HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-26, Page 1Vol. 32. No. 46 mmerwwww BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904 W. ISI. KERR, Prop, New Advertisements, Local—G, E. Xing. Wool—Alt, Barker. For sale—Tint POST. Looe'-Eobt. Thomson. County Connell—W. Lane. Wool wanted—R, Graham. Turnip seede—A. Streohen, Millinery—Maliinuou & Co, Bull for service—Robb. Currie. Guard your eyes—Mre. Fletober. Plante and Flowere—Mica Kelly, Notice of Transfer—Wm• Emigh. Notion to aredltore—A, B. Macdonald, 31Ri,strixt .Ct11"s, VVroxatter Oral linter is in Winton this week, James Paulin has returned from Col- orado. R. T. Miller, of Toronto Junction, ie visiting relatives here. Mre. 0, Stewart, of Arthur, le visiting ftiende in this vicinity. A. Moflitt and family are spending the holidays in Owen Sound. Mies Maggie Hover, of Toronto, palled on old friends hete Inet week. Oliver end Mre. Smith spent several days of last week in Seaforth, returning home on Saturday. Guard Your Eyes. If eunshtnc makoa seeing polnful, drew! discomfort and per. haps permanent in. jury will be avoided by weartnd our Lon. don Smoked Glasses. 25 cents per pair. and u • wards. Mrs. T. Fletcher r teceeet;Aria ranee Gr.neieraee Optician BRUSSELS SPECIAL VALUE IN �ICIIR�DS PURE SOAP ONE OF THE BEST LAUNDRY SOAPS MADE. ALSO IN DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS —AT— THOMSON'S WallaqUIMMINWILI Mies Bella McDougall, of Toronto, ie visiting Mrs. Doagltte. Mre, Forster ie spending tz few days with friends in Palineraton. Mre, MoLean, of Harrieton, is the g0eet of her eon, A. McLean. George Harris er„ in on the utak list, suffering from an tenni( of pleurisy. Mre, F. Mitchell and children are the gueete etrelativea in MountForeot, Byron Simmons, of London, fa viaiting hie parenle, 0. and Mre, Simmons. Roy Smythe, of Detroit, renewed old acqualateuaee In the villege over Sunday. Preparations are still going ahead for a big day's sport in Wroxeter cu the let of July. The Methodist choir made a preeenta• tion to Mre. (Rev.) McKelvey on Saturday evening, Rev. A. 0. Stewart, of Belenore, oon• ducted the eerviae in the Presbyterian church Sunday eveniug. George Harris, an old and well known resident of this locality died on Tuesday evening, aged 66 years. He ie survived by his wife, three daughters and three eons. Donned was respected by ell who knew biro and his sadden demise will be greatly regretted. After about a woek'e illness Roth Clop. land, relict of the late Thos. Jaoklin, passed away at her home on tbeBonndary on Friday morning at the age of 71 yearn. The fettered, which took place to the Wroxeter oemetery, on Saturday after- noon, weB largely attended, El tit et1. Lawrence Dobson is visiting at Inner - kip with hie eon George. Ohioken-pox have been bothering the children of eome families here. Crops are leaking fairly good and very little Fall wheat wan plowed up, Misses Myrtle Dobson and Theresa Siegel, of Mitchell, were visitors witb Ethel ftiende during the peat week, A. public meeting will be held here on Monday, June 6th, in commotion with the Womeue' Destitute. The ladies have (mite a huetliug branch here, The Townebip Council met here on Monday and bad a burry day iu dealing with the multifarious matters before them but they completed their program fairly well. Ray. 0. P. Wells, B. D., and Riobard Pearson were at Kincardine thie week attendieg the District meeting of the Methodist (thumb, Mre, Wella and eon were also at Kinoardine, The lout pocketbook, spoken of in last week's issue of TIM POST, wall restored t0 Mier Lida McAllem by the Editor, the tinder being Mies Campbell, of Morrie. It is needleee to Fay the owner was well pleased. Quito a number from the village and surrounding country expect to hear Will. McLeod at the Whitfield School Concert on June let, an they were so highly de- lighted with the program given by him S. 0, T. Conant last Winter, The H. F. McAllister family have vacated their home here and will leave alertly for Cockburn Island, where they parpoee residing. E hel, or any other community oon ill afford to lose as esti. moble a family as they have proven themselves to be and general regret it expressed at their/removal from our village. We wish them bappiueee and prosperity, Tuesday afternoon and evening the annual oiranit