HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-19, Page 8111. B171,06 13 3 Puf3T FOR SPRAYING STONE Now is the time to have your Fruit Trees, &c., sprayed. Don't neglect it as it will pay you over and over again to do this important work. GST YOUR ,E3LIU,E STOW M AZ' OUT -2t DRUG STORE and in that way make sure that you are getting the beet that can be procured and at the very closest price. If you do not know the quantities to use we cheerfully furnish this information as well as directions for making up the mixture. o eseetaxexuantruner DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. goal getnstelnt A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, SNOW fiareiee last Monday, Tan cheese market is a trifle flat. FRUIT trees are commencing to blossom. PASTURES are A 1 this Spring for a backward Beason. Ann you ready for the vier! of the Sanitary Inepeator ? A OAR of cement was received this week by A McKay & Co. Dorvalt Exuma, of Wingham, ie train• ing Soott & Warwick's fast stook on the half mile treak here. THE woodwork of the Stretton block bee been refreshed by the application of the painters' brush this week. A FAST foot ball game will be played on Victoria Park on Friday evening when the Wingham and Brussels Juniors meet, A LARon delivery of fruit and orna• mental trees and shrubs has been made during the paet weak by W. H. Mo Oraoken. TUESDAY next, 24th inst., will be a pub• lie Holiday. Brussels Intermediate Foot- ball team will go to Clinton to play the Collegiate Club of that town. D. EWAN lane purchased a nutty coal bleak driver from George Muldoon for hie own use. There are quite a number of tidy outfits in town and the number ie innreasing. BnuaeELs Bowling Olab have arranged with Eloontiouiet Oonklin, of New York, to give an entertainment in the Town Hall on the evening of Monday May 30 He's wen worth hearing. Tan house and acre of land belonging to Mre. Jane Hall was eold last week to Robert Holmes, of Brussels. Price wee 9800. Mr. Holmes and family will move to the newly acquired property. COMPLAINT ie made that some person or persona have made a mistake ae to the looality of the town dumping ground. It is not at the corner of William and Albert etreete but on the farm of Geo. A. Beet, Oth Con, Grey. AN excellent program will be present- ed at the Siegel -Dobson "tetanal I'd - day evening in Brussels Town Hall. H. L. and Mre. Jaokeon will contribute several instrumental duets, violin end piano. Plan of Hall ie filling up and an enjoyable evening is expected. A QUARTETTE of the town boyo may take a foot in the relay ram on the pro- gram at Clinton on the 24113 hest, In a praotioe torn on Thursday evening Roe. Brown, R. J. MoLanablin, Art. Robin- son and W. J. Oemeron did 100 yards in about 11 methods, and with a little fitting 000ld no doubt clip it closer without muob trouble. THDBSDAY evening P. Barr, 6th line, Morrie, was in town with a colt hitched to a road cert. The animal was startled by a rig rapidly approaching and made a jump, snapped the belly band of the har• nese and the driver was thrown baok. ward to the road. He received a cut on the head and was otherwise shaken op but ie about Ali right again. The Dolt was ()aught a short distance away. SLIM ATTSNnaeaE.-Monday evening was the date set for a pablio meeting to see about arranging a date for a day's sport in Brussels. Tboee who attended were Conooillore S. T. Plum and A, Basher, A. MaGuire, H. R. Brewer, H. Dalian and W. H. H. Notbiog was done and the lights were turned out about 9 o'olook. If more euthneiaem ie not taken than that exhibited Monday evening there is not muob probability of anything being done. Where were the oitlzens ? A LETTER dated Swann River, Mani. toba, May Ord, from Adam Varaoe, far• rnerlopf Brussels says :-It ie time I was writing to you again and letting you know that I am still alive and also to en. oloee a 91 green bill to pay for another year's Dopy of Tan Pon, It is all right and well worth the money to me. I have done well einee cowing West mad proe- peots are better than ever for tine Sum. mer, Wages for teamsters, on railroad are $41 per month and if all goes well I expect to be at that work before this time next month. Seeding is a little backward here this Spring se it has been eo cold, The rivers never were ae high ae they are now. SUDDEN Doaxa.