HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-9, Page 10---..-.- asta�iife�ra�,:*�>�aae,i.,.��'':rv� .,,.,.... INGOODS ._..O N HELLEBORE INSECT POWDER COPPER4 S BLUE 'STONE PARIS GREEN CHLORIDE OF LINE arrf1.1181PH•O.R M7110TH BALLS WE HAVE THEA AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. T 114 11111•1111110•111•1/ 4111.09NSEMIGG.15116.190.111014910.:6 ram' Naas gtemo, A chief's among ye ta;kit' notes, An' faith he'll prentil. A sew'weddinga are on the program. Mono Farm Excursion, -Monday, Jane 20. $0000L Board Friday evening, of this week. APPRENTICE wanted to learn the print. ing. Apply at Ton Pose. RICHARD STEVENS is pushing the sale of his celebrated clothes cleaning mixture. HURRAH ! for Mildmay. Bpeaial train ieavea Brussels at 2 o'olook on Monday next. Dm the Sanitary Inspector give you a clear receipt for It tidy yard and well kept premises f A VERY tasty improvement was made to A. McKay & Coe hardware store by the painter's brush. A maw well has been drilled at the Electric Light power hoose by Geo. Edwards' new machine. THERE were no appease entered against the Alinement of Brueeele this year, a feather in the cep of Aeeoeeor Conley. OWING to eo mach rain of late the farmers have been greatly delayed in getting the root Drop in where the land is low. THE grand stand on the Agricultural Park hae been moved bank gfrom the track a few feet. D. McNaughton had oharge of the work. Baueezes Intermediate team goes by epeoiai strain to Mildmay peat Mon- day. The return meta] will be played on Friday, Jane 17th on Viotoria Park. In yon want poiutere on the manage- ment of it town garden you should inter- rogate T. A, Hawkins as be has added "farming" to hie many other' qualifioa- tione. $56 75 were the returns made by Weighmaater MoLaoohlin as fees for the month of Mey, representing a good volume of business. Thie outdid May of 1903 by over $10,00. J. ItIZLHAusztes household effeote were shipped to Walkerton on Wednesday of this week. Mre. Milhaneen has also gone to her new home where we trust they will meet with many kind friends. FoonrH Division Court was held in Brussels on Wedneeday of this week be- fore Judge Holt. The salt of H. James against Meson. Clark & Beattie, heard at last Court came ap again on a new trial. Decision wee reserved. HAVE YOU A PLOT IN THE OEMETERY 7 - If eo the caretaker, R. Dark ie prepared to fix it up for you and will attend to it in first class meaner at a small coat for the season. He may be found at his home or at the oemelery eaoh Friday. Rev, Jno. Rose, B. A., dealt with "Parental Faith" at the morning eervioe in Melville ahnrob feet Sabbath morning in oonneotion with the eeriee of sermons be is giving on "Faith". In the evening "Faith's Choice" was the topic, dealing with the life of Mona. Gnome Acme -Last Sunday Frank Scott,an old and highly -eeteemed resi- dent of Seaforth died, aged 92 yeare. He passed away at the home of hie daughter Mre. J. Beattie. The funeral took plane on Tuesday afternoon. Councillor Hen- derson, and Mre, and Misses Habkirk, Brnaeele, attended the funeral. ANNUAL Farmers' Excursion to the Model Farm, one of the prettiest and moat interesting spoil, will be run from Kincardine along the W, G. & B., on Itlonday, Jane 20, Special exoareion train both going and returning. Tickets good to return by any regular train on Tuesday, A big crowd is expeoted, Ton mei freight train that hae been running on thin line aimoot every San - day of late made its trip last Sunday and unloaded freight at Brussels. For the same reason the G. T. R. plead for ' San - day work-Commerolal necessity -al. moat any and it not every basineee in the land might run at full blast on the Lord's Day alto. EARLY Crouse -By agreement the business plteose are now closed nab even• ing at 7 o'oioak, excepting Saturdays Or evenings previous to holidays, seat Mon- day being the eommenoement. The barber ebop will heap open 00 Wednee. day evenings for the obligement of their enetomere. We hope everybody will aid in the carrying oat of the early closing arrangement. All it requires ie to little forethought on the part of tee public. Coowr os neateion.