HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-19, Page 2.D1111 DOCKS
Reported at St, Petersburg and
I robaoly True,
It ;,E reported at St, Petersburg
that Admirel Alexieff has informed
the Czar that the Ruesians have
blown up the docks and piers at
:Daley. It le assumed, it the tweet
is correct, that the encedice of works
which cost Russia millions of roubles
was mule tor the purpose of render-
ing more difficult a ;Japanese landing
at. Dalny or its use us a base by.
The St. Petersburg correspondent
of the London Daily Express says :—
"I loam from ofecial sotores that,
so far errant blowing up their war-
ships, which would he litthe only at
the very lust .extremity, the garrison
at Port Arthur is engaged in clear-
ingthe entrance of the harbor, which
Wes mere or less Cempletely Mocked
by the stone -laden ships sent 10 by
the Japanese for that. purpoSe,
"1110 task is one of extreme dial -
mats, for the merchantmen are 811 -
ed with stone, concrete, and IllaSSe8
of iron. In order to remove the obe
etructions, divers have been sent
down with drilling apparatus to bore
holes in the 'cargo' for placing dy-
namite charges in effective positions.
"The divers have been at work for
several days, and, according to the
latest 01)001') 8, have sufficiently clear-
ed the channel to admit the passage
of torpedo-boat destroyers."
Of the groat movement which Gen.
Kuroki is supposed to be directing
against Liao -Yang, the only news
conies from Russian sources. Much
of this is two or three days old, and
is apparently based on information
from the natives. The position in
the neighborhood of Now-Chwang is
ebscure. The St. Petersburg corres-
pondent of the London Standard re-
ports that the Japanese are about
again.. Thou, ands of mon and tons
of ammunit ion have been leaving
Kobe, during the last few deys. The
areenale ere workieg eight and day.
Details of eta attack by Russian
Cossacks ut Anita, Corea, on Wed-
nesday morning were received at ,
to $4.,0; to good, ,e4.1e,
Tokio. The Russian. cavalry eumber1,0
tipirited. The Japanese garrison re- freights. No. 3 extra at 40 to 4 Oee, to '
Baeley—No. 2 cooled at 121, middle st1,35, commo, to foil, cows, 88.50
ewt.$4.10; rough cows, $8.25 per
ed 9011 Meth 01111 their althea W118
sisted stoutly, and sueceeded in. and No.. 3 at 80c middle freights.
with No. 2 quoted at 54 to 55e• no- feeders und stockers, We quote t—
l'eas-The nnaket is unchunged,
Tao market was unchanged for
driving od the enemy. Later Sap-
aneee reinforcements arrived from
Ping -Yang, 10 is evident that these
cording to quielity and location, Feeders, 1,000 to 1,3(10 1 hs., 81.25
UD VIOELD'S PIARKE'18 TO,UIT M'IVE!E114:el':tvrrE8Es' 08 -
live, with rising prim.; 111 exporters'
REroTas rm.= Tmr, xxisaairo. 800 botehors. at the western
TRADE CENTBVS- Market toslay, Buy leg (melted eer-
ly, 1081 3100er slache•led 1 111 all the
Prices of Cattle, Gra„, cheese, ea tile Were 8(1111. S10.011 mid tenths
woro 111 10, higher, 1011ile 1100
and Other Dairy Produce
dropped lOct per cwt.
at 11 01118 ami Abroad.
Very few choice mileh cows wore en
Toronto, May 17—Wheat— No. 2 sale, the 611111 of the arrivals con -
white ond red Winter sold to -day et sisting of 'Merlin. anineile, not the
93e at outside points. Spring wheat readiest to sell, A number changed
is nominal at lee 10 11) c end, 'end hands Ett. $25 to $30 each, while a
goo.e at 8.1. to 811, 1(11)1; 1(011 ehoice ono breught $18.
wheat. is unelutagee, No. 1. Northern 'rho run of cal V OH WON) 11011V,y, hu 1
92,0 tteorgiaa nay pot,t,.. 2 good veal 00 Ives 0)')',) 10011000, (1)1(1
Northern at 89c, and No. 3 North- ' 01110 01 30 hy Crawford end Co, was
ern at 30e. No. 1 nurd is tatmlual ''''''"rded at $5,2.5 Per cwt•
at 93e. Grinding in. transit prices , t.ii!,ijutioll',,..1,,, ectAtrittO
181011g1101.'"..lfigSulesljthat 1'1
are 60 ebove those quoted.
