HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-16, Page 10 Vol. 02, No, 49 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, New Advertisements. Looei—G, E King. Excursion8-0, P, Lt, Diointeotenta--Jas, Fox. Olean teete—F, 11, termth. Bummer wear—A, Strachan. Pocket book Inst—Teem Pore, Istria Sam t C rttnker°We. Teaao MacKay, who has been visiting hie mother here for the past week return- ed ou Tuesday to his home at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hie wife and two obildreu, who Dame with bila, will remain here for a month, The pupils of the Public Sohool assembled in the senior room on Friday afternoon where a meet interesting pro. gram was reudered by the pupile of the junior department. A number of vieitore took thio opportunity to vieit the eohool. The following Wae the program dialogue, 6 girls; negation, Lilian Dark; chorus by all ; reoitatiou, Lulu Mo Donald ; solo,Jeeeie Meuziea ; recitation, May Rueter; chorus, 5 girls; recitation, Addie Sperling ; reuitation, Beatrice 1ticQuerri° I solo, Mamie Sameron ; dialogue, First Book olaeaee ; reoiietion, Leila Sperling; reeitation Jessie Mon. z.ee.; Perna, 6 girle ; recitation, Muriel Sperling; "God Save the I ing." If3lrrev8Sle. Cheater Pugh, of Palmerston, event Sunday at home. .1 J. and Mre. 11•i1ott, of Wineham, viaited at R. N. Duff's last week. Charles and vire. Leech and children, of Detroit, are visiting Abraham -and Mre. Jackson. John and Mre. Petah and Mies Annie Edmonds, et Lietowel, were viei ore at R N. Duff's thio week, John Burgeon, Thomas Stewart and Arthur Wheeler are attending the High Cunrt of the 0. 0. F., at Toronto this week. John and Mre. McDonald and children, of Goderiob, were visiting Mre. MODun. ald'e parents, John and Mre. Gardiner this week. The monthly meeting of the, B'nevale breech of the WOrnen'd Inetitnto wee held at the home of Mrs. .Robert Mason on Wedneeday afternoon. Abraham Jackson left on Monday for Calgary. Mre. Jeokaon er., and K. and Mre. Jettison and children intend going later. They intend malting their home in the West. Watt/reef. Mise Fannie Rogers was visiting friends in town on Tuesday, A number from this veiny. attended the funeral of the late Thole, Oakley. Several looal epode will take in the Galt -Huron foot ball match Fridayeven. ing. Andrew Morrison, of Brendon, Man., ie vieitieg his brother, M. Morrison this week. Mrs. R. Freizer went to Wiarton on Wedneeday to see her mother who is seriously ill. Mr. Emigh, from Blyth, be now mine host of the Walton Hotel, he having acquired poeeaeeiou onWedneodey. Mr. Bsobil) and family removed to Brussels, Rev, Mr. Baker will assume the pastor. ale of the Methodist chetah this year, as s000eosor toRev. Andrews, who will be ',need in the ,uperannnatod relation, Mr, Andrews will reside near Burlington Bay, Astigmatism on Irregular Vision This Insidious ere de- fect usually ceases radlatirsg lines to rip peer with difforor+ deerees.ot dlatinctdl flees. It produ cos -head. echos and sora eyes' We are exports In ?a. 1leving astigmatism: Gr °yrs eta l • rind 2RCAa.Ua0r 0.i;,,t5unaaa I31ilt:ii•s'r,•3 Wool N�u(cd Ain prepared again this sea - 3 On to pg pay the Highest Cash Price for any quantity of Wool delivered at ray Elevator Erns - eels. eels. .Also for all kinds of Grain. RRAH-Aar fe hire tent The Ladies' Gotld of St.' George's Oharoh, will boli a Garden Party to Jno. doarlel's, Leadbury, on Thursday, June 80ih, Brassies Brass Band will be in attendance. Tea will be served from (i to 8 ('quilt, A. chert literary and murine program will be given, The High School boys of Seaforth, will play a game of football that evening at the Garden Party. Vie roxi,ter. Mre. 18. J. Bann is the guest of relatives in Howiok this week. The young ladies of the village have organized e bole bah team. Mre. L. Perrin in spending a few boli days with relatives in Kincardine. John Patterson hes porehaeed the eleotria light plant from 0. Reiss. Mies Oaoeie Harris has taken a position in liobiueon'n general store. Rev. I. A. and Mrs. McKelvey returned from London and Stratford last weal[. Jae. Barton, of Balmer°, was the guest of his brother John Henley on Sunday. Mies Nettie Brown, of Brussels, wan the guest of Mies Nellie Black on Settle. day. Mies Victoria Simmons has gone to London to viten her brother Byron Bim mons, Mre. Neil White end children left for Detroit on Tuesday where they wilt aped a few weeks, Soott and Mre. Black commenced house keeping this week in A. Well's reeideuoo Howiok St. The