HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 74' Gir 's Capricc F 0 11A1"f1111. I, glass gives her back a AWL' 0:(1111111ille OR, THE RESULT OF A FANCY DRESS BALL "Don't let as think of it till actor all passion of love throbbing in the title dance, anyway," says hilary. ernlirace, all the quieceing wonder "We heve a little breathIng-space and trembling despair of love in the left. 11S." 01080 bottling of each to each, It in "Not if ho .ts there I" an eternilv, that last long erush "Oh, ha can't he I Coining by that lain train i" She lets her hands fall into her lap again, the needle stieltihg up in dengermis proximity to one of her pretty angers, and looks at her sister anxiously. "If he should (moo to the Mince, Ili—of course," with eager conviction, "he won't; but if be should, protnise me you will not introduce ine to him, or get any one else to do It," "But if he asks time" "IIow can he ? Ile doom' know you either " "Ire could get on introd fiction. .1,,,,dny, ont ,,g.ay philosophek,,,, r0flect. lon—e(ii tly mil ing cleric -blue mrs. Dxson_moore jaight_.--•• has risen upon the- world with (111110 CP.'', 0 111011111 a HUM 01117'7'1a°, hut "Not she. She will .bo taken up a charming air, Tts 'sighs are ballnY tender too, and a strong, mem thin, with herself and her admirers. Now Lind its S111110f4 frequent. IL Is eel- a 10[4211ml low, breed, MIll .carnost, promim". 1,1otitly in a glad and glorious mood, , end !Tell hair !—halt' that shines like. "Well, I promise. But is it wise ? as well .it moy be, lutviug hist: twee '.1"/" gold. Not the dead-goln Ought you not to meet him at once, h(111. We lillOW Of, 1100 l. ho crispy hair aad—.-_.•• highly decorated by that. splendld ei ,. ee grinned, the MIS, who marshals us "'le, Dever See'llS et r 011' /311.1 a /rniXa "Mal•ry ltitn !" sareastienlIg. "No, through most of our happiest hours, turn 01 both theme, looking alwees I think note I must have thine And, and who 114 110 111 S11111111:: With all his as if half an hour ago 11 had come above an things, might upon the long, old-fashioned out of a warm, sweet Mali, and Wee this 11 01100,'' I want to enjoy glowing brightPl" tUld lo (1,1110) ..m.s. mantrea is giving another . through. the son rays that have fancy ball the' week Inter; you 1)111 dried it, • have to meet him there." eatico lying on bor knees. 11 1E4 the "No, I don't. look like It now," "Sufficient utile) the day," says hind of caned, .hoih ih cnici, and icx, says she, turning uway, and hitting Titterer recklessly. "And who knows two; that ono associntes in one's 'her slim. figure drop once more into he may not have left long before i mind with n. servant's 10000111g work hee loilerelizefeellale. —determined In its shade, but pretty "But when I. that ? I have made up my mind have the cap end gown on, 1 knee, not to meet him al Ude first. heel, foe ell that, and striped; little linos I shall leek the thing. humiliating at all ovent.e;" or dark violet running over the thought 1" Dicuta looks at her sister with a . "There won't be a giel In the room certain concern, lighlor ground. Weeeeheevently!" sieve Diana, 1011080 11110 Yell," elle's riMaa alreelionatelY. "I wish you would try to like married name is Clifford. She spealot I rather absently, as if 'finding it diffi- wilfully misunderstanding her, much to you. "Ah 1 that's my eavieg clause 1" him," says she. "lie Moans so cult to elft her ailed from the mak- "housemaids will be a rare cinant,ity, "Exactly tts much as I mean to ... ing of the little moh-cap at which 1 expect I shall bo unique—I shall 'him, Don't. look SO l'0016011," With 8110 lEt SO Cl 1144'000y stitching. Thc /whops he that . astonishing thing • an Ireepressible laugh. "len going glance she gives upward, as 11 in St 0 railey ball—the only of my kind to try and like him as .hand as ever answer to 11 1l0196'8 rapturous sigh, in the room. I ehall therefore"— I ewe harder even, if 11 will please is )h)) 1) mechanical, teeugh 81111 0.1,.. 8010111011— (1(01(11' a sensation." 