cossacke on the main
Liao -Yang, road were driven in June
7, but reinforcements forced the Jap-
anese fo retire. Our lose during the
fighting, which lasted until 7 p. 111„.
Was Calitain Liatehlto and two soldi-
ers killed and five soldiers %rouuded,"
All Japanese inovementi are inter-
preted as caused by anxiety to hamp-
er as meat; or, possible whatever
MON inneut Ne..tropaLkin makes
Japan, in which he sail he estimated
the elatenneee strength at 300,000
meo 0,nd 100,000 reserves. Ire believ-
ed there were still 150,000 troops in
Japan. Ile did not doubt that the
Japanese would stolen and take Port
Arthur, as they did Kinehau. The
heroism of the Japanese soldiers was
unequaled, end they were splendid
learlfsmen. The army organieutiOn
Was Venditl, and the °Meet's, who
were evey ietelligent, were admirable
leaders, Ile Ineeructed six Japanese
officers in 1903. Their knowledge as-
tonished him, and his pupils ultimate-
ly became his teachers.
to help Port Arthur. Net reily have A deseatch to the Lonion li.foraing
the Jonairse bombarded the O.V.t. front Shanghai says that the
coast Of Liao -Tung Peninsula, orosilo Ituss:terie, st•Ile were marching south
the railway runs close to the shore, leader General gtelak•V•ibergf we're - re-
making feints of debarkation, but Ipulsed near Wattfungtien
Oen. ICuroki has assumed the offen-
eive eastward. Ile has sent an over -
and retired to Taschichlao,
Gen. Konropatkin is still at Liao--
powereng, strong sellann that drove 'Yang, but lie luis throwu oin 9:1110e21
'out the Russians froin a fortified po- or 10,000 freers) to the southward as
protection ng,ains•t r.,4112. %mold's
sition at Sabi -laze, 2.0 miles north- la
west of Feng-Wang-Clieng, inflicting a 111000laeillae„ !:;:tture are daily creffliets
loss ef 100 meta ,,,,e2ertesli the Russian and Japanese
The ROI:Sine authorities eay thet '80001.8.
they are without information about 4
the fight at Siamatze beyond the of-
ficial despatch that was made public
-on Thursday night, but that the llus- New Regulations Adopted by the
sian withdrawal was &Ito in accord,- Government.
mute witli Gen. Kuropatkin's pre -ar-
ranged plan, although the Russian
losses indicated stubborn fighting,
Military critics profess to be not alto-,
gether certain whether Gen. Kuroki's
are • only permitted to catch eight
movement means a real ailvance, or is
instead of twelve bass per day. Tho
simply a feint to distract 1,1u0sian at-
tention from Port Arthur, inti limit for maskInenge is four, pickerel
twelve, 'end lake trout for, speckled
incline to the letter2-1010.
or f0000k trout thirty or ten pounds,
ethe spal Lt.:tit for pickerel is fifteen
inches, for maskin1.enne thirty inches,
measuring from the poiliC of the nose
A Toronto deepateli saes: lly the
new fishery regulations reicentnen(ied
by B. T. Basted)), and tolopt,S1 by
tple Dominion (30201(11110121,anglers
A despatch to the London Daily
Mail from. Fusco% says that the Ras- to the cream of the tail. 1 he stile
sians have apparently teleen the of- and export of te:leckleil trmit, blaele
fensive. They have reached Suilmil- bass and inctsltinonge is prohibited foe'
Mg and ere advancing to Stimatse oeriod of five years, twovided. Lott. -
along the railway. 'They are being
heavily reinforced. '1 he Russians ein
now in a halt eirclo erouno. Feng-
Wangaeliting from Saimitse to Liao-
-Yang. A screen uf Coesacks is coy-
`iting their front. The northeastern
roads and passes are strongly held.
The Sapenese cavnlry are scouting
admirably. They repulsed the Cos-
sacks in several 1•50e11t engagements,
'A despatch to the Loudon Daily
Mall, from Cheri)°, says that junks
are continually arriving, tip to the
present ninetecin have 'arrived from
Port Arthur, with about 2,000 Chin-
ese refugees, many others are follow-
ing. The Military Governor allows
ever, that pier Nesbit ?roni -foreign
country fishing in the waters of the
frovirre who obtains an angler's lic-
ense may, upon leaving tIto Ltrovince,
take With hi121 the lawful eutth of
two cleys• fishing.
Notes of Proceedings in the Not,
of Commons.
hhe Ilelding in his budget dealt
with admitted tariff inequalities re -
(miring inimediate treatment. 711e1e
will be a thorough and detailed re-
vision probably next session after an
ineuir,v by menitere of the Govern-
natiNes not engaged in the dock- ;went similar to that made. in 381)7.
