HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 3P.••:1•:•.:.*:. 0:0:0 44 41.1414111:411:411,141:01) 1:10;*40:01:11::1 1:4 HEALTI 41.4 10444 41 4.1).:•11,4 0:0 1:16:0:11:41:O.,10 0411:•44 MKT ]N A Suiloble diet in Considered US 1111 - portant rector in the treatineet of diabetes au is the administration of drugs, Ths feet bus been for some 1in10 recognised by the medical two- foSsion, rays the Medical Record, that abstinence from nU articles of food scilicet may be converted into glucose, melee; e, marked deerearm in the quantity of glucose in a diabetic. Pt/0nt's urine, and in every respect tends to an improvement in the con- dition of the mujority of those nlTllctod wi th ci la hetes. Sh, .11111MS Satesev, of Birmingham in the British Medical ,lournal, points out that until the researches e of Mosso two years ago, 11 ,van the thernpeutle rule to withhold pota- toitt seccharine diabetes. Ilfinse'e researches led him to conclude that maniocs, far from being luirmiul, form a useful and benenciel fend 30 glycoeurie, and that they are camtble of being substituted for ordinary wheaten bread in daily proportions nuffic tent 10 ma int 0 in the alimentary ratio—that is to say, in the meteor - 'lion of two nod one-half to 31 (''5 of potatoes for one of bread. Moose foiled that a daily ingestion nf po- tatoes in rranntitles of from 1 000 to 1000 granite caused, roughly, from 2 pounds to 3 pounds avoirdupois diminution of the glycosuria, quick relief of thirst, and general hnprove- ment in the patient. The reclean for this beneficial action or potatoes in the feeding of diabetic persons is, according to Mosse, because the melts contained in potatoes are chief- ly those of potash, and potash ex- erts a retarding influence on the pro- gress of diabetes, Sir James Sawyer slates that his own experience in practice during the past two years Is conninuttory of Menses conclusions, end ho goes on to declare that in his opinion the beneficial resultof Messrs's dines,- ery rind teachieg as to the use of Potatoes as a food in diabetes Might well be carried much further in the dietetics of diabetics, than in merely the free anon -alien of properly cooked potatoes In a diet:rims The writer proposes that the therrtpeutie diffi- culty as to the prohibition of ordin- ary bread for a. diabetic may be met advn n t ageously by Making bread, mkt's, and biscuits for diabetics by using the "flour" of properly cooked potatoes instead or the flour of grain. Sawyer's dietary for diabe- tics is as follows : May eat Matter's meet of all kinds, excepting liver, park, inum beconpoultry, game, potatoes stemmed in their "skins." Fish, oysters, crabs, lobsters, ani- mal soups, not thickened excepting by pointoes, mutton broth, beef -tea. Bran nod potato bread or biscuits, potato cakes, eggs. cream, butter intense, greens, Watercress, mustard and cress, lettuce, mushrooms, nuts, jelly or custard, unsweetened. May not cat any bread or biscuits but, those made of bran and potato, sugar, asparagus, broccoli, (mull - flower, ear rots, parsnips, French beans, peas, turnips, arrow root, MacraOni, rice, sago, tapioca, NW - pastry, excepting potato cakes, puddings, fruit, fresh and pre- merved. May drink writer, ten, coffee, (0(15>- 10(110', claret, hock, spirits rind wa- ter, unsweetened; bitter nee, very e paringly; milk, very sparingly. May not drink cocoa, alleluia, thalami gne, porter, stet1101110- Dade wines, liquors, cider, sweet wines and ale. At ono time the diabetic was great- ly restricted in diet, but owing to the maw views, promulgated first by Mosee, the sufferer from the disease has a wide choise of food and need no longer live a life oe rigid noir- denial. This more generous regime of living is to his physical advan- ing,e, NEVER EAT UNLESS ITUNORY. A prolific: cense of Male indiges- tion is eating from lictbit, nod seta - ply heenuse it 'is meal -Lime and oth- ere are eating. To eat wheu not hungry is Lo eat without relish; and food taken without relish is worse than wasted. Without relish the salivary glands do not act, the gas- tric fluide are not freely secreted, and the best of foods will not be digested. Many perfectly harmless