HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-9, Page 7JFktk 9, 191)4
And when bcartop nand blot or
Ga -(/GG % `O ie.
Term 01)008 April 11th, 1004
Two OOnrses—
Oonmorolltl and shorthand.
Bend for Oaile Journal.
A. L, bfolNTYltN/, Manager•
25 t ' t 3 €f ry na'b ua
float, V.S. SCOTT, Braseola,
L 11100 AOE E' N—
Issuer of Marriage 1.40111108. Of-
ficio ab Grocery, Turnhorry street, Brussels,
nnrterONEnAlae several good Farms 100
sale omit° rant, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and (}ray, it 8, 60UTT,Bruosel
ONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000.
We havo (ho above nmouut of pri-
vate funds to loan on reel estate mortgagee
at 41. and 5 per cent, Easy terms 0f re -pay -
Mout and costs of loan moderate.
Barristers, &o„eudorlon. M. NIORRISON,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
ornoe over Horsley's Drug 9Eure,
Nov. 8rd, 1002. 00'3w Bru0selo.
Wellington Mutual
Fire ,Insurance Co.,
E800131.180501 1849
Insurance taken on tho cosh cud premium
note system at current rates, Before lnour-
tug olsowh050 call on the umder0iguod Agent
of the Company,
GEORGE R0017RS, Bruaeels.
e nun, will sell for better prices, to
bettor man, in less time and less charges
than any other Anotiouoor in East B0101101
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eon always bo arrangod at this onion or by
personal applioatioi,
Auctioneer for Europ County.
Tenors reasonable.' Sales arranged for
at 1110 011100 of Tun PosT, Bhuosals, 2'.105
D. WARWi4K--
Iionnrr Oradua(o tf the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prey' arod to trent all
011808 of of domesticated µpimple in a nompot.
ant manner. Pm'tieu*r attention paid to
eke • Dentistry, t -
V o 8-, l rme promptly n
vp n Y
°nae d I
t bridge, an firmer —Four cloore
North of bridgd •• . 7,ti'ry et„ J3rnoeals.
. Barrietm;,
li '�
Successor to Solicitor, Notary, Ata.
dord Bank, B rF Blair. Oahe over Stau-
politanBaak 'Iitaoia. Solioftor for Metro -
e succi
1 door NF h of Cantrelll Hoteltowart!a Block
Boliol iter tho Standard Bank.
� . 'DF00T, HAYS Jt BLAIR—
PUBLIC, 17210.
0. ,PItOODFOOT, K. 0. R, 0, HATS
G. P. BLAIn,
O*Boes—Those formerly 000Rpio(1 by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
e°Danmon, ONTARIO..
M. 111,, 0, M.,
Trinity University,Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member Colleges of J?byeialauo and
Burgeons Ont, Lloeu0fate of the Royal
lege of Physicians and Lloentiato of Mld-
wi'toryEdinburggh, t"Tolepboue 540.14,
Reeia'lence—Mill street, Br0eee10,
DR. R. P. FE(L.D.
Graduate of tho Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firo •olaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Oflloe
next -to'Browe0'oPhotograph Gallery,
Mo MARY -from 3ntopa
firms and
1,LANY STUDENTS ore ]asci in good
positions• b too famous
QQ''�� each oat d4
Tins 8o1/oo1 stands for the Hxdnn00
ri AND. 11001' in business education in
(Jauada today. Many Business Col-
1 0 om lop our graduatoe as teach -
e 0 tl
g p Y g
p ors, h havo ogaS, of applieatt008
a ]rem Other O miter,
eek to see tient
E.0„,,the day you outer, commence °boron
datalogne free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. V'f
Green house.
You find at Bruadels Greenhoue@
any quantity of Tomato, Uaul)liowor,
Oolory and Cabbage Plante, lornoto
Plante 100, a box r r tlo, a dozen looee,
Fico 001101tion of Flowering Plante.
A choice lob of Geraniums and
Annuals for bedding,
Out Flowers supplied.
]floral Dasigne made to order.
London Methodist Conference.
The 21st mission of the Loudon Metb•
(idiot Cantennae opened In Wellington
St. church, L•cndoh, on Tuesday after.