;cord and defences to leave, Jopane A maximum general tariff, n Mini-
ese enlisters intercepted the junks end name general tariff and the British
gave the refngees food, which they preference will be adopted when the
iteeded very much% It is reported fiscal question is dealt with in &-
that the Japanese mad forces are tail. The highest scale of duties will
voithin eight nalles of Port Arthur. I be applied to cotettries whose trade
but so far no important celltsion has mlicy 13 hostile to Cenaile, miff the
;taken placo on land near the i oecte. sieile to countries that deal
eoriress. Ounbouts and torpedo-
tleany \oda tee, while the pt•eference (14
boat deetroyers can navigate the to be leept for Oreat Britain,
chanhel at high water, the Jnpunese Tho tooximom duty on twreils, 00(11»
(0011111g operations being effective on- ngs, overeoatings end ottice. woollen
ly as regerds the egress of lerger goods, witlithki exception of blankids,
.2-2"22)15• Thn 100321 Int" hem "melt bed comforters or counterpanes 'when
damaged by the recurring bombard- mportod undo, tho .0,,,tor('otirti
talent 1. ff, is fixed ot 30 pee cent. l'resent
111111111011)1 1131per cent.
A speciel duty will le imposed up -
The Tokio correspondent of the on goods "deinped" or "slaughtered"
Agenzia Liberia, of Rome, telogreplis 111 Canada, being the differettee be -
that 0. cruiser, roar destroyers, two tween the $acrifice price and the fair
etniboats, and five torpedo boate market value of the goods. On ow-
• have berm ripaired at Sasebo, and min articles of iron and stied on
have gnne to reinforce Admiral Togo whits.; looloti„o(120 pool tnio opoosos
before Port Arthur. duty is not to exceed .333 per cont.
ad valorem, and in other eases the
TIDE, NEXT LAND BATT.L711, limit. of special duly is 50 per cent,
of the teemed duty.
A despatch to St Petereleurg from
oThe minima/2i duty on twine rind
hat the JaPaue-e cordage under the preference is raised
IA:le-Yang seas t
have evacuated their pesitions near .0
t no per vent, ad valorem from
Watanickae, The Russian petrels 16 „ma.
failed to discover axle, al 01)2)1112 -The 111051(1111211 (1213.3' tinier the Ili•it-
°.5 far as Nalang'Saa' A "00" '97,o"t 1S11 preferi•ntei 01.1 rold porcelain
expected at Kialleran, Where tall ware is 10112(0421 from 20 to 1 5 lkle
enemy are concentrating All their
strength in the positions they cam oont.(7"`
.101,100s' '.112(3.1;11111w"'g'121(11(1(011husii0
Tho 'h'Imurvs" 11(11)1 "t et: 1 0 1 - id 3 per evict, to 7i per cent,
feded a landing at Eftiebau. Thel • Tho ',bow of; (','13T0':3 iwt rolemo
fleet Of twenty-five steam truese.olds,
011) le reduced front 5 to 21 conte per
10(1(1021 291111 war material and Preue l'uel oil for ineetifacitiving
skit a, 22 hith were lying off Knichau,
, perimeter Pt placed on the fm) list-
hav" diserTeared• Htarea 1nr tae The duty on ('('11(10pelroleurn is wiped
Japanese arm, ore M141'11114 .113
out and 1101:11(3' of 1 / cents pm.
shad from all directione. 'The Jape .13211110') is to he given in the (redo oil
(mese ere retirlog, and eimeentrating
el, Thilendien, APerouritly this le only
the first etago of a more extenshe
('03.1121)3 (111.
IIIISSTANS3 C II 1•11•11 t Teee.
proinvere of Ca nada . The duty 011
pereinne wan eandles i,s reitteed front
80 to e5 per eto, that on parelline
was' from 80 1o 21 per11(13.) thee
3111111(1(1111 (1(13 oilm cost none
Illee 00 ceuls per Ka 11 011 ore 25 to
An entire absence of persentil feeling 2n 1-01' erM1 .; '('1125011(2 from ftn to tari
against tile jeppnese 15 10(3(21 et per vent.; that on lubetentmg olls
L.fao-Yang, 'This be clue to con- from 5 centre to 23 seats psr gallon;
thet on lithrienting oils n, v, s, mid
code grease from 35 to 110 per vent,
palls end inlet of wood arc made
datiablo at 35 insteral 30 pint cent.
The minimum valmf for duty of op-
en buggies is 1111e21 at $40, and that
of ()mewed buggiee•at $310.
To the list. of prohibited goods is
lidded etallions unit mares of less
volle• than $50 each,
e'e,i (pity en plate glees not 11.'2 i1
led in seeets or penes not exceeding
soven eiptare feet, oath, n is low-
ered lo 10 per amt. ad N't1101piu. On
1110 .t.ome 12u3)o121i1 in slelets or lames
"0,12 I1"1 sown Sqllare -feet and not
to:tee:Mug .25 stelae() feet enelt the -duty
will be 135 per coat, ad valorem.
