The Brussels Post, 1904-6-9, Page 3Vol. 82. No, 48
W. H.KERR,Prop,
New Advertisements.
Looale—H, R. Brewer,
Exaaroion to Model Farm,
Bowe for Sale—Jac. Sherrie,
Special train --Foot Beil Club.
To oonaraotors—J, Ades Fowler.
Tendon for breakwater—F, Gelinae.
Jersey bull wanted --Box 84, Fordwioh,
Hot weather goods—MoKinnon S: Co,
Temdere for pootetliae—Fred. Gelinets,
iOistfict Reins,
Leadb eery.
Albert Dundee will shortly raise a
large frame barn.
John MoGavin's new briok house le
nearing completion.
MiseAlioe Dundee will go Weet on the
Bret Tourist Exoureion,
Beatorbh Guelph Model Form Exoar.
Dion, June llth. Paste thio in your hat.
Mies Al, E. Rea visited at Brodhagan
last week. Mice Rea formerly taught
music in that locality.
The home of S. DloPliereon is a sorely
alluded one at present. Three members
of the family, Mr. and Mrs. MoPhereon
and Damian, aro under medioal treeb
moot, We hope to see them recover as
speedily as possible.
Gem*: PAnxy,—On the 15th of June a
garden party, in the interests of the
Methodist oborob, will be held ab D.
Boyd's,12th line, MoKillop. An exoellent
program is being prepared and Brueeele
Braes Bend have oleo been engaged for
the ooeaeion, 00me everybody. Tea
from fi to 8 o'oloek.
Winthrop Creamery ie being well pat•
Ionized here this season. John Crozier
gathers the cream in the Northern district
and he ie a first olase hand at the busi•
Erestretn uses•up t}id
nervesnd drama
vitnlltr. It la danger:
ons to health and life.}
We save life and en.
sure Kealth by remov+l
1t1'3 Letrrti•2ex
y:.n'•r'C;:"i;: tint
Oracxt3 ' • rape . -.taxa
;fella t; L',;;;;,.as` •
wnagain d ren � a g ain this sea-
Sq : to pay the Highest (josh
pr ce for any quantity of Wool
.lelivered at my Elevator, Brus=
eels. Also for all kinds of Grain.
nese. The oream gathering eyetem le the
most preferable form of dairying for
farmers in this seotion and we would
advise all to give it a trial,
R, Harris le in Toronto thio week,
Oonrad Reiee returned from Toronto
on Saturday,
Jamee Smith, of Gait, is the guest of
his brother, 0 Smith,
Alias Van Every, of Now York, le
visiting llfre. W. Diokeon.
Russell Moffatt has taken a position rte
clerk in A. Rue's grocery More.
Mre. Hartle, of Mount Forest, is the
guest of her neioe, Mrs. W. Currie.
J. Brethaaer and daughter, May, re•
turned from Kincardine on Monday.
A company of volnnteere, under Dap•
tain Kaine,left for London on Tuesday,
James Donaldson, of Sault Ste, Maris,
spent a few days of last week in the
Waldo Hastings, of Harrislon, wee the
guest of his slater, Mrs. R. J. Rano, over
Mre. Geo. E. Dane and children, of
Hamilton, are guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. W. Sanderson,
In a game in the park Monday evening
the Gorrie football team defeated the
school team here by a eon of 2-1.
In the absence of Rev. I, A. MnKelvfy,
Time. Appleby occupied the pulpit in the
Methodist Church Sunday evening.
Amougeb those who left for the Web
during the past week are Peter Scott,
Alex, and Mrs, Scott, E, and Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. A. Willie,
The Union Baseball team defeated the
Teeewater nine in a game in the park
Friday evening, the eon being 17-16.
Jas. Paulin anted as Umpire, They also
preyed in Mildmay on Monday, where the
score W11,6 11-10 in Mildmay'e favor.
Obsrlee Coultas, of Liebowel, spent
Sunday at home.
Mips Belle Burgess le vieitiag her
brother at Brantford.
Gordon Peterson hae gone to Winnipeg
where he intends to reside.
Mrs. Andrew Holmes is visiting rale -
bless at Hamilton and Dundee.
Fred. and Mrs. MoOraoken, of Brueeele,
visited Mrs. Gardiner last weak.
Mies Barbara Thyme, of Underwood,
is visiting her Meter, Mre. Bailey.
Mrs..). Geddes, of Miorrie, visited her
Oster, Mre. Robt. Shaw last week.
John Haney, of Palmerston, paid a
flying vieit to hie home on Saturday.
