HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 5144
4 48
MAY 2, 1904
rf '4051'1' t%'kje...0:k'?; f1.1v,..tq -r2.11=/tVg,r,
,, Mel when toiiipr 8141111 111111 or
Tdr111 (melte Aprel 111.14 1004
Two Othr11011—
Commorentl and Shorthand,
Senator Oollego ,Tourtial.
A. 14. Moth TYRE, Manager,
e..`e*-aitgercaS"k (9•-•-asn't7r-act
JUL oent, 0.8. SCOTT, Brafisele,
V Y nee at.0ririttg,r, grIti,firVItrerggeselcil,f.
1- 1141010100010 has several good Farm for
sale and to rent, softy berms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. 0 S. SO OTT,Bruasel
ONEY TO LOAN.—S25,000.
./11.1L Wo have the above urnouut of pri-
vote 'uncle to loan on real estate mortgages
at 44 and 5 por cent. Easy terms of 00.1100.
meet end coats of lean moderate,
Barrieters, Goderieli,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
6J, LEO K 1E,
()Mee over Hrastey's Drug Store,
Nov, 0011, 1002. 80-3m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire inguritthe 81o,
Ineuranee taken on the oath and premium
note system 11,4 0101111 totes. Br fore hour.
Ing elsewhere aall on the undersigned Agent
of the CompanY.
-a; Han, will Bell for bettor prices, to
better men, in lees limo and lees °bargee
than any other Auationeer In East Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable.. Sales arranged for
al 1110 (Mee 0111111 rola, Brussels. 8011
el • Honor Gtadutue of the Ontario Vet -
winery College, is prepared to treat all cli 0 -
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent rammer. Dertionler atteution paid to
VeterMury Dentistry. Valhi promptly at-
tended to, Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tel nberry at., Brussels,
. Demister, Solicitzt, Notary, Ete,
400000001 to 0. F. Shur. 01800 over Stan-
dard flunk, Brusludg, Solicitor for Aletro-
politan Book,
• Barriater, Solieitor, 'Oonveyaneer,
Rotary nubile, &c. umee-13 teseart'a Block
1 door North o/ Oeutral Rotel,
eolioitor for the Standard. Bank.
PUBLIO, 141300.
W. Pnounroom, IC. 0. IL, 0, HAIR
G, 0.131,8m.
Ofilees—elhose formerly ooeupied by Messrs
Cameron eL 100*8,
Gonismon, ONTARIO.
el, D., O. At.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medicatl
College,Member College of Phyeleittue and
SurgeOns,'Ont. Lieentiate of the Royal (fol-
iose of Phyelciane and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery , Edinburgh. s"..eoloplione No.14,
, Residence -51111 street, Bruesels,
Graduate of the Royal College or 44804011
Singeons of Ontario and First aloes Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uulvogolly. 01116e
next 80 lerewerei ?he tograp u talevy,
are refielved from bueiness Arms and J.
MANY STUDENTS are planed in good g
a positions earth year by the foram
iTide 'wheel. Maths for the 1410110013li
Arm linsur in butteries education to
ilthatia to -day, alany Butrinens Col- we.
loges employ out, graduates ,as teach-
ere. WO have 800000 01 applioations •
1 from other Collegert, Ave to the them
the day yen outer, 0801018000 00114000
iinow, Ciaturogue free.
W, J. 1014141UTT,Prine1p11IA
Mi.stri.c/ 80,35,
Wire, John Mil on left fur 13arr1e to
join her huebend there,
.Rev. D. Rogers preathed in the 6.1eth.
whet 1111 011 here loot 80511011,
J, A. Hoene hae pureleteed Mro,
008.001),0 poverty in the village for 9800.
080. 8, G. Italne 0 Mew theee drip]
look lug fur reunite to go down to camp
et, London on June 7.
Teesday and Weduethey of title wa-ls
Hoy. J. W. Holmes was at Kineertline
attending the DIstriat Met time,
Howlett distrlet L. 0, L. will hold
their regular Elharlot meeting in the
Orange hall Gerrie 011 Tuesday Aley 81
at 2.80 p. m.