-John Little, of Atwood, died quite suddenly in his garden last Saturday evening, He had a man plowing and harrowing the lot and be told 11103 10 "harrow it once more and it would do" and with that he expired instantly. Heart failure was the cause, Mr. Little had not been in very robuet health during the past Winter but no one eaepected the end wee 80 near. Deems. ed owned a 200 more farm at Silver Corners and sold it to James Wilson, of Woodetoak and moved to Atwood to live retired, Mre. Little and a family earvive, one of the eons, Frsd., being a resident of Bruseele es apprentice to the tinemitbieg et N. F. Gerry's. The funeral took plain on Tueeday, Mr. Little was well and favorably known in the community and woe worthy of the (lateen in Which he was held. The II bearer were pa e W A. r Reymann, J. Greig, J, Duncan, L, Pelton and Meagre, Keith and Jenklin, Mt, Littlo'e demise removes another of the few remaining pioneers of Elite town' Chip. GRAND Recital Friday evening of this week in Brunets Town Hall. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug store. Fres BALL AccaoNT&. - Any person baying aaooante against Brussels Foot Ball team are asked to hand them in at ae.early a date ae poseible. Tan grand stand on the Agrioulturel Park will be moved bank a few feet, a new foundation put under it and a team built in front of it making a convenient and safe eneloaare far Sightseers. HOLIDAY RATES -In eonueotiou with the memorable 24th the railways will issue return tiokete at single fare, good going on Saturday,2lat and returning on Wedneedey, 25th. A number will take advantage of the holiday rates. OWING to the Comical not seeing their way clear to give the Band a grant this Summer the boyo have found it necessary to raise money in some other way and have decided to hold several Garden Parties and Band Oonaerte in the coon try. Oue will be held very ehorhly, date of whioh will be announced later. THIS Is 0 DELIGHTFUL OLD WORLD.- Last ORLD:Last Monday morning little Mise Stella Sperain nailed at Tan -Peer and left e, Wee boquet of beautiful white lilies. An boar or so later Robt. Cocotte, 11111 Con., Grey, opened the door and pre noted ne with a fine big basket of A 1 apples. A splendid beginning for a sunshiny week's work and counter• balauoing same of the disagreeable quirks bo be met with. God blase the kind people and make them kinder and God bless the cranky folke and make them sweeter. • Tam Mitchell Advooete Bays :-"Mies Theresa Siegel and Mies M. Dobson met with a splendid reception in the Opera Hall, Tharsday evening of last week. The bell was wen filled and all present seemed delighted with tbe performance of both ladies, The their was 000upied by T. H. Race, who made reference to tbe excellence of the program and stage ' decorations. Mica Siegel showed good indgmeat in bath oharaoter and variety of ber selections and mush merit in their rendition, She poeeeesee a very greoione manner and stage presence, whioh at ones assures her audience that ebe is master of bereelf and her reoitatinne. Mies Dobson's singing ie characterized by thoughtful attentiou to detail and per. feat ennoaiation. She has the happy faculty of putting herself at thee in touch with ber audience, Her votes le a rioh sympathetic contralto. Another feature of the program that was muob enjoyed, was the piano solos by the Mieeee Coach and Roger." Hear these ladies in Brussels Town Hall, Friday evening of this