disher, ere severely condemned for no other reason than they were eaten perfenetorily and without relish and tine insalivation, ITurtger makes the plainest foods enjoyable. It muses vigorous secre- tion anid outpouring of all the diges- teen fluids—the sources of ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, etc,,without a plen- tiful supply of whicno foods cam be perfectly digested. Wait for an appetite if it takces w eek. l'eating is one of the saving graces. ,11 his st spirltnal signifi- cance only ythrough its great p)1301 - all and physiologic importance. If breekrest is a bore or lunch to mat- ter of indifference cut ono or both of then, out. Walt for distinct end unmistakable hunger—and 1.11011, eat slowly. . 33 you do this you need ask few questions as to the propriety, and digestibility of what you eat, and It need not be predigested loon JArAimsn SOLIDETtS. Rice end dried fish ie the uniform food of the Japconse eerily in coin- pnigniug times. This is the Way in which the rico is cooked. 11. is ball- ed 11111,31 quite thick and glntinous. Next it is placed on a commie slab, rolled out, and out into sqtlares. The squaree 01.0 then placed in. 010 5(111 to clry end often turned. When herd as non. biscuit, and greatly reduced in weight, they can bo tiered, A eer. 1 11 111 number are alloWed each ting to ihn eoldier, All he has to do is to Meek up a, square in boiling water ,And to add the dried dsh. In a tory minutee be has what 8001118 to 1111n dolidotts thiok soup, If he cannot procure boiling. Water ho simply oats hie riee cake Wry, In Ufartnit, stas- Oil he snbstitates fruit, witen'he (an obtain it, for the filsk, DESPONDENT WOMEN, Find New Health in the Use of Dr. Pints Pills. A few yeare ago Iffre, denies it, :lottirt, nI Thorold, who Is 14 )31 known to most of lite vsh.lertle of the( town, found hor ht.alth (841' c1103 ralottorea tIJ1 the result of an attack Of anaemia, As told pearl 1 - (silly in bee own words, Mrs, Stuart ellys : "My blood was turned. ahnost lo \Alder; suiTered from nyvvo rack- ing henclnehes, and the heist exer- tion would muse my heart, Lo palpi- tate SO N iolently os to Minder 1111" ak most breathless. I wasted eveig 111 Rosh and often wee so meek Mut. I' meld not walk nhoul. 1 1','in-1 Under tho vitro of a good doctor, but as I 10101 not getting better, I grog Mel- ancholy rind deseendent, 1111F1 felt 1 wits becoming at hopeless 111 VEllid, A 1. 0118 Stage 1 wee advised to use. In', IVilliante' Phila. Pills 10111 I began taking them, thinking it would be to miracle if they (Nor helped ine, To my great gratiecellon when I had been ttilifl5 t110 pills less then 4 month 1 found niy health improving. 3 used ebruit n dozen boxes In all and Mittel myself enjoyin5 once more the blessing of good health. 1 bad been reduced 1.0 almost a sicelton in ripersavance, and while taking the pills gaieed over twenty pounds in weight, I gratefully recommend the pitls to other ailing women.'t Dr. pink Pills are the greatest blood builder nod nerve tonic known to medical science. Through their use mile cheeke are made rosy, dull eyes made bright, and thin wasted figures made plump. Every, dose makes new, rich red blood that drives out disease and strengthens every organ in the body. You can get; these pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mnil post - p1(10, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 62.10 by writing the lhs Wil- liams' Medicine Co., 3frockville, Ont. - BOBS WAB, OP goluton. Hungarian Invents a Gas -Charged Shell. At last it has been citscovered how to make a military omelet without breaking the eggs. Hereafter war may be bloodless; ship's companies, hattalions, whole armies may be plac- ed hors -de -combat, but only tempo- rarily, In the middle of the wildest charge squadrons of cavalry may be reduced front a state of heroic fury to beatific anaesthesia, and may in- stautly be precipitated, in most regu- tar formation, into peaceful shunber. in a word, a Thing,nrian genius has invented a shell which, on. bursting, liberates a gas warranted to stupefy all who breathe it without Causing any permanent or serious effect. When such a soporific