Oats—No. 2 white quoted al il1ec. stiliteiftleci,stlmve were paid in a few lo-
west, aral Sfic middle freights. No. 1 ...
white, 85c east, and No, 2 at 3feee astliftooittc,i,,I,lson:1(11,1,iitelotelLeuris'011,,T.,1),1013.7-erz
Corn—No 3 American yellow allot- to egt,70; meeeee ello to
Relish -En cavalrymen were sent smith
for the purpose of harassing the Ja-
panese flunks and lines of communi-
The Russian Government has dis-
covered an Anarchist conepiracy to
blow up fortresses and militare• de-
pots with -dynamite Says a Vienna
ed 57jm on track, Toronto; No, mee it, emelt mocker.. Goo to
13 mixed at 56ec. Canadan corn is goo nee, ge,gg; stock calve's,
Steady at 41 to 42c west for guaran- 830 to 800 lbs., 88.25 to $8.50; off
teed delivery in good condition. cuter and rough, same weight, $2.73
Itye—The market is seemly, with up;
No. 2 quoted at 59 to e0c east. Sheep and lambs wore higher. We
Buckwhiset—No. 2 Emoted at 48 quote :—Ifeary ewes, el to $4,23;
to 49c middle freights. light sheep, $4.23 to eteem bucks,
Flour—Ninety pee cent. patents are $:3 to $3.50; grain -fed lambs, 85,30
h. The recent a•ttempt at unchanged at .93.60 in 31(1''18hags to IS,i). t aj ((111', (Id lambs, b3.00 to
'CknrsoPtiaAcialt Is now believed to have for export, middle' freights. Straight 84.30 per ewt; "elpelog lambs, $2 to
been the work of this band and not rollers of special brands for domestic $3.50 each,
Calves brought $2 to SS each, anti
of Japanese. A. plot against the trade quoted. .eit $4.23 to $4.85 in
life of Al. de Plehye, tho Russian Mate. Manitoba flatus aro lower. 'o. .
flolliir,,,\08,:srfeNV,0il7ct 1,1 jOei algtetitor,,,cfemuoltbetionfs
Minister of the Interior, has also 1 patents, $4.80; No, 2 patents, $01.1-1
Pesti duicovered. Another plot JO, and strong helots', , - .
prime bacon quality, off cors Toren -
against the life of the Czar has been: track, Toronto.
confessed by an accomplice. who re- Illillfeed—Bran is steady at el 7 to ettt,ie At7i.; tai i'', sI• 73; 80108. $8.30 to
8230 $2.50 per met,
ceived a reward of 100,000 doubles 817.50 anti 'shorts at 8 1 teee, here. At '''"suigii'
for its revelation,
Emperor Nicholas, who was accom-
panied by the Empress and several
of the Grand Dukes and a brilliant
staff, reviewed 50,000 troops on the
Champ de Mars, St. Petersburg, on
Wednesday morning. A. great con-
e vietved the brilliant spectacle.
As each regiment 7liarched past his
Majesty the soldiers shouted, "Good
health, your elmfeety." A grand
charge of Cossacks ended the review.
The Imperial party was accorded a
- 1 t 1 heart , rece /Mon 1 th et S at
0 occup3, t la p ace. e I 3y I 0] e. ,
According to the New-Chwang cor- on balconies overlooking the review '
respondent of the Daily Steil, teenier- ground sold for $25. The money
pus bodies of Russian cavalry and will be devoted to the Red Cross.
infantry have been disposed in the
vicinity of the town for the PurPose
of harassing, of not arresting. the SIBERIAN
overland movement of the Japanese.
The nature of the ceuntre- is faedr- The Military De
able to such on object, which, if sac- the Ro
cessful, will give Gen. 1Couropatkin
time to elrengthen his position at
outside points bran is !muted at $16,
and shorts at $17. Alanitolia been,
in metes, $20, and shorts at St2 t here.
Apples—There is ft cadet trade, with
prices unchanged at .82 to $2.30 Per
bbl. for the hest stock.
Dried Apples—The demand is limi-
ted, and prices are steady at 3 to
elec per lb. Evaporated apples, 63e
per 1b,
Beans --Prime beans are emoted at
81.30 to $1.60, and 11a101-pleked at
Hops—The market is enclianged at
28 to 32e. according to guali•ty.
7oney—The market is eedot at 6
to 7c per lb. Comb quiet at $1.50
• to 81.75.
RAILIN/VY. 1 ray—Thnothy (mated at 89.30 to
:10.50 a ton, on track -;Toronto.
Straw—The market is dull, with
mends Overtes.