Mre. Stewart McGee, of Owen Sound,
was visiting her aunt, Mre.J. Johoeton,
Wesley and Mrs. Patereoo, of East
Wewanoeh, visited Mrs. Andeteon tbie
Mies Mary Alexander and T. Tennant,
of Lietowel, were visitors to Bluevale
last week.
Mise Laura Snell hae returned from a
6 monthe visit with relativee at Yorkton,
Mien Mary Thornton, of Wiogbam, Wee
visiting her grandmother Mre. John
Gardiner, last week•
Miss Miller, of Wroxeter, was visiting
her grandmother, Mre. Fowler, on the
Bluevale road this weep.
William Messer, Robb. MoPhereon and
R. N. Duff attended the Liberal eon-
vention at Brussels last week.
Walter and Mre. Burgeee and abibdren,
of Mftuhell, epent last week visiting Mr,
Bargees' aunt, Mre. Daniel Lewis.
F. B. Becht received word of the death
of hie father on Monday. Mr. Scott and
Mimeo Mary and Oliva went to Beaforbh
to attend the funeral.
Rev. Mr. Baker hae been appointed by
O e to ettooeed
M Swanna
pastor of the Methodist Ohnroli hers.
He is said to be a very fine man,
A number of the members of the Blue•
vale brnnoh of the Women's Iaetieute
attended the annual meeting of • tbe
dietriot at Gorrie last Thursday.
BOILER Can DECIDED.—It will be re-
membered that the boiler .in the Blue.
vale flouring mill exploded and wrecked
the building to a ooneidarnble extent,
The boiler was a eeaond hand one and
was purchased from Robert Bell, of
Seafotbh Engine Works, but where it was
originally made we do not know, The
owner of the mill, 3. W. Wardeh, claim
est that the expleeion wag the result of
some defect in the boiler and brought nu
Ration egoineb Mr. Bell for damages to
the amount of $2,500. The ogee was
91 rin'hi'I n'll l4i"I,"hal i'll 'IV9V'bl�t'�h"I
,Ili'llrllrlll'lli'rJ16110'lli'4d IIPla�la�ln
peciaI , Train
Will run to Mildmay next Monday, June 13,
leaving Brussels at 2 p. m, to convey those
desiring to witness the Intermediate League
Foot Ball Match between MILDMA.Y and
Train will leave Mildmay about9 n• m.
on the home trip,
'� Brussels, Friday, June�l.
tried at the Spring Aeoizoa at Goderioh,
before Justice Tateel, who reserved his
dooioion, The decision was given in
Toronto, dismissing the ease without
costa, Mt. Bell hae thus been relieved
from reeponeibility in the matter. R. 8,
Hays anted in the ease fur Mr, Bell.
GARDEN Pawrr,—A garden party under
the auapiose of the Bluevale Preebyterian
oburel) will be held at the reeidenoe of
Henry Diluent, near Bluevale, on There -
day evening, June 16th. A good muoioal
program will be given. Wingham Brave
Band will be in attendance. Supper
eerved from 6 to 8 o'clock.
H. Brewer and Mr. Lambert, of Brue•
sale, addreeeed the meeting in the Hall
Sunday night.
W. Rielly hes been engaged by L,
Balmier tor the Summer months. Will.
aaunet be persuaded to leave the neigh.
Woe. McKelvey went to Toronto on
Saturday to oonaalt a epeoialiot In regard
to hie heart whish has been very un.
eatiefnotory lately,
A. D, Rod Mre. Mo0oah and eon, of
Pine River, spent a few days visiting
Mre. MOOoeh'e parents and other friends.
They are always very welcome visitors,
10'3 OCrse.
Mie Store, of Toronto, is the guest of
Mies Aggie Speir.
Morrie township Menai! will meet on
Monday, 27th ineb,
Franois and Gerty Duncan were vie.
itore with friende near'Teeewator,
Mies Annie Cook, lth line, bog been
quite poorly but we hope she will soon be
Who ere the Pound keepers in Morrie 7
ie the query now that the Bylaw abute
roaming stook off the roads.
Mre. Burke mod baby Jack, who have
been visiting at the parental home, re-
turned to Detroit last week.
Don, M1uIienzie, medioal student, is
renewing old friendehipe in this locality
after having completed hie third year in
Medioine. Oungratulatione.
A. B Jaokeon, of the let Zine of Morrie
hae Bold bis farm to Al. Spence and A.
,vlaciiwen. We nnderntaed that Mr,
Jaokeon intende moving Weet,
Mrs. James Cloonan, 7th line, hae not
been enjoying very vigorous health for
some time but her numerous friende
hope she will soon :bow marked im-
provement if not complete restoration.