Sunday Sohool Con- vention was held in the Methodist (thumb here and a very interesting and profit• able time enjoyed. Addressee and papers were interspersed by musical ee'eottone from the obarob choirs on the circuit, Between the sessions lanab was served in the Towo Hall adjoining and a natal hour or more spent before re•aeeembling for the evening's program. Last Sabbath was oboerved as Rally Day in the Methodist Sabbath School here. At 2 o'eloak instead of the reenter session of the aobool a epeeist program was presented as follows 1-06oru.ee by the echool ; recitations by Irene Gill and Edith Freeman ; bolos by Misses Olive itaynard and Lily Simplon and duet by Mieees Bernice Sfommon and Emily Mason ; reading by Min Mason ; ad- dreeeee by Jno. Cohn, formerly Super• iuteudent, now of Brussels, S. Chambers and W• H, Kerr ; report of the school by Miss Lyda McAllum. From it we glean- ed that the sobool ie making decided progress. Some of the figuree were an follows 1—Average attendanoe 62 average collection, 861 ; total eollootione last year $44 98 and $6 to Hospital for Mak Children, $26 are the reoeipte so tar this year, Li the evening the ad. dress was given by W. H. Kerr, of Tae Poen, R. Motley conducting the opening mid closing examine. The Sabbath neheol ohoir lead the service of praise and did it well. It is npwarda of 80 yang eines the first Bonday Bobo' was started in Ethel, it being a union, Among the euperintendente were Jas, Oliver, now of Brunets, Jacob &tree and the late Jae, Spence, Atter the Meth- odist church wee built et school was organized in 1t, Itir. Wade being in charge. He was euooaeded on his re- moval by Chem Dobson, Thos. Mann• dere, J. Holloway, J. Bomberger, J. Brussels Greenhouse. PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Fon will fled at Brussels Greenhouse any quantity ot Tomato, Cauliflower, Celery and Cabbage Plante, Tomato Plante 10a, a box er So, a dozen loose. Ione intimation of Flowering Planta. A oholoe lot of Geraninme and Annuls tor' bedding. Out Flowers etipplied. Floral Deaigna made to order, MISS KELLY, Colter end the present cffiaial head hi Jno. McDonald, merobant, who fills the bill mostaooeptably. The eohnol in well officered and bag a fartbful etaff of tenth. era. Parente and adults were urged to attend the school in larger numbers, Wal ton. Mise Lizzie Barrowe is spending a week in Seaforth, Mies Lottie Campbell was visiting friends at Bentorth last week, Geo. Candler and family spent Empire Day with rei,ctivee in Atwood. George MoKim's health ie not very vigorous but we hope be will soon im- prove. We are pleased to state that Mre. (Dr.) Irving is conveleeoent, Her mother is still with her. A number of ladies from thie totality attended the Miseioaary Convention et Brussels last week and epjoyed it very mach. Wm, and Mre. Smith were in Eima for a few days this week, visiting the form - We brother, Henry Smith, who is eerlously ill. Wm. Blaettil' has disposed of the Walton Hotel to Wm. Emigh, of Blyth, who will take poeeeeelon June 16th. Mr. Blaehill will probably remove to Braeeele for a time. Rev. A. Andrews attended the Matelot meeting at Goderiob last week and de- livered an address. The reverend geutlemau has asked for a superannuated relation nt the coming Conference, Tide will be nnweluome news to the people of this locality ars Rev. end Mre. Andrews have made many friends eines their oom. jug here end we would be pleased to have them 00ntinae their residence here for another yntr at least. The 0. 0. F.•At Homo on Taeeday was it decided Furman in every particular. Ile spacious A. 0. U. W. Hall was packed to the doors by young people who took this method of celebrating Empire Day. Wm. Strong, of Gerrie, Organizer, was in the abair and delivered a terse trod pointed addre.e on the Order, as did W. G. Welker, Organizer, and James Bowman, of Brussels. The other cum berg on the program, oo0sieting of mune and songs, were enthusiastically received end vigorously encored. After the pro - green a lunch was served and the floor woo cleared for the bell, in whiob all the young people joined heartily until a reasonable hour, when all separated with the hope of auother such joilifleation next Empire Day. ENVIE= INTO Riser.