The !hay on 141110 fuhries imported
by imintifaeturers of inen's 10e0le2ve01'
for live exclusively in their OWn fee -
thrive is reduced to 11) per cent, id
Molaftees. from any 00101103' entitled
to 1112 British preference Is pieced in
the 300e list.
The free list is Nether (•xtreeleti io
• contirise the following: -Printing
preeses not made in Canada, whale
oil soap, plain basic photographic pa-
per, 11ydro-R110-Silicle acid, glees for
the mated:action of photographic cloy
Mates., ferment cultures fur
making. machinery not made 111. Can -
edit for the manufacture of linen, ma-
chinery not made in Canada for the
manufacture of certain brass goods,
well drilling machinel'y not made in
Caneela, but not. to Include 1)10112-0
3)01001', artificial teeth, quassia juitte,
crude eetroleum fuel and gas tills.
Tbe free admission of Machinery awl
applionees not made in Camitla •Iteed
exclueively in allavIal gold mining, is
extended until I.st Julv, 123231. -
Estimated revenue for the ten•rent
year, 871,000,000: ordinary i•xpendie
tire, inelesive of sluicing fund nay-
trent,s, $04.500,000; eapital
tiro, 1311.3100,12)101 sur,M1e over all
cuerent. and Capital expenditures, $7,-
500,030, inclusive of $2,5011,0011 (2123.013
to the sin'Sing fund.
Mr. Lennox moved for- a committee
to be appointed by the )pime Minister
to consider the Act respecting, the
control of public moneys and the
audi1 of the public accounte,
• Mr, Birkett presented a petition
from the City of Ottawa agoinst the
passage of 1110 bill respecting the Of, -
tore. Electric Company.
1iA:1121SAY ACT.
lir, 'Fitzpatrick introduced hie LIT/
to towed the Railway Act, explainiog
that it had two objects. rivet it
would provide that. the Railway Com-
missloe should have control ever the
uPPortiotunent of freight rates be-
1wee11 companies with interchanged
traflie. Under the Act its it stood he
had illbught at flrst that this poWer
Wag prOVideci for, but be had noW
Conic. to tlie concluSion that IL e221e114
led only tO eompenles 'operating in
Canada. It. also mil net apply to
companies oderating under the con-
trol of foreign corporations. The sec-
ond provision would stipulate that
itho majority of directors on ('211)12(31-
21 11 sitheitlized railways should be Brit-
ish sulefetts.
Rio Wilfrid lawriet• informed Mr.
Chinvv that of tt n ;Labor or etistla of
seizures of binder twine which he had
enumerated in only one had there
been any eRpenses other then costs
meld bv The Government. Title. eon
Wag tgat of M. 1. '(221211221, -cif Kettle
River, and the ex'penses %thee $240.
Mr. Cesgrain was informed by Sir
'Wilfrid Laurier that the steamer Ma-
bee Mal arrived at Montreal. The
Government MIS not officiate." in-
formed of hoe Tho Govern-
ment tinny she woe to be 0110 of Lit
service pet on lee:Avocet Canede, and
Frenee, in accordance witit r0, contract
between 1110 Clovernmene and lir. Col -
°odder, but Slid not cousider that Mr.
Colombler had fehtlled the contract.
They Wer'e not, therefore, going to
recognive t.lic arrival of the 3431)10 ,1 11.11
evidence of the fulfilment of the eon-.
lir. Smith (Vancouver) asleeil whe-
ther the Minister of Leber had [loin,
-anything to help in 1»•inging about a
solutiou of the difficulty at the Do-
minion Steel Works.
Rio William: replitid that neither or
the parties had invited the interven-
tion (31' the Government or the De-
oartuant, of Leber, but the Sydney
iloard of Trude had done so. mid 00,
121') (("('1) had been Mode by the ittNparte
Inent to both parties, but iip to the
present. neither- of them had availed
themeolveri or the serdects of ow de.,
part mcnt
BtIrther Reductions 'Cade 011 Steer-
age Passage Rates.