AeMontreal despatch says: Mr. WU-
Liao-Iang. Reports from various limn Whyte, assistant to the Prost -
evertors refer to the fortifications at I dont of the C. I'. IL, ergine the
Liao -Yang as being yeey formideble. 1 couree of a visit to Ilueela a few
Many heavy guns commhe and trail- years ago in the intereEt of trade
with that comitry went over the
Terme-Siberian Railway from Mos-
A St. Petersburg report rupresents
the appearance of a Japanese tor-
pedo boat in the roadstead of PallEt-
da, on the north-east mast, of Corea,
as being moro important than was
at first believed. 11 says that trans-
ports, accommudel be, torpedo boats, ment, she will be unable to necom-
have arrived therce This is sup- Med. On the Trens-Stberhan
posd to indicate a lauding near way I found that the rails were light,
Vladivost the ties far apart, the engines in -
Another report says 1.1 is doubtful considerable, and the worst feature
whether the vessels are transports or
8010 to Lake Baikal, and 111 answer
to a question on Wednesday regnrd-
ing Russia's present tratesportetion
problem he said:—"In regard to the
victualing, of, Say, 11811 a million
troops in Manchuria, Russia has un-
dertaken a tee% whieli, in my jade, -
was that the distance between sta-
tions on 0 single track was too great,
The Russian Government desien to
preM into MEmehuria some half mil -
advices received in London lion of 11)0111111W 15 this number to
state that the condition of affairs at bc maintained*/ Manchuria is a moun-
Harhia is not reassuring. The Chin- • tainous country; it grows but little.
ese, hitherto peaceful, are displaying
• ITow will such a mass of men be sus -
great insolence and are saved from . tabled? I know what it is to sus-
pueishment at the hands of exasper- t1111 a few thousand men in the
ated Russians only by the Ruseien ehlorthwest wben 550 have a bit of
authorities, The chief cause of
road to build quickly. Thet is sort -
complaint is the raising of the price
Em8 enough if you are 010(1)' from
of . provisions.
your baso; hut think of four thousand
The Russians Etre convinced that
mites from their base: I do not
(Pc Chinese are their 010(00 enemies,
think the thing can he done unless
and that they are ready to rise in
1.1180.rrectiou ;with little urging. the Russian Govermuent 110V11 changed
the physical condition of the road
WANTS BAPTISM 01' FIRE. since 5 passed over it, which I do
The Associated 1('e'5 at not belleve.''
t St. Peters-
burg learns from the highest source
theit the Emperor is exceedingly an-
xtous to go to the front. To his
intim Les receetly le, has epokee
much on the subject, but he realizes Feasted on Cargo of Bones and.
that cmiditiona of stele domed Ms Had to be Fumigated.
presence 81 home. Nevertheless itA Philadelphin despatch says: TIM
1)111v "01 r"sidarad imP"saible Kahan bark Anlai Menotti arrived la
that lie will follow tho exempla of
port Monday with a cargo of hones.
all the Romenoft dynasty during the Wien tho hatches were lifted, rind
id ocireditititu.y, anTdomIlicgleheFo btaitle-e
preparation made to unload the cargo
the Bailors discovered that a horde of
army is ono of the traditions of his
threat; as cue can c nue pro -
house. Alexander entered Paris
with the allies tarter the bat tlo of Faired gi" battle- Tha sailors
waterloo. Nichols., Ldied 1,1 Emoted themselves with long, strong
but the fight was against too
common. soldier's hovel in the Cel- 1(0)1011,
heavy odds. The foe was too num00-
0100, and Alexander 13.., with the
heir -apparent, wore at the front dur- ous. As fast as one tarantula was
Mg the Turkish war. liiIhol another took its place. In the
Perhaps an additional reason why battle not a few of tho seamen were
temperer Nicholas desires to meet nipped in the lege, and were saved
the enemy is that he carries on his front serious bites by tho sea boots
body the mark of it woeful inflicted they wore. Those sailors who were
by a fanatical Japiumee policeman in the hold of the bark soon became
exhaueted in dealing death and oth-
ers of the crew took* their Places. But
they could not get rid of thole tonne
chats foes. It 11,EtS determined to
when ho was attacked ill 10 thee lre
at 011111 during his visit to Japan in
$91, only being saved froin death
by the noble action of his cousin,
Prince. George of threw, Should he 'kill the theentales and eordipedes by
tinnily eolielude to go, his Majesty fumigating the hold. This waS Ete-
would not assume active commend cordingly crone with euccess,
of the troops, but would have an Im-
perial headquarters, taking with
him all the members of his military
eabinet. J3eing on the spot, the
Emperor would more easily advise
Gen, letteopatkin in the event, of aner
question of groat. military moment
which he might desire to submit to
his Majesty. But, of comso, tho
chief advantage woeicl be tho stemte.
lus which the personal presence cif
tho Sovereign would have on the of-
ficers and Men,
• A despatch to the London Daily
hone Tokio says that after a
brief interinissilon the despatch of
largo foreeti treopS and huge quan-
tities of ammuttitfon has cOnlMenced population. at 67,000.