week. BRUSSELS WOOLLEN MILL TO DE BOLD. - As will be observed by advertisement in another oolumu, and pursuant to an order from Judge Doyle, the Lomb Master, there will be offered for sale by Pablio Auction, ab the Amerioao Hotel, Brussels, on Friday, May 27th, 8012 o'clock, the property known as the Brum eels Woollen Mill, including building, lands, Inaohinory, &a, for e. 2 set mill, The property will be Bold subject to a re• serve bid fixed by the Load Molter, Foliar particulars may be obtained from Barrieter Sinolair, Solicitor for the Mor' p0181100, or Judge Doyle. Laakridge Bros., parried on quite a hustling buei- neeS during the past year, having se many ae 25 bends at nae time, and we believe a good trade tan be done again as the faotory ie said to be in good con. dition. There ie ample room for nob ao industry and a large olip of wool offered for Bale in the looelity every year. We hope some person will be the par• theme who will push the bneinese which would be of advantage to the owner, the town and community, INCLINED To BE Ronan. -Our Inter• mediate Fool Ball team drove over to Seaforth last Monday evening to play the return game with the Huron's, to repay the visit recently made to Brussels. The evening was a fine o001 one for the piny• ere Nod ae the recreation park is in good condition the malas would have proved en enjoyable one bed it not been for the determined manner in whioh some of the home team violated the rules by tieing their hands, charging the goal keeper and roughing it on every opportunity, ae if determined to do bodily injury to their opponents and by disablement to win a viotory. Braesele Floored the drat goal early in the play and before bait time was called Seaforth evened the eon, They notohed another in the second half and oar boys did likewise and at the aloes of one hour the resalt atoed 2-2. As two of Brussels regular team were enable to go to Seaforth, vie Straoban and Switzer, their places were filled with R. Cardiff and F. Arden, who gave a very good ac000nt of themeeivee, One of the Seaforth piayere was sent to the fence foe s, time for unjustifiable disregard of rules, The personelle of the Mame was es follows :- BRUBBDLS BEAPOIITH Herr Goal �r Broadfoot } Bunke 1 Robins Mouse Llndeny Brown 1 Bailee McNair Miller .,..., Arden Lowry Lorwarde 01111 Oardlff ,,,.,...,... G. MODonah0 Cameron .,,.,.... } j 0,81110 1 l D. MoLauobl n, of Bruaeele, was the Referee as a Seaforth man had filled the position at Bruepele, Stewart ...... . Baruelt 0, Bills McLeod Miller Pi Mayen ......... Bethune Standard Bank of Canada STAT- /7..aMMT== 1672 ASSETS - OYEB THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS A General f13u,nll:ing: fi3 oeoiia 000r'3 Trtt,nnraactea '"SSA VINES BANKt%' -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwarde received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE, ACCRUED INTEREST is added to aoouuote every six months and beoomes principal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES OASHPD, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE•IIEEPING only for whioh no charge ie mode. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention, A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. Foor BALL metoh on Victoria Park on Friday evening. lkinghe.m juniors vs. Brueaele Junior Obampione of 1908. BBueerre Woolen Factory will be offer. ed for Bale Friday of next week, 27th inst., et noun, at the American Hotel. MovINo pioburee, &o., in the Town Hall Thursday evening of next week et 8 o'clock. Admission only 10 and 15 cerate. SEE the Wiugbam and Brands, Senior Series, Foot Ball match on Victoria Park, Brussels, Fridey evening of thin week. It will be a good game. WEDNESDAY afternoon of this week the interment of Mre, John Grieve, an old resident of MoKillop, who had attained to 87 years, took place in Bruaeele oemetery, BY announcement eleewhere in