HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 4•
(ti�bie Nt at.i"o Vat.
THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904.
The following item will be of interest
to people in thus locality ae the pater re.
tarred to, Rev, Dr. MoOrae, ie a son Of
John MoOrae, an old aid well known
resident of 13raeeel8 t -The First Churuh,
Westminister, of whiab Dr. MoOrae le
pastor, will celebrate the jubilee of its
existence by apeoiat aervioee on the last
two Sundays of May, and s great social
gatherlug on the forenoon and afternoon
of Weduesday, June 1.
The First Ohuroh has a history ex•
tending book to 1883, but it only beoame
8 separate and independeut oharge in
1854, The elder, Dr. Proudfoot, of the
Pleat Church, London, ministered to the
people of weetminieter during his whole
ministry, preaching fortaightly-some•
times in the school house at Pond Mille
and eometimes in the log ohurob, whioh
was early ereoted near the site of the
present beautiful building. About three
years atter the younger Dr. Prondfoot
beoame pastor of First Church, at Lon-
don, and also at Weetmioister, when the
Weetminister part of the oharge appealed
to the Presbytery for organization into a
deparete and independent congregation.
The late Rev. Wm. Inglis, who after.
wards become editor of the Globe, and
librarian at the Ontario Pariiameot
buildings, watt first psetor. He was ens.
seeded by Rev. Geo. Simpson, now of the
Chicago Interior. Rev. T. Ballantine, B,
A., enooeeded, and Rev. E. H. Sawere,
now of Braoefield, acme after. Rev. Dr.
MoOrae was palled from Colliagwood in
1900. Dr. MoOrae had previously min.
ietered for some years to meth large and
important aongregationa rte the Firet
Presbyterian Ohurob of Jamestown, N.
Y., and the. Presbyterian (thumb,
Tbe Weetminfster oharge is made up
of the First Chureh and St. Andrew's
Church, Glanworth, This united obarge
forms oue of the largest and most im•
portant congregations in Oaneda. Tbe
manse is situated close to the ohoreb, it
005 of the most ideal spoke in the
Dominion. Weetminieter station is but
ten minutes by oar to the heart of the
oily, so that the pastor of Weetmioieter
and bis people have all the advantages of
the pity and all the quiet stud beauty and
e Realness of the eonobry.
The whole history of the congregation
for these fifty years is a noble one.
There is not a Dent of debt on either
church. The membership is very large
and both Siuday schools are splendidly
egipped. The Young People's Society of
the First Oharoh is a fiourishiig organ
izatioo which bas oontribuied to mission.
ary and benevolent purposes.
The jubilee services were introduced
Last Sunday, when the pastor Dr. Ma -
Orae preached. The following Sunday,
Rev. Jas. Wilson, M. A„ of Glenooe, will
conduct the eervioe, and it is hoped that
the venerable Principal Coven, of Knox
College, Toronto, may be able to take the
special jubilee sermon the last Sunday of
May. On Jane let (Wednesday) a great
social gathering is to be held in the
ohurob and on the beautiful church and
manse grounds. At this gathering ad-
dressee, historical Watteau, reminie-
oenoes and music appropriate to the
ocoeelon will be given. Meetings will be
bald is the church femme Bud after-
noon, and at noon en adjournment for
two hours for dinner and social chat.
Oa the tiret Snuday of June the services
will aloee with a jubilee sacrameutel
oervios, conducted by Rev. Dr. MoOrae,
the psetor.
Agricultural Topics.
Advanoe sheets of the Winnipeg Fair
prize list for 1904 show that the prizes
offered for the principal daunts of rive
stunk are about se loliowe :-Shorthorns
32566, Herefords $1125, Pol.ed Augne
end Gallowaye about $600 each, Ayr
shires, Holsteins and Jerseys about $500
mnab. Clydesdales, $888, Shires, $456,
dr.ft and general pnrpeee horeee 6850 arid
$460 each, light barueee heroic and tboro'•
heeds Dearly $600 eaoh, tinware and
eaddle horses $700 and $800, ponies $190,
epeed olaeeee $18,000. Sheep, the nil
latent breeds will average about $176
each. Swine, Yorkehires, Tamworthe
and Berkshires $300 eaoh, the American
breeds about $200 each. Good pnzes are
also offered in the bacon olassee. Prizes
of $100, $60 and $40 are offered for oar.
loud late of cattle. Arrangements have
been made eo that ireigbt rates from
Ootario and bbe East will be paid on
all exhibit° that are returned to the
original point of shipment.