Workmen the bogy excavating the
°eller for Wm. Robertsou'e clew More ou
Queen street,
elm, J. H. Stratton, who has been
vieiting her pareute here for the past
month, returned to her home in Kansas
City on Monday of last weelc Her
brother, John Hirone, accompanied
her as ler af1 London.
At a football meeting held in the
Queen'e hotel on Monday evening of lest
weeds the following °Moen were appoint-
ed for the coming Reason :-1400.
ident, Dr. Lindsay ; vietepresident, Won,
Marren ; manthier, Dr. Long ; semetary.
trettenrer, R H. Stewart 1 captain, Wm.
Smith ; managing oommittee, T, B. Mo.
Arter, 3.. Robinson, R. fi. Somers and
John Brown.
V171 'Eaten vet.
3,1(3. Swartz has purchased Major Hall
(record, 14i) at Winnipee, and !moods
bringing him back to tour the Outer le
04=18 noes.
June 14-15 are the dates of Convention
of the Huron County Suuday School and
Ohrietiao Endeavor Associations, to be
held in WIngham.
One ot the most flouriehing depare•
meets of the Wingham Methodist Chetah
is the Sunday &hoot. Udder the
stmerintendeney of Dr. Tuwler, the
school never gets in a rut, and a deep
iutereet ie always maoifeet. 012448 80001480
for the year amonuted to $254.78
extienditure, 888065 ; Interne, 815 18
Prom the Secretary's report we take the
following :—Offiettre, 40 ; teathers, 28 ;
number of elation., 26 ; total memberthip
oI 1011001 proper, 870 ; media roll mem-
berthip, 24 ; grand total, 894 ; average
of the entire echool for the year woe 219,
whioh wae 0 deorease of 10 over last year,
(lathed vary largely by the nnuanally
Peyote and stormy Winter ; booke in
library, 270, The following are the
'officiate for the ensuing year ;--Supt., W.
B. Towler, 151. D. ; ANIL Supeititendente,
W. Fessant, H. Park ; Bee., W. Y.
Lloyd ; Asst. See., Benson Ornikehank ;
Troth., Miss L. Lloyd ; Librarian, J. A.
Morton ; Asst. Librarians, W. Dixon, W.
MoXo8bon • Leader of Orchestra, J. A.
Morton ; Pianiet, Fay Morton ; Aeat.
Pianist, Mollie Hammond.
IA pat o W011.
J. A. and Mrs. Reeking went to Port
Beth where Mr. Haoking's family will
spend the Sumtner.
Mies Pearl Sproule has returned home
from Toronto, where she hae been attend•
ing the Univeraity with a view of gratin.
acing in medicine.
W. Olimie, editor of the Banner'ash
eompanied the members of the Canaclian
Press Association on their trip to the
World'e Fair at St. Louis,
W. T. Armstrong, who was token down
with typhoid fever shortly aft, r bie re-
moval to Toronto, 48 making favorable
progrege, but is still in the hospital.
A. J. Onediels, who hoe held a re.
eponeible pesition iu J. W. Stott & Sone
banking house for the past two years,
purposes leaving for Toronto where he
will enter the head aline of the Sovereige
Friday 18.11 wee Oheeie Fair Day but
eel no eheeee was offered and only a few
buyers were 1)0*088*! the Fair was called
off. There wes no business done 88 011,
The met mt eting will be hold in the
board room on Friday, the 27th inst.
E 0. Thornton, manager of the Morris
Piano 00 , has purointeed from T. H.
.11s 1118 floe reeideuae on Do.id street,
formerly owned by Wm, Thouipmn,
Mr, Thornton's family iti removing from
Woodstock to Lisinsvel, and will Mike up
their residence in it.
Geo. Zilliax, of Orangeville, was in
town last week. He he sold the old sale
stables property on Wallace street) to
Vandriok 13ros., who, we understand,'
intend to take tbe old building down atid
erect a brick building on the site, to be
used for sale stables and other purpoths.
The County Council meets here on
Tuesday, June 7111.
The General seesions of the Peace will
open on Tuesday, June 14811 before Hie
Honor Judge Doyle.
