HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-9, Page 6(t;4e Nr1155.1C1S 10.00t,
TRUlt$DAY,JUNR 9, 1904.
A. W, ROnn of Walkerton has declined
the Liberal candidature of Sob Brune
for the Commons. It is said Peter lrlo•
Kenzie, of Kinlos0, will likely be the
etanderd bearer. ff ao be should prove
strong candidate.
OWING 10 the increased coat of living a
number of the leading hotels in the
country whose rates were 51.00 per day
are adding 50 pants additional to meet the
increasing expenditure. Some tax nom•
metrial trivialises 25 cents per day extra
for sample room.
Meer of the towns are advoonling the
bolding of halt holidays in oonneotioo
with the closing up of stores and offices
for one afternoou of each week during the
Bummer months and devoting it to pleas-
ure and recreation. Communities having
given the proposal a trial last year appear
to be favorably disposed to oontinae it
t1inkiegthe plan to be prodeotive of good
with little if any finanolal lova to those
TonoNTo Bane Ball teem gravitates
toward the bottom of the lista in the
record of the eight nubs in the Eeslern
League bettle for diamond supremacy.
We hope this will continue to be so for se
ane of the representative teams of Canada
they belie the name ot "Toronto, the
good," by playing Sunday ball whenever
opportunity preeente itself aoroee the
boundery line. They would do the same
thing; in Canada it the law did not atop
Wo believe a line of eleotrio road from
Wroxeter to Braseeia and South through
Seeforth to Bayfield would do a paying
business. Especially would this be the
case iu the Summer menthe ae good con-
nections would be made for the travelling
public both North and South and the
lakeside would be within convenient
reach. A theater should be applied for
to lee followed by tbe opening of stook
sheets and ae there are few engineering
diffieuitiea the road would not be a very
expensive one to build.
expend etjuivelent eame i—East Bound.
cry, $150.00 ; Wee6 Boundary $160,00 on
Prairie road nein Wingbam ; end 550
South of Belgreve ; North Boundary
550 00 South Boundary 550.00, On
motion of Shaw and Jonsson, Meson.
Taylor and Code were iuntruebed to have
alderoad between Irate 5 and 6, Cou, 7
opened out. On motion of Taylor end
Code the Reeve was inetruoted to have
the bridge et the Stone Sob0ul home end
Martin's bridge, on fat line, put in a
proper state of repair, A000unte were
ordered to 130 laid CO follows ;—A. E.
Bradwin, publishing Rahway Bylaw and
priuting bellnte, $5285; A. Button,
Mather, 570.40 ; R. 13. Al000k, building
oaivert, 512.00 ; School Seotione, Nos. 1
and 9 for use of aobool houses et Railway
vote, each $8.00 ; W. Clerk, part salary,
540.00 ; John Watson, Aaseeser'e salary,
TBrandon, 1) l
5600 ALaidlaw, ,e0.• fees
$6 00 ; R. Bewley, D. le 0„ fees 50 00
The Couooil thee adjourned to meet
again after Oottrt of Revision on the 271b
of June.
Rev. De.Onowre, the gentleman who
ie devoting hie time to the advancement
of Temperance legislation and work in
oouuectiou with the Methodist ohuroh of
Canada, in speaking at the Loudon Con-
ference last week complimeitea Hon. Mr.
Stretton on tbe ability with which he is
administering the Liquor License depart-
ment of the Province of Ontario. There
is ample room foc the temperenoe elect-
orate to aid him in his work and make
the present law more operative and there-
by promote the easier advance of muoh
talked about amendments to the Aat or
the ushering in of new enactments,
Deeds are better than words and effort
than carping criticism.
W. Crena, (Berk.
Hicks' Weather
Forecasts for June.
A renot.iouary period of dinturbenoe ie
central on the let and 2n0 days of June,
palling for higher temperature, falling.
barometer, increased humidity and pro
greesive norms of wind, rain and thunder
from the let to about the 8rd. Bluing
barometer, abange to Westerly winds,
°tearing and cooler will supplant and
follow the storm area, the change behind
the storms passing Eastward norms the
country from about the 3rd to the 6th.
