The Brussels Post, 1904-6-2, Page 4(r/in l"11;oS,et$ ` pot
TRTIRSD4Y, JUN 2, 1004.
Educational Nates,
stinsubibfna axa rf w.eIo88.
The number of candidates writing at
the varioas examination 0eotree in Beet
Huron is as follows :-Clinton-junior
metrioalabion, 51 eobolarsbip matrical.
anon, 7 ; junior Menthe, 28 ; and omelet
leaving, 12. Fees paid 0209. Seafoeth-
junior matriculation, 10 ; scholarship
matriculation, 1 ; junior leaving, 28 ;
and senior leaving 19, Fees paid $212.
Brussels -junior matriculation, 2 ;
junior leaving, 14. Fees paid 8?4.
Wingham-junior matriculation, 2
junior leaving, 18, Fees paid 675.
Blyth-jouior matriculation, 1 ; junior
leaving, 6 1 senior leaviog, 1. Fees paid
830, In all 8600 was paid by the Candi•
dates as fees for this examination, Of
this cam $863 is taken by the Education
Department foe preparing and printing
the examination papers and valuing the
answers, &o, 8297 is retained by the
various Sohoot Boards to provide paper,
&o and to pay the presiding examiners.
The presiding examiners are se
follows ; Clinton, W. R. Lough and
Gilbert Summers ; Seafortb, Andrew
Boort, and W. J. Moffat ; Braaeale, D.
Robb ; Wiagbam, J. H. Cameron ;
Blyth, A. H. Mailgrave, The examioera
are appointed by the Minister of Eda.
cation on the recommendation of the
Patella School Ioepeator. The examin•
alien begone on July 411h and oonbinoes
until July 14th.
The eutranoe examination begins on
June 28th and Mete three days. The ex-
aminers are as Nimes :-Olintoo, Joan
Houston mad W. R. Lough ; Seaforbh,
G. F. Rogere and Thos. G. Sbillioglaw ;
Brnessele, D. Robb ; Wingham, John
Hartley and A. Hamilton ; Blyth, X.Wilson ; Fordwicie, hi, F. rook ; and
Wroxeter, W. H, Downey. Some of
these are ex•offioio examiners and the
restare appointed on the recommend
atime of the Public Sohoat Iospeotor.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in the
School Room of the Methodist (thumb,
Brussels, on the 17612 inst., the Pres•
byterian oburob being occupied by the
Anunal meeting of the W. F. hi. Pres.
byterial Society. There was a large
attendance of ministers only two being
absent. Circulars were read intimating
inteutiou on the part of various Presby
eeriee to apply to the General Assembly
for permission to receive fourteen min.
Wen from other 02at:ohes.
A oommuoivatioo was read from Dr.
Warden regarding congregations that
failed to ooutribute or contributed in-
adequately to the Bahamas of the Ohnrob,
and Means. Hsatie, Malcolm, Whaley,
and their Elders were appointed a
Committee to devise means whereby to
deepen interest in the Schemes, and
eltoit the liberality of the peoplein their
support and to report to the Presbytery
at its September meeting.
Tba same committee wee imp noted to
ooueider the matter of raising a Fund for
the payment of ebe travelling expenses ot
all Commissioners to tee Gametal
Assembly sent from witbia the bounds of
the Presbytery. On thie matter they
are also to report at the September
Intimation !laving been reoeived from
the Presbytery that Rev. John Baahanau
had agreed to withdraw from the ministry
of the Presbyterian Church, it was agreed
to take no motion before next regular
It was moved by Mr. MacNab, second.
ed by air. Whaley, and carried that
Ministers and Licentiates, whose names
are on the Appendix Roll of the Prae•
bytery, who bees been domiciled without
the b Rads for a aoutinaoas period of six
months, obeli, nnleas excused by the
Proebytery from doing so, be required to
take certificates of disjunction, excepting
when they are domiciled, not only with•
out the boande of the Presbytery, but also
without the bounds of the Obaroh, and
that each such Minteter end\Lioenbiabe
shall be required to report his address to
the Preebytary on or before the last day
of eaoh month of June and December.
It was moved by Mr. MacNab, second•
el by Mr. MoLeod, and carried that
Minietera and Licentiates, whose names
appear on the Appendix Roll of the
Presbytery, wbo are domiciled, without
the bounds of the (Murata shall be
required to report their addressee, and
the nature of their employments, to the
Presbytery on, or before, the last day of
each mouth of Jane and December.
