HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-6-2, Page 11.. Vol. 32. No. 47 BRUSSELS, ONTARJO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904 Prop, New Advertisements. Looal—Geo. E. King, Boer for eervioe—John Smith, Farm for Bale—John J. GOory. Fall Fair Dirrobore—W, EI. Herr. New Turk Hate—McKinnon ea Co. Bight made perfect—Mrs. Fletcher. Wagon°, carte, &o,—Posta Bookstore. V 5tritt ' Gauen. 131ise.va.lee. A meeting of the East Huron Women's Institute for the dissuasion of Household Boieuoe will be held on Saburday, June 4th, in the Foresters' Hall, B uevale. Afternoon seeeion oommenoee at 2 o'olook and the evening session at 7.30. The meetings will be addreeeed by Mise Bella Millar, of Guelph, and Miae Jeeeie Hills, of Toronto, demonstration° being given at the afternoon meeting only. At the afternoon meeting nil the ladies interested are invited to attend end at the evening meeting everybody as oordially invited, when addressee will be interepereed by eeleotioue of vocal and instrumeotel muelo. A silver aollection will be taken up. x Mae M. Sandereon returned from Hamilton en Monday. John McNeil, of Howiok street, is able to be about again after a few weeks' ill - nen. Mae. R. Lang, of Howialr, has moved into Mies Rutherford'° residence on Queen at. G. Commove, of Howlett, has taken a poeition as clerk in W. Rutherford's hardware store, Rev, L. Perrin retnrned from Detroit on Saturday wherein was the guest of relativee for a weak. John Barnard was one of the many vieitors to the village on May 24th, hav- ing wheeled from Woodstock. The Huron Sunday Sohool Convention of the Epieoopal ohurob was held in Gerrie on Wednesday of this week. A number of young people from the village enjoyed a social evening at the home of Joe. Lovell, Tareburry, last Tuesday, •Wrraxter. tar. Thos. Filmore returned from Harrieton on Saturday. Miee Baxter, of Toronto, is the peat of Mies Tina Rae. Charles Sanderson wo regret k, elate le [till on the sick list. Thos. Mn grove er., spent a few doe aof Met week in Toronto. J. W. Sanderson, of Tororfto, event Sunday in the village. Mre. Wm. Muir and family left for New Ontario flet week. John Harris jr., arrived from Darling ford, Man., Friday night. J. Fryfoale commenced work on the oven at the bakery Inst week. Time, and Mrs. Hemphill event a few ;: days of last week in Heusail. W. M. and Mre. Robinson spent Tues• day with friends 10 Brussels, G. E. Daus, of Hamilton, visited at Mre. W. Sanderson's Met week. et the u e I was ietowe w e Rae, of L 8 George K �8unday. Rite, over n A.R ' cousin, of bre The meetingoE tbe � Court of li,evivion was held in Joe. Cowen's oflioe Monday evening. Oaptaivand Mrs. Keine, of Gnrrie, visited theirjttaughter, Mre. Johnston, on S,burday, A load of Lite members of the A. F. & A M. Lodge spent Tuesday evening in Braeeele. -k Perfect sight is deter., mined by a eerlas_ot' eciontlfic tests. We render faulty oyes penal by scientific. ally fitted. glasses. Parse T. Fletcher d1c?c ts0i iln ozaa8 firs.-slit..tnaiitiCTSSTZLZ C4pt:.t:last x13 .aitelL(tha tO NV la FOOT BALL.—Upon res.iviug aohallange from tbe Football boys of Wroxeter the Jamestown Juniors drove over and played on the 24th, Pay started at 8 o'clock but it was soon to be seen that the visiting team played the better ball scoring 4 pale i0 rapid euo0eesion. The home team failed to more, not even laud ing a shot on goal and on account of their defeat wonld not pay for the James- town boys' supper as they said they would in the challenge. Stop for - a rainy day boys. The following were the players •—Jamestown, Goal,. W. Mo Ewen ; Boake, D. Lines, 0. Eaket ; a Beaks, J. Ooombes, W. Bishop, L. Ltiobardeon ; Forwards, H, Jaoklin, J. Cult, 0, Forrest, A. Jaoklin, 0. Innen, Wroxeter, Goal, M. Howe ; Backs, F. Arden, H. McLeod; } Beaks, L. kloKel• vie, B. McLeod, Ii, (,aider ; Forwards, W. Blank, J. Muir, 0. Smith, G. Mc- Ewen, L, MoLeod. Referee, Wrn.Knake. lVuol \Van1e� years ago. Dsoeased was of a very genial disposition, a highly religious nature, a wholeeouled enthusiastic Meth• °diet and was always reedy to open her hoepitble home to the weary pioneer ministers, sometimes on foot or horse - beak in the early fifties. Mr, and Mrs. Oopeland left Waterloo Go., twentyfour year° ago, and settled in Weet Williams, where they lived fonr years, and oame to 13ooanquet twenty years ago. Mre. Cope- land i5 survived by four siiterg, viz—Mre• 