-The annual Coact of Revision dealing with the &eeeeement Roll of 1904 was held last Monday even. ing and was oonetitated with Reeve' Wilton in the chair and Coenoillore Baeker and Plum au the other members. The business traneaated was as follows o- ft. & J. Raneford, asked for reduction on Halt Werke from $8,600 to $2,500, to comply With a Bylaw passed two yang ago, the corporationhad increased as wide tired wagons Were not being need in hauling coal to block. Riohard Ranaford addreeeed Court andappeal was granted. B. Driver, 0f Reoheeter N. Y., thought he trite noosed too high. No action. Fred F''rey'e aeeeeement oh vadent Iota redttoed from $700 to .$600, Wm. Look - ridge asked for reduction en aseeeement,' NO action. Mrs. Niobolle tome was, eabetitated for A. Beaker on Tnrnberry etroet property reoently bought, OD motion the Assoeeraont 1toll as amended woe ponflrraed, Dons your bicycle need repairing 7 If eo W. H. Salter ono put it to rights with ueatoees and deepetoh, Tale week the Street Committee bad several low plane on Main etreet levelled up by application of gravel, G L Weracen has bad a new well drilled at his Bale stable, John etreet. Geo. Birt had the contract. LAWN mower experts are having plenty of enrolee owing to the rapidity with wbioh the prase -grows this Spring. A. MOGentn, J. Baneton, W. Griffith and Herb. Ounuingbam attended the K. O. T. 81, annual eervioe in the Baptist eburob, Wingham, last Sabbath morning. FIRST OF THE BEA0ON: Mj9e Mary ROBE, John street, presented THE POST with a bogoet of oboioe and variegated colored sweet peas on '1.'aeaday, the fleet we have Been this season. She has our Menke for the gift. Co. No, 5 of the 83rd Brigade took the 10 o'olook train Tuesday morning Prom Brueeele, en route to the camping ground itt London, where they will put in their anneal drill. Capt. MoTaggart, of Olinton, wan in command. NexT week the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters will be held at Toronto commencing on Toes. day Afternoon. James Bargees and W. H. Kerr are the delegates from Court Princess Alexaudria, Brunetti. Graeae Donors, a nephew of Mre. James Douglas, of town, died on Mon• day at Herrietoo, at the early age of 27 years. The funeral took place on Wed. needay to Salem near Elora. Misses Douglas, attended the last ead rites. Banesto BAND has been engaged to at- tend Garden Parties at Leadbory and Walton, respectively, on the 1501 and 24 th inste. They have also several other engagements in prospect, The Band playa well and have a lot of new music. H. 0. T. M. BERVIOE.-Oo Sunday even. ing, 19th inst., a Macoabee eervioe will be held .in Melville ohnrah, Brussels. The Lady Maccabees are also invited to at- tend. .A. fall attendance ie requested. W. GRzrrrrn, Commander. MARE Monday, Jane 20th down. That is the date et the Farman' Exoureion to Guelph Model Farm, Tickets good to return on Taeeday by regular trains. Fall partioolare may be read as to fares, time table, etc„ in another column of THE POST. A DAR of batter was ebipped Eastward on Saturday last. The oar was late in coming, arriving from the East by the 10 a. m. train, bet the train going East waited until the oar was cleaned and loaded eo as to get the produoh away se early as possible. THE new plank sidewalk spoken of a few weeks ago in Tut Po00, was put down thin week and should