'fleetly wishen le to be inelerstood "You will do that anyway," seys Yolli Do You suPPose T. too cennot see all the bonbons' that are to be that 'ale too acknowledges the heiteelerrs. Clifford. She looks at Iter sls- got out of X.18,000 0, 91010 9" 011.41011 1 . glories that al% 110 t In e in) ter a, little d iscon t entedly. "I'm "T believe you are as Idled as a ' the trim lawn outside, and rend:ming sure r don't. know What thee will -all bet," says Diana with some Indiana - the garden an co rth ly paradise. PAIL Hey of nee. That I went in silk at- tion. in a second hi' eyes fall to her task . tire myself, and brought. you as Cin- (To be Continued. ) '"lio fled a Prince '9' "Your Prince ! Why, he's found," sn;vs she, giving a contemptuous iwIrt to the delightful liti le cop. saym Diana. "Ile is almost; sere to "And that"—wIth an equally con- 1'0 at 'Lha hale Did I," slowly temptuous pointing of ber revelment. "tell e'ele 9 1 21101' 0111 Miss Mason'''. yesterday, and she said Mrs. Dyson - Memo told her she expected him on Um fifteenth by the late train," "The night of the ball 1" A startl- ed look springs into hilary's eyes. Be 1 ill EL 010111011± She reef:NM:EL her` Self. "Tee IL1E0 train 'Pon ! Ile will be too tired to go anywhere." "He may wish to meet you." "A girl he has never seen ?" "A gill he must either marry, or lose :018,000 11 .1.0:10." - "What a detestable will 1" criee tvindows of Diana's home. "What a clay 1" says Ilinne's sis- ter, looking up from the pee of lilac 'oak AIR 'Vim idea of your wearing this 1" 0 tile 11100 1115851 tVina. in Dibtry'S lap—"at the biggest. fancy-dress hall wo hare had hero for ages, when at iliey moment you might be mistress of eet8,000 a year." "At tine* moment might, not, ol- eo," awe her sister with a little laugh. "And even if T were the inietress of it, there would be a 0)1(8" 197)' too. That. takes all the gilt off 1111' gingerbread. In the mean time"—smoothing out the folds of the lilac zikirt with n fond hand—"I sholt wear this. A housemaid's Tillery, springing to her feet, and these is a fancy one—for every one beginning to pace tin and clown the and in front stretched to the far yonr word, will you be foresworn ? except tho bona ilhe housemaid—and r0001. "Iniquitous X call it. What wall it broad band of light in which 'Must I spit upon. you ?") es it is inexpensive, and as -pennies on earth had I ever done to Aunt her shadow cut a dead black line. "No, no, my brothel', no ! love voila, X have elloetel l'eoviden- Charlotte that she should htsist on The air was cool, and seemed to you. too {yell." Melly, al; a ball of this kind ono can bring some slight 0111111 to her fever. Aed with a, cry that Wan madness For a moment she was caught out of devotion and enutterable sorrow, of herself, and, as from a height, she Alasdair gripped his dirt) and drove looked down on Maddalena, the poor it, haft -deep, into his brother's harassed Queen, as on some one she heart, lotting go only when the had never seen before. A tiny weight of ITeetoes body told on his branch was blown agninst her face, grasp of the steel. And as the and she noted 811(1.1251y form of a cer- Mood spurted, and thnt which WELS tain green leaf. What sort of leaf Hector fell across the Queen with her W)15 it ? ITme did Its edge bezeonie so gracefully serrated ? IVhat intricate veining I how Impossibly perfect 1 Curious, she tbought, that, at stzch moment as this when 8/10 ought not to • steal a moment from her lover, she should be standing here in the night, wondering at the shape of a loaf, at tho 1110°15 of its.vona,tion. A moment from 'her lover ? 1—she turned. She had been a moment only in the light; but the glare, where all had been blackness, caught the eye of Asente, and in the glare the brilliant whiteness that was Madda- lena. Asunta left her place by the Ilectior might pass a thou - Leant time a for aught she cared. Yon- der was her rival, yonder the woman that had taken hector from her, yonder the real object of her re- venge. Crouching eueningly, she slipped through tho devotes of the garden like a wild woodland thing, beautiful and murderous. 'Maddalena turned and entered the rooln nettle. hector Wes standing eefore ber. '"I'ho world is a wonderful thing,' elle said; "the worlcl and the night end the stars, end there is 'tingle in them all, lent one moment with you, any beloved, ray Hector, is the world and the night and the sten). T. am a small thing, and toy lave is O small thing, and togothee wo nre as nothing before you, This day you have made ine eeneen—there but three of us in the ahole meth— and look 1 I tell you ain e woman peoudee of being loved by you lihate T. am of my people, of Luy throne, or my crown 1 Intuit aro they all but yours—yours •?" She lifted the „simple gold band from her hair, and holding it fa both hands, knelt and laid it at his foot, "Lot this be for sign that I LIM yours, Say to me, 'Maddalena, my Wife, come 1111 01 1110 I'0 and come. fiety 'Maddalena, my wife, slaty here mid lee 1110 hate) leave