0. Bernatb, of Ethel ; Mrs. William Ooohraue, of Morrie townebip ; Mrs. Wm. Townshend, of Wilmot, Waterloo Go., and Mrs. Oyrtts Savants, of Wilmot town. ship. Her surviving children are four tons and three daughters viz:—Edward, of Toronto ; George, of Waterloo Go. ; Sheard '1'., of Salem ; and Henry, of 13 ,banquet ; Elizbeth, and Mre. L. R. Weber, of ilosengnel ; and Mrs. Mosorip, of Bt. Mayo. The fu,eral took piaoe on Sunday afiern000, May 15 h, to Ken nedy's church where the amine were oondnated by Rev. J, W. Pring. Inter. moot took place a• Pinehill cemetery. The pallbearers were :—W. Millman, A. Mellvilie, R. Close, B. Clark, Ed. Hum• phriee, and W. Carruthers. C.'ria as b rook. Leet Sunday Rev. D. B. McRae preached at Belmont, exchanging pulpits with Rev. Mr. Stewart, of tbat pleas, The people of this looality are not sorry to hear that the contract for the new steel bridge 'mown as Calder's, West of Oranbrook, is let. a ins Sperling and L v Norma B Misses fi p fends Id0YB0 n were deputized to collect A p for the Metbodiet Sabbath soboot bora. They emended admirably soonriog 414.• 65, $4 00 of the amount being i ooutri• bated by Brneselites. Han :co Ramos. — The Westbrook (Min.) Sentinel epee's of a former resi. dant of this looality as follows :—"Ie is with regret that we learn that Rev. J. 0. Carry baa handed in hie resignation ae pastor of the First Baptist ohurob and will close up his affairs here at once and leave for Denver where he will seek reetnration to health in the braoiug mountain air. At the hospital last week it was thought that a change of alimato nod water would be the beat medicine for hie case instead of hie having an operation performed, nod all hope that he will soon regain his health and again acoept the pastorate of Westbrook where he is held in the highest esteem both as a minister and as a oitizen. The people here outside hie church members teetrded to his popularity last eveoio a when eater it few hours of eolioiting a puree of 488.60 was handed to him as a pleasant anrprite and an aid to his future expenses." The many old friends of Rev. Mr. Curry here hope the ohange of air end eoeue will invigorate him speedily. I'3Gltall. Am prepared again this sea - Bon to pay the Highest Gash Price for any quantity of Wool delivered at my Elevator, Brus- Bela. Also for all kinds of Grain. R. GRAHAM. L Any quantity of Wool h the wanted for whir e Price 'rl?; t Highest Ma will be paid. ��rr d Gil® �.f. B tt$BBLS. NV vL i cel al, Rev. A. Andrews is attending the Oon- ferenoe in London this week. Mr. and Mre. Dill, of Beaforth, were vieiiore at Mre. L. M,Donald'e last week. Jae. McMillan and Geo. and Mrs. Candler were in Wiugham on Wednesday attending the Iuueral of a relative. W. H. Salter, of Brussels, will take the services in the Methodist ohnrohee next Sabbath in the absence of the pastor. A number from Walton attended the funeral of the late Bev. R. Paul, who had been wall known to all in this vioinity for n long time. R. M. and Mrs. Cummings renewed old acquaintances in Anbnrn on Monday by attending the oorneretone laying of a new Presbyterian ohutah to be ereoted there. The etoree now alone ab 7.80 o'clock p. m., Tuesdays and Saturdays excepted. Rev, Mr. Stewart, of Delmore, preach. ed in the Presbyterian church here lass Sabbath afternoon. 'Phis week Rev. O. P. Wells, B. D , and R. Pearson and J. K. Baker are at Lon don attending the Methodist Conference in session there. General regret ie expressed over the demise of Rev. R, Paul, of Brussels, who was a former pastor of the Metbodiet burob here. Several from here attended the funeral at Brneeele on Tuesday after. noon. D. C. and Mre, Rose and children, of Brume's, palled et S. Ames' last Bahbath. Mr. Ames is bothered just now with a gore foot from something like blood poisoning but we hope he will soon be all i hie cin. right R During the pant. week Dr. Ferguson and family have moved to the residence in oonneotion with the atom of 0. Davies & Co,, lately vacated by H. F. McAllister. We wish them many prosperous years in their new home. Biile are out annouuoing the annual Exonreion to the Model Farm, Guelph, for Monday, June 20. This 10 a very popular outing .and this looality will be largely represented ae it wee Met gent, A epeeist excursion train will be ran. Robert Pearson, theologioal student, ie home from Violate, University, Toronto, After. a short remotion here he purpoeeo going to the Northwest where he will enter the Mebhodibt minietry, Ile ie a young man of ability and we anbiofpate a motel career in the vineyard for him. At the public meeting to be held in the Township Hall hare on Monday next, June Otb, in oonuaotion with the Ladies' o s Bak oYe Mies era will be two , Institute, there p Jn I00 Bella f`1 sante end Mies Jessie Hills o Toronto, Tes e Millar, of Guelph, who will address the meeting both afternoon and evening. Reoipus will be given and may be oopled, Program will be interoper0ed with vocal and instrumental eeleotioue. OBITUARY.