00081 of last week, Rev. Jasper Wileou in
the President's chair,
It was recommended that Rev. Alfred
Andrews be superannuated, and that
Revs. . John. Ruosell, Wm. Qoanae, W. 01,
Gloss, A. 0. Oourtioe and Walter Rigsby
be superannuated for one year. Tuo re-
port woe made to the oonforeuoe that the
following had been transferred from thin
conference : R'•v. N. R.:, Willoughby, to
Hamilton Conference ; Thome Philips,
Oharlee J. Wiloou and Wm: H. ()Putter,
to the Manitoba Ooofereu0e, .and LOMB
Thomae to the British Columbia Oonfer•
De. Oarman, General. Superintendent,
w160 present and uddreaaed wise words ou
the oonlhate of present day Chrietiaufty,
the g008tion of nuion, Alma College, &o.
The Sabbath Sobool and League anni•
veroary was held Tuesday evening.
Rev. A. L. Russell was chairman, and
the opeakern were Rev. E. A. Fear, O. B.
Keenleyeide, and Rev. J. W. Baird.
Rev, Rich. Hobbs, of Sirathroy, W80
chosen President on the second ballot,
rooeiviug 163 votes. 001 of 233 oast. Rev,
H. Ma'aviab tvee elected Secretary as
820000ser to Rev. W. E. Kerr.
Wedneedayevouiug the auuual Educe
ttouel a0nivorsery oamo on and able ad.
dreosos were giveu Ly Rev, T. Manning,
of St. Marys { Rev. Dr, Poste, of Toronto ;
J. H. Coyne, of St.'el'bomae ; and Mies
Soots, matron of the Deaooneea' Home,
Toronto. At the same service Mise
Jennie Veazey woe eonoeorated as • a
Lettere of condolenue were sent to
Revs. Walter Rigsby, W. McMullen and
T. E. Harrison, who were liable through
liftmen to attend Conference.
Rev. 0.P. Welle presented the report
of Albert College, Belleville, whiob also
showed a year of inoreaeed usefulness
during the past twelve months.
The report of Principal George, of the
Monet Elgin Industrial Institute, was
presented by that gentleman in person.
He regretted tbat to all appearances the
work of the Institute on tho Munoey Re.
0erve was not 100 well known as might be
and pleaded for more interest in the
work, making the °Iain that the eghool
was the °Ideal, Methodist Edunetionol
In511021ein the Weel, being founded iu.
1847. Mr, George's address wail quite
lengthy, as be devoted considerable time
to a disoueeion of the peoulior difficul-
ties that had 000fronbed him during the
past year,his first in office. The work
Nene moat important and most arduoae,.
he said, but it was not' without its,
dieooneagements. The finances were in
none too good a aooditioo, but the farm.
had been operated ata profit during the
past year. '
Rev. , m. Ketllewell of t, Thome,
Wm. 13 °
presented the report ou the Supersn.
0uattou Faod, He stated that they had
entered the year oommeuoing July 81,
1902, with a debt -of over $20,000, which
at the end ,of the year had inoreasod to
nearly 26,009, The Mamma in the
permanent fund" during the year tvae
$2,105, bringing the total up to $209641.
The income during the year woe $1I0,-
500,with an expenditure 01.61010 $118,•
100. It woe expected that during the
moaning year there would be an fnores00
of $16,000 in the income, and an esti-
mated expenditure fuoreaee of $5,000,
leaving an eetimatod surplus of $5,800.
Am to the future of the fund, he thought
there was every reason to think that it
would he perfectly stable. He pointed
out that the -fund octet $97 for each
minister, and of this the ministers peid
$251 there was an income from the Book
Room and invested capital of $22, and
the oiroui0e were asked to provide Oho
remaining $50. Dimming the state•
menta that bad been made ae to the
aotuarial stability of the fund, Mr.