—The spirit of Elizabeth Ingram, relict of the late Isaiah Ingram, took its fight last Sun - clay. Deceased bad been ill for two weeks previous from heart failure. She died at her home in Wingham to whiob town rhe had removed 3 years ago. Mrs.Iugram watt born in Darlington township and was els; married there to Mr. Ingram, who pre-depeaeed her by 27 years. They resided et St. Marys, Perth 0o•, for a time and came to the 12th Oon., of I[oKillop, 45 years ago. The surviv- ing ohildren are Mrs. Harper, Wood. etook ; Mre. W. Devis, and Mre. Benja- min, Manitoba ; Mre. W. Dennison, McKillop ; Robt, of Brantford, and Mies Hannah et home. The funeral took place to Brunie cemetery on Wednes- day afternoon from the reeidenoe of her son-ivlaw, Wm, Dennison, Oon- 14, Mo• Klllop..-)eooneed was a member of the Metbodiet ohnroh for many years and was well and favorably known to the people of tide community. The bereav ed will share in the sympathy of many old friends. auntie cetowrt. The annual Sunday Bohoot pip nip, held on Dominion Day, ie being mention. ed. Last Sabbath evening H. W. Avieon took eltarge of the 0008100 in Victoria Hall and gave au interesting address. J. E, Coomber and wife, of Hanover ; R. H, Cutt and Jae. MoEwee, of Goole. riots, were here attending the funeral of the late Thos. Out. A number in this tonality are planning for a trip to the Madel Fertn on the annual Exooreion. It will run this year on Monday, June 20, P. J. MoDonald, oontraotor, has a busy station ahead of him. Among hie oon• tracts are the following :—Barn 00x100 feet for Jno, Jaokeou, 6th Oen., modern arrengemonte will be made in the new building in which will be stabling for 70 head of nattie and 16 horses. Hog pen for J. K, Baker, Oon. 10 Grey ; addition of 17 feet to aide of Ohae. Knight's barn, 0th Con,, Grey ; unmet foundation for 54360 foot barn for Win, Lune, Dime ; mud a large barn with, stabling for Geo. Armstrong, Oth line, anode, DEPARTED THIS Lxsn.—The end in. telljgence was reoeived hare last Friday of the demiee of Thomas Oatt, of Godoe rioh, youngest eon ot the late James Outt, of thio locality, aged 40 years and 20 days. Deoeaeed bed been in failing health for several mo0tbe but wee only oonfined to bed about three weeks, Brightt' disease being the cause of hie demise. Mr. Outt was born in Blanchard township, Perth 0o., and came to Grey when 10 years of age. 9 years ago he went to Goderiob and was assooieted with hie brother, R, H. until Jima of 1008 when he and hie nephew, Jae. Mo. Ewen formerly of this plane went into bnsinene for themeelvee in the Co. town and have done well, The eabjeot of thio notice wee an exemplary malt, n faithful member of Knox chetah and met the grim monster, Death, with Christian fortitude and resignation passing moray very peacefully et 7 20 a, en. He died at the home of hie brother greatly beloved and repotted. Mr. Cute was unmarried. Hie mother, Mre. T. MoEwen, Jaime and John Mttt, of Jamestown, Mrs. J. E. Coombe;, of Hanover, and the Goderioh relatives were at the bodtlde when the vita el spark fled. Rev Mr. Ancient:0, paster of deooaeed, conducted a short e0reioe Saturday morning before the remains were taken to Brunk] for interment in the family 9100. Rev, Jho, hops, B. A., Of Braeeele, taking the servioe at the Cemetery on Baturday afternoon. The pail bearers at Goderiob were Rev. J, kfamilten, G. F, Blair, 3, F. Tbomoon, J,l,awoon,Gate Lethbridge and 4, D, Murdook. At the cemetery three brothers (dee, Johu and R. ri) J. E. Coo/thee, (e brother -in law) and Thos. and Jas. Strachan era., bore the casket to the tomb. The floral tributes were beautiful coneieting of a Harp from mother, sister and brothers ; an Ancor from Miss Hattie Spence ; a Clement from St, Lawrence Boarding House ; a sheaf of ohryantbemame from Mr, and Mrs. Armitage ; it sheat from flies Spence and Mies Lizzie Spence ; and bouquets from Mr, and Mrs. Howrie and Mr. and Mre, Rut- ledge.