to go I' and I stay," "Maddalena I" wee ell that he eould say, and that In tolies broken 11101 a•lmost inaudible. "Maddalena, my wife She rose. "Your wife, hector, my beloved, now and for emer I My peOnlo will surely not ask froin Me that last tor- thre—to 100(1 0,110000 111.0,11, YOU0 Wife 00 110 1nan's. X cannot 130 yours, I shall be rio man'a I" "Madclaleitn, how you love !" "There 16 no 'how,' Ilector, I love you—that is all. 1 lovo you." Net yet had they toecheci lip to lip or breast to breast, That, by Seine secret Concord, was 1cep1 for the last moment, tind as 0 sacrament too hely to be aSed lightly, eied now fell on their ears the Met stroke of twelve, sounding front San liernardino. She rose end moved 1.0 11011, her foot, epureing the oroWn, MA con. sciellsly, tint 08 ff she krietv not it were there, • "We part float 1" • "We part eteW I" Lin to lip, and [Wens 14.(4.1,1(.0 lEil!•MkE4E.lf(AW....-1(4)1•10ig* tti A Woman's Love... 7i•• 4141}(441i0l1E0*.?1,AlitWiitoXi. CHAPTER XVIII,—(Continued.) From the distance came the faint echoes or cheering and tbe dying sounds of 11111810. A, little wind made a hush among the leaves, and overhead the cold stars made more eeautlful tho beauty of the deep blue sky. Thick dark lay on each hand, k4,9 and ahotild be Studied by all Ittio pie have borsee. It amnions to more 'eel then simply throwing the feed at 111°111. 1110 Skill of the set•oessful. life into afe-011 eternley into which t20 0,3 feeder entr•rs the very Me of ani - of birth to the day in the future epvai6zz when death must fiently twee : an ',(eae,e.."°4,0,41.4"AtrP-4,Seer4Sret P0111;HP°17i1;!::;) 111.11;v'N"";:"1".17ai'd 101:''l 111%1: s fere, ornitltv1,sr ji.r.ez; Iftc.ir‘:,1(te.huile,1,1,051)00e11,3. Is pent all their days from the day eel eternity of happiness, an eternity of Tim:m.14y 1.3uG b.:Kr Ns. there n il 1 be 1(0 11011tP 101. 011Y la eA,0393 riY pain. "I love yoll 1" "X love you 1" And then again silence falls. And timed Statrs departuain of iinrienl.- in the silence eoul meets soul, and , . eure 113 ver,v satisfavtory. A rough all about them speoalls tile kind iffiztforni was built, on a Nide hill, on dark, and each soul knows its fel- . which W0013 Elle 10100018 M10,10 010' tie! 1OLV, EOM Is mixed with it, in an in- ., (Waldo ecstasy of despairing' Joy, a stock solutions of lime anit Leaphete, wild nbandonment, an intolerable and two half -barrels hosing' (thole; pain or ha ppi ness. Mores of garden hots: 1111 ))1'1)01( to "Ciood-bye for ever I" the bottoms. 'Po make the bur - "No, Hector, no. (loud -night,— c,latlx, a stock solution of four pounds only good-hight 1" 111110 was put into 0110 10111-barrol. The silence is shivered by a laugh and the seletke of six poiwils. set- tle knoWs and. tho crackle 1)1 a pistol, photo In the other; both WCP0 tilled His 05'0 jfi aware of Asunta's face at with water by moans of a Mee,, the window. lile siva), cart t0118 C11011 liaelzed up Maddalena IN a. dend weight on his at the lowee side of the plat form mei ' „ , - ', , , ' yn ' sis. will NW' hut IL ehould he of a left arm, 1thole no longer. digestiote inez innatabe• nattnee .• tho two dilute mixtures rim out "A lasdair ! A.1 asd a ir 1" 10 title she (ffiould receive theough Lhe straleor into the pimp athfil'i°11 ' ' . . Asunta la gone, but the faithful barrel through the pieces or hoe,. ilLy eight pounds of meal I o every :10 foster -brother IR here rightlfit. milk iwoduced, in ordim Oda means the lime and seilphiir are 11°unas ur „Tho Aihsdite,, ihc eiiiech ie di/1.11mo th , thi i .,d, 1 .1 1 that she may P1 (2(1 ,..!eoninuicutly. , et om, y 111 XL 1) 11 e a: - Rector speaks in 0 mile*. lag run into the liarrel, told not vein- — The bullet has passed through Hee- bined too rapidly to matzo a ezod COWS .LTIele, COM) 111 11,NEliel, toe'e protecting hand and entered iiiix.11,1,0 u 3 ,• I .0. . . e, .i .1, „) 3 , f . ., nt et t 10$0 C.011 Ifiellit 11 .ows el en e ow a titmice( pie et- her side. Already 0. blur of red light flocculent enircipit al e is formed once for ono milker over. another. The 8110100 011 t110 silVer of her robe. She !that will not settle rapidly. 