this issue it will be seen that W. H. Salter is prepared to attend to the needs of the public in bloyole repairing. He should make a good hand at the work, Ma AND Moe CRAwronn, of Wingham, were in town on Tuesday with their automobile. The horeeiese carriage attracted 000siderable attention ae these run•eboute are not very common here ae yet. A NEW plank sidewalk will be pat down North of the bridge, Tornberry street, cement not beiug possible without the building of a atone wall along the em• benkmebt. The old walk has served its daye and is not being replaced any too WOG. Meaeas. STEWART & Lomax have en• gaged Mr. Potter, from Watford, as miller iu the National Flouring Mill. He and Mre. Potter arrived last week. They have taken up housekeeping on King street. We bid them welonmr and hope their stay will be a pleasant and prosperous one. Goon Laura:-itiondey A. Currie, botcher, bought a lamb from B. Payne, of Grey, that dressed 40 pouude, even if its birthday was late in February. Ite stay in the butcher chop was very brief, lees than a hall hour, eo k,en were hie elastomers to get a share of this prime lamb. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, V. S., has dis- posed of the veterinary practice be reoently purohesed at Atwood to Veterinary Roe, who formerly practised there but who has been in the Went of late. Mr. Cunningham has not yet decided, as far as Tao PoeT knows, where be will locate and he in Brunelle in the meantime. SUNDAY lest Joanna Grille, beloved wife of Henry Hemewortb, Wallace, Perth Co„ and niece of Mre, R. Leather - Gale, Bruaeele, passed away to the Great Beyond in her 26th year. Funeral took plane on Wednesday afternoon to Fair- view cemetery, Listowel. Siuoere regret will be felt by many over the deoesee of Mrs, Hemsworth and sympathy extended to the bereaved relatives. The subject of this notice was a fine spirited woman who enjoyed the esteem of a wide oirole of friends. R. and Mre, Leatherdale and Mies Pearl attended the funeral. Mennen HoanzTaa.-The Daughters of the Empire met in the Law Library of the Oourt House, Goderiab, on Monday 18th May, and made the following arrangements :-The Warden of the County, Jae. Bowman, will be invited to turn the first sod on the grounds, corner of Wellington and Piston etreete, wbiob have been preeented to that order by the Goderioh Town Commit m a site for the new Marine Hospital. The Town and Ooonty Councillors will drive to the grdunda, accompanied by the Mayor of Town, and the Warden of the Go. The latter will then be presented with a epade suitably engraved. The day is not set awaiting the pleasure of the meeting on the 7th of June of the County Conuail, YOUNG Klonene.-Saturday afternoon e contingent of young lade from Brunetti hired a livery rig and drove to Wroxeter to crone shins with the lade o1 that vil. lags. The game was played on the Park, with Art. Robinson ae referee, and re. suited in a viotory for the vieitare by 2 to 0, The teams were composed of the following boys,:- BEaseELe tl'ROxeroos Mooney Goal Hamilton Hingoton t Eaoks { T McLeod Bloomfield ..,,,, 8 McLeod HolmesPattsreou Btratton ;}Backe Mair W Soott Perrin Lowry Smith Jackson Towuabead Bieolair Forwardsl Black 0 Scott.,..,,...... itloffereher Henderson {...... Sauuereon Supper was served at the Union Heuee and at a somewhat late hour the lads arrived home with shouts of victory on their lips. LAST Week 1'. H. Gilroy, teller at the Metropolitan Bank here, reoeived word of his promotion to the branoh at Brook - villa and he will be leaving this week foe his new position. Mr. Gilroy has been in town eines the opening of the Metro- politan, 16 months ago, and bee proven bimeelf to be a oapable and very agree. able officer in dealing with the publio. He will be missed in the Metbodiet ebaroh where he was a member of the oboir, taught a young ladies erase in the Sabbath Bebop', was Treasurer oleo for the School and at the last election of °Miters was °boson Assistant Superiuten• dent. Poeseesed of a rioh baritone voice he was a valuable aid in musioal otrolee and was always ready to lend a helping bend either at home or abroad, Tam Posy, while regretting his removal from Brneeele, cordially recommends him to the people of 13rOokville and wishes him Mumma, expressing the hope that he may at tone time in the future be returned to town me manager of the Bank. Me. Gilray'e menthe here Will be A. H. Montgomery, Who is expected this Week, EAST HURON Lxnznane.