—Deoeaoed was an upright, honorable, industrious man who won the good opinion of all wtio knew him by hie integrity. The bereaved are deeply sympathised with in their sorrow which ie lighted up by the Obrietiau'e hope of re union in the Home of the redeemed bye and bye, E4orrt,w. Taeeday was a aobool holiday. Township Oonnali and Court of Re. vision will be held next Monday in the Hall. 11 is paid building operations in eon- neotion with the proposed 0. P. R. line will be undertaken abortly, Warden Bowman attended a meeting of the Building Committee of the House of Refuge at Clinton on Thuredoy, A mare belonging to James Inland, Brd line, presented her owner with twin colts recently but unfortunately botb died. Wm. Michie, who went Wept a few months ago, is employed in the Indian Head locality. He may not become a permanent resident. The school wee reopened at Brown• town and preaching woe resumed last Sabbath atter the close -down owing to tete proximity of smallpox. A new cberah abed is being built at Browntown 48x66 feet which will afford greater accommodation for the convey- anon onveyanon of those worshipping there. Mre. D. Murchison, of Giereaunan, ltIr. McDonald, of St. Helena, and Mre. Walter Sharp, of Goderinh, were viaitore at James Sherries, 4th line, this week. George Bielby, who has completed hie first year in the Arta course at Victoria University, Toronto, left last week on a trip to the West where be purposes spending hie vacation. Be'e a olever student and wa hope he will do well. Mrs. Gilbert Stern, 4th Hee, has not been quite a0 well as natal for the peat few weeks, her heart being the cause. She is well known in the community and has been wonderfully active and bright for a woman of her age, having parted her 84th birtbday in Merah. We hope she will soon be better. Wm. and Mro. Bryant, 40h line, arrived home Monday from Toronto after spend. log a few days io the oily consenting epeoialieta about Mies Menden ankle which she had broken about two years and a half ago and which has not been doing as well as her friends would wish. Mise Mande remained in the city for treatment. Chea„ Frank and George Garneee, for. merly of the 3rd Oon., have each taken up 160 agree in the Nipieeing Dietriot. Their farms are located about 44 miles from New Liskeard, their pootoffioe be. ing Oharttou. George and hie 000ein William are here for the Summer but Ohne, and Frank will remain in the North. These young men are the right ones of eettlere both for the country and themselves and we hope they will do well. GI- e xv . Mise Maggie Grant, 14th sou., hap taken a situation in Beafortb. Mies Annie Swaneton, of Toronto, wag the guest of Mre. Al. J. Stewart, 16th oon. She intends Bailing for Scotland shortly. One day last week Lawrence Wheeler, North of Brunet, in goiug to his stable found twin foals, one of them being dead, The mare and other colt are getting along all right. It is reported that Bird Bros, have leased the Dr. Kneehtel farm, lot 0, oon. 13. Tbey are putting in the orop and will move to "the plane next Fall when the lease of the form they have to Morrie township expires. The thoro' bred Durham bull owned by J. D. McNair, 18th Oon,, hae been purehaeed by Robert Currie, 4ib line, Morris, and was taken to his new quart - ere last Friday, The bull is a eon of A, Hielop's let prize animal, . D. and Mrs. Taylor, Brd Oon., were visiting John Wilson and family at Har- row, Beset Om, during the past week, Afro, Wilson's health has not been of a very robust nhoraoter during the Winter but her many old friends bete hope •she will 00on be se hearty as ever. Fixe HNAvx Deacon Conr.—Leet Fri- day, Joseph Ilugler, the well known breeder, Oth line, sold a splendid heavy draught gilding to John Robb, 6th line, Morrie, for the rum" of 3175,00. The colt wag aired by "Darnley," weighs 1500 and took 2nd in the draft close at Atwood Fair last year, Mr, Dueler hoe several first ones animate yet, one it general p00. 9000 that he will sell, Mr. Robb is a great lover of a good horse and generally has the beet going. In oonneotion with last Sabbath's services at the Union ohnroh K, J. Benton, of Whiteoborob, gave a brief addreoe to the ohildren at the clue of the soliool in the afternoon and at the even- ing gathering dealt very ably with the onbjeot "The Menton of the Epworth League to the evangelization ot the World." The League will put teeth a very vigorous effort in the coming year in the Forward Movement department, Mr, Beaton will bo weloomed hook on any future oaoasion, Lath Sabbath wag Rally Day for Roe'e Church. The patter was present and gar an edam to the Sohool at 10 a. m., ant, in the evening a pointed addrene wet givers to the parents on "The Religious elating of Childhood." Liberal prevition for the