Kettlewell made the assertion that it woe
perfectly safe and au adequately proteot.
ed as any insurance company;
Rev, T. R. MoNair, who wits set apart
by the Conference loot year for evangel.
lotto work, briefly addreeeed the Confer.
ecce, The Lord Ned graoiouely blessed
hie labors during the year, and be would
oouli0 in the evaugeliobio work, he
The appointment of a numboor of eon.
ferenoe officiate was as follows ;-800r0.
tary'o Resistants, Rev. 0. W. Brown, 13.
A., 13, D. 7.beV. A. H. Going, B. A. ;
etati00ioai amatory, Rev. Ezra A. Feer-;
journal 0eorotary, Rev. James Hustler ;
,00nferenoe lebter•writere, ReV. Wm. Mo.
Donagb and Rev, Ezra A, Fear.
Roods. Dr. Chown and D. M. Mu-
Canute addressed the Temperonoe meet.
ing on 'Thureday.evening and fired some
red hot shot..'
Nine eandidatoe for ordination were
received on Friday evening and ordained
oe Sabbath morning, Their names are
as follows .-0..7. Wilson, 13, A Robert
Bloke, B. D ; ]hoe, Philfpv, S 1, L. ;
Morehouse Anon Moonbeam,
U, J. 0 ,
Wm. Oonwoy,B. A,; W. H. Colter R.
> t
Smith Balzer, 13. A., and A. Thomas, 13,
A, 8080518* of thein will go to the Mil:
eion field in the Norlbwoet. At the
re20ption 00rvioe )ovda, Joseph Gallo.
way of Watford ; A. Broson, of Windsor ;
and the Preside0t.addressed the gathers
fug lvhio1 is always one of the meet
interesting of the whole oo0feteuoe.
About the only feature of the ln0rnhig
0e00i0u of Fliday that was of epedial
interest wee a nolio0 of motion looking to
R return to fhe old system of billeting,
The notice was glean by Rev. Dr, Gundy,
of Winghom, and from tha.ohorue of
Wore to 10eooud that came h:0m all parte
of the Churob it lie elident that the idea
t(8 fl R 118 8.1±1 f 1 N
r �>,hl10
01 once more billeting the delegates free
is a papular ane. This year, for the. that
time, the delegates 11400 been paying for
entertainment whit t in attendanoe en
0001er0000, and Dr. Liundy'o 11101i011 will
be espre00ive of dusuttiatttetlon with title
Rev. Prof. Workmen, M. A., Ph. B , n[
tits W1e1ey41) Tboologioal Oollege, Mona
*real, spoke g'owingly of the work being
done there. '00'he roll now numbered 408,
Rod during
the year 41 incidents had be
rngtat0rad, being
00 tnareaae of throe
over last year.
Reports were received from the 0100•
rotaries of a number, of the dwell
funds, a0 follows :--General Conference
fund—Total received, $24977 ; cash in
bank, $8,289 25 :total debt, $27,800 ; net
debt, $24,560. Union ohuroh relief tend
—Total reoeipts, $11,824 • expenditure,
$10,097 ; net liablliliee, $22.172
Rev. Dr, Stevenson, of 'Toronto, sec•
rotary Of the Forward Movement for
Missions, addressed the Oonferenoe,
offering the members a largo number of
books along missionary licca.
Following are the names of minietere
dwarfed during the year, and for whom
the comet memorial 0ervioe wee held on
Monday afternoon :—London Dietriot—
Goo, Bennett, Stephen Knott, Walter
Ayere. Stratford District—John A.
Ferguson, Wingham Di,triet—Riohard
Pmol. Sa,nia,Dtetriat—Joseph H. Stln
son. Wiudeor—John Reynolds, Robert
Sanderson. Ridgetcwn—D. Pomeroy
and 0, Burdett.
Rev. Dr. Withrow was heard on behalf
of the book and publishing interesse of
the ohuroh. The poet year showed an
increase in overturn and profits, preeenb
and prospootive, the handsome sum of
(312,000 out of the yeur'e profits had been
granted by the Book Committee to the
enperaunuation fund. This ie the same
amount us was granted last year. The
Ohrletian Guardian, through the special
o18nva8e made in tee oirouiOe, hoe bad to
considerable increase in its aobeoriptiou
lists and has now a larger circulation
than at any period in its history. Re-
ferring to the threatened labor troubles
in the printing trade at Toronto, he said
the tffer already made to the men meant
an increase to the Book Roam of $13,940
at year. He asked for patience on the
part of the ohurahee in oaae of a strike.