oobool-foot-ball team mot a team from Fordwioh in the park here Sator day evening. Neither aide eoored attar about an honr's play. George Niobolson lett for Ottawa on Monday to attend the tonere' of hie father, whose death occurred on Monday at the advanced age of oinety•five years• BLolesworc}s. Wm. Merrily visited hie parenteit) Pinkerton last Sunday. Mre, Brown, of Listowel; visited her daughter Mrs, J. G. McKee bet week. John Patterson and wife, of Galt,are visiting their cousin, John G. Patterson of our village, Mrs, Wm. Belden presented her hue. band with a pair of twine on Monday, a bay and a girl. Rev. Mr. MoOtennan, brother of Mrs. John MoDonald, preaohed in the Preeby. terian church on Sunday lent. The Beet Enron Women's Institute held their annual meeting in the hall on Tuesday last. There was a large attend - 0000. Rev. 7. E. Hunter, of Bruese'e, le ex• peoted to address the League on June 22nd, at 8 p. m. in the interest of the Forward Movement. The Ladiee' Aid of the Methodist oharah was invited to the W. F. M. S. of the Presbyterian Parch and enjoyed it lunoheon at the Diose. Following is the school .report of Moleewo,•th eohool. Promotion to Jr. 4th total 730, required to pass 865—Annie Brown 508 ; Willie Brown 475 ; Herry Seabaver 450 ; Fiorenoe MoDouald 447 ; Mina Sangster 419 ; Chas. Dateline 400 ; Jounie Elliott 875. Promotion to Sr. 8rd total 680, required Ito pass 340—David Fraser 508 ; Oliffold Magee 604 ; hazel McIntosh 419 ; Katie Hannah 402 ; Bogie McKee 875; Nellie Stewart 370;,Oolln Murray 370. 0. D. LRPpoinD, Teooher. ireletta1. Geo. Balmier spent Sunday near Oranbroolt. Shingle on111ng ie being pnehed at the mill of B. B. Cole. The Towuehip Fathers were in seeelon last Monday in the Town Hall here, L. Longeway ie the leasee of 100 acre farm upon whittle Jesse Wilbee lived for eeveral years. D' erly oloeiug permits the business people to do tome gardening or take a whirl et foot ball Mica blory, daughter of Richard Pear. sob, has been on the sink het but we liope she will goon be better, Rev. 0. P. Wells °aaopted Me own pulpit lad Babbeth evening having re. turned from Conference et London. Tbero WAS no school in the Junior department of our public eohool haat Monday afternoon as Miss Nioholle went to Mildmay. Some of one farmers are growing eager baste for the Berlin faotory. We hope they will do better in the entering of their pay than last year. The well known Eakart family have been engaged by the Public Library Board to give a concert in the Township Hall here on Saturday evening of [hie week. The new Methodist m;nieter appointed to Binevale le Rev. G. Baker, a son in. law of W. and Mrs. Hall, of Ethel, and the looatiou will matte it very convenient' for both parents mod daughter. Lawrecoe Dobson returned from Inner. hip last Saturday where he had spent the poet 4 weeks with his eon George who is in buelneee there. Mr. Dobson may take it trip to the Nurthweet or Kansas. Monday next the exoureion to the Model Farm will tette plus and will attract.a good many from thin locality. Special train leaves Ethel at 8.20 a. m. and the reined fare, good to Dome bank on Tuesday, ie $1 15, The farm ie ie flue shape this year, Flom —On Saturday, 700811th about tenl;e r r of t members be 'mamb a of the Ethel DrVlel a 0 Bone: Of1cru em ti ori drove to p Trowbridge n b s a d heldx plinth) in r g iliM p Code's bnn6,ou the banks of the Main land where they Were joihed by a few Trowbridge friends, A moat enjoyable afternoon wag spent. Maeio, ftebing, swinging and various other gamer, together with gonial conversational enjoy. Ment the tithe pant moat happily. About 6 o'otonit lunob was served in rnral Damp leshiott and beeline° of the keen demands of appetite wag mph appreefatod by all. The members with to express their (haulm to the Trowbridge people tor the use of the grounder and the many other, ways in which they oonbributed to the comfort and pleasure of the vieitore, About eon -down they started for home All deolariug 11 wag the finest Chime they over Were at, Neat Sabbath evening Rev. T. 91. lInn• ter will people in the' Mettediab ahurob here to the Epworth Leaguer& particularly on the Forward Movement for Missions. The Goderfoh Signal giver& the follow. ing report of the trial of John Oliver Oareon : -A lad of fifteen, namrd John Oliver Carson, was Fent up for trial before Judge Doyle this week by W. 11, Kerr, 3, P., of Brneeele, The information laid against the prisoner was that on the 6th of June be stole a silver watoh from the vest pooket