shell bursts and (maim, perhaps, to find them- etives prisoners in 5 hostile port. Let e !lumber of such shell explode over a fortress .and not the fortress brit the garrison will fall—into coma. Scientifically speaking, it is entire- ly possible that this ges-charged shell will do n11 that its inventor claims. in communication with the Japanese government, so- it is not improbable that -Poit Arthur and Vladivostok mey AS quiet soon as the palace of the Sleeping Beauty. The inventor's Ilungarian hatred of 3(110510, tinting back to 1848, pre- vented hint from approaching the gear, to whose mettle ideas such n humane 1113011 would strongly appeal. Of course, sucli a shell would revo- lutidnize warliare. The hospital corps would become the most- im- portant branch of the service, and would need to be enormously themes - et] in order that prostrated combat- ants could be removed from the field 11110 restored to cennelellelleSe. T110 next ITague convention would IMAM to agree that all 0110 were aS- phyxiated ity this gas should consider themselves dead until the war encled. And whet would happen When op- posing (LH:Merles employed the 'won- clerthl shell? Each side would surely increase tho charges of gas until some would he killed by an overdose of R. Thus the shell's) beneficent pur- pose week] be defeated. ROSY, IlEARTY CIIILDREN, If you want to keep your little ones rosy, hearly and inn of life give them Baby's Own Tablets the Mom- ent they tallow signs of being oat of order in any way. This medicine cures all hems of stoneneh and bowel troublee, breaks up colds, prevents croup, destroys tvorme, allays teeth- ing irritation, and gives the little ones sound, natural sleep. No child objects to taking the Tablets and Ilia mother hats it guarantee that they contain 110 opiate or Mundell chug. No other medicine for little ones gives this guarantee, Mrs. Geo, Campbell, Killarney, Maxi., who has had much exeevience says :—"I ilud Baby's Own Tablets n. fine medicine for children, q'hey are prompt in 101100 11(5 little ills end gentle in their action." All medicine dealers sell them Tablets or yo0 can gat them by Mnil et 26 cents a 1)035 by writ- ing The Dr, Williams Medicine 0o;, Brockville, Ont. A 'MUTUAL MISTANE. Two tattles stow0. on the dooretep of a friend's house waiting for admiS. slon, end they became 'very impati- ent nt the delay. "It's very odd to be kept Waiting at Mrs, Dario's," said one. "The door is usually opened so peomptly," "So 131 (0. rat getting very tired." "I wonder 11 there is absohl,loly 110 one in the bonne?" "Or course there aro people in, Wo'll ring again," "You rang before, didn't you?" "Why, no. I thought you rang'?" "Well, I was sum you rang. Now "Yes, isn't it?" Then one of them rang, and the ricer Wag opone'd. The Cook—"Would yo mind giving me a reconimendation, ract'am?"l'he klistress—"Why, yon have only Just conao,", Pilot 310 1331031 not Want to Ore me wan When. 1 ana 100,Ving," ENGLAND'S RAT PLAGUE NIIIIIEROITS IN LONDON DOCKS AND SEWEB.S, Tho Animal Game Frcm China With the Growth of East- ern Trade. 'Phe "whhikered vermin rave' has been fer too prcuellient in let le in of late. The inconvenienre, the havoc, mid Warrn it has created by appear - lug in Iturigry hordes and overronn- Mg the Motets of num 111 all parts of the country, is a tale that has been told often enough (luring recent months. What can be seld on behalf of the most unis'ev!allly animal 011 the raw of the earth 1 I lo is an 115110 Lunt graceful creature, Skilful In many trays, full of rOSOMMOS, intelligent, a useful scavenger Arbon he can be kept to that employment, full of 00111"' 1)1110101 llaPpiness, and desperately plucky. When living undisturbed in his Own haunts the rat is au affee- tionute parent 51(111 comrade. Catch sight of Ft rat sitting at imam on his haunches, smoothing his whiskers end it is a pretty spectaele. Ito ha Said to be cleanly in his personal hubitn, although he Is always et home in tho sewers, his ravage disposition is without doubt the result of the centuries of hunting of which he has heen the victim. Ile was 1100er populnr, and has, therefore, altvaye been hunted. One wonders