HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-9, Page 8DESERTS OF THE NEB BRAS WTiICE ARZ NEVER SAILED, Disappearance of Sailing Craft Has Increased Their Area, Oceans, like continents, have their deserts. On. the high seas there are vast spaces whose Waxes Bayo never been ),farted by the prow of a sailing :vessel er Welled by the propellor of a steamer; immense solitudes where the dap of a sail le never heard nor the strident cry or a siren; veritable des- erts whose silence is broken only by the hay ling of the wind and the roar of the treses which have been vainly put^wing one another since the days of ereetiolk. These deserts lie forgotten betwixt the narrow ocean hlgliways travelled by vessels. In such waste places of the sea a disabled ship, driven out of its course by a Hurricane, may drill, for months, tossed by the cease- less ground swell, without being able to hail assistance; her ouly chance al escape is the possibility that some oceanic current may drag her into a mare frequented region. FOLLOW BEATEN TRACE, It is generally supposed that by rea- son of the universal increase of mari- time traffic the sea is everywhere fur- rowed by vessels. This is a mis- take Ocean commerce has grown enormously during the last half cen- tury. but that development is due to the substitution of steam naviga- tion for the old fashioned employment of the sailing vessel, When the first steamer began to churn the water with its paddle wheels, the sailing fleet ceased to increase; with the ad- vent of the screw propellor they be- gan to decrease. The gradual but constant disappearance of sailing ships oracle the ocean more of a des- ert tllaa before. Sailing vessels bad their established routes in accordance with winds, currents and seasons; the gaps between the routes taken by outward bound and homeward bound ships were often considerable; snore - over, the capricious elements not in- frequently played the mischief with nautical instructions, and as a result the field of operations for ocean ship- ping -was vastly expanded. OCTAN HIGHWAYS. This is no longer true to -day, The liner goes straight ahead, in defiance of wind and wave; tate ports between which she plies are great industrial or commercial centres, whither conte numberless railways, serving as pro- longations of the line's of navigation. Freight cars carry their loads of mer- chandise to the lesser ports and the cities of the interior. The railway has killed coastwise navigation. The ocean highways are therefore anything but numerous. The most frequented of oceans is the Atlantic. Apart from the Polar seas, we see that in its northern part there is on- ly one desert zone -a dreary waste of waters between the routee from Europe to the 'United States or Can- ada. and those froin Purope to the Antilles. In the south, between the routes from South America on the Western American coast and - the ro:ltes from Smith Africa, extends n desert occasionally traversed by the steamers of the lines from Cape Town rind Moaanbiepie, which, when the coffee season is at its height in Bra- zil. cross rho Atlantic for cargoes at Rio Janerio or Santos, PATIHLI:SS DESERTS. The Tnlian Ocean is frequented only in the north, by lines out of India and Indo-China. and a little way in the west by liners from Occ- antra, Which call et Colombo and thea make straight for Australia. Two lines, each with a steamer a month, follow a slender lane from Australia to Cape Town, The Pacific is the Sahara of great seas. Saving only the steamships from the ear Last to California end British Columbia, a line from Sydney to San Francisco, and et one-horse line (with sailings four or five tithes a year) between Willi and the United States -save Inc these mere ribbon like streaks the Pacific is a desert. Only a few na- tive canoes ply daringly from island to island in archipelagoes, girt around with canal reefs -veritable oce- an graveyards, the terror of seafaring MUM, How many ships, of which we have receivers no tidings and of which not so much as a drifting spar has ever been picked rep, have been drag- ged by irresistible winds into those solitudes of the South Pacific, no one will ever know, for the ocean guards its prey full well. Sometimes, how- ever, a .little part of Its secret leaks nut, and then we divine the shocking tragedies of which it has been the theatre. —¢ NOTES F11OP1 PI.1 N1 }VI77:P.71I, Half the soldiers of the czar are Illiterate. Steam launches with glass bottoms are now cit the service of those who wish to view the marine growth about Catalina island, Cal The nuisance of whistling by switch engines which work all night in the railway yards in and near cities is )ici'ioi1Lied In 50 country other time America. It is a