Doming year00 Anatole wad trade, Good Music was provided by the ahurob allot and ohildren and the day wad a moat oujoyable and profitable one. At the morning service an internting date. mutt of the etendiug of the school wee made by L, Frain. Peter McDougall, 8th oon., who sold hie 50 acre farm last Winter to A. Yaill, liar bought 100 sores, Lots 63 add 64, oon. 1, Morrie, from the estate of the late Andrew Miller, and will get poeseesion next Bpcing. The peloe paid watt $5,260, This ie a good farm and in a One neigh- borhood. It was the Miller family homestead being taken op over 60 years ago by them, We wish Mr. MoDougall swum in his purohaee, Conaente.—A Coneert in aid of the Sohool Library will be given on the Sohool grenade of S, B. No. 10,aommonly known as Whitfield's aobool, on Wednesday night, Jnne 1st. Wm, McLeod, of Sea - forth, who has made himself favorably known for his omen songs, jokes, tem, throughout this Province ars well anis different parte of Manitoba, hoe been enured for the 000aeion. Solos and duets will be rendered by the following well known talent:—Mise R, Spenoe and R. 0. Davies, of Ethel, and H. W. Avison, of Brunets, A000mpaniete will be Miers Jean MoLauohlin, of Braeeele, and Mee L. 'Spe000, of Ethel. Besides thie a number of alioioe readings, reoitatio0e, &o., will be given, Music wit' be sup. plied by an oroheetra and violiniete, There will be refreshment booth on the grounds. If weather be unfavorable for en outside entertainment the program will be give. in the aobool bowie. A cordial weloome ie extended to all, i3 late vale. R. N. Duff emelt the 24 h at Galt, 11. McPuereon wen at Garoonville, Michigan. this week. Henry MaBardy, of Goderiob, was home over Sunday. Charles Conitea, of Listowel, spent the 24th at bin home here. Geo. and Mre, McDonald and Master Cameron spent the 24th at Molesworth. This week Mrs. Swann and eon were viaitore with friends at Luaknow and Ripley. e Joseph and Mre, Burgate end Matter Harold, of Woodstock, were visitors at Blnevalethis week. Joseph Teo, of Stretford, was renew - leg old acgaaiutanoee in Bluevale and vicinity thio week. John Burgess attended the quarterly audit of the Canadian Order of Forestate at Brantford last week. The Miteiooary Sooiety of the Presby. terian nbnreh parpoee having a Garden Party some time in June. Rev. F. Swann and Tboe. Higgine were at Kincardine on Tuesday and Wednesday attending the District meet. inInvitations are out for the wedding of W. H. Stewart, son of Thomas Stewart, of Bloevale, to Mies Oatherioe Potter, of Bowlingreen. Owing to the serious 'linage of Rev. R. Paul, of Braeeele, his daughter, Mre, J. Pegb, of Bluevale, has been by hie bad• aide .this week. The meetings of the Went:Meister Guild of the Presbyterian ohotah will be dieooatiuned during the months of June July and August. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be diepeneed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next. Preparatory serene will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 o'alook when Rev. Mr. Hattie, of Belgrave, will preaoh. Afterpreporatory service a 000gregatianal meeting will be bald to discuss the advisability of build- ing new ohurnh sheds. Hxtteyeere—At 11 o'aloek, Tuesday May 24th, a very quiet bat pretty wed. ding took plaoe at the residence of the bride's parents, on the Bluevale road, when Mine Jennie, the youngest daughter of Thee, and Meg. Jenkins, was united in marriage to James Burgess, eon of John Bargees, of Bluevale, Rev, F. Swann, of Bluevale, officiating, The bride, leaning upon EMB arm of herlatber, entered the deawingraom to the strains of the Wedding Marob, played by Mite Mabel Oliver, niece of the groom. Bridal party stood in an arab of ever- greens and apple•bloeeome. The bride wore ohampague colored voille over blue Bilk and carried a shower bnquet of pink and white roaee, After the ceremony the guns eat down to the wedding brealttaet after which the bride -and groom took the 9 o'clock train for Brant. ford, where they intend making their home. The bride's travelling suit was of green olotb with e, white Bilk bloom. She also wore a large white ohiffon hat with ospreys mod pompoms. The groom's present to the bride wee a horse. oho and four leafed clever brooch in pearls. Mr. and Mre. Bergen take with them the best