what, ho might have been had he ever been giventa chance. IMponnia, RAT, 31 is the brown ret, which plagues England to-dny. The old English black rat, a smaller and more ele- gant rodent., far loss fierce and harm- ful, has been almost, annihilated by his own brother. The black rat WW1 introduced into England in the middle ages, coming from the east in ships, Ife is the ancestor of 411 tho fancy rats kept largely now as pets. The brown rat also name from the east—from wes- tern Chien, to be precise. Ho grad- ually spread over Europe, and in 1 730 he 'first appeared in England, having been conveyed on ships sail- ing from the Balti» lie has now oven -run (treat Britain and been taken further Westward by ships to Ameeien, in parts of which continent he abounds by the million. On one Jamaica sugar plantation 00,000 vats have been destroyed In a year. OMNIVOROUS DIET. A rat's diet is omnivorous. Noth- ing seems to come atniss to him. Possibly this is the result of his be- ing continually hunted from place to place and Mille and again driven by stress or hunger to eat anything that Itis teeth can surmount. Ile is always working havoc in game plan- tations and poultry home, 'destroy- ing (eggs, and eating the young birds. Ire has been known to gnaw holes in the bodies of fat pigs, and destroy the soles of elephants' feet. The Landon docks have always !Mon at favorite haunt of the rodents. Over 5,000 have been killed in a month by the official rat-catcher. 'Formerly these rats were taken out alive and sold to dog OWnerS for sporting purposes. Happily this has now been stopped. The croetases• of these rats have been found to contain germs of bu- bonic plague. :A. penalty or $10 hangs over the head of any person who takes awny a live rat. Tho carcases are 'collected every morning and cremated on the quayside itt the presence of an official, BARD FIGITTF,IIS. The sewers of London were once swerming with the rodents. and the sewer ellen were In the habit of Mak- ing large incomes by catching the rats and selling them for sporting ptirposes,at 75 cents a &wen. Many 11 grim encounter clid these men have in blind uctderground passages when several rats were brought to bay, and it required 110 smell amount of pluck to seize the savage vermin. When driven to extremity there is scarcely a fiercer animal existing than the brown rat. Ile is also a serious (tenger, (Or o b110 from the garbttge-pohsoned teeth of a rat has often meant death within a few hours. A desperate rat will some - theme daunt tho stoutest bull -terrier, and 111a 11y 11, eplendid dog has died from a rat bite. In. severe extremity a hunted rat will sham death, and be 1011 for dead in the gutter. But, when all lo rjitiot, 110 Will rOGOVer 10111501!, and move away as fest as possible. TIM very worst that, a rat, catt do is in attacking human beings. Tramps lying by the roadside or in brick -yards in 0OUntry places, 110.01 been killed by the vodents, and only IMO Often have hungry-preseed rats attacked infants in their cradles, sometimes killing them. SOME GOOD POINTS, As for the good in hiin, there aro many true stories. Ills intelligence has been seen often. Perhaps the 1308t-S110W11 1110101100 is that 0/ the rats which, robbing a poultry yard, cold conceive of no better way of carrying off tho eggs than by, gett- ing ono of ,their muither to lie on his back and clasp the oggs on his sto- mach, Then several ritts pulled their recumbent brother's tail, while others pushed his shoolderst Thus egg fter 055 was safely hidden in their burrow, A rat hes been known to eross 31 swollen torrent 11 Scotland seated On a swan's back, Other rats have made friends with doge, end fed often from tho same platter, When the dogs were absent, they would never feed, knowing thnt the 'pre- !, friends meant ssneirtert%,,of their cumin 'Although when driven desperete With hang& they will docent' one an- other, in time of plenty thole .riffee- tion iti almost human, A. Sussex clergyman lune 1 old how ha now St number of rats migrating front one dietriet to (mother, and in tho of the tonmeny en old blind rat with n twig in his mouth, -by Which he wets being safely led by a younger rodent. Insteneee of rata loading blind amine -ries by til5 ears to feeding tdnees, and pineing food close to their n1n01105, iteve been observed morn their once, 'Phis IN More tinny many Monne being's Will de for their Weaker brethren, FOND WHAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR A COMPLETE CURE 11011 BLAD. DEB, TROUBLES IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. jollies Atwell Tried Other Medi- cines and Bandages, but they Failed—Dodd's Kidney Pills Didn't, fte nipbellford, Ont., 3d sty 22-- (Speciel)—"1 had Lumbago and Blad- der Trouble for years. 