A. citts;aiteli from London says; 011ie
North (bewail Lloyd Steamship Co.
has decided to earry thied-class pas-
sengers from any pert of this coun-
try, to Bogen- for two pounds thir-
tet-n. sbi 31111308 sixpence. The irairt-
burg-Antefeeno Co. will take . steer-
age pueeengets front Leith to llatn-
burg. where they will board ettnemere
11011111 for Now 'York, The 01)111 3)011137'5
i•ate will be 42, tho tilissengers pay-
ing theie own fare to I Ada', 'Pete White
Slur, Allan, Ameitue 0611110t021, and
American Lines have istrled a notlee
that fhpie Steerage rate will be 48 to
Nov Yorik or Canada.' to take (ilea
Alolithiv. 110 els() eppliee to
Philtolettlita and Beleimoro. Some
03 1 he White Sloe etteimers, it. 18 (4t111
('13, will 001`0.,,, i3),v1V.4.0 NU:0001401V for
329 131 shillings,
The Russian Squadron to Sail
A (IPSIil Al IT (rote 211 . 1'eln2'81)111'g
am, fe The 1101.10,n ernmeni has
Obtained 1 he velment ol TI:rkey to ,
1111' 1(2,12:13' wurh 111,: lltirdslealeS I
of the Resident illeek 5ee squadron,
, rowel:oboe of fire. leo 11,'(11113'14 .11(3 312',
'tridents. The seundron will tale° ite
departnre from 011 Black Sea with:a
a ehort time,
Pledefle of Gatti:TO-rain, Cheese,
and Other Dairy Broclace
itt limn° and Abroad,
Toronto, .10110 11.--IVIlea3.-- The mar-
ket is wcatter, with olierings of On-
tario striates freer, No. 2 white an"
red waged outstcle at to Dile low
!wallas, Spring wheat mooned at
eltee east, and goon at 71) to 800 past,
lituniteht wheat. is ,tasier; No. 1 Nor..
th,•rn,.1me, fleorgian niay 32(111 0) NO.
NorthPrn. at 90e, and No. 1,1 North-
ern, 873o. No, 1 hard iS nominal at
Vie, Grinding in transit priceu are
CC above those quoted.
. Oats -The market la whet, ot easi-
er prices. No, 2 white quoted at tlq
to 31e west, eon( at 013(1 low freights
to Now 'York; :No, 1 white, 1.12e east,
and No, 2 at 013(1 east,
Barley -The marleet is -quiet, Witt
demand r•oderate. No, -2 quoted 'at
43e midella freights. No, fi 'extra,
40 to Ile,, and No. 3 at Ilee middle
height s.
Peas -The nierket is deli at un-
changed prices, with No. 2 shipping
peas„quotecl t ($)1.. wept or egst,
c orn-a he market is quiet, and
prices eteadet. No. 3 _Aineelean yel-
low goofed at 58/c on termite Tomo -
toe So. 3 mixed nt 37/e„ Canadian
corn 11011111101 at 43.111 'west fm• sound
llye-The market is quiet, 'With
prices nominal at 57 to 58c oetside.
buckwheat -The market is dull,
with prlerct notainel. No. 2 quoted
at Cie outside.
Flour -Ninety per cent. patents un-
changed at 33.60 to $3.70 middle
freights for domestic use. Straight
rollers of soecial bramis for domestic
trade quoted et $4.25 to $4,50 in
bids. Manitoba flotu•s mei steady.
No. 1 patents, 34,80; No. 2 patents,
$1.40, and strong bakers $4.40 on
track, Toronto.
fdinfeed-Bran is dell at $17, and
dioets at $10 here, At outside points
bran is quoted at 215.50, and shorts
at $16,50. Manitoba bean in eacks,
$18, and elmets at $20 here.
'netted Apples -,-Trade is very dull,
an I maces are unchanged at 3 to
e"••• nor les Evaporated eppieS, 0
to 7e 7e per lb,
Ileans-Trade is quiet, with priefie:
$1.50 to $3.60, and hand-picked at
$1.05 to $1.70.
/rope -The markid is unchanged at
28 to 32e, according to quality.
Money -The market is quiet. at 0 to
7c per lb. Comb quiet at $1.50 to
Ilny-the market- is need, witli ()S-
t)** 1•• 12 T•••othe- eodte
r, •
at $9.50 to $10.25 a ton, 00 treek,
., •. (311101,
priers iincliangerl at $5.512 to $6 on
trade, Toreado.
Potatoes-Receitts moderate, and
prices steady. bar lote aro quotefl
at 80 to .85c por beg, as to onalfty.
Small lots job at 05e per beg.
roldtrp-The demand is fair. with
111(211121 ofierliege. Clpckene, 1.2 to
Inr. eve lb.; '111H:eye, it' tP 17c Per
1.11, for frereh 1-1(3021.
Butter -The receipts of Ingter con-
tinue fairly large, and the dentand is
good for best onalIties, with prices
unchanged. We quote: -Finest 1-I11.
1,13 to Itie; ordiniu•y to good
large rolls, 13 to 11er mediu111 and
lowee grades, 10 to lle; creamery
winfe, 17 to 18c; solids-, 16 to 17e,
Eggs -The receipts eye fair, told the
demand good. Case lots are selling
at 15e per dozen. •
Cheese -The market is BMA with
prices unehrenged. Old !poled at 10c
per lb, and new :et 82 to 9c, the tat-
ter for twins.