serious detritueni.' to public coruf rt turd lrenith, The hydroscope, invented by P.Ino of Genoa, is a long tube tiwilh opti- cal instruments in alto end, which when submerged will reflect any sub- marine objects lying at any depth upon a canvas aborird thin, As m protection ii iiifst connstellp- tion, it le proponed to inoeuiato every calf ft Commas- with specially )'repal'act .tuberculosis bacilli on the plan of 'vaccination in order that the animal may not contl'uet tuber- culosis hater:. Plnit',hl.t•tnn- "I . tttlyder}taand that pnil had 1.0 go to law about that g property thet lens 'loft you. ltiitve. Sou n. smart law yr i?" Von 111c1nn- er-• Yott I na.1' believe I-. have. 1fe awns the property glory." PA1 Nl EJL ' Rr'I'ETT1ttATIS1t. This Trouble is Caused by an Amid in the Mood, and Can Only be Cured Through the Blood. Rheumatism Is caused by an acid in the blood. That is a medical truth every, sufferer front this trouble .hPuld bear 1n mind. Liniments and outward applications cannot eine What is recited in the blood -411e dis- ease must be cured through tite blood. That is the reason t'houiva- tlsnt yields almost like magic to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, This now blood conquers the painful poison, sweeps out the aching acid, soothes the nerves, loosens the muscies and banishes rheumatism, Air. Robert Morrison, one of the best known and most esteemed residents of Guelph, Ont., gives striking testimony to the truth of the statements made above. Ile says :-"My tt'ouble came gradu- ally and was pronounced muscular rheumatism, and was located chiefly in my neck and shoulders. I call hardly tell you liow much I suffered, I was confined to my bed for fifteen months. A great many friends came to see mo during that time and I think I am safe in saying that most of them had very few hopes that I would get better. I tried a great many remedies without any lasting benefit. Then I tried Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills, and I am thankful to say that through the use of these pills and the indefatigable nursing cf my wife I am again on may feet. My neck is still somewhat stiff, but the pain is gone. I rym now in my 79th year and I feel that I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pink These pills have cured thousands of the Crory worst cases of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and backaches, and they can do the same for you. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or sitz boxes for $2.50 by writ- ing the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Oat. GLASGOW'S GAS PLANT. City Operates it, and has Greatly Reduced Price. Glasgow purchased the private gas planta in 1360and has made profit on the investment every year since then. This great industry now lins a capital account exceeding $10,000,- 000, and the gross profits last year passed the million dollar mark Inc the first time in the history of the enterprise. When the original pur- chase was made it was arranged that the owners should receive in perpetu- ity annuities and stock valued at more than $,000,000. The city later i adopted the policy of purchasing at a premium these annuities, and last year wiped out more than one-third of the automat. Under private man- agement gas cost consumers from $1.25 to $1.50 a thousand feet, but this has been reduced steadily. until the rates now stand at 48 cents for motive power and 51 cents for light- ing. It is expected that this will be cut to G0 cents this year. When the plant is fully paid for, which will not be many years at the present rate of profits, the citizens of Glasgow will pay not more than 80 cents for gas. Oil and coal cost much more in Scotland than in any part of the United States, bait T wonder Trow much New York and Chicago will be paying when Glasgow furnishes gas et actual cost price. Strange as it niay seem, cheap gas., does not seem to destroy the incle- pendcnce nor dcatkm the ambition of i the people of Glasgow. We are as-; mired by certain interests that it will have that effect in this country. A. ]SEAN PIAN, "That Charlie Pinchbeck is a mean roan," "What has he done?" "You know he's engaged to Tflda Rickrack. Well, he found a ring somewhere at a bargain, end gave it to her. It was too shall for her Gager. What do you suppose lie dill?" "Wlitlt?" "Advised her to diet until slit could get it on." .