1 could get 110 relief till 1 tried Died(l's Kidney 1>1115 un0 they cored me." This 113 the etatement of James At- well of this place, and all his neigh- bors know it to be true. eirteaking further of his cure Mr. Atwell sues:— "For live months of the time the pains in my blaulder were very teive.Hi and in passing my urine would hurt nun so us to almost cause tears to come t.(»Ity eyes. "I used other 34115 and got no re- lief. 1 used a bandage and got 210 relief. Dorld's Kidney Pine cured 111e conapletely and permanently," All bladder disenses are caused by disordered kidneys. There is PSI. One natural way to cure them—by curing the kidneys with Podd's Kid- ney rills. won= BIG FORTUNES. Priceless Autographs That Repose in London Safes. Some of the finest and most valu- able collections of autographs in the world lie in no less prosaic places than the safes of old -established banking firms, the signatures in ques- tion being either in the form of re- ceipts for money 01 those made he special books for guidance and pur- poses of comparison at the banks in question. In at least two cases in London these autographs axe absolutely price- less; for they extols(' back for nearly :SOO years, and they comprise speci- 1110115 of the handwriting of every British monarch during that, time, of many foreign potenta.tes, and of near- ly every distinguished man, whether in war, commerce, statesmanship or art. For purposes or comparison ev- en now these old-time hank auto- graphs are said to bo absolutely in- valuable, for it must be recollected that these signatures are the very private and, so to say, hall -marked autographs of their writers, having attached to them secret marks known only to tho writer and to the bank; and when saleroom forgeries in the way or autographs are offered 110W, these often faded writings are as precioue aS when they welt macre, to obviate bank forgeries, lo times long past. Only quite recently a small trades- man of Portsmouth happened to ionic through a lot of what he had always been told by his parents was old lum- ber. This tradOSMan'S great-grand- father had been a purser ou various British war -vessels during the Napo- leoniu wars, one of the ships or which he served having fought; at Trafalgar with himself aboard as purser. Most of the old lumber in 0119511011 was found to relate to this ancestor, and among it were scores of receipts and other documents written by Nelson, Collingwood and many other naval heroes of those days. One particular batch of this old lumber was sold within a few weeks of its discovery for 450. In one account book alone were scores of naval autographs of the greatest interest and value, - 3 SAVED HER BABY. Incident in -An English Zoological Park. The hippopotamus Is not, generally credited with great intellectual p0W- 0r, but it Seenls from the following incident that soinewhere in that mass of flesh end fat resides a brain prompt to act when necessit' de- mands. For several weeks the 10en- d-0r and delight of an English zoolo- gical park wns a baby hippopotamus which was eamed One( Fawkes be- cause its birthday fell upon the fifth of November. The young hippoptamus 00(5 BAD DREAMS. Indicate :Improper Diet, Usually Due to Coffee. of the common symptoms of poieoning Is the bacl dreams spoil whet should be restful A. man who found the reason One coffee that sleep. says: "Porreerly I Wall a slave to coffee. I was like a morphine fiend, could not sleep nt night, would roll and toss in my bed rend when 7 did get to sleep was dieturbed by dreams and hobgoblins, would wake up with headaches