Foot BALL —A epecial train will leave
Brumes station on Monday next (1816)
for Mildmay to play the first match in
the semi finale. Come Moue and enjoy It
day's sport. Every portion had a good
time lest year.
John and Mre. Clegg, 5th line, were
visitors with L. and Mre. Frain, 8rd
Oou., Grey. They made their home in
that locality for three or four years at
one time and have not forgotten their
old friende.
The reeidenoe of John Davis, 4th line,
will be rebdilt on an enlarged and modern
plan. Me. Davie has been busy taking
down the brick portion of it and the old
material will be utilized as far as avail-
able iu the new building.
At last meeting of the Township Coun-
cil tbe By law prohibiting the running ac
large of stook iu this municipality wee
passed, The By law appears in this
Ione and should be read by everybody so
that they may have acquaintance with
the law.
.4. Leioeuber ewe, the property of Wm.
Witkineon, 4th line, presented her owner
with three fine lambs and ehe is raising
the lively trio. Tbie ewe would never
have to be interrogated, Bah I bah I white
have you any wool
7 Her answer
would be "Yee 1 I have c e Bir, three lambs
Wauseon—On Wedteeday, May 25,
et Lower Wingham, William S. Sellers,
4th line of Morrie, and Mies Martha May,
daughter of Henry Hawthorn, were
united in the holy estate of matrimony,
Ray. J. N, McLean,,B.
A, Baptist
minister, n1 Wingham, tied the nuptial
knot. The young eonple oomme0oe
married life, ou the groom's farm under
favorable auapiose and with the good
wiehee of a large oirole of friende. Tuj
PoaT adds its congratulations,
John W. Todd, late teacher at Barrie's
eobool, 8th line, and one of the Hensalt
boyo, wbo hae been attending the Canada
Basineee College, Chatham, has been
planed in a good poeition in the Stores
Depattmeut of the Pere Moquette Rail•,
way at Walkerville. Mr. Todd made an
exoellent record for himself in school, and
although he had not quite finished the
course, yet hie work was sufficiently good
to warrant him in accepting the position
Wednesday of Iaet week Ma. William
Marshall paeeed that bourne from whence
no traveller returns, aged 65 ,years and 9
monthe, Matt failure is said to have
been the cause of her decease, She ie
survived by her husband and two dough•
tern (Mee. Jno. MOCall, of Marris, and
Mrs. Wm, Rath, of East Wnwanoeb,) out
of a family of 1 000 and 5 daughters,.
Interment was made at Blyth oemetery
on Friday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Edmnnde,
of Blyth, oondnetng the service, De.
ceased was a fins woman who enjoyed
the esteem of olargo eloole of friende,
PROHIBrrloo STOOK.—The following is a
copy of Bylaw No, 5, paeeed at the lob
meeting of Morrie Oounoil, prohibiting
the running at largo of shook in the mun-
icipality :—"Whereas it ie necessary aid
expedient to pass a By-law for the
purpose mentioned in the title bo this
By-law, the Munioipal Council of the
Township of Morris therefore suaots i-
1. That trona and after the passing of
this Bylaw it shall nob he lawful for any
Hoses, Cattie, Sheep, Goat
Poultry to run at large in thie Munici-
pality and the owner or keener of euah
animals allowing any ettoh animal to run
at large in this Muniaiphliby shall be
liable to be dealt with a000rding to the
provisions of Oltap, 272, Revised Statutes
Of Ontario,1897, 2 Following eball he the
Tariff of fees ohargsable by Pound -keep.,
ilea and others for impounding, keeping,
ativertioing, selling, oto., of auitnate
impounded in this lnttnioipaliby namely ;
—For impounding Horne, 25 opts( eaoh l
Cattle and Goats, 25 cote each,' Sheep
and Piga, 10 cents each ; Poultry',
5 cents web. For keeping and furnish-
ing with sufficient food and water per
day :—Horses, 80 conte eaoh I Cattle, 25
cents each ; Goats, Sheep and Pigs, 10
cote eaoh ; Poultry, 6 coots eaoh, For
posting up notices of sale, 60 ciente. Par-
ties bringing animals to the Pound shall
be allowed 10 cents per mile for every
mils neeeesarily travelled in bringing
to the Pound, 8, Each Fenceviewer
when summoned by the Pouadkeeper to
aeeese damages or view fences, shall be
entitled bo receive the sum a Two
Dollars per day whioh shall be paid at
the time of demanding the summons by
the party requiring the same, to the
Pound -keeper together with the sum of
tan cents for eaob summons ae feee to
the Pound -keeper for leaning the same."
It wouldbe well for ratepayers to preserve
the above as a matter of reference for
time to come.
C51.1. .
TownshipOonnoil will meet next Mon•
day at Ethel.