ADOTION SALE 6080001 5PR0ADI170,
The auction system of marketing live
stook advocated by the Live Stook Com.
mieaioner, Ottawa, seems to be gaining
groped steadily sod surely. Tbie month
at Calgary nearly 400 head of purebred
cattle have gone under the hammer at
the Gale conducted by the Territorial
Breeders' Aeeooiation, and several die.
('riot Bales are being established in Oro
mach The Sougog Agrioultural Sooiety
and the Port Perry Board of Trade are
now arranging for an important eale to be
bald at Pott Perry on Jane 16th, 1904.
'Phase Bales will be held at intervals, and
if Hugtcient eaoonragement is extended
to them, they will probably be held
monthly to all by enation all kinds of
farm animals, iuoluding etookere, fat
stook, dairy cows, pigs, ebo. Several
very prominent breeders of purebred
stook are oeneigning exeetlent animals to
the first sale, and persons desiring to sou•
tribute either purebred's, ('bookers, mflob
oowe or pige may obtain particulate from
the Secretary, J. H. Brown, Port Perry.
A number of buyers from the Toronto
Stook Yards will be on hand. This will
be a great convenience to the fermate and
stook raisers of the distriot, bringing the
boyars and sellers together for diepoaing
of surplus stook. In England and Soot,
land nearly all stook is eold In this way
in the market towns 00 stated days,
which proves a great advantage to the
seller and oonvenienoe to the buyer.
WIARING 008 matte ED00AT10NAL.
Three years ago when F. W. Hodson,
Live Stook Cemmteeioner, pointed out
to the ame nal meeting of the Aeeoaiation
of Faire and 13xbibiblone the utter in.
effioieney of many of the sgriotiltnral
societies of Ontatle, end unfolded e
dyetematto plan of improeemeei, be was
Peaked upon by MOO Of the delegates as
a dangerous inuonoolast, The fiat that
dairejcvbielr reoeived government grants
were intended to be edouationel seemed
to be almost forg,tteu, and the proposal
to arrange the faire in oonvenient airoulis
and send them expert judges who would
give educalioual addressee in the ring
was ooueidered irnpraotioable by mane.
Stili the project wag taken up in an ex.
perimental way end the results have been
BO satisfactory that title year it is expected
that about 170 agriaoltarel soeietiee In
Outariu will arrange with the provinoial
Department of Agriculture for thor ear•
vines of expert judges. Last year 152
societies In this provinoe were supplied
with judges, while ill the other provinuee
end the Territories many of the fairs bad
expert judgesfurniohed by the local and
Dominion Departments of Agrioniture.
THE P100I0 01000,
The replies to enquiries by the Fruit
Division at Ottawe oonoerniog the io•
juries done by frost and mine indioate
teat the lose from tbese aaneee this year
will be very serious indeed. The iujur•
iee from mine will amount to 25 per oeot
of all nursery etook and young trees
ander four years of age in Ontario and
Quebec. The Maritime Provmooe antler.
ed to a much leae extent. British
Columbia aniseed almost entirely.
Little or no precaution was taken any.
where to prevent the ravages of mile,
The damage by frost, Omagh exoeed•
ingly Beeline In Ontario and Quebec, will
not affect to any great extent the amount
of fruit pot on the market this year, ex
sept in the case of plums and peaches.
Apples Bpd pears were seriously 'injured
along the Northern border of the fruit
belt. The Baldwin, Greening, Ontario,
Spy and Blenheim blue been killed io
places where they are usually considered
hardy. Top•grafting only very eligbtly
inoreaeee the hardioeee of the variety.
None of the large apple-prodnoiig neo•
Wens were seriously iutured.
The Flemish Beauty Pear again proved
one of the hardiest of good varieties. In
both apple and pear orchards the trees
suffered mach lege from frost and more
from mine when grown in eod or cover
Plume were killed in some of the
heavy pinee.prodnoing [motions, and fo
all probability the buds are so seriously
Waved everywhere as to render a heavy
orop this year improbable.
The reports from the Essex peach
district ehtw a damage approaohiug that
of 1899 ; 60 per cent of the trees tvill be
kilted outright. The Niagara district
is not so severely injured. The Craw-
ford type proved partioolerly tender.