-At the annual meeting of the Liberale of Beet Huron, to be held in the Town Hall, Braesele, Tuesday, May 81st, in addition to ad• dreseee from Hon. Dr, MacDonald, Deputy Speaker of the Commons, and A. Hislop, M, P. P., Obits. Maroil, M. P., one of the French orators of the Hoare of Commons, will be present, He is well worth hearing. There will be a public meeting also in the evening eo that those unable to hear the speakers, in the afternoon will have an opportunity then. A good program of vocal and iuetrumeotal music) will intereperee the epoeuhee and all will be welcome. Meetinge will begin at 1 80 and 8 p. m. sharp. Keep the date in mind, the last Tuesday of May. Sown DIMON EDITORS -A snap shot taken with Tan POST'S pencil, shows the foilowiog state of affairs in the Editorial pasture field in this County :-Bro. T. Hall, of the Wingham Advance, is holidaying in California among fruits and flowers and writing iutereetiog, sketches of what he nee -Blake Elliott, and wife, of the Wingham Times, are taking in the sights of Ole St. Louie Ex- position, -A. E. Bradwin, who handles the minors and paste pot for the Blyth Standard, and taken iu all the good things going, is spending a week at 80. Louie. -R. Holmes, M, B. for West Hur• en, and proprietor of the Olinton New Era, ie aiding in making laws and look• fugforward to the pariiamentarlao'e heaven -the Senate -where tbe wicked cease to trouble end the weary are at rest. -Editor Robertson, of the Goderiab Signal, is eating strawberries and water- melons at St. Louie aloug with the Ontario Preen Association.-Bro. Apple - ford, of the Seaforth News, has taken J. W. Dnnoan as his partner, with the prospect of adding gold and glory to hie possessions. -W. D. McLean, of the Huron Expositor, is viewing the woodere of the Great St. Louie Exhibition and sympathising with the poor people who haven't money to buy a ticket and can't walk.-Bro. Townshend, who runs the celestial little Star, at Wroxeter, says says he'll go out of the astronomy bunt. neer if some fellow oomee along speedily with the oaeh.-ELDelfon is building up adipose tisane this week while the hand preen of the Bruaeele Herald takes a rest a few weeks earlier than the aoouotomed Summer outing. What the other 8 or 9 Huron quill drivers are doing we are not prepared to state but expect they are attending to their "knitting," the name as we are with an ooeaeionel day off to enjoy the luxury of beating a uerpet or sleeping on the clothes line while "we" finish up the Spring house cleaning, Truly the pen is mightier than the eveord. 1'EIlS0N,l1, I'ARA0RA1'Ii8. Jno. Ritobie, of Seafortb, was home for Sunday. Henry Sandereon, of Wroxeter, has been visiting in Bruerrle. 0. Smith and Allan Rae, of Wroxeter, were in town on sludgy, Mies Nellie Black, of Wroxeter, watt vioibiog Mies Luella Rms. Eddie Lowry arrived home trom Guelph on Tuesday evening. Mite Lena Bather was a visitor with Gorrie Mende for a few days, Mies Lottie and George Arde11, of Gorrie, were in town on Friday. Mre. M. H. Moore and children were visitors at Listowel for a few days. H. Galloway, of Trenton, has been engaged se tinsmith by N. F. Gerry. Mise Lizzie Gordon, of S6. Helene, is visiting Mre. Jae. Fos, at Sunny Brae. R. J. MaLauohlin and I, Buohsnan spent a few hours in Wroxeter on Sun- day. Geo. and