Western extremes will begin to feel the
growing it•flatenoe of the vuloan storm
period ae early as the 4th and 5th. This
period is central on the 6th, extending
from the 4th to the 0th. Tbie period
will begin with change to muoh warmer
in Western sesbione, the barometer will
fall first iu the same teatime and rising
temperature, falling barometer and
etorme of rain, wind and thunder will
march Eaebwardly across the country
from about the 6111 to the 9th. On and
touching Tuesday the 7ih the0s disturb.
aooee will be at their nine in the regions
central in the Mississippi pPi and he Ohio
valleys. Under pressure of the peri
helion of the great planet, Jupiter, nom-
tined with the annual Summer platen
perturbation, mach eleatrioelpheoometta
will attend all the storm periods in June.
Tits Valean period will not be an exoep•
Mon. The tendency to meth lightning in
the evenings and throughout the nightn
will be very marked, even outside of the
limits ot the envier storm periods.
.. About the 101.h and 11th of June every
year our globe plisses what may be called
a North pole oontaat with the solar
equator. A8 a result of this peaaliar
relation of Earth and Suu, the Earth be-
comes granny ohnrged with magnetism
and eleorioity. Thunder storms, general
and exaeesive sheet lightning. voloauio
dieturban000 and seismic pbenomeua are
oommon results of this maximum eleo•
trioai excitation. Snob dieturbanoee will
reach a maximum about the 10th and 11
th and 000130ue in marked force and
frequency nutil near the end of the
A reeotlonary storm period will be
central o8 the 12th and 18 h, with the
moon at new and extreme North deolin•
ation on the 1301. The dieturbanoee
immediately preceding tbeee dates will
ran over into tbia periud. The temper•
Mere will title greatly and the barometer
will fall to storm readings on and touch•
ing the lath, with many electrical storms
io transit from West to Beet. This
reaotiouary period will be within the
Mercury brace se seen by the accompany•
ing storm diagram, width foot will not
only add to the ioteneity of the disturb-
ances, but will iuoreaee the probability of
a continued spell of tbreateniug, etormy
weather. Narmelly the temperature
would fall, the barometer rise and cooler,
fair weather appear about tbe 14th to
16113, and such obangee in modified de
grecs map appear ; but the onanoes of
nontinaed thunder showers, with
here and there storms of violent propor-
tions, are good for many days, remitting
into and through the next regular storm
The next storm period is central on the
180h, and the MOro0ry period is oentral
on the 16th, so that the two periods
combine their influences from the 160e to
the 2181. This period is also near the
center of the Summer solstice, embracing
the moon's perigee on the 160), and also
at fleet quarter apd ou the celestial Nue.
for on the 20th. All these aaueee eon-
epirieg within the oompaee of this storm.
period, the ohanoee for general, heavy
and even dangerous storms ate multi•
plied greatly at this time. The oriels of
tbie period will fall from %bout Saturday
the 18111, to Teeniest the 21st, the norms
centering more deoidedly ou end teething
the 20th. Look for etertling and eon•
Venous displays of lightning throughout
the nighte at this period, and most likely
for many days through all the central
parts of the month.
It is well to remember that the greater
part of this Summer eolstioe lightning—
thee is, when in the form of what he
knewn sa sheet lightning—in entirely
harmless. At this season banks of Sem
mer oloude often fleet and hong all
around the horizon lo the evenings and
through the nights, emitting 00013110008
flashes that illuminate the night like
fourth of July pyrotechnic=, Let no
tml(I, nervone penal suffer lineaei8008 Or
painful apprehenaion et pals displays as
they are not 18 the least dangerous, The
on coming, concentrated Weeder Storm
at this season is very different and calla
for all poeeible predation, Time and
again bavo we warned our readers, both
in one Ale moa° and in Word and Werke,
against taking shelter under green trees
and other similar places, daring these
videos near.by thunder stoma in June.
