The Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 61.11,•••
ihnt everyt 'Ling he ens:tied in 1 he
univem, wits good. Yes, Doti "Malt
made everything 10,3)111 1/111 111 11 in
Man. Should Value the Affections um," hi8 Trout oPrillg-
log out of Os) brook and sporting
In tho eddy in gOod: therefore we
of tilt Du rnb Creatures. nOt. cut,h it for urn) Ironton
Inen was not there, lint now I be-
lieve all worlds not aeat ed aft Mir
OVill NV 0 HA W404 ("Nal Od )1004.111P0 1 1 Od
II.)VeS beatitiiol end has declared
Vantered racnralag to Act of the Pat.
tooneet of Canoes. io the year rise
Thosserie Nine Hundred and rour
Wve. !laity. of 'reroute, sc 3134
ot agriculturo. ottaire
.1. despatch from Los Angeleo,
Cal., suys 1-1tei-, Frank Do Witt
'Prilmage preached from the following
text : Iketteronomy xxv, 4, "Thou
shah not natiolo the ox When he
tt Cadet 11 mit thy corn.'•
Moses was tho first great states-
illan Gest know of who reeognizett
the rights, dumb animals. It i.s
significant. iiiet that it, this early
cloth:. of laws he should imio given
legal rights to ommais as well ttn
to mon and weasel. 11 Was a
nound end righteous emime, anti 1.
am glad to remember that we. too,
hate not. only laws to itrownt 3110 dl
Vantage of animals, but also hi the
Ilmortne society tin orgatortition to
see thigt those are enforced. I want
to show you this morning why every
Christian should be in toilet) with
that society and that Its pziomp g.s
shouhl Igo applied to 1111 cdassen 111111
till :MOE. There is no reason why
1 ls, admonition should be limited to
the farmer. The boy should he
taught to be good to his pet, dogs
and simirreits; the draytuan should he
compelled to lighten the lomt if his
3)03.4,44 is too Weak to draw it; the
hackman should be requirisl to 1,1313-
ket bin 0ieed 044cing Ihe
blasts of winter: the sportsman
;Mould he prohibited shooting the
mother bird in ne,oing time. I would
1 5,y to show that the Christ who
was born maid the lowing of the cat-
tle und the bleating of the sheep and
the neighing of the horses, whinnying
for their oats, is 1 0 -day the friend
tool protector of the clunth brutes as
11 01 1 4,1 our fellow men.
- A isen's ordure is degraded by in-
dulging in eruelly to allilnals. lle
loses his manliness and nequires the
nature oi brutes. 1 le ondergoes
his lifetime tre metamorphosis, that
the oriental, believe he suffers after
death. In the far east tless, is a
popidar relief held by multitudes; it
is ft bet i in the transmigration of
souls. 'rids means. in popular in.
tertmetation, that after a mon dies
Ids 80,11 passes into the te)4133 of a
dog or a cat or a horse or o
end 110 liVe, 011 1 111.011811 110 07111011g
agex. It Is: is 11 111,.il nom then
beetones a mean Jac:1,31
or a lirc1111, if a good 00111 11100 lliS
mad takes upon itstlf the form af
210111,1 beast; but though in Chris -
131111.343(1 Arno:lea we do not holLoy
in the transmigration of souls we
11111y Set. «all/11181 US 1:11 1111/110g01114
Ith."110111181011, W11.11 11 103111 11181.8e8
41 41111113, brute lie Is hot penislied by
linving his soul at :tenth pass into
the body of a jecl.411, but le, tidies
011 the charaelesi of those erne}, }lu-
stful, foul legged sea\ engern 01 the
desert, 31,, 1 )1,•0111[PS 0/i0 or them
in his nano', 1,:vers: time the old
sleshstri skiened a iamb alive, think-
ing that thereby the meal was made
the mvi.eitee. h,• 41,:str.,s,••1 that. moral
solsitiveness whist, enabled him to
distinguish hetw,•,,,, right and wrong.
Tilverv time a transfixes a ily
with ti pin and then laughs to Eee
it Wriggle and squirin in 11S death
agonies thdt 1,0y is Mt ing himself to
ins:seas, a monster, 13 murderer 81111 11
0081 1%0:T of men, Nero. the Gamin
demos, beeathe the inhuman monster
la, gas 1,y first. as it boy. learning
1,1 take pleasure in the sufferings of
It is Ii111•8••1• 3101 11, 1,7:Very 1113411 takes
tomn himself the heart ol stiveoe
oninia1 'Mom he aboses DM helpless
d1114111 brates that tIod ga1se to 111111
as dependent S.
Tim Illumine' Society of America,
in reachiag 1111131 10 101 kind to the
dumb brute, hes a sreond practical
11}1}}}11011 11 teaches Glut harshness
end bit ti,rneht3 und Crlletty' ilo abso-
lutely no good in the training and
1 be true subjugation of 1111 anima].