Cherries are also injured severely in
bud, Smell fruits escaped with lama in-
The St. Marys Journal says :-Weeley
Logan and bia brother Byron, of 911i
non., have for a number of yeere been
employed during the Winter months in
taking out fallen timber from the woods
at the rear of lot 16 on the 10th non„
known ee the Switzer farm, A short
time ago tbey were passing through the
woods on their way to work, aoaompanied
by their oonein, John Logan, of Arkona,
wbeu their attention was attraaled by a
wild dunk lying dead at the month of a
burrow. The Logan boys are experienced
hnntere, and aeon took in tate eltpation.
In twenty minutes they bad unearthed
moven young foxes. They appeared to be
mimed with the blaok fox, and are well
worth eet•fttg. They are on exhibition et
the home of Andrew Logsu, 9,b eon„ E.
New Y. 111.0, A, Building will be apeu
ed about September, lath at 8tralf,rd,
A groes onuntry running alnb Wag
organized at the Stratford X, M, 0. A.
Col, Moeorip, who bac beau ill at 8t
Marys for the past weelt, is reported to be
slightly improved..
Before the Summer is gut Mitobell wit
have three hakeriee, when the prioe of
bread will take a drop,
Among those e0ooeeeful on the recent
exatntpatione at the Law School is C+. M,
Olark, 13. A., St, Marys.
Muuday evening, Sone 6th, the pro,
poeed street rai'way will be duly dealt
with by Mttoliell town oouuoit.
The oompaniea for the 28th "Perth"
Regiment are now drilling two nights a
week, They will go to camp at London
in June.
Mitchell clerks are agitating for the
ototing of atone an Wedneeday after-
noons during the menthe of July and
Geo. Sawyer, Mitchell, has Bold hie
friable and lot to R. Mowbray, which will
be need for his horses and hearses. Prioe
wag $500
Peter Werner, farmer, Ellioe, bas
bought the hotel plat out of Wartburg,
owned by Mee. Hill, Puaeeesiun will be
taken en June 1.
Thos. Skinner, Mitobell, loot two fine
Down lash week. They drank from a pail
in whiah tbere had been white lead aid
it is supposed they were poisoned,
Rev. Father Ohae. E. MoGee, pariah
priest of Maidstone, in the comity of Es
sex, has been appointed parish priest of
8t. Joseph's pariah, Stratford and vioini•
A very painful accident 000nrred to the
little son of Wm. Slater, of 9th cote,
Niseouri, when he fell off the verandah
and broke one of his emus above the
The bylaw guaranteeing the bonds of
the Ohnrob and Watt Oo, for 100 thong.
and dollars and exemption for twenty
peen) from taxes, was parried at St.
Marys with about thirty votes to spare.
Mies Sifton, a returned missionary
took °barge of the morning service in the
Methadiat (thumb, Fn.lsrton, Sunday,
nuder the auepioes of the Woman's
Miseioetary Sooiety.
Mitobell agents of fire inearenae corn.
parries have reoeived notification
from the nrderwritere of an advance in
insurance rates on mercantile and mann
factoring risks. The former gree op 15a,
per 41160, and the latter twenty par (sent.
These advaeoee, however, do not affeot
mutual or non•tariff companies.
A very sad death occurred in Woodham
May 12, when John Hart, eldest eon of
Rev. Juo, Hart, died after a °bort illness.
The young man who was hitt twenty six
yeare of age, was a person of great
promise, and one whom the whole
neighborhood will Badly mise. The
funeral took plans from Woodham ou
Ssturday, May 14
rItUF3'�ttLb POO it
Mitobell is supplying elmde trees again
this year free to 011 those who wieb to
pent them Opposite their property,
Iutlnit•v nonflrmed the reporte of poor
Pall wheat prop in m00Y plasma in Perth
The pro.peata for the hey asap are
The well kn. wn 11.M Of Gie0ey ,1
Milchell, furniture aeulere turd under.
takers, St. Merye, baa diasalved partner,
ehip Mr, Clreoey retiree and lir.
Mitchell will 01151015 the bogie/see,
Mr. Groovy w,11 ru1natn 111 et Mat' u for
the 11158001, but may take a trip to the
Northwset fn the Deer raters.