Preesed hogs .afat -unchanged, with
offerings small, Cured meats are in
good demand at unchanged prices. Nib
vinote:-Bitcon, long. clear, 8 to 83c
er 111. in ease lots. Mess pork, $10.-
30; do„ deort cut., (3.18 to $18.50.
Smolied Meats -Hans, light to me-
dium, 12/c; do., heavy, 133to 12e;
rolls, 0/e; shoulders, 9c; backs, 13 to
c; break! t bacon, I tie.
Lard -The demand is foie, with
prices straidy. We. (motet -Tierce&
7 1 0: tubs, to 833 pails, 8 to 83e,
Mont real, 2111110 1 .-Dein a lid for
onts cent:holes exceedingly doll, so
that. althoogli No, 2 has 1)0101 offering
here for some days at 31ie in Store,
only a few cars have 1.10011 SOISI; the
lowest offer of No. 2 oats seems to
be 318e, clad no one seems to want
oar lots at that figure. Petorbovoughs
have been sold at 115/0 on track. Peas
were telamt steady at 7.1.c afloat
Montreal; No. ,2 barley, 50c; No. 13
mettle, 49e, end No, 2 rye, 620, ll'Ioer
-There was a fate demand for 'Mani-
toba role; Manitoba yintents, $4,90
to 11.1.95; strong bakers', $4,60 to
34.211it Wittier wheal, patents, $4.80 to
$35; straight rollers, 24.50 to $1.•05.,
straight rollers in biegs, 312.10 to $2.-
25. Voerl-lTanitobe, bran wak ill
good demand; 33,, 1111(31)1) bran in bags,
Sliti to shorts, $20 per ton;
0111211111 bran 111 M(1k, 311 (1,53) to 3111);
shorts, 0.50 to $20; irestillie, $20
to $28 per ton. Rolled outs - The
inar'••et 111 0 1111; 11001000 arc (treeing
$2.323 fer hags and $4,0o in 3)1115,
tre0, Tiro -TTertvy Can eaten
short ent pore, fe 1 7,00 to 13(11; 113111
short rot, 817 1.0 31131)111: Anierfiem
hit, 1 1317,3111; compound Med,
11.3 to 7e: t'anadiun lard, 01 3.,, 7)":
1 eine reeriered, 81, to et„(e limns, 1
to heron, 18 io 184e; fresh 1(111'
'23 Minh' hogs, live hogs,
1.411 .1 11 t $5.75, 1333e5-Seleet, 121 to
1 (V.e: /env 1,1111, 131 to 15ie.
-51111 gnsttia, 111) 3.i 1 7 +1•; ‘110.$1.01•11
drtiry, in to 1 le, Meese- Ontario,
83e; bed Quebee,
Milwaukee, June 14.--1Vhcsit---No. 1
Northern., 91)30 to 111: NO. 2 North-
ern, 117 to 98e; old July , 881e ifici.
Rye- No, 1, 7fle, Iluo1Sy--1111. 14,
02e; sample, rid to 59e, Corn- No. 3,
50 to rile; July, .1Kc
Wheel -Spring; spot offerings Scarce;
unt,,,tipli; No. • 1 Northern, $1.0-3;
no offerings. Corn -Week;
No. 2 yellow, 571s; 50. 2 corn line,
'Oat seeSiteaciee No, 2 white, 401e; No.
2 lei:Kea, •1 ite. 1 le ploy -410 offeringe.
liyee-No. -in stem), 780 ,fteeeel. Can-
al freigh t n-letently; alma 1, it le to
NeW Yuri.
"A1111110,0 nils. .11(310 14 .-21Vllollt---,18132
01111e; :1'e3ltentbe1', 8130: on track, No.
1. hard, 9We; No. 1 Northern, iMt,e;
No, 2 liortlrtint, 9:130. Flour --First
Indents, $13.20 to 315.30; second pat•
512f:tt15, stio.1n1i.)1 thel!arit28):,1;$121v,7'.40,c1111117.1:65-1.1")
bulk, $16; shorts, $17,
Toronto, june 1 4. -At the Western
Cattle Market to -day the receipts 11012
90 loads, comprising .1,000 cattle, 1,-
000 sheep and lambs, 2,250 hogs, and
200 calves,
Bueioess In both export and blith-
ers' cattle was very brisk: this morn-
ing; everything sold out early at
2211.0114 prices. As 11111011 as 50.50 per
cwt. was pad to -day for several loads
of choice export cattle.
Retains' catIle was, if anything. It
little firmer for the best grades, and
prices went up to $5 per cwt., and
more would have sold. Prospects are
considered good.