—There died on Thureday, May 12th 1004, in Boeangnet, Lambtou reside Hao at her Bon• County, at the in-law, L. R, Weber, Port Frank Road, Eliza Sheard, relict of the Iota Joseph. Berm and 26 daye. aged 78 Copeland, py She had bean ailing for about three years but the immediate manse of her death was a paralytic gbroke. She wee born in H.udderofiled,'S"orkehire, England, in 1826, and came with her parents to Canada hi Water- loo t was W ne Ifnoh o , ttedfnP p and ee 1 loo Co,, when 15 years el age, In 18.46 she wag united in marriage to the late Jottph Copeland who pre.deoeaoed hen 18 SODOM REPmeT.—Report of Walton Public School for the month of May. Avenge attendance 30. Sr. IV.—Herb. Christopher, Frank McKim, Viotoria Blashill. Jr, IV,—Lyle MoLeod. Sr. III.-11thel McLeod, Jewel Maim, Amnia Ardell. Sr. IL—John Mareball. Jr. IL—Howard Bolger, Pearl McKenzie, Minnie Candler. Pb. II.—Douglas Br. I —lda Marshal'. S arcade,Jennie M Nab. Ina Mao nn' Alma S holdiae lYloLe MIss ANNIE SIMPSON, Teaohsr. The Wiugham Advance of last week said of the deoeaee of Mrs. Ingram :— Again we ere called upon to record an untimely death. About hoar weeks ago, Mrs. Ingram, who bad resided in Wing. ham for some time, removed to Brant- ford, to reside with her eon, but on n000unt of poor health decided to return to town. Accordingly, she oame here on Tuesday of last week, but feeling tired and unwell on her arrival, she Dail. ed in as I. Coles'o, wbo resides near the railway station, where she soon became worse, and medioal aid was called in at once. The dootor found her heart in a very bad [tote, and she was suffering from a Dancer jaet below the heart. She lingered on until Sunday morning, when death released her. Bbe was ao0om• parried from Brantford by her daughter, Miee Hannah Ingram, The remains were removed to Walton on Sunday afternoon, and interred on Wednesday in the cemetery near that pion, where her husband was buried several years ago. Deoeated was 80 years age. 860 ; Myrna Jackson 850 1 Amanda Witt. son 205. Jr, IL—Robbie Bird 250. Pt. 1I,—Hazel Jaakeoo 866 • Mamie Moore 866. Sr. Pt. 1 —George Redmond 400 ; Leslie McCall 886 ; David Shaldioe 845 ; Roy Gray 270. Jr. Pb, 1.—Elsie Skelton, Elmer McCall, Ella Sholdioe.. Miss M, Fiancee Mamma, Teacher, Ci raj5'. Mies Ella Qoutte, of Breesele, Sunday - ad at her home, 12th eon, B. B. Lamont and Jno. Beene were in Attwood on Satnrdimy loot, James Hamm. & Son's are busy at Levi Whittleld'e barn at present. Hugh and Mos. Lamont, 7th eon., were visitors for a few days with old friends in E'ma. Geo. and Mre. Manton, of Toronto, Brice Manton, of Moakton, and Bernard and Mre. Thompson, of Heneall, were visitors at Wm, Bubtrey'e for a few day a this weelt. The term of Thomae Pepper, 9th eon , wee sold last week, by F. 13. Scott, to Alex MoDonald, of the tad of Grey, for the eum of 44.960. The purchaser gets pnseeeeion the latter part of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper will move to Brae• sale it ie said and make their home there. The Wood River Times, of Hailey, Idaho, says of a former resident of this township :—D. A. McMillan has been appointed Deputy Village Marebal. Hie principal business will be to look after the ditch water and the live stock ran• ning at large. Stook owners will there fore save money by keeping their live stook rff the street, SCHOOL REPORT.