The particulars of the death of Wm,
Hamilton, or Fort William, eon of the
late James Hemiltuu, formerly of St,
lbtorye, are given as follows, trent the
daily Times -Journal, of Fort William
May 1011), Wm. Hamilton, the well
known young member of the oopbraoting
Arm of Hamilton Bros., Fragesa, wee
instantly killed at 2 80 tote afternoon, by
the street oar near Copp foundry, lis
was driving this way and near . the
foundry the oar leasing West Fort at
216 carne along. The motorman rang
his bell t0 Beare a dog on the track,
The eudden volae frightened the horse
Hamilton was driving, wbiob suddenly
swerved, and threw the unfortunate
young loan directly under the oar wheels.
lie was etruok on the head and nook by
the truoks. William Hamilton was the
son of a widowed mother and the family
is one of the moat reepeoted in town. A,
Loabton, who was on the seat of the rig
with Was. Hamilton, was also thrown t0
the fender of the car and sustained
severe injuries,.
1W1ay are 1110551 851 -many "dnn't feel
well" Inotneni5 0 What 50 tiro same
,tr lireee aell,a and moue 7 ('1111 IC
bt a,lah Iitau'1
When you don't feel well your atomnoh
is not well. That is when the ills of the
body oommence, and they will never end
until the stomach is made right, When
the stomach is wrong the whole body i8
liable to go wrong. Poisonous fatmatioue
are thrown foto the oiraelabion in too
greet a quantity for the other means to
resist. -Nerve tissue poisoned -S seples9,
exaitable, nervous, heart irrepnlar,
heedaohe, kidneys overtaxed, backache,
kidney pains, liver clogged, constipation
end bowel trouble. You oan and these
effiiobiona by helping the stomach with
ANTI -PILL. It is just what a deranged
stomach needs. You oan prove for
youreelf by addressing the Wilson Pyle
Co„ Niagara Falls, Ont., fora free trial
bottle. Regular eizs 50 ae0te (a months
treat .men t)
Sold in Brussels, by James Fax,
Winnipeg Presbytery will urge the
General Assembly to take organic Church
union into consideration.
The Temiekaming Railway Com•
mission Lae deoided to call for tenders
for thirty miles of the extension.
It is reported the Dominion Govern-
ment will take poeeeesion of the mastodon
remains found in Quartz Creek, Yukon.
Brantford and Paris are mole oanoern-
ed over the threat of the Grand Valley
Radial Rdilway to start a Sunday oar
Co er
MA.y (018, J.1104
Winnipeg bas iorbiddeu Salvation
Army meetings in the city 51•reet0,
Deteotive Slontin, of Termite, luta re.
signets to aocept the position of Cobol of
Cattle dealers ening the G. q' It, Qom,
pally for $50,000 demagog were ordered
by the Master to bring seperale twtiope,
The body of William Moseop, of Port
Delhoufrle, wee found ill the burying.
ground between the gravis of his two
lir. P. SV. (leinphsl1, it tv'•11 itnawn
Burgeon of Montreal, Friday peonred
52,500 damages from tee Sttert Beltway
Company for injuries reoeived in an
aeoident in August Islet, lie sued for
Within n few days the bueinees and
goodwill of the Linotype Meuafeolurine
Company, of Montreal, will be taken
over by the Toronto Type Foundry, the
latter having made an offer which was
satiefaotory to the Montreal ooneern.
Popular Stallions.
The following popular stallions will
eland for bbe improvement of stock this
season as follows: -
THOS, WI'1,000ELIN, Paoli's,
Tele well known Stallion will travel
dnriug the season of 1904 as follows :-
Monday, will leave hie own stable, Brue•
gale, and go North to Jamestown for
neon ; then North mud East to Robert
Hamilton's, Turnberry, for night. Tooe-
day, South and East to Harry •Atwood'[,
4 h Oon,, Grey, for noon ; then South by
8th Con, to his own enable where he will
remain until Thursday morning. There -
day, will go to Neil Dunoeneon'e, 14th
Con., Grey for noon ; then to 16th Ouw,
to Ted Nolan's for night. Friday, will
go Weet to Buttou's School house, Morris,
to Jas. Evans' for noon ; then via the 6th
of Morrie, to his own eteble where he will
remain until Monday morning,
nonT, 01'DONALD, PROP'lt,
This well known Stallion will travel
during the season of 1904 as followe :-
Monday, will leave hie own etabie, Lot
17, Oon. 9, Grey, and go to Long's Rotel,
Oranbrook, for one hour, then South to
16th Oon., to John Oliver's, Lot 11, for
noon ; then by way of 17th Con., toJohn
MoTaggart'e, Lot 24, 15111 Oon , for
night, Tpeeday, will go by Moaorieff
North, to John Rutherford's, Lot 4, Oon.