Stoekere and feeders are scarce, and
prices -.hinter. More would have sold
here thottay. •
Good to chef-Icemilch cows ere
nanted and will feteN up to 355 or a
little more for the right kind. Sup-
plies toglety were not of the best
"Small step" Was firm and occa-
sionaly a little highee; ewes are
worth from 4 to 'lie per lb.; butles
froni 11 to 133.c per 11).; mixed sheep
from kle• to nue p,r 111.; lambs (tom
$33 So 80 each; calves from $2 to $10
oath, or from 4 to 51e per lb, Clood
stuff wanted.
Hogs are seemly and untliaegetl, at
$5.12/ for choice, and $4.70 per cwt,
for light and fat. .6.11 grades will
sell, •
Story of th.e Attack on British
Post at Kangma.
A despatch to London from Gyang-
Ise, Tibet, giros the details of the
Tibetan attack on '<angina. post, in
20111011 one Semis. killed and six
wounded formed the total 130111511
losses. The despatch describes the
onslaeght of the Tibetans at dawn,
they descending a hill in two solid
masees. A. portion of the troops had
already started to march from the
poet, but those outside the fortillea-
does immediately rat1 back to C0NT1',
re.Uo. One eepoy. Ire refused to
budge, and received the charge of the
whole 700 Tibetans. 'After shooting
live of 1110111, he was cut down, de-
spite a heavy lire from the post. The
Tibetans reached the walls, and at-
tempted to climb 0001', hackin13 at.
the Men at the loop -holes with their
swords, loaf even seizing flte muzzles
of the I trot ru ug Meanwhi le
those liehind kept up a furious fire
with matchlocks and Lhassa rides.
The Tibetans kept up the attack for
half an hour with th13 utmost fero-
city.. They then withdrew, tho gar-
rieon pursuing them. The Tibetans
bombarded the camp at flyangtSe
Wednesday. Their fire WaS heavier
than usual. Ono Sikh was killed.
Archbishop of Canterbury To Sail
in September Next.
A London despatch says :-The
Arelibishop of Canterbory told the
Canterbury Diocesan Conference on
Wednesday that it might become his
01.0,v in September or October next
(t) take advantage of the fowled in-
vitation he had received to attend a
groat gethering• of the Episcopal
Churelt in the United States. The
suggestion that he should attend
seemed at first to hiinl, to be out of
duties, but tho consensus of testi-
mony, 3n3" toed clerical, as to the
good which an official visit of this
character might the, forced him not
to pu1 the lelan aside.
Safe and Express Car Blown Open
and Robbed.
A Salt Lake, Utah, despatch sere:
A Veneer & ltio Grade oassenger
train, west -bound, was held up near
Palisade, Col., early on Wedneedety,
131'aleentrin Shellon'oteger was seriously
wounded by a bullet', froin the gun
of one of the two robbers and the
conductor had iile lantern shot front
his hand. The rohhera flagged the
teain about two miles from the eta-
-lion, and when the tritimnen went
Unravel they wore) confronted with
revolvers by• 11111 masked inen. liat.eli-
ing the conductor Miele to the train,
the Parielits de1a:MI(121 the eegine end
express ear from (hit (0111.)10e arid Mow
open the see, alley ruining 1110 loco-
moLive nod eite roma ilietanee up the
truck, expreee are un.
able to say 'whet amount, Watt Ob-
tained, hut 0111111 it, wee small.
Panishinent of Armenians IVIust
Ceane at Once.
A Colielitnelnople (Wendell 51)300 511'
N'icholatt O'routler, the 'British Atil-
t bal000lor 110Iv, 11116 0 10114 int00V1OW
hVil 11 OW Greed Vizier INIonda,y. Ire
1 11,22)21 ('12 upon the Inonedirtte eessntion
of the punishment of Armenians, end
the pilinging and destroction of ('11-
3 2133021 in the Samsun 'District, The
I French and Itussilan Charges d' /Wakes
• lime made Similar represeigtittions.
11181f 311A1 ON THE FAN
Selection of Animals -Condition
-Breeding and Quality -Age
:e'er Killing.
Much valuable infm•mation regard-
ing the Moellering, curing tool low.
lug of Moat ifi 41Von 111 Enrolees'
Bulletin No. 151 of the 11, 8, 113..-
1'n"t (11(1111 of ,Arreiettletire, 0111-11 3011
"Meat oil the lemma" ntany
1(11)1 ('12130102 enithie enyone to follow
closely the dtritel Ions for killing and
vatting un cattle, sheep and switie.