11 the length of the finger nails mate mal(, Is cold and lifeless, white es the leoe bordentix, the method et.1‘).':,i-e");.tlifi'elfie. (lo' r011 rt"(Itt. elaii,:),;(;)'.11:-.8veryT.14)11,11;g0 suggested by 311, 13. IVitito of tho that is afraid or " may he rim fee him. it is (lent 1) to the animals he eileseie 11•1Eit fs 11PORTA NT, To iiiipro•;,, the (pudgy of the herd awl the quality of 1n1 wag yjohl, n man meet net. only breed itis cows 8E111 SANG,FOR 11111 KING TEE WEIRD EXPERIENCE OF MME. White Ea.00 of Ludwit 'IX, the Gnly Thing Visible in the Glocan. Tile following remorLuble story, vritich we believe is (mite now to English readers, 0000110f4 LIS 1.001.1-1 10 god 1°1114111 W110 ill'itrd it I00111 the lips of 000 Or .11 est, 101 118 intimate 1)100110, St15 1.00(1011 'l'11411 Is. 11 Wa '4 mere Dual 1 Iiirty yenre ago, wizen Einem)) wits diming with the fault) or Mow, letters emtchless voit:/,, er 18' 90,, the Mad i<Ing Beverte, set ids heart on right. and weed them out according hearing the diva (deg in his private to stand:mil, init it also involves the theatre in Munielt, lie wrote letter quota -loll of food/Int CowS cannot after letter begging, fl\011 111181001.11gt expeeine te tellk well (01 a small hoe to 8111g 1,0 11i111 mid offering her antonat of food. The main thing is teell'avagant sines of mina; hut to give the cow ail the bulky food Patti, (11,0;0111ff Lhe esPeeieneei 1)61'- s/stonily refused his Were, AL last, Ludwig 1014110d }WI' With tt fee so 0000n:1000 that. she could net realst it, and she yielded. When she reached 100n101) on' the day appolated ',he found to her Ws- gnst—for she 6011.0 acenstffined 0 be- ing received everywhere ue a queen— that, not. econ a eurring() 01' &l been sent kr her, and the mid her maid • merle their wny es beet they could to the neerest. hotel. She had seareely ilnielled luncheon sehen a gorgeously W1010001 111 Wh1Ch SIM WELS crowned. "Tighearne. !" 0(11(111, '115(1)1 gnu t ig,hlander took her from Hector, now wounded in both arms, and laid. her gently on a "Dead !" hector murmurs In a deze. proportion of moo to sulphate given "Dead I" comes the echo fi•om. in the directions should be used. ft Alasciair, less than four pounds of lime to six "0 I Cod, why not 1, why not I?" pounds of sulphate IS used, the fo- Asunta is forgotten—she is noth- liege is likely to be burned. The gell- ing—Maddalena is dead, Maddelena oral tendency, however, Is to use is dead, lova is dead, the world is morn This is undesirable fee think of aught. else—this fills space. 0108 that are likely to clog the There is no room to three reasons. It is thri lime petal- "Alasclair yam, so the more lime lewd the morn liable the nozzles am to (do)1ging. They are slanding, one on each Secondly, the more lime lIfff'd Lee side of the couch where she lies. "You love me, my beollier ?" "0 I my mother's son, I love you!" "Your promise is sacred." "Whet promise ?" "Do you forget yen summer after- noon in the Forest of Rothienturchus, when to the brotherhood of milk WO added the brotherhood of blood ?" "I remember, Heckle, I remember— but do not ask me now." "i do ask you noW, I do ask you notyn.. .e.ekie, Meld° 1" "You passed your word 1" "Perhaps she is not dead, Let me go for assistance." "Alasdair, will yon go back on solutione are too 0)1(1111)11 (1 \vein SU OW' difference I:gime:11 mei 'Mlle.!' brought together or teee nei settee- and another. It may also make all entry mixed, the perelpitate (mere- the difference between ti nervous or cr and heavier and 111 likely settle kicking vete, and n, quiet, gentle one. within a few minutes, with bed re- A good milker will Fell CO ft tilet HIS 51111.S. ringer 11:11iS 000 141111 well pared and Unlese for very good reasons, the shorn A COW 11M11111 IP' as well pleased to have her ion drrtwn ns the reviler is to have 1101 profits te be derieecl from it, bringing ma into art affair of this kind 1 Why could she not choose 501110 other niece.? Some other nephew and niece, who knew each other ?" "There would have been less wis- dom there. People who knew each other—1 That's generally fatal 1 Wheel strangers meet there are possb be as bizarre, as eccentric, us ono likes," "Still," says Diana, with a re- gretful eigh, and a swif1 glance ttt her lovely sister, "I lied always lin- '8)111)911 you "Oh. I know," with amused intone theme. "Joan of Are " "COrtil 11115' not," indignantly. "A$ Whiles. • 'eforiiiiige 'You would hall; looked "There run indeed, end very 11))" bL'ntltiialus 'Moraing,!. pleasant ones. 'I feel certain," ../ shall ic,ok. :As Snivrth SLOOPMEE short to regard her sister Jane," snys Miss 'Burroughs 1Vi111 With an 010001100 eye, "that Frederic calm conviction. 