Miee Allis Ferguson, Otb oon.,
ie home from a vieit with relatives at
Mre. A, Tuck, of Clifford, was a web.
oome visitor with relatives and friende
hare for a week.
Jose Wilbee was at Toronto last weep
to consult a specialist concerning hie eon,
Rnesell'e eyee. Favorable report wee
The Union Sabbath School pin•nio of
S. B, No. 3 will be held ou Saturday, 18th
in Thos. Straoban'e bash, con, 8. A good
time i x
s exposited.
Last Sabbath Rrbert Pearson, a
divinity student, took the service at
Roe's chetah In the absence of the pastor
who was attending Conference at Lon.
don, Mr. Pearson did well
, Lot week Robert McDonald, 9th con„
purobased a thorn' bred Tamworth hog,
6 menthe old, from the wall kuow breeder
of Tams., W. H. MoOutobeon, Gtb line,
Morrie, whioh he will keep for eervive,
SPECIAL TRAIN.—The football boys will
run a imolai train to Mildmay On Mon•
day next, 13th inst., to convey all the
people who wish to see the match, Train
will leave Braaaele station at 2 o'o'ook.
Don't forget to come. A goad match is
We are pleaeed to hear that JAS. Ma•
Innis, 2nd con, ie improving somewhat
in health eines hie return from Manitoba.
It was a epeciee of paralysis!, Mies,
Charlotte Molnnee who accompanied her
brother home hae returned to the Weet
where ebe hae five brothers engaged in
farming and doing well.
B. B. McCurdy, of Detroit, a former
resident of the dib non., was visiting ab
Oounoillor Frain's last week. He left
Grey 12 years ago a .poor boy but fortune
hae smiled upon him. His position is
baggage maeter at the Cadillac Hotel in
that oily. There are 865 employees in.
connection with this well known hoatlery.
A letter to THE POST from Jae, A.
Frayne, of Stonewall, ken., written on
May 31st, says ;—We have had a beauti•
fel Spring. Seeding is over and the pros
peete were never better since I name West
9 years ago. Our country is progreeeing
very fest and during the peat two years I
think I oan nattily say that farm property
hae gone up 800 per. oent while the oily
of Winnipeg hae gone wild altogether.
My family is quite well. Tan POST IS a
Welcome friend to our hoose.
Lash Winter Jobo Cardiff, 8th nom„
had a tall in whioh hie right shoulder was
injured, although Bore he did not think
very eerious damage wee done and work.
ed along without molten! attendance
until Inst week when a M. D. had to be
oslled who discovered 'st ati
ro d a d1 00 ou n the
ehonlder wlhiohas setrights nd we
w to g z tea
hope he will soon be as well as ever.
Sinop the injury be was unable to work
at any job comfortably that neoeesitated
bim elevating hie arm whioh was not to
be wondered at when the came was re.
OBIT.—Leet Saturday at 7 p. m., Alex.
McNabb, youngest eon of Wm, McNabb,
passed away from earthly eoenee at the
early age of 26 yeare and 4 days. He bad
been in failing health for the past 6
months and on account of this bad sold
off hie farm stook, &o., last Winter, A•
bout a year ago deoeaeed was married to
Mies Catharine MoToggart, of 0314 town-
ship, who eorvives him, The euhjeot of
Ohio notice was an induetrione, highly es-
teemed young man whoee demise will be
greatly regretted, The funeral took plane
on Tuesday afternoon from the late
reeidenoe of deceased, 18th oon„ inter.
matt being made at Oranbrook, Rev, D.
B. MoRae conducted the service, The
bereaved are sympathised with in their
Scrodoeeaur,Ooaoenr.—A most enjoyable
concert, it aid of the Library, was given
in the Wbibfield school on Wednesday
night, June let. On account of the no
favorable weather. The program, wbioh
was to have been given on the grounds,
was given in the cahoot hones and ai•
tboogh the night was a moat disagreeable
one a large crowd was patient. J. K.
Baker ably 000npied the oheir and in a
neatly worded address introduced the
following exoellent program Which wee
well rendered ;—Bong, "The Ba I Ha I
family," Will. McLeod, encore "Oalligan
gall again" ; mueio, Ethel Oroheetra,
encore ; eong, "The reline of Eliza",
Will. cLeod' endure "She's mad" ;
mento, 10th oon, Orebeetra, encore ; solo,
Mien 1t. Spenoa ; violin Bolo, Ira Taylor,
encore ; eong, "Any rage," Will. MoLeod,
encore "Waiting for Julia" ; rondo, label
Orchestra, emote ; song "Mary Ann's
refused me" Will. McLeod, encore! dance
"The Sailor's Hornpipe"; reottation,
ltIlee Irene Baker ; violin Bolo, Ira Tay-
ayfor, enamel ; song "Mary had a little
Lamb" Weil McLeod, store; mueio,
10th non. orchestra, encore ; " oiod save
the Ming." Mr. MoLeod's mania gongs,
jokes, eta„ oepthred the audience and all
will be delighted to hear him again.