A cruel lausice 113401. wits at.10 to
/401 Ihe bent rosoltm 11111 of a horse,
Blows and hicks rout cuffs only make
stuldoosi httese the 11101v stubborn
and tim balky animal the mort, set
in his traces, 1 never learned this
to a more 11111wPSSIVO way
than when T passed two summers al-
most within a steno's throw of one
of the best stock farms in this coun-
try. Wha 1. ma ifloent a Most 13.4 those
wow Racing horses wore not rids.,
Iliteie, but the best blood for car-
riage lomses and roadsters of ell
sorts. 'Their clean limbs, their
flashing, eyes, their high strung, Tier -
vont; elrganivation. made those tutis
gulls 1111, pride of almost every Molds
111ey entered, Yet. the whip Willi
never Itsed mom them. Thro- wore
trained utmost entirely by kindness,
A Nor he colts barl been (Mowed to
lan in the fields for about. three
'jeers, always, luitststier, being petted
ht: their owners, they were rently for
the harness. 'file first Any 011 11111011
bridle Won Mit Muni theln
strap was fastened on the fore omit
to teach them that they must miner
That weft 1111. A1101. the first. 11V-0
or three clays the 1)01:se Martial that
if be pbmand the st rap wollid bo tIM
plied to rake 1118 forefoot tool 141),i4)
111111 011 throe It's's. ifnving. learned
lesson ho sensed 10 1dunge. goal
the use, of the strap was cliscontins
nevi, '1'11011 1,110:111 COILS Avert, quietly
hy the sides of OM older
loirst,s and dritien ont lc) plow. The
driVer14 1101er jerked 1146,111, but 4.1 -
'ways talked kindly to 3 11(3311 end,
(goosed them. Anil 1110111311 those
Moses seemed to have within than
till the pentup 1011131 11111 of 'lob's war
eh arger, "Stuel1Ing the I at 110 from
Mar," std. in 1 lie hands of their lilml
1)1/1s11, t hey hemline gentle, 10011111n
and docile,
A n groin:MY, dyspept lc 17111141S-
ophor 011ee 811111, "1110 11101%, I nen cit
men the better t like dogit' fl'ila.t 114.
hot, my idea,: put, 'the inore km
of dogs anti horses end cattle the
more think thet• aro like Men.
Supposing 3 ou wore a horse hitched
t o a Carriage. Sapposing oVerr
tiale yalt Wad:, Misstep (hero Wit8
11 W11111 like a 141131.‘ ready to ellt lilt
Vain* Skin, Would not your lierN'en 11.0
vont in ually (lost ming I 'Would you
not alwass he really to jump, to shy
and to rear •4 Supposing 3 on nere
in a Stall With ;,0111, bead lied 10 a
halter and the hostler Wanted ;eon
to MoVe o(er to the other side of
the stall, and Instead of placing bis
11111111 genlisi upon you and saying
(31,1i.01 "Now inove over," he gives
:.•011 n savage kick 1/1 tbe 01 01111011 01.
11 eUri 11//1111 1110 stile of the head that
made your ear ring and ;mar brain
Missy with pain. What would you
? Would vou bite and kick him.
if s oll got 3110 chance 1 1 drada. Whe-
ther 11111111111 natare would he rts long
suffering os (spline naturo under suoh.
Provocat ion. 11111 if every in10 1 11111
11051 ler (1/1110 11 l'01111(.1 y011 got a rnloss
or a pave tit apple el'ery }Me he
applies the currytiomb and a kind,
reassuring word every ihne a Shriek -
lag t•ogits, came past I think that
hostler 05 driver would be loved and
trust od and obeyed just as my little
child 111144, through my kindness,
learned to Itite and trust and Obey
We. -The mom., I flee of men the
;more I love dogs !'' ,011, no; the
:philosopher was wrong. 13tif the
'more you. see of horses and &Igo the
More yoll ought 1.0 learn to treat
,them with tle, MO gentleness with
which you 8110111,1 treat your fellow
'nom Curses and blows tind yells
and growls lower made n. nervous
horac trustful or an obstinate horse
dorile. Nirolness will win solunis-
sion in an enimal. where terrer }Ind
fear con neter prodtlee
.11.7STICE 17011.
143,1 you ever stop to think how
111nai ,V(al and I are indebted to all
tho},,, "'Mir footed beasts on. the
,,arth and wild beasts and creeping
things and fowls of the air" which
rioter saw in vision let clown from
Os is 41 pvitt sheet when
log lodged war Simon the tanner'?
The horse! Now inany of oni, bur-
dens he has curried: 'Dow manY
Toorpy times We Slave had when being
drown by him over the com1 Lry
roads! In holt} Many scenes of ainer-
ram:king has he been im cssisltini
part! And often in thnes of arid-
ness ht: C011111 to Dor hap. The
birds! Yes. they, too, are worthy
of their hire. They arc, our wood-
land prima 11011115S. Olir songsters and
songStreEsen, that make the day, ao
well as the night. vocal with 111118111.
Th0 1015111 of the barnyard and the
cattle of the tields—they, too, are
worthy of their hire. Tho bone and
artsch, end bran, of man come fri3111
11•11. 11011. 11:-.011 tilt, humblest crea-
tures aro sometimes of great 'enlile
tO man.
"1 saw n blikons studs, this niter -
noon," T said last summer to a far-
mer. "It seemed to be all colors and
r eaegot tr r oe middle or the
road." "NM :13011 1011 it?" "03
coin's,' '1 killed it. 'What are snakes
for ion to kill." "No, mg friend,"
he answered, "All 413,111ces aro not to
kit I. The poisonous snakes are to
kill. Mit not those that fere not pols-
onons. The snakes we have nround
here, for the most part, are a grori
Messing' to the farmers. They kill
the lingS and 1118netn Which dentroy
the (Tops. Shaken aro not. always
the enemvs'sbut often the friend, of
man." l'es. my brother, wp shon111
lint only Move the ox Imunizzled up-
on the thrashing floor, because the
laborer in alwavs wortriv of his hire,
Mit the sheep and oxen and cattle
anti horses and hiran arid 11811en, and
sometimes even the snakes are among
the best nal the most fnithful labor-
ers we lave.
I ATAL,. .
