HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-2, Page 8GOODS IN SEASON HELLEBORE INSECT POWDER COPPERr1 S BLUE STONE PILBIS GREEN CHLORIDE OF LIME C.1.MPHOR .NOTA BILLS WE HAVE THEM AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. l�. R. .:,.T DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Kam' gam Puts, A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll plant to JUNE. A court T your wool in Brussels. 50 oENre gets THE POST to tannery. Go, Coouon opens next Tuesday at Goderioh• Sae= Beam will meet on Friday evening of next week. COUNCIL meeting and Court of Revision in Emanate on Monday evening next. A Now safe of moat modern equipment has been placed in the vault at the Standard Bank in thie place this week. A GOOD job wee done in scraping the mod off Maio street and battling it away. We have a floe front street and it is kept in gond shape too. THE lightning lash Friday was very sharp. It struck the °entre pole in the "Palace" on the Agricultural Park but no serious damage was done. BARRISTER SINCLAIR heti had the tense removed from the front of his comfort• able reeidenoe and an evergreen hedge substituted whioh makes quite an improvemenb. FALL FIR. -A joint meeting of the Fall Fair Directors in oonnaetion with East Huron Fair is called for Saturday, 18th bete at 2 o'clock. All directors are asked to attend as business of importance has to be traueaoted, HYnrENEAL,-John Thomas Carter and Miss Mary Ellen Pratt, both of Blyth, were united in the holy bonds of meal. many at the Methodist Parsonage, Bros - tele, on Monday afternoon of this week by Rev. T. Wesley Covens. May their joys be many. TUESDAY afternoon of next week the annual meeting of the Eaet Huron Farmers' Inetitate will be bald in the Town Bali, Brueeele. Election of offi• acre, receiving reports, arranging for next aeries of meeting, and dieouesing the objects and aims of the Inetitate will be the bnelneee. Thos. McMillen is the President and Geo, Hood the Secre- tary. LAST week Milton McGuire, eldest eon ot Arthur McGuire, of Bennett, who has been getting the finitonohee in one of Toronto's beet studios, purohaeed a business in Campbellford end will take possession in the Doming Fall. Hie old time friends here will be pleased to hear of Ute rapid climbing of the ladder called Sanas. Brueeele boys are generally able to paddle their own canoe and we expeot Milton will be no exoeption to the rum. Lamy =n PEnxoos -Following is the list of licensed pedlars for Huron on May 18 :-Louie Raahkopaki, J. E. Hartwell. laugh Conolly, Won. Henry Hele, Wm, G°vier, Alex. Roe, Alex. Monro, W. K, Whaley, W, J, Miller, Geo. Beatty, Anthony MoDonald, Jas• Fitzsimmons, Jas. Haran, Walter Steele, Tboe. Langan, Robt. Shaw, W. J. McCracken, Elwin Munro, Wm. Baehfield, Se E. Frey, G. F. McPhee, Fred, Goeeman, Fred. Mor• gen, Jae. B, Innes, D. O'Gorman, W. J. Powell. TUESDAY evening D. D. G. M. Hubobin- son, of Fordwiob, paid hie offline] visit to St. John's Maeonio Lodge in Brueeele, At the close of the lodge prooeedinge an adjournment was made to the Central Hotel where a most exoelloht supper wae served. A number of visitors were pre,• ant from neighboring lodges and a very enjoyable time was spent. A short pro. gram of 8peeohee waa in order, D. D. G. 197. Hatohineon, Reeve Wilton and Co. Conntillor Millar taking part. About 40 were in attendance. ASTER being (dosed for a long time, the Palmerston pork factory has now been put into operation again, with the best of proepeote for carrying on a summate! business. The new proprietors, Masers. O'Mara, are so strong floanoielly, and Bo well in =oh with the British trade, that the =ass of the bnsines3 Name aeeared. Joseph O'Mara le now in oharge of the baeineee here, Mr. Falconer remaining ae chief aaeietant. Killing and curing bee been Started, but the staff of men le still iusttfiioient to run the plant to iia fall eapaoity. For a etarter the factory is paying $4 75 for bogs Made week, quite a bit above the loom market prioe,- Palmermton Spectator, GONE To WALEERrON.