HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-2, Page 5JUN'll 2, 1904 CENTRAL t,�gV�y TRAIN UP i% CHILD And wben'up send hint or her to CENTRAL C'.4; adiga STRATFORD. ONT. 'I'oi'm Wile April 111h, 1904 Two Couxses— Umnmerolal and Shorthand. Saud for U Journal. 0 Manager, L L. a1INTYI;1. i BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER went, P, B, BOOTT, Brusaole, H. MoOBAOKEN— Y 7 • Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Of- fice at Grocery, Tnruhorry street, Brasoels. -1 1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN A. Dans/Glum hae several good Farms for Halo sad to rent, easy terms in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F S. Bb0TT.Brussel T 1ONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000. We have the above amount of ext. Vaso (nude W loan on real estate mortgages at 44 and it per cent. 14ao' terms of re -pay- ment and eo8te of loan moderato. PEOUD0'UUT, 1:JAY3 & BLAIR, Barristers, &o., Godorich, M. MORRISON, Issuer of' Marriage Licenses, WAL.TON, ONT. MISS JEAN NI'LAUCALIN, —TRAOHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 93tTTGSOe2.,M, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' INBnIANO8, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, ✓. LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRM INSURANCE, LOAN AND R10AL (ESTATE AGENT, Moe, over Hut8ley'e Drug Abnro, Nov. and, 1002. 80.3m Brussels. Wellington Mutual fire Ltsnrnnt'o Co., aeTA)1LIna1ED 1840 Ineur0noe taken on the cash and premium note system at°errnnt rotes. 13aforein8ar- Mr elsewhere call cm the under01gned Agent of the Oompany. GEORGE BOG1813B, Brussels. - AUCTIONEERS, 1.1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .11 • ons, will sell for better prices, 10 better men in lose time mud Lose obar0es than any other Auctioneor in East Enron or bo won't charge anything. Bathe and 0r1100s can always be arranged at this 0f1100 or by pommel applioatfan, ROBT. H. GARN1SS i BLURVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Tartu& reasonable. Bales arranged for at the office of Tats PO&T, Brueeole. 0010 VETERINARY. D. WAk1WICIC— J• Honor Gralaace of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- eaees el domeetloa.ted auimttto in a oorepet• n ar attention paid to Veterinary t rye, Patti til tddo,llioe andy. Calle promptly at- tended t0. OfHoe nu tl Iuermary—Eon+ doors North of bridge, Torubelry at., Brnseele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A.B. MAODONALD— Barristor, Solicitor, Notary, blto, b00000800 to G. P. Blair. Oihoo over Stan- dard -Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politau Bask. UT bi. SINOLAI1— i' • Barrister, Solicitor, .0ouveyaneer, Notary Publlo, &a. OMoo-6 towart's Bleak 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pOOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, SOL10ITl1RS, NOTARIES PUBLIC,- Nt10, P1iOtm0O0T, K. O. R. c, HAY& G. Ti. B0Am. tocol—Those formerly oaoupied by Mo80r8 001lle000 &- Holt, GODnarOn, 0110811I0. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M' NAUGHTON, M. D., Q. Trinity University,Follow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Someone, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal 001 - lege of Phyeioiane and Licentiate of Mid- wifery'Edinbnr h, t2f•'1'elophnue No.14, Residence—Mill street, Bruesele, • DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 16EN't7ST Graduate of the Royal Rollegq0 of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and )lh'&t•ola&o Honer Graduate of Toronto University, Oftlea next to Drawer's. Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, MANY CALLS �p aro _receive d from businene firms and L9 MANY STUDENTS are placed in good PF pOsitione earth year by the temente dD This school 0tand0 for the Hlanne¢' 4 AND 731100 in 3,8110088 8400041011 in iyi Oauada to -day. Many Business Ow.U logos employ'ogr graduates as teach. li Gra. We have scores of applioatioue front other Co11egos, Aglc to Bob. them the day yogi enter, Oomtn0noe 0011/80 how, Oatalogue 1100, W. J.11LL10TT, Prinofpal, Brussels Greenhouse, PLANTS AND FLOWERS, t , t lr Greenhouse se You win lir d a Brueso Gr o f any quantity of Tomato, Catenating, Celery anti Cabbage Plante. Tomato Plants 100. a box ur 9o, a d]zee loose. Pine collection of Flowering Plante, A oholoe lot of Geraniums end Amulets for bedding. Out Flowers supplied. Floral Designs made to order. MISS KELLY. .a1..t V800080. Atwood will °Hebra.