Mrs. Miller were visitors with relatives et Seaforth last Saturday and Smiley. J. and Mre. Milhaueen were visitors at Trowbridge over Sunday et Mre. Mil. haassn'e home. Mrs. Charles Ritchie returned to Ripley with her daughter, Mre, Gillespie, on Tdesday for a visit. Mre, A. Gormley and Miss Margaret MoLaochlin, of New York, were visitors in Seaforth on Monday, Mre, J. H. Addison, of Mount Forest, sister to F. 11. Gilroy, of Brunie, baa beau dangerously i11 but we hope ebe will Boon be convaleeeent. T. A. Hawking will spend next Sunday with Clinton friends and will vieit relatives at Port Albert and Goderioh be• fore returning to Brunelle. A. and Mre. Currie drove to Seaforth on Sunday and brought bank their eon Archie, who has been visiting bis grand. mother for the past three monthe. We are sorry to hear of the illness of W. A, Odell, of Seaforth, formerly of Bruseele, Blood poisoning is the trouble. His many old frixnde hope he will .soon be o, 1c. R. K. and Mre. Matheson, of Luoknow, accompanied by the finest baby boy in Brava Co., have been visiting at the parental home of Mre. Matheson, Queen street, Thomas and Mrs. Bradweli, from near Oiifford, were in Brunel') on Saturday renewing old friendships, We are sorry to hear that thole daughter, Lizzie, who le married and living in Clifford is •in poor health bat We hope ebe will oontinue to improve, Norman Ib'loGubte, eon of Arthur McGuire of Bruesele left for Paris Ont, McGuire, r on wine where he w gds a has torten a position on timee Paris Review He bae been on 'Toa 'PoeT staff for the pant 8 years and will give a geed 80eotint of himself, We wietl him etlooees in hie new home, T) --E iVIETR POLITAN B 11( CAPITAL -Paid ftp RESERVE PUN)) • • $1,000,000 $1,000,000 ENV, IL H, WABDI'1N, D. D„ Directors S. J. 15001110, President, Vicee-Prosidout. THOS. nnADMIAW, x' LA, me MANOR MI5. W, M001'L''IMER GLARE, 11.0, D. 11, 'OUOMeON, It, O. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. ROSS - - GENIBBAL MANAGE$ A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all some of 91 and upwards DddP/ir.'s�`!r',l`, v.2v,St iligamor A, E. MELLISH, Manager, Wm. and Mre. Wilton are back to town after a sojourn in Hensell. The former is muob improved in health by his visit. Mrs: James McLauohlin and Mies Maggie, of New York, have been visiting relatives and old friends ha town duniug the past week. They were former reeideote of Brueaele. Wedneedey morning Andrew Bishop left for St. Jacobs, Ont., to work as painter in the Carriage worke of that plane. He has been employed in the Other factory bore for some time. We hope he will do well. R. D. Cameron, of Luoknow, and brother to Prinoipal Cameron, was in town on Thursday en route to Walkerton. Mr. Cameron is a prominent ollioer of the Independent Order of Foresters and an enthueiaetio Liberal in the political arena. THE POST oongratolatee S. R, Orerar and Reseal! Zimmer in eueoesefolly passing their exams, at the Sohool of Practical Science, Toronto. The former took honors in his final in Civil Engine. Bring. Russell Zimmer is in the Meohanioal and Eleotrioal Engineering olaee. The Midland (Mich) Republioan of May 6, eaye of a former Bramante :-Dr. Lambie, Midland's leading veterinary Burgeon. was born in Scotland and name to this country ten yearn ago. Ole is a graduate of the Ontario Medical College, and einoe be came to Midland has built up e practice that compares with any in the country, Dr. Lambie is aoneervative in all bib methods, but what be dose not know about a borne, or stook of any kind, is not worth knowing, and hie buninees ie in ooneequenoe inareaeing daily, eo that hie services ere in great demand. Bat by hie courtesy and willingoeee to please be ie always ready to serve those who may be in need of such aid. Business Loca'is. A quantity of manure for sale. Apply to Jew. Conon, PASTURE for a number of atoms. Apply to