of 3. W. Pollard, of Ethel, a blaokemith, Mr. Pollaicee that was banging in hie shop at the lime. It appears the lad dropped of the watch to a farmer for 31. The Daae same up at 11 a'aloek intraday morning, Jae, hlitehell being present on behalf al the Children's Aid Society. The prieoner seems to be of inferior intelligence and of a rather ebiftlees disposition. The opio. ion of the ofiioers of the law in that the lad should be platted with a family away from borne where he would be under dieeiptine, and he was remanded till the 18th, Mr. Kerr agreeing to 808 his parents and those for whom he had worked lately in the meantime, Mr. Mitchell intends aornmauioating with Mr. Kelso, anperin- tendent of neglected children, (5rev. 0. W. Sawyers, teacher, spent a ranee Sunday in Godtrich. William Work was doing duty in tie 00. town this week as a juror. Nearly every farmer either line aontamplatee having a good drivin horse. So mph web weather has email retarded the customary Spring work o the farm, Mise Dolly Baeker, of Brneeele, was visitor et William Ziegler'a, 13th eon tale week. No lees than five new bridges are t be built in and on the boundaries o Grey townebip this year. William Bonn, of Glasgow, nephew o Jae, Mato, arrived in Grey for a visit o Wednesday of last week. Rueeell Dilworth had the misfortune t oat hie foot heat week while cutting wood bo' is improving nicety now, Mrs.Obps. Jose, of Toronto, end Robt Lewis and his mother, Mrs. Lewis, o Brampton, are visiting at Jae. lelann'a. The000traot of King's bridge abut menta was awarded to Andrew Hislop, a the last Council meeting. Thetprioe wa $1,150. Oeofl Lindsay ie a proud boy thea days. His detente pony Topsy preeeute him with a oolt and it is a dandy, H oalle it Dott. Now that sheep shearing has aommeno ed the farmers ere looking about for th beet market. Brneeele will get a goo share of the wool. Jae. Mann is raising rap hie barn this week preparatory to building a wet coder it. David Clark has the oontreot of the mason work, Mies Mary Pearson, who hag been suffering from appendicitis the pest two weeks ie very low at meant and there ire little hopes of her recovery. On the evening of Jane 28111 a social will be given in the Bethel oharah 13th Ooa„ by the Sabbath• eohool workers and an excellent time is expected. As the teeth it. a kick from a horse Robert McDonald, 9th eon., was laid up for a week but he is able to be about again now we are pleased to hear. The foot belt match between Ethel and the 10th Oon. came off last Wednesday and the results were 1-0 in favor of the 1611, The return metal] is to be played at Ethel on the 18th inet, Donn AT NEerAwA,-On Monday of this week Wm. Martin, of Brneeele, received a letter from Neepawa, Man., stating that ass. Govenlook, a well known form- er resident of the 8th Con., had died euddenly at hie home there on Jnoe 2nd. Departed had only been ill a few days. M. Govenlook moved to the West about 20 years ago, Re wee a ooualn to Mre. W. Margo, of Brunie. Wedneeday morning of this week S. R. Orerar left fur Toronto en route for the Temisoaming Dietriot where be will spend, the next three months with a Government surveying party enb•dividing townships for settlers. Mr, Orerar put in 8 months in Algoma two years ego ruorting the matinee of townships. He will go bank to the Sobool of Saienoe in Toronto next October to ooneplete hie ataree. GDEL0I3 NExo MoNDAv.—A big orowd will in ad pbobebillty attend the annual trip to the Model Farm at Guelph, next Monday, As a epeoial train will be run both ways there will be no tedious delays, Tiokete are good to Dome bank on any brain on Tneeday. Train leavee Brussels at 8,05, Ethel at 8 20 and Henfryn et 8.28, The return fare ie $1.15 from either of the points named, affording a a eptendid outiug for email expenditure. The following is taken from the North Bay Dispatob, of Thursday Jane 9111, of the death of Frank Harrison, formerly of Grey :—Ageeniih Goon CITIZEN GONE Hone.