The maid rendered wee oleo highly ap-
precieted by all present, Miss, Jean Mo.
Lauohlin aoted as a000mpaniet in her
Octal able mariner, A hearty vete of
thanks wad tendered all who took part in
the program and any of them will be
welcomed bank on any future ooeaeion.
The prooeede of the evening nmoonted bo
$22. The people of S. S. No. 10 are to be
oongratulated on the enaneee whioh al.
ways attends their warmers.
Hvttennan.-0u Wednesday evening of
laet week wedding belie chimed merrily
at the aomfortable residence of E. Spar -
ling, 2, miles from Gorrie, when Rev.
Jooepb ldolmes, Aletbodist minister, of
Gorrie, tier) the matrimonial kuot be
tween Wm. Whitfield, a well•to do young
farmer ot Con. 12, Grey township, and
Klee Mary, the estimable daughter of the
boat and boetese, Mre, Ed. Johnston, of
Morrie, played the Wedding Marob in
fine style. The bridesmaid was Mies
Amelia Whitfield, of Grey, and ,fro ma•
man web Albert Sperling. Cern my
wee performed at 5 o'clock in the
presence of 80 or 40 rowels. Hearty
congratulations were extended to the
happy couple after whioh the company
sat dawn to an excellent spread. A very
enjoyable time was spent by all. The
wadding gifts were a,eful, numerous and.
valuable, Mr, and Mre, Whitfield left
for their home amidst. many good wished
for their future happiness and success,
Mrs, Whitfield Is an exceptionally flue
person and we welcome her to this town.
We are sorry to hear that Frank Har-
rison, brother to Karehall Harrison,
Monarieff, was seriously injured at North
Bay where he is yard master for the 0.
P. R. last Saturday. He watt Bent to the
hopital at Montreal from wbioh we hope
he will soon be able to leave none the
worse of the accident. Mr. Harrison ie
an old and valued employee and hie -many
friends in Grey will be very sorry to hear
of his injury. Marshall Harrison lett for
North Bay on Monday in response to the
telegraph message received. A press
dispatch from North Bay gives the fol-
lowing sad partioolare :—On Saturday
afternoon a eerio0e accident marred on
the Temiekaming and Northern Ontario
Railway about 7 miles from here, when
Mr. Harrieon, foreman in the oarpenter
deparlmont of the 0. P. R„ was badly
mutilated. Mr. Harrison and two other
men left on a electric motor oar for a
abort trip on the road, and while at a
high rate of speed they Bighted a work
train coming, The two men jumped, bat
Mr. Harrison, who was in charge of the
oar and anxious to save it, remained at
hie poet. A oallision resulted in wbioh
Mr. Bardeen wee run over, and it is ex.
pealed be will lose one arm and leg, He
was brought to town and taken to the
Vio'oria Hospital, and last nigbt removed
to the Royal Hospital, Montreal. Hie
recovery is very doubtful. A latter re-
port on Wednesday brought the ead news
that Mr. Harrison had died at the Royal
Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on Monday
C: tett. mbroOrr.
Mira. (Dr.) Turnbull and eon, of Godo•
riot), are vieitore at Postmaster MoNeir'e.
Special train to Mildmay on Monday
next, Brueeele ve. Mildmay. Tickets for
Rale at Brhaoele or Ethel. Train leaves
Brunets at 2 o'clock.
Court Woodbine 0. 0. F., Oranbrook,
will be represented at the High Court
next week by John MaNabb, meeting
will be held at Toronto.
Reo. D. B. MoRae preached at While.
oburoh and Langeide last Friday in eon -
notion with the preparatory Communion
eerviaee of the Presbyterian ohnrohee of
Whiteoharob obarge.
Leet Sabbath afternoon Eli Smith was
the preacher in the Metbodieb churcb
here in the absence of the /minor who
was attending Conference. Mr. Smith
gave a good diseonree.
The annual Farmers' Excursion to the
Model Farm at Guelph is being talked
over owing to the distribution of bills
20113 inebwill be the date.
Quite a number from
this locality will
patronize it.
David McNair left for Obiaago this
week where he will fill 'a poeition
for a few months with the
Armour o. His removal
C willtake a
first -elan half back h from
r h eIntermediate
Foot Ball team at farneeels.