Again, T assort thut 8110lilil 11011-•
OP Or. TIumant, Society of America
because r somettoros think that the
hirds of the air, as wP11 at; the beasts
of the earth, nmy have au nrdor of
affection eTen greater than that or
man if 31111 loving power or toe
heart 114 over allowed to develop. I
believe that n dog can love as a 2•0:10
e1111 10VV. 3 believe a hOrne Call 1030
as a man ean tote, and a bird also.
shotdd be very savant lest we
trample upon the lamas of (be cluntb
brutes, as some of 1114 too often traIn-
plc 11P071 the hearts nr innn. "11 hut!
A dog loVe as a man loves? Absurd,"
says some 0111'. LS 1 1, absurd? nave
yott never heard of a dog dying Mom
grits: because his Mantel' died? nly
father once had a noble greyhound.
When he went far 8.11.0y fr001 1101110
that dog became go lonely without
my father that he refilsed ea}, and
literally dial fano grieving for
111E190.1'. Abstied! Dttl you never
soo a dog grieV1ng among' the chief
mourners al rt. funeral? Again and
aged)) We tried 3.0 drive Beat:1,v, a
little sky terrier, out of the room
ef death. But. tvoidd not. go, tin-
der I casket lat lay, hour error
3,0311i. Mtairlinilly 110 Went fvora
room to roam. after the tnolertalser
Mot (galled the precious burden awn.?
to steal Pinong tha dowers. Poi'
cluys and weeks Beauty Ives hunting,
no Wan alWaya 1111111 Mg. Ifo was
hunt ing fOr 1 be dead, }taw! you
never 1111(1 11010.11y ill yonr honle?
WORLri NCIT roll. 111ANT ALDX131.
1101, lastly, we shouhl lie kind end
gentle end loving toward the dumb
111011141 110011118e (1 laVe14 111010, and
What a 011 loven We shm1141 not de-
spise. 11sed to thinlc that God
1,011 W01.111 for man. I weld to
third) Unit all other worlds wertit
merely emptY4 Intoned not WorhiS
Illie moon.' T. used to think that
the other Worlds Were not Worth the
decoreting and upholstering 'I:means(
sport to let it. rot upon tho bunk.
Clod tuned the throat of tho nightin-
gale and tbo Inr14. lo sing after the
twilight. and in tivicrs sight thole
mush, ha swot . As our rather loves
the birds we should not think It sil-
ly to throw ti feW e10111.118 IMO ilin
8110W bank fOr ihe 14110W1111118 WhiCh
111100 been eaugla in the 1411),serd, nor
to leave for our h3athorell friends a
cup of water upon the window 1411
in times of a droughts
Clod loves the lambs. Ile made
the sheep's gentleness the symbol of
a divine gentleness. Christ wits led
as a sheep Mind) before big shearers.
and as 11 lamb nt the aneghter he
opened not his 1110111 11. (1od made
the lairso trod saw tingt 111 Wilt: good.
011 that great day of the triumph of
righteousness over sin Jesus. the etre-
nal conqueror, shall (mine riding
clown the heavenly heights upon the
white ellarger of victory. CM. )11y
friends. if Clod created the benais of
the fields Wild the birds of the air and
the 11511 of thy seas and 811W they
Yore good we should be kind and
gentle and loving toward them all!
1Pront the dulul.) crontuivs as well as
'front the sweet voitso of the woods
we 1114ty learn some of the best les-
sons of Christian love.
Clod bless the Guinan° SoelelY 01.
Americal Cod bless all those men
and W01/1011 who are taking olT the
cruel collets galling the necks of the
horses snacring With 801'05 111113 1111- i
1113ching horses that are bobbling 1
along on decayed:feet! Clod bless the I
I Christine-. movement which nukes 1
1111101 treat their dogs at Toast as ,
kindly ..ns they would treat their Int- 1
1114111 (110111108 1 3 10r1 bless ell move -1
merits that would respeet the Inalien-
able rights or the sheep and the !
horses and settle W111511 stood abottt ;
, the manger oti the night that Jesus ;
was borr.! God 1,1oss idl those who '
would 1 ationally and with Christian I
feeling tatitslatt3 -to thr human heart
the ecnntilanchnertt Of My teXt which
says, ''Thou shalt not :nuzzle the 074
when ho tooadeth out the eorn!"
Length of Time It Takes to Con-
struct a. Monumen.t.
V ?ell O*9 e eye) s eltled Ott5141.8
, .
goeipes for 010 Kitchen.
to tlyziotte and Other Notoe
for the Ilouselceeper,
GoOseiefact0s0e(Doeseo 000
t; poi)
Vienna fi ve 34 uses
of castor sugar, live ounces of. bread
crumbs, three ounces of stontst rah: -
ins. two puttees of enroll peel. ball a
pint of milk, anti 1.110 yolks (31 foot'
02684 end add a feW drops of 088(0100
Of vanilla. Steam in 'natured
111011111 for ono hotir }Ind half.
Tomato Eggs. ----(110081. some 111C0
large tomatoes ot 188111 1 S'10.11, 11114 0111
them in halves: 8000p ant the centre
of each, sprinkle with a little ehop-
pod ham a few bread. crumbs, and
pepper and salt; then break an egg
carefully into eneh half, OM hake for
a. lt,w minutes until the eggs tiro set.
Macaroni Soap Is Cul ble3pc318101,
alai nourishing soup, told eau he pre -
:pared at a short notice. Boil some
' cation for t wen ty 111111111 en in
slightly salted water, then strata it,
and add to it three of stotai,
i nicely flavored with N'egetables. Sem
'son with salt aild pepper, nail HO
:The stock should be co105011 a deli-
• en t e brown.
Savoury 11 1011.•••-•11 11511 1 ltive ounces
of 111.0 •111111 LiOil 3 11 11111) a. pint of
milk till binder: add ppppor ano salt,
in taste. 1}11tter it pie 111811, spread
half the ace in it, sprinkle one cameo
of grated cheese (Parmesan, if pos-
slide) 011 11, adtl the rest of the rice,
meatier ON'Or It some more cheese,
put Mater on the top in small pieces,
and brown )(do (11311.k 01%./1.