—The people of North Btty were ehoolced when they heard lust Saturday atteraoon that Frank Harriecn bad been etruok by an engine on the T. & N, 0. Railway ; and they were sorry, indeed, when the wire conveyed the information that he had peeped away at tho Royal Viotoria Hospital, in Montreal, on Mon- day evening, a little over 48 hours after the aooideut opened, It has been oar painful do t t n redo G P Y rd the death of many etc r u moat useful u rt u end befit ()Means 'n o ze t alarmingly i 1t a a suooeesha Y n and -kat we said of one of than we bon say of Frank Harrison, with equal (arae and truth, that "few, indeed, have passed away leering so many true Mende and mourners, and few of ne who remain will leave cinch a olein' life record when We bathpassed aveav," Frank was been in l'odderingharn, iiobknhire, England, in 1864, and at four years of age. emigrated to Oenada,with his parents, Who .nettled 0» a farm in the Township of Grey, County of Einrou. Doming to North Bay in 1839,. Frank was shortly atter. Wards appointed by Mr, Colgan foreman' of the carpenters on the North Boy divi• aloe of. the 0. P. Rallway, a poeition Which be filled until hie death. Like everything else which he tindot'took in THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1904 W, H. KERR, Prop. his poeition ae foreman, Frank did hie Work faithfully as wall ee effioiontly. He was trusted imp'iaitty by Lite superior omoere,and was looked np to sod be. lover) by these over whom he was pieced. He never sought for positions of tract, but many pooitiona of trout 801101 bluer and 0 be thought it was soneelbing he ought to do, be did not beeitato to aeeume the burden when asked. Wben ab a ehuroll, a aounall or 01010 roasting, whatever others might do, his penance and aasietanoe might be depended upon, Though hie poeition with the Railway Company left bim little time for any• thing else, yet be nerved the town ae oounoillor, and in other ways, and was, at the time of hie death, u; aotive member of the Building Oommittee of the new Preebyteriaa Ohurah. He wag a member of the Can/Wien Order of Foresters, the Oildfsliowe, and the Marione, He was also a Sunday Sobool teacher and ay elder in tip Presbyterian °berth here, and hie loge will be fait severely by the whole congregation. Ae a toolbar eve. dente of the estimation in whiuh he was bald by those with whom he had to do, it may be mentioned that Mr. Brady, the General Superintendent of hie division of the 0. P. R , placed his private oar at tbe disposal of hie frieede to convey him to the hospital in Montreal, end the evident interest and anxiety of the other officiate of the 0. P. R. for hie comfort and the resole of the operation be was to undergo, Frank, who was a loving husband and father, leaves a widow and two small obildren, and oleo two brothers, to month his tragic and untimely death. Hie brother, Marshall, lives on the old farm near Brussels, while Charles is the well known yard master of the 0. P. R, Co. hers. The funeral took plane from the family reeidenoe, on Wedneeday Mean noon, 10 the Uefou Cemetery, The brethren of I. 0. 0. F., A. If, th A. M„ and 0. 0. F. attended, and took pert in in the services. The ministerial services were conducted by Rev. G. L. Johnston, The body was interred with Masonic! honors, AYrirrief. Township Council on the 27th. Robert Nichol, 6th line, hat been on the Wok lits but we hope he will soon be o. k. There are several Monist tea who in. tend going to the Week for a trip this Sommer. '1'aeeday of this week Sam. Moolraoken, 4813 line, left for Medina, Man., where be will open a barber ebop. We wish him 80000ee. Sheep washing is an deck. Compara- tively few sheep have had their Winter coat removed yet owing to the oonlinned cool and wet weather. Mrs, Alex. Conon, 5th line, has a hen that is making a mark for herself by lay. ing eggs that meanies 6x7 inohet. One of the number was sent to Tan POST. Very little change appears in the con- dition of Thos. Miller, 6th line, who bad a paralytic stroke some time ego. Hie many old friends often enquire of biro. THE NEW C. P. R. LINE. The first actual transfer of land in oonueetian with the G. J. right of way in Goderiob, has been oompleted the past week, being the lower end of the Widder property on the hill aide, nearly opposite Goderich Harbor Lumber Mill property. The decision of the town Council to leave the puruhaee of land to to the railway authorities, simply hand. fog over the $20,000 voted wllen these transfers are agreed on, le expected to facilitate operations and relieve the Oonnoil of a good deal of work and worry. The following are the Ageing of the vote in East Wawanoeh elbowing a sub, etantial majority for the right of way ; Foa Aneneee No. 1 77 37 (Vote available 141) No.2 43 - 88 (Vote avnilable 97) No. 4 4 6 (Vote available 16) 1.24 80 80 -- Majority 44 (Total availebie vote 254) Some changes have been made in the By-law to bevoted on i0 Weet Wawanoeh, and as a consequent* the date of voting is changed to June 26, The following from the June issue of the Railway and Shipping