Standing or walking in fresh, mot/dearth
or riding on horseback, or in nay vehioie
forming direct metallic connection with
the ground, are ell equally dangerous in
a ebarp, June Omuta storm. The near -
8r yea pan Dome to planing perfectly dry
wood or rubber between you and all eon-
titration with the moist earth or air
minuets, the eater yon will be.
The 23rd, 24th and 25th are eentrat
datee of a reactionary storm period. Oa
these deye there will be inoreaaod
tendenalee to deAided etorme—higher
temperature, falling barometer, growing
humidity, all followed by etorme of wind,
rain and thunder, Ohange to Westerly
winds, tieing barometer and fair, bootee
weather will come in from the Vint and
North as the storm areas pass off to the
HAS Ward,
Savnnan of the Methodist Oonfereueee
in session during the pastweek passed
resolution deprecating the aooepting of a
535,000 bonne from the city of St. Thom-
as by Alma Ladies' Ocllege, St. Thomas,
wbioh is ander the direction of the Meth.
odiah Church. We believe these resot-
ntione were along the right lice and that
the money should not have been taken.
If the College could not be maintained
without ample evidence was afforded that
its alerting down would be no particular
calamity, Great fault hail been found in
other quarters at the diversion of public
monies for denominational purposes and
we believe the more independent the
church is the better for all concerned.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Oounoil tnet as a Court of Revision
in the Town Hall Morrrie, on May 80th,
Members all present and eubsaribed the
oath required by Statute. Appeals were
heard and diepoeed of an follows :—F.
lvlo0raoken complained of being too high
attuned, reduced 5100 ; Thos. Bernard
complained of being too high Reneged,
reduced $160; Walter Youth complained
of being too high assessed, dismissed ; J.
J, Elliott entered tenant N. pt 1 & 2, eon.
1 ; Reg. Wateon entered F S Ne 13, eon,
6 ; Daniel 13arelay entered owner L its
12 & 15, Belgreve ; John Stewart entered
351 I' Lot 23, eon. 2 ; Thomas Maroball
entered tenant SJ 27, Han. 9.; Levi Lott
entered tenant 10,124, con. 1. On motion
of Shaw and Jackson the Court of Bevis•
ion was then adjourned to meet again on
Juno 2711 at 10 o'clock a. m. Oonnall
business wee then proceeded with. Mite
tittle of last regular and one special meet-
ing were read and passed. Os motion of
Code and Jackson, ittr. Shaw was ieaneot.
BC( to have a dints dug on sideline between
'Late 20 and 21, con. 8, same to be pub in
a satisfaotory condition. On motion of
Code and Taylor, ByLaw No. 6 tor the
purpose of prohibiting stook from running
et large in this IVtauioipality was reed the
Wed time and passed apd the Clerk
ordered to have printed oopies of the
same placed in the Mode of the Pound-
keepete of the Mnnioipelity. Oa motion
of Sbew and Code, Mr. Taylor woe inn
etruoted to examine sideline between
Lots 25 and 26, Owe 4 and report at next
meeting reepeoafng the necessity of a
diteh on said road. On motion of Bbuw
and Taylor, a Bylaw was passed all.
pointing Mr, Jones, of London, as
15ingineee for th[e Municipality and the
Olerk wag, intraoted to notify him to
that effect, By•iraws Nag, 6, 7 and 8
wort defy read and passed, Oa motion
of'Taylor and Shaw tbe following bound.