° Dominiun Day. Smith Brue. 000 000011ug a new stable for Dr. Roe, The looal Methodist ohnroh had one of the best years, iivaacially for years. A. handeome verandah hae greatly im• proved the appearance of R. M. Bailau- tyue's reeidenoe. Will. Ovens was in Guelph Tuesday of Int week geeing hie father, who is in the hospital there, undergoing *mini treat- ment. The foot ball and base hal! olube have leased the Agricultural Park paying 681 00 for it for the season, a good stiff relit. Enna Cheese Co. shipped 247 boxee of May ohrese on Tuesday morning of last week. Hodgson Bros,, Montreal, were the buyers. Dr. Hamilton, of Clinton, wae in town Tuesday of last week. While here he cold his house, at present occupied by A. Smith, to Geo. Dania. Hugh E. MoElving, who hae been for enure time foreman of the Bee, left for Toronto where ho hae secured an appoint. milt as railway mail olerl] 011 the G. T. R. The base ball boyo have got down to practice and 101100 all the necessary pare- pbraualia is secured, will be in a position to anuses matches with surrounding towns. A. D. and Mre. Goodwin were onm• maned to Orangeville on Monday of lest work to attend the funeral of Mr. Good - win's brother in-law, Wesley Leitch who died of oouoomption. 141r. Leitoh at one time made cheese at Trowbridge. Etextletal1, Lon McArthur has token a situation in the Sovereign Bank in Havelook. An effort is being made to organize a lodge of Lady Forester)] in connection with the 10. F. in fienaall. Rev. David Buobouan and wife are ex• pentad home from Booth Amerioa, where David has been a missionary for five years. Zurich W. 0. T. U. are hard after the hotel keepers of that place. They Have suooeeded in their tfforte at enforoiog the Cann out. One would visit quite a number of plaoee before seeing as many fine horses being driven along the streets as seen every day in Hensel!. Mre. A. Brandt returned home from Clinton hospital and though still weak from the effeote of the operation, ie ou a fair way to recovery. • Stoneman, who has just oomplet- od hie course at the Forest City Com. meroial College, returned home on Salurday, He expecte shortly to return t0 London t0 take aP osition. . A. Mc.Phereon was seized with a severe attack of hernia and it was found neoeeeary to perform an operation to save hie life. He came through the operation nicely tied ie recovering eteadily. It will be some time before he is able to resume bie bueioees but the prospects are that his health will be better than ever. flannel Ohureh held an important m eting Monday evening of last week to decide ae to who was to be their under shepherd. On motion the members ex preened their willingness to vote. On the Bret ballot ft was seen that Rev. Mr. Smith, of Miltou, who preached the pre• viou0 Sabbath was the favorite, and further votee gave him the required two thirds of the vote taken. Clinton. The brand new Dominion flag, sap. plied by the government, floated from the flag pole of the Poet Office on Tues. day the 24111 alt. ' The employees of the Jnokoon Mfg. Co., gent their oxpreeoiooe of good will a000mpaniod by a beautiful quartered oak Secretary to their foreman, L. T, McIntyre, who wee married Tuesday of last week to Mise Bionobe MoKowo, ,Jaoob Taylor loft on 'Tuesday of last week for the 0 d Country, going with the Oanatilan Bowlers, who are to make a tour to the mother•lend. Mr. Taylor will oleo visit the eee0ee of hie boyhood, this being his first return slime he left there nine 25 yeare ago. At choir proltioe on Friday evening Mre. B. J. Gibbinge was presented with a silver in eervioo on behalf of the eon• gregaliou of the Ontario °treat obtlroh. The presentation wae made by Mise Doral Newcombe, while Mise Sybil Oourtioe read the address. E Van Egrnond, who tinned hie 92nd birthday annivereary, on 'Tuesday, of last week walked from the rosideuoe of his sou-in•law, E. Donee, Huron road, Hallett, on Monday to the home of a friend in Goderidh township, The die - nun wan ))boat five miles each way, whloh is remarkably good for a man of his yeare, An aooident happened at the water tank on the L , H. & B. North of town Wednoodoy of last week. A North bound freight train wag uncoupled West of the nosing and the engine and tender went on to the tank fpr water. In re- turning the tender jammed into the freight with snob force that it and a oar Were emashed and the coati °belrneted far a oomph] of home. The Rattenbury House will °flange hands, 11 having been rented by M. Stapley, of Sarnia., fob a term of year», The lease le an experienced and (moan. NI hotel man and owns the St, their House at Sarnia. One of his Bona is Rev, Father Stanley, tot 001110 time priest of