:L'Oel 0110 pound of the finest rhu-
barb end cut into pieces of two inch-
es 111 length; odd threesquarters of a
pound of white sugar and the rind
and juice of one lemon, the rind to
be cut in narrow strips. Put all into
ifresprving pan rind shunter gently
until trio rhubarb is soft; take ft out
ectreffillY with a silver or woodot
spoon and put it into Mrs: Th
boll the syrup long enough to itialce
it jetty. say Ono hOlir, and 1/01/1' it
tiver the fruit,
Caullf1010e1 atid C311342so Sauce.—
Choose Mee cauliflower and boil It
till tender, deain it, end Insak inlo
small ploce8, C01.0ring 11 1011JI tlie fol-
lowing sauce; 'Thicken half a pint
of milk with two tablespoonsful
flour. two ounces of grated I'armesio)
. •
The ancient temples and tombs of
' with their intricate carving are
the marvel of all who see ghoul, 1411.1
' the author of "Cities of India," and
the wonder of the beholder grows
when 110 realizes that the (0101.1110118,
blocks of marble and sandstone hove
been dragged, by 111111:1 ill 111811y
. ,
80111e y,,art.: ago Mr, Porrest, while
walking through 1. remote village of
the Decean, Milked. a large stone.
pillar, ric1313• catived, hy the :
roadside', Ile aslosl the and •
destination of the monolith. It Wa8
for the porch of a temple 011 (he ,
LWOW of a precipice two miles 11311.1y,
ilre11001(111g 110 hamlet
"The villagers drag I 1," said. 1:110 1
head officer or the place, "on. great.;
festivul days. 31 my lifetime, sahib,
they hava tm,ved it a hundred yards.
A11(1 Se0 110W 108(11 varying they Moe
110 pointed to some eight inches of
wan deri cleeora tion. The ornery :
wins (toasty fifty sours of age, and i
and the traveller looked in astonish -
malt, wondering. how long before 1 113,
Mho would CO011/1030 1 1 14 journey..
An old Brahmin standing by noticed;
his eXpreS81011.
"You N.nglil,11 are in :moll a burry" 1
ho Said. "There is tho age of brass :
cool the age of iron. '1•114.3,y come and
gone their wily. and so Will y011. I
. .
11111 the pillar Will tench the 10111- ,
.• 1
:His reply was the spirit. of ithelent
Whitt lakes no heed of to- ;
class but. linving set about. the cons:
'tartlet 1011 of 811011 a mount/lent. g008
81.0311111y at work, satisfied to de- i
vote a thousand yearn 1 0 it, if the
temple ts, Wm thy to 111(1111%1 1110111 it
iS (10111",
"1 toolersttoid 3-ott shot a burgler
during 1 ho absence of your husband,
said the detective.
nriutiltisl the delicate -look-
ing tittle woman, "I did."
"What basin's or him'?" cor13011 thy
clef yet e.
"Why, the other burglar Carried him
away," unswered the lads„
"Which other Intrailar?''
-Toe one shot 111,- she oxPlaIlloti.
1110. 11. Droener, fite3rs
eommareial agent 111. Vledivostock,
Siberla, reports that a ltussInn pap-
er, quoting front a Chinos) paper,
sive : .1ccoodIng to the. lost census
taken in China by Imperial order, in
view of reassessing 1011014. 010 tOtal
number 03' inhabilents nitionitted to
.128,447,3125 souls. The eighteen
Chinese provinces proms. lind 07,-
787,305: Manchuria, 8,1300,0003 Mon-
golia, 8,854,000; 81111.3et, 0,430,000,
When a small boy gets 11 fm linger
(Magill in 1 he toodry door lt. Isn't the
jam 1 \ 1! 15 looking ror.
'Marry, 1Terrj! are sou do-
ing with your fingers baby's
morn 11?“ demencled 11111111010. "Looking
fon ego ;45/0011,'' PP/A1C4, '111813..
(11•01' do 3/043 moan'?" "Niirso said he
was born with a 811Ver Bp0011 in 1118
111.0111,11. 11111 enn't 111111 it
to. Oral, the 1;111Jertnker, 1(118 111,1,
017 at /1 IOU 10r an anstrer when any-
one attempted lo poke fun M. him or
Ids orolossoin. Ono day rt would-be
wit. remarked 1 o 11011 "Yours 11084 bo
rt gruesome business, 11r. 1 sup-
pose ;con 11;001'10:PPS 3105er look st
Man without. Wishing .111141 clettd?''
"Von nisi 1141stal0.31," replied Dui 1111-
derlelier, "I knot, some people whom
I Would be perfectly Willing to Miry
• • 11 1
1301. and salt to tasty; our it over
the co1111110Wer, end rprinkle t he
whole with bread entail*: gra a little
grated cheese, lirann far 0 IOW min -
Ides in a 1101 00101.
Broiled Sardines.--Snmirt 110 oil
front large sardines, place in fine
wits, brolicr. (11131 hold Orer a clear.
hot fire Ions, (stooge to basun:, thor-
olighlY healed 1 1,11t 1101 dried,
• .. stt teass it
taaFt. lay 11 sardine on each, moisten
with some of the oil that Ilan been
lumtod and plea, 011 melt 511411 'tea-
spoonful of sauce tart/Ire. Thor
elot:er; exeellent relish for a Sun-
day night supper. 1 lerring or her-
ring roe tinny be used on toast in the
saluT1o0o143‘1.•aY.Ctilkes-1) fix a quart of
strained 1101143y with half 431. pound ,or
710114101,d sugar. half n pountl of
fresh butter, end the juice of 1.1(0
}TIFatilgir:18104.1g0•11; i'rt7t)lissc:f E3.‘nar).11)110 8111)g)4111 I el yr;
beat the :mixture Vel'y hard, adding a
grated nutmeg; itlix in graclually two
pounds or less of flour; nadir, into
dough stiff enough to roll oitt
limit it well ell over with rolling -
pin; roll half an inch 013(414; out with
rt tunlilor aippod frequently In floor;
lay them (111 shallow tins, slightly
buttored and bake well.