Increase of Eleven Million—Poptt-
lations 67,000,
A Winnipeg despatch says: The to-
tal assessonent for the year, approxi-
mately, will be $48,001),000;, last
year le was about $37,000,000, The
large nenther of 110/ 010141015e, to-
gether with very general advence of
valuation, accounts for tho big in -
creme. IA. tensua made by the (18"
58500-05 elloWs a big increase in WM-
nipeg's popidttion, An estimate
which 01 mon conservative places the
tutees unchanged at $5.50 on track,
Maple Syrup—,The market is quit
at $1, per Imperial gallon.
Potatoes—Choice cars are quoted
at 31.03 to 81.07 per hag, cm traek
Poultry—Chickens, 12 to 113c per
the turkeys are quoted at 15 to 17c
per lb. for fresh killed.
ordinary run sells at
10 to 123c per M. We quote:—Pin-
est 1-111. rolls, 13 to 140; ordinary
large rolls, 11. to 2.1c; medium and
low grades, 101; creamery prints, 17
to 18,3c; solids, 36 to 17c,
Eggs—Case lots sell at 138 per
Cheese—Old quoted at 93c per
111., and 11(1507-4: to 8e,
Dressed hogs unchanged, with offer-
ings email. Cured meats are in goo -d
demand at 8111111(011508 11)1005. We
quoteE—Bacon, long clear, 8 to 83c
per lb. in case lots. Mess pork, $17;
do, short cut, $18.50.
Smoked Meats—Hams, light to mee
duel, 12)%C; do, 110111)', 11 e to 12e;
rolls, 13 to Ole;; shoulders, 10e; backs,
131 to 14e; breakfast bacon, 183e,
Lard—The demand is fair, 'a 1 111
prices unchanged. 'Vo quotee—Tierces,
7118; tubs, Etc; palls, 81c; compound,
7e, to 83.c,
Montreal, May 17.—The market for
oats was firmer this morning; it 10/01
stated that, private cables received
from England offered equal to about
30,3e here, afloat May, for No. 2
onte. Moyers are bidding 84ec track,
for Poterboros, but holders are de-
manding /35c, and sales are being put
through at that figure. Peas wore
about steady at 71e 10f10111t Men No.
2 barley, 491, and No. 3 extrn, 48e;
No. 2 rye, 62e, Flour—The market
was steady to -day after the sharp de-
cline in lefanitobas reported yester-
day. We quote:—Thinitobe. patents,
$4.90 to $4.95E strong bakers', $4.60
to $4.85; winter wheat patente, 34.-
80 to $5.10; straight rollers, -$4.60
to $4.83; straight rollers in bags,
$2.20 to $9.20, Feed—The 111(08001
steady; Manitoba bran in bags,
$19; shorts, $21 per ton; Ontario
beam in bulk, 1(39.50 to $19.50;
shorts, $20,50 to 521.,50; 111011(130,
826 to $28 per ton. Rolled oats—
The market is 8100; dealers are asking
$2,3•21, for bags, and $4.00 in WAS.
on track. Hey—The nuadet is steady
$7,30 in car lots.
Beffalo, May 3'7,—Ielour— Steady.
IVheat--Spring, offerings light; No, 1
Northern $1.10; 'Winter firm; Stan',
red, to arrive, $1,09 to $1.04. Corn—
Easy; No, 2 yellow, 50c; No. 2 torn,
370, ()ate—Steady; eo offerings. Bare
ley—Nothing doing. leve—Nothing
'Milwaukee, Meer 17.—W1eat-1e 1001/..
or; No. 1 Northern, 973c; No. 2 Nor-
thern, DA to 961e; old jul,y, 8(311,
lowne No. 1, 74e to 73ee,
Berley—Tlull; No, 9, 5883 eample, 40
to 61e. Corn—feteedy; No, 8, 80
to 5:01; July, 48e to daec naked.
11141wapolls, May I 7.—W1wat—Mny,
Mee; ,Tuly, 023e; September, 8011 to
801s; on (reek, No. I hard, 06e; No,
1 Northern, 1)5c; 15ry, 9 Northern,
1,500,000 Bushel Structure at
Fort William Destroyed.