and feel ball ail day, so nervous 3 could not attend to bllai- MSS. My writing looked like bird tracks, I had sour belehings from the stet -Mach, indigestion, heartburn and palpitation of the heart, coustipatioa, irengularity of the kidneys, etc, "Indeed, I began lo feel I had all the troubles that Mallen flesh could 8111101., but when a friend advised, inci to leave off coffee I felt ns it he had instilled me. I could not beim Um idea, it had such a hold on 1110 and I refused to believe it the eanee. "But it turned out that no advice was ever give31 at ft 11101e needed time for I finelly coneented to try Posture, and with the going of coffee end the coming of Postunt all tny troubles have gone and health has rammed, 3 eat and sleep well noW, neevcs steadied down, and write a ft.& hand (as 3ml rum see), Can al- 1.1na to bostnoss ngnin and rejoice that T 0111 free from the monster Cram" Nemo given by Pommel Co., iltotIle Creek, 111 1) Ten cleys tritil Posi,1011 111 pltira Of COlIna will bring SO1111(1, restful, refreshing sleep, There's it reeson. took in each pnAinge tor the hem, one little book, "The lined to "Wen, vino," Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them,- It will Make them soft, white and fleecy, 7B fauna Um Sive of a boron pig, a! a pinkish Mate -color, and es playful RS a I 11 on . It was only thee!, clays 01(1 when, riff 1110 superiniendeet or the "000" wan m11(.11105 the little fellow's entice, it dived to the bot- tom and ((id not vise. The grown eninutle never remain under water much longer than three minutes; so 031 t11110 went on 01111 no belay re1111- (mere(' the superintendent became alniened. When twenty 110(1 elnpsed he gave orders that the water be drawn from the tank to recover the body of what he felt, 5100 Won a fiend baby hi ppopo t aunts. 05 t he plug wan being removed young (ley Fawkes; appenred, shaking his funny little horse -like ears', rind wearing FL 11 IppopOlarnie grin, which. seemed to slim "Don't be frightened; l'm all right. You don't know all about me yet." Tho young animals have a great power of remaining under water, which they lose 115 they in- crease in years. The next time baby wont to the bottom, however, was not so muc1, of a joke, lie tried to climb up the side of the tank in which there wore no steps. Ire fell beck again and again, until he sank exhnusteri. The keepers were gathered about the tank in great anxiety, but unnble to help. The mother, however, hurried to her baby with all her clumsy haste. She dived, put her hroifd nose under Guy 'Fawkes, shoveled him up, and held him above the surface until he had recovered his breath and was rested. It was nearly half an hour before the little fellow was able to make another attempt, Then he made -a huge effort, Mama hippopotamus gave a big shove with hor head, and Master Guy Fawkes clambered trium- phantly up the side of the tank. Beware of Cintments for Calarrh that Contain Maroon,. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of small and completely derange the wholo system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. such articles slieuld never be used except on pre- ScrIptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they Will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive front It Hall's Catarrh Cure, meet- ufacturee by F. J. °honey es 00, To- ledo, O., contains no meieury, Dud is taken Internally, acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of ",115 system. In buying Dallis Catarrh Core be sure you get. the genuine. It is tak- en internally and ',,isOo in Toledo, Ohio, by IP. J. Cheney & in. Testi- monials free. Sold by Druggists. Drive, 750 per bol Ilo. Vanilly Pills for consti- lmti". A CURIOUS PLANT. There is a plea in Chili, end a shnilar one in Japan, called the "flower of the air." It is so called because it appears to have no root, and is never fixed to the earth. Each shoot produces two or three flowers like a lily—white, tvansmarent, and odoriferous. It is capable of being transported 600 or 700 miles, and vegetates as tt travels suspended on a twig. MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Bookeeller--"Now this, madam, is the most popular book of the day; everybody is reading it." Mrs. Nur- itch—"I don't want nothin' that everybody reads. Show (00 some - thin' more exclusive." For Over Sixty Veers Winnow's 3)MOTIFING1 5V111,t, has hem 11,1,1 by ii111X1 1:1144; wind detia, replete° thostonuten 'n"int :hovel% auil 1, 1)1) hint ronusly for Minirlicoo. rwenty-sas 011111, 3 bOttb Sold by druggists throughout the world, 13s awe awl ask fur " Mita, Wlialf/0 11ra 80031111:8 Scsur." 