wiebeo of their many friend° in Bluevale and vioinity. The groom is a Dairy Inepeotor. CIIUBCII CHIMES. H. W. Anion attended the Dietriot Meeting at Palmerston on Tuesday. Maitland Presbytery report is orowded out of tbie issue but will appear next week, Rev, Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, will take charge of the serviette in St. John's oIerate next Sunday, the communion be- ing administered at the clone of the morn- ing eerviae, Sermon to the Odd Fellowe in the evening. Matey, Dr. Wilkie, the well known India Missionary, delivered a moat interesting address on the work of that densely populated land, lint Sabbath evening in Melville chetah. He is a veteran on the field and will return to his moth loved Lahore in September. ' Last Satnrday'e London Free Press says of a former Brussels pastor :—At the last meeting of the Board of Ram. ilton Road Methodist Church a resolution was moved and unanimously carried by a standing vote, expressing approoiation of the "faithful and able ministry of the pastor," Rev, B. J. Alli;, during the foar•year term now alining. In the' four years of the pr000nt pintoes ministry the Babbetb oongregations and the Sunday Wheel have more than doubted, every department of the work being in a healthy condition. With the present rapid growth of that part of the oily in wbioh the ohnroh to eitnated, there io it most promising field for whoever may snouted to the pastorate at the appromohing Conferebee, Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. McLean, B. A., of Wingham, 000apiod the pulpit of the Methodist oitaroh here with general u0Oeptien0e. His morning theme wee "The mind of Cbriet" and the evening subject "The Great Salvation." The Kluoardine congregation for their ltoepitaiity during the District meeting. Dr. Gundy moved, seconded by Heyde J. W. Holmes and G. J. Kerr that our beet thanks be aeuorded to Rev. David Rogers, the genie' and painstaking °bate. Wingham Baptist oongregetion wee man of the District, for the kindly and fortunate in obooeing biro as tbeir pastor. courteous manner iu which he hen preen. Rev. Mr. Cosene preached in Wiugbem, ed and conducted the Imminent during hie Huron County English Churab Sun- day Sohool Convention and Deanery meeting will be held ou Wednesday June let, in Bt. Stephen's Oburob, Gerrie. Morning session wit' be set apart for adminietration of Holy Communion and Deanery meeting. Afternoon session for papers and dieoueeion in connection with Sunday School work, program be• tug as lollowe :— "Leeson Helps' by Rev. Gentian Smith, M. A., of Teeawoter ; Jiaoaeeion led by Mr. Hartley, Wrox• eter ; "Why we should study the Bible," by Mies Ella Metcalf, Blyth ; Disunion led by Rev, W. Lowe, of Wiugham ; "Teacher and Olaes," by the Rev, R, J. M. Perkins, B. A , of Exeter ; Dieouosioo led by Mr. Watters, Fordwioh ; "home life and training of a ohild," Mre, (Rev.) Hall," Gerrie ; Mousier] led by Rev. 0. R. Gurnee, B, A., of Olinton ; Paper by W. M. B. Swale, of Wroxeter ; Dis- union led by Very Rev, Arnh•Deaoon Richardson, of London ; Election of officers for the owning year, The even. lug notion will be a servioe held in the ohnroh, Archdeacon Riohardeon B. A,, of London, being the preacher, The meetings will under the superviaioo of Rev. Rural Dean Hodgine, ot Beaforth, Wingham District Meeting. The annual District Meeting of the Metbodiet °burobes ou Wingham District was held in Kincardine on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Rev, David Rogers, uhatrmao, presiding. There was o good attendanoe of both mioietere and layman, all the former being present ext oeptiog eome of the superannuated brethren. Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., was elected Seoretary and Rev. A. I. Me. Solvay, Statistical Secretary, with K. J. Beaton assistant. First day was devoted to dealing with the ministerial department. Chas. J. Wilson, B. A, was recommended to be reoeived into full connection. Buperen• nested men are Reeds. N. B. Barwaeb, F. M, Smith, 7, 0. Pomeroy, R. Patel, B. Sherlock, 0. V. Lake and W. W. Leach Supernumery, T. Hall. Rev. E. W.' Edwards and F, R. Collins were appoint. ed to audit the schedules. Rev. J. Philp B. D., and W. H. Kerr were elected to visit oirouite, with Chairman, to ascertain amounts that con be contributed by