A. Fort William, Ont., despatch
says: Elevator II, one of the mam-
moth gimlet storage houses at this
point, is now a smoulclering heap of
mhos. At about 12,30 on Wednes-
day 1115111 A. Macdonald, the night
watchman, found the structure, oh
Me. It was with dideulty that he
mule hts way to the engine -room and
blow a long blast cm the whistle. In
less than five minutes the C. 1'. R.
brigade and the town firemen had
throe streams playing 011 the huge
, pile. When they thought that they
had the fire ender 80)11001 1110 flames
with a sudden roar broke out from
the upper 510]'P,.',and 'from that mo-
ment he eievat or 1005 doomed
flames shot [Meet the cupola for a
hundred foot, end Et strong wind car-
ried thetn in sheets of fire above the
west end of the town, and blazing
pieeeS of boned were scattered broacl-
cast among the wooden buildings.
No human efforts would bevy saved
the total destruction of the main
business and reeidence streets had not
rain 801110')) 100 roofs or the build-
ings and made it 008511)10 to concen-
trate all efforts 00 the placee which
Were ill immediate danger, The area
to be watched extends] fel' a distance
of lialf a mile west of the fire, and
this whole space is to -day covered
with charred Wood 11011 ashes.
To add to the personal risk, t/io
metal sheeting with which the wood-
en elevator WaS covered. was caught
by the wind and sig-zugged down
upon the streets with terrific force.
It was nearly 2 when the cupola
fole rind for another half -how the
danger was the worst.
Supply Ship to be Sent to Can.a.
dian Expedition.
A. St. joint's, Nfld., despatch says:
The Canadian Government has chart-
ered the seeling steamer Erik to pro-
ceed to Hudson Bey in July next
with simplies for the steamer Nep-
tune, now with the Cunadian expedi-
tion 11011 for the purpose of enforcing
the Canatlianslaws against American
whalers, The Erik wilt also convey
stores to the north for the steamer
Muse, recently purchesed from the
German Government by Canada, in
which ship Capt. Bernier will pro-
ceed to the north and annex a 11/1111-
ber of .Aectle islands foe the British
crown, and will then nelempt to
reach the North Polo.
A Liverpool Paper Offers an Expla-
A leiverpool despatch says: The
Mercury eays it is in no way surpris-
ing that among the thousands who
emigrate to Canada there Should he a
few who come back disappointed.
Possibly they found public houses
somewhat spersely distributed over
the ovaries or may heve been grieved
because no penny electric trams efth-
riva Om to work. As a certain per-
centecce of fools emigrates to Crinnelll.
we must expect, a humbor of unwise
vo.s"[Igers romo beck Mucked.
Old Palace at Belgrade Doomed to
A Belgrade deepetch says: The
Government has decided' to demolish
the old 11(18ee, 05111e11 WaS the 000110
of the 111111418r of King Alexander and
Queen Drage,
Rumored that Americans Paid.
51,600,000 for Farm Lands.
A &width Mont Winnipeg' Pays: Te
is rumored thal. the Loral Govern-
nwnt bate disposed of 210,000 twos
of Pint MOM lands to u Duluth com-
pnny. twice Is !mid to be over
$1,600,0110, and the snle is regarded
tie Miley enthenetney in price, end
115 elitering the emitinmel emilleince
ot the Ameriena Invoeloes in valueS
of Manitobe hem land,
rrArrnawas FROM ALL OVEli
Telegraphic Briefs From Our 0102/
and Other Countries of
Recent Events.,
Mr. _John Crerar, ,1C. 0., of Hamil-
ton Is deed
London hos imposed a lleellSe fee
Ot 1(10 en laundries,
surplus for the current 'fiscal
year of 1(113,11(10,1)0(1 is predicted at,
01(0 001,
The Ottawa License Commissioners
'lave reduced the 110 liceeses from
77 to 67.
Inland revenue returns at Hamil-
ton lest month wore 1(1)11,131), a de-
crease or $4,241.
Customs receipts at WinniPea last
month were $204,910; Apell, 1.908,
1111(9,402; itICITIISV, 883,451,
Detective Slemin, of Toronto, has
resigned to accept the position of
Chief of Brantford police.
The Guelph License Cominissionere
leive decided that the hotels must
close at 10 instead of 11 in Guelph,
lt Is reported the Dominion Gov-
ernment will take posseesion of the
100)18101100 remains Mend in Quartz
Creek, Yetkon.
Within the next. two 10001.01 2,000,-
000) trees will be sent out from the
experimental farm et Brandon to be
Planted by tho farmers in the west.
I Fight tenders for the steel sheds
and approaches to the wharves to be
constructed in Montreal hese been
received, cacti accompanied by a
guarantee of $30,000. The Domin-
ion Goverement 11081 yeue granted
I the Herber COM 11118810therS a loan
of $3,000,000 (0 (10031 out the work.
1110 Earl of Derby was cleated Pre-
sident of the Britis.li Empire I.eague.
