HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-19, Page 4Vritoselo A5t, THURSO it , MAY 10, 1904. BAST BBUI.UN LIBERALS. The Annual Meeting of the Liberal Aeeooiation for he Ent Ridiug of Huron, Commons and Legislature, will be bold in the' Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, May 81st, oommenoing at 180 o'clock. Reoeiving reports, election of oftioere, &o„ will constitute the business, Hon. Dr. MacDonald, Deputy Speaker ; A. Hislop, 52. P. P., and others will address the meeting. A public) meeting may be held in the evening of which fuller announce• ment will be made later. The muniol. palitiee iuoluded in East Huron are Rowiok, Turnberry, 'Wroxeter, Grey, Brussels, Morrie, Wingbam, East Wit. wanosh, Blyth, and part of Hallett and MoRillop. Every Liberal will be made welcome. A. large attendance asked for. R, N. Duff, of Bluevale,is President, and W. H. Herr, of Brneeele, the Secretary, II®xasall, Our Junior footballers have been invited tobalee part in the celebration to be held at Inman on the 24th, Mrs. Manna is still very 311, very little it any improvement having taken place during the past three weeks. Mies Millie Petty has been home for the paet week. She passed her eeoond wares taking honors, and leaves shortly for Winnipeg, where she expecte to take a situation. James Bell jr., has just completed his dental oouree at Philadelphia earning out first in a graduating class of 110. He took highest honors making 100 per ant in some subjects. Mr. Rodgers 0. E. while making the, en.vey for a report on the drainage work, expressed great admiration for the man. nee in which the beak yards of our village are kept. Hie aesistaut, from Toronto, also stated that he had never Been a prettier plans, A large delegation from he W. O. T. 0. aaoompanied by Rave. Dr. Medd and Shaw, W. Buchanan and W. Stoneman appeared before the Conn with a petition signed by 76 ratepayers and 17 others, requesting that honorable body to pass the neoeeeary Bylaw to enable the elootora to vote on local option. No aotion at present. We read in history of great liba• Chris of wine being poured out in honour of the god or to celebrate a great victory but it remained for our fellow citizen Jack Lorimar to unwillingly take part in one of the finest outpours along this lice re. corded in modern history. Jack is noted as being one of the most careful pains. taking drivers in the country and when he started from Henaall station on Thom - day with a oaek of wine for Bignaolt & Oo., of St. Joeepb, any resident of Henaall would have guaranteed its safe delivery. All went well until Zarin was reached when one of the horses gave a speeding exhibition and started off while being watered, its companion following snit. Unfortunately the rig struck a pole when the oask and kege were thrown out and buret open and mother earth reoeived a libation of about 75 gallons of the red ]'quid in honor of the new eleotrio road. Cantina and hie friends from the East, witnessed the mishap which they realized was something for wbioh no one in particular was to blame. Siete lore It• Alex. Wileoa wan iu Toronto attending a meeting of the Grand Oounoil of the Royal Arcanum. J. L. Melville, formerly of Seaforth, has accepted a poeition with the Oaoada Furniture Co„ Guelph, AIrs. Levy, who recently disported of her livery bueinees to Stephen Lamb, will ebortly remove to Mitobell. John Street, of Egmondville, has been sneering from iufiammetory rheomatiam, but was reported some better. A change bee tekeu pleoe to the pro p ietorehip of the News, J. W. Dantean having parobased au lutereat in the haat• 3.008. A motion will be made at next meet ing of the Gannon to amend the present bread by-law to make the standard weight of bread one and one half pounds, Will. Oriob recently underwent an operation for an ulceration of his arm, and will be uaabie to attend to hie regular duties for some weeks in consequence, Mies Edltf Neelin returned on Monday to resume her duties iu he hospital at Watertown, N. Y., after a couple of months visit with her parents, F, G. and Mrs. Neelin. The many Seaforth friends of A. D. Young, formerly of this town, will be pleased to bear of his rapid recovery to Sacramento, Cal., whither he went re. cantly to quest of health, J. C. Greig, D. 