Crtunnetss-TnIcc, one quart of dough
from the bread nt earty hour in
the morning; 13rrak three eggs, se -
pertains. siOlics and whites. both to
lio whitiped to a light froth: mix
than in the dough, mid groduatly
add milkswarto water. until I 1 is a
halter tin, consistent's, of buckwheat,
Velif.S; 130113 it Well mid let it rise
till breakfrint time: have Gm grids
db. hot and nirely greased; poor on
the batter in small round eak011, filid
bake n light brown,
Le 113011 41 tijubog.—Whon the thront
in sore loition jujubes of great effici-
ency may be mask, as fol.lOwlisi:
thr f 10
ounce» of pure glycerine told ono
ounce or gelatin. Simmer, rd 1 togoth-
fn 311 a jar set in bolting water until
the gelatin is quite dissolved, Mon
lhis mixture is mild it can be rut.
into smell sonnivI4. which lire sucked
118 n SWeetnient. 'For 53111ciren this IS
verg good plan indeed, as both le -
tram juice and glycerine have anti-
septic and curing action on tlic
11419'f4 FO13-3•10311141 I.I13•1314.
A little snit added to n 14'01101 is
said to be excellent for removing
sticky spots front carpets or rugs.
All wool blankets 11,110 the. cherished
homes of ungrateful germs, and bor.
ex is their deadly enemy.
I:Inman hair grows better in right
than 1» dart:mess, because of the
stimulating effect, of light, mid sun-
Silver should bo Wanlied Wit11
chamois loather Saturated with seen
each time after uso, thus avoiding n
general cleaning,
I'resorving Mrs should be stood on
their htuttla for tit least all 1101.11. af-
ter sealing, when the liquor will es-
cape if the jar contains alr.
The purest air in most tities is
found about, twenty-five fret shove
stroet 3111rfacr, The lwalthlest
apartnitots are 1,11080 on the second
or third floor.
A good wash for dundruff is one
pint worm water to ball an onnee of
glyeerine. 'dash the bead with this
at Irma moo 11 Week, Ain mina, of
borax 1.0 a plat ot Writer is elso use-
In 1131:Inning glove the greatest
Strain comes upon the (1791. button;
se 'before at-ton:44ft tO faeteri tilt%
button the others, vontinowing whit
the s000nd ono, lastly thy 1114443, Nyv-
'or 1)151ton one glove with the lingers
of a gloved hand,
Platt:mos that have lost thsis ten)»
por row become misted or 1,01101011rd
sooekt (1114001:011 731' 1111t1 not loft
to take up v111410110 space on kitebon
shelves, NeW ir0/18 cant lilt le. 111)11
it Is poor egiorionly to 11111, 01(1 01100
that nr0 pnet their 11144-411111elin.
111Sectt4 Will neVer Ott 1/00kn
Wiliell are dilated ailee 41 year With
3/01111erod alum rind Wlitt lappet..
Three part): of alum shoold he usgsl
0 One of pepper,
When U11111113 tO praellre soft water
for 'toilet purposes, koop a muslin
bog with fluo ontwoul 11, rind
squeez(3 out 1 11(3 water before wash-
ing. Put fresh naming] Into the bag
every third dm,
ittait fish 'usually requires consider -
141110 soaking in fresh water before
ft Is used, The time of soaking de-
pends upon. the saltiness of the fish,
If hard and dry it. sometimes re-
quires as 11111(.11 104 i 11 11•1r-SiX 1101111:1
the writ or bang changed several
tittles during the interim.
To loos:en glnits 141 oppiTs pour 0.
little oil round the ,110111 II of the
bottle, and in an hour or two, if you
cannot move the stopper, stand the
tvholo bottle in Warin water; re1/701*0
it and gently tap tho stopiler on ei-
ther nide against glass, when you
will find It will easily come out. To
avoid the Marne thing happening
again, be careful to twist the stop-
per round, as it fits into the mouth
or the bottle.
111 order to Keep feather pi/lows
light and May, they should be 14.010-
vated 01'017 three or four years.
Sometimes feathers give oti en un-
pleasant odor that. cannot be re-
moved by simple miring; this dila-
agreeable odor can be entirely remov-
ed by renovation.
The work shouhl be clone OD al.
bright day wit, n there is a good
breere blowing. Make a bag of
cheesecloth or hill fiour sacks; stitch-
ing It all around with the exception
f 1.1 1101,, in One 01111 111 Which 3.0
pat 3110 feathers. Turn wrong side
out ancl rub the entire surface with
a. good nuality or bar soap and then
411 thy 1). , ri tcle out
n hole la the. pillow the size of the
bole In the bag and 8011' illt• etlgts of
thy two together. 'Plum shake the
centimes into 1110 hags BM the two
mart and sew up the holes. Toe hag
should scarcely t 11 0 -third:: MD,
an the coullierS in1181. haNti plenty of
1'00111 to expand.