--. —s--- Mistress--"Po you love babies?" Araid---"Not at three dollars a week, mum," A 130Th JAWS SHOT AWAY. Still a Successful Bueiness Plan, A man who had both taws shot away had trouble eating ordinary food but found a food -drink that supplies the nutriment needed, lie says: '1 have: been an inv'aiid since the siege of Vicksburg, in 1510, where l: was wounded' by a Minis ball passing through my head and causing the entire loss of lay jaws, I was a drummer boy and at the time was Leading a 81ir111151) line, carrying a gun, Since that time 7 have been awarded the medal of honor from the Congress of the United Steles, i for gallantry on the field, "'fire coiisemiences of my wound were dyspepsia in its most nggrot'at- j rd form and .1 finally proved orclin- any coffee tees very hard on my stomach so I tried Peen= and got i heti er. Then I tried common coffee a,gain and got Wo1010, I did this several tines and fleetly ns l'osttun heilmrl me 01Try thee 3 continued to else it.. anti Low Often I think that if the (1overnment hurl issued l'osl,1nu to 08 in the Array how nuuili better 1t would linve been for the soldier boss than collie. "L'olIri constip 1ates 1110 and .Pneitum dn•:s rot; Colles utak inn spit u)n' my food, Positron does not: codes kerne inc awake nights, I'ostnin docs' iter, 'There is no doubt relate! is too' mere; of a stinttilunt Inc motet poo-; pie and is the cause of nearly all the 1 constipation, "This is my experience and you are at liherty to use my name.•' l Name given by Postlm Co., Pattie Creek, 7Siich, Look In en.oh pncknge for the fam-1 ons little boob, 'The ]top„ e it le.” 111"f`i,pl T13OITGIITS, 7.5me that is lost Is never found. A soft answer may be a hard nage- merit. Self -conquest is the greatest of vic- tories, The gain of love is lost by the love of gain. Difficulties are meant to rouse, not lr r dffiCat n C, b One always lens time enough 11 one will apply it well, It is more profitable to road one Iva11 than ten books, 1'v'a' criticism of another !s your vorclitt on yourself. The first step towards being wise is to know that you aro ignorant. Disappointment is not a sufiLsient reason for discouragement. People seldom improve when they have no model but themselves to ropy. Ile who takes good care of the days need give himself no w'orr'y over the year. Character consists in a man stead- ily pursuing tho things of which he feels himself capable. A fault Which humbles a men is of more use to him than a good action which puffs him up with pride, It is easy to find something geed to say of success, but the struggle must go a -begging for encour'age- lnnnt. It is better to right your 'wrongs while they are young and tender than to nurse them until they are old and tough. -- Proud Mother -"You will be t1b-e years old to -morrow, Willie, and I want to give you a real birthday treat. Tell me what you would like better than anything else." Willie Carter thinking earnestly for five minutes)-"13ring me a whole box of chocolate creams, mother, and ask Tommy Smith to come in and watch me eat them." 4 --- A 1•IINT TO MOTHERS. II you have a child that is sickly, fretful , nervous, restless at night, or suffers front any stomach or bow- el troubles of any sort, give Baby's Own Tablets. Don't be afraid of this medicine -it is guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Give the Tablets to the sick child and watch the quick relief and rapid restoration to health and strength. Tltousends of mothers are using this medicine for their little ones, and they all praise it. What stronger evidence can you want? Pars. D. A. MCDail'm id, Sandringham, Outt,, says:-"Ilaby's Own Tablets certainly fill all the claim you make for theist so far as my experience goes. I consider them a perfect medicine for children and always keep them in the house." You can get the Tablets front any dealer in medicine, or if you writs the Dr. Williams ALecdiciue Co., Brockville, Ont., they will send yon a box by mail post paid for 25 cents. Gisitar-"Po they treat you well hero?" Priscnet-"Glnnerally they does, only they hurts me feelin's by their lack of condcicnce. They won't let me hate a'lateh-bey." ENGLAND'S PICTURESQUE RAILWAY, The majority of Canadians who visit the Old Country make the great mistake of rushing straight through from Liverpool to London, instead of first visiting seise of the historic spots on the way to 'the lfeteopolis, well us are to be found in the v1- cf.nity- of Liverpool, Manchester and especially Derbyshire, Site Midland Railway is by far the most pictur- esque route between Liverpool acct Loudon, giving the tourist in this run glimpses of the rural beauties, of the Motherland which delight the eye and 1111 the heart with the most fav- orable impression; it also gives to the man of bushnces an idea of England's great manufacturing abili- ties ns the train passes through the principal cities and commercial cen- tros. ':1)m luxurious carriages of the Midland Railway add greatly to the pleasure of the trip. It is largely ihronph its accouipiishments in this direction that the Midland