last a good while ae a very substantial job was done. We believe it would have paid to use oement instead of plank and thereby enured permanenoy and uniformity. Toon barn of Themes McMillan, Hal. lett, was etrnok by lightning daring the severe eleotrioal storm on Thnredey, 28th alt. Very fortunately no serious injaty was done. The previous storm Mr. MoMillen'e fine briok residence was etrnok but no eerioae damage was canoed then either. A HOSTING of East Huron ,License Commissioners will be held at the Queen'e Hotel, Brueeele, on Friday of next week, 17th inst., at 11 a. m. Tranefer of hotel lioenee from W. Blaehill; of Walton, to Wm. Emig], of Biyth and A. Orr, of the Fordwioh hotel to J. T. Glebe, of Listowel, will be dinned. GRAVELLING OONTRAOre.-OOntraote for gravelling on the Bonndary between Grey and Morrie townships, to the amount of $800,00 will be let, at the Queen's Hotel, Brueeele, on Saturday, 1811 inst,, at 5 o'clock. Councillors Grant, Freese and Shaw were in town on Saturday arrang- ing the preliminaries. THIS LATE MRS. HANNAH. -Another of the respected pioneers of Seaforth dietriat peeved away on Tuesday evening, of last week, having attained the good age of 94 years. Mre, John Hannah, who has been in failing health for several months, died at the residence of her eoa- in•law, James Laurie, Egmondviile, For the past year she bad been a severe but very patient sufferer. Mre. Hannah's maiden name was Catherine McKay. She was a native of Galway, Seollend, and came to Canada about sixty -flee yeare ago and had resided in Tankeremith moot of that time, Her Ineband died 29 years ago. Moat of those who were contemporary with bee have paeeed away and she was almost the last earvivor of that noble aloes who braved and surmounted the hardebipe and privations of Huron pioneer life. She was a worthy woman in every respect and in her early days was noted for her genuine hospitality and kindness of heart, while every worthy movement had her cordial sympathy and enpport. She leaves a family of one ton and two daughters, John Hannah, of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba ; Mre, Jae, Laurie, of Egmondville, and Mee. David Sproat, of Belgreve, The funeral took plane on Thureday and the teeming were laid to rest in the Harpnrhey oemetnry, beside those of him who had altered her joys and sorrows for 00 many years. Her death severs one of the few remaining links between the proeent and the early past, Mrs. McLean, Prisoner arrear Brueeele, who in it nine of the deoearied, attended the fanned, returning on Monday, tit 101401313.1111. ' * sW-==-•:��.;.iL*:..�,:rsl.4asc.'a. rweAnctoccOridoksar.. Standard Bank of Canada 7ESTA758ZaSMSC=D 1972 ABBETP - OVER THIRTEEN MILls1O'N DOLLARS' A G• Oil 13anlgIzn Deasitu ©Mrs 7"a•ciuteem <Aced –'eS A V I N C S BA N -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, and upwarde reoeived on whioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST ie added to neonate every six menthe and beooneee principal. --MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits without the intervention of any Preen. - LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES OASHUD, COLLECTED or may be left for SAF2I-KEEPING only for which no oharge ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will remetve our careful and courteous attention. A. O. MA0FARLANE, AeEN'r, JAMEeTowN foot ball team piayed with a mixed Brueeele team on Victoria Park on Wedneeday evening. They were de• Mated by 4-0. 