—Following i0 the report of the pupils of S. 8. No, 2, Grey, for the month of May :—Jr. III—Mary Stewart, 194: Maggie Clark, 124. Sr. II—Riohard Cunningham, 207. Jr. II— Wilber Turnbull, 395 ; Iva Harris, 376 ; May Oliver, 841 ; Orma Sbeise, 315 ; G ossie Stewart, 217 ; Jennie Oliver, 206. Sr, Part I—Lola Stein. Ir. Part I— Alex. Stewart, Leslie Oliver, Iona Bteiee, Mise MAnEL ZIMMEn, TE.AM:MR. Assessor Reymann supplied THE POST with the following Grey township stabie- tioe that will be of interest Neborrate'. Spring grain oomee oe slowly. Mrs. M. M. Cardiff is home from her visit to Toronto. A number from this township attended the annual meeting of East Huron Liberals at Brussels on. Tuesday after- noon, Mrs. McGaw, of 8eaforth, and Robert MoGaw, of Soderioh, her son, were visitors at Robt. Souoh's, Srd line. They Total real aeeeeement $1,798,72 75 8,18 87 35 9,62 1,89 8,98 2,02 6 1 Personal Males 21 to GO years Population Children between 6 end 21 yrs. ,. yrs. 8 and 14 Ncattle o. of No. of eheep No. of Hoge No. of horses Births Deaths Acres Fall wheat No. of steam boilers 0 8 4 0 4 0 4 6 6 9 7 hno Morrra) where the forme McKelvey for Louisville G. J. Kerr for REV. R, PAUL PASSES AWAY ( Brownev Thomae for Walton ; and B. J. Alhn for Purls Hill, LIKE A. RIPE SMOCK OF CORN, RE. gt'atl"P BII AND IILCRBTTI;IO... 365 23 BRUSSELS FOOT BAILERS STILL WINhilNG. The new held this District Intermediate Championship. WINCES/0 vs. 130096000. Friday evening of last week Wiugham and Braeeele Iutermediabee met on the park in the first mentioned place in en engagement for ohampiouehip honors et this distriot, In the first halt time J. Streohan landed the firat goal for the visitors ; Aneley evened up the °cora by planting one for the home team, then to keep up the good work A. Lowry tallied for Brneeele and with this the a°orin6 ended. Some oloee ants were on the program in the emend halt but as oloee don't count the game concluded with the reoord standing 2 to 1 in favor of Bruer eels. Switzer, one of the hard working forwarde, was laid off owing to a epraiaed leg. Lindsay moved down from tbe half back line to fill the vacancy and Montgomery took Lindsay's poet ae half book. Brown Jookoon, of Seafortb, was the referee. The line up was as follows : HIIII990La W0N011AM Coal are 0005100, Many a fine bunch of cattle ere to be seen grazing on Morrie township sores this omen and doing firet.olese on the exoellent peslurage this Spring. Last week George and Mrs. Pollard moved from the farm on the gravel road to the property they recently purchased in Bluevale We wish them a pleasant sojourn iekloevala bat we don't like the idea of Olaarlie having to batch it on the farm. A leap year party should make au n before ca the on man b to and on young k attar p be suffers any hnrdebipe. Rumen BEATIoN,—M0eer5. Nioboloon and Gungh, Of the Budmin Lime Works, made fast time on their wheels from Belgrave to Wingbam, a distance of 6 milee, in 16 minutes. They say it the roads had been in firet•olass shape they could have done it• in less time se they both ore bustlore ou the wheel, They would like to know who onn beat that, baring champions. On a recent night when Frank Dunosn, 4th line, went home he found a men asleep on the floor of the kitoben. He routed up the intruder and dieoovered flim to be a tramp Italian or something' akin to this who was not any too well pleaeed to be disturbed from bis dreams, even if he had obtained admission nn• [eked or without asking, having opened the door and walked in 'after the family had retired to rest. Whether the k' a ni bb's lodging was see tn„ a g g g stronger s there to pilfer is not known but or Weal he was quickly admonished to leave wbioh he oid' and was suppoeed to join a fellow "tourist" who was seen in the looality. People are vary foolish to har- bor snob gentry as they are bob to be treated. Balloon Rara0t0.—The following ie the report of S. S. No, 9, Morrie, for the month of May. Total 500. Sr. IV.-- Mary V: Mary Fear 889 ; Nellie E. MacArthur 5 ;taule. Mao• k con 818 ; J. S Roes aoY Ro B J 84a Anhui: 501 ; Jennie Bell 218 ; Ella Arthn Demos 200 ; David Jsakeon 200. Jr. 1V,—Iinrold MoOall 411 ; Norman Jaok. son 381 ; Arthur MoOell 870 ; Frank I3ell963; John Taylor 203. Sr, 111.— Albert Shelton 452; Joseph Mo0aughey 41.7. Sr. IID,--Geetfe Fear 485 ; Raab Gray 963 1 Bobbie Bell 561 ; Willie Bboldioe 806, Sr, IL—Mary McCaughey Herr Robinson mortar, Lindsay Brown MOLiair Cameron Switzer Lowey Strachan Miller Been a Books Forwards nal. RICHARD PAUL. Quietly, pesoa?nily and triumphantly name the aloes of this earthly life to Rev, Richard Paul, a well known and maob esteemed citizen of Brneeele, last Sabbath morning, when at 2. 