13-01 "Lire to me," said the very young man "was but a desert until I met yon." "Ali, that's why you dance like a camel," said his foie pertner in the waltz. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, Olara—"Pa, that nice young fellow Mr. Reed, is awfully fond of hiss- ing." Pse—"ITow do you know that, you good-for-nothing girl?" Clam— "1 had it from his own lipe, pa." Rheumatism — What's the Oause?—Where's the Ouref—The active irritating cause of this most painful of diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South American Rheumatic Curo mutta. (ins the acid poison. Relieves in 6 houri and cures in 2 to 3 days. -3)o A 0.130313113 01? OPINION. "I'n, have—have you seen Eateld since you told me he was too poor to think of—of marrying •nui?" "Yes, I ran across hint at the club lest evening. We got into conversa- tion, and he struck me—se—, "Struck youl Oli, papal"' "Struck mo n.s radio an egreenble young num I encleretand his uncle has left him a hundred thoneand dol. Mrs. " .- 11011S10 SPINSF,, The perenn who ash vilified for "A num Who speaks (lernum end under- stande homes" 180131 Silt iDiled With the wording of his advertieement until the first. Annlieefit 'Vol], ' said the wo1Iiti-1,t, Atahle- mon, soberly stemtelting his heed, "T erlipeake Chairmen all rigluit but. T don't] know dot. 't von nnaerstnna (lope boows, Vat langcmieltes do tey ateinovritl" etlYau A7144 pte-ce/ hte, re, a40 -e- V.,<..,,(!, Ae..7! c7ea,xeiee;,Z 7( ov Potatoes, Poultry Eggs Butter Apples Let us hove your consignment of any of t1108o altiChia and we will get Non good prices. DAWsON COMMBSSION CO, Limited Cor, West Market and Colborne Ste 7090011.0. THE WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 2i3th to Dec. lst, in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the (treat World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est one-way first-class fare, good for fifteen rittys, fare and a third; good for thirty days, good either via Wa- bash direct, line 00 via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing- to this, the greatest of all Ex- pos-itions, slitedd remember the great Wabash lino is the OltorteS0, quickest and best route. The only line that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For !Mute -tables and deseriptive World's }'ah' folder, address any ticket agent, or J, A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agent, North-east corner King and Yoege Streets, Teronto, AN ISLAND OP BLACK CATS. One of the queerest meters of the earth la Chatham Island, off the coast of Ecuador. This 'Wand Iles six hundred miles west of 11uayaquil, and the equator rens directly through it, Captain 11'i 11111(111, who sent to the Galapagos group of 1S - lands to inquire into the proper grounding of a- deep-sea cable, stop ped at Chatham Telma), and says it abounds in eats, every one of .which is black. Theee animals live in the crevices of the lava foundation near the const, and subsist by catching fish and crabs instead of rats nod mice. Other (1)1 1(110111 (011110 ou this island are horses, cattle, dogs, gents and chickens, all of which are per- fectly wild. Wife—"Nearly thee to st nrt house cleaning." Ilusbend—"What a 71111R- ance! Let it go this year, can't you?" "Impossible." "Well, 311 tell you how to arrange it. Don't do any cleaning—well move." Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Diainfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home, It disinfects and cleans at the same time. -- LnWyer—"What '.015 the thing that led to your financial downfall? You seemed to be doing a good business." Ilankrapt—"I W EIS; but 0110 clay I started out to see If I could borrow some money. / found it, so easy that I kept on borrowing." Minard's Liniment for sale OCTAVO CAN YOU NAME 11113? There is a Mari in our town who thinks ht,'s wondrous Wise, and when there is an argument, he's right there to advise. But when there's labor to be clone. this Man With Sin110 SO bland, looks wiser vet and shakes his head --he never lends a lictud, Eighty Years Old — Catarrh Fifty Years. Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cures him. Want any stronger evi- dence of the power of this wonderful remedy over this universal disease? Want the truth of 1(10 0018 confirmed? Write G eorge Lewis, Shamokin, Pa, He says:—"I look upon my enre as a miracle," It relieves in ten Minutesi—S9 "There's one thing that I Can say about my (laughter," said lfirs. Haw- kins, "She hes ti fine disposition." "Dave you 1011,0 11 her to meet any severe tests?" "Yes, •the way ShO 11011 Sit (1011'11 nd listen to herself playing the photo shows that she must have extraordinary patience." Alfred A. TaYlor, of Wfargaree, sive: "Onc bottle of MINATU)'iO LINIMENT cured a swelling of the gamble joint, and saved a horse worth $1 40.00." Thos. W. Payne, 01 Bathurst saved the life of a valuable heree that the Vet. had given up, with a few bottles of MINARD'S LINI- MENT. treasmorMetTOL.mseorremsso.m.xlsoanint=watarnOttal Clerle—"Please, sir, can I have 0, week's vacation?" Employer— "What's wrong with you now?" Oler5 —"Fm going to get married." Ent- ployer—"Now, you WOre away a week with influenza end ten days with a sprnined ankle. 1 declare there's a0 10535 soniething going wrong Wlth 3011, Jonee." minearasimmunaussookerameLisimetry, Worry wont cure a cough, When you find a. cough holding, on -- when everything else has faded— toy h.i10.0,1re Consumptiomn Cure TT6lineicLons Itrilsca:tarantoeti tO cure, If it doesn't, w08(1>11 re/11ml youM r oney r . S. C. Vrtm.s Ce, e0.4 Ilea See. 01. LeRoy, N.IteTerettio, Can. "You used to sing 'Everi morn I send you v(olets' before W Well) 051(0- 1101 ," said al Mike wit II A. sigh. "Yes," answered Borneo; "but my devotion has now taken 1(371000 praa- tient form. Every month. 1 pay -the meat bill!" Sudden deaths on the On. orease.—People apparently well and happy to -day, to -morrow are striken clown, and in ninety -eine eases out of every hund- red the heart is the cause. The Engel heart remedies, Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, is within reach of all. 31 10110108 in 3o minutes, and curea most chronic cases.—ex Sultor—'"Sir, 700 5101, undoubtedly, aware of the object of my visit?" Pather—"I believe you desho 1,0 make my daughter happy. Do you really mean it?" "Unquestionably." "Well, don't marry her, then," Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Mary—"1 would never squeeve (117 teat out. of shape." Jane—"Ob, y(5, You would, if yo0 were in my boatel" - IT IMAMS effilAGEMI. 00eath Disgusting Discharge° Due to Catarrh, Make thousands of Papua °bloats of Aversion. Or. Agooaf's Catarrhal Milder 118. 1)0005 in 10 minutes, Bon. tleerge James, of ScrantOn. Pa., Says: "1 Lace been 11. martyr to Ca- tarrh for twenty years. constant hawk- ing 011.1 dropping in 501 throat alai pain 111 the head. very offensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. The first application gave instant re- lief After 053031 01. few bottle!. 1 was eared. 00 Use Dr. agnevA Heart Cure for heart stomach and nerves. "SI.1111 An admirable Feeel of the Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious and Economical, 48-21 FEATHER DYEING cl—gfbr.a.;21;4z,rg1.11,!-.% go„vg'.10.P BRITISH AIEiliEAN BYEIHR 00311117aLl. AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grltde materials. As a prospedive automobile purchaser yon dare not, in full justice to,your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904 Winton, we become " attLomobile underwriters"—insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seat our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carriabie Co Clovebouto 0., S. A. RoOresentod IS tho Dominion of Canada by TEE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY E0 79 Moil 52., 11., Toronto, Out, Sub Adoneles Cblef llomululos Claes IssIng 3ek,u4„