British imports and export s in
April increased $0,897,000 end $1,-
742,500 respectively.
Premier Balfour expressed tho be-
lief that the Anglo-French treaty
would be a permanent agreement.
General Sir 3,1, T, Hutton, formerly
commanding the Canadian militia,
has been awarded the good service
pension of £100 yoaley.
Arr. Joseph Chamberlain is not
well and his physiciane advise him
not to participate actively- in the
tariff campaign fc_ae the present.
A proposition. to memorialize Con -
gross in behalf of Canittlian recipro-
city was defeated lit the Afassae-
has:ells Mese of Representatives.
The conference at Cleveland on
Saturdey, between the lake carriers
and -Masters and Pilots' Association
Itucterintlinated without lynching au agree -
Sarah Groertburg, of East Third
street. Now York, while sitting at
her window fell asleep, and dropped
flvo storeets to the ground. benerith,
Except for being rendered micon-
scious, she was practically uninjured.
A man has couressed to robbing a
down passengers on the Chicago e.
flock Island trains, ITis weapon
WaS a bandaged arm soaked in idler-
oform. Iffe would place (1115 LIM
near his victim and vont the fumes
Dot:aids him until be 10115 Se11:101088.
1th was then fi„.....vet.L.o rob the 01011.
It is reported that seeloas anti-
Jewish riots occurred at Bender,
Polish bacon-cnrers will miter into
competition with Canadian and oth-
er purveyors to the English market.
The sleeping 81(1011(158 IR nOW
tacking European officials iu the Con-
go State.
The master builders of Vienna have
locked out 45,000 men to try to de-
feat strikes on several buildings.
Tbe Chillian Goverrement has divid-
ed contracts for the 'building of the
trans-Andino between two
British firms and ono American,
The Dowager Empress of China has
consented to sit, for hor photograph,
in order that the people may be ablo
to worship the Imperial image, 08 18
00110 th Ja_pail...
Bureau of Nines Will Conduct Ex-
A desealch from Toronto octets:
Among the most important mineral
resources or °Mario is the Sedhury
nickel field, and under the direction
of Hem Mt', Davis, Commissioner of
OroWn Lands, an examination of the
8161E01 area has been going on for
levo ;gems past, Prot. A, 0, Cole-
man, of tho Bureau. of Alines, bas had
charge of the work, and expects to
complete it during' the present sea-
son. The bureau. will then publish a
report and nicip of the entire area,
Probably in the form or a monograph.
Mr. N, T. Culbert, of the School of
Practical Science, will again 0.800111-
01:01,5 Dr. Colonme in the field, along
with Ale, E. 1-1. Moore, a fourth year
student of Toronto University.
least year the northern nickel range
was attuned, nnel this yeim the re-
mainder of the sotithern range will
be traversed, beginning' at the west-
ern extremity, It, is expected these
Invomeiglitioes will throw meth light
on many probleme connected with the
geology and exploitation of the nick-
el deposits,
Canada to Take Part in Belgium
and. English reties.
A th,epatch from Ottawa says; The
Dominion Government will take part
in an International exhibition, (09011"
1115 in Liogo, Itelgleln, next May,
Not, 011131 is our export treeto With
Belgium groveing, bet tve reeeivo
most doeirable class of inordarantS
from that country. It is possible
that Canada Will else hare a dile-
pley of food predicts, such as bat-
ter, eheeen, bacon, hams, ete, 104 ture
exhibition tio be held Lendon Mitt
fall, ender the auspices of Vedette/
trades assoclettione.
Ilints on How the Eggs Sb.ould
be Collected, Peeked and.
For all theme's a moth profitable
'Minch of the Nutley leislarse is the
production of eggs during 1110 win-
ter, says Ale. 10. C. lime, Chief of
the Pout( ey Div ism?) , 0 t 310 1108'
whIter thew is a greet (('1) 11(11(1 Mr
new-iald ogee; the supply ei 10l01310
11011111cd, and 311511 prices toy pale. In
the hergo 01 1 Itir. strictly fresh eggs sold
readily during the past winter at
front Mete- tei sixty cents per down.