30 o'oloak his spirit was beckoned away from the earthly temple to the mansion eternal. Oo the Sabbath two weeks previous ha preached hie last sermons at Walton, assisting Rev, AlEred Andrews in the quarterly oommanion services, On arrival home that evening he was seized with a pain in his heart, a difficulty of reepiration and a weakness, that to the phyoioian who was celled, betokened a speedy dissolution unless relief came. The reverend gentle- man did rally for a time with occasional sinking spells but on Saturday morning early be felt his earthly career was well nigh closed so °ailed for a couple of friends to whom he gave direotione as to bis funeral service, burial, eta. Shortly before he passed away he was able to sit up in bed and partook of light refresh- ments and after lying down he closed his eyes on earthly eoenea and entered into rest. His countenance woe placid evidencing the calm in bis soul as the end drew near. During Mr. Paul's d ver obese full aonveree y E illness he y e o r l l h wltb many who Dolled to see him on the neoessity of living the strenuous life as a small return for the goodness of God and expressed hie confidence in the Friend who was with him for so many years in his extended and busy life. Mr. Paul will be greatly miseed ae be was connected with so many organizations private, religious and public. He was President of the Bible Society here ; Treasurer of the Temperance organize,. tion ; Chairman of the Board of Health for the town and in oharge of several estates as agent, Then with bis many calls to preach, the care of his floe gar. den and home meant ao activity not practised by many men of 77 years of age. Anything Mr. Paul undertook to do was wellldone and with a promptness that was refreehing. While devoted and loyal to the Methodist oburoh he knew no denominational lines if he oonld be of service in any good aquae and as a eon• sequence was known for many miles as his parish was a large one. Since hie superannuation, 17 years ago, he had preached 800 sermons besides delivering mores of attdresees at Sabbath Bobool and ohurob gatherings, indicating to a alight degree the zeal manifested. He was a mem of more then ordinary ability ; a clear, logical preaoher ; the personifies. tion of geuislity, a writer of many help. ful artiolee and poeeeeeed of considerable poetic genius but the uppermost thought of hie life was to point people to the Lamb of God and we doubt not that he will have many elate in lila Drown ae the result of his faithful ministry. Buell Wheeler Deane Mitobe 11 Burgess ,,, Bennett • Rusts/ . MaGitivray Mitchell Mitchell j1J/I .....". Nolte mon 1 Wingbam will meet Brnasele again on Thursday evening of this week on Vio- toria Park, Braeeele. The Wingbam boys pat up a good article of foot ball although a few of their players appear to think that GracieRomanwrestling art of the mac ill as play. co p sEAPOnTH V0, 011058008. Our boys bad trimmed the smile Of Beatorbh on Brussels Park onto before this season bat the Southerners were quite ready to believe that when the re- turn match oame off things would be differ- ent. The game was played on Monday evening and the results were identioal with the Bret match, 1 to 0, and still to the credit of the kiokers from the North. About 20 minutes after play began an unfortunate nocident happened in the breaking of both home in the left leg of Teddy Jackson, one of Seaforth'e sturdy baoke• It wag in a scrimmage for the ball with Lawry, of Brussels. No one was apparently to blame but the mar. ranee was greatly regretted by all the players. A dootor was summoned, who est the broken bones after wbioh the patient was removed to his home. refereeing She on who was g Brown Janke , the inured man, sin to math and a con J for bbd Thee, levans Tb B was replaood by balance of the play. Cardiff wont off to even up the aides leaving 20 men inebead 22. Following was the line up :— 00U65a0e SEAr'oIa 7O flare Goal ltobaris Robinson 1 Baolts Jaakeoo Mafia° ..