World, the recognized authority on suah matters, will be read with interest as the record ie so complete : 0000011 AND 00000000 RT. The Railway Committee of the House of Commons has approved of the aot inoorporatiag a oompany with this title to aonotruot a railway from Guelph to Goderiob, and with power to aooetru0t branob lines. It was explained that tide was nota conflicting women with the Gaelpb Junction By., but was intended to ensure the oonetrnotien of the line in the event of the G. J. Ry. Go. being nn• able to carry out the projeot. The tot giving au extension of time for the eon, etruotion of the extonaion from Guelph to Goderiob wae•spproved by the Rail. way Committee of the House of Com- mons. The oompany ie ale o authorized 1 to onetrnoE a branch line to t e S. Mary's, a Y , Ont A Guelph doe atchetaGe s that the right of way g been secured for the line from Guelph to Goderiob, Ont., except in Elmira and 'Woolwich town. ship. It is also stated that preparetione are being made for starting grading; at a Dumber of pohote on the route early in J one, We Were °Malally advised May 18, [bat It wee intended that the line should 11e built neder the °barter of the G. and G. - Ity., which will have power under its charter to bake over the author ity of the Guelph Jet, Ry,, and oleo the bonrteee end rights of wet' granted to the latter company. The line ie intend. ed to run from Gnelph vie pilmita, Lin. wood, Milibabk, Milverton, Nettleton and 8Waiton t0 .Blyth and thence to Godoriclt, with a branch from eomewbere about Llnwoad to Lietowel anis it further branch trona Linwood to Si. Mary's via Stretford, and from St. Mary's to Olin. ton. tluuoidiso have been voted towerde the purobase of right WeV in the following towoshipe : Wellesley, $7,000 ; Morning. ton, $5,000 ; E ma, 30,600 ; Gray, 06,000 ; Morrie, $5,000; Wset Wawanoeh, $2,500; Colborne, $0.000 ; Renate $4,000; Mo. KIllop, $6.0001 and Logan, $6,500; and by Ggderiok, $20,000 ; Miwertop, 32,000; and Blyth, $8,000. By.iawe to grant bgnuaee are to be voted on in Elmira, Woolwich and Dent Wawanoeh, The length of the line from Guelph to °ode• rich ie about 82 miles. It is expeebed Ong oonstruotton will be oommeu led this year, soon after the toueenn of Parliament has been obtained, 1'. A. Potereee, formerly Chief Enghueer of the 0. P. R , to in °barge of the engineer• ing work, The G. and G, By. Go, is not yet organized, and the work 10 the mean, time to being looked after by the Guelph Jot. Ry. Co. and by the 0, P. 1i., whiob operubee the G. J. Ry. A. H. Meodouald, K. 0., Gaelpb, is Secretary of the Guelph Jot. Ry. Co. Huron County Council. The June meeting of the County Oounoil opened, at Goderiob, on Tuesday last. 6,11 the members were pteeent. Atter routine proceedings, the following doonments were read and referred to their reepsotive oommilteee : Circular from county of Ontario, relating to Good Roads Aeeooiation re. (erred to Road and Bridge committee. Letter from Mr, ?000l1oct, K. 0. reaprotiog a wasboat on the road at Port Albert, in the townebip of Aebfield, referred to Road and Bridge committee. Notate from the board of trustees of Listowel High reboot, stating that pupils from this county will be admitted on earns terms ae residential pupils, refer. red to Educational committee, 019.i02e of High eoboule at Walkerton, - Parkhill and Harrieton, referred to Educational oommittee. The reports of the County auditors was read and referred to the Fioaooe committee. The report of Mr. Ainelsy, County Oommiesioner, was read and referred to the Road and Bridge committee. The report of committee respecting claims of St. Marys' Collegiate Institute was received and adopted. Moved by Messrs. Lolkbart and Ferguson that the Coanoil take into non. sideration the method of raising the amount of money required for the Durrent year.—Oatried. A motion of oondolenoa was passed in sympathy with Councillor Patterson and family on account_ of the affliction Buffered through the illness and death of their daughter. The clerk was iaettuoted to ensure tenders for aoal for use for the court house, jail and registry office. Said tenders to be laid before the coattail dur. ing its present session, The fol=lowing were appointed nom instils °Suers for the several divisions H. Either, M. P. P., clerk of Stephen for division No. 4; Fred. Hese are Mark of Hay, for division No. 8 ; Jobe 0, Mor. rieoa, clerk of MoKillop, for division No. 5 ; James Campbell, clerk of Hallett, for division No. 2 ; Joseph Cowan, olerk of Wroxeter, for