The managing oommittee of athletios
has decided to hold the Oallegiate sports
on Friday, May. 27th.
Beetling eo far hae only been fair, the
lifts made by the Evelyn uot beim/ up to
thew of many former MOORS,
North areal, Methodiste will make no
further 411008 114 the erection of their new
thumb until their new pastor occupies
the pnlpie.
Oor store Meth are jubilant over the
early etaet of the early closing move.
ment, for nearly every businees house
closes before 6 15,
0. G. Newton Nee taken away the
fence from the front of hie residence on
North !Area, making hie propetty
prettier than ever,
judge Holt vine in Toronto attending
the fawned of the late Miee MeMiaking,
end rrefi preseut at the interment in the
family plot, Chippewa.
Capt, Wm Gawky is said to be on the
omen hotneward, bound from South
Africa, and may bo in Gederith any day
between Viotoria Day and Dominion
The past week there wore many dunks
(3113801) 181 the hatber, and on leveret
thOthibne divert; and sea pigeons had
great battlee, the ducks, however,
alwe,ye finiehing the fight by diving.
The season opened in good style last
week for our harbor butane, for Within
13 hours two large eteetners, with
190,000 bushels of wheat between them,
end Dytnvnt's stormier, with 488,000 feet
ot lumber tied up at our death. The
grain veesele were unloaded in quiolt time,
no was oleo the Wilber the.
211'.t°1weli'01i hl tPanerNnrge.
m1tad0hadfa11 yIua i1esing clown
Mitaderni0We storm to hie meal, which
wee tied up at the Govertintent 41004.
He fall at a part of the o! -p4 where they
are math out of order, end though no
bone° were broken, Fo 61880 eoueiiierably
bruleed 'shout the Jaws and offered
cothidereble pain,
10 et ti—t
Mro, 7, V, Croaker attil eon, of Buff ile,
arrived in town to epend 11 NV/ days.
The Tonthrial artiste of town have
entered *4140 eo agreement to do tio worlc
in their simpe after the hour of 8 p. m,
except on Wednesday and Saturday even•
Mee'the same to take effect on Jena let.
Word was received here at the ilinees
from pleurisy of John Rona, et 0111-
1110848011, N. W. T. Mr, Rees le en until°
of D, 3.. Roesof town, mud was to 010
twenty -Mx yews ago a resident of Exeter.
Rev. It. J. M. Perkine, Mre. G. Kemp,
and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, on behalf of
the (Moir, the Ladies' Gaild and the
Minion Reed of the Trivitt Memorial
chetah, preprinted Thos. and him Oka
with a beautiful eilver fruit dieh, in le
cognition of their faithful eervioes in the
work of the °buret' while here.
W. L. and Mre. Holman aud son,
Louie, of Barb Francisco, OM., have been
visiting old Maude and relativee in Ex
eter and vicibity, Mr. Holman Wee at
one time ft regident of Stephen, being
born near Devon, and le a brother of
Mre. Wm. Drew, of totem and Gem W.
Holman, of El muudville. Since leaving
here some thirty yearn ago he bee beetle a
cent ith011e resident of San Fren011300
where he is the owner of large oar shop%
and doing an extensive bueinees.
r wi ch.
The Presbyterian congregation will
meet a wire fence around the church lob
this Sommer.
Lumber hag been delivered at the sta.
lion for enlarging the freight 'Medi, and
erecting a kitchen to the rear of the
John Strong llth line, has plowed up
tweuty *0(00 ai)l's!! wheat. The general
reports re Fall wheat in Howiek are not
Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Gerrie, preaoh•
cid Epworth League Anniversary ser.
moire ou Sunday, at Mayne, Newbridge
and Fordwioh.
Rev. Dr. Wilkie, of Toronto returned
mieelenary from India, conducted the
eervioe in the Presbyterian church teat
Sunday morning.
Charlie Rattan, of Lakelet, left here on
Monday morning of loot week for New
Ontario, where he purposes going to hie
farm fur the Semmer.
The cattle yards at the station hair
beau cleaned and disinfected and the 0.