Word was received here Monday morn•
ing of the decease of Mre. Wm. Duncan,
of Clinton, a eieter-in-law to A. McNair,
of 0ranbrook, and mother to Mre. Neil'
McNair, of thie township. Heart failure
watt the Ranee of her demise, whioh took
plane early Sunday morning. The
tuoeral was on Tuesday afternoon at
Jena 20th is the date of the Farmers'
Excursion to the Model Farm.
The members of the Sone of Temper•
anoe here are arranging for a picnic on
Saturday afternoon of this Week.
The High Court of the 0. 0, F. will
meet in Toronto next week. Geo. Imlay
will be the delegate from Court Ethel.
Ha'e an old band at the busiueee,
Last Bnbbabh evening the pulpit of the
Metbodiet church was occupied by Robt.
Pearson, a divinity etudent, who is now
home from College. He gave a good
The Methodist Epworth League ie
going to have a Lawn Sooial on the
church lawn on ,lune 10th. Min Good-
win, a graduate of Aima Ladies' College,
St. Thomas ie to take part.
Doting the pact week Geo. Dunbar and
bride, ot Sandridge, were spending part
of their bridal holiday with the Dunbar
and Laing families of Ethel and locality
and receiving hearty oongratutatione over
their hymeneal step.
SENT EP s001 TRIAL.—Monday about I
0'016011a silver watch was taken from
the vest pooket of J. W. Pollard, banging
up in hie btaokamith shop. Suspicion
pointed to a youth named Jas, Oliver
Carson, 16 yearn of age, ae the pelierer.
On being ebarpiy interrogated he es.
knowledged the theft and said he lead
told the timepiece to a farmer near by
for $1.00 and intended using the money
to go to Kincardine. On visiting the
party named, a000mpanied by the our.
prat, the watole wag neared although in a
somewhat damaged oonditien owing to a
fall it 0ngtained, Carson Was brought
before W. 0. Auk, 3, P„ Brnesele, Mon.
day evening and plead guilty and wag
committed to Gederioh to appear before
the Judge. Constable Long convoyed
biro to the County town on Tuesday. Ae
this ie not the fleet attempt ot the youth
to take what did not belong to him It
may be a kindueaa to him for the reel of
hie life to cheek him in hie foollehneee.
Canon appears to be an innocent aoting
parson, who evidently hae had a good
deal of freedom given him sad with pro•
per restraint might develop into a nodal
man. We hope this will be the case but
he will have to mend hie ways. Hie
patents are keeping a boarding hoose Aur
a ditching gang.
VV sal Luxe.
The Ladies' Aid of Daff'e Ohuroh,
Watton, intend holding their annual
Garden Party on the Manse gronnde on
Friday evening June 24th, Tea will he
served from six to eight o'olook, A
suitable and interesting program is being
prepared and the Brunetti Baud will be
in attendanos.
Leet Monday while assisting in suing.
ling a barn on the farm of Joseph
Bennett, near here, Hugh Ramsay, a well
known young farmer ofithe 17th Coo,,
had the miafortnue t0 fall to the ground
a distance of 20 fast, He alighted on hie
feet and was badly ebaken up altheagb no
bones were broken, Mr. Ramsay was
taken to hie home and ie making ae good
progress ae could be expected and hie
many friende hope be will Boon be as
spry as eyer.
Foot Ball Matches.
1NTEBtXnrnATn, 1y1Nd0Aet VB. BRUSSELe,
Despite the downpour of rain on
Thursday of last week the Wingbam
intermediate Foot Ball team drove to
town and au the evening turned out fine
an,(ntereeting and well fought out game
was played. The vieitore played on the
defence throughout, namely a shot
reaching the Brueeele goal keeper, but
Rash between the flags and Wheeler and
Mitchell defending offered a rook like
opposition to the asea,lte by the home
team and although many attempts were
made the game concluded without the
scoring of a goal by either aide. Owing
to the slippery nature of the grave from
the rein and the wet bail firer-olaee ball
was out the question but both teams put
forth their bast efforts to win. Neither
olobe were playing their full regular
eleven. D. MaLaoohlin refereed the
match and hie deoieione were aaoepted
without objeotioo. The result of this
game did not affeot the championship of
this district no matter how it went ae
Brunets had the lead in every event
having wen all the league games they
played. Following was the line up :—
BnneemLe Wiseman
Robinson 1
McRae f
1 Wheeler
1 Mitchell
tBmoke -{ Bargees
l Bennett
Forwards Mitchell
Brussels intermediates are pitted against
Mildmay winners of the Bruce diotriot
and home matohee will be played and ae
goals will Hanot soma lively playing is on
dealt. Mildmay and Brneeela were
opponente last year and our boys were
the Motors and we hope the same good
fortune may emile upon them. They
have no trdling proposition to deal witb
however when they meet Mildmay ae
they are an A 1 team and fn good fettle.