-Wednesday afternoon of tide week Jno. Milbaneen, who very agreeably sad manfully filled the position of G. T, R. station agent here fat the past 15 menthe, re- moved 90 Walkerton being promoted by the Company. •Mr. klilhaneen filled the bill to a sleety and the people of this community regret hie departure but With . him 6008888. He wag a veined ba0tee in the Methodist obarob choir and Mre, Milhaueen also lent her aeeiebence 00 a 8Oprann and both will be greatly mie8ed, As to who Mr. Milhansen'e miaoeed& will be we have not heard but we would like 10 state for the beeefib of the Co, that Brussels emote as good .a man as we have been favored with id one lest agent and lie predea3eeoe. A bank camber ie het good here. Tnt9 P1950 wi6hee Itis, and Mre. Milhouaen pros. parity in their new home and we hope the Walkerton people will treat them ae well fee they (legatee, Relieving agent Iiinton is supplying at Beuaaeia in the mean. time, fib BRUSSELS Voiuntere will leave by special train for Damp at Landau next Tuesday morning. There are still vaoan. alae if persons not already enrolled ere desiroaa of attending. ADAM BOILERS will likely take the plane of weighmaster and storehouse man at A. Baeker'e store house at the G. T. B. aa enooeseor to Jno.Wright, who will engage in other employment. Hem You A PLOT IN THE OEtIETERY ?- If eo the caretaker, R, Dark is prepared to fix it up for yon and will attend to it in first elan manner at a small coat for the season. He may be found ab his home or at the cemetery eaob Friday. t; ANNUAL Farmers' Excursion to the Model Perm, one of the prettiest and Most interesting epote, will be run from Kincardine along the W. G. & B., on Monde -y, June 20. Speoiat amnion train both going and returning. Tickets good to return by any regular train on Tuesday. A big crowd is expeoted, 0. E. JAaasoe has taken a position in the blaokemithing shop of D. Ewan & Go•, Brussels, and by title arrangement Mr. Ewan will be enabled to devote more time to the matter of pushing sales of bnggiee, &a. By this taro of affairs Mr. Jaokeon and family, who contemplated removal, will continue to reside here. PvaLio LIEnAaY,-The Sommer home at Brussels: Pnblio Library name into ef. feet on June let and will be ae follows Tuseday, Thursday and Saturday from 2.30 to 5 p. m. and on the evenings of Tuesday and Saturday from 7 to 9 o'clock. The publio should make a note of the ohange and govern themselves according- ly. The following is the standing of the three Intermediate teams in the Haron Dietriot :- Brunie won 3 lost 0 to play 1 Wingham " 1 't 2 " 1 Seaforth " 1 " 3 " 0 The last game will be played on Victoria Park this evening (Thursday) at 6.15, Wingham vs. Brunie, THm Bterroptioon entertainment an• nuanced for last Thnreday evening did not oome off ae Rev. Mr. Conpland, who wee to 000duot the proceedings, was no. able to get here owing to the funeral of a prominent member of one of his con. gregatious on the afternoon of that day. A date will be arranged later of which full announcement will be made in doe 000r66, Tale week J. L, Lambett commenced with H. R. Brewer, photographer, in acquiring the happy art of securing the shadow before the Substance fades. Ernest Miller, who hae been with Mr. Brewer, will take oharge of the gallery at Blyth, as T. B. McArter has decided to remove to Manitoba. Mr. Miller is quite profioient in the busioeee and will do his beet to please the publio, EARLY OLbaINa,-By agreement be. tween the business people of Breath] the various etoree and ebopa wilt close each evening at 7 o'olook excepting on Bator. days, end evenings preceding holidays, during the Summar mouths, oommenoing Monday next, 6th inst. The publio are asked to kindly govern themselves ao. oordiegly and help those intereeted to parry out the agreement, LAST Monday evening was the date set for the appearnn0e of Eloontioniet Can• kiln, ot New York, at the Town Hall, Bruseele, under the auepioes of the focal Bowlers' Association. Mr. Conklin was there all right and did hie part most excellently but the andienae was of the slim order. The eloentionist de well worth hearing but will not amuse math wealth by Monday evening'a financial proceeds. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINoe,--The following is a net of Womeo'e Institute Meetings to be held in Huron county during Jane. Speakers and Snbjeo9e•- MISS Bella Millar, Guelph, "Some Prao. tionl Hints on dome Nursing and Timer. gentile." (illuetrated) "Women's In- stitates 1 Past, Present and Future," "Gleanings from Bonne-oleaaiog," 1'A Pound of Better," "The Farm End of the Dairy Bannon." Mies Jessie Hills, 11 Spender avenue, Toronto, "Talks on Food" (with demonstrations,) "Invalid Cookery," "Mieooneeption of Dementia Soienoe," "Aims and Objects of Women's Inetitutee," "Praotioal Hygiene." ,Ex. etet, South Huron, Jane 2 ; Bayfield, South Huron, June 3 • Bluevale, Eaet Heron, June 4 ; Ethel, East Huron, June 6; Molesworth, East Huron, June 7 ; Fordwiob, East Huron, June 8 ; Gerrie, Eaet Huron, Jane 9 ; Wingham, Weal Huron, Chisholm'e Hatt, June 10 1 Blyth, West Horeb, Opera House, Pone 11 ; Clinton, West Heron, Council Cham. bar, June 13 i Goderioh, West Pluton, June 14, A BIM= Smoot son NATvke 000oL,- The Macdonald Institute al the Ontario Agrieulturnl College, Guelph, will provide a Summer Sohoo] for teachers during the owning vacation, The team will extend Prem jai), 59h to July 29th inclusive, and the work will consist of practical Nature Study, imitable fox onr publio eoboole. The 0180960 will be ander the direction of Dr. W. H. Muldrew, of the Maodonaid Ibetftutt, and Professor William Loeb - head f the Bf 1 i g Department in the Odal o a a ntario Agrioultaral College, anoint. ed by teachers of spacial fitneee in the various eubjeote of the 0oareo, '1heMao. donatd Institute is situated on the grounds of the Ontario Agtleultarel College about one mile from the pity of Guelph and 10 teethed by the eleotrio eeeee till I"t IU B i pli L o Standard Bank of Canada 7dfST.A. Z 013IMI17.1 1073 ASSETS - OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS A (Gonareel Uanki o ' I3u18iximeeta '-ei etxxetrtrted - SAVINGS BANKfr -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OP DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. 5.003030 INTEREST is added to 80000090 every eix menthe and heoo"mea principal, -MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Depoaits without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for whioh no oharge ie made. YOUR RUMNESS will receive onr careful and aourheoua attention. A, 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. ase.. street railway. The course will be thoroughly praobioal, involving daily ex- cursione,lectures and laboratory work, the preparation of Nature Study collo. Hone and coarsen of reading in illustra- tion of the aubjeute dieouseed. A leaflet giving faller 10808ma91ou may be had by applioation to Dr, W. H. Muldrew, Dean of the Institute. To MISTER GaootN,-Oh ! Grogan, Grogan, why did yez iver think ov goin' to Tnrnntay where Kite faits Irish pin will make yez feel sorry that yes iver lift Sayforth en thim Parlianein9ery min in the Quoin City will make mint 01 yez, when they reset Alderman Lamb and there'll be no wan lift to fill your funny graphs, an if maybep won moight appear like a ehootin "Star" there'll be no gaill for him to write with for the Sayforth Soot (t) wilt hae the Either in hie cap, "STANLEY" Goderich Ontario, May 1904. - Business Locals. A quantity of manure for axle. Apply to JNo. OoteR, Wehrle -Wool -We are paying 380. to 22o., ae to quality. GED. E. Knee, Wingham. PASTURE for a number of eteere. Apply to Taos. Mamie, Bengali]. We/um-Car of Butter, 350 Tubs, by June 10, Eggs 16a Trade, 140 oath. GED. E, Klan, Wingham. OATS found. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. TUE POST Publishing House, Buy your mange( seed from Jae. Bal. lautyne. Tory Red, Yellow Intermed- iate and Balt Sugar Beet -Half Mengel. Firet•rlaee teed. To TUB PvtLIo,-•If you wish to have lawn mowers put in firet•olaoe order you can have same done at a reasonable figure by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brussels. People We Talk About. Miss Preston baa been the guest of the Misses Douglas, Miss Mary Howe wen a visitor at Wroxeter for a few dave. Mre. Backer, of Zwick], is in town visiting Mre, Geo, Backer, Will. Elliott hae been bothered this week with inflammation in one of his syee. Mre. George Muldoon and Mre. Simla ice were visiting relatives at Gowanstown last week. W. W. Burgess, the well kuown Mit- chell artist, is renewing old aoqusiot• anoee in Brueeele, Mies Mary Friendship has been and is still on the aiok list but we hope the will soon be fully restored. Ronald MoNaugbton was a visitor' with his daughter, Mige Maggie, at Kincardine on Taeeday of last week, Mre. E. B. Creighton and Miss Nellie, 01 Hamilton, have arrived in Brussels and will visit relatives and friends. Thee. Roes, of Oheeley, and Robert Rae, of Kinoardine, were visiting their parents in Brussels for a day or two. H. W. Avieon and W. J. Mo0raoken drove over to Harrieton Saturday even, ing and spent Sunday at the farmer's home. Rev. N. S. Bnrwaeh, of Wingham, was in town on Saturday, Doming to eat hie old friend, Rev. R, Paul, who was so ill and hae since died. H. and Mre, Mooney and eon and Mre. Geo, Bhiele and daughter, of Brussels, were visiting with Walton friends the early portion of this week. Postmaster Farrow is in London for e day or so attending a convention of poet. matters and will ale° take a look in on the Methodist Conference in anion in that oily, Mre. MOOCae and daughter, of Durham, Mies Minnie Come, of Trowbridge, and Mies Allis Dundee, of McKillop, were visitors at the Methodist Parsonage dui• ing the peel week. Mre. Robert Denbow and ohildren (eft Brueeele on Taeeday for Manitoba to join husband and tether who went Wear a short time ego. They purpose making Emit home there. Mre, (Rev.) F, Swann, of Bluevale, was e visitor with her slater io•iaw, Mre. Crowe, of Guelph, on Tuesday, who ie the gnat of Mre, Bandon, her sitter, Albert streeb, Brussels. H, Ham and Trueman Smith, of Luck. bow, were in Braesela on Tuesday attend•' Mg the funeral of Rev, R, Paul. Mre. Ham had been here on Friday to pall on the deooaeed gentleman, Mies WihnieMaGnirewae at Wingham last Friday and took part in the Band Concert. Miss Winnie bids fair to attain prominence in cloaca/on and is nob eaaily outdone in appearing before the publio. T. Russell Fletcher, of Chicago, ar. rived home last Saturday evening for a month's vaoa9ion. He hae a fine position in the Western metropolis in coonection with one ot the large Ineureuoe Com. paniee. Mr. Fletcher has event the peat 8 vitae in Chicago. Among the relatives and friends from a distance who attenders Rev. R. Paai'9 fugue] were W, J. Gordon, 0f Orangeville, J. W. Gordon, Mre. Varooe and Mise 61. M, Gordon, of Laurel, brothers and sisters to Mre, Pani ; and Jae. Peak, an old friend, of Meant Forest, Mre, A. McGuire was at Chatham Met week attending the Triennial Provincial Convention of the Alaooabee Order, She la a greatly interested worker in the dive and presided for a portion of the time at the Chatham gathering, Samuel Carter, of town, represented the Sib Knights of Nd, 24, 83090018, le R. and Mra. Leatherdale oatled on Gerrie relatives dnriog the pant week. The Luoknow Sentinel of last week in speaking of the Vioboria Day Colmart says : Regioald Fletcher, of Brussels, baritone, made his firat appearance very acceptably in two numbers and was heartily applauded. Local talent Dom• pleted the program. Mrs. R. W. Mathe- son (formerly Miee Lida Crooke, of Braenele) Bang two solos "The Devoted Apple" and "Rory Darling" and as en- cores "Apple Blossoms"; and "Bonnie Prince Charlie". It was only her second public appearance here and all her num• bare were heartily received. • Woman's Missionary Society. The Wc'man'e Missionary Society, of the Wingham Dietriot, held its annual convention iu the Methodist Charoh, Kincardine, on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24th and 25th. The first session opened on Tuesday at 2 30 p. m. with mingiag "The morning light ie breaking," and prayer offered by Mre, (Rev,) Vanoe, Dietriot Organizer. Mre, (Dr,) Gandy ooadnated the Bible Reading from Epheeians yah chapter. Singing "All for Seem," after which Mre. (Rev.) Cunningham led in