cry I,ne appropriations were made
Welding the adjoihlig mrate:4101tieO
I` ti f31 h tt f1 ti Jr, ll t1 k o s
June opuses to its close, in the midst of
to regular none period. This period le
central on tbe 29th, reaahiug from the
27t1 0o July tad. On Monday the 27th,
the first day of the period, the moon ie at
full and extreme deolinablon South, fe-
derating that eintutbanoes at this period
will develop early in the period, and
continue with greater or leas intensity for
several days. The oeutre of low bart-
mehrit pressure will lie to the South, in•
darting Northerly air (Invents and entitling
000i Northerly to Northeasterly rain
during most of this period, over all
sections North of the 0eutre of low berm
We have often explained the peon
liaritire of the June eoi'lioe storms, and
the physical eaaeee of the same ; bet
new geueratione and new readero oat for
many cud continued repetitions. At
this time our earth ie at the point in her
orbit where we may any elle reverses her
directive and her N ,rth pole begins to
move Westward, the wind 5nrren18 be.
Dome oonfused and variable, often driv-
ing sudden thunder gnats, and drenobing
downpours of rain up from points of the
oompaee from which rains do not ordin•
arily some. Clooda that have passed to
the Ent often whirl suddenly backward
unexpeuted,surprising and overwhelming
unwary lonalites with wiud and torrents
from Easterly direo0ione. Instead of the
usual order—doming up from Easterly
point: of the compass—many of eta
hardest raise strike as from Easterly to
Southerly directions during the eoletios
period. Fant of the meteor is, baro-
metric depressions are detached and
scattered into narrow, segregated locale
ties, and these atmospheria weter•holee
constitute ninon into which the Hereat
phasing thunder aloud ie aura to raphe uo
metier from what direction.
In the nature of things, June will bring
many showers and some real hard ones
before the eloee of the mouth. We be-
lieve that mach sections will be in the
North, to Northwestern parts of the
country. As to the seasonal oondltione
during the remainder of ibo Summer, we
will say that a Mara period dominates
the last hall of July and that the char.
muter of rainfall and weather prevailing
as we enter this Mars period may be
expected generally tbrough July and
Aileen. We fear that there will be e
Bb0[taR 0 of moisture EOCe eve
r moot
of the
great grain producing sections of our
country. No interested praotioal ob-
server of Durrant events ueede to be told
that our forecasts for the month of May,
up to going to press with June Word and
Warks were fu•filled to the letter, Twee.
ty to thirty people perished iu storm and
tornado, and property in proportion.
llunorable Justieo Meredith Mottle
the Nutl•Jnry sittings.
Six oases were entered for trial before
'Justice Me eolith at the uon jury eitbinge
of the High Court, which opened at 11
o'clock on Monday morning of last week
at Goderioh. The business of the uourt
concluded Tneeday evening at 6 30.
Wean vs. McLean,—Au ac.iou for an
illegal distrees and injanolion restraining
sale of goods. J. P. Mabee, K. 0, end
L. E. Dauoey, for plaintiff. W. Proud•
foot, K 0.. and G. F. Blair, for defend•
eat. The witnesses for the proeeeMesa
were Harry Videan, David Munro tared
Obarlee Vadewn, and the defendeut'e
witnesses Robt. MoL^an, C. A. Hanitar,
Thos. Gondrv, John Yale, 0. 0. Lee, 4Y.
Proadfoot, K. 0, and Jas. Buchanan.
The plaintiff, Hurry Videan leseee of
Victoria Opera House from the defend.
apt, Robert McLean, made arrangements
to take a second three•year lease starting
iu 1900, at a Lighter rental than before ou
condition that certain repairs and i0'•
provemente were made, including the
patting o0 of a new roof. The making of
the repairs was not mentioned iu the
lease and Mr. Videan refused to sign it,
but contracted to weepy the opera Neuse
and to make paymeute on element of
rent. Last April Mr. MoLean eeized Mr,
Videan's abattoir' at the opera bowie end
advertieed a sale in order to recover the
rent he claimed to be doe. Mr. Videan,
taking the ground that, as the roof bad
not been fined and as he bad been obliged
to cancel engagements in ooneequenoe, he
wee not in arrear for tent, issued an
injunction restraining the sale. His
Lordship directed judgment to be entered
perpetually enjoining the defenduut from
proceeding with ate• Bale of the plaintiff's
goods and for 5106 as damages for the
trespasses alleged in the statement of
claim, without poets, and that pediment
be eutered for the defendant for 5245 for
rent fie claimed by way of counter claim,
without aoate, Proceedings °rayed for
thirty days.