00. Coveoenooa PA -season's deugbler, of Ent Wawanoeh, died on Monday, after an extended illness from ooneump. lion, and wan buried on Wednesday afternoon. Several members of the Co. Council attended the interment and a resolution of sympathy was ananimouely adopted by the Co. Connell, G. T. R. Sn1PMsaxe, Following are the shipments from the elation this week ;-5 ante of hay by Alf. Baeker ; 8 care of east by the Brnaeele Salt Works 1 1 oar of wheat by R. Grabam 1 2 Dare of cattle by Jno. Scott ; 1 on of batter to Sidney N. S. by Robt, Thom - eon ; 1 oar of flour to Three Rivers, by Stewart & Lowiok ; 1 ear of woolen material from Brueeele Woolen Mill to Cargill; 1 oar. of Marley by Robe. Graham ; 1 oar hogs by Geo. Beet ; I oar hogs by A.0, Dames ; 1 oar of household furniture by Jno. Milhaneen to Walker• ton, -Inward -1 oar of coal for Robt Henderson ; 1 oar coal for noel! Bros. ; 2 oars lumber for P. Ament. Wnnonno Bums -Craigowan, Bund• ridge, the beautiful home of J. G. and Mre. Murray, was the eoene of a delight. fat gathering on Wedneeday evening, May 2501, when their daughter Miee Bessie Mend was united in marriage to George Dunbar, one of Sandridge'e most estimable young men. The bride at• tired in cream Bilk, trimmed with fluting emd eiik ornaments earring 'a bouquet of white carnations looked charmingly and was given away by ler father, Miee Oollina B. Gunn wearing blue voile, beautifully trimmed with bertha of silk applique and lace in a graceful manner performed the deities of bridesmaid, and Louie N. Faulkner ably supported the groom. Miee Violet Hammond played the wedding march, and little Miee Carrie Doige, wearing white ewiee muslin wee flower girl on the occasion and fulfilled her functions moat admirably while the nuptial knot was neatly and securely tied by Rev.'?:`Becket, The preeente to the bride were numereae, choice and wetly and hailed from Montreal, Toronto, Wood• stook, Hiokeon, Hnnteville, Burks Falls and other places. Between fifty and sixty gneete eat down to a enmptuone repast in a diningroom built for the 000aeiou and festooned with evergreens and the entire assembly ware of one a000rd in wishing the young oonpie a proeperons voyage on the sea of matri• menial life. The bridal party amid Mowers of rioe left on the midnight train for an extended honeymoon trip to friends and relatives in Toronto, Wood• stook and other pointe, Mr, Dunbar and bride were visitors with E. and Mre. Oober, Prinoeee etreet, who are relatives. People We Know. Jno. Beattie, of Wiarton, was in town this week, Barrister Blair, of Goderioh, was in town for a day this week, Mies Carrie Hingeton ie visiting relatives at Wingham tbie week. Mier, Nine Rogers returned to Mount Forest last Monday after her holiday here. Mre. Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Miee Bloomfield, for a few weeks, Mre. W. H. Kerr was a visitor with Stratford and London friends during the past week.. Alez. McKelvey is home for hie vacation from Toronto, where he has beau attend. lag College. W. Jewitt and his daughter, Mre. G. R. Stobbe, visited relatives for a few days at Mitobell. /Are, Harbottle and Mien Nellie, Of Wiarton, ere here on a visit with Jno, and Mre. Howard. Mies Fannie Rogers ie home for it visit from Chicago where she hoe been for the past year or more. Mre, Jno. Milhaneen left on Wednesday to join her husband who is now Station Agent et Walkerton. Mre. Dailey, of Trowbridge, was visit- ing with her daughter, Mre. Miibaaaen, daring the past weelr. . Mre. Faneton arrived home thin week from an extended visit with relativee and friends in Wellington County. Wm Francois and wife, of Rennioott, Perth 00., were vieiting the former'e brother in Brnaeele Met week. Mrs. Neil McLaughlin, Mre. Jae. Bal• lantyue and Master Jack were vioftiag in Ethel for a few days this week. Samuel and Mrs, Beattie, of Wierton, and W. Clark, of London, were in Brunets for a few dayo thie week, Roy Liddy, of Hamilton, le visiting hie brother, H. W. Avieon, Mr, Liddy