division No. 8 ; ' Wm. Stothers, olerk of Ashfield, for division No. 1 ; Peter Porterfield, clerk of East Wawanotb, for division No. 7 ; $, B. Soot[, clerk of Brussels for division No.6. The Oounoil adjourned until 10 o'clock Wednesday. • committee's 00050011. The Oounoil met at the appointed hour and after reading a number of a000nnte the following bneineee was traneaoted Moved by Mr. Rieke, seconded by Br. Spaokni„n, that tenders be asked for tbe erection of a bridge aorpee the Sanble river on the town line between the town• ship of Hay and Stephen and that the same be completed asspeedily ea possible. Referred to the Road and Bridge nom• minae. Meese by Mr. Cantelon and eeoonded by Mr. Young that the matter of John Dineley, en inmate of the Hope of Refuge, be referred to the Hoagie ot. Refuge committee to be dealt WW1 and report at thie meeting, Carried. Plena of the survey of the town line between the township of Moleillop in the county of Ruron and the township of Logan in the county of Perth, made by James A. Bell, P. L. S', were pieced before the Ottunoll, together with an amount of the expellees of making soon survey and referred to the Finance ootnniblee. Mr: Dalton, reeve of Ashfield, and others, addressed the Coanoil in reference to the wash out at Port Albert and asked the Council to assume some share of the damage done. The Council adjourned until Thursday at 10 ceolook. TRuRBDAY'e 000010N. The Coanoil met at the usual hour.. Judge Doyle wan in attendance and extended to the Counoil an invitation to be present at the ceremony of the fire[ sod preparatory to the excavation of a Marine hospital in the town of Goderiob. The reports of the Home of Refuge oommittee, the Reed and Bridge Committee and the Eqa alizatiou oo - mdtteewere all read eudpealed without amendment, The Jailer'a Report wag r T e Ja a sad and referred to the Oogoty property cum• mitten. A deputation et merohante domposed Of 62seert. 0olborne, Saunders, Pridham, Rodgint, MoLean, Smith, letartin, Hannan and McKinnon. waited upon the Connell requesting that the fee for hawkere and peddlers Souses be therm. ed. A resolution was pasted %eking the Clerk to pronate from the Pebbles of Middleeox, Wellington and Waterloo, n0pleg of their by•lawe relating to hawk. ere and pecidiare, these to be laid before Ole Uonnoilat the Deeentber tendon also that the Oletk mount from the County eolioitet hie opinion as to whetber the county Dan disoritnivate in favor of residents of the county 00 compared with non-reeidettte end that the matter be tel to be Nether dealt with et the Deoembe session when tele intern:0 mn le avail able, The Council adjourned until to o'clook Friday morning. After the adjournment the Clerk in vited the Coupon to drive to Pert Alber to personally view the situation there a oompiaioed of In the letter of Mr. Proud foot and by the Reeve of Aoblield, It seems that the dam crossing the river at that point broke away during the Spring treehet and the over flow of water (tarried away a portion of the road paging damage to the extent of about $300. The Ashfield Commit who is responsible for the maiatenauoe of the road, olaim that the break in the dam was oaoasioned by a bridge which was rebuilt a taw yore ago was muse several feet shorter than the old one nod on Ibis account, it he maimedthe foe and other debrle 00mieg down the stream in times of freshet, wedges against the bridge, obetruobfug the natural flow of lbs water, thea planing nnneoeseary pr890005 an the dam es well as Peeing, the water, to$ow over the road. There seems to be in this ease material for an expensive law suit and feed forthe•law• yen, but the oounoillore after viewing the Mention here dame to the oonolaeion that the County hi not responsible ae tbey subsequently decided not to take any POP.FIDDA4't 0 051006, When the Ooanon met on Friday a telegram was read from Lieutenant. Colonel Young, buviting the Council to Mph 101112 the 33rd regiment in Damp at London on the 10th. The Clerk was instructed to reply, thanking the Colonel and sbatiug the regret of the Gounoil at not being able to accept the kind iovias. time owing to extreme pressure of bag. n • nese. Reports of the County Properly and Education committees were read and paused ae wee also a report by Contaillors Miller and Connolly, who were at Tor. onto as a deputation from the Ooonoil to interview the Ontario government on the proposed amendments to the County Aoaeoil Ao1. It was resolved that D. Patterson be recommended to Mr, Ansley are Iuepecter