R authorities have asked for an es.
timete of the removal of the yards West
o[ the grain bowie.
The Summer meetiege of the Woman'e
Institutes in thie vicinity will be held at
the following places and on the dates
named : lidolesworth. June 7th ; Ford•
with, June 8811 ; Gorrie, June 9th.
These meetings will be addressed by
Mies Belle Miller, Guelph, and Miee
Jose Hills, of Toronto.
Will. Hays, who hae been attend-
ing College in Toronto, rater:led home on
Rev. Albert McKeon is making or-
rangemeras for a monster plonk' at St.
0olnmban on June 22nd.
V. N. Kl,kpatriok, teller at the Domiu•
ion Bank left on Saturday for two weeke.
vaeation, during which be will visit St.
Lole exhibtion.
The grocery delivery boys have formed
a anion and hove deoided not to deliver
any groceries after 8 p, tn. On Saturday
evening or evenings before holidaye.
Oommenoing on Saturday lase the
Canada Fernitnre Co. Mond at 12 o'clook
for the benefit of their employees. This
will be oontlitned throughout the Sum.
mer mouths.
The Epworth League, of the Method
hit (March, twill held a social in the
(Murat ou Tneeday evening, May Blot.
The program will be gotten up entirely
by the young men of the ohoroh.
Mayor Cluff haa called a publie meet-
ing of the eitizeus of Seaforth, to be held
in the town hell, on loriday evening, May
2711, for the purpose of considering and
(hemming the deeirability of purchasing
or leasing the electric plant of the town.
S. and Dirs. Mullets and' family
returned after a eojourn of about two
years in the Northwest and ere visiting
relatives ttud renewing old Requaintathes
in town and vicinity. Mr. Mullett for.
merly coucluoted a hardware eters in
Cliee ton.
j. Miller bag bonght o gasoline engine
for pumping putposee.
The annual pienic held under the
auspieee of St. Joseph's church will take
plaoe in Farqnhar's grove on June 16th.
S. 8. Cooper has the contract for
altering the seats of St. Patit's church
and ridging the Melee, Be is oleo re.
modelling Jae. Dunfordei cottage on King
F. R. and Mrs. Hodgene, W, and Mro.
Jaokson and Dr. and Mee. Shaw went on
the Canadian Bailway Ticket Seller&
Asethiation excursion to the St, Louie
J, Taylor 10 0118 of the thirty Ontario
lawn bowlers and left on Townley for
Montreal where they take boat for Great
13ri10iu to make a six weeks' tour of
England, Ireland and Sootlauti.
Oliver Johnson returned from the
Nortliweeb, whither he went with a oar
load of bursae. He was et Oxbow, Atha.,
and Hannay, Math, among other planes
and says the country is booming.
W 1. Hoag, who has been connoted
with the organ (eatery for the past ten
years, fov nearly two years to superin•
tende0t, lately received several handsome
offers from outeide firms but has finally
decided to remain and has made a .ne.v
engagement with the Cotripany.
Another of the early residents passed
away on Thureday afternoon 12111 Met
in the person of Alfred Moore after an
BMus of about three months, He was
born in Hartlepool, Yorkshire, Englitud,
sixty.eight years ago and in 1851 creme to
Clinton whioh continued to be hie home
until 8110 tied. Ilie brother was engaged
in bueinese hero and Mr, Moore became
postmaster, being %bout, the etherld to
hold that position. He retained it for
several years and when he retired was
entmeeded by the late Thortilis Pair.
ilubsetmently Mr. Moore engaged in
farming, He alwaye enjoyed good health
the diners to whioh ho oueoumbed being
it Is
really (ole neat as well as his last. Alpe.
Moore died eight yeare ago,
if---.--talltelft 1 1 ,
The theiti are still haying the rue «1 the
garilthe wound wen.
Several cer loade of tiee have arrived at
Heneall station for St, Joseph, to be need
on the now eleatria reed.
Geo, McEwen M. P. arrived On 'Fuse.
day of kith week bringing with him two
oar lends of very line eettle width be pup-
ointsed near A.nta.