8010o farmers aro so sltuated that
they cen maintain a city trude in
fresh ogge throughout the you. A
peentlinn or povorat (Tots a d0011 can
usually be obtained for new -laid eggs
shippecl weelEly to the city merchant,
There is a growing peeferentio on
:the home markets for brown shelled
'eggs, The shells of the eggs should
be wiped clean if 110008811r3, 11110 the
1 eggs graded 111 5100. Far ;111pIllent
10 the merchant they should be 1(8(0-
1 (1 enSPs holding 1.2 domes or SO
dozens each. Eggs to be palatable
shotild le, eaten in Et strictly Mesh
condition: therefore they should reach
the consumer withont
'This requiem! (1) that the eggs he
collected remilitely every day and
stored in a cool room (timmeenture
40 Io 30 deg. le.), nittil a sufficient
number ere o0 hand to deliver to a
dealer; (2) that the dealer forward
the eggs to the merchant at least
once a week, and (;)) that the
pro10e1 Ole eggs from deteriora-
tion while 11(8 p00Ser8100,
As Et general rule pullets It:ache8
during aloy or early in June will
prove most profitable for winter lay-
ing. Faraners who expect to make it
specialty of high-pricod now -laid eggs
11081. winter 'should at the present
time be hatching ont a. good num-
ber of chicks from which to select
suitable pellets. The cockerels nhould
he sold in the 0)114)' fall. Unless
they are housed 111 the feeds and
require little attention er extra feed,
the most prolitable ago for marketing
is 'four months. Atter that age the
cost of feed per pound of gain in
live weight rapicify increastes.
The pullets shined be comfortably
and permanently lumeed in the fall;
transferring mature pullets to a
strange pen defers egg -production.
Early winter leying demands liberal
feeding, which included in addition
to the grain, waste meat or animal
food, and legotable food. From two
flocks of .1358red Plymouth Rock pul-
lets thet were liberally fed from
birth for early inatterity at the Bond-
yille, (Inc., Illustration Station eggs
were gathered dimity after the pullets
were four months ancl one weelE old.
Experinienth al the 'Utah Experiment
Station showed' that the profit from
young' hene or pallets waS abollt five
times greater than that from hens
thew to four years old. Not only
did the old hens lay considerably
fewer eggs, but the eggs were worth
lees per dozen. This is accounted for
hy the fact that the pullets laid a
larger proportion of thole eggs in
When tlie pullets aro forced for win-
ter egg production, there should be
kept in addition another breeding jam
of selected fowls from which to ether
the chicks. A hen or pullet that
commencee to lay in the spring will
at that time produce stronger -germed
eggs for belching then will another
that has had her vitality impaired by
winter laying.
The farmer should select from 'the
flock of pullets ten oe twelve of the
bmt winter layers, placing a regular
leg hand or a piece of wire around
the leg of oach. Tho next winter
these pullets, (1(100 yearling hens),
should be iloparated from the laying
hens cued kept in good health and
medium fleali, but not led for winter
laying. In February or March they
should be Mated with a suitable
coelowel, and their rations them:lased
so as to being them into laying cte
the thee when their eggs are requir-
ed for Inttcheng, Sllell 0. process of
selection would soon produce a par-,
ticularly fine strain or winter layers.
Tho export trade carries off the 8111?-
p1u% eggs produced during the sum-
mer months when pricee am low, but
h.ae little or 110 effect on the price of
1)e00-1001 eggs ia winter, Efforts to
increase our export trade in eggs
need not, therefore, alarm consumeeS
In cities or towns. Eggs that are
placed in cold storage front April
1:111-3013' me (dipped to Great Bri-
tain for the September end October
trade: those that go into cold store
ago 111 the Tan aro exported 'clueing
the winter months. .All thee° are
sold in Beitaie ast "Canadian fresh
4 --
Canada May Gee More EznigrantS
From England.
A despatch from London. says :—
rol. the first time on recorcl the emi-
gration from the United Bingdom to
Canada bids fair this year to ex-
ceed that to the United Stales. Last
year, ' says W. T. IL Preston, the
Cleinadian Commissioner of Xemigtet-
Gott hero, 57,000 peewits 31111151'0 100
from this ennettry to Canada, while
to the United States there Wont
\111Uncle Snm. doee 'nothing Lo
attract, emigrants front this country,
Cnneele, is hustling to got. temp, and
meeting with leech secedes thret other
'colonies of the Empire aro bestirring
theeneelves to copy her methods.
"AS regards 'quality, the emigrantS
now 501115 to Canada average far
higher than those who seek their for-
tunes in tho United States," says
Mr. Fronton. "Ffere than 52 per
cent, of the arelVels in Otteigla last
year wore agrioniturists, Wherene of
thoMe Who Went to 'Alnerfte, eilly 14
'Per Cent, 1181011508 to that eines.',
Occurrences in the Land Th,
Reigns Supreme in the Com,
mercial World,
Plymontlits population is now esti
mated at 112,022,
Lord Wolseley l credited with say-
ing that: the 3 aPEtnese will "win this
Them etre 118 small -pox patients
in the hospitals of the 'Metropolitan
Asylums' Boned at present.