of the cement work at the Westfield bridge and that George Gibson be recom- mended ae Inspector of the cement work at the new bridge to be erected on the boundary betweeu Grey and Howlett and that the Clerk write Mr. Ansley to that elle, Monved by Mr. Miller and eeoonded by Mr. Speokmau that the Warden, Olerk and Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, together with Mr. Ansley, open the tenders and let the oontreot for the propoeed new bridge in the South end of the county, Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. The Conned adjourned until the first Tuesday inDeoember. (Continued on page 5.) The first Sod Turned. The Goderiob (l too of last week says :— The first sod for the baildiog of the pro• posed Alexandra hospital was turned at the selected site on Wellington street, oa Thursday afternoon, in blas presence of quite a number of oitizees. The meeting was organized by Judge Doyle as obair• man, and opening the meeting by reading the following address, prepared by the president, Mre, D, McDonald, Regent ot Ahmeek Chapter,. Mine Eliot having pinned batten hole Pelmets on the breasts of Warden Bowman, Judge Doyle, Dr. Taylor, M. G, Cameron and W. H. Kerr : Mr. Warden and Gentlemen Permit me, in the name of the "Ah - meek Ohepter of the Imperial Order of the Dangbtere of the Empire,' to thank you for your preeene° today and your kind offices in turning the first sod of oar propoeed Oonoty Hospital, Perhaps, Mr, Warden and Gentlesq en, it bas never 0000rred to you that ih'ail our lovely and prosperous County of Huron, this is our fleet attempt that has been made to provide apiaae for the eiak and suffering within our beunde. So far we have depended on the serenading Counties to take Dara of sac enearers, and the Counties, of Middlesex, Perth, duo., have ministered to their wants. Having our own Hospital, We provide be comfortable place tot the eiak, within visiting distance of their friends, no matter what part of the County they live in, ae even in the busing neaeoes iooident to our agricultural lite the County Town is amenable within a few boarsdrive, end all may spend 00 hoar at the bedside of their invalid ; even those living in the remotest pointe of Huron. Now, eepeoi. ally as 8000 County is being provided with increased railway futilities inrum thug the Canadian Puglia Railway eye - tem, in addition to the Grand. Truck, through our county, Goderiob, the County Town, is free to all. Again thanking you for your presence to•.day, and tt0ebing this is an sugary of aucoese in the future for our Alexandria General and Marine Hospitsl. I beg yon to anent Eberle flowers, the Pions of out Order, as well as those of our King and Country, presented by the standard bearer of the Maple Leaf Chapter. Signed) M. . B. MAo»o ttoD, Begone. The Judge addressed the gathering at some length,and read a letter of regret t from Robert 13olmes, M. P., and n ion• grattestory telegram from the head ofdoe of the D. 0, E., Toronto. M. G. °amer, on, At P. P., then addressed the people, strongly favorable to the hoepital, and Janne Mitchell, of The Star, followed in a short but strongly sympathetic speeoh. Dr. Taylor showed tbe 05000eity of such en institution in an interesting address, whiob represented the views of the Med- iate profeeeion. Rev. James A.,Ander/toe and Rev. W, 11. Graham etrongly endure. ed its eababtiebmenb end oongretulabed the ladiee of Goderiob in their Work. The president, Mrs. McDonald, then prettented Warden Bowmat with the epade, and that gentleman mule a very ealogieti0 address, the D. O. E. being h' i11 a' d 1K B h Wee deoldedly witty, and his mauy points were ell Well made, Mr, Kerr, who NNit lowed, was equally entertalulgg, the two Iriehmen from Brassie earning =oh apptauee by the oxueiloocy of their oral aontribotione to the afternoon pot Keene, Mayor '1'Itoeipeoo muds only a abort apeeob, but it .bud the right ring, and the Wive of the Obmpter will nee that he is kept in the Conuotl, to help them along on the good work. Mr. Bowmen thou deftly handled the epade, and having turned the first cod, Peers for the King, the ladiee of Goderfoh, end the Werdin closed the pr000edingo. BRUSSELS WiNS, aureate 85Dduuty by tit to a in lite flrgt Game, eud wen a00enit by Lelault. For the Drat time in 7 years lifiidrury was defeated oo their owe grcunde by the Brue.elo Intermediate team, OhampiOao of 1908, by a tune of te to 0. The game was the faateet Bromate has played tate year and they were always leading during the whole game, - The