They go to Mildmay on Monday next.
The return game will be played hare ou
Friday 17th inst.
TDNIa100, DRD00000 VS. WINmI10L
Brussels Juniors drove to
a Wiug ham ou
Taeaday afternoon to play the return
match ioroe No. 1,of the Huron
g p
Dietriat, and met defeat at the hands of
the home team by I-0, leaving Wingbam
and Brussels a tie on the roiled. The
Brunie team went on the field 16 pounds
to the good while Wingham was 3 pounds
aver andtheplayers,
had to leave their
pada till half time. At 7.15 Referee
Robinson got the ball placed etndrthe
game began. It did not take very long to
see that the spectators were trying to play
aha game instead of the players, while the
oalle of "kink the man, never mind the
ball" could be heard all over the field.
Alter 20 minutee play Wingham tried to
mime on a foal kick and MoGillvray
wanting to make erre used hie hands to
help the ball along, a foul was olaimed
and the ball was soon out of danger.
The first half ended with Brussels having
a little advantage of the game. The
eeoond halt opened. up wi
Eh it rash ou
Win ham oathe
nrel "
goodstyle.The Wighamparte'
began to nee language that was beautiful,
but we will not print it this time. E.
Moore, the manager, took it into Ws head
that be might be able to trim the referee
but he failed to connect, Some of the
eo smiled "sports" ougbb to be tied up
when any game is on ae they ruin the
sport rather than build it up, Wingham
Started to rash matters, end were for a
time atoned the Brunie goal and lost
some good chances by the crowd being an'
the field, At Boma atagee of the game
the Bruasele goallteeper was lout to
view by the, orowd of "rooters" that were
around bim. Witb ten minutes to play
Ansley made a niers aide shotinto the
oorner of the goal which gave Wingham
thele goal, the last few minutes the play
Was down in centre when the game wag
Walled, The teams lined op as follows
1liDSBELe WIN08Ati.
Kerr Goal Robinson
Lindsey ..... .,..I Bane {'.•••• •••,•."...Bull
Brown ..,,,. f Doane
Cardiff', iMitoholl
Smith 1 Backe it •,,.MSLood
LiEtlo Smith
heat Ansley�
.to Pbrwards MoGii rnYM0Lood F1am ngMiller
Art, Robinson was referee and gave
0 -definition to the players but to the
apes/Were he watt a little "out" bat who
caret fele just Wingham'e style, every
person bag their fautte, W. Cameron
and W. Burgeee were field oapteiae for
Brueeele and Wingham teams reepeetive•
ly. The two managers mild not agree
on a piece to play off the tie, Wingham
svantod Blyth and Brueaole wanted to go
bo Wroxeter, and it watt decided to let Me
W. F, A. Committee to decide where the
game ie to be played. Wabob out for day
and date for a fact game will be playact ae
both teams are out to win,
East Huron Farmers' lntetltute,
The entree' meeting at Beet Huron
Farmers' Institute was held in the Oonu'
ell Chamber, Bruaeo)s, au Tnseday after.
noon of this week, Thou. lcbcMillan,
Preeident, 000uplsd the chair. Minutest
of last meeting read and passed ou
motion of Moore. Smiley and Watt.
$esretary Hood read a voluminous) re•
port wearing the worlt of the past year.
10 eopplementary meetings were held
last November, and two regular meetinge
at Brussels and Gorrie. Membetebip
for this institute are 850, Ou motion of
Meseta, Kerr and Molaggart, the report
was adopted.
Preeident McMillan gave an interest-
ing report of the Breeder's Aeeooiatlon
held at Ottawa last Winter. A circular
letter was read from G. A, Putnam,
Supt., of Farmers' Iuetitubes.
Anditore'report was read showing the
re00ipte to be 11480 42 and the Expendi-
tures $279 54, leaving balances of $180,88.
Moved by Messrs. Simpson and Gibson
that report be adopted. Carried,
Regular meetings of the Institute will
be bald at Brussels and Wroxeter.
Ouggestione for supplementary meetings,
were Bluevale, Fordwioh, Molesworth,
Ethel, Harlook, Grieva'a and Bt.
Election of Direotora took piece as
follows Preeident, Thos. MaMilran ;
Vine Poe., Jae. Elliott ; Howiolt-R.
Edgar, Time. Gibson and Jae. Arm.
strong ; Wroxeter—I. A. Gibson, W.
Knox, and A, Munroe ,; Turnberry-J.