81(4)litts the call- ec) 81(111 161111 daintily careful lingers —di, is es yet, only lacked together— foul ('0)100(18 it with an admiring eye. "Jim would have liked to give you something better," says Airs, CM - ford, letteing forward, with hoe e1- b0w8 on 1101' knees and the cap be- tween both her hands. leer tone is plaintive. "Ire says you are too ansurd too proud—" 'J is OW dearest brother-in-law W11111 a sigh. Money with her is not in 11011(1,''50965 TTilary, un- too plentiful. ('1150090(1((801111(1))10 her voice. 1 hat is why I 1101 not go- ing c) lot 11 1111 beggar himself and the 1(111)1119 for me.' "Whet, 1)1)11801150 1 A mere gown I01 IS tie Nary last man in the world I should 0900 care to marry." "Of course, if you have made up your mind beforchend—" "I haven't made up my mind about anything," "Not to look at him." "You are wrong there. Ien tied/1g to look at him—from a distance I" "It is such a great doal of money to throw away," says Mrs. Clifford "Who says I'm going to throw it away ?" cries Hilary gayly. "Per- haps X am going to seize it. And Perhaps it is ha who will throw it away after all. Ile may not like •• mo 1 He—may reject me 1 Me—" "Well this im fl MOM gown, too. She turns once more to the mirror as And I'm sere it will suit (11e, 1)0 if to gain support from it. "Iln- you know, Di, flinging anvil the mortal gods I what an awful lialleilnished dress aria going to a thought t" says she. "I confess," long mirror let, into one ofthe Nvalls, in a stricken tone, "IL never °colter - night, en esvhil doled, arose ed to nie before." within my mind. I reit that the dress would suit me so admirably-- so alLogether—that 1 hymen to think that perhaps I was to the M0111101' born—that Nature had meant 1110 to be a real Sevalt Jane " She poem at herself in the gloss, * leaning 0 little forward, poised, as it teem, on her tees, and with her hands clasped behind her lutelt. The "197011, it needn't error new," says Diana, her fair, hancleome face light- ing. "And you needn't pretend you think. it," "But it's so serious, DI, If 1 re- fuse to marry my cousin Feednele, or if he refuses to marry me, 1018,000 11 year goes to 'The 110010 for lose an- imals—the dogs.' "Well, it is la your own hands," ¥'i Can er e The Tired Feeiing. lnsthl Now Vigor and Energy Into the System and Add New Fiesta and Tissue by Using, r. Chas 's Nerve F od. Why not join with maitre and re- joice at the coming of enring? leheee is 1.11011118 et hand whereby you can Istrcbine the feelings of languor and fatigue cute make apring the Lime for renewing health ond Vigor, instead of giving way to WeakeeSs and despond - e)1097. ...Everybody needs 11 spring restorer Live to enrich the blood and build up Ole syStem after tlie debilttating ef- reete Of artificial wintee life, Experience hoe proven that them is no preparation extant so well suited to these needs a8 Dr. Cliase.'s Nerve Peed, It is only veneentible thet this vent food CUM, 6911101 1111S been en- dorsed by tens of thousands of pee - pie on this420111h110011, Shollid be su- , parlor to the prescription of all brain- tteee 01:0(101', haatily Writtea awl 1158- 11197 11111.9 we the drog ebore( Ilettchtelie, Sleepicestiness, etomach teoubles, loss of energy, embitio0 and the. obility to appist *Mites fielf • to 'the teak in hand are among the, indications or MI' 051115.1151- 01(1 al Ihto *SUM, A. rimath's treatment with Dr, Chase's Nerve l000d will do wonders for you. Besides the bonen yott feel, yeti can prove that new fieelt and tissue is being added by noting ;your in- crease in weight. Mrs. 1, Edwards, 14 Winnetl. street, Wooestock, Ont., and Whose huebend is employed with the Can- ada rename) CO., states:— "My daughter was 'very much. 01111 d01911 111 110E1101, felt tired And languid, and was very nervous. Wie began the 080 of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, end Mgt, X ean eay that, she in very much better. She has gained in weight, her gedor has improved, and she soma real stt•ong mul well. We halm also used Dr, Chase's Ointment in our fitfully and X cannot speak too highly of iLs curative properties." Dr, Obese's Nerve Veer', 110 eras a box, six boxes for 12.80, at all 'deal- ers, or TC(Imanso)l, Bates & Co., To- mato. • To peotect you rigateiSt irni- tattoos, the portrait and sIgnoture of Dr, ie, W. Cheee, the tauten reeeipt beele =thee, are on every bog, 10 brettete more easily the mixture 18 washed off. Thirdly, it is the eulphate that is British vessel 1 esper at Molerie, effective in killing the spores and pro- Franco, last November. The vessel venting the black rot. was laden with casks of wine, and the inhabitants along the coust broached the casks as they crime ashore, and indulged