Fill the wasli holler with cold win-
ter, immerse the hag of feethers and
bring slowly to a boil. Take tho
lift the tom in thy \voter. 1.01
clothes stick and Manumits, turn and
boil two (it. three minutes and then
1 1%81101'0. (1113 11110 a or cold kr..-
ter 81111 rinse than:nighty. Drain und
stpieeZu alit all water possible, rsinaa,
and hang in the shade 311 the wind
to 3Iry. -11 will restart: about 't We
dayn to dry than. They will be lig111.
and 11114. and tree 11.0111 a/1 unpleas-
tint odor.
Do not 1 53, to shako oh thy down
I 1 • 1 f th '11 •
ticking; just Immerse -the tirldng
right side oat. in water 111111 the doWn
Will roll up in 1111118 and Ci1 11 110 ensily
piered off. Add just enough starch
to the rinsing' water to make tho
tiektng es pi-, an 110W ticking, Se-
away sew two rubber ventilators in
two 'diagonal opposite 1.10111,014. 131
rubber Venal/11 orn are not obtainable.
1180 (1111118 1111 tool a half Icing.
Those wilt -admit sulneient air to
keell 111,3 pillows light. and fluffy.
Preponderance of Women Over Ken
in the Land.
As most readers will Is, aware,
Scotland. like the majorities of CO 1111••
111118, 0011 181119 a very pronounced
majority of Petioles over males. But
when that, andority Critieally NM,
vey1a1 very cilviolln rind 'probably
11Mo-10:owe Frans come to light,. 1t
is rt popular impression that the male
population or rural parts of Scot-
land is steutitly dwindling, causing
the disparity between the 11111111101•8 of
111e11 and women to be least in tbe
towns and cities,
But What 110 Wo really lind? In
E•dinburgli and Glasgow there titre
nearly 40,000 1110re .felnale8 than
Malt's, Which. work out at praeLically
'29 111011 to every 30 women, In the
other Scottish towns there aro in
all en ext)ess of 70,000 remeles, equal
to 'We still larger proportion of 25
women to every 24 mem 1 is Yawn
WO 1,11111 to rural parts that these SI&
tires carry most maiming.
The y01)10'10011 or seettor vil-
legos 4631,1/3131. W0111ell predominats
Mg to the extent of 9,000, which, in
other words, in roughly only 50 of the
fair to• every 413) of Llic strrn sex.
Tri strict:13, rural poets, whieh have a
popnlatioe Molest twice es gr(3at
the villages, this disparity is still
10.9s markets being indeed an slight
aii 220 females to ill 0 itaileS.
(311•101191y enough, Scotland's is-
lands show the greatest disparity or
011. Of the 1 55,000 persons who in-
habit these islands over 82,000 are
of tbe gentle Sk
Sli(YrEC r 1.0 11113 DS,
.11t (.rapan) there is a
firework pinker who manutacturek
pyeotechnie birds of grout size, that,
when exploded, sail 311 a lifes
lila, Marano through the air and per-
form 111/1 tly movements exactly liko
those or 1 1011)14 birds. The secret, of
malting these wonderful 'things halt
been 311 th(3 possession of the eldest
child or the family each genora1100
for more. than 4,00 years,
A wonoin silmost ns sensitive
along, the size Dr her shoes 418 She
fa Montt her ago,
Aunt Thiltung--•"1 tur 01100ked at
yon, Aftenly, Vou permitted yoUng
Air, .1 ones to kiss you," Mitudo4-"Ile
only just touched Me 1111. the flaSe,
annt le," Aunt was
quite out of Place, done," Maude—
"lio knew if ens, teethe; but you
'eelne titi- 81,161.11M1Y, *011 1141.'2,
KAY 22,
1) Y, 1.1.1113 this onss,01.1.1. 11.51.011, la.a\ii
orrottod fleetly all the ovoids of the
Ila•scit tohtec:Luisos. altiat
lietween the tast lesson, 011 hetnit-
17-30, Golden -Text, I.
eight. up to the very last ctendig
fore 1Iis cettellixion. beellin 1111-
18311111,-31.8ofatestosi:),y Inthob .gcb.t.0 slow Litt: 1211;- .1119(;11.
men the smallest portion of Scrip-
ture, and we must rely taping the
n,13.1 t4 ,4•1,4 nn tin," 1 nt,ns
rn,nis.n. in 4 nnnunn.., int in,
ginnen nnine of the thlints
IlaYe OVer—the heeling of the
blind ,:114 181 entered tool left .1 erielm,
it 01140111317w (aifl 3,,IlLic1(13,111:411.11.vs:
1110 public entry into Jerusalem, the
temple cleansed. the lig 1 rye cursed,
the poor widow olforing ronigginivied
and 1111111y 1011%11108 11811 oreroursorr.
1 reppy ore t oorrovere woo orm
told 1 11 t 0 moot tete much inion
these and upon all Scrinture. Thy
events of our lesson are recorded by
Mark and Luke es well 118 by Mai. -
thew, and Lillie XXII., 8, Say14 that
Ile sent l'eter and 3ohn, saying,
"00 and prepare 11:4 the passover
that Wn may mit." Then they aslosl
II Int, "Whiny wilt Thou llutt. WO ,111%.-
0111%. for Thee 'LO etlt 010 11118,80Verr*
Sollt theni into 11)43 city, te1111114
them that a man bearing' a Isitcheli
or watts' would meet them, unit by
following him they would find 11144
house. Tlum they wore to ask, the
goo(intan of the. house, and he -would
slimy them a large :upper room, fur-
ished and prepared, arid there 1.1u3y
were to -make ready. Tliey found as
Ile had sold cunt did an 110 118(1
1,01111011 1111111 (Mall( XiV., 1 8-10),
There Is a word 131 Prov, Ili., 0, 11,
whieli has been blessing tt»1», for
full forty yeara. having taken 110h1
of my when I was 31 yutmg ri
clerk in a St 00e. .110 not fail to
look It up gout oat It. and rimy the
"where wilt thou" of lho ler.4:4111 4.11111
the "Arhat wilt thou" of Acts ix.. 6,
be qur emitintial at Muth. to 1 Hui
whose we aro and whom we serve
(Acts xxvil., 2:1), who hes all oily
good works prepared fo.. 1114 I 0 10/11X
ill and Who Will guide tin an surely
and defluitely es guidgsl tile riflos-
tles on this occasion, and when Tie
svid them for thy %FS! colt fa1k33
xix., 11t1-32). Sg3(3 ror your comfort
and assuratice in the - matter of
;guidance (ph. 1 L. , 1 11; rill 1. 1V., 13,
7; Ps. xxxii„ 8; Ism xxx., Ill; :di..