St. Pebotse perish, Qoderieb, ¶ R9t f3RUS )1;L$3 POST I but now of the Onlherlral, London, Me. Slanley expeot0 In rater Into preeeeai, n of the Rettonbury Ifnoee un Juno 7th, 1ntti t1 xi, tel. Dr. Chisholm ie having that aide of hie block on Patriok street veneered with briok. J, W,Dodd was in (Anthem last week, attending the Grand Lodge meeting of the Maouabeoe. A. Dulmuge intends making 00ure extensive improvements in hie look the blook, one of which will be a plate glass front t0 1110 store, F. W. Brad win, of Hamilton, epedt May 24th ut hie home here before leaving ou hie semi annual trip for Europe, Mre. Bradwin will ao0ompauy him thio 0000011. W, J, Greer has removed his stools of boots, eboos, Greeks, eta., to Dr. Irwin'0 bock (one door South of D. M. Gordon's) which has been undergoing extensive re. pairs for the peat few weeks. From the Winnipeg Oommerolal we nobioe that J. D. McKinley, sou of D. McKinley, of Wingham, is manager or the National Machine Company, Winnipeg, whioh has recently taken over the buoineee in that territory of the Smith Premier typewriter. A heavy thnnderetorm passed over this notion Sunday night of last week. In its coarse the lightning snook the house of Wm. Bonndere, Lower Wingham. It entered the chimney, passing into a bed. room through the wall jest above the stove pipe hole, flashed along the passage between two beds and went out through the wall ab the opposite Bide of the room, soattering bricks and plaster iu every direction. Mr and Mre. Saundere were sleeping in the room at the time, bob, etrange to say, were not in the leash injured. 'Phe only ill effect they felt was from the count of ealphur, which was almost unbearable for 18 time. 1...1M0-0 on el. Listowel races, take plane on the 218t, 22nd and 23rd of Jane. Jae. Lee hoe sold hie harness buaineos to Geo. Cantu, of Mildmay. Listowel lodge No, 160, I. 0. 0. F., at tended eer0i00 in the Methodist church on Sunday, at 8 15 p. m. Rev, W. J. Taylor, of St. Marye, the newly appointed rural -dean of Perth,00n- duoted the services in Christ Ohuroh on Sunday. A. w. Featherstone left on Tuesday afternoon of last week for Montreal, where be j ined the Canadian Bowlers on their trip to the Old Country. Mr. Buckle, Kidd Bros.' expert trainer, got a rather nasty fall on Tuesday of lest week. He was mounting when the mare bolted just as he woe about to swing into the saddle. He struck his forehead on a plank just close to the temple and wee LI 011000010110 for a time. A strained thumb and a bruised hip oleo resulted. Mr. Buckle pluckily stuck to his work and woe out training next day as usual. The promising young horse, Earl Fer• neon, in training at Listowel, dropped dead on the track Thursday. He had just been given an easy workout on the crank and dropped over ae he was being turned out. He had Wintered well and was apparently in line condition. His death was due to the rapture of a blood vessel. The horse is one that was sold at Kidd Bros.' sale to a man in Fort Wil- liam. A. J. Onndiok, who bee held a re. eponsible position in J, W. Scott & Son's Banking House in town for the past two and a half yeare, having aoupted a SPECIAL VALUE U RICHR6US' PURE SOAP ONE OF THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS MADE. ALSO IN DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS —AT— THONISON'S 1 ' .b 11. position in the Sovereign Bank In Toren. to, hie many Montle in to+vn decided to lireeent him with a marl] of their e•s1.0m. before he took hie diminutive, and on May 20th, the leading oitiz0ue of the town 10 the cumber 01 forty or over met in the Oddtellowe Hall for that purpoee, Mayor Hay took the ohair, and after un- nonneing the objoot of the gathering, dolled upon P. Oonuolley to read the address, R. 0. Oaseelo presenting Mr, Cundick with a handsome leather drove tob one Joseph o lr a farmer on the third M I ay, 00000001011 of Wallace, attempted to onm• mit oniolde Friday evening, He was found 111 hie barn Mb with his throat out, but still living. It Is supposed that he was di.000raged by the oonbrary weath- er whioh has retarded Heeding and Spring work in thie section. Hie re000003 is improbable. ]l rd. wich . A, S, Strome lost a valuable oow from eating paint. W. Rogers has returned from Queen's University, Kingston, and will spend a few days at the parsonage. The old plank sidewalk from MOKeo'o corner to Edwards' has been removed and a granolithie wall] will be laid in He place. W. N. Henry has returned from the West. He did fairly well with the oar - load of horses whioh he shipped, reoeiving over 