At the meeting of the Qthrterly Botha
of the Methodiet cherub 18 wee deoided
to 4108 8110 p8840048 montb's holidays 30
Rennie was eppoleted representative to
the Distriot Meeting.
Mine Ethel Murder* came home on
Monday *1 last week from London where
she has oompleted her othree at the
Commeteial college. She leaves again
for London, where she hes taken a
lObserver saye :—We have been in-
formed on good authority that N. Cantina
has purehthed the Commereial Hotel
from W. R. Hodgins and will take pose.
onion in aboul a month. He intends
removing the present structure and met.
ing a veritable "King Edward'. build.
Pot '130 (80(1.
The seetionmemare experiencing con.
eiderable linable with cattle wandering
near the railway tropic.
The foundation of D. Kidd's new
residence has been completed and a
gelid piece of maeonry it ie.
Buff Hoar ie atilt holding down hie old
position of halfback on the thanipiou
Intermediate Toronto Scioto football
team. In a recent game he succeeded in
eaoring the of the four goals obtained by
the Soots.
Wm, Gilchrist and hie gang of brick.
layers have quielsly rushed up the walls
of 0. Ballantyue's new briok atore, 3.8
the present rate of progress, Mr. Bal.
lantyne ehould soon be in possession of
his new building.
A carryall load of Odcifellows drove to
Listowel 00 Monday evening of last week
to take part in the initiation of a number
of eandniates into the mysteries of the
Oriental degree. They report an excel>.
Renato, enjoyable time,
In oeuthotion with the Beim Ball
Club the following officers were elected :
—Hon. Preeident, T. G. Ballantyne ;
Hon. vice Pres., John Rogers ; President
Jan. Struthers ; Sect.Treas., Heigh E.
Mal:twine ; Committee of Management,
Meese. Riehmond, Hook and Malley.
From Assessor Hamilton's retorne of
Elmo. for the year the following infor.
maiden is gathered :—No, of three of
railroad lands 128, bnell land 3,159, olear•
ed Iambi 51,097, waete lands 12,790,
total aoree of land 67,176 ; amouut of
aesesament 83,382,000 1 males between 21
and 60, 925, days. labor 4481, population
3,699 ; doge NB, horned (tattle 21,727,
sheep 2,932, horses 2,540, hogs 8,377 ;
births 50, not registered 12, deaths 88 •,
three of orchard 566, acme of Fall wheat
8,558, children between 6 and 16, 621., be-
tween 7 and 18, 425, between 16 and 21,
I60 D1F11:1f1tENLIE.
No distinction ie made as to the kind
of Piles that Efem-Roid cores.
The 080080Internal, External, Bleed-
ing Blind, Itobiug, Suppurating, eta.,
are simply names of the different stagee
through which every ease will pass if 16
continues long enongh.
Piles ere (mused by congestion or (deg.
nation of blood in the lower bowel, and
it traces an internal remedy to remove the
14. Leonhardter Hem Roid is a tablet
taken internally.
11 10 a permanent ours and no 0008 of
Piles hes ever been found it failed to
Money book if it does.
A guarantee with every package.
Bold in Brussels by Jae. Fox,
Cleautteli ELU Ne
North Dakota farmers are applying for
thrtifloates to Bettie in new Ontario.
S. F. Washington, K. 0., has been ap.
pointed Crown Attorney for Wentworth.
Wheat taming le about finished in
Manitoba, and tbe condition are most
The five-year•old son of George Vivian,
of Mitchell, tell into a well and was
d rowned.
Abtoruey•Generel Oarnpbell proposes to
recommend a high license system for
Fifteen building pormite, representing
a valuatiou of $123,860, were termed in
Winnipeg Tueeday.
Eliphane Gagnon, of St. Anne, °biotin.
tirei, lute been awarded a medal for
saving the life of Naraisse Grenon.
Wilcox, the alleged mail robbere at Be.
gine, is reported to have oonfessed. Hie
trial has been poetponed until next week.