Taos. MoORE, Bruseele. OATS found. Owner may have the same by proving property sod paying for tbie notice. Tan POST Publishing House. PnnSE lost at Brunets G. T. R. station loot Monday. Owner will be greatly obliged for its reooverv. LIDA MOALLnM, Ethel, Boy your mangel seed from Jae. Bal. lautyoe. Tory Red, Yellow Intermed• late and Half Sugar Beet -Half Mengel. F fret-olaes Beed. Sxnenoamp and 71 dozen high bask chairs for rale aleo a couch and a number of piotnree, &a. For partioulare as to looelity ask at THE Posy. To THE PDRLIo, •If y00 wish to have lawn mowers put in firet•elase order you eau have same done ata reasonable figure by T. McGregor, 1Ni11 street, Brunets. Paine found Tuesday morning at the 12th eon., Grey, aontaiuing a sum of money, Owner may have Same by proving property sod paying for Ibis notice by calling on Robb. Dark, Brum eels. WANTED.-Bgge 16o, trade 14a cede, commeuoiug May 26th. Treat those ped• lare fair -make them take your butter, pork, &o., with the eggs same ae y00r General Merubant does, Potatoes want. ed. Goo, E. Kith, Wingham. Platteville played a tie game of foot ball at Galt on Saturday. No goals were spored. Dundee foot ball team won their first intermediate W. F. A., game on Saturday by beating St. George 4 to 0. The Harrieton High School foot ball team played with the Listowel team on Saturday last, The latter won. The W. F. A. game played at Milverton on May 18th, between Taviatook and the home team retuned in a eoore of 2 to 0 in favor of Tavietook. JAMES, -At 15 Woolfrey avenue, Toronto, on April 2101, to Mr. and Mrs, J. H. James, a deoghter, Banca. -In Monktoo, on May 8, to Mr. and Mre. R, J. Shine, a son. 031:Oa-79• HEMewoiru.-In Wallace, on May 15, Joanna Grille, beloved wife of Henry Hemeworth, en her 26th year, LrTTLn.-In Atwood, on May 14, John Little, aged 75 years, a3oae-area8001 :.a 014o80 S.1r.CS•, Fall Wheat 90 91 Barley 87 38 Pens 65 00 Oats 29 80 Butter, tube and 1015.,., 12 18 Eggs per dozen 18 14 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per cwt .,,, 4 00 8 00 Potatoes per bne, 60 60 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 4 75 4 75 Wool 16 16 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NOTICE. OWING TO ILL health Dr J. A, McNaughton, of Emulate, is compelled to retire from active praeliae for six menthe or a Year. Miner. sons owing a000uuts 5111 kindly oatl and -- Arrau aeund :tug: doctor's leeldenot or 6) 773 aL with444.8 the nudareignocl4., 13, MA MtniALD, W1WAn DRICKLAYEIiS WANTED.— AUply at onao. WALKI91t & 00,11((, Wingham. NOTICE ! The Court of Revision on 6ho Aeoeeemeut 5011 ler the Township of Molrie for 11,0 year A.D.1008 will bo held at the Town Ball on Monday. May 9011), next, at 1.0 o'clock n. in. All portiee iuteresled will please take notice and act aocordiugly. W. CLARK, Clerk. Clerk's O8Ioe, Morris, May 14,1014, IN THE 111011 1'0011'1' OF JusTICC. Brussels vs. Lockridge. Pursuant to the ,Judgment herein. dated the Fourth day of May A.D. 1001, there will be offered for sale by lsubllo Attctl° u, with the apnrobution of the Suprem'. Court of Ju diootnre, at Go'lsrich, on F1RIDAY, THP 27111 DAY OF MAY, A, D.1004, at tit hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at the Ain artisan Hotel, in the Village of Bruaeele, the follow- ing valuable Woolen M111 property, 00018)y: -Parte of Lae numbered three hundred and thirteen (819) and three hundred auto fourteen (814) mod Part of Park Lot lettered "V," in the Village of Brussels, in the Coun- ty of Ifnron, containing 111 all Snell -eight thousand,two houdred and seveuby squarelinks, be he same more or less, The build- tab gelet buill- babresuponythebr8i0c1i11t l44 a0 d800 Bomn(iofcaldairnggo basement) 50x00 ft., a brick boiler .inose 25x 95 ft., and a frame plaice). house 14x90 ft, an of which are in good repair. The maollinory contained therein is nearly new, end coin. prises, what is