Railway Owes its present Position as the pio- neer line of England. LADIES, YOCR SL NDS 1 Contrary to popular belief, it is not the smallest band that is the Ideal one, The ideal size is that which a six -end -quarter glove will fit, and a well shaped hand in this Nina looks as elegant as it is possi- ble to look. The ideal hand must be fairly fleshy, with tapering finger's, and such a hand as this will show off a glove to the best advantage, flit ing out. every part of it so that there is not a crease or a line to ho sewn. The nlonsnrement round the wrist at the list button should be five and three -quartet' inches, round the knuckles at the base of the fin- gers Six and three-quarter inches, rotund the hand at the ball of the thumb seven and a half Inches, from the base to the top of the thumb four and thine.-eightlt inches, and front the top of the second finger to the lode three and one-eighth Inches, anti the, other ilugertl in prop.orltion. The Indy who can show these meas- urements cent safely lay claim to an ideal 1;01111 which will compiu'0 favor- ably with may other. OV100. TII7'1 IVAI3ASII. To the Great }'ior'lcl's nth, St. Louis, llo., everything le now wide Mein, ralntl trip tickets on sale until December l.st, at lowest first-class one -Way furry 30od fifteen days, faro and a third gond sixty clays. i'iow is the time to see this, the greatest of all Expositions in the history of the world. The great V'atineh is the Banner Lbw, the shortest and g1iick- est route front Canaria 10 Si. ;Louis. Tho through trains on the Wabash ld•e the admiration Of all traveler's going to lit. Louis. For time tables and desrriptit'a fol- der, address J. A. Richardson, Dis- tract Passenger Agent, Northeast Cerner Iitiig and Yonge Streets, TO- OT/Le, NO OPDD,:.ITOES NEEDED NOW, GRAVEL AND BLADDER DIS- EASE CURED BY DODD'S EIDNEY PILLS. Toronto c v of or filo I3rr klayer Believed Those Terrible Troubles -Medical Science Makes Another Alove Forward, Toronto, Ont., ,lune 6, -(Special). - Medical science has at length awak- ened to the fact that (envoi and other bladder troubles are caused by disordered iiidneys and that the anod- ern method of curing them is to cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills. This does away with those terrible operations that la past years lino been all too common. The case of William 'Phomas, briciclayer, 1.53 Mill street, this city, is one of the recent proofs of tee ef- ficiency of the treatment. Idr. Pho- mas say's: - "I had been troubled with Gravel and Bladder Disease for seven years. I had to go to the hospital and have Water taken from me. I tiled medicines of different 1(10(15, but they failed to remove the trouble, "nearing of aures by them promp- ted me to try Dotld's Kidney Pills, and after taking theist, for a time I passed a stone the size of a large bean. Four boxes of Docrcl's l.Cldoey Pills made a complete cure in my case." R "5 am strongly inclined to think that your ]lusbend has appendicitis," Said the physician, "That's just like him," answered Mrs, Culnrox, "He always waits till anything has pretty near gone one of style before he de- cides to get it." Mother -"Johnny Jones, diel you get that awful colcl while out Oen, ing?'' tion -:'No, another; I think I caught it washing my face yesterday morning," Flipp-I hear that they use all sorts of materials in the manufac- ture of illuminnaling gas now -a -clays. Flopp-True. They 01011 make light of the constuners' corn. laints. Mioard's Lluiriieui for sale evoryvhaie Tommy -"ora, I wish you'd gimme some cake," Moth r -"Tommy! Didn't I tell you not to ash for any II cake?" Tommy -"I ain't as1in'. I'm 1iust wishin'," F� 1 ti ll.inard1 s Llnlriler,1 Cores Qaudrulgr, Mrs, ]3nggius-"Oh, I saw the. dear- est little ]rat to -clay!" Mr. Iiuggins "That's just like you; always looking Inc the dearest instead of the cheesi- est." TI710 FIFTY MILLION TIOL LAR 1VORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS. District Passenger Agent McDonald of the Grand Trunk Railway who recently returned from St.. Louis, stales tl;at it is liard to find suit- able langliago to describethe magni- tude and beauty of the greatest 'Ex- position ever held. The site of 11140 acres being two miles long and ono milt wide, is covered. with beautiful bualdings, 1 broken with lagoons, canals, grand courts, monuments, statuary, padre, etc., all forming a picture that must be seen to be realized. An Electrical railway, called the Intramural, makes it easy to get from one part of the grounds to another, and follow out the daily programme, enjoying an hour listen- ing to "Sotisa's" or other fe n Bile hands, or taking in n lecture or ad- dress, or Art Gallery-. When you consider the immensity of