The general tuIVIce given is 2v01't117'
of close attention by all farmers
who (10 11at depend 01) tho Laltener
for their meat supply,
ll'he author of the bulletin points
out that in the selection of animals
for moat health should be 910011 fix•st,
coneideration. No matter how fat
all animal may be or how good its
form, if le is not in perfect health
the best, eitinlity of meat cannot be
obtained. If suflbrieg from fever,
or any. serions derangement of the
system, the flesh will not be whole-
some food. Flesh of animals that
have recovered from the ravages Of
diSeage before slaughter is not likely
to cure well and is very difficult to
keep after curing. 1304(38e5, broken
limbs, or like accidents all have
the same effect on the moat as ill
health, and, unless the aninerd can
be killed and dressed humedlatery
after such accident it is not berg to
use the meat for food. A rise of
two Ogress or more in the animal's
temperature at or just pi•ovious to
slaughtering is almost sure to re-
sult, in stringy, gluey meat and to
create ft 1.011delley. to Sour in curing.
cannot be obtained from animals
that are poor in flesh. A reasonable
nmount of flesh must be present to
gn netcfe tj el rnaetstscirt. 211c110 flatell'iont;atio 1st hoflwi
reasonable limits, the better will be
the meat. The presence of large
amounts of fat fa not essential, hew -
aver, to wholeeome meet and it is
far more important that an alliMal
1J0 111 good health than that it be
extremoly fat. It is wise to kill
an animal that is losing flesh, as tho
muscles CMOS aro shrinking 111 vol-
ume and COntain correspondingly less
water. As a consequence the meat is
tougher and dryer. 'When an ani-
mal is gaining in flesh the opposite
condition obtains and a better qual-
ityof meat is tho result. Also a
better product will be obtained from
tin animal in oely medium flesh but
gaining repicily than from a very
rat animal that iS tit a standstill or
losing in flesh.
Quality in meat is largely depen-
dent on the health and cohtlitioll of
le animals ..laugateied, and ea
tho best quality of meat is rarely, if
Li, o ),ainci 11011) 3)001 132 Med
stock. Tho desired "marbling" oi•
admixture of fat and lean is never
of the best in scrub stock, nor cl0
the over fed sliowring animals fur-
nish the ideal in quality of meat.
Tere seems to be a connection be-
tween a . smooth, even and deeply
fiefehed animal and nicely marbled
meat that is not easily explained.
Fine bones, soft luxuriant hair and
mellow flesh are always desirable in
en animal to be used for meat, as
they are indications of small waste
and good qualify of meat.
.Age. aireets 1.1111 IlaVOV and teXtUre
of the meat to quite on extent. I1
is a well-known fact that nicat from
old animals is mom likely to be
tough than that from young ones.
Tho flesh from very young anhltails
lacks flavor and is watery. 'An old
animal properly fattened (1(1(1 1(1 good
health would be preferred to a
younger one
Cattle aro fit for beef at eighteen to
twenty months if properly fed,
though moat from such animals lacks
in flavor. The hest beef will 1)0 01)-
1:0110d from animals from tweety to
forty months old. A. calf should
not be used foe 'veal under six weeks
of age, and is at its best when,
about ten weeks old and raised on
the cow. Hogs may be used at any
age nftee six WeekS, but the most
profitable age at which to slaughter
is eight to twieve months. Sheep
may he used when two to three
months old. and at any time there -
oiler, They will be at their best
peoviotts to reaching two years of
age, usually at eight to twelve
be kept MT feed from twenty -
11.11 as'itimal intended for sleughter
four to thirty-six hours, otherwise
it is impossible to thoroughly drain
olit, the veins when the animal is
bled, and a reddish colored mutt -
tractive ealeirtee will bo tho 100011.
Water should be given ft•eely up to
the ttine of slaughtee, as it keeps the
temperature normal and 1i010S to
leash the effete anatter out of the
tem,. resulting in n nicely colored
The care of animals previous to
53n:1i33111e1' has considerable effect
cal the keeping qualities of tho meat.
111 no inetance ehould an animal be
killed imineeliately after a long drive
or after ra, rapid run about the pas-
Dn.°. The desii of en animal that
has •been overheated is usually of .a
rale color and 11e13' often dovelope
a soiir or putrid odor within three
or frier days after being 'dressed.
Itrllises Callao blood to settle io that
portion of the body affected,- present,
ing an uninviting appeintance,and
often moist the loss of a consideree
blo portion or the theuass. There-
fore, a thirte•-teiX limm fast, plenty
of water, careful handling, and rest
before slaughter aro tall important in
securkg meat, in the best condition
for use,
Now Inventioll to be Used 133r.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
sayst Invention of 011.01141,
which supprecates the noise of cannon,
has been stieeeSsfully tested fit War21
satv, and IMO been adopted for the
use of the IblitSizin army lo the Far
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own
and Other Countiies of
Recent 3Ilvents.
Dundonalii reviewed alma 2,-
000 11'00ffs at 'Montreal 011 Saturday,
The new C. , 11. elevators at
Port ArthaV are noW ready for hand-
ling grain.
Three passengers and the motmenan
11.000 111,1110C11 in a street car collision
at Port Arthur, on Saturday.