Kirton, J. Elliott, and ii„ Miller ; Grey--
rey—`Jae. McTaggart, Arno Smith, and W.
Perris ; Morrie—Wet. Miohie, S.
Smillie, and Geo. Jackson ; Broosele—
Geo. Thomson, W. H. 141oraoken, and
W. H. Kerr ; MaKiilop—Jae. Simpson,
P. O. Kerr, and Jae. Evans ; Hallett—
Thee, McMillan, Jae, Watt, and Wm.
George Hood was re-elsoted as Sears•
tary-Traaoarer. Auditors, Jno. Clegg.
and S. Jordan.
Meeting sojourned Mita euggestiou0
were offered as to points in whioh
whioh institute work could be improved
for the time t0 come.
Supplementary meetings will be held
in February one uutoide speaker to be
asked for.
The Treaoerer was instructed to remit
the sum of $5 for aliiliation with the
Winter Fair at Guelph.
CHUItOtf Citliltli.
A bee was arranged last Tuesday for
levelling up and improving the lawn in
front of St. John's obarah.
Next Sabbath H. W. Avieon will
oaonpy the pulpit of Brussels Methodist
°bomb morning mud evening.
Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will preaab
in Mellveinsahurob ou Saturday afternoon
at 2 80 O'olook, preparatory to the Ooen•
amnion eervioee ou Sabbath which will
be oonduabed by the pastor. On Monday
at 10 30 a. m., Rev. A, MacNab, 114, A.,
Walton, wilt preach,
13. W. Avisoo supplied the Harrieton
Methodist (Mural] pulpit last Sabbath
owing bu the abaenoe of hie father, who
woe attending the animal Couferenoe at
Guelph, Mr. Avieon will anter the
Methodist ministry next month and will
be looted on the Alma circuit, whioh
lies Weet of Fergus. We believe he will
s,9 evening of thisweek a publics
'service VMS held be school room
a a ) i o om ofth e
Methndiet (Murrill in the intereete of the
Forward Movement for Miesioue. Rev.
J. E. Hunter, who bee been. engaged by
the Executive of the Dietriet Epworth
League to oampaigu the Dietriot, gave a
fine address, inn of encouragement and
Tactical helpful biota. Preeident
practical, p
.Pie ld rat
Salter occupied the oheir.
At the monthly Missionary Servide in
the Metbodiet Sabbath Sohool last Bun,
day in addition to the Leeson for the day
Mies finial Scott .gave an iutereating
account of Japan ; Mies Josie Stoneman
presented a fine paper on the past re-
Ijr'one of the island Kingdom ; Milton
p rendered a eofo in good vein and
10.11 L. Benton gave a abort address aou-
rauding with a recitation, The oolleo-
tion was $5.45.
In reaponns to the copy of the remota.
tion passed at the Lord's Day Alliance
mee in held in Melville oburob Bru -
t g, , e
eels, Wednesday evening of last week
oonoernin the objeotioo to Sunday train
traffic, W. H. Kerr, the Secretary,
reamed the following note on Saturday
from General Manager Hap, of Montt -
teal, whioh speaks for itself ;—"DOARSIs,.
—I have your letter of the 2nd inst.,
togetber with a oopy of resolution passed
at a public meeting held at Brueeele on
Jude let, with referencia to the operation
of treighb truing oe Sunday, and will
have the matter enquired into at ono.
Yours Truly, Oho, Al. Hays, S000nd
Vice Pres. and General Manager."
Last Sabbath K. J. Beaton, of White-
°borob, took °barge of the eervioee in
Brueeele Methodist church and did 11
Well. He Oboes "The dieeiples were
stalled Ohritiaue first ab Autiooh" from
Willett a fine dieeonbee was evolved.
"The relation of the Epworlh League to
the evangelization of the world,, twee, the
Wide reaching theme in the evening When
the speaker demonstrated to a ,large
aadienoe Ms importance of youththe
great work to be done and the entllna..
team wbioh should oharaotetize
efforts, It was en inspiration, intbreo-
bive d interesting
address. Mk. Beaton
ileo a oke in Sabbath So col and the
Epworth League. Although only reaolt-
bis maturity he paueesees the ability of
diedaeein reatfemme and has a good
oommao6 of- Immune and a Vetoing
delivery. Ii•a ie the enthdeinabio Fuel.
dent of the Ynnng Peo�pll�a'e Sootety of the
MOlbbdiet Oberon in Wingham Diebrlob
and if lifeand health ale spared he
ebould000apy prominent pleeee in the
miniebry into 1vh00e ratite he will anter
probably next year. Mr, Beaton will be
tveloonlod heels to Btuoselo,