III; but he sure you never icon to
your 34 We 1111(1111141 fluffing nor Want
your 01511 Wily 111 Illlyt 111/11.t: 134, good
clay in 11143 potter's hand (Ise. Ixtv.,
''N.41 1.03.11115" the tipper vomit
idol see our 1..ard 111111 the tWelVil ;at
the 30n48111.0r. '111114 alma Mal boon
foreseen nod orratiged before the
World 10118. (11' all the tgassovors,
from 1110 :Ors:. in Egypt (his:. xii•),
this was the greatilet, for it was the
Intrt the constunmatiou ancl
input of ail the others. Concerning
this one Ile said, '•11.1tli desire
I hats, desired to yet this mice -
Wier 101111 y011 befOre I suffer; for
I say am( 0 you, 1 will not 'any
Mare vat litervaf Mail it be
fulfilled in the kingdom of ilcal"
(1,oke xxli, 1 7, 1 0). Thus 'IR, points
us on to rt grealer doliverence for Is-
rael than ever 33:gypt had witnessed
(3er. xv1. ld, 1:1; 7, ti). All
the stops of the great, atonement.
whereby should be retlecillutl,
t110 ChUrch gathered tilid the kingdaill
Of (1011 established On 11118 earth }lad
been arronged in the eternity past,
in due -Liam unfolded, foretold, fore-
sharloaed to nnin. mut 104 1 110 op -
pointed linty comer; all is
for '4 he Scriptuer ennnot, be broker,"
mid 'ievery purpose ot the 1..05•41
0111111 be pi Tformed" 3,3 ohn X, 85;
rer, i 1, 29).
'Phe igtsetitut mu or t pomoveo
3) oboe] Carefally ntlidiell,
end the le880115 Of llic 1144111). 1 he
11100d. the liit.ter holm. tho 1m10410 -
tined braid, etc., be prayerfully en-
forced, The feel. wit:41 ing 111111 the
tenCh 1 Ilg Conti/311ml t he re te th (J ohn
1.L1 7) should be considered im-
fort) thulas Iscariot is pointed out
es the betrayer. Now 4115811 1110
words, "One of yo11 8111111 betray
1110," "ft hail lieen good for that,
mien if ho had not been born"
(Verses 21, 24). Jesus Itnow from
the limb:31111g who tiny Were 1.1111
believed not 411111 wlio should betray
11.111) (John vl, (1,1), but tint t id not,
in the 101181, 0801180 Judos, for be
had every opportunity to believe If
110 hell only been willing. In .1 ohn
, 80, we reod toll J (eras, bor-
ing received ore moll, 3‘. rot home&
fir tely our , row it was night, I Is
still night with 111311 trim betrayed
his Allister. the illuelmess of darks
ixti.x.74, 81 ())1:4. e , 41 115I there Is no escape
(.1 011 xxxvi, 't 8; Islike xvi, 20; I lev
The pussover being R111111011, or
obout to be, }Mt fiat far I lie untional
benefit. 01 .181010 at thet lm-
331111se they 1411eW Tint tile Or
1 heft visitation and Ivoitld not have
their 'Messiah, lie inst 11131 (341 a 310w
Ordinance to continuo till Ift, shall
come again, /18 it 18 111111.1011 ill l',
Coe. xi, 26, "As on en err yo Cat
thin btel1d and drinIc tills cup yo
Show the Lord's deo 111 till Ile coi110.13
Thon sh)311 begin I 11)11. phase ot 1.11e
kingdom when Ohl:151 5111111 reign
till Ile bath put 11 11 0110011M Under
Ills foot, aftee which 1 fo shell dont,
or 11)) the kingdoin to flogl the Earth,
or. 11111 God may be all in all (1,
00P, NV, 24.-28), During the tInte
of Els absence we ere to be witio
and faithful SteWartIS oCcupying
lie c(»no f1,1/1(1) x18, 1 3).
We 01'0 1.0 be Iis faithful witnesseS,
prectehing repentance end forgiveness
or sins atnong gill lint 301114 111111 not
Shrinking from fellowship With 111111
Mall ill. SOMPWIlat of a Gethsemane
ond Calvary experience as for as Ile
1110y (Pe 111 1.0 grant it to 118, A8
bOtly 11 111i, b1(10(1 'wore given far
3114 we must hold ours, thus redeems
ed. wholly at Ilis Clispogal
wi neSS08 f1t0111, NI), 1, 2; f 1 Cor.