The inland revenue rctturns Fferit,
113.0 11 May wove 304,587, an 1(1»
('('0(1120 Of $10/48 (WV the hall
Month last year,
The price of beefsteak line advence
from 114 cents to 15 00111S for roue
staple and 15 to 18 cents for port
hoese lIctinilLon.
Thn customs dot les collected c.
Montreal in May were $983,7913,
decrease from May last year of $1
064, owing to the sugar dales bein
'Hugh .Allan, of the Allan line, wli
has just returned from Englani
stated at Montreal that all the ee
ond-class aceonamodation on the A
Ian llne steamers had been taken u
to the month of December, showin
the rush of the better class of bum
grants to Canada.
A British royal commission find
that, human and bovine tuberculosl
are practically identical.
Eighteen thousand persons sttende
the Cobden centenary meeting at A
exandra Palace, London, 011. Satin
Sir Henry Irving says he will
tiro fro112 the stage in 1906. Ire wit
then have completed efty years of a
tivo work aS an rioter.
A Parliamentary blue beok show
that the British Empire supplied rno
than half the gold supply o.f th
world in 1002, Canada's share beiin
7 pee cent.
The Lord Mayor and Corporatip.
of London has decided to confer 133
freedom of the city on. Lord Curzo:
of Kedleston, in recognition of th
ability and zeal he has displayed n
Viceroy of India,
It Is reported that the G. T.
will erect a neW depot ant( lacom
tive works at Battle Cf•eele, Mich.
At Cambridge, Otiio, Andrew Me
see killed his wife and child an
then himself after a trivial cmare
over his monis not being ready.
President Roosevelt has appointed
commiSSion to investigate charge
against the Governor and the judge
of Alaska.
For tho rieurchee of Daniel Mitch
of Cincinnati, Arthur A. Eddy
Los Angeles, cal., has been sentenc
to ninety-nine years,
Buffalo contractors have leeked 02
the masons and beickleyers.
latter during a strike of the Immo
refuSed to lay brick on concrete fo
Because ho could not obtaio
Andrew Wernillen an engineer,
Chicago, committed suicide by
ting an artery in his wrist and
jumping into the river from Van
Burten bridge.
Snnuial Filarsky, silent partner of
the defunct, United States Fut' eon),
Pane', of New Work city, hes made
a confession to 'Assistant District kit-
torney Carvin, indicating that the
company was e. clearing house for
thieves all over the country,.
Mrs. Amada W. 'Reed, who died,at
Pasadena Califf, a few ilays age, be-
queathed $2,000,000 to found an- in-
stitution to combine instruction in
the fine arts rind sciences and mantl-
e" training end condected witl
especial revel/ to the need's or youn
men and 110111011 compelled to eate
their own living.
Russia has felled to huy t.Wo bat
tleships 111,113. for Argentina- at Itali-
an dockyards.
She was a, young wife, just 21190-
ried from boarding -school -ono of the
lovey-dovey order -and although
highly educated didn't know beans
fro1)1 any other vegetable. Hence
this dialogue with the cook: -
"Now, Biddy, what are we to have
for dinner?"
''There's two chickens to circsS,
"III dress the01 the first thing.
Where aro their clothes?"
"Oracious, ilium, they're in their
feathers yet I "
"Oh, then, Serra theM that WaY.
The ancient ltomans always 000ked
peacocks with their feathers on, It
will be a seem:leo for hubby."
"It will thet, mem. Sure, if yot
want to help, you could he pain' th
"011, how sweet! 111 pair Om
two tend two in no time. Why,
had 110 idea cooking \Vila BO pietui
"I think, mum, that washing
celery do he more i1 your line."
"Allright, ilIlIdy, X% take it 1
to the batlwooin and I've some luc
Paris soap Lhat will take off eve
speck," '
"Thank you, mum; woald you in*
tollbng nie the liable 03 1.110 aBy
Where yoti Were eddlcated? 3. th
I'll have to take $1(1110 1000(21l15 tl
myreelf if NVO be going to work.
Red seems to be the most. popule
Of national colors, if flags (nay 1
nsed rts criterions; Of the twent3,
five leading national tinge ninetem
have red in them, v1110 a1(1110 amino
be said of now other eolor. The tilde
lino that 010 marked' with red Al,
those 63 the United State, lenitlend
F1'ance, actually, ' Austria, Italy
Spain, Dentnerk, Belt/dine, Swoden
Switscalancl, Turkey, 'Mexico, chile
Portugal, and Venzvela.
ten t:
. 111
ft ar,
" w
1 let
I we
• in
• ei fit
1 a
an ol
hirt v
is, Red
ek, as
telt eor
ees 11(1
ho bar
ils 3312
1 of
t vst
iey 1
d .of
S. th
g tbe
51 tilf
On foe
in' 1,11,
1 mal1r
0 110'8