ie reoovering from an attack of appendicitis. Mre. T'alooner and obildren, of Ohieago, are here on a visit with the fennel mother, Mre. Jae, Wileon, S'Ilizebeth etreet. Mrs, Chas. Bitable wan taken ill on Saturday with inflammation of the tieing of the beast but ie ooneiderably better now we alt pleased to orate, The Mitchell Advocate of bet week epeake of a daughter-in-law of Ronald MoNangbton'e, Brnaeele, ae followe (-- Mrs, -Mre, (Dr.) MoNanghton, of Pen Tan, N. T., is recuperating in town with bet parents, 5, and Mrs, Hord. The lady, it Will be remembered, paeeed tkrongh a very severe illneee, and her life was for a time diepatted of, bat she ie new pfoking tip nicely and from alt appearanoce will soon be as well an ever. Mre. MoNaugb. ton hae a very latge oirole of warm friends in this neighborhood who ate pleased to (earn 0f her reoavery. Jno. MoArtbur and daughter were at Olinton 00 Tuesday of tbie week attend. log the funeral of Mre. Wm. Dense, a eietetbe late ate Mre. MoArthar, At the Postmaster's Convention, held in London last week, Postmaster Farrow wag ohoeen 1st Vioe Preeident, The President in Poetmaeter Soott, of Clinton. Mies Hazel and Master Harold, twin obildren of A.. J. Lowry, celebrated their birthday on Monday of tbie week by a gathering of young friends at their home. Waiter Smith took a emelt from his home to Main etreet on Tuesday. AI. though hie gate is stow he gate about wonderfully well ooneidering whet he bee gone though. Fred. Downing has hardly been en well part of the pact week ae well as the week previous and it will be soma time yet be• fore he is able to get down to baeineee au was hie (intern, Wm. McEwen, who has been laid aside for eome time owing to a dieeaeed toe which had to be amputated, ie able to get aronod again by the aid of a notch. We hope be will Boon be all right. Miee Clara Mo0raoken baa aooepted a position in Detrok and left Braesele for the O,ty of the Straits on Saturday. She was thrown out of employment in Toronto by the fire of a few menthe ago. Harry MoOree, formerly on THE POST staff, is now aenietant to W. W. Bargees, in hie photo. studio, Mitobell, and hue developed into a competent hand. His mother has moved to the Same town, Mrs. Ohne. Dodds hag been troubled during the past week with inflammation is her left eye whioh at times has been very painful but improvement is Notice- able although it may not be very rapid. Dr. J. A. MaNeughtoo, who baa been a prisoner to the hone for the past 7 weeks, and wag so seriously ill, is making noticeable improvement now and will WOO be able to be out. This will be wel- come news to his many friends. We are sorry to report that Miee 'Luella, only daughter of Rev. and Mre. Holmes, of Blyth, formerly of Brussels, Moe been quite ill at Iugereoll, whither she had gene to visit old friends. We trust ole will Boon be aonveleeeent. Leat Saturday B. Gerry wee taken quite eerionely ill with stoppage of the bowels and the doctor was with him several times on Sunday. We are pleanes to taport that ha ie toueiderably Vatter atm anti hsps he will soon be o. k. W. W. and bire,Bnrgsae and di me:nere, of Mitihell, was renewing eld friendsllipe in Btaeeele, Bluevaie and Wingham during the peat week. It is eleren years einee Mr. Burnes removed from town and notices numerous ehangee in people and plaaee. Mrs. Phillipe and eon, of Clay Centre, Ramos, are the guests of Mre. Jno, Tait, Queen etreet, hire. T, R. Thomson,' and other friends. The ladies mentioned are annte to Mre. Phillipe who is a daughter of the late Dr. Nott, a one time resident of Brueeele. Tan Posx oongratulatee onr young triende T. T. McRae and Don. McKenzie on e000eeefully passing their 3rd year exam. in medioine at Toronto University. R. E. Humpbriee, of