18, Elma,for noon ; then North. and
West on Oon. 12, Grey, to Chas. Love's,
Lot 27, for night, Wednesday, Wil go to
Ohae. Kerr's, Lot 91, Oen. 7, Grey, for
noon ; then West via Ethel to his own
stable for night. Thursday, will go
North to Robert Lowe's, Lot 14, Oon. 4,
Grey, for noon ; -ben Weet to Gravel
road and South to Jae. Parr'° for night.
Friday, will go to Thee. Bradshaw's, Lot
19, 4th Line, Morris, for noon ; then
West to centre Sideroad, then South to
Joseph Smith's, 6th Con,, for night,
Saturday, will proceed Beet to American
Hotel Brunie, for noon ; thence to hie
own stable where he will remain until
tollowiag Monday.
('➢ i i
The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the
Public in the prompt fitting -up of' Bicycles such as
Cleaning, Oiling, eta t xi�:g,
Mending ruanctaree,
and will also replace Spokes, Hubs, Rims and
Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged,
First-class Second -haled Wheels for sale.
Give Mea ea2Z any evening from 7 to 0.30,
New Callacianai 1
E have a full stook of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades,
but in those as low as
BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florals, prodaaing charming Weak at Low Coat.
PARLORS -Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greens, c@e , in
delicate Shades.
HALLS, DINING ROOMS, tea, -Pine, effective Deafens, in Magntiieeat Colors,
(riving Warmth, Riobness and Beauty to en Apartment,
AND P12110E8 1 We min m,ly say we are offering this 6eaao11 Better Paper, Designs
and Colorings than ever offered.
Don't wait until our stook Is broken. Make year selection now.
If you have any rooms not recently papered, just Dalt end let Oe tell you how
little it noels to make home bright, aturaitive and happy
In Smale's Blocit, two doors North of Postoffice.
Painter and Paper Hanger.
4„ tph.,a1111,11111,11111111t
s Lcr.
'�"'''."^• 1'Pe. � a hs � Y [.:,✓' pa,
AVING had 50 years' experience in the Buggy Trade, from the hand -made spoke to the up-to-
date patent wheel, we can safely say that we build Buggies Second to none in Canada and
have a finer display in our Show Room this Season than can be seen elsewhere, We build all one
Grade but 6 Different Styles.
1st -Our Special -We use Standard B. wheels and xxx
hickory in our gear and shafts. -Our tires, braces, steps, rub
iron and loops are all steel, imported direct from Cleveland.
Our springs are Dowelay patent head.
Our blacksmith, who has had years of experience in the
Largest Carriage Factories in Canada, is sufficient proof of the
excellency of the blacksmith department.
We weld and set our axles and guarantee perfect track and
easy running.
2nd. Our buggy, painted either in black or green gear,
beautifully striped in gold. Our ' buggy, body painted black
or burled, and gear painted black or green, striped in gold.
Our buggy in natural wood, either oak or ash bodies, with
natural wood gear, iron work painted with London smoke and
striped nicely in black, are beautiful rigs.
Now there is our Western.buggy one inch Standard B
wheel, side spring gear, either with or without top, which is
1tnoWtl in the West as the runabout buggy, body black, gear
painted in rod, striped in gold or black.
We build the bicycle buggy, ball bearing, chilled steel axle
either cushion or pneumatic tire. Painted in carmine and
trimmed in leather and English whipcord.
We also build the hard rubber tire int or .
We employ only skilled workmen and all our work is un-
der our own STJPERVISION and guaranteed by tis.
We have nnumber of first-class wagons for sale, all built
of good oak, the material of which is thoroughly seasoned, haw
ing been in our stock for at Ieast ten years.
In a word to our purchasers we will say that our painting
stands 100 days in oil and finished in English varnish, im-
ported direct from England.
Let us say a word about our Trimming Department. Our
buggies are all trimmed in leather and our tops are all rubber
and lined throughout, with roller back curtain, hood and storm
lug with each buggy.
It will be wise for those wishing to purchase a buggy this
season to call and inspect our stock before purchasing else-
where as it is a maze of glory to look through our show room
where you can select from hundreds of buggies. A $1.00 saved
is a $1 gained, se bring along your wives and friends as it is
no trouble to show you through our establishment and we will
make it worth your while as we are prepared to back up each
and every statement. We are determined to place 800 buggies.
in this locality this season. In conclusion let us thank our
many etistomers for their liberal patronage in the past and
solicit a continuance in the future.
Pe --Remember we Wholesale and Retail and have Agents in almost every' locality,