•,•••"••, Baarb Liudnay ...,'.. tboW ;Brawn ' ¢Baolts Broadfoot o it )} Murray M Na J Miller Morrison Obraolan Betlmna Lowry Forwards .........Brownlee Hays 0 amazon Y Ha e9 Cardiff Y By the winning of this match Brunie Moabite visitor] for this District and will now haVe to meet their old doughty op. ponento of Met year, the Mildmay team, who have carried off the honors tar Betide Diebeieb, r MYs. 1au1 tarid an he bub yearold °were there waerred. At goin a gathering of old !deride of that locality and the 000ket woe opened that they might have a glimpse of the well known Teetered. The service at the grove was token part in by Reeds, Messrs. Hunter, Comm and Swann. Thus passed away a faithful servant of the Lord after a long, useful and happy life to the reward of the faithful toiler, Mr. Peal will be kindly remembered for many years to Dome on account of the interest be took in almost everybody he met and hie ooustant wtlliugueee to feud a helping bend in every good word and work, Many a Oau00 that often languishes would poleebe with new life if all who Doll tbem,elvee Obrietiaus ',aniseed a meed of the vigor, loyalty and entbueiaem of washyotwilll bertavoordeeddidbbe bereread ts d relatives and extended parttoelarly to Mre. Paul who Bo truly performed the part of e. true wife to the demand. Mrs. Peel will oontinne to reside in Brae eels in Viotoria Cottage. Rev. Mr. Paul bed agreed to take charge of the eervioe0 in the Methodist ohurob next Babbath while the pastor was attending Confer - 8000 no one anticipating when the arrangements were made that the Ohnrob militant would be abort of bis membership oo soon and. the church triampbent eoriohed by hie tra0elatiOn. C0 joy supremely eweediviner Companionship with Jesse here Ma10 onion lifeea with the purest [neo I find my heaven on earth begun. I'm walking close to Jesus' aide, So aloes that I eau hear The sof teat whisper of His love lu fellowebip so dear : I foal His great all-powerful hand Proteo15 me In this hostile laud. I'm leaning on His mighty arm Along life's rugged way, The path illumined by His love, Grows brighter day by day : No foes ao wean my heart can fear, With my almighty Lord ao near, Ten years ago THE Poor publiehed ..sketches of the various ministers in Brneeele end wereprodeoe what was thea esid relative to Rev. Mr. Paul wbioh with little change, exeeptimg increased usefal- nese and eervioe, was a true pen picture up to the time of his demise. In the home of John and Mary Panl, near Dorbe.ter, Doreetsbire, Euglaud, This ae horn. 82 a eon w on May 14,1 7 of this kind in the t ant not the fire event was family as the baby, called Richard, was the lath son, and the nth child in a fam- ily of 16. When 19 yaers of age Mr. Paul was converted and united with the Methodist church. A year later he began preaching as a local preaoher. Entering the ministry in the early part of 1851 be name bo Canada where be has labored for nearly 44 years. He was stationed on Brampton, Bradford, Bowmanviile, Guelph, Stratford and Mitchell circuits teeidee country chargee among which were Blnevale and Ethel. 16 years of hie ministerial lite was spent on mission fields. He first oame to this section of the country 83 years ago when clemencies The funeral took pleoe on Tuesday afternoon. At the home a hymn was sung and Rev. N, S. Barwaeb, an old friend, of Wingbam, offered prayer, atter which the musket was taken to the Mebh• odiet church where a memorial eervioe was conducted in the presence of a large audience. Rev. T. W. Omens, pastor, annonnoed the hymn "Thee we adore eternal Name 1 And humbly own to thee, HWhat dying worcur morwe boe"ne, i °vale f Bn wa enn o e F.S , and alta ritRv. , lead in prayer, The choir sang "I know that my Redeemer Heath" and Rev, J. E, Hunter read the 90th Psalm. "Asleep in Jesus" wail the next hymn and after two verses Rev. Alfred Andrews, of Wal• ton, preached a brief yet most suitable' discourse from the text "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, &o." The sermon was followed by short addresses by Rev. Jno. Rose, B.A., pastor of Mel- ville Presbyterian Churob, Brnsaele Rev. D. B. McBee, of Knox Presbyterian Ohurob, Oraobrook ; end Rev. T. W. Guano, in which the activity of the de. oeaeed to the Master's service, bie geniality, brotherliness, long years sof service and many other commendable features of Rev. Mr. Paul's life were dwelt upon. "Safe in the arms of Jeans" was the oonolading hymn, Rev. Mr. Wiii enrwaeh thep Dead marohtlae 10 Saob" was be. 1 n to the twee lace the eon's in gplayed oe of the a huroh where those eo entrap desiring took a laet look its time on the well known Noe of the daaeaeed. The ohurob was draped in blaok while a number of houseplants added to the scene, A beautiful wreath tram the Official Board of the church, with the word Friend attached, was placed upon the easiest. Many pereone were present from Bluevale, E1bel, Walton, Oranbrook, Sunshine and other points, Rev, Mr. the funeral asked n in arranging In for alg that g that six miniotexa should be honorary pall