Eton. G. W. Stephens has given 95,000
in Bethune Electric) gold bonde to the
endowment fund of the Montreal Gametal
Wm. Traoy hae reeigned the Bursar -
ship of the Toronto Asylum, and James
Contemn has been promoted from
The memodal to Bergt. George Leon.
ard, who fell ab Zend River, will be
erected on the Owlet House square at
A blaze at Woodetook College at an
early hour on Saturday nmenitg caused
great excitement among the studente.
Damage light.
The Canadiem railveaye are taxed to
their utmost capeoity to handle traMo
Mite nitwit, while the United States
railways the experiencing depreasion,
Lawyer Bangs coefessed to reoeiving
-between eaven and eight thousand del.
lam stolen from the math, by Wilcox, of
Ilegine, and VMS committed for trial.
Game° W. Smith, implement agent at
BOokwood, 1108SOO to penitentiary for
lOve years, lose time elretilly served, for
foreleg about 88,000 worth of farmers'
At lottlton's Mille, near Harriaton,
Pearl Burton, aged fourteen, was imitane•
ly killed by the thoideetal dietherge of a
ride in the hands of her brother, aged
Ilev. J. H. Oliver, of Listowel Metho.
diet 05414041, line been invited to the
pastorate of !cup Street Methodist
Charon, Toronto, for the term beginning
June, 1005.
Mre, M. H. Eddy, the bead of the
Ohrietien Bolentiete, has promulgated a
(lease spinet the eegregetion 01 the aelteri
in °label and her followere are puzzled to
know just What egad it Will have.
aRviknegte(rws41.,e113)iraanteGe amVeizt j3oraisoe ID3:71 and
FOOL 11 a 1 1110:1138 and a grand 80otch
'then ti. evening.
The Aet Linn Bible Boolety herr de. IcKinno
.401(4 le p ea the revised version of the
Bible. Same the organization of the
goolely, 88 3 eare ago, rigid adherence has
been mainlined to the rule wheel) pre-
eoribed that no English edition of the
e e:ilnolanovaldbroon.
etithed other than
dwelling therein, North-weet °enter
William and Alklt streets, Brusaels.
48.61 T. LECKIE,
Li 14041 001: eel°, red in color mid brad
from lat prise stook. Lot 24Con, 10, Grey.
3, 1), 14101411110, Proprietor, Oraubrook 8,0,
C. 0. V,
Court Prineeen Alexaudria, No. 24, 0.0. F.,
ruseele, meets in their Lodge Room, Islas -
hill Block, on the god and loot Tuesdaya of
Quell mouth, at 8 o'olock. Visiting brethren
alwaya weleoine, JAS. BURGESS, 0.11.
WALTL'IL 131411406, it S.
ROW 14004 SALL — The undersigned
offers for sale one Thoro'-bred Yorkshire
Row, ILL years Old, 40 pia to hie thoro'.1cred
Yorkabire hog. For prim) apply 10 14. 8.
hIOHOLSON, (Hodmin Lime Works), Mor-
ris, Beigraye 0. 0. 8841
Board of Health Notice,
To the public, of 13r00sels
The time le approaching when all yards
and yrater-elasets MUST bo Mewled up, All
peraons ooneerued meet note thie us the
law w131 be etrietly euforeed. Signed to be-
half of the Board of Health.
80.6 IL PAUL, °batman.
. nireaNTATIvR In 61115 Minty una ad-
JOInIng territories, to represent and adver-
tise an old eetabliahed business house of
solid. financial standing. Salary 821 weakly,
with expeneee advanced each Monday by
eheek direct from headguartere. Home
and buggy furnished when necessary; posi-
tion permanent. Address Blew Brom, & Co.,
Boom 610 Monon Bldg., Chiciago, 411.
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
Eight young Bulls from Imported and
Some brad wive gat by Imported Sire, Also
Cows and Heifers of different ages.
A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for aale.
Have a quantity of Seed Pees, the Early
June variety, to dispose of. It la a medium
sized white pee. and were grown from seed
from near North Bay and yielded over 37
butthels to the 8008, 0180 of begs.
Will oleo sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
8841 • D. MILNE dr SON, Ethel.