In reepoose to a reference made by
the Laoknow Session, the Presbytery
declared, that while it was in the rights
of a congregation to ask for the resig•
nation of a Session, it was inuompetent
to do so ab a epeeist congregational
meeting called for another purpose.
A gall was presented by the oongre•
gation of Molesworth, but was set aside
owing to its being inenfaaisnbly signed.
Rev. A. 0. Stewart tendered hie
resignation of the pastoral obarge of
Molotoeh and Delmore, and ae he
exproesed the desire that it be disposed
of at as early a date as poaeibie, It was
agreed to ode the Sessions and Oongre.
Rations to appear for their interests at a
:menial meeting of Presbytery, to be held
tat Wmingbam on Tuesday the 81st May, at
ire following ministers- and elders
ware finally appointed Commie:loners to
the General Assembly • Revs. A, O.
Stewart, Bellmore, F. J.Maxwell, Ripley,
0. 51. Rutherford, Dungannon, J, J.
Hestia, Belgrave, with fnepeotor • W, I.
0/tiehclm, M. A., Rinoardine, and W. 0.
Whitaker, St, John, N. B., and A. L,
Law, St, John, N. B.
The following etiolation atoned by Mr,
Whaley, and seconded by Me. MaoNab,
was omitted ;-That tbie .Presbytery
regards with profound satisfaction and
thaaktalneea the indioationa whish are
apparent in so many quarters of a desire
for a oorporate union of the Presbyterian,
Mathodiet, and Congregational Churches
in Canada, It ie oar conviction that
snob a 00100 tvourd lee a falnim:lib in
port,at least of the prayer of (hrist, that
airline people map be one, and that its
aonenmmation would redound to the
glory of God, would reaalt in sabetaniiai
benefit bo bbe apiritttal lite of the choroh•
es ea Uniting, and would enable them by
nombining their force to more effectually
praesoube that great week, whbob God
bias given them to do in t1ie and other
litt=le, I0 le the sarneet prayer Of
this Presbytery, that Christ, the 11
Of the ()berth may graciously guide
all deliberations upon this import
matter, and that in His own good ti
end way, these branches of His Chu
may beoome one, and that in saoh fo
and taebion as shall moot oouduu) to
acaompliehment of the bigb and h
ends for which Hie Cburah exists,
The hearty thanks of the Presbytery
having been tendered to the Rev, T,
Wesley Oceans, and to the 011ioiel Board
of the Methodist (thumb, for the use of
their Sohoot Room, the Proebytery
adjourned to meet in Wingham oh the
nut Inst, at 1 p no. and in Wroxeher on
the third Tuesday in September, at 10
a. in,
ead awoke. It oaased ooneiderablo excite.
in moot, bot the /lamas were gaiokly got
ant uuder oontrol, and the damage was
ma lortuuately slight,
ANDnaw MAONee,
clerk of Maitland Presbytery,
Walboo, May 2002, 1904.
Rev, T. Wesley Costas,
Dna Sin. -I have been iustraoted by
the Presbytery of Maitland to convey to
you, and to your Oflioial Board, their
sincere thanks for your ° artery in per,
mitring them the use of your 8. Pe Room
for their repent meeting. I can perhaps
beet carry out my instructions by enclos-
ing the tollowiug Resolution which had
the anamionoapproval of the Preebytary:
"That bbe hearty tbauke ot the Presby-
tery of Maitland be tendered to the Rev.
T. Wesley Canna, and Lha Official
Board of the Methodist Ohnroh, Bruesele,
for their kindness in granting the use of
their Sohoot Room for thio meeting. Wu
would also add, that we oberieh the
hope that the day is not far diebaot, when
the Methodist, and Presbyterian Obnroh
ea together with the Ooagregationat
Church, shall constitute one eoolesiasbioel
organization for the worship and work of
oar common Lord and Master.
I am aka:mealy yours,
ANDasw Meanie,
Olerk of Maitland Presbytery,
Walton, Out., May 25tb, 1904.