Walton, lute to write on Anatomy in a supplemental to oomplete his 2nd year in the same in. Mite Non. This week 0. H. Smith, eon -n1 John Smith, of Brueeele, lett for O0otolre, .Alberta, N. W. T„ where' he entdre the office employ of The Oltotoke and High River Lumbering and Development Co. They do a large baeineee having mills at both 0kotoke and High River, employing 170 hands, The location is 26 miles from Calgary. Mr. Smith is an honor grad. nate of the Owen Sound Commeroial College and will no doubt fl11 the bill to a nicety. We wish him a profitable and enjoyable sojourn in the West. Business Locals. Go to Brewer's Reliable Photo. Studio for first class Photos, WANTED -Wool -We are paying 18e. to 22e., ae to quality. Geo, E. Rano, wmgbam, PASTURE for a number of stoere. Apply to Tnoe. MOORS, Brussels. Pence of wedding gronpu, 910.010 parties, houeee, &o., taken on abort notice, H. R. BREWER. WANTnn.-Car of Batter, 850 Tnbe, by June 10. Eggs 180 Trade, 14o ooeh. Gno, E. Keo, Wingham. BUY your mangel seed from Jae. Bal. lantyve. Tory Red, Yellow Intermed- iate and Half Sugar Beet -Half Manges Firete:ease seed. To THE PUBLIC - If you wish to have lawn mowera put in first class order yon can have came done at areasonable flgare by T. McGregor, Mill etreet, Brussels, Brussels Council. The regular meeting of Brueeele Commit was held on Monday evening, All the members preeent except B. Thomson and R. Henderson, Minutes of last meeting read and paeeed. The following a000nnte were presented t Wm. Denbow, street improve- ment . ..,,..,. $12 95 A. MoLaaohlin, salary 26 00 D. Denman, work on street,.,.., 0 80 A. Campbell, work on etreet,,,. 8 46 W. Wilton work on etreet and watchman11 75 W, 'Leokridge, mionellaneoue.,,. 0 25 Moved by S. T. Plum, eeoonded by A. Beaker that the foregoing a000ante be paid, carried, Jti i. , INA PAPER HANTS -` METROPOLITAN CAP.121AL-Paid up 815,000,000 =SERVE FUND • 8;1,000,000 NKW RE Directors BEV. B. H, WARDEN, D, D., S. J, M00101, President, Vioe-preetdeut, T On, naApeUAW, A.LA, HIS not=R Mn, W. 100001Am11 OLARR, a.0, D. 0, TBOAreoN, 8. 0, HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W. A, ROBS - - GENERAL MANAGER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 'TRANSACTED. Draft(' Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Diaeounted, lrm,rPs VaIa 0R IMParerge err Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all ems of $1 and npwarde R ussaws i'a• v art ze A. E, MELLISH, Manager. Moved by A. Beaker, seonnded by S. T. Plum that tenders be asked for Boreen- ed and uoeereened gravel to be delivered as required by Conned, tenders to be received up to June 20, Carried. After a discussion of the Woolen faotory situation the meeting adjourned. eORN- GRANT,-At Straitbolair, Manitoba, on May 20t1o, to Mr, and Mre. Neil Grant, twine -boy and girl. saa�a�x�la- SaLLAno-HAWTHORNS.-At the home of the bride's parents, Lower Wingham, on May 25, by Rev. J. N. McLean, B. A., Mr. William Smith Sellars, of Morrie, to Miee Martha May, daugh- ter of Mr. Beery Hawthorne. SEELTON-RANeoN.-On May 24th, by Rev. Mr. Hollinralie, in the Metho- distParsonage, Woodetook, Thomas R. Skelton, of Morrie townehip, to Miee Jennie, daughter of Thompson Rama, of Oxford County. • =alma. Dwt0 0: Io Clinton, on Jane 6, Mary Mulholland, beloved "wife of Wm. Denman, aged 62 years.. ELLIOTT.-Io Wingham, on May 29, Mar. garet, beloved wife of Chas. Elliott, aged 84 yearn and 8 months. Woe -In Lower Wingham, on May 27, Robert Irvin, aged 83 yeare, 10 months and 15 days. MaNAnn -In Grey, on June 4, Alexander MoNabb, aged 26 years and 4 days, MoMANNne.-In Wingham, on June 1, John Alexander, infant eon of J. J. end Mre. MoMannoe, aged 5 mamba. MAINHALL-Io Morris, on June 1, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, aged 56 years and 9 months. Sooxo.