eir- oaite. Widows of ministers are Mre. Cunningham, Stuaardine•; Mre; B. Ony. ler, Whiteeburah ; Mre. 3.'1,, Kerr, Brum cele. Following laymen were eleoted to at. teed the annual Oonfereaoe at London the let week of June ;—Wingham, John Kerr and W. J. Greer ; Kinoardine, John Hiles and F. R. Collins ; Leakoow, John Joynt ; Brussels, B. Gerry, W. H. Kerr Tecewater, Geo. Stothere, W. E. R. Orr, R. J. Hjiaox ; Ethel, J. K. Baker, Hen- fryn, R. Pearson, Ethel ; Fordwiob, B. S. Cook ; Gorrie, Wm. Stiteon ; Wro• later, John Bretbauer, W. E. Lune, Bel. more ; Nouvelle, Thos. Higgine, Glen. farrow, Arthur Shaw ; Aebfield, David Agnew, Luaknow ; Salem, D. Scatters, Holyrood ; Bethel, A, Graham, Pine River ; Riley, H. P, Chapman ; Borvie, J. M. Graham, Kinoardine ; Tiverton, 0. F. Fawcett ; Whiteehuroh, A. D. Beaton ; Belgrove, Joseph Clegg, Sonobine. Application wag made from Wroxeter and Bethel circuits asking for aid from Sueteotation Fund, and paeeed on to Conference. .8. amulet letter from Rev, Dr. Brigge and Dr. Withrow relative to Sabbath tabool poblioatione and Meth. odiet Magizioe. was read by the Ohair- mao, Sabbath Sohool etatietios for Dietriot are as follows : Tocol No. of Timbers, 469 ; ay. attendanoe 369 ; total Woolen, 3,154 ; ay. attendance] 2,204 ; total S. B. force 3,693 ; united with otnrab 208 ; no. of membere 1,368 ; pledged abateinitre 961; Missionary money 9160. ; Edu• national 35. ; Superannuation 310, ; S. S. Aid 385 ; other purposes 966 1 Iohool pnrpose0 3621. ; total 33,719 ; no, of Epworth Leagues on 18 circuits 33 ; membership 1,308 ; contributed for Rim alone $660. Statistical returns tor past year showed the Missionary givinge to be 32,993, an increase of 940 over last year ; Bi.Oentenary, 9540 ; Salaries, 914,207 ; total membership 4,683, a net increase of 82 over the pest year. There were 165 baptieme, 148 marriages and 117 bm•iata. A new church was built at Teffin's appointment, Whiteoburoh eirouit, at a poet of 91600. Pertnietion Wee asked by Fordwioh to sell two Iota and apply re- ueipts on parsonage impcuvemento, was forwarded to Conference Committee, Request from trnoteee of South Line church, Bervie oiranit, to sell ohurob and devote proceeds to the pareouago, received t13e carne renognitiou. Application was made from Ripley airman asking that Zion appointment be detached from Ripley and planed elsewhere and a motion was queen -ninety paned that Zion and KinlonglY appoibtmeute be united at Bolyrood, Zion church to be moved to that point, Election of members on Committees wag a0fol;owe:—Rev, Joseph Philp B. D. wee elected a member of the Station- ing Clementine, Rev. F. Swann was ohoeen as alternate. Sunday school cam., Rev, A. E, Jun and W. H. Kerr ; h p. League, Rev. Wells and A. D. Bea. ton ; Contingent, Rev. G. J, Kerr end Jno. Hiles ; Suetenlation, Rev. Holmes and Jute, Torr ; Temperaoob, Roe. Ed. wards and R. Pearaon ; Memorials, Rev. T. W. Omens and C. le. Fawcett ; Bab. bath Obeervanoe, Bev. F. Swann and Jno, Brothoner ; Ohureh Property, Rev,' Dr, Gundy end F. R. 'Coiling ;,State of the Work, Rev. W. R, Vence and $, P. Ohaptnan ; Nominating Com, Rev, R. Millyard and J, K. Baker. A reeolutinn was planed unanimooely favoring the union of the Preobyteeian Congregational and Methodist ohneeket. On motion of Rev, J. W. Holman and R, Pearson a beerty vote of thaukt was an May 0. The winners Meet the wen. tendered the pastor and melnhere of the herd of flruotele end Wingham gannet term of oM'tee and expressing our Best wishes for hie oontiuued suoeeoo wher• ever his lot may be can. Carried. Rev, Mr. Rogers made a very appropriate reply. ) otion woe parried urging the oon• Mewed and hearty support of Metbodiet people in standing by the Prohibition movement and aoldng that the electorate be impreaoed with cite individual ne0en- eity of working, praying and voting for tbie. Words of sympathy were spoken eon. oeroiug the absence of Rev. R. Paul, 01 Brussels, owing to hie illness and kind wishes expensed for hie recovery. Meeting closed with the Benediction having decided that next meeting will be held at Wingham. Meeting of Maitlancl Pres- byterial. The twentieth annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Mieaionary Sooiety at the Presbytery of Maitland was held in Melville chetah, Bruaeele, on Tuesday, May 17th. There