Brunie boyo went on the field ooufldeot tbat.tboy were gaiug to win and by the Wine the game wee over clearly thawed the 3ltldmay people and their owa supporters that they oouid put ap obampiouehip ball when [bey lead t,o, About 6,40 Referee Reid salted the players together and Brussels won the ton eleoting to Mak ageing the light wind and with the inn et their Wets. Within a few mt0gbee Brussels wars rushing the ball down on Mildmay keel and kept it there till Mitier scored the - first goal. On the fuoe off Mildmay brought the ball up to the Brunie goal but it was taken Dare of before any damage was done. The play continued around the Mildmay goal shots going in on 011 sides, We may safely toy 9 out of every .10 nkote either went to the goal. keeper or etreok the goal poets, After 20 minutes play ore a rueb Lowry snored Brussels esopnd and lust goal for the Bost half, The second half opened op very eaey the Bennett, boys taking a met for the final fifteen minutes and play wee around Mang oeutre for quite awhile with au 000aesfonal rush- to either goal, With abort fifteen minutes to play Breasts begun to show the crowd that they oould finish strung nod till the whistle blew, Beetling, Johnston and Schweitzer bad their work oat out to keep down the soon. In a rush Miller eoored the third game and the aoore of 8 to 0 wee reoorded against the Mildmay team. The game was olefin and fast tat 01 every point the Braswell/ boys had their opponents faded. The Mildmay boys lacked the "ginger" and teem play that wins games, while the Brussels tears had all that was necessary to win the game and district. The following are the names of the players :— Bnn89ELe AIlomoxr Bern ... Pool Hoofing ltobiasoo, •�L Beaks Sohwtltzsr Lohse ! Johnston Lindsay Schmidt brown 9 li0 oke {( Dooniug. Cardiff `......... Lum•:n0 Gement 831,0001•(1 Switzer L•eeemer" Lover Forwards rienry 't • yyan b holt S a tet e in r Bail er t g 8ahweitzar Dr. Reid, 01 Walkerton, made a fair referee leis work being very light as both teams played ball and no dirty work vete done ore either gide, On Wednesday horning Mildmay re- ported that they would default the game giving the Brussels team thea lapiop ship of the Brace and Huron reams re without a eeoond game,. ()tieing to this. no game will be played onErides, but on Saturday eveoiog Mhverton wilt play an. exhibition match with the borne team at ' 6.15 sharp, Milverton defeated Brussels fast year on the park by„ a emote of 3. to 0. A good game will be played. CORNE0 0101(6. tete Junior halfbaok line of Brussels showed. that they were fast enough log any Intermediate team, Referee Dr. Reid is an old time foot ball player who played on the Dental. team In Toronto a few year0 030. Being beaten on their own park by ti aoore of 8 to 0 for the trot time in 7 years it was a sore blow to poor old Mildmay. R. 0. Cbeswrigbt, of Walkerton, Preei. dent of the W. F. A. since 1898, wee well taken with the way the Brussels boys play the game. Don't forget the matoh on Saturday night Milverton vs, Brussels. It woil be worth seeiog. Milverton was the only W. le. A. team that trimmed the Brus- sels boyo last year. Among the spectators some old )3, us. setup were seen among W110m were ;— Jute. and Bias Carrie Millat»osn, of Walkerton ; Tom. Norton, Listowel ; D. Stewart and Boat. Beattie, Wiart n t and Dr. Fergon e, Teeewator. 'Tey Were all delighted with the result. There are only six teams left to p'ay off for the Cep. Woodstock and Steele ford finish on Tborsday night and the winners play Brussels next week. LI the Sonth, Guelph and Galt play off titre week and winners meet Dundee next week. The two winneee of groups 1 stud 2 play off the last week of JOoe. W moll Pt fob the du mea e a and Bee -t e 113,0.' pl; * eels an t ' t e re Stu 4e ou for an0Eh0C p tlari. 1 The Loan L.0. L. Logan 008, a0nompaiiied by the Mitchell brute hand, will celebrate in Lietowel on July 12th, Alvin Lemon narrowly °seeped a n ri• Pe acaident in the Mitchell Root,•ry Mille. Whtie bi hteuing a belt nit Mlothenwere oaughtinthe shafting, b fortunaloly the belt tow off the d't tit t otherwise he wield bath tasbained very' serious injuries. Dr, Babb, who bee redenbly been ea. pointed obdef hOnee ourgeon.- at Vieth. la Rospital,Leedon, Wag the other ni;;4t presented by lila r000pt aseo0iatee at fat. Joeoph'0 beeeita1, 'abom he held a sinti+ lar poeltdon, with e, eilvoe m0hctod tun- bref110, n0 a parting uiomonto of °ateonl, Dr, Babb i0 a Son of Wmu l3abb, of Ig y pr tae. r. oWman a speed Uarlingiord.