Impressions of Palestine,
Rev. Dr. Putts, of Toronto, summing
up his impresaione of the Holy Land as
a result of bis reosot vied with a party of
817 American and Canadian Sabbath
aohool delegates, and 485 Britioh who
jellied them at Jeruoalem, repreoenbing
58 denominations from 20 aomnbries
Bays :-
2 consi.ier the cream and the con•
vention the met of my life, and its effect
on Sunday school work io Palestine and
Italy will be permanent and fruitful.
My opinion is growing more and more
that the Sanday aohool work le the great.
est work of the future for the church and
the world."
Jerusalem wee remitted on April 5, and
Dr. Potts tbougbt the iurneuae of the
convention on the people was remarkable.
The Samaritan bigb priest read an ad-
dress in Arabin, which was interpreted
by a 000verted Jew. An ex mayor of the
oily who attended the Berlin congress io
1978 also uddroseed them. On am.
vention Sunday the aativee thought the
seooud oomiog of Christ was expeoted,
amd that it was bo be annoanoed by a mak
crowing on Monnt Olivet. The 000k
tailed to appear.
Tee convention met in a tent wbiob
held 1,800, and was pieo2ed near the site,
as General Gordon oouaidered it, of pal.
vary. Dr. Potts conducted the common•
ion service in wbioh 800 participated.
Toe convention tb,ou:hoot was a imams
and presented not only Sunday sabool
bat misaionary iutereete. At every port
the missionaries were met, meetings held,
and money eubeortbed, the Amerboen
crews contributing 84,000 or 05,000.
The two important thinge done were
the formation of Sunday Sobool aeao
oiations at Jerusalem for Palestine and at
Rome for Italy. J. W. Flavelle,'1`oronto,
was appointed a viol -president of the
convention, and on a vote being taken oat
of 874 votes Toronto beaded the not
among 77 places iu 26 countries with 188
votes. Chicago being second with 84, for
the piaoe of next matt ng 6 yeara benne.
The matter rests in the Lauds of the
executive for final deoieion,
"Did the country bear oat your pre•
conceptions 7" was asked of Dr, Putts.
"Those who go for 000firmatbon of the
truth of the BIble will be satisfied," be
replied. "Apart from this bb is a God-
forsaken country. The people do not
want iunovationa. The poorer alaeses,
and there is little else, are utterly wretch.
ed, I saw a man who carried 800 feet of
lumber or planks three mites for ten
ceete. Any work done apart from what
ebbe tourists onpply bs poorly paid, Beg-
gary is mnivoreal, and children in mane
are brought up to it. It was pitiful to
see infants stretobiug out their little
bands, trained from the very first. There
is a tendenoy towards the Zion move.
ment, but the condition of the land ex.
oept in spots ie quite uuinvibing, The
Arab popals4ion of Jtrnsalem is very
large. It is not piotnreeque, bat merely
egmalid. The mote there cause dieguat
by their quarrels. The chorale of the
Nativity is watched over by a Moham-
medan soldier with a musket in bend to
keep the Christiana from fighting. Them
belong bo the Greek uhurob as a role. A
devout Obristian finds the eights re
pulaive from the tawdry tenement and
the state of the buildings. But the
Bible le a new book to me since I Saw
the Holy Land."
After Piles have existed for n long
time and passed through different stages,
the coffering is intense. -pain, aching,
throbbing, tumors form, filled to bursting
with bleak blood.
Symptans indicating other trooblee
may appear to a thoroughly Pils.afok
This is when Heim Reid, the only
internal, the only absolute Pile core,
brings the result that has made ire fame.
It will mare the most stubborn case in
existence and a bonded guarantee to that
effect goes with each package,
It is to bad at the drug atom,
Sold in Brosaels by Jas, Fox.
R. D. MoNay, of Mitchell, is among the
nemea of euoaesstnl candidates et the
examinations of the Ontario college of
Pbarmaoy, He paused with honors.
Albert Goebel'e jewellery etore
Mitchell, came near being destroyed by
Bre, The day being Goof a largo Reahest•
er lamp wag platted on the floor near the
working bebois to bake the chill off.
Rbeing from hie :hair in a burry Mr.
Goebel !cloaked the lamp over, when the
Oil took flee and soon spread over a pot'.
Hort of the fluot, and filled the plaoo with
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Coattail of the towoehip
of Grey, met 0,1 township Hall, Ethel,
May 28011904, at 10 o'oloak a, m. as
Court of liavieiou ou the aesesamenb
roll for the current year. All the mem
bars ware pteeentand after having betn
duly sworn, it was moved by Adam
Turnbull, emended by John Grant, that
the Court of Revision do now open and
that the Reeve be chairman of said
Ooart,-Carried. The Court was tbeu
opened and the following appeal heard.