91000 for two teams. W. H. Rowe, an old Fordwioh boy, was eucoesetul in passing the recent Pbarmaoeutionl examinations in Winni- peg and i0 now a full fledged druggist. The annual meeting of the ehare• holders of the Fordwioh Union Weigh Scale Company will be held in the Foresters' Hall, on Saturday June 4ch, 1904, at the hour of 7 o'alook. Mre. Allen and Miss L'esie Allen left on Tuesday morning of last week for Neepawa, Man., where they will visit her daughter, Dr. M. E. Davidson, for a few weeks, when they will journey to Souris, North Dakota, where they will make their future home, Tenders were reoeived and opened for the iron work and flooring for the new bridge in Fordwiob. After duly oon• eidering the tenders it wag moved by Spotton and Binkley that the Connell a0oeplt the tender of A. Hill & Co„ of Mitchell, for the sum of 61600.—Carried, Tenders were also reoeived and opened for concrete abutmeote for acid bridge. Gowdy—Speuoe—that the Council aooept the tender of T. W. Hill, of Born• holm, for the sum of $4,50 per oobio yard to be built according to plane and speuifiaatione. 131 sir Crit. Reeve Sloan bee been confined to bie house for two woeke with illness. The new addition to the Commercial hotel is being rapidly pushed forward. Men are buoy excavating and building the foundations for the new stores for Wm. Robertson and J. H. Ohellew. A pio•nio ander the aaepioes of the Roman Oatholio oburobes at Blyth and Clinton, will be held in Farquhar's grove, Hullett, on Thursday, June 16131. Coen. Strother)) was in Chatham last week attending the Oanadion Supreme Tent of the Knights of the Maccabees. He represented Santa Marie tent, No. 123, Blyth. Saturday of thie week the ratepayere of the South end of East Wawanosh will be called upon to reoord their votes either for or against the bylaw providing for the granting of the right of way to the 0. P. R. from Guelph to Goderiob. N. H. Young has sold his reeidenoe on Mosley ))Greet to Dr. G. E. Lung. The pride paid was 92100. Mr. Young will hold an auction Bale of household fnrni• tare on Friday, June 3rd, Everythiug will be Bold without reserve as Mr. Young is moving from Blyth. Six village lots will be sold at the eame time and .place. Mr. and Mrs. Young will either move to Sudbury or Fort Fretting. Their removal from Blyth is to be regretted ae they have been honored and respected citizens for many yeare. 0oun. Metcalf has Bold the lot ou Din- oley street, whioh he recently purchased from Wesley Walker, of Wingham, to A. MoNolly, who will erect a handsome reeidenoe on it during the Doming Sum- mer. Thio is the lot where Hugh Mo• Quarrie oondnoted a blacksmith bnoinee0 fur many yeare. George Powell has pun. chased the blacksmith shop and will move it to hie own premises. Mr. Metoalt has since purabaeed the Ritchie lot on King street from T. W. Soots and one year from now will erect e reeidenoe on it. The houses to be erected by Mr. McNally and Mr. Motoalf will be for renting par - poses. (Exeter. Master Harry Carling had his Hand badly jammed.by the falling of a window upon it. John G. Gardiner, eon of M, Gardiner, of town, hes entered the employ 61 the Sovereign Bank 0e junior clerk. Harvey Acheson is suffering from a very Bore hand as a result of a premature explosion of a fire meeker on Victoria Day. W. 3. Carling and wife have returned home from the St Louie Exposition re• porting an excellent outing of eight see. ing. Mrs. John V, Orooker diepoeed of her household effects by auction realizing good prime. Mre. Crocker intends in future to reside with her eon in Buffalo, N. Y. Chris. Zuefle, who hae been In ()barge of the electric power house here for Dome yeare, has immured a position with Mr, Leighton in Efarrieton, and now hae charge of shelter woke there. At a special meeting of the direatoro of the Stephen & Usborne Branch Agrionl. Hirai Society, held at the Mansion Hbnne the advleability of building an addition to the palace was dimmed at some length and it was decided that as more room was an eeeential a 40 toot addition should be befit oh the Motet end of the building. The work will be begun shortly and a oommodioae building will be 1110 result. Robt. Alexander, eon of Lancelot Alex- ander, a farmer living three miles Booth of town, had an Implement exporienae ono day redently, He had been working in a field dieo•hetrowingand wee nailed to the home to assist in trilling some pigs. In doing go he got some blood on hie bands and when be returned to the field the borne smelled the blood while he was near their beetle and started atter him. The boy imtnediately grouped the bridle of one of the borne end in the mad gallop that emitted he was forded to hold on for OM minmtol for fear of being out please if Its let go, Ile was finally re. geed frit,:. 