Rev. Dr. Bond, editor of The Ohris•
Mau Guardian, addressed the Conference
for a time. The severity of the past
Winter bed interfered with the carmen
for the 8,000 new eubeoribere. He hoped
to realize thee figure this year. The oir-
halation was ant o0mmeoeurate with the
membership of the °hurrah. The paper
should bo iu every home. An increased
oiroulation would' enable the manage.
merit to improve the paper.
The next meeting of the Landon
Methodist Conference will be held at
Listowel, June 1, 1905, At Saturday
morning's session two invitations were
presented, one from Pelruleoand one
from Listowel. On n motion being
d8rried to accept that of Listowel, J. 0.
Hay, of that plaoe, was appointed tre0e-
urer of the billetting committee,
The following were appointed the
board nt examiners for the evening year :
Revs, R, Hebb (ohairman), Jasper Wil.
eon, 0. W. Brown, 0. T. SJott, Joe.
Philip, A. H. Going, Dr. Gandy, Dr.
Yonne, A. K. Birks, 0. P. Wella and A.
L. Russell.
The nominating committee recom.
mended the following Be the Edooational
committee : Revs. J. Wilson, Dr. Gif-
ford, W. J. Ford and J. A. Ayeret, and
laymen T. H. Chapman and John Joynt,
TEA and
e o e ar •areae ter, Rev. T. W. Holmes.
At. 2 30 o'oln,lt kiatgrduy the 'riven.
lagioal Union met to lir tor a 100111x0 on
"Imm,rtality” In Wee oy 11011, Rev, T.
W• Biatahlord belug the 0peeker.
Saturday night at the 001010 p10a8, 108,
Dr. Gundy Natured before the Hiotorloal
Booiely in connection with the conference
on 1,Tl1e History of the New Oonuexion
Methodist Church." There was en
801ROSA meeting reunion of eight young
mon who were ordained Raven ned here en years
ago, with Rev. 8'opben Bond, wbo was
then th, preeld0110 of the oonferenoe.
The eight men are still members of the
London conference,
The now board of examiners met and
appointed Rev, Joe. Philp ae eeorntary.
It was decided to hold the examinatione
for next year at the Central Methodist
Church, St. Thomae, June 25, 26 and
2?, the evening meeting to be held on the
last date, when the xpeakere will be Revs,
0. 1'. Wella and A, L. Russell.
School Reports
For the Alonik or May.
Senior Divieipn'o per08atage in
arithmetic :—Jr. IV,.—W. Hemeworth
94, P. Bremner 05, B. Bsteman 50, F.
Im ay 47, E Dunbar 44, E. Molise 48,
K. McLeod 39,E. Bokmier 88, J. Mo.
(Mum 85, L. Cooper 25, G. MoAllieter
21, W. Barr 20, S. MoIntoeh 15, G. Mo.
Kee 15. Jr. III. --R Love 94, R. Eek•
infer 78, A. Cooper 73, A. Flernoworth 73,
L. McLeod 70, R Fraser 67, L. Strachan
66, 0. Haneuld 58,E. Thompeon 46, 0.
Davidson 46, R Gill 48, O. Dane 48, A.
McKee 37, H. Eokmier 26, I. Heath 23,
E Hemeworth, 23. Average attendauee
39 ALBERT E. (3110011, Prinoipal.
Junior department examined in arab.,
Pomp , writing and drawing, Sr. II —
James Bremner, Loolia Henry, Alio,
Baer, Aivie Fletcher, Florence McCallum,
Vera MoOall, Joseph Cooper, Pearly
McKee, Lizzie McIntosh. Jr. 1I.—
Wilfrid Eoltmier, Robert Thompeon,
Hermann Fogal, Willie Thibidean. Pt,
IL—Pearl Gill, Spenoo Hemsworth,
Stanley Str8011en, Cecil Eokmier, Ed-
mund McLeod, Charlie Davidson, Verde
Pollard, Annie McAllleter, Rose 0 'ate,,
CliffDunbar, Wesley Yeo, Elwin
Dobson. Sr. Pt, Ls—Noble MoKee, Olive
Cooper, Grace Eokmier, Ruby Gill, Nor.
mac Addy, Pearl Bateman, Edith Heath.