generally known, and desig• anted ae a Two Set Woolen Mill, eavn mud except, one Rotary Fulling Mill, 000 Cop Winder, one 94 inch Card 1' iuleb, one Side Draw and one Roil of two inch Filleting, the property of the Toronto Woolen Machinery Company. There is good steam motive B' oou slating of -a 40 to 50 h.p. Whecicek Engine, and a 00 h.p. Bunter Bailor, both of which are in good running an,oditlnu The property will be. offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, to beedxed by tho Local Mas- ter of this Court. Title indisputable, Terms of Sane -Ton per neut. of the pur- chase money ou the day of sale, to be paid to the Plaintiff's Solicitor, and the ball nee to be paid into Court within thirty days th ereoftor. The other terms and conditions will be the standing conditions of the nigh. Court of antic°. Further particulars may bo had from the undersigned, Dated this 10th day of May, A.D 1004. W. Al, 01NnL315, 13, L. DOYLM, SoliciPltoraiforntiffs. Latal AarLoal• itt Godorteich. MAY 19, 1904 We are now offering Some very nice Rem- nants consisting of 4, 6, 8 and 10 Rolls. Very suitable for Pantrys, Closets and small Bed- rooms, and much below regular prices, at Drug Store NOTICE. Notion is hereby givoa that the Court of Boylston on the Assessment Bo11 of the Muoieipality of the Towuehtp of Elroy will matt at the Townehlp Hall, lu tb a Village of 1'ltbel, Ott Monday, May 23rd, 1204, at 10 0'- 010010 0.1u. for the purpose of hearing map• heals 1f any against said Boli. All persona having bneincse at the Court are required to attend at the time and place. Dated this 5th day of 111,,y,1004. 300.191 M0INTOSH, Clerk. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the (jaunty of Hmon, in the matter of the eetete of Henry Wallace Allan, late of the Township of Hellctt, in the County of Huron, farmer, deeeaeed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Ravish, Statutes 8t 0pta110, 1897, Chap, 125, Sec, 98, that all creditors and Ohara having claims against the ectato of Henry Wallace Allan, late of the Township of Rullett, lu eeid flaunty, farmer, who died on or about the 10110 day of April, A. D. 1001, at Hu110tt, in said C,.uuty, are requested to send by poet, l»''paid or to delver to A. B. Maollon• nod, of the Village of Blueeole, Solicitor for John BimsOo, Beet, of the City of Brandon, iu the Province of Maitoha, executor of the last will and testament of Hoary Wallace Ana 0, on or before the 201h day of June, A. 0. 1904, their full names, addressee and the full palticnlars of their alaime, and the nature of their eeaurltiee (if any) held by them. Aud further tante nation that after the said =attuned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute cue estate of the said deceased among the persons entitled thnreto,haviug regale( only to 0110 olatmo of which notice shall have been given ae above required and tho said Exeartlor will not he responsible for tho assets or any part there- of so distributed, to say persue of whose claim t,ottce shall not have been lecolved at the time of euoh distribution. Dated at Bretons tine 10th day o1 May, A.13,1900. A. 13. MACDONALD, 44.8 Solicitor for Executor, BUGGIES ! BUGGIES ! IS TIIE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. Superior Material, workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in cumbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you 2 If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other- makes to show you, including the "Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of other makes, for sale at low prices. n.da�'In�l„'Lr6,y,,Vdih'tdh6lni arl,r'Orlr L a chIin. Are You Going to do any Fencing ? 111 OVE FENCE IN O0ILDD SPI1ING WIRE LEADS THEM ALL It is all No. 9 Yard Steel Wire and Strongest Fence made. The Railways and Electric Roads are erecting it. Call and get our Prices. is the 0804,06' 101610tane'laat'lle el ell .+ 1 se