in an orgy, lusting 5301110 clays, From drinking at the bungholes of the casks, the revellers stove in the heads of the casks and ladled out the wine with pails. The more thirsty did not wait for pctils, but used their wooden shoes as drinking cups, while one adven- turous woman leaned into a cask to drink, with the result that she fell in and WAS dragged out by the heels barely in time to save her life. ORGY LASTED 97011 DAYS. What the Wreck of a Vessel Meant in a French Village. Fifteen persons oot, of several hun- dred stunmoned were fined fifty francs in connection with the scand- al which followed the wreck of the The limo is added simply to count- eract sufficiently the poisonous ac- tion of the machete so that it will not also injui•e the foliage, The oine In ntaking borcleaux is to make the sulphate as destructive as possible to the fungus without also being injuri- ous to the leaves of tlie plaids. If more lime is added than is necessary for this purees°, the toxic action of the sulphate may be so far weakened that it vill not kill all the fungous spores and rot as well as) other trou- bles may follow, 0.11.i0011 0111c11' way Eue101110'ell, 69110 Minded her a lettrr front the King, with the curt information that he should expect her at 7 o'clock punc- tually at the palace. \Own:, Male. Fischer, who would sing with her, would. give her further (Ili-mien:is. With the let tfq• VMS a programme drawn up by his majesty. ItIEETS MANY INSULTS, This ea vat ier 1 refitment of the "Queen of' Song" was more then she could boar, end Aline, Patel, stamp- ing her foot ill 11119101't 01101010ed : have never been treated so i•adely in my hie I will not sing—never 1 never: never! and Non can tell the king so !" And it wits some time before the. messenger, with all his diplomatic arts, could smooth her 101110(1 phtmes. Bet, the crowning indignity Was to come, for just as madame had recovered ber equanim- ity her (29705 fell on 0. posteeript to the letter, which had moil -eel her notice nt the first reading, lt ran thus : "The king commands Dime. Patti to appear in pure white, with- out any color whatever, and not by any means to wear a satin gown, but soft wool. Silk is painful to his majesty." For once the great prima. donna had 110 words to meet Vich unparell- eled Insolence, and she fell book into a chair in helplees amazement. When she recovered her speech it was to DAIRY WISDOM. For days the 00111(0 population, declare point-blank that she could men, women and ehildrezt, wen: in a not arid would noi appear in uhlte— The dairyman now will find whe- I state of wild drunkenness. Ordinary "and that ended the matter." how - thee he has foci his cows through the avocatioes were entirely suspended, ever, in time her sense of amusement winter for production. 1 cattle diect of sturvaLion through and the officer's pleading triumphed. If foci wisely and well he wilt not want of attention, and generally the over her indignation, and she wom- bat%) to wait half the summer for • coedition of the neighborhood lens them to acquire strength to 1110100 LiePi01111110. 00111.1011 in the dairy. Haptilly every year we see fewer of the old, slip-sbod, rattling -bones 11E0110 011 iLS lips, 101101100 LIS of a clairyinen. eehen a /minis enlighten - fiend broke at 1.110 window, ecl he never does 11, and he meet be In the broad band of light Ala8-?onlightenetl or he drops out of eight. WIIITE FACE .197 TETE GLOOM Ho simply starves out—so beware! Clive the usual feeding of hay and gritii: in the morning tend at nhig as well, until the pasturee are Izmir- iaiPlant now for variety and abund- ance of feed for the whole year. As much feed as poseible should be grown on the farm and any' lack should be purchased, for the well- fed coty will pay back the outlay in- terest the very next day. Every dairyman, whether he keeps five cows or fifty, should vote a rueeession of succulent foods for tho cows. First in the spring is rye, then peas and oats gow in 51(000.451011, then some millet, which will be ready in about sixty days from planting, then early sweet corn planted 111 drills and thin elleTTING PAPA'S coNsENT. The lovely girl tapped softly at the done of her fatluir's private office. There was no response. she tapped O little louder. "Come in." She tin•ned the knob and entered. The grey-haired money -grabber looked up frem his little desk. "Halloo, Lucie!" "Halloo, pa!" "Money?'' "No, pa," '*Ield Anything Wrong?