'lis peri,on0 position by Guo.. ;Vnlhr1 aame from some distauee to the ret + r h •ving heard the calla of the boy tt.r help, I34oalortl►. (3, 13. Soots left en Tuesday of last week for Toronto. He has been engaged to write his celebrated Grogan lettere for the Toronto Star. re:Edward James Howes, of Mgl3.illop, township, a former caretaker o.hl into d- 0 1 r f a n P, bank ()amatory, passed away on Wad. tiesday, May 2511*, at the age of 72 years, P. ➢ioluaby bee purchased the shop fixturee and goof will of the barbering 'ruminant of el, 13 BOott and has olooed ble old shop and moved to hie new quarters, D. D. Wilson purpoeee going to the Old Ooantry this bummer and will attend the Pan•Preobyterian Connell wbibh meets ie Jane. He will be accompanied by hie daughter, Mrs. Sampson, of Moo• treat, Will. Lengetroth has returned to town after traveling with ()ethane, Chase & Weston')) Miretrels for some eight months. He travelled over a large por- tion of the States and through Ontario and Q uob, a. An informal meeting of the town Council was held to dimes with an agent the advisability of purchasing a atone crusher and road roller. Both of the machines were offered to the corpora- tion for 8 sum in the neighborhood of $4,600. No action will be token of the present. - Harry Stewart, of the firm of Greig & Stewart, wag the vt011m of an nofortnnate aooident by whioh part of hie right foot wee nearly severed. He bad gone Ont to split moms wood, tieing a newly sharpen- ed axe. While bringing it down for a ettokeit caught in the branch of a tree, miedireotieg the blow and striking hie foot midway between the ankle and toes, nutting through into the bone. It took 9 ebitobee to close the gosh, Or 000 ri Cil. There are now twelve atone foondatione within the town limits waiting for brink for the saperstrnatares and there is no oerbainty® as to when brick will react Goderiob. At the Mitchell noose on May 24th, Farr Bros., Celia B. won first money in the free for all, and Frank Elliotfe Logan Lenderman was equally 0000000. ful in the running race. Rook elm does not seem to have been all out in this neighborhood, tie oars are being loaded with it at the G. T. R. 8181100, and among the timbere delivered was a tine stink 51 feet long. Among the list of successful students at the Law School, Toronto, we are pleeeed to notice the name of W. Stuart Lane ae having completed the cleanse. In tire Het for the primary examination for the Trinity degree of M. D., 0. M., E. Bryan's name appears, a former G. 0. I. student. At Oegoode Hall, on Friday May 26th, before Justin Teetxel, Re Sloan,— Oharles Garruw (Goderiob), for exeoutore moved noder rale 988 for order deolaring 000etruotion of will. It ie understood the late Samuel Sloan bad given a sub. eorlptiea of $200 towards the Marine Hospital fund, but no provision being made for the payment in the will, the executors refused to recognize the claim. Judgment was reserved. Sunday May 22nd, Rev. Jae. A. Ander- eon entered upon the seventeenth year of hie pastorate In Knox Church, and made it the occasion; of speaking of the relation of pastor and people, from the text found in Jer. 15, 19. Although no previous announcement of the anniver- sary was made to the congregation, 001:00 of the young people had noted the date, and adorned 1110 pulpit platform with palma and flowers. At the 0. E. meet- ing on Tuesday evening, that eooiety presented their pastor with a handsome and embellished copy of Newell Dwight Hillis' "The Quest of Happiness," and at the Wednesday evening meeting he was made the recipient of a beautiful bognet of flowere. Rev. W. H. and Mre, Graham have suffered a peonliarly sad affliction in the unexpected death of their little three year old daughter at the Siok Obildron'e Hospital in Toronto. She had been planed there weeks ago for treatment for hip disease, and woe doing well, when ehe book measles, which bed broken out in one ward, and thin was followed Fri• day by diphtheria. On Friday and Saturday messages were received that the little one was doing nioely, but on the latter afternoon a change for the worse ensued and that evening the much efilioted obild passed away, Through a ohmage of reeidenoe of the friends who visited the patient and kept Mr. and Mre. Graham notified; they did not reoeive the sad meeeage till Sunday, sod it was about 2 80 p. m. when the