Undersigned will keep /or Barytes a
there' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad-
joining Brussels. Toms, 81 00 with privi-
lege of returning if necessary. •
GEO. ROBB, Proprietor,
The undersigned offers for sale her
excellent farm, located 00 Oon. 10, Grey
towusbip, and containing 163 merle. There
le a comfortable frame cottage, bank barn,
good driving abed, orchard, dm., on the
premium. Vann hi well drained and fenced.
I8 in also well watered by the river Mait.
land and an invaluable Spring. Convenient
to market, sohool and churches. For one°,
tonna and other particulars apply on the
premises, or if by letter to MRS. T. 0,10,.
4410141, Bra prietrese, Oranbrook 30.0. 8061
v being Lot 11, Con. 4, Grey town.
ship. 80 acres cleared, balance bush. There
10 0. good house, bank barn, orchard, &0.
Well fenced aud farm in good oondition 100
same of Fall wheat in. 6 miles from Brea -
Bele ; only 4 of a :mile from church and
14 miles from school. PoeserellOu 0011l3
be given to suit the purchaser. For Mr -
Naar parlieulare as to priee, terms, dm., ap-
ply an the premises to A. 00010, Proprie-
tor, Or at c.eng Posv,13russehe 21.40
ITARms FOR SALE. — 350
Lanes first-class land in the Toventhip
of Grey—bot 16, 00n. 14, 100 acme ; 1406 17,
Oon, 14,100 items ; and %V4 Lot 18, Cam 14,
50 acres -260 acres. All in exoellent condi-
tion with ark-01mm building*; briok home
with all modern conveuieneee, and large
bank burn, root and straw house, stables.
,to. Well watered. From 85 to 40 aores of
good hardwood bush. 1408 10, Oon, 00, con -
Mining 100 sorsa of first-class land, good
frame 1101100 and large bank barn nearly
new. The property can ho sold in two or
three percale to suit purchasers. Terms
liberal, Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Brunets. For Termer 'tertian.
tars apply LO the oernelr on the premises,
Brussels, 21-tf
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of hlacksmithing, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and see 118.
Thomas street, Brussels.
We keep a sharp width 00 faeltionei dietates, and follow olesely
whatever Millinery thangee may be inoidental to a (Mange of dram/ etyles,
eo that you. are always sure of finding the !Meet things here. We have
arrangements made whereby we have new stylee shipped to us 08 then 00
they appear on the market.
Our Millinery department, under the able management of Mies
Hood, is a grand sucoeue, Our trimmere have to work overtime to fill
orders. We have each a gorgeous dieplay of New Hats and iTrinniugs, we
will be pleased to hove you call and view our grand display of Millinery.
Yen don't need to climb upstaire to see it. It ie ail (Replayed in our
speolous show room on the ground floor.
Whitewear and Shirt Waists
We have just received a shipment of Ladies' White Underwear and
Shirt Witiets, ithich were ordered before the &deaths in Cottone, and will
be sold at special prices. We MEW show a full line of travellers' 'temples of
Whitewear whioh will be eold below wholeeale prices --
- White Muslin Shirt Waists, wide Moth, hem stitched, only SOO.
— Flee White Minsline Waiste, trimmed with yak lace and insertion, in
all sizes, at 61.
—Corset Covers, trimmed with Woke and torthon laoe and insertion,
great value at 25o, 35o, 60e and 7410,
—Lediee' Fine White Skirts, trimmed with embroidery, 81.
—Ladies' Drawers, nicely trimmed with teaks and lace, 50o and 76e.
Beware of Imitators and Imitations.
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" iu up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Pr!ces.
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Plattsville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
N. S. Mc
au el
Are You Going
to do any Fencing ?
It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Railways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.
Call and get our Prices.
Wilton &
u nbull
WE are now ready'for 1904
with a larger stook of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stook is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
WO have added to our Buggy Tops this season a Spring t prevent the
bolte and rivets from breaking. Thio has berm a len felt want.
We have 4 styles of Aglee—Dust and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000
Miles, and the Noieelesa Axles, also a few of the old styles.
All Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with beat Leather.
Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2i and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medium size,
We invite every intending pureharrer to tall and Buy
torn us and eave money,
EWAN & Co.) Brussels.