3, MoOallnm and W. D. MoLeao left for St. Louis to attend the World's Fair. They will be away about a fortnight. Mr. Greig goes on the Canadian Ticket Agent's excursion and Mr. McLean on the Canadian Preee, Aoeooiatlon exonraton. Cheater Whiteley, an old Seaforth boy, end eon of Geo. Whiteley, drove up from Stratford on Wedneaday of last week and spent a few hours at his tome here. He is at present playing a prominent part with "A Country Girl,' which appeared at Stratford Tueeday evening. The following extraote ere taken from the Aeseesor'e roll for 1904 jnet returned and oomparieons made with 1908 : 1908 1904 Total aeeesement. , , $618,850 9616,880 Personal property47,950 48,900 Taxable intone 11,100 10,800 Population 2,116 2,177 No. of births 18 S0 No, of deathe.. 16 22 A commanioetion was received from Jnmes Scott, president of the Seaforth Eleotrio Light Co., informing the oonaeil that they would eell the whole of their plant for $28,000 ; or aro lights for street lighting, 2 dynamos, wiring and tee of poles for $4,500. He also offered to tar. nisi light for streete aa ' heretofore, tar 10 years at 960 pee lamp per year, for 5 years at 865 per lamp, water and taxes to be eame to: heretofore. He also referred to the exoellent condition of their plant and thbir revenue, which had increased from $8,800 to $6,000 per annum, On motion the proposition was received and wUl be edbmibted to a general meeting of to ra a n tep yers to be palled by he Mayor in the near future. A by.law providing teat "No per-ou shall spit on the oieiewaik of any public street in the Towu of Seaforth, or ou the 11 tor of nay paesagewtty, stairway 0r eu• trance to any budding used by the pnblio within the Town of Seaforth,' was gtren its necessary number of readings and Really peeeed at tha that Couuoil meet- ing. The penalty for an off.,nee under this by law will not be mora than $10 end coats end a 08 less than $1.00 and costa, Perth (iounty. Monktou brink and the yards are again buoy. There to a dearth of dwelling houses in Mitchell, During the peat year the population of Stretford iuotettted 719 The ground used lest settem by Monk - ton sports have again been secured, A band stand is being built on the market square Mitohell for the eon• venienoe of the band. Mr, Waterhouse, Mitchell, had to de• atroy his fox terrier for testieig he eating quality of John Blower, Wm. Brown, Mitchell, baa beeu award. ed he contract of watering the streets at a coat of $300, or $50 more than last year. The members of the Dam Syndicate, Stratford, made the statement thee the evndicate had no intention of selling Victoria Lake. The passing of a "Don't spit on the sidewalk" by law is becoming quite the fashion, and it may be that ,e'tratford will be in the"swim." The Stratford Gas Oompany will title Sommer ley three miles of mains, The sum of $10,000 will be expended in ex tending he eyatem. The ironwork department in the Strut ford Mensal Training school has beau opened. The equipment 000eiete of three forges, three anvils, two lathes and .other macbinary. W. A. Adams, who teacbee the Ironworkers, will have oberge of the uew department, R. W. Dillon, secretary of the St, Marys board of trade, has received a letter from Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of he Oauadian Paohfia Rail. way, stating that the 0. P. R. had perfeoted its plane for extensions in this district whioh did not strike St, Marys. Mayor Hepburn and Ald. Thos. Savage, W. J. and D. M. Fergueon,jof Stratford, interviewed the local freight agent, R, D. Waugh, with regard to having brick for pavements shipped into Stratford at. a reduced rate. As the delegation were unable to eay where the briok would be shipped from, Mr. Waugh could give them no eatisfaotiva. The following resolution, moved by Messrs, Dillon and Stanley, was carried unauimouely by a standing vote at the last meeting of the cfboial board of St. atarye Methodist church : "That the board deeiree to place on rea..rd its high appreaiation of the Rev. Thomas Manning as a man, a preaober ; a pastor, to bear cordial teetimooy to the spiritual and oharaoter building effects of his preaching and to invite hien to return an pastor for a third year." Jae. Weise, of Shakespeare, le proper Ing to build a new