bearers and they were Revile. Metiers. Come, Roes, Andrews, Bnywash, Swann and Hunter. The pall hearers were six leoal presohere, vie '-13. Gerry, T, Furrow, J. Grainger, Elf Smith, H, R. Brewer end W. H. Harr. Interment 1 was made at Browntown 'cemetery (Sed Rogers 1a down ter T`hornttale ; L A, District 1`7o, 4, were few and the pioneers scattered and the 18 years fa thio looality are among the pleasant ones remembered by Mr. Paul. Eight yearn ago he euperannuated and moved to Brunie where he ?undue - ed a half acre of land on Princess street on wbioh he erected one of the ooeieot homes (Viotoria Cottage) in the town. On his "farm" he devotee a good deal of bis leisure in Summer and the product ie by no marine trifling. Mr. Paul's first wife was Mies Mary Sam ways, to whom be was married in 1855, She died in 1878. Ot three children two ore living, Jos- ephSamwaPugh,ot of Bluevale. The pre°• ant Mee. Paul was Mise Lilly A. Gordon, near Orangeville, who has heart• ily seconded the efforts of her huebamd in his work. Mr. Pattie parents lived to a green old age, his father dying when 91. years of age and Mrs. Paul at 77. They died on the Isle of Wight. Minis• tere planed on the retired list often pease from their public labors but the subject of this notice has not done so nor does he appear to have any intention, at the preoent, of desisting, During hie sojourn in Brussels he bas preached 376 times; given 60 addressee ; buried 44 persona ; baptized 85 individuals and married 30 oouple. As an iudinabion of Mr. Patna) of 44 line, t ears he was only threrobust constitution e 8 bth bee out of condition to presoh end on three other Sabbaths be only preaobed ones. For suoh almost p old be health he !Mould erteot heal Very thankful, wbioh no doubt he is, The reverend gentleman has eaaghb a hese Bible Claes in the Methodist Babbath school sinoe coming to town and is also a Mass leader. Although travelling on to. .ward 67 Mr. Pant ;retains a great deal of the vivacity of his youth and is always weloome ou amount of hie geniolity. His faculties are unimpaired and speo• Melee are not even used by him. He is a good preaoher, a fireb•alase neighbor end o willing worker wherever required, Onoe the writer heard the reverend gen• Beaten ask a physiolan to prescribe for him and the clover M. D. ab once stated that the beet remedy be knew was met beet, plum pudding and the like, Mr. Paul has been gaining nioely on thio line of treatment and at the present weighs 216 pounds. May hie shadow never grow less, ille 1. Swann for Holuieeville ; CFiili1.Ubl i.ttbyehli. London Metbodiet Conference is in seeeieo in London. Rev. J. le. Hunter 10 attending the Methodist Oonfereuee at London. Rev, and Mrs. Cosmo and Ile Witt are at Conference. They left Brussels on Tuesday evening for London. • A epeeist meeting of hl.tjtlauti Pres- bytery was held in Wingham nu Tunably. ation Bel. more Mr. Sartas tostztt andtbe M lu uhurchos was cemented, ++Lay not rep fur 3050101ms riches no earth;• &c." was the text chosen by the pastor of the Methodist oburoh lent Sabbath morning and in the evening the topio was "Doing Explode for Gud." Rev. William Lowe, of Wineintm, tock the services ill St, J0br1'0 church here lost Studley. He is a procural preacher and is always beard with profit. Mr. Powell, the 010'1ent euppl ing for Rev. Webb, took Mr. L.v:e's work at Wing. bare. A load of church workers from St. John's congregation proved their zeal by driving to Gerrie,ou Wednesday to atbeud the County Sunday Sohool Convention being bold ander the maven of the English church. It teas held ill St. Btephen'e church. Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A., was at W ingb m last Sabbath taking 1t,ov. D, Perrie's work. Mr. Hackney, a student:, of Knox College, pgneaohed in Melaille ohurah, taking "Heavenly riches" as hie theme in the morniug and "l'm not aehamed of the gospel of Christ," at the evening eervioe, The sermons were a credit to the epeabrr. N.xt Sabbath .K. J. Bei+ton, President for this Dietricb'ol the Epworth Leaguee, will oonduot the eervioe° in the Metho- dist ohurob here and will 0:ao speak at the Sabbath school. It will be the monthly Missionary day to the latter and Japau will be the theme of o map ex. eroise, a review of the poet religions, and Beleotl0n8 of m0010. Last Sanctity evening the annual ser. mon to Brussels Odd Feildws wa8 preach• ed in St, John's ahnroh when about 60 of . the 3 linked brethren attended. A most suitable and interesting 0,5000ise was given by Rev. Bro. William L,we, of 1 "For Romans 7, from Ro •# a� win nam 8 Haus of no heath to himself and no man dieth to himself," in wbioh the brother- hood of meal and the necessity of fellow- ship with Christ was well portrayed. It woe a very appropriate theme and the lessons drawn from it well placed. Jae. Jones sang the beautiful Bolo "Galilee" with pleasing effect, LORD'S Dox ALLIANCE.