•' "No, pa," 'Talk faster, my girl," -Well, you see, pa. 1 want--" "leow muchr "Walt. pa. Clive me time." "That's something 1 can't spnro." "Just a minute, par want to "lVhnt erin it cost?" "Don't interrupt, pa; T want to glee a young elan something." "13iiithda9' present'?" •.Ye8." "Well, den't come to 100, I Ineven't ane* idea what a Young man wants." "But 1 bave, pa. know just what he wanls.'' why de you come to me?" 'Because 1 waut yoll to approve, ised te obey Hat royal instmetions. Before 7 the royal carriage erriv- ed and Patti was driven to the pal- ace and conducted through long, dint rorridors crud rooms to the private theater, which, to her amaeement, elle found in absolute darkness save for the fitful light of the moot), au saw ci, woman flying, .A. leap like a stag's and he was after hoe, :A. second it seemed, and his hand had gripped a neck, The frighted face was Asunta's and in her hand was a pistol, There was one swift snale and as a dog shakes a rat, Alasdair shook Asunta, ana revenge had recoiled on itself. * * * * I-Tector lay 011 LI great bier 01 the Cathedral. A pall of silver cloth covered him. 'And oa it flainect single blood -red rose, a rose that looked like a heart against tho splen- did white, a rose that was the heart of Maddalena—for Maddalena elk' not die—would to Cod she had I At the foot of the bier rested the crown of Pahnetto—in homage to him that bed W011 it. On the altar glimmer- ed innumerable candles, the polo lambent glow of the lamp that burns enotigh so it Will produce 001'8. Tilelltt continually shone down mysteriously craPs should follow uP to the frost the pallor of marble columns gleam_ period. ed, and to ancl 'fro went the dim Any of the above crops not used up figures of priests in vestments of rich ill the succulent state, should be cut hue. Tho organ pealed, end carefully cured foe use in winter, And then, through a len° of the Oats and peas cut when in the milk, men of 1-4i:beetle holding torches, a melte the most valuable fodder. lane miles long, went hector Ch After frost there 8110111L1 130 011 nlizin- holm Grant to his rest on the high- dance of roots and ensilage to draw est peak of the 111.0111C, 31 rare Lind from until time for the spriee feed most royal progress, OVer against his bed is a rock on aglan toi'not lot the boys rush the COWa, which they have cut hector Grant, nor the dogs C111180 them, have your sheep been armed with l'almetto Eeinembere 1 a hell] If not, do not put it orf (The End,) single clay. The sound tif„n. hal is a -4,— great protection 10001 vicious dogs. SENTENCE F.A1'I11111ONS. laqiitli 01008 her force to facts, 1-1011811 TALE% Doubt determines nothing, Nicking raises nothing but dust, esllion ni01 lt-flattt1b01g011)etoltloarNs7.arkTi9;?ufl'olh10orus-•- iirlietel'uvhioli tIvloillgInuo3Itt echuotosteo 1111tritiosILthlicr,iss8e: 71:01gotsthenn41/8100019 htotlir17 11 (1170018, rtilnl-alittisiolgo Salvation is move than 04 010 es- cape. how unfltied you aro for further ef- fort. 'rho surrering imposed Will Virtue is not a matter of vocabel- cense the horse to lose in eonzlition (try. and nervous enerv, which Will be a Nothing eucceeds tvluire the soul nal toss 10 yon, 1)11\1114 Clod life nod loto are 89'0o(137" chafe the horse, and that the bits ore Nee that no parts of the harness 1111"h lnot drawn up too Light in the mouth, ittle silence may save a lot of Variety of feed is of groat import- •sorrosw, mm ei an .111190975o lways cuts his wn 041`P01T A. 0 hay should he ant or clinmiecl, fingers. and mointened, and the night grain Repentance ettenot tear tm the eciets ration should be grimed and fed with or the imet, this, The 111011 60110 lakes 1ile lie 11 dose The guiding hand 8110111d over lid always Mule it a 'little. one. watchful to :w61 that each horse has No man reaches the stage 01 tri- his required ellowanae, One horse front injury In wooden eases, and elnpli bet by the sLeps of trial. may need a little more, and another peeked I 11 II'001, were pineed in the Vit•tue may he ifs own reward, but a 111.1 Ie less, to keep him in proin,r rhildren's cots, whieh wore constant - it is net tia 069e MIVaa1181ag 411M11 1• hotilth and condition, The. first; in- ly °eyepiece day and eight, hy the A Mall 11101014 110 Particular 1c0- ffication of fallieg ofT shoeld iie true- stx little ones in turn during the three geese by patting himself on the Intel:, ed and remedied at once. weeks required for ineubntlon. As ' ' ' Wator often, water wieely. 