The London Crystal Palace accom-
modates moro people than any othee
building in the world. It will hold
100,000 persons.
Last month 5,599 Were de-
stroyed at the London doolcs, mak-
ing 0 total cif 273,8e9 stem the
work has been commenced,
Udall 13.1n0ke, of Huddersfield, web
has just cited in his 100111 yew', be-
lieved that mere people are killed by
over -eating than by going* short.
An official rehire just issuecl shows
Cult of the 1,772 tulles of tramway
line which were open last year in the
United Kingdom 1,250 were for elec-
tric, traction.
The Rev, Richard Rhymer, the
leather of the 13rillsh Wesleyan Con-
ference, has just entered on his 961,11
year. Ho has been 75 years In the
Wesleyan ministry.
A contract for 160,000 silk hand-
kerchiefs, for British bluejackets,
placed. with Macclesfield Drat will
give employment to a large number
of hands fur some months to e0/11e.
Last. year there 10105 an increase of
a 1111111011 tons in the vessels which
entered the Port of London as com-
pared with 1902. The figures were
111,790,426 tons in 1902 and 10,-
707,034 in 1908.
Nine old warships with a number
of other smaller vessels were sold by,
auction ttt the Chatham doeyards re-
cently by order of tho 'Admiralty.
Only British subjects were admitte8
to the sale.
Among some rare coins recently
discoveeed emu' High Wycombe dur-
ing excavations for tho new lino of
the Great Western and Groat Central
Railway Companies Is one dated
London, :322 A. D.
During the period February 8rd to
le.arch 11111 thero were presented to
the House of Commons 2,117 peti-
tions, bearing 20,753 signalures,
against an alteration of the licensing
laws in favoe of the publican.
The British fleet, has 29 submarines
built, building 00 about to bo or-
dered. Over 30 officers and -upwards
of 300 Men baVe been In trainin5 for
months past to manoeuvre these ter-
rible weapons of sea warfare.
Tho Midland Iron and Steel Wages
Board at Dirmiagham decided to re-
duce the operatives' wages 215 per
cont., in accordance with the sliding
scale, a siinilar reduction having
been declared in the north of Eng-
Daniel Edwards of Lower Atersli,
Lambeth, was fined EGO, 17s. Gd costs
at Lambeth an three summonses -1
foe setting Watered milk, 2 for sell-
ing as butter a substance containing,
86 per cent. of margarine, 8 selling
inergarine without the proper label.
The Gainsborough District Council,
after tweney years of unsuccessful
effort, has just completed a water -
boring edema to supply the town.
The boring, which is 1,515 feet cleep,
and yields 82,000 gallons an holm,
is the largest stink for waterworks
in the kingdom, and once during the
operations the boring tool was lost
for twenty-two months at a depth
of 725 feet.
Frenchman in Alberta Accused of
a Terrible 'Crime.
says: One of the most cold-blooded
taunters that has ever occurred in
Alberta lias just come to light here.
About 5.30 on Wednesday morning
Francois Marrett, a Frenchman, went
to his brothor's ranch, near hero, ancl
it is believed murdered his' brother
John, Tho muirderor used an axe
while joint. 1005 asleep, threw the
body out of the 15111(100'. and then
carried it to a nearby creek, where
he throw it in Uiree feet of water,
with ithe thee downwards. He then
returned to tIm' lemeo and turned the
mattress upside clown,
An Invitation to the Canadian
A. despatch from Montreal eays
B. IV. Campbell, repre.eentative
la this city of the Elder-Denmster
Lino, has announced thitt Sir Alfred.
Jones has ext,ended cut invitation to
the Canadian Mnnurocturers' Aeso-
elation to send 10 deputation or thole
members to South Africa'to study
opportunities for trade there and for
the purpose the company'e steerner
Monarch will be plaeed at the dis-
posal of the eesocittlion. 11 ar-
rangements can he made the vessel
will sail from Montreal in July,
The intention is to take exhibite of
Canadian manufactures.
Seventeen Killed.and Five Wound-
. ed. by Mores. .
'A deepatch from Motile says :—
Lind, Winfield, Mantel' and 80 mem
of le Company of the 17(11 U. 8. In-
fantry were caught on 'alloy 8 in an
ambush by several hundeett elevate
Two American officees Emil fifteen
men were killed and five mon wow
wounded. Tho ambush 'oecarred at
Simpatem, On the onst shore of Luke
Liguasan, Island of /Windmill°,
Sot/oral PerS0118 Killed and Police
glearterS Blarned
A despetch from Shanghai gays
There was a 1101 al; the Reedy poet
of Chung -Kiang on Wednesday. The
Mob burned the new police telnetere.
eleyeral persoes eat killed a