hwel and atablee, Campbell MoOnlly, eon of J. Cagy, St. Marys road, had hie leg brukeu juet above the untie while pi ying foot ball on the collegiate grouude, Sr, Marys niter four en Tuesday of Istel ween. 1t. R, Gainey, S1. P. P., for Manitoulin, will deliver e poltioal addreee its the Opera Hall, Dlituhed, 00 Friday erentug, 'any 97th. J. P. Downey, M. P. P., Guelph, the Irieh orator, will likely a0- 00mpeay kiwi II 1311(18 8 11114S P{)kI11 • 1 either have been left barred or else every. thing liable to he tlungor0ue removed, In anm+nin;' un the damages Ire said that Or. Sttwley'8 bill wits 8190, and other ospeuat,e in o.ntueotien with ler tllueea would bring the total up to $300 From the donne ehttement Mies Mills would be au invalid for route time and he thought that $1000 stns tt oonaervative num, John WNW, eleven years aid, •0n of Joseph Hetet et, ataung.r rf the Bank of HKntilton, as Cheeky, wan druwuc.d while fishing from a raft, The little eon of A, Bannon, Huron street, Stratford, fell on the garden ralte, while playing, sed t..en of the teeth went 1010 his leg, ose of them about un shah and a half. The little fellow ie now doing well. Messrs, Mabee & Mttleios, of Stratford, ma behalf of Mrs, Margaret Snowdon, mother of the late Thos, Snowdon, who was killed at Guelph recently, ban leaned a Writ against the Grand !Crank Beltway Oompony to recover 95,000 damages, There was no teaching done Thursday of iaet wrek at the prinofpal'e room iu Shakespeare Werd, Stratford, Prinaipal MacGregor Benet) was playing football in Seaforth on Wednesday, and thought to take a abort out to lila school by jump. ing off the train as the Victoria street teroeaing. He jumped, but pitohed for. ward on the oindera and his ince was badly out and bntleed. The injuries are not clarions. The Ohurab Watt Company have secured an option °u the St. Martel opera house, and eboald the by -taw carry, as seems likely, they would purehaae that building and woven Minn a bermes faotory, I,. Is heir in antiou to °campy the upper fiats au it workroom and,the first fiat and basement would tie peed as attars and shipping rooms. The nodi. Corium fiat would still be used as am opera home. DAILVOISS 01$1,000 AttAiNsT TOWN et ST MAars-There was but one case on the docket of the non jury sittings, which were held et Stratford on Tuesday etrer. lion before Chief Justteo Sir Witliem. Meredith. It was that of Mille vs, town 01 St. Mar}e. Hia Lordship gave jsientent for the p'aintiff, aw truing 91000 damages. This carries oasts. The phteuuff cued for tlnatated damagee for injuries received in a runaway, reeniting from a h,tree which she was driving beo0ming frightened at he road roller and enme barrels standing in the arrest. It wee stated in evidence that Miss Adeline Mills, of Woodham, aeoampanied by Fred J. Stevens, drove into St. Marys on September 80, fait day, about five o'clock. They found Queen street closed between the oonoeeeion road and Penis. sier street, where some maoadamizing wee being done. Theateam road roller was working there. A detour was made and the two proceeded into town After a concert that evening they were retrern• lag home when they came woos the road roller standing in the centre of Petiaeier street, juet clearing the South sidewalk aro•siug Queeu street. The horse shied at the rober, started down Queen street turd Boon became unmanageenle. A little Sect of Raglan street, the next from Pelliseier, it shied again at some barrels ou the South side of the road and bolted to the opposite aide, he hind wheels of the buggy striking a telegraph poet. Mr, Stevens was thrown out, but retrained hold of he reins, nod was dragged some distance. The buggy, between the nate and the trout wheel collided with another post. Mies Mills rem, mbere molting of this, but she was not thrown oar, She Itad become seated in the bottom of the buggy and when taken out was found to have saelained a fractured thigh. Dr. Stanley, who attended Miss Mills elated that her leg had been broken at the thi;;h, one knee was very badly bruised, her bank injured and she had coffered a severe nervone shook. Two operations ware necessary, He said it would be about six mouths before the leg would be completely healed and probably three years before Mise Mille would ha