the buildings, one alone having over 20 acres of 11oor space, and re- flect that they are tilled with the choicest ,of exhibits from ail over the world, one esdlibitor vying with another to obtain the coveted Gold Medal, it seems to suggest the thought of what a grand appoetune ity and an education it will be, to the young men and women of our laud, t0 spend a week or two at St, Louis this year. Really no ite- telligent man, woman or child. can aliord to miss this great Wor'ld's treat, The beautiful Electric lighting of the Sven American Exposition, which fele thought would ever he approach- ed is entirely eclipsed by this Mon- ster Fair. Ono of the features of the fair, is the "Inside Inn," a hotel accommo- dating 6,000, splendidly run, and at reatmenbla Sates. The total expenses of a. trip to St, Louis hosed on half railway rates, is within the reach of call anti per- mits stop over at Chicago, and other points, and tile trip is made quickly, and 00mfort.ably. It is the intention of the Grand Trunk to 'run through cars from Montreal and Toronto to St i:,o'iMS, commencing June 131)1, and poseibly. before, The f;nnadinet Tress Associ itimt were ulranint0us In Girlie praise of the (band Trunk and Hitachi Centrad route, and with the Expoeftion, 23-04, JAPAN'S i'IIRFST VESSEL, The present, natty of Japan, the best outside of thole of a few of the larger nations of Europe, may be soil to have had 118 beginning in a small yacht which w•r.s presented in 13513 by Queen Vicli,ria to the Em- peror of Japan. The. Queen 01110 de- tnilod seines 11r1Lis), bluejackets to the duty of n etl'Nctfng the Japanese in the 1,ltlnlit( rlilelle of unit chess of vessel, Since then Japan has risen to the poeitfan of one of the green naval Powers, and her progrees of recent years has been nothing lihoct 1 nlartellous. At the time of her Placed whet China, leer whole fleet ells- ofylacad about 110,000 tons( taciuy, the The satisfact'on of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. 102 displacement is over 250,000 tons. Japan has a fishing population of about 2,000,000 men, and from this section of her community she draws her seamen, Iiitlterto site has been depending upon other countries for the construction of her vessels; but the time is near at hand when she will be able to throw off the aseis- tance of the Western world. Her ehipyards are already capable of building protected cruisers and tor- pedo craft, and a gun -factory and armor -plate factory aro now being established, which will soon be ready to beghl work. Hibson-"Where did you get these cigars?" Garnet' -"At Robinson's, why?" Tlidson--"I only wanted to •know. Might get into the same sbop by mistake,". Beware of Ointments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sanso of smell and completely derange Cha Whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces, Such articles should never be used except on pre- scriptions horn reputable physicians, as the damago they 501 de is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive frost' them. gall's Catarrh Cure, man- ufactured by I'. J. Cheney d: Co„ To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surferes of the Systeul. la buying Ball's Catarrh Ouro bo sure you get the genuine. It is tak- en internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monials tree, Sold by Druggists. Price, 78s per bottle. Taira Hall's family PIlls for constl- patlon. Inquiring Bore -"And do you come down the same way you go up, Mr. Sandbag?" Balloonist -"No, sir; I try to come down feet first. For Over Sixty Years MI10. W1s9tpw•e Soomutao SYRUP has been need b, millions of mothers 101• their oltildron while todthinit li soothes Oho child, sensor thisams. alleys pain, ollrea wind mho. regulates theatonlaoli and bowels, and Is the bort remedy for Dian•Irroa. Twenty -fire dente a bottle Sold bydrn,iiote throughout Lhe world. Be Mite and eek tor "Mite. Wnssow's Soominim Smear." 82-01 "Yes," said the friends of the fam- ily, "they were 01011ied in haste." "And repented at leisure, eh?" queri- ed the other, "Oh, no," was the re- ply; "they repented in haste, also." ess,,,-..........,eesesseeseeessemsesesiesseeees MTNAT1D'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store ,and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use it. IIA1ILIN FULTON. Ploasanii- Pssy, 0. 