James Sinclair too high ease:wed as
compared with bis neighbors, Moved by
Jahn Grant, seconded by Lorenzo Frain
that Jaime Sinolair's assessment be re.
dead $100, -Carried. Movtd by Adam
Turnbull ssoohded by William Fraser,
teat the court of Revision be now closed
and the aaseeememt roll as revised be
adopted.-Ourried, James M. Woodrow
applied to have rubbish removed from
oppoeite Lot 4, Con 6, which had been
lately placed there, On motion by
William Frame and John Grant, Adam
Turnbull to attend to it.-Oarried.
Moved by William Fraser, eeoonded by
Lorenzo Frain, that elm ooutraot of the
Calder bridge be given to James A.
Vanoe ; price 61876,00.-Oarried. Mov
ed by Adam Turnbull, emended by
William Fraser, that the contract al
liiog'e bridge be given to the Mitchell
Bridge Ca. ; price 81598,00. -Carried.
Gloved by William Fraser, emended by
Lamaze Frain, that Reeve alga petition
pretended by 1!ranoie Balfour and others
for a Municipal Drain, ---carried, Moved
by Lorenzo Frain, seconded by Adam
Turubn0, that the petition of Franoie
Balfour and others for a drain to be
soos0raobed under elle MOnioipai Drain -
nee Act be received and that John Roger,
0. L. S., be appointed to make an exam-
ioatbun of the area to be drained mud
prepare a report, plans nod epeciffoations
and estimates and make as assessment
of the lands and roads with their said
area, to be benefitted and of other lands
end reeds, lieble to be assessed for said
drainage. -Carried.
Tenders for the menstruation of the
6th Con. Drabs :-
Andrew Hislop ,.,87000 artisans inol'd
Sigeworab 8, Cole.. 6900 "
Oo0uelly& Waters.. 6985 "
Lougeway & M'Oarty 6726 "
Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by
William Fraser, that the tender of
Lougeway & Mot/arty be accepted, pro•
vided they furnish satiefaotory aeaurity
and that said dram is to be immolated on
or about the let of October 1906, -Oar•
ried. Moved ay L. Frain seconded by A:
Turnbull that John Grant, employ ao
Iespeotor fur the Calder bridge abut-
ments re cement work. --Carried, Mov
ed by John Grant emended by William
Fraser, that the R -eve notify the eon•
Irmotore ou the Hall manioipal Drain, to
hese said death oomplated early Ibis
season, carried. Moved by Lorenzo
Frain, eeoonded by Adam Terobell that
the clerk writs to 1ontractote for tenders
fur the oonebraasioo of cement abntments
for Ring's bridge at Lot No 19, Oon, 9 -
Carried, 0e motion of Fraser and Genet
the tollowiug wantons were ordered to
be paid. Namely : W. M. Sinclair, de
ataration re 0th Cou, dram debentnrse
81.00; Municipal World Oolleotcrs' tolls
and 6 oopbee Line Penne Aob $5 99 ;
A. Reymann, salary as as seemed 8100„.
11 there Remade, oulvart Lot 27 Oou. 7
8.00; Dauanoson Bros.,removing plank
tram river Lot 11, Can, 11 82 00 ; John
Grant, serving Hislop Dram By-law
81.00 ; John McIntosh, preparing Hislop
Drain By-law 810.00 ;• W. H. Kerr, print.
iog Hislop Dram Bylaw 812 00 Robert
W. Livingston, expenses to Wingham re
Farrand trial and telepbone re Lutnoob
Drabs 6 4.80 Treasurer of Morrie bal.
on amount Grey and Morrie hay,, 862 52.
Moved, seconded and carried that We
Ou000i, do now adjourn, to meet an June
Ma in the Towbeblp Hall, Ethel, 10 a.
Jong lbIoINTasn, Clerk.
A. G. and hire. Smith left for Toronto
where they will speed a few days before
returning to their toms ie Pore Arthur.
hialoolm Millyard, of the Bank of
Ottawa, Toronto, is visiting hie parents,
Rev. Sir, and Mrs. Millyard, Methodist
Many in this Iooaliby will regret to
hear owing to continued 111 health J. W.