prayer. Singing, "More love to Thee 0 Christ." The minutes of last year were read and adopted. Mien Sarah Raw was regaeeted to not as Seoty•Treoeurer for another year. An address of Welcome, led by Mrs, Ounniogbam, aoneieting of texts of Sorip tura very appropriate to the occasion, wan given by several members of the Kincardine Auxiliary, to which Mre. Sperling, of Whiteohuroh, responded, showing the oloee relationship existing between the auxiliaries in Miselooary work and their individual reeponeibility. The represeotativee of sister eooietiee were then received by the Ooavention. The Presbyterian W. F. M. 8. was re- presented by Mrs. MaOoomb, and the Ohnrah of England auxiliary of the W. A, XL A. by Plias Peters. A very interesting map exercise ou Chinese Miseiooe was oonduoted by Mre. (Dr) Spenee, of Luoknow, Singing, by the Kinoardine Junior League, Mies Ida Silken, missionary on fur. lough front Japan, was then introduced to the Convention. She gave a very in - ending and intereetiog map exeroiee on that 000atry. In Kofu there are only three ladies of the W, M. S. They are doing a noble work there. klieg Sifton was etatinned at Kanazawa, The workers there are ao few that thous. ands are dependent on that one station for guy light they may reoeive. The people from neighboring towae and vitt. ages amine many miles to hear something of the "New Religion.' The Serbia Bellamy Orphanage situated at Kan- azawa was organized and built, by a little band of workers at Moose Jaw N. W. T. This year they are going to try to support the abiidren of that home. Plisses Battery and Woode Bang a duet, entitled "At Jeans' feet," in a very ao oeptable style. Mre. (Rev.) A, E. Jones, of Belgrave, gave a very fine paper on "Syetematia Giving." The lack of means is the only obetaole in the way of Miseione. The work is waiting, the workers ready but means to send them is lacking, We need mote Missionary sermons to awoken the people, to feel their responsibility ae etewerde. The young should be taught to give syetematioally and proportionate. ly, at well as to pray and testify. The roil was then nailed, eleven auxiliaries reepotding with their reports, after whioh the first session of the Oon. vention was brought to a oloeo. The opening exer0ieee in the evening were oonduoted by the Rev, Jos, Philp, 8, D. After singing"All hail the power of Jeana' name" prayer wan offered by Rev. Joseph Holmen, Gerrie, at the oloee of which, Mies Gummaer, of New York, Bang a solo,"My sin COttnerls," while all heads remained bowed, Rev, D, Rogom, Chairman of the Dietriot, presided over the meeting. Miss Gummas r of Kincardine, , and ae, Sang a veru fine solo, which was well received. K. J. Beatao, of Whibeohurob, reoited in grapbio etyle "The heathen woman's Prayer." The epeaket of the evening, ) Mitt' Sifton, again delighted her attaien% with an enthusiastic address on Japan, The great need of Japan today is not oivilizatiodbut Christianity. It ie only forty yeare since the fleet Protestant entered Japan and the workers are so few that there are 118,010 beathen to eaob missionary. It ie a great inspir- ation to the worker to know that his people in the homeland are bearing him eip in prayer. One of the hardest gasetions the speaker has had to answer de the cry of the people "Why did yon not acme Bonner?" Tho only reply abs can make ie, that the people in the home. lend do not feel that they are responsible for those in darkness. In the city where the epeaker laboured there were 480 heathen ohrinee and temples, the people bowing daily before these, show their hunger for Something they have not and they are groping after God. The speaker appealed to her )tearors to make same esorifioe in order to help satiety this hanger, Mise Gatnteaer, of New York, delighted the sudienoe as she rendered the solo "Abide with 1118." A reoltation entitled "Petohwork" wan given by Mies Eleanor Philp in a moat plaaeing style, Dr. Gandy, of Wingham, then gave a short addreee, tIe aid the W, ill, B, ra.,.y..ty. geeeeeeeMitimunia ETROPOLITMI .� 0"19I"AL-paid up ;fs1,000,000 31;80 IVL FM) ;$1,000,000 REV, l9, R. WARDEN, D, D., nlreclOrN S, J, 810011E, President. Vloo-President. 