13. The average man spends too mucic tinge making money and too little en- joying it. GRAND TRUNE AT TIII1 WORLD'S FAIR. The Grand Trunk Railway Exhibit at the ll'orld's It'air is one of the handsomest pavilions on the grounds. It is of Doric and Corinthian archi- tecture, With Deer and Moose heeds as Central pieces in the cornice, The interior is decorated with large pho- tographic productions, well mounted fish, conslstieg of brook trout, land- locked salmon, ouananielto, wall -eyed pike, small mouth black bass and ntaskim.onge, Two . oll paintings, 9 x 13 feet, and titled, "The Royal iituskoka, Hotel," and "Bead of Lake Joseph," scenes in the Muskoka Lake district, handsomely- framed, are on the inside front wall. Ono of the largest Moose heads in the world, is also on tbo wall. The ceiling is divided in three pan- els, each panel Having en art glass skylight of unique design, the whole being lighted with over sue hundred ground glass incandescent bulbs. Two moving picture machines, showing scenes on the road from the St, Clair Teruel to the Androsgoggtin River in Maine, aro run continuously While the wonderful reflection pic- ture "On Shadow River," continues to revolve every thirty Seconds, and a puzzle to many is, which is the re- flection? Ilandsonlely printed motto', descrip- tive of the different sections, .is being distributed, end the representative In charge gladly furnishes information regarding snore. "Olt, my trioiidsl" exclaimed the orator, "it ma.icas me sari wlimt I tbit'k of the clays that are gone, triton T. lobk around and miss the old familiar la(ee I used to shake 110111 5 with." When tho little Folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the hinder taenibtanes of their lungs, Give them ioh , ,p ora mon weeYho €tinT 'j'OniG It twill care theta quicklyand strengthen their Wags, It ie plea lane to tale, l uioae, Sec.,. eec„ trail 0.00. 801,1 rtxwersuzw io rs •• perommence ea • 1-28 e7 44.e„ 4,a if& etV el4 e, • &47-6171;460-2 GLa, • ovi>4a'4444444044044®444094®444449944444444®6480b444409e Libby's Natural Flavor Foods are U. S. Government inspected, perfectly packed canned foods, and are ready to serve at a moment's notice, Veal Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Ilam Loaf, Boneless Chicken Ox Tongues F, Are Among the Many Tempting Luncheon Meats. Ask Your Grocer For Them. 40 Send for our booklet "How to Make Good Thing. to Eat" 4) Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago 4 o @t$4444409®S0®QOccs40a&&a2h®momaa6.aaLtaac.-ppopsepome... a - Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any M these articles and we will got you good prices. THE 1i A%':'. ON COMMISSION CO, Limited Cor, West a8arkot and Colborne Sto, TORONTO. reteL LOWER PRICES USE ETTE R QUALITY CAN BF- HAD IN Pails, Cligaoh Basins, Prue, &0 Any First -Claes aromas. Can Supply You. "'INSIST ON GETTING Ei7/LDY'S. urcrMs...90103SYYSNATanr'tiEV^«.' C::' t?s1:s.+..-. " .. .3_r."•�r. `:=.1 Ids ;" tem Stern Parent -"Your- mother tells n]C you have been naughty again, and0thet'efore 7.` shall be obliged to Punish you." Tronblesome Son "Wh-why can't ma punish me her - Self, dad? I don't see wh-wIy you should have to d -do all the ode( jobs." CLEANING OUTING LADIES!' d'dESi . . , SUITS 0.n ha done eertaotty kr our Patch Process. Try le IRITI8H ALOERIOAH 00E1110 03, LSONTREAI., TOltOT0, OTTAWA 5 c 73-- Bo, 110 lW 'R 1 No, 190k TABLE LAMP. Shekel Plated Mobil Lamp. Porcelain Sheets and Oltimnay Complete, 141.25, ton., Toronto, 'If Your Sailor 0000 Not Resp Thom, Sane to Toronto, for o Sangria Lamp. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT. ONE LAMP 0(5RS, MONT EQUAL TO FOUR 0113 MARRY OAS 3515. Three Styles : Table, Pendent and Bracket. Illustrated. OntalozuaPunishes.' to Dealers on Applicatio See also our 0113 of 011 Staves and Restore, for &molar use. 1PIOOLLSALSJ ONLY. The QUEEN CITY OM COI., LTD., TORONTO. �A admirable $'nod of the :Finest quality anti flavour. Nutritious and Ectnomlcale 4£1-23 This notice is posted up in a way- side station in Ireland:- "ll the genl,leman who 1011 a baby in a third-class railway carriage on the 06th ult, does not claim the sante within a fortnight it will be solcl to defray expenses,,' Mluard's Linlmeot Relieves tteo[algla. letODIOLS 'Ob' ,SOBRIETY. Tlirongltout the townships of Meer - ley, Hilton; lkenthorn, Coldeoates, Twistttn and Woretots, all in the 5 0- inty of Oiithoroa, 11.114land, not sin- gle Individual leas been convicted of drun1.enne8s for ten years. Mirlordi s C ful int Cures hips, etc' a WINTONI IN ' LORgI!vethe K AUT0IVI()BILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grademateziale. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in fall justice to your. self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904' Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" -insuring yeti against risk or loss. Rave you seen our new catalog P The Winton Motor Carriage Co ClevelitmI, 0., U. S. A. ' Rcprc5ented.tu the Dominion of'Canoda by THE AUTOBOA1GE Ei istfir'i,Y CO 19 Mod 31.. H., Toronto, Ont. sub A4oe.otes in Chief borninton 011385 ISSUYU iti'O.