Jr. Pt. I.—Wilfrid Thompeon, Aouie
Ward, Rinsch Eokmier, Bdith For-
enoon, Freddie Hollenbeok, Genrge Ools,
Reggie Hemsworth, Lydia Tltibideaa,
Harold Love, Harold Tyumen, Flossy
Sanders, Willie Cole. Average attend.
acme 44. Mloe LAORA E. NlartcLLo,Tomah=
Presbyterian Assembly.
The thirty fourth General Assembly of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada open•
ed in St, Andrew's Church St. Jobn'e,
N. B., Wednesday evening of last week
with over 400 delegated in attendanoe.
oommiseioners were present from all
parte of Canada, from Oape Breton to
the Yukon, and from the West Indies,
Chine, Central India and the New
Hebrides. Although not a few veterans
were absent the personnel of the Assemb-
ly was strong and and interesting. The
docket of business had several important
8/00110/38 of unusual pnbtic interest.
Uharob union will of necessity be given
serious consideration. Qoe0n's Univer•
eity preeeuto another problem whiob will
be pressed towards decision. The Wilkie
ease may provoke dieouseiou and a great
variety of questions will be brought up
through some twenty overtures.
Dr. Fletcher, the retiring moderator,
presided, and spoke from Phil, 3, 13-14,
Hie address wee on "Progress in the
Ohrietian Life," He referred to the in-
creased memberebip of the (Thumb, ow-
ing to immigration, and said that the
present Covert and weakness of the
e v
p L
olturo4 was due to neglect of home
missions. He advooated ohuroh union
for the reason that this work could be
more effootively carried on. Referring to
hie retirement, Dr. Fletcher spoke of the
ple0enre he had derived from the posi-
tion, although be found the duties of
Moderator were by no means light.
Principal Gordon onbmitted in nomina-
tion the name of Rev. Dr, George M.
Milligan, of Toronto. This was second.
ed by Dr. Sedgwiok. Rev. Dr. Scrim.
goer, of Ottawa, moved, and Rev. Dr.
Ramsay oeoonded, the nomination of Rev.
Dr. Armstrong, of Ottawa. The vote
reealted in the election, by a large
majority, of Rev. Dr: Milligan.
The new moderator was enthueiaetiool
ly reoeived, and briefly thanked the
Aedembly for the honor done him.
A vote of thanks was then tendered to
Dr, Fletcher,
Oommibtees on Overtures, Business end
Roll were chosen.
Mayor White addreeeed the General
Assembly, cordially woloaming ib to St.
John. The new moderator, Dr. Milligan,
happily responded. Rev. Dr, Long then
extended a welcome 011 behalf of the
Presbyterians of Now Brunswick, and
Dr. Milligan again responded.
The etatietioal report was presented by
Dr. Torrance, dimmed at ;some length
and adopted. The report showed 1,850
oongregatione, 1,200 ministers, 228,1441
oommnnioante. The licences of the
church are generally eatielaotory. The
subject of 1301Re miselo 00 came up Thane
day afternoon. Kingston is spoken of a0
the probable meeting plaoe of the nest
HOW 100 SPI LAl)y.
The flret package of Hem Reid (the
iufallible Pile Dare) that was put out
went to Et small town in the State of
It made the cure of a oaae of Piles
that was considered hopelee0.
The news spread and although thio
was only two years ago the demand
oprompted Dr. S. Leonhardt of Lill.
oln, Neb,, the d'innooverer, to preparee it
for general use. Now it le boing sent to
all parte of the world,
It will mare any ease of Pilee, There
is IL month''e treatment in each box.
Sold for $1,00 with aboolute guarantee.
It le for sale by druggiste,
Sold in Brussels by Jae, Fox.