0800, BRADMBAN, ETA, Die n0N011 AIR, w. MOoTIMER CLARE, 8,0, D.19, 00001800, E. 8, HEAL? OP'PIOE - TORONTO W, D.11088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TTt,ANSAfJTED, Drefte Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Dieoonnted, ffaxi es. Dame ,71EF'te hies r Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mime of e1 and upwards .13Reasseatze MUNCH A. E. MELLISH, Manager. was at first looked upon with eaepiaion, as ib Ina thought it would iuterfere with the work of the General Society, bat ib ham resulted in the fonds of that Society being more thin doubled, bootee of the W. M. S. The General Society hold an annual meeting, but the W. M. S. are always at it, making use of all the little things to help to increase the .Linde and best of all they are educating the young for Missions. What ie lifting Japan to- day ? She sees that religion is behind all the power of other Christian Nations and the wants that great power. The Kincardine choir then sang an anthem "The Lord is King," while the oolleotion was being taken. Mies Gammaer, of New York, waa re. quested to sing "Rook of Ages" whioh wae produced with great effect. The evening meeting was brought to a oloee by singing the National Authem. Wednesday morning's eeeeion was open. ed by the Ashfield auxiliary, who con- ducted a model meeting. K. 3, Beaton then indrodaoed the Summer School project to the Conven• tion and invited the W. M. 5, to send repra0entativee to it. Mee, (Rev.) Cunningham, of Einem, dine, was chosen ae representative to the Summer Sohcol• Mrs. (Rev.) Vance, of Bervie, was un- animously selected Dietriot Oegaoi zer for the coming year. A paper entitled "Thoughts on District!) Work" wan read by Mise Rae Armstrong, of Kinloss. The writer emphasized the need of keeping in touch with t13e work of all the auxiliaries in the Dietriot. Mre. Cunningham discussed the advisability of changing the time of the annual Dietriot Convention, A reeolu• tion was pearled that we hold our Con• vention after the Branoh meeting, in Ootober. A memorial to that effect to be Bent to the Branoh meeting. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted. ' Tbia Convention was brought to a close by singing "Bleat be the tie that binds," and Benediotion pronounced by Mrs. (Rev.) Cunningham. SARAN Raw, Dietriot Salty. East Huron Liberals. The annual meeting of the Liberal Aseooiation of the Riding of Beet Huron was held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on ',Cneeday afternoon of this week, with Preeident, R. N. Daff, in the chair. After appropriate introdaotory remarks the minutes of last meeting were confirm- ed by motion of J. R. Miller and Thoe. McMillan. J. Leckie, R, Miller and Jae. Elliott were appointed a committee on resolutions. The Treasurer's report was read and adopted. In referent's to change of date for holding annual meet• ing, proposed a year ago, the matter yeas referred to the Executive. No notion was taken as to amending clause 9 of the By•Lawe The offioe bearore elected are as fol. lows :-President, R. N. Duff ; l't Viae, W. M. Sinclair ; and Vioe, M, Murdie ; Beo.•Treae„ W. H. Kerr : Auditor, W. M. Sinolair, Chairmen of Mnnioipeli. ties : - Rowlett, Alex, MaLaugblio ; Wroxeter, W. M. Robinson ; Turnlrerry, Alex, Kelly ; Grey, V. Foereter ; Morrie, Wm. Elaton r Btuesele, J. D Warwick; Wingham, Richard Clegg ; East Wawa - nab, J. T. Corrie ; Blyth, Wm. Camp. bell ; Hullett, Thoe, McMillan ; Mo- Killop, John McDowell. Short, epioy addreaoee were given by Thos. Sanchez, Thos,°Millan, A. Hislop, M. P. P., Bon. DE. MacDonald and Mr. Mandl, the eloquent French- Canadian M. P., for Boneventnre, Que. beo, on the leading issues of the day. The following r00olntione were an• anim0nely adopted :- Moved by Jae. Turnbull, aeoonded by Robert Harris that this convention has great pleasure in expressing its 0o0tinned nonfidenoe in the Hon. G. W, Rose, Premier of this Province, and 0o0gratn• late him and his enpportete in oatryiog through at their late session of Pattie, meat, in the face of the most bitter op. pdsitioo, snob