Morgan, formerly of St. Helea'e pablio
school, bat now of Port Arthur High
School, hag been compelled to retire from
The annual meeting of the Luoknow
Branch of the Lord's Day Alliance was
held in the Lookno,v Metbodiet oburob
on Monday evening, The meeting was
addressed by Rev. D, R. Drummond, B.
D., of St. Thomas,
Mrs. (Dr.) Spence was the delegate
from the (coal branob to the W. le. (r6, B.
Convention in Kincardine on Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week, tics.
Spence gave a map exercise, wbioh proved
vary interesting, Wee Belle Smith
contributed a fine solo with aooeptability.
Guar iso.
Rev. J. W. Holmes le away to London
attending the Mebhodieb Oanfereuoe,
J. S. Found was at Chatham where be
attended the Supreme Tout of the Mao.
The Meollanboe' Institute Library goes
to the Vidette Office, and W. J. Bbarpin
will be Librarian.
W. A. Irwin waited on the Connell and
stated that the Polios Trnetee5 of the
Police Village of Gorrie wants 8160 raised
by spsaial rate,
A gang of men are working on the con.
tract of removing the 0, P. R. pomp
hones down to the river at the end of the
flrat street below the bridge.
In the list of snowman! students on the
reoent Pbarmaoy examination in Toronto
we no4boe the name of Robb, A. Groot, son
Of Alrs. Sem'I, Greer, of town. `i'hie
was hie final.
On Tuesday morning of feet week Thou,
Edgar took bis departure for his nett'
home in Edmonton, N. W. T. Mee. Ed.
gar will nob go for a (maple of weeks bat
will vieft with friende in this vfoinity.
Tbey have been very highly esteemed
residents of oar town lot the past ten
yearsar mu -
ti d on the the dwwhich are busto a until a hbble
over a year ago. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar
will be greatly missed by the Presby4ee•
Ian oengregatioo of town as they Lave
been valued mernbere and Resistants due,
ing their resideaee here,
iti11081:311144 POST
Robt, Aebbon has been appointed leader
of the Methodist uhurob choir to 011 the
racan0y left by the reeiguabbon of 3. A.
Strong, )\lies Ciera Holmes is organist,
ko 10'1 the vecitu0y of hire, Litt, tubo has
also resigned as organist in St. Stephen's
church, wbioh position Aim, 8. A. Proctor
bse oonsen4ed to fill during her reeideuoe
in town.
A very pleasant end enjoyable event
took plaos id the ht,me of Wm, and Mrs.
McKee, 31i1l street on Sabnrriay, May 21,
when their estimable daughter, Altos
Margaret wee united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Geo, R. Dane, eldest son of
Matthew Dane, loth con, The oars.
many took pima: at one o'olook and was
performed by Rev. J. 1V. Holmes, pastor
of the Methodist ohnrob, in the presence,
of the near relatives of the oontraating
parties, After congratulations were over
the gaeebs eat down to a very snmptaona
repast after which the happy couple tock
the attet000n train for Toronto and
other points on a booeymoon trip. At
the depot they were given the neaal con,
gratulebione and showers of rice, Mr,
and Mrs. Dane will take up their resides•
me on the lOse con. on the for next to
hie father,
St. Andrew's Presbyterian oongre.
gallon, Stratford, have decided to our.
abase an organ to poet slightly over
08,000. An annex to the ohurob will be
built for its reception. The sum of 62,.
272 is already subscribed.
David and 51re. 0ranaton, of Shaagbai,
China, are visiting their cousins, A, end
Mrs. Frame, Stratford. They have
visited in the West, and will return to
China, which they left on April 1, after
speeding bbe remainder of this month in
Philadelphia and Washington,
A; Eickmeier, Bredbasen, hag sold his
atom to bis brother, J. Biokmeier, Mit.
obeli, who will use it as a harness shop.