Duoharme ve. Township of Hay and
John La Porte.—Action for damages to
plaintiff canoed by alleged non.repair of
defendant township's highway. Means,
Proadfoot and Blair for plaintiff. Mee -
ere. Glodmen and Stanbury for township
of Hay. Meseta. Cameron & Killoran foe
Mr. La Porte. The third patty, it op.
pears, dug e trench lest Winter in the
snow aurone tbe road to allow the esoape
of water from hie laud% Eli and hire.
Dnohrme were upset at the hole while
driving along the road, Mrs. Duoharme
ansbaining certain injuries. Seventeen
witnossee were celled for the plaintiff and
fifteen for the defendant towuebip. Mre.
Dnabrme, who was unable to speck
Eoglieh, gave her evidence with Mrs. De
Pendry fie interpreter, Judgment for
plaintiff for $800 damages against town.
ship of Hay and nate (which were fixed
at $100) and judgment for township of
Hay wetting the third party for 5400,
Prooeedinge stayed for thirty daye.
Wilson v. Henderson et al.—Statement
of claim abandoned ; nuttier claim for
farm of farm, ILL Dickinson for plaintiff.
W, Proudfoot, 1i. 0,, for defendants.
Judgment for defendants on their ooanter
olabn for 5141, being the amount dee by
the plaintiff 00 the promissory notes
mentioned therein and the arrears of rent
under the lease et said Iande. No order
0e t0 poste. Prooeedinge stayed thirty
days. The plaintiff was George W.
Wilton, eon of the late Marin Wiloon,
and still 000upiee the farm wbiob he had
rented from hie father during the latter's
MoDonald vs, Grundy.—potion to re.
ebraio Bele of lands in the village of
eeleknow under allotted power of sale le a
mortgage. E, L. Dickinson for plaintiff,
D. Holmes, nolioitor for plaintiff, W.
Prondtoot, K. 0,, counsel fot defendant.
Judgment reserved.
Belden V. Young 66 al,—Aotite to
rnoover oommiesiou on the gale of the
Heron 0Jold (Menge and Peeking Com.
pony. Judgment in tonne of ooueeut
minutes, L. E. Donny for plaintiff,
W. Proadfoot, K C., for dofendaato.
Bachand v, Prudhommo,—Action to
reocvbr the amount of a promissory note
o lid by the plaintiff for alefendant, W.
P roudfoot, 1G 0 , for plaintiff. E. L,
Dickinson for defendant, By °eneeui of
counsel trittl of thio notion was postponed
till the next eittiege of the High Oourt
for the Crunty tf Hurou upon the ply•
meat of the onto of the day by the
plotntiff to the defoudunt within tan days
after the taxation thereof, In dsfau t ot
pet meat of poets action to be dismissed
with poste.
To prove what .1 n(LI•iil the Great Syatent
'treatment will do for you. /Wary
Emitter or this paper may hate A
SansPbc Bottle sent Free by Mull.
Derangement of the etomaoh i8 re•
ep000ible for muoh eiokuess and suffering.
Every organ of the body depends upon
the etonlanh for i15 nutriment and
strength. If the stomach 18 not working
right the blood parries to the liver, heart,
nerves and kidney tissueimperfect
nutrition. They become weak and
suable to perform their work—become
clogged, diseased, end throw out their
disbreae eympbons. Now you may get
stimulative, temporary relief by the
taking of a kidney, liver, nerve or heart
epeoifio, bat the oause remains. The
e tomaoh is at fault, and eo long as it
keeps loading the blood with impurity—
waste, eo long will the blood treetopor0
and deposit disease breeding elements In
the weak plane. Wheu you feel sink,
help the stomach first. A wall atomaob
means a wall body. Anti Pill, the Great
Syebem Treatment, ie a new dieoavery
that has a marvelous influence iu oorreat•
ing system ailments. Addreee Wilson.