T. S. and Mrs, Ford, and Dr. and
Mrs. Wood, Mitchell, left Monday of last
week for Montreal, where the Oauadion
bowling team takes the steamer Lake
Manitoba, of the 0, P. R. lino, for 1,Iver•
pool, Bach member of the team taloa
with him a bowling suit, whiokl i0 a
natty outfit of blue gorge, white serge
patyto, asci a (thio p@Bkad oap, tho lotion
having the ward "Canada" and a feetoau
n: map 15,0110 in gold abroad Lill the
front 1 h , also take :Uwe sults with
t'tem 1 n • team exp0ote to reach Liver.
pouf on June 4th, and will put in e. month
I t e n
with rnatu tea and eigb ee int inEng.
land and Wales, afterwards spending two
0r three wetke in Bootland and about a
wools 10 freland, Matobee have been
arranged with the principal bowling
club@ in the British Dame,
A junior lemons olub has been organ.
ized at 331. Marys and will enter the 0.
L. A.
Poor /Worth (Hurons II)
They have the grvateet of ball mama
('Chat ie their expert's view),
But somehow by the scores it seems
They're good enough to Mee,
By defeating the Oargill-Pinkerton
Loam, in (Jargill, by Mildmay it givee
Mildmay the championship of the Bruce
Dietriot. It 10 very 111se1y that Brueeels,
winners of the Huron Dietriot, and
Mildmay will have to phi}, off again.
Waloh out fur the dates next week.
The following grimes ware played der.
ing the pset emelt :—Gulf (8) at Bilin
(0) ; Mildmay juniors (61 at Wullaer.on
(0) ; Stretford (0) at Milverton (0) ; St.
George (1) at Hamilton (0); L'ndon 0.
I (2)r at Ulinton (5) ; }ludmay (8) et
Oergifl (0) ; Milverton (0) at Listowel (7).
Monkton Football enthusiasts held a
very 00eoeeefut meeting and elected the
following °Fliers:—Hou. Pres , 0. H.
Morryfield ; Prim„ F. Erekioe ; Vioe
Pres., J. Terry ; 2nd, Vice Pres„ A.
Chalmers i Capt., G. Struthers, jr. ;
Manager, A. Deets ; Seo.-Treas., R,
Robertson ; Oom., Wm, Robertson ; Wm.
Strnthere, G. Manteu, A. Terry, W
Hammond and R. Goligbtly.
Clinton elected the following offiaere
for the 0eesou of 1904 in oonneetiou with
their Base Ball team :-Hon. Pres.,
Mayor Hoover : Hon. Vice, W. J. Ross ;
Pres., W. G. Doherty 1 Vice, 0. E. Lap.
pine ; Seo., J. E. Doherty , Treas., Gus
Collier : Manager, Thee. Wheatly ; Clap.
tnin, M. MoEwan •, Oom., Nelson Blewitt,
Ed. Joboetoo, W. Irwin, and the manager
and oep0ain.
Perth County.
The sural Deanery, of Perth County,
held at Stratford, Rev. W. J. Taylor,
of St. Mary's, Rural Dean presiding,
passed reeolotione appreoiatioe of Rev. D.
Deacon's work ae Rural Dean, whiob
office he recently resigned ; also eon.
gratniatory to Rural Dean Taylor on hie
elevation to that o8loe, and to Ven. Aroh-
deacon Williams on the high offlae 10
W111011 he has reoently been appointed.
John MoDougald, a farmer, wbo lived
near the village of Fnllarton, was killed
8a"tnrday morning while moving a house
from his plaoe to that of his neighbor,
Samuel Davie, The rear trucks slipped
from under the house, and this falling
upon him, Mr. MoDougald was oraehed
beneath fb, Mr. MoDougald wee about
forty years of age, and leaves a widow
and four or five obildreo.
I. and Mr,. Hord returned from their
trip to the Holy Land, Tbnreday evening,
26th ult. They were met 80 the station
by a number of friends, who gave them
a right royal welcome to their old home.
Monday evening a meeting woe held
in the beeement of the Metbodie0 ohuroh,
at which there was a good attendanoe, and
a reception was tendered the distinguish.
ed tooriete, Rev. Mr. Brown delivered
the address of welcome. Miss Vanoe
followed with 8 capital solo. A eeleotion
on the guitar by Ohas. F. Raoe name next
and then instrumental eeleolions on the
piano by the Mieeee Wille and Comb.