legio)ation ae is likely to be far•reaohing in beneficial results to thie country. Moved by Wm. Iebis9er, eeoonded by John T. Corrie that we, the Liberate of East Huron in annual Convention as eembled, do hereby expreee Dor ooatinued oonfidenoe in onr able and reepeeted leader in the Dominion Parliament, Sir W(Ifrid Laurier, and hie very efficient Cabinet, and oongratulete them on boiog able at the present seasion t° carry through the Grand Trunk Paoifio bili, whittle le likely to prove eo great a boon to the country, both from a national end commercial point of view, and we trust they may long he spared to 000duot the poiitioal uffalre of this great Dominion, Convention °onolnded with oheere for the King, the members for Eaet Huron and Mr, Marcell, In the evening a publio meeting was held at whioh J. Leckie, preeidod. After a flee inelrumentel duet by Mies Jean MoLaaohiin and W. A. Grower, Mr. Mar• oil was nailed upon and [Mowed at length that the Liberal Government was one of deeds rather than worth] in giving wile and progreeeivo legielatare ; in Glean, Milanese methods in adminiebrotion end in the broad and hapefnl outlook for the future of Elia young nation. He eon. (eluded 0. fine address by a pat/lotto roferettoe to the feelings and ambitions of the people of Quebec Province in doing their abate to aid do the advancement of Canada. Mr, Mardi ie a often*, pleading epealtea, with good command of the Ebgl(oh language and hie visit to Blue. sola wag greatly enjoyed, Ifo will be welcomed back again. Dr. MacDonald spoke briefly and pointedly on the Grand Trunk Paoifio comparing the two polioiee proposed iu the House and showing the, advantages of the one adopted. The Dr. retains his old time vigor and le always ready to do hie pert in good style, soRxa Bogs, -In Morrie, on May 29th, to Mr. end Mrs. Thos. W. Bone, a eon. BATEtrAN -In Grey, on May 20113, to Mr, and Mre. Henry Bateman, a eon. CARTER -PLATT, -At the Methodist Par- sonage, Brussels, on May 90, by Rev. T. Weeley Cana, Mr, John Thomas Carter to Alia Mary Ellen Pratt, both of Blyth. ezxEp- PeaL -In 1}rueoele, on May 29, Rev. Richard Panl, aged 76 years and 15 days. .._.Y .B.-U'CT OST SAS�n- SATURDAY, JUNE 1101.-Eleotrio Light plant et Wroxeter. Sale at 12 o'clock, at Oarrie'e Hotel, Wroxeter. le, S. Scott, auctioneer, AR YW:inx.,S1..rAR=:e..t.Cs, Fall Wheat Barley Peat Oats Batter, tuba and rolls, Eggs per dozen Ray per ton Flour, per Owt Potatoes par but Apples (per hid.) Salt, per bbl., retell Hoge, Live Wool 90 37 55 20 12 14 6 00 4 00 50 1 00 1 00 5 00 15 92 38 60 30 13 15 7 00 5 00 60 1 25 70 5 00 17 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Lion SALE. -A BRICK COT - Teem on Elizabeth street for sale. Apply at THD POST. • FARM FOR SALE,- BEING 160 Reran, tot 86 and South He11 Lot 96, Oon. 6 Elmo. 140 acres cleared, balance hardwood bush. Large bank barn with straw eked; stabling ander alt. Large break cottage ; pplenty of water, well fenced and ditched. Peasoeelonaat be given any time. Pride 59000. For further particulars apply to JORNN 3, 0011RY, Britton, Ont. 47 tt Fall Fair Directors. A joint meeting of the Directors of Eest Buten and Grey Branoh Agricultural Seale• ties will be held In the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday, June 18, at 2 1'. m„ to revise the Prise List and attend to other matters of business concerning Oho next Fall Fair, &o. A11 interested are asked to attend. JAS. FERGUSON, Preeident, W. H. 3E1319, Beeretary. STOCK FOR SERVICE B0Al2, FOR SERVIOE,-T11B undersigned will keep forservioo,ou Lot 2, 00u. 16,Grey, a thorn' bred Yorkshire boar, Terme, 75o, to be paid at time of aor- viso with privilege of returning if naaes- eary. 30130 8M1TH, 47.0 Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE --THE undereigued will keep for eerida° on Lot 28, 4th .Line, Morrie, the thorn' bred Durham Bull, Jerry" bred if row A. BAB- lop'e est prize bull and a thorn' -bred cow. Terme 81.25, with privilege of returning if necessary. HOST. 0IIRR1E, 40.4 Proprietor, BULL FOR SERVICE.