word was reoeived here. By the sanitary ruin the funeral had to take plaoe within 24 hours, and the romaine were interred in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Graham went to the city on Monday morning, and on;bie return elated that he i0 eatiefied the dootor in atte0danoe and the hospital authorities had taken every precaution and were in no way to blame for the unexpected and sadly fatal illness. THOUSANDS Oi! WOMEN. Women drlrt into a condition of half 1110E1 111118111 without knowing what nils them. Languor, exhatue. Mon, aching track, limb pains, Indigestion, heitilacke, ANTI-l'11,L wilt Iia tllesebtrrdene. Any women 4(1101 Drove this by writing Wilson. EyloOo,. Niagara Falls. Out., for free trial bottle. This announcement is partiealarly addreoeed to women, bemuse of the peculiar adaptation of ANTI -PILL to help sick and ailing women, who feel that they are gradually letting strength and vitality. The use of ANTI -PILL never fails to arouse energy, to eearoh out and over. come the ailing oaaee. It's a revelation iu medioine that brings relief to the distressed, and brightene the despondent. It dootore but don't drug—is purely vegetable and can be used with perfect safety by delioato women at any stage of life. Ito gentle and effective. Sold in Brunets by Jas. Pox, Glue, Goebel and Mr. Machan, V. B., of Mitchell, Have returned home from the great horse Sale at Cleveland. The Mitchell herena gold at low prime, "Aloine," Goebel and Koonig's mare was knool]ed down at the low figure of 9400. W. ltorreeter's etaliion brought only 9185 and Mr, Maohan'e horse 9185. NEINVNEIONIGESESMI 41! McKinnon & Co. BLYT H. Ladies' Now York Hats at Half Price We mnde great scoop fset week in buying a traveller's samo1ee of High•olase New York Hate or Ladies, Theyarall new froth gods and have only been on the road about ten days. They were imported opeoially for the Jane trade, and are np•to-date in every respect. There are ten dozen Hate in the lot. Thio seems a large quantity to add to oar present stook, bat as they were offered at such ridloulouely low prioee, and with our increasing trade, we our handle large Iota, eepeoially when we get them to sell them at about half price, They oom0 in Ready -to -wears, Sailors and Untrimmed Shapes. There ie such a variety, and no two alike, we will not attempt to describe them, but only mention a few to give you an idea of the bargains we have to allow you : —Ladies' Sailors, in verities e1y1e0, worth 91, for 600.—Ladies' Ready-to- wear Hate, in white and oolured, worth $1.75, for 990 —Ladies' Un. trimmed Sbapee, very stylish, worth 91.50, fur 75o.—Ladies 'Outr,m- med Shape)), fine quality, worth 98, for $1,50, NEW CORSETS, —We have sorted up oar Dorset stook for the Sommer trade in the toast,.ing special makes :—Summer Corson, in net and fine peroale, at 250, 850 and 6O .—Crompboo'e Tape Girdle 00rset, in all sizes, 600.—D, drA. White Baptiste Uoreete, with garters attached, 75o.—Orompton'e Military Hip, steel filled, all eizee, at 80c, 750 and $1.--13. & 0. Erect Form, straight front, steel filled, at $1.—E. T. Watch Spring Ooreete, eine from 20 to 80, at $125.—Crompton')) Yatiza Corson, at $1,25, BUGGIES ! BR BUG -G -IES ! IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and imitations. Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you 2 If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best foods Procurable at Close Prices, We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. N cLa 1 Are You Going to do any —cueing? IDEAS WOVE IN COILED SPRING WIRE LEADS Th EM ALL It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the Strongest Fence made. The Railways and Electric Roads are erecting it. Call and get our Prices. b,4a'1,4.01. 4rtt..lio% W4.t4,Ndn Wilton & 111711 1 WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Rooms will convince intending purchasers what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Baggy Tops this season a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivete from breaking. This has beeu o long felt want. We have 4 styles of Axles—Dunt and 011 Proof, Long Distance, 1000 Miles, and the Noiaelees Axles, also a few of the old elylee. All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with boat Leather. Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first -glass Factory Buggies. - Our Wagons are all Oak with 2i and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and Medium size. We invite every intending purchaser to oall and Buy Hour 118 and save 1u0ney. ^l �I r4✓i„sts."t.el1w ..7e EWAN & �o �