IV, 11; 00r. 0 1,10., 291.,
Birds, Butterflies ancl Portraits
Are Popular in
Tatooing has broken Eno oke1411
among Society people all ovor 131tirope
and this 501111try, 118 El resell, or 11141:r
in the fee oast, end thy 011110118 1111411-
1011 18 spreading repitI1y, rep:vomiter
floes of European royalty and the
leadore Amerieen soda) circles be-
ing 11111011g the first to give impetus
to the hal in being' ptinetnred Tor
Piet:goes by the knights or 1110 needle
1111d 11114, who 110W have their bendo
full working out Juinowse designs,
which rippear to find special favor
among the devolves of the "art.,"
A fashionable .1aptinese tattooist in
the 11rest 1.:tal of 1.onclon hes Ids
hands full at in'esent, tool charges'
ropey pilaw for lils works of art. The
sato artists, however, 118 a rule,
elturge (Mout a dollar for 0 smell
butterfly ov flower oe shoplo design,
but as much as 620 to $31111 for any-
it1,1,),),,1tilgs11,1.1111(11)11„12111,11g;(4,11c11v1f111183.gtt:11)01.1,1.(4,A1.1 ity•reue‘11.1.1tyrtilegitAl,a48buloglii,
floes() girl figure.
The fashionable .artist neturolly
does not use the old style needle
widen did good wm143. for sailors and
navies. Thy new ripper:10m is nearly
tilWayE4 eleetric, and the colors are
varied. end in no way 183111110184, 11111
latest, rorm of "beauty doctoring" is
that or tattooing a pretty fresh vim-
plexion on a withered and 31011ow
and the healthy look imparted by the
needlo is ebsolutely natural,
The crave is rapidly spreading, and
no ono Is anybody now-a-anys Wbfr
cannot 81101V 90111e 0.81.1111ple of neoillo
and ink work.
The prince of MOOS 1f,an n 1110491, ex-
traordinary design tattooed on his
arm. .ft tali -Ys the form of n. fearful
Molting dragon , with oroo jewo briar;
ling with rows a gigeotie tooth, and
1) row of spiked horns flown thy mid-
dle or its hack,
POPITLA 1 t PI CT 1111 ES.
Prints, (tango of Greece lum dis-
played a similar triste to thy English
heir apparent by (1180 having the
picture of a dragon tattooed 031 his
110/1d of the reptile Is par-
ticillarly tierce looking, Its j11111f4 being
With' Open 10111 showing 11 sel (3,,f foes
mid:able teeth,
Peculiar is tilt, design tett oned 011
the forearal of r I dice .P1101118 Or
Talc. It eons:1sta of an ugly looking
toad. near the: mouth of which la a
small beetle, appartsitly within nit
aCe Or being 8WallOWed by the total.
The (1rand 1 101:0 Alexis of Russia Is
most 541341)orately tattooed on differ-
imt parts • of his body, likewise the
Urinal Duke Constionlov, Iting Os-
car of Sweden, Prince and Prince:1s
Waldemar of Oenutork, and Q111011 01-
1411 or (levee:, have also been acloined
w ith flesh 3dt:tures. Among othyr
personages might ls, mentioned Lady
Randolph Churchill. the Milo, of New-
castle, and Sir Edmund Lechmore,
of whom hots: submitted o the tat-
0001..8WCTI141‘61411N0. LI 11 14:11 C 1.0 RS.
The designs ravorml in England are
nuracrous and varied. 'Birds, butter -
digs, and portrait)) al'e popitler
anlang society women, prolinbly on
account of the fact that. so many
bealitillil C0101.8 Can be introduced in-
to them. Sporting designs predomin-
ate with inon. who often have tilt)
portrait of a favorite horse or dog
tittt000d on their arms. Regimental
01Todegnoto, aw13111131 01.(1701111 umfeet
serpents und dragons.
Perhaps the 1110441 striking of xd1 1.011-
resoritat10111 or two eereore too paint-
ings. "The Crucifixion" and "Esse
Homo," One W0111811 glypier„c„(1 on
bor skin a picture representing a
flight or birds, Portraits of hus-
bands are n14)11181' with some W01110.11.
1114}nOgra1118, 1113111115, alld hurray
quarterings riboond.
It Is surprising tbe nmober or
yonlig peOple of the fashionable eet,
nr• largo American cities Wha havu
been tattooed, Sotto,: or them are
as variously decorated as the saltiest
old seaman, and those who halve es- .
caved the needle thus far fire envious-
ly awaiting en 'opportunity to Join
the renlis or the "skin pictures," AN
the tattooed fashionable are called.
An electric tattooing machine lins
been Invented which accomplishes the
work lunch quicker mid neater than
the needle used le the old mother].
The "professor" weshes the skin With
antiseptic) and shaves awny tho hates.
Rubbing (1 little cocaine into tile 'skin
1113 next, proceeds to stencil tbo de-
sired design,
Tie then imens the current. into fin
electric outline machine, and at the
rate or 1,000 1/11181111`08 tnionto
trnees the outline. Convrally the pug -
tient wincell sex vral times, het tinni-
ly lics:omos used 10 the prieking
flation and makes no further com-
plaints There is 111.1.1,, or no sign of
blood dining i.he time the 8131n is
being punctured.
The designs are finished with a
shading machine Operated by eloctri01'
ity, Although eight needles 11s0 into
the pationt.'s arm at each thrbb of
the eurront, it; does not hint 05 nindit
as the worli done by 1.110 (saline inm•
chine with ILS single point of stool,
After n.. little Mare CO101' 11118 been
Worked into 00 holes left by the
shading machine, the "profesfror" at4
n, rule 0000113104 Ids nett:die opera-
tion by binding tip the nom and
itti,igigtititorttrutii•teletltliervprqi 111.111,111t.Toswity in bon 1-
:ROVE:1,11'Y 3N TOWEI,S,
Aabostot3 towela ure among the
latest, novelties, They glo not re-
quire seep end Ventar 1 0 '1 elennso
them. IVhon soiled It, it. sold that
1:110Y 111031 bo thrown in 1 he lire, foal
gt feW minntms ere r( 3gly Lo be
drawn out, fresh and ule".„