- THE Vmdoreigoeri will keep forService a than. bred Durham bull, on 'he farm ad. joining rueeele. Terme, 91 00 with privi- loge of returning it necessary: 0E0, ROBB,Proprietor. 1JiiNB Vii, 1004 We are now offering some very nice Rem- nants consisting of 4, 6, 8 and 10 Rolls. Very suitable for I'antrys, Closets and small Bed- rooms, and much below regular prices, at Drug Store 'TING OF THE COUNCIL OF J.U.lel THE COUNTY OF HERON.- . The URON.- The 001111011.08 the County of Huron will meet iu the Council Chamber in the Town of (Indexical on Tuesday, the 7911 01 Sano noxa, at 8 o'clock. A11 aeoenutg to come be. fore the Connell must be Plated with the Clerk on or before first day_'of meeting. W, LANE, Clerk, Dated May 28rd,1204.. Notice of Transfer. WALTON HOTEL, 000IOE la hereby given. p0reuant to the regulations In that behalf, that I, the under. signed, have applied fora transfer of the Notal Llosnmo granted to William Blaehlll, and that the said truster will b0 compiled, awl signed to by the Commlestoners after the see •ud publication of this notice, as re- quired by law. Wllf, 90 11GII. Dated at Blyth, Nay 20,1004 40.2 Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Louisa J. Skelton, late of the Village of Broads, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. tice 1e hereby given pursuanttoRevia- „Aliso tatutee of Ontatfo,1807, Ohap,180, Oteyy o78aim0 eglaivot 1130 o tate 03 Loulsa3.81,o. ton,late of the Village of Mussels, In the Comby of min; AT widow, dooaaeed, RIZ died me or shoot the Seventh clay of hOay, 1054 in the City of Toronto, are hereby re- quired to send by poet, prepaid, or to deity. or to A, B. Mne5onald, of the Village of Brussels, in Gbe County of Hann, Solicitor for George Jackson, thenxaouter of the last Will and Testament tot Lorisa J. Skelton deceased, on or before the First day of July,, A, D.1004, their full names, addressee and `claim descriptions and irtlt p their lace of their and tb'e nature 07 their securities (if anti held by 191om, Aud votive iAoued d given that niter aha said last meubto ist date, the said toExecutor will proceed bo distribute Otte aware of the deceased ain0nget tine persona onttiled thereto, navivh rogarfl obey to iv a claims of which uotina shall Wan been given as above 'ego)0(, and he said Executor art not be responsible for the assets, or any Dart there - 00, eo diotrietitad, to any person o1 whose claim voblee shah not have been received at the time of such distribution. A.13. MACDONALD, of the Village of nrueaele, in the county of 'Huron, Solioltor fur the f'Ixeenbon, Dated at Brussels, Nay 25, 1004. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the Count Huron, in the matter of the eats John Ewan, late of the Towneb Grey, in the County of Ht 100x0308, deceased, Notice le hereby given pureuant to Re 0d Statutes of Onta110, 3887, Ohan. 12e, ' 98, that all creditors and °there having eiaima against the estate of .Tobn 13w' 08 the Township of Carey, in the r•• Huron, farmer, deceased, who about the Third day of Match, A. the said Township of Grey, are 1 wilted to send by poet, prepaid, or to A. B. Macdonald. of the Brussels, in the County of Huron, fox Thomas NoFudzean and Andre the Exeou9ors of the Met Will and went of John Ewan, deceased, On or the First day of July, A. D.1904, their pamoe, ate of he and desarend th an particulate of theft• claims and 89910 no, of their senuritis0 (if any) hold by them, And notice le hereby given that after said last mentioned date, the said Exec tare will proceed to distribute the assets o tits deceased amongst the persona entitle( tbereto,havingq regard only to the claims.0 Which notion ehalI have il0en given as above required, and the said Executors v111 1306 b responsible for the Resets, or 0137 part there of, so distributed, to any person of whoa- aolutltom ntime otloeofsnob shall notdlstribnthaveio90n,00 received a A. B. MACDONALD, of the Village of Brussels,in the 0ounty o Huron, Solicitor for the x0outore, Dated at Brussels, May 25,1004. 40.8 WAGONS WHEELBARROWS GO CARTS ROCKING HORSES TOY CARTS DOLLS CARRIAGES BASE BALLS R EpIjjBALLS POST BOO.ST Stook of Wire Wheels for WRgono to supply Ottntomere on hand - Es Li q lee iV