Fyle Co., Niagara Falls, Ont., for free
sample. Beet:hie size, a month's treat.
meet, 50 cents at Druggists.
Sold in Brussels by Jae. Fix.
The following letter, addressed to the
Secretary of the National Sanitarium
Association, Toronto, from the Rectory,
Norwood, Ont., and signed by Bey. J'.
McKee McLennan, a well-known Angli-
can minister of therovinoo� nee
de n0
comment of ours. It reads: "I desire
to aoonce the admission into the Free
Hospital for Consumptives at Graven-
kurat of a young woman, a member of
my parish. The case is a very sad one,
and if help man at once be given, a pro-
mising lies can 178 saved. 11.1hree years
ago the mother died of oonsu'mption.
Since that time it has been my painful
duty to bury two of the sone with the
same disease. Now Annie, aged about
seventeen, and a boy of fourteen, are all
that remain of the family. The poor
girl has been in Muskoka, boardinee at a
private house, waiting to be admitted.
She returned home last week, and within
twenty-four hours of her return her
father dropped dead in his buggy,while
driving into Norwood. The case is
wurely one that must appeal to the sym-
pathies of everyone, and yet, I fear, only
one of the many that are constantly
coming under your notiee."
(eNote,—Readens—and may their num-
ber be meaty—mho dosero to assist is this
;Way ay seed their gifts ee Bir
Win. R. Meredith, Kt., Vioe-Preeftient,
No -timed Sa.mitanium Aesoeietion, To-
ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of
the Exeeutive Committee, Toronto.]
denominational Sooieby at Toilio wee
given the nomination of the miseionariee
they thought best suibsbie for tespurpoee
end they sent on es their re°om-
mendation to the I1lissiouery Board of
Moeda the appointment of Rev, Daniel
Norman. The nomination was confirm•
ed by the board, and they are asking for
funds for his equipment.
Harry Cake, a London boy, was eanght
by the G. T. R. exprees on the Cove
bridge nnd killed.
T. B. Hall, Provinoinl Assessor for
Victoria Dinette, B. C„ he's been arrested
on a °barge of being $6,000 tbort in hie
Mise Pearl Geaavrean, of Barretvi'Ir,
saved herself from burning to death when
her clothes caught fire by jumping iutn a
ditoh fall of wilier.
The body of James Renaud was found
under a bridge iu Kettle Oreek, 81. Thum
as. It is [opposed he met hie death by
falling from the bridge.
Alex. Hae-ard, of Weyburn district,
Manitoba, jumped from a rig with a
chisel in his pooket. The tool cut an
artery in his arm, and the yoaug man
blvd to death.
The first Evangelical Lutheran con
gregatron, of the 6th Con., Logan, will
celebrate their mutual rniosianary festival
June 12th. Revs. S. B. Fix formerly of
Stratford, uo38 of Fieherville, Haldimand
Go , and L Andreae, Deeboro, Grey Co.,
will preaoh.
Rev. Daniel Norman, 14, A., who some
few years ago married Kate, daughter of
Henry Heal, Fnilarton, hes been appoint•
ed Methodist minister to aoonmetany the
Japanese troop to the front. General
Yamagaba, thief General of the Japanese
army, bait authorized the appointment of
one Obrinino missionary for each of the
various dauomiuotions, and the Inter.