A. Eokmeier will build a new) np•bo.
date More on his own lot, neat his dwell.
ing, which he bought a short time ago
from Wm. Paeobelborg,
1..41017 BALE -LOT 207 AND
dwolllnu tbereou, North -wool? oerner
R illinw and Albert street*, lhruseele,
40-bf J. 1.01010117,
Bull p for Gale, red in oolor Anil brad
fro3, 13 Mar , Proprietor, Oranbrau)CP.°0,
0. 0. 0,
Court Princess Adexaudria, No, 20, 0.0,1s,
Brussels meets iu their Lodge Room, nem.hili Woolf, on the 2n5 and last Tuesdays of
each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JA8. BURGESS,
Sow Fon SALO. -- The undersigned
offers for sale one Thorn' -bred Yorkshire
Sow, 19 years old, in pig to his bboru'-brood
Yorkshire hog. For prion apply to 1t. 8.
NI0100,801.1, (Bothnia Lime Works), Mor-
ris, Bolgraye P, 0. 88.10
assanWavn to this county and ad-
joining territories. to represent and adver-
tise au old established business house of
solid financial standing. Salary S21 weekly,
with expenses advanced snob Monday by
check threat from beedquarbere. Horse
and buggy furnished when necessary ; nosi-
bion permanent, Address Blew Bros, & 0o.,
Boom 010 Molten Bldg., Obloago, I11.
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
!bight young Bulls from Imported and
home bred sows got by Imported Sire, Also
cows and Relfers of different ages.
A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for sale.
Hays a quantity of Seed Peas the Early
June variety, to diepuse of. It is a mentum
sized wbite pea and were grown from seed
from near North Ba and yielded over 37
bushels to the acre, free of hugs,
WIll also Bell a good aged working and
driving horse.
118•tf D, MILNE & SON, Ethel.
1,000 Patients Treated in the Two Muskoka Hospitals -the
Sanatorium and the Free Hospital for Consumptives.
Surprising Decrease of 25 Per Cent, in the Last Three Years
in Deaths from Consumption.
Fifty-five Different Trades and Professions Represented by the Patients
Admitted to the Free Eospltel for Consumptives.
Two ll'avg1ous have had to be Closed Owing to Zack or reeds, and tiro Number
of Patients /reduced from 76 to CO.
$25,o0o Wanted this Year to Carry on this Great Work.
With a view of helping to bring to the attention of the public the needs
of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, we have pleasure ,in pub-
lishing the following Ietter, in which as appeal is made for funds.
Dear Friend, -
It again becomes necessary to make an urgent appeal for funds for the
Free Hospital for Consumptives.
A very heavy debt is pressing upon the trustees.
In addition to this, funds must be provided for the maintenance of
patients. Last month there was a deficiency of nearly 811600 over and
above receipts from all Bounce.
The Free Hospital for Consumptives was opened eighteen mouths ago.
225 patients have been admitted.
No pabieat has ever been refused admission because of his or her
1,000 patients have been cared for in the two Muskoka Hospitals, the
Sanatorium and the Free Hospital for Consumptives.
The majority of these have either been eared, or so helped that they
have been enabled to again become bread -winners for the family.
The public are beginning to find evidence of onr work.
.Already there has been a decrease of nearly 25 per cent. in the death -
rate from consumption in the Province of Ontario.
The last report of the Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health shows
that in the last three years the deaths from consumption in Ontario have
decreased from 8,484 to 2,094, a decrease of 790, or nearly 26 per cent.
This is the more gratifying when 'we remember that for a number
of years previously the gams report showed a steadily increasing death -rate
prior to 1899.
Who will doubt that the work of our two Hospitals in Muskoka, and
the persistent educational campaign carried on, has not helped to immure
this surprising result 7
In what better way can your gifts bring so good a return?
We have no endowment, exempting the provision recently made by
Canada Life, Confederation Life, and North American Life Insurance Com•
panics for maintenance of 2 beds each for a year,
We eau only rely on the philanthropy of our people and a knowledge
of our needs.
Last year we asked $20,000 to reduce the debt and to pay for care of
patients. We had a generous response, receiving 810,000, gifts coming
from Halifax on the east and Yukon on the west. This year our needs ars
greater than ever. We will require $25,000.
The Bishop of Selkirk, Caribou Crossing, Yukon, sending $10.00, writes :
"The trifling remittance I send is intended to express our sympathy for the
sufferers i:n other parts, rather than to imply a special need for your insti-
tution here."
We are grateful for the large gilt. We aro grateful for the small gift;
all gifts are helpful.
On a000unt of our pressing needs, will you not make this your special
During the year, for lack of [ands, we had to close several pavilions,
reducing the number of patients from 76 to 50.