-At Seeforth, on June 5, Freak Scott, aged 92 years. --- .6TTC.'SSOZ,T SATURDAY, JUNE 11th, -Electric Light plant at Wroxeter. Sale at 12 o'clock, at Ourrie'e Hotel, Wroxeter. F. S. Scott, auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNE 26. -Farm etook, im- plements, &o., at Lot 5, Con. 9, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Thomas Pepper, prop, ; F. 5, Soott, ane. Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Batter, tube and toile Eggs per dozen Hay per ton Floor, per cwt Potatoes per bne Apples (per bbl.) Salt, per bbl., retail....., Hoge, Live Wool 89 85 50 29 12 14 (3 00 4 00 50 1 00 1 00 4 90 15 90 87. 55 80 18 15 7 00 5 00 60 1 25 70 6 00 17 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. W ANTED.- JERSEY BULL, Give full particulars. Addreee BOX 54, Fordwteh. ',0B SALE.—A BRICK COT– ":TAOn on Elisabeth street for Bale, Apply at THE 7087. 5 THORO"-BRED YORKSHIRE Sown, 4 months old. for Bale. will be sold reasonable to gntok buyers. JAMES sHURRIl7, Maple Grove Farm, Lot 25, 4th Line, Morrie, Brueeele P. 0.' 48 8 t1ARM FOR SALE.– BEING- `, 150 acme, Lot 85 and South Half Lot 80, don. 5, Elmo. 140 floret; cleared, balance hardwood bush, Large bank barn. with straw end; stabling under all. Large briok cottage ; plenty of water, well -fenced and ditobed. Possession eau rte given any time. Prion 88,500, For further particulars apply,, to JOHN J, CORRY, Britton, Ont. 47-tf NOTICE ! WO, the undersigned, agree toraise the prion of borne-eboelog to Iola, for setting and 800. for new those, owing to the advance In the pride of material, etc. This goes into force on Monday, June 18th, 1901, Signed by EwAN & Co., GEo, W. POLLARD, P. 80oTT, Humrnnlue & Son" S, T. PLUAf, ELI MOLADOnLIN, Take, POLL0oo, GEC, Boxomee, JOHN PORREeT, ,TORN 5008001050, >Rt GEALED TENDERS addressed to the Un- dersigned and. endorsed "Tender for Post Ulnae, Wirgb am, Ont," will be received at tbie 0010e until Monday. June 15, MI, in. olnsiyely, for the oouetruetion of a Poet Moe Building at Wingham, Ont Plane end specifications can be seen and forma of tender obtained, at brie Depart- ment and on apptf0atiou to ',Am. Sleholaon, Rao„ Wingham, ant, Persons tendering are notified that ten. dere will not be ooneldered unless made on. the printed formeupplied, and signed with their actual signatures.' Each tender mutat be aeoom9anied by an aooepted cheque on a chartered bank made payable to th0 order of the Honourable Ole Minister of Publle Werke, equal to ten per cont.110 e) of the amount of the tender, `whioh will be forfeited ifthe party deeline to outer into a contract when Galled upon to do eo or if he fail' to complete the work oontraoled for, Ifthetender be not accept- ed the cheque will be returned. Tho Department dose not bind itself to amaept Ole lowest or any tender: By order, BRED. GELINAt, Secretary, Department of Public Werke, Ottawa, June 1, 3.904, Newepapere lnterting this advertieemeiit Valiant authority from the Department, Will libt be paid 10r 1t,. wow ALEXANDRA GENERAL & MAR- INE HOSPITAL, GODERIOH, TO CONTRACTORS. The Trneteee of the Geberiob Hoepi tal in- vite tenders for the Masonry, Carpentry, Plumbing, Heating, Painting, Eleetrio Wir- ing and other trades in the construction of the building in the Town of eoderloh, Tendon sealed and endorsed "Teodoro for Hospital" will be received up to n0ou of, June ?Ord, 1004, by the Arobitect, at wbosa 00000 plans and epeoi0oatione can be soon andfrom whom all information nen be ob- tained, No tender Deeecnarily accepted. 