K., Bull for sale, red in color and brad
from 1st prise stack, Lot 23, Oon, 10 Grim,
T..0..ttaNA1B, Proprietor, ot'anbrooit2, 4,
0. O. IL+ .
Court Pretense Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0, 1r„
Bruoeeis, meets in their Lodge Room Bias -
h111 Block, on the end and last Tnesdoys of
each mouth, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. 13IIn(3B05, 0,E.
pow eon Bens. — The undersigned
offers for sale one Thoro'-bred Yorkshire
How, 14 years old, in pig to his thoro'•bred
Yerkebtre hog. Far prise apply to R. 8,
NIOHOLBON, (Bodmiu Lime `Yorks), Mor-
ris, Belgraye 2. U. 88-15
Y nn01tNTAa'Ivn In thle Bounty and ad-
joining territories, to represent and adver-
tise au old established Milanese house of
sand financial standing. Salary 021 weekly,
with expenses advauoed each Monday by
cheek direct from headquarters. Horse
and buggy furnished when necessary; posi-
tion permanent. Address Blew Broe, & 00.,
ltoom 618 Merton Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
]tight young Bulls from 'Imported and
home bred cows gob by imported Sire. Also
Cows and Heifers of different ages.
A few para bred Berkahiro Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for salo.
Have a quantity of Seed Peas the Early
June variety, to dispose of. It is a medium
sized white pen and were grown from coed
from near North Bay and yielded over 87
br.hels to the aero, free of bugs.
Will also sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
38.10 D. MILNE & SON, Ethel,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in tbe matter of the estate of
Louise J. Skelton, Tete of the Village
of Brnesels, in the County of Huron,
widow, deceased.
Basco 10 hereby given -pursuant to Reale•
ed Statutes of Ontario,1897, Obep. SBO, Sec.
38, that all creditors and others having any
elainte against the o.tate of Louisa J.Site"-
ton,late of the Village of Brussels, in the
County of Huron, widow, deceased, who
died 0u or about the Seventh day of May,
1904iu the City of Toronto, ere hereby re-
quired to send by poet, prepaid, or to deliv-
er to A. B. Moodonald, of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron, Solicitor
for Gem ge Jackson, the 'Executor of the last
Will and Testament lot Louisa J. Skelton,
deaeasnd. on or before the First day of July,
decriptio s and 1004, tbelr ufun ll apurtioulare of their
elate a and the nature of their eee0ritie0 (if
any) held by them.
AOA notice le hereby given that after the
said Met mentioned date, the said Executor
will proceed to distribute the asset? of the
dooeaeed amongst the persons entitled
Iberoto,baviug regard only to the chums of
which notice shall have been given es above
required, and the said Executor will not be
responsible for the aeaete, or any part there-
of, so distributed, to any pereo0 o1 whose
claim notice shall not have been received
at the time of such distribution.
of the Village of Brussels, in the Oouuty of
Heron, Solicitor for the Execthtor.
Dated at Brussels, May 25, 1904.
Notice to Creditors.
Tho audereigned offers for Help Ler
expellent farm, looatod on Con, 10, Cray
towuollip, and containing' 1013 mares. Thorp
is a comfortable Inane cottage, bath born,
good driv1351 shod, onebare, &0„ ea the
Premises, farm 3e well (laded and Mooed,
It in also well watered by the rigor 'Unit
laud and an invaluable Spring. OPnvenloltt
to market, aobool and churches, For intim,
terms cna other particulars imply on the
DIolt, Proprietress, Oraubrouk 11'. 0,1 0015
being Lab 11, Uan, 4, Croy 00380'
HMO. 80 norms cleared, Weems hush, There
is a good house, bank barn, orohara, &c.
�'Vell tensed and farm in good condition ; 00
soros of Fall wheat 30, 6 tunes tom Bras.
Baia; only 4 of a ;mile tram cherub aid
11 miles from school. I'oseeeeiou could
be given to snit the pnrobaser. 000' fur-
ther porilonhu's as to price, terms, 60.,ply on the ap-
tor, or at TnirPoe'r, Brussels,emises to A, � 51.0Pro1rip-
-"ARMS FOR SALE. — 350
acne Ilrst•olass land in the Township
of Grey—Lot 10, eon. 14, If ankh ; Lot 17,
flan 14,100 pores ; and W4 Lot 38, Con. 14,
50 acres -210 scree. All in excellent sondi-
Lion with ilret•olase buildings ; brisk home
with all modern conveniences, cad large
bank barn, root and straw house, stables,
&o. Well watered. From 90 to 40 acres of
good hardwood blab. Lot 113, Con, 32, eon-
tainiug 100 sorsa of drat -plass land, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
new. Theproperty can be sold in two or
three parcels to suit purebussre. Terme
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Brussels, For felther particu-
lars apply to the Owner 381 the premises,
13 mussels.