The sorrowful part of our work is that nearly all of those in the Free
Hospital are gating men or women who were striving to make a place for
themselves in the world. Many of them have wife, or Child or husband
anxiously watching the struggle for Life.
Your gift will help to bring gladness to so many. Will you have the
joy of giving?
T'or'onto, December 10, 1005.
Sir Wm, Y2. IVleredIth, Ift„ or ItIr. W. 3, Gage, 'Toronto, will receive and
acknowledge Any contributions made, r•
moon FARM FOR BAL1a,-
The nudorsigned offers for sale her
excellent farm, luoabod on 0013, 10, Gray
towunhlp, and ooutaluing Me woe, There
is a oomtorutele frame aotbags, bank barn,
good driving shod, orchard, dm, on the
menthe*. harm 15 wall drained and:aloud,
It is also well watered by bite river Malt,
land and ao invaluable Sprbog. Convoulett
to market, school and olturobee, For pries,
terms and other parbioulars apply ou 1115
prnmisee, or if by letter to Mae, 31, CAL-
DEit, Proprietress, Oranbro.k P, 0, Safi
I. V being Lot 11, Con, 4, Grey town.
snip, 80 a0resole0red,balauoe bash, There
isa good house, bank baro, orchard, &o,
Well fonoed and farts iu good condition ; 25
acres of Sall wheat 1n, a 10110s from Brus•
solei Only } of a ;mile from ehnrob and
11 mhos from school, I ueseselou could
be elven to suit the pureheser. tree fur-
ther parileulare as to price, terms, $o, ap-
ply on the premlees to A, 00010, Proprie-
tor, or at Tun Poem, illussels, 21.11
T.t1ARMS FOR SAL7`. - 350
acres lirab•el,tes laud in the 2'ownobip
01 Grey-1,ot16, Oat. 44, 100 nerne; Lot17,
Oou 14,100 acres ; Ann W11,01 16, Con. 14,
60 soros-200 acres. All lu excellent condi-
tion with flreb•olase buildings ; brick hone°
with all modern conveniences, and largo
bank barn, root and straw house, stables,
Stu, Well watered. From 20 to 40 mares of
taininga100 eatenb utll arst.:Aims' laud,8, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
new. Tho property can be sold in two or
three !parcels to suit pm chasms. Terms
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling buss
and lot in Brussels. For !Nether pnr4icu-
lars apply to the owner on the premises,
LAUGHLIN 100N1411., or to J140. L00KI01,
13russelo. 01•tf
J11Nx 2, 1904
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1303, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their waists.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blackemithing, with a specialty
made of horse -shoeing and Sob-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
patent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and see us.
Thomas street,
rn wn,,temotetmot ar'c'h.
We buy our Turnip Seeds from the Old and Reliable
Firm of Messrs. John A. Bruce & Co., and have for sale
the following varieties, viz.
1 1
Bruce's New Century
New Kangaroo
Hartley's Bronze
White Swede
Hall's Westbury
Sutton's Champion
Bruce's Selected
East Lothian
GI7EY STONE Turnip Seed, and GATE POST RED and
Our General Stook is Large, Well Assorted and bBosb Values,
No Fanoy Prima but Everything Cheap.
The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the
Public in the prompt fitting -up of Bic) cles such as
Cleaning, Oiling, Repairing,
Mending Punctures, tte.,
and will also replace Spokes, Hubs, Rims and
Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged,
First-class Second-hand Wheels for sale.
Give nae a Ball any evening from 7 to 9.80,
Sk Iter.
� 4
New Canadian and American
Wall,4,-,"1" J. ..e r s
WE have fl, full stock of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades,
but in those as low as
BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florala, producing oharming effeotd at Low Dost,
PARLORS -Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tonus, Blues, Greene, Is., in
deliaabe Shades.
BALLS, DINING ROOMS, &b. -Fine, effective Deoigns, in Magnificent Colors,
giving Warmth, Riohneea and Beauty to an Apartment,
AND PRICES! We eau only any we are offering this season Iletbee Paper, Designs
and Colorings than ever offered.
bon't wait nail our ebobk is broken, Maim your selootfoe new,
It you have any rooms not recently papered, just call and let tit tell you how
little it Costs to inake tame bright, attractive and happy.
In Steak's Bloch, two doors North of Ilostoffice.
Fred. eC
If l
Painter and Paper Hanger.