com- pletely recovered from the effeote of the accident, Dr. Smith oorrob crated Dr. Stanley's evidence. The witneseee for the plaintiff were ; Mise Mille, Fred J. Stevens, Victor Btan• ley, Clarence Westtnau, Wm, Elliott, Adam 8t. John, David Sonia, Robert Berry, Ralph Stevens, L. Hartetone, Dr. Stanley and De Smith, Those for the the defendant were : Alex. Meanie, Jae. Shepherd and ,Frank Butcher. Hie Lordship in giving judgment said that there was negligence on the part of the town in leaving the road roller and bar- eels where they were. The street should STnATa,taD To 0T, Jsxru',—The pros paste are that that the Stratford Si. Joseph electric road will be a realization. At 86, Joeepb on Saturday the provision. til directors mat. These included T. G. 0oureollee, A. A. Taillon, F. H. Hamel, 0. E., of Ottawa ; Thos. Tombyll, Mon• treal ; N. M. Dentin and 0. Uieeonette, of St. Joseph, together with their solioitor, G. G. MoPherson, K O., Stratford, and J, A. (harry, contractor, of Ottawa, who will tender for the oonetruction of the road. The officers elected were T. G. 0oursolles, President ; N. M. pantie, Viee•President ; 0. Biseonette, Secretary; Thomas Tombyll,'Ireaaurer. The right of way bus been purchased from St. Joseph to Bengali, and F, H, Hamel, C. E., is now going over the ground fixing he levels for he grading. The prelimin• ary place call for a line from St. Joseph, through the village of Zurioll to Henaall, ten and n quarter miles ; thenad to Obis. elhuret, four miles ; thence to Fullerton, passing midway between Cromarty and Staffs, twelve miles ; themes through Oarlingford to Avonton, and, following the Avon river, into Stratford, tt total of 38 miles. There may be modifications in this plan to avoid heavy grades when the surveys are completed, bot this will be eubetautially the route. The Zine will traverse the Townehipe of Hay and a oornor of Tuakeremitb in Huron 0o., and the Towuebipe of Hibbert, Fullerton and part of Downie, In Perth Comity, With 08pitallsta Au -,it a8 than 181 11ded in he Board of Direotare there nettle little reason why rho road should not pr058 a 81100100, A R1t0Af) h't'A'l.'II MS N'l', Thio announcement is made without any gattiilioebirnt, Hebt•Roid is the ono preparati3O to the world that guarantees it, Hem•Roid will owe any one of 1'iiee, It in in On form of a tablet. It is the only Pile remtely ueed internally. It is impossible to cure an established can of Phew with ointments, euppasito• rhea, infections, or outward appliances. A guarantee ie leaned with every peek age of Hem Roid, whloh contains a mantb's treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about it. Sold in Brussels by Jae. Fox. Popular Stallions The following popular stallions will etaud Inc he improvement of stook this 80aeon as follows :— ROYAL PARK, 1119. 10'LAa011LtN, PnQr'R. Title well known Stallion will travel daring the season of 1904 to follows :— Monday, will leave his own stable, Brus- sels, and go North to Jamestown for n•,on ; then North end Beet to Robert Hamilton's, Tnrnberry, for night. Tithe. day, South and East to Harry Atwood's, 4.13 Oon„ Grey, for noon ; hen South by 8th Oen, to hie own stable where he will remain until Thursday morning. Thurs- day, will go to Neil Danoanson'e, 14th Oon., Grey for noon ; hen to 16th Con., to't'ed Nolan'e for night. Friday, will gotoJaWee t to Button's Jae. Evans' School for noon;then via her 6th of Morris, to hie own stable where he will remain until Monday morning. BARON FIFE.. 0000. oe'DDNALD, P0OP'n. This well known Stallion will travel during he season of 1904 se follows :— Monday, will leave bie owe stable, Lot 17, On. 9, Grey, and go to Long's Hotel, Oranbruok, for one hour, then South to 16th Oon , to John Olivet's, Lot 11, for noon ; hen by tvay of 17t13 Goo., to John MoTaggartte, Lot 24, 15th lean., for night. Tuesday, will go by Monorieff North to John Rutherford'e, Lot 4, Oon, 13, Elmo, for noon ; then North and Weet on On. 12, Grey, to Ohas, Love's, Lot 27, tar night. Wednesday, will go to Obae. Rerr'e, Lot 31, Oon, 7, Grey, for noon ; then West via Ethel to hie own stable for night. Thnrsdey, will go North to Robert Lowe's, Lot 14, Oon. 4, Grey, for noon ; then West to Gravel road and South to Jae. Parr's for night. Friday, will