1111en cinch of Ow coin contained 400 ogee - 978, el To prove to yea thee )'Jr, thin often hinges the reputed ski11 of 200 on each sides -the human litenba. U es 'ihee11e,',4°,31,aleamelliProlefeeleecla a '11)1(1 11)1 feeder 0,11t1 handler, IPJ i nil every feem of itching, torn sureoeded in hatching 1,200 oggs Giro 11 11'111'111 00011 IlleSh, 1.11001;SL 01 11 111110, for evhielt they received 1. cent an egg, or M. 'llivir rarniege, theeefore, for lying in bee' ror twenty - ono clayS anueented to exaetly, $4 a Week, a sum far execorting the over- age wage of o Itussion dialled worii. num ln the country districts, . . As she stood on the dark stage and an unseen orchestra began a 8071 prelude she fancied slie saw through the gloom a white. face from a box opposite to her, "it wtts she afterward seta. "the lar,0 1 black, empty theatre, the strobe; of tresic coming from 1. lolew not where, ancl that one white face, the only sug- gestion of life anywhere, lookiag at me from out of the darkness. Cold shivers raft down my hack, und when " I opened my mouth to begin tho arta, net a sound came front it." It would be difficult to imagine situation more trying eYen to 0. Per- ez/0 tho strongest: eerves. The king, for be was the owner of the uncanny v:hite face, when he failed to helm the expected voleo, eese ex- citedly from Ilk seat, and leaned for- ward indi of the box, the moonlight falling on his spectral ' 11100. The Brewing horror of her situation seemed 0011SO the singe:. out of her stupor of fright, ttIld W101 e, mighty effort her imprisoned voice rang ()ill, flooding the empty build- ing 101 1 11 SW00 tooss. '1 was the eefort My 111'0," She Said later. "1 "Oh, that's all right, of course. !Was desperate, leit when I found my thee him anything you please. Want. , voice pet my head back and 010110121 01 chequer' ed hands and sang—sang as pa.'' have rarely sung before ur since." "Oh, speak up." As she wan waiting the signal to "I want. YOS 1015E it's right, sing again, a messenger appeared' pa. X want you to say again th,a, with the announcement that the king can glee him anything 1 'dense." had 10141 enough music and had gone "Silly girl, Of 001WS0 you rem 10 Ills apartments, For a Moment You've always lied your 6„.„ way, ra ratti was stunned, and then, seeing that, all'?" the comical aspect, of it. n11, she " Wa it , You see, know Just laughed heartily (Ind peepared to re - what. he weals." Orli to her hotel. On the following flay the court chamber/an called at You said that. before, filo hotel with. en autograph letter ••13erattse what he 6011(115 10--•—•". of thanks front the king and rt. p10 - " sent or costiv jewels; and later she "11I -111-111N" leavned that Ludwig had tweet deys To (('1(1111 In cursing blmself mid her for beteg lured by the magic of hor voice to CHILDREN AS INCUBATORS, mich to Itallari 11111810 0114 thus raellos And limner aro combined in prove disloyal even for a. few mein- ri, simpler story from Russia, relating ants to his beloved 'Wagner. to a, poor peasant woman living uear Viletke, Who Was left absolutely des- MEN W110 00 MAD. Witte with six children to support, A scientist has gathered from sta- At lust n. luminous idea strnek her, iisties that the military nett naval Mho suggested te the teighhoring P1'0105810118 111081 claieklY wear out Poultry farmers that site should r tho brains. Out of 100,000 soldiers hove thenervoni the trouble end ex- dud sailor, lnp Ivere 50,1Avnied PE111140 Or using incubators for hatch- tire. Next tame the liberal profes- ing phial:ens and turkeys. May ions, artists heading the 1101, fol - weed, and the oggs, "walls, secured lowed closely by lawyers, and more dist an tly by doctors, clergymen, lit- erflrY 11101, 011E1 servants. In 100,000 about 177 cif these go mad, lei donmetic gervante and ?Mime:tie 155 out of 100,000 go to the asylum and of mechanics only sixty-six, The saneet people, eleinteenile, are tome mereial anon, of whoa( fortY.-two 1(1 100,000 go mad, Some num export to aopoiro their good habits th their secon 1 childhOod, When a roan ifi emitent will) What he A, he id never etzezneert with Whet he liae. ; leg a ed za °geeing Klee the menufeelerere bare enerantend it. 8ceirs thaordsls ir: 11)0 50)197 press and ask yearnolffir born whottliny think 0311, X00 00(1110311,aryl gat year mono: hack 111)81ree it hex. fll 011 C1001000 00 1110141Mtax,11.erteilsr Co.,Teronla Dv. Otiate'e ointment salted, s01( 11 a pint or so of molasses 011 fiaturda:v *night, as the ilorses will riNt the following day. De not neglect the lump or roll of slit in the merger( 8m:cos:mil 111,1 10 reeding is an art