Iu the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
John Ewan, late of the Township of
Grey, in the Comity of Huron,
farmer, donned.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Rev's -
nil l-tatutsa o1 Ontario,1807, Obap, 129, See.
88, that all creditors and others baying Huy
c Wm a -age in et the estate of lobo Ewan, late
of the Township of they, iu the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on or
about the Third day of starch, 11.1).1004, at
the said Townehtp of Grey, are het ebyre-
qub ed to send by post, prepaid, or to dell¢-
er to A, B. Macdonald of the Village of
liruseela, in the County of Huron, Soliottor
for O'bomns ticPadzean and Andrew Hislop,
the Executors of the last Will and'Testa-
ment of Job Ewan. dooease+l, on or before
the First day of July. A. D, 1004, their full
names, addressee end desortpHone and full
partioulare of their claims and the nature
of their securities (if any; held by theta,
And notice is hereby given that atter the
stud feet mentioned date, the sent Exeon-
tors will prnoeed to distribute the assets of
the deceased amongst. the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given as above
required, and the said Executors will not be
responsible for the assets, or any part there-
of, no distributed, to any person of whose
claim notice (ball not have been received at
the time ()teeth distribution.
of the Village of Brnesels in the County of
Huron, Sotieltor for the EExecutors,
Dated at Brussels, May 21, 1004, 40.8
JUNE 9, 1904
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded ua in
1908, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksmithing, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job.
bing. As wo have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and sae us.
Thomas street, Brussels.
I. e; l dh,'le,'tdt,'hrpyyypp; w
We buy our Turnip Seeds from the Old and Reliable
Firm of Messrs. John A. Bruce & Co., and have for sale
the following varieties, viz• :-
Bruce's New Century
New Kangaroo
Hartley's Bronze
White Swede
Hall's Westbury
Sutton's Champion
Bruce's Selected
East Lothian
Also GREY STONE Turnip Seed, and GATE POST RED and
Our General Stook is Large, Well &enorhed and ;Best Veluee.
No Fancy Prides but Everything Cheap.
t '!
,. �h
Stook of Wire Wheels for Wagons to uapply
Ouetotttera on hand,
fa lila Wag 011(
Now Canadian and American
The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the
Public in the prompt fitting -up of Bicycles such as
Cleaning, Oiling, nepatiring,
Heading Punctures, Sze.,
and will also replace Spokes, Hubs, Rims and
Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged,
First-class Second-hand Wheels for sale.
Give 770' a call any evening from 7 to 9.80.
OM T. C. 11ICH 0 M' STOW/
-E have a full stock of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. We have leads a special effort to secure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in Nigh Grades,
but in those as low as
BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Floral:, produoieg oha2ming afoot); at Low Cost,
PARLORS—Beautiful Design in Gilt end Creamy Tonee, slaps, Greene, &o„ In
delicate Shades,
MALLS, DINING ROOMS, &e,—Fine, effootive Designs, in Magnificent Colors,
giving Warmth, Mohnen and 13eanty to an Apartment,
AND PRICES 1 We oan only say we are offering this season Batter Paper, Design:
and Coloring: than ever offered.
Don't wait until one stook 10 broken. Make your seleogion now.
If you have any rooms not recently papered, just Dalt and let tut tell you how
little it conte to make home bkigbt, abtraotive and happy,
In Smale's Block, two doors North of Postofilee.
Fred. cOracken
Painter aruc Paper Hanger.