—A goodly number assembled in Melville ()berth on Wednesday evening in connection with the nnlon service in the interest of the Lord's Day Allianoe. The pastor, Rev. John Ross, B. A., presided and spoke a few introdnotory sameness as to tbe oharaoler. of the work done and the necessity for it. Rev. J. B. Hooter offered prayer after whish Rev. Mr. Drummond, B. D., of St. Thomas, was called upon who delivered a very interest- ing and instructive address on the use and abuse of the Lord's Day, and the responsibility resting on Christian people in maintaining its saootity. He briefly aketobed what the Alliance had done and what it was doing and urged praotiaal aid by all uniting in the disoonntenanaing of any inroads made upon the day of rest and assisting the Allianoe in having the law cleared up so that olondy passages now existing will be amended. After Mr. Drummond sat down eleotioU of officers for Braeeele Brooch was take° up with the following remit :—President, B. Gerry ; Vine Presidents, the ministers in the Distrait 1 Seca -Treat], W H. Kerr ; representatives on the Board :—Melville ohnroh, A. M. McKay ; St. John's, John Cardiff ; Methodist, T. Farrow ; Duff's, Walton, Jae. Smillie ; MethodisChurch, Walton, Mrs. Berry ; St. George's, Jno, Saurian : Knox ohurob, 0renbrok, J. P. McIntosh • Methodist °hurrah Geo. Starling ; Presbyterian church, Ethel, Dr. Ferguson ; Metbodiet, Jno. MoDon•• aid ; Jamestown, 'Thos. Strooban • and Waiter Iunes. A oolleotion was taken and several new members added to the roll. Each person wbo contributes 25 oeats is entitled to the Lord's Day Advocate for a year and ebuuld notify the Seoretory if it is not now ooming to them. A vote of thanks was passed to tion oe W. H. Rep, Mr. Drummond on motion o Kerr snd D. 0. Rose, to whioli abbe reverend gentleman made a enitable re- sponse. Before the meeting closed the following resolution was moved by Rev, Jno, Bose, B. A., seoonded by 13. Gerry and unanimously adapted :— Whereas we notice with regret thet,with- in the Inst few moralist, it baa become the practice to run freight trains on Sunday on the Kincardine branch of the Grand Trunk Railway, Chia meeting would meat respectfully and firmly proteet against this Sunday traffio, inasmuch as we believe ib t0 be nuneoeseary, impolitic, and a violation of the spirit of the Lord's Day Lot, and also very disteeteful to the people and oontrory to the wishes of the business hien of this community, and on infringement neon the rights of the railway employees who are thereby de. prived of their proper use of Banday as a day of rest. V ewonl d moat respectfully sot full Y eek that this Sunday trutile be dieoon• td 5o The � lateen 0 tinned, Zhu Secretary was to forward a Dopy of resolution to the General Manager of the G. T. R. The Sanative of the riding propose to arrange an exchange of pulpits in eon• neatiOn with en effort to ornate a greater intekeebin the proper obeervanle et the Lord's Day. Meeting was oonoluded by RA. MaoNali, M, A., of Wnitou, the Riding Chairman, 910000 eoiO4 the Benedictiau. —In the first draft ' aI Dualism —In Io Conference, London Uo the L , ou from 0 t stuff B which is open to oorreotioo, the locating of ministate ie as follows ;—Wingbem— Joseph R. Gandy, 1). D. Kinoardine— Joseph Philp, 13. D. Looknow—Reuben Millynrd, Brneeele—T. Wesley ()miens, Teeewater—B. Clement. Ethel—Ohae. P. Wells, B. A., B. D. Fordwioh—Jas, lme , Ho 0 Iris—Jose b W. Hussar. Gn p Wroxeter—John H. Osterboat, B. A., B, D. Bluevale—George Baker. Ashfield m.e,Bmt —W Smith, B. t D. S al e m—James Walker. Bethel—Simon V.R. Pentland, (Pine River), Ripley—Robb. X. Reeking. Bervie—Wm. R. Vane°, Tiverton-- Edwin iverton—Edwin W. Edwards, B. A„ 13,D, White. ohnrab'--Christopher 0, Raine. Bel. 11, grave — Albert E. Jone s. Revds. Polmereton Base Ball Club bas re- organised, Wingham, Seatertb, Kinoartline, Olin•' . ton and Listowel teo0005e townie have entered the junior O. L, A. serine In