3, ADES FOWLER, 0.H. 48.2 Arahtteot, Goderich. SEALED TENDERS addressed to theun- dereigned, and endorsed "Tender for Ooderint Breakwater," will be received at Rife office until Monday, July4, 1904, ivalan- Ivelyy,for the oouetruotiou of a Brealrwa ter at Goderioh, County of Huron, Ont., accord- ing to a plan end epeolfientlon to be seen at the ollloe of H. A. Grey, Esq., Engineer 1u charge of the Barbour works, Ontario, Oou- federation Life Building Toronto, on appli- cation to the Po atm as ter of Goderioh, Ont, and at the Department of Publics Works Ottawa. Tenders will not be eoneiderott unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with the actual 9lgbaturee of ten- derers. An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the,order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, for nine thousand dollars ((05,0001, must aceompauy 00011 ten- der. The cheque will be forfeited if the party tendering decline the contract or /all to complete the ' work contracted for, and will be returnedin ease of non-acceptance of tender, The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELIN AS, Department of Public Werke, Secretary, Ottawa, June 4th, 1004, Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority from the Department, wllt not be paid for It, 48.2 We are now offering some very nice Rem- nants consisting of 4, 6, 8 and 10 Rolls. Very suitable for Bantus, Closets and small Bed- rooms, and much below - regular prices, at g Drug Store Fall Fair Directors. A joint meeting of the Direotore of East Baron and Grey Branch Agricultural Scale - ties will beheld 4u the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday, June 18 at 2 p. m„ t0 revise the Prize List and attend to other matters of business eoncorning the next Fat! Fair, &o, All iutereeted are asked to attend. JAS, PERGUSON, President, W. H, BARR, Secretary. STOCK FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SER•VIOE: TI1E undersigned w111 keep for eervioe, on 0,00 2, Oou, 10, Gray, a them' bred Yorkohire boar, 'Toren, 700, to be paid at timo of tier - vies withprivilege of returning 11 neces- sary. Joao SMIIRE, 47.0 Proprietor. 1 ULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keels for eervioe on Lot28, 4th Line, Morris, the there' bred Durham Bull,"Sorry" bred {from A. Hie- lop's let prize bulland a thorn' -bred cow. Terms &1. , with privilege of returning 4f u ec eeeary. 140BT. OOR10150, 40.4 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE.— TEE Undersigned will keep for eervioe a thorn' brad Botham bull, on his farm ad- joining Brueeele. Terme, 8100 witbprivi- lege of returning if necessary. GEO. RCSB, Proprietor. Grand Trunk nailway System Union Farmers' Institutes EXC R :: TO :-. G U E L P! .1 Mo MOJ 1904, gutta •t'. .xr�e0oh Proceso. Try le, ,eatuta g, 0, OTTAWA •g' REl1 `r 'Lt 5 Following Low Exoursion Rates will Apply; Fere 7'rnln Ecaves KINCARDINE 01 65 6.30 a. m. RIPLET 145 8.45 LUOKNOW 135 , 7.00 WHTTEOHUROH 125 7.15 WINGHAM - 1 25 7.35 BLUEVALE 120 7.60 BRUSSELS 115 8.05 ETHEL 115 8.20 HENFRYN 116 8.28 ATWOOD4 110 8,85 LISTOWEL 106 8.45 GOWANSTOWN 100 8.60 Arriving at littelpll at 110 b'cloell, Children under 12 Years of Age Charged Half .Bare. EXC CIRSM O!VI!S / S Will take .8r eoial Exoureion Tm rain from above ention- ed placer] to Guelph. Returning paeeongete will leave euagain, m Guelphb Social Train et 5,30 o'oloclr . , Tickets will e issued from all stations, except Henfryn, whioh will be supplied by Conductor on train, All Tickets good to return by Regular Trains on following day ea- 0090 from Gowalletown, GOOD COACHES FAST TIME Join us and Enjoy a day's o't16ing . Electric Cars in , full swing between the City of Gui,elph. and tllo Model Farm. THOS. MoMILLAN, R. J, NELSON, Pres, Ettei Buren Farmers' lits, Sea. Centro Bran lEartinna' itrer J. A. L9.M13, Sec, South Brine Farmers' line.