Addressee hem Messrs. F. B. Holtby and
Obowao, of Luoau, and Geo. Sawyer, of
Mitobell, followed. Mr, Hord ace
klowled ed the great kindneee shown
himon his ret return fru the thanes de-
n m
plated in Bible history and for a short
Maio held the attention of his friends
while Ise graphically described come of
the interesting scenes which be bad
witnessed in hie travele, but refrained
from going into partioulare until a later
date. Refreshments were then served,
alter which the pleasant gathering name
to a clefs — Mitaheu Advocate.
Any quantity of Wool
wanted for which the
Highest Market Price
will be paid.
Alf. Baeker,
Royal Tied Steamers
Prom Montreal From Quebec.
June 10, 9 a.m. Juno 8. 13 u,m
Tune 17, 4 ' June 37,8 "
June 24, 9 " June 24,10 "
tunas ml' PARRAOB—First oabfn—$70 acid
Upwards aeoordiug to steamer and aceom-
O,,oud0ulo4ry $8'700, 1'340 ne<t $42.66; London
$2.00 'extra, Third-clueNNNNNN--superior worn.
0102018m fo Livine° , Derry, Belfast,
South Africa,
,Montrott} to thaogow Direct
Corinthian q..,,Wodt, June 15 (daylight)
NeW Teri( to (llnegOw
Mongolian Thursday, Ju088 9,13 noon
Low rate, by above Glasgow steamers on
applioatiou to
W. H, 35103501,.
ADM, I3041001111
Tile week we show a fine a°oor0ment of )tow Goode, imitable for the
bot weather, at rook bottom priee8, fu the following new and up to date
goode :-
-Printed Muslims, In stripes and floral deoigae, Iu a groat range of oolore,
at 8u, 10, 150, 20u and 25o.
—White Mooline, in stripes and epote, at 5o, 8o, 10o, 15o and 20o,
—White Lawn, 45 Mabee wide, very special, at 10e, 15o and 20o.
—French Organdies, in a fall tangs of qualities, in bieok and white, at 100,
15e, 20o, 250 and 35e.
—India Linens, in white and bleak, at 107, 12710, 15o, 200 and 25e.
—Mercerized Veetiuge in white and oolore, very etyliob goode, at 16o, 25o,
35o and 50o.
—Bleak Grenadines, io stripes, obeoke and flora( patterns, SCJ, 700 and $1.
—Fanny Linen Goode, for dresses or waiete, in Laney silk strips@, very
etylieb good, at 30o and 35o.
—Black and Colored Voiles, in a good range of colors, for dreesee or waists,
at 501, 76o and $1.
—Ladies' Biaok Cotton Hose, very apeolel, 4 pairs for 25a,
—Ladies' Heavy Plain or Ribbed Ootton Hove, rot ular 15e, 2 pair for 250,
—Men', Cotton Sox, bine and brown mixed, 4 pair for 25e,
—Men's Heavy Wool Sox, worth 18o, 2 pair for 25o.
—Boyo' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose at 15n, 20e and 25o.
—Ladies' Eine Hermedorf Black Cotton Hose, with moors! wool feet, the
oorre°b thing for hot weather, at 25o.
—Ask to see our new Waterproof Coate, from $8 to $10.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Old Reliables"in up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does, Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best (Roods Procurable at ()lose Prices.
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Plattsville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
N. S. Mc auchiin.
..� .' mom. d „
Are You Going
to do any Fencing ?
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wive and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Railways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
EW r Pd CO.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Buggy Tops titin mem a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. This has boat a longfelt want,
We have 4 styles of Asloe—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000
Miles, and the Noiseless Axlee, also a few of the old etylee.
A.11 Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with boot Leather,
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 21 and 8 inch tiros ; Trucks and
Medium 8(20.
We invite every intending porabasor to call and Buy
tlom ae and ca00 money,
WiWNkwlrrdF+7 & 00.,, Brussels.