go to Thos. Bredehaw's, Lot 19, 41b Line, Morris, for noon ; then West to ()entre Bideroad,then South to Joeeph 83:11itl'a, 6113 Oon., for night. Saturday, will proceed East to American Hotel, Bennis, for noon ; theorist to his own arable where he win remain nutil the following Monday. MA319, 1)64 Now Canadian and American have a full stools of this Season's production in Wall Papers. We have made a special effort to secure designs and colorings of artistic merit, not only in High Grades, but in those as low as 5 CENTS PER ROLL BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florets, producing °harming effects at Low Cost. PARLORS—Beautiful Designs in Gilt and Oreamy Tome, Blues, Greene, &o, In delioate Shades, HALLS, DINING ROOMS, &e.—Fina, effeabive Deeigne, in Magnifloent (More, 'riving Warmth, Richness and Beauty to an Apartment. AND PRICES I We onn only eay we are offering this season Better Paper, Designs and Colorings than ever offered, Don't wait until our stock is broken, Make your ssleotion now. If you have any r0orne oat recently papered, just call and let us tell you bots little it mete to matte home bright, attractive end happy. In Smale's Block, two doors North of Postoftico. Painter and Paper Hanger. e fprg A Large Supply of the Finest CLOVER, TIIYLOT N Y, MANGEL GLL and TURNIP SEEDS GROWN, at horn.so 1• 4♦ Cober arra orks 0 AVING had 50 years' experience in the Buggy Trade, from the hand -made spoke to the up-to- date patent wheel, we can safely say that we build Buggies Second to none in Canada and have a finer display in our Show Room this Season than can be seen elsewhere. We build all one Grade but 6 Different Styles. SRO 1st—Our Special—We use Standard B. wheels and xxx hickory in our gear and shafts. Our tires, braces, steps, rub iron and loops are all steel, imported direct from Cleveland. Our springs are Dohslay patent head, Our blacksmith, who has had years of experience in the Largest Carriage Factories in Canada, is sufficient proof of the excellency of the blacksmith department. We weld and set our axles and guarantee perfect track and easy running. 2nd.—Our buggy, painted either in black or green gear, beautifully striped in gold. Our buggy, body painted black or burled, and gear painted black or green, striped in gold. Our it/. buggy in natural wood, either oak or ash bodies, with natural wood gear, iron work painted with London smoke and striped nicely in black, are beautiful rigs. A ,. t ! Pi.: Now there is our Western buggy one inch Standard B wheel, side spring gear, either with or without top, which is known in the West as the runabout buggy, body black, gear painted in rod, striped in gold or black. We build the bicycle buggy, ball bearing, chilled steel axle either cushion or pneumatic tire. Painted in carmine and trimmed in leather and English whipcord. We also build the hard rubber tire inor -, ,We employ only skilled workmen and all our work is un- der our own SUPERVISION and guar's;steed by no. We have a number of first-class wagons for sale, all built of good oak, the material of wbich is thoroughly seasoned, hav- ing been in our stock for at least ten years. In a word to our purchasers we will say that our painting stands 100 clays in oil and.tinished in English varnish, im- ported direct from England. Let us say a word about our Trimming Department. Onr buggies are all trimmed in leather and oto' tops are all rubber and lined throughout; with roller back curtain, hood and storm rug with each buggy. It will be wise for those wishing to purchase a buggy this season to call and inspect our stock before purchasing else- where as it is a maze of glory to look through our show room where you can select from hundreds of buggies. A $1.00 saved is a $1 gained, so bring along your wives and friends as it is no trouble to show you through our establishment and we will make it worth your while as we are prepared to back up each and every statement. Wo are determined to place 900 buggies in this locality this season. In conclusion let us thank our Many customers for their liberal patronage in the past and solicit a continuance in the future. 9 BR }r L, NTARIO. -Remember we Wholesale and Retail and have Agents in almost every locality. - azmenzmanceogaisrsaa�xra�^�rtw,vsns:,.