wee 0large attendance. The Auxiliaries and Mission Banda of the Presbyterial were well represented by delegates from as tar North as Kiulooe and ,T'eeewator with intervening pointe and as far West ars Kincardine. The Brussels people pot forth very marked efforts to nuke the meeting u must attractive end enjoyable one. The manfully decorated ouurch, the aump• moue repast provided, the mune' select. Mons rendered and the wean hospitality of the people all bespoke tbie. The meeting was divided into three oeenione— morniug, afternoou and evening. The morning neaten was it devotional meeting and was presided over by Mrs. Deadmau, of Brussels. The ofteruoon session opened with a business meeting. At this the °Mlioe bearers for the ensuing year were ap- pointed. The following olitoe bearer; were elected :—President, Mre, Roe;, Brunet ; Vice Preeideute—Mre. Murray, Kincardine ; Mre. McDenuau, Luaknow ; Are. Maioolm, Tecewater ; Mre. Hamil- ton, Wroxeter. Mies Mather, Kiuoat. dine, Secretary ; Mrs. Chadwick, Tees. • water, Treasurer ; Mies Ltnklater, Wingham, Sea. of Supplies ; Mise V. Gordon, M. Helene, Timmer Seoretary. It was with regret that the roeigualione of two very efficient after] bearers were accepted—teat of Mee.Ittobardaon, Brum eels, Tremont, and Mine MoDonald, Wingham, Secretary of Bupplioe. The work of the year bee been moat enooaragieg, The President's address and the Seorotary'e and Treasorer'e report all :Mowed title. The number of Auxiliaries is 22 with a membership of 468 ; Mission Bands 7, with 194 mem- ber;, making it total membership of 662, whiob is a gain of 40 over the previous year. There was en increase of 3143 in the funds, the total amount for the year beteg 31880.51. The "Tidings" Seore- tary'e report showed that there had been 59 more copies of the "Tidings" eubeorib- ed for than in the preceding year, the total number being 409, Mre. Rose, of Brussels, presided at' the meeting, The eubjeots on the program were well die. casted. The first, "Our Work, its en. oouragemente and dieoouragemente," was opened by Mre. Robertson, of Teeewater, to which Mre. Rose, of Brunie, added helpful thought;. Mre. Maloolm, of Tecewater, took up the eubjeat, "Msthode of Work in Menton Bands,' and gave many practical sag. geotione for varying and parrying un this work. The munitions in the Queetion Drawer were well and wisely answered by Mre. Stewort, ot Belmore, and Mre. Fergueoe, of Ethel. It was with interest and appre0iatiou that the Sooiety listened to the greetings from sister Booietiee oonvoyed by Mre. ()Deena from the Methodist ohoroh and Mre. Harris from the Cburoh,of England. The ladies bad the privilege of ;listening to two addreeuee from returned mieeion- ariee—an addreee from Mies Weir, of India, and one from Mies Irvine, Chintz. Mine Weir in bet address gave a deenrip, tion of our mission field in Central India the Minute, the people, their dreg;, houses, food, matte, feasts and beta, the deplorable ignorance of the women and closed by giving a little idea of tete teaching and work done by the minion - erne among the women and children. Mier Irvine in her addreee urged those at home to more oateest effort among the children id' our own country in educating them in Christian work through Mission Betide or any outer organized efforts. Ars. Hattie, of Bel - grave, contributed an inetrumsutal and Mre, Matheson, of Luoknow, a vocal. solo, Rev. J, Rose, of Brueselg, presided at the evening meeting, The report of the W. F. M, B. was read and addressee were given by Rav A. MoNabb, Walton, and Rev. L. Perrin, Wroxeter. Mtge Weir gave an a00otint of how Evangolio. do work is oatried on in Control India by our missionaries there. It was decided to hold the next Preobyterial meeting ` in. Belgrave in May, 1005. The General Sooiety et the W. ;F.9(1. IS, to whioh the, 1olaiblaud Preebyteriet belongs, iboludes 721 AnxiliarioO end 867 Minion Bends, with 00 inemborohip of 23,608. The oontributione for 1008 were 355,706, wbioh was an inoreaeo of 98,000 aver the proviotteyear. T'ttie organization' i0 doing splendid work among the wom0u and ohildeen of heathen Wade. Listowel 30011000 Wonted 'Milverton Juniors in font bats on Saturday net in the latter town by a nooro of 3. to 0, its group No, 2 of the ,Heron district. The rotten nun will be played in Li0teent