HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-19, Page 11if
Vol. 82. No, 4
New Advertisements.
L.roal—G, E, Kiog,
Notice—Wm, Clark,
Local—Jae, Ballantyne.
Puree Lonnd—Robb, Dark.
Biayole repairing—W. H, Salter,
Wall paper remnants—Jas, Pox,
Brussele ea, Lookridgs—..B, L. Doyle.
Briokleyers wanted—Walker cb Clegg,
Richards' Pure Soap—Geo, Thomson.
x a zxIttb3s,
Mies Nellie Burgess is visiting relatives
at Woodstook.
The farmere in this violnity ere mostly
throngb seeding.
Bert. Bailey is home from Owen Sound
Businese College,
Mies Cora Bleeper, of Listowel, was
borne over Sunday.
Mrs, T. J. Watt, of Wingham, was
visiting her sister, Mre. Snell, last week.
Jno. and Mrs, Elliott, of Beet Wawa•
nosh, were visiting Mrs, Anderson this
Mies Olive Boots had the mietortnne to
sold her foot wbiob is owning some an-
TEA and
Miss Alice Daft is attending the West
Huron Teaohere' Uonvention at Gode•
riot this week,
hire. G, Ray and °hildren, who have
been visiting in and about Btaovale for
sometime, left os' Wednesday morning
for (bivago where they will reside,
('J rant, t) rook.
Rev.. D, B. Moline attended the Pres'
bytery at Brunets on Tuesday.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mo. Mo.
Lean, of Winghaoh, will preach in the
Methodist °hash iu Cranbrook.
John Hunter is taking quite an inter•
est in Beeology and has some 90 or more
hives Wits Spring. We wish him good
There was a holiday in the junior de
partment of our eohool 'last Friday as
Mies Moltay was attending the Teacher's
Convention at Bsefantb.
Surae person visited the barn of Wm.
Aldereen and helped themselves to earth
grain on a recent eight, The staple wee
drawn on the door to gain ingress. It
they'll call with some bags in the day
time they will be helped in securing the
James W. Calder has taken a position
in Oshawa for the next few months, He
has been attending the Sabot of Prao
tical Selene tit Toronto, where he mom
plated bio third year last week. We
congratulate him 'tad with bins main.
ued strange.
Syit.l toil.
Mice Annie Fergueou is visiting friends
in Mullett.
-Wm. Smith epeot a few days in Etma
lest weals.
Lewis McDonald is laid up with an
injured knee bet we trope he will soon be
Mr. Powell took the service at St.
George's ehuroh last Sunday and will be
here for some weeks.
The Leslie's' Guild of St. George'e
chetah met iu the church on Friday Met
to arrange for the year's work.
Court Walton, 0. 0. F. will held an
At Some in the A. 0. U. W. Hell on
a evening, May2 tb to sou iet of
" es i ev n4 e
lu tt a k.
a literary, supper P
er and ball. A
good time is expeoted,
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
thumb met at Rev. Andrews' on Friday
and put matters in shape for bbe year's
work. A garden party was prejeoted
but the date is not yet settled.
Rev. A. Andrews met with an accident
in 5eaforth last weak, falling through a
stable lois.. Ae a ooueegoeuoe Rev, R.
Peal, of Braseele, took the services on
Walton circuit Met Sabbath, administer•
ing the suorament, aided by Rev. Mr.
Andrews, who though coneiderably
ehahen up was able to attend divine
e'rv'es. Rev. R. Pent reached in the
x p
Hall in the eveniug.
Townehip Connell will meet here next
Monday in retailer onion.
Ethel Foot b tl team is keeping up rte
praotioe and will no doubt mooed some
more victories.
Our teachers were attending the Teaol•
era' Convention at Seefuttb last Friday
so the pupils bad a holiday.
On and after June let the merchants
of Ethel will olose their business pewee
oath evening at '730 o'etoak, excepting on
Tuesday and Saturday.
A few of our residents hove been
'riding the Odd Feltowe' gear" at Bru-
nie but are very hesitating about giving
any informatiou as to what it was litre.
Several ladies from the Ethel Presby•
torten congregation attended bho annual
meeting of the Woman's Foreign lfiesion•
ary Sooiety, in oonneobioo with Maitland
Presbytery, which was held in Brusaele
on Tuesday.
Keep the oirouit Sabbath School Con
veut100, to be bald in the Metlfudist
ohureh here on Tuesday mace in view. A
line program has beau prepared. At the
evening gathering Mies R. Somme, the
well known vooalist, will contribute a
Leet Saturday afternoon Reeve Living
atone and Oonuoillore Terebell and
Grant, met at the Clerk's office here to
let aontracts for the two new bridges and
the abutments for same. The bridge
aontraote were not awarded owing to the
absence of necessary papers but will be
let at next Monday's Oouooil, The work
of raising the two stone abutments at
Calder's bridge, 12th- Oon,, was given to
Henry Aleuts, of Grey, hie being the
lowest of six tenders. He gets $175 and
has to take down the old bridge, remove
bolts and pile timber on t'oadeide,
The undersigned is prepared to attend to the wants of the
Public in the prompt fitting -up of Bicycles such as
Meaning, Oiling, :ELep,iring,
Mulcting, 'uncture; eze.,
and will also replace - Spokes, Hubs, Rims and
Satisfaction guaranteed and reasonable rates charged,
First-class Second-hand Wheels for gale.
Give me a .call any even nj from. 7 to 0,80.
1.1ra ter
MAY 19, 1904
Last Monday Geo, and Mrs. Dobson
and ROn laic here for innerklp, Aubrey
having eullielently recovered from his
recent illness to undertake the journey.
We wish them semen and hope soma
day to sea them baok to Ethel as reel.
Next Suedey afternoon will be theory.
ed in oonneation with the Methodist
Sabbath Bd rool by a Rally Day program
consisting of readings, reottetlonty mnei0,
addressee, oto, The evening service will
be in the interest of the Epworth League.
W. H. Kent, of Brussels tae been invited
to nddrees the gatherings.
Miss Lida MoAllem won Brussels on
Monday and left her pooket book in the
waiting roam of the station house there,
She telephoned on her arrival home of her
lose but the ntieving puree could not be
found, There was shout $7 in it. The
loser would be moth obliged for the
restoration of her lost oath.
Hamilton as Robertson shipped a oar
of cattle and one of hogs on Monday.
The Misses M, Skene and L. Rose, of
Brussele, were guests of Misa Agnes
H. McLeod, S. Robinson and L. Con•
way, of Wingham, epsut Sondey le the
Mrs. Hazlewood, of Clifford, spent a
few days ot lest week with bet son, W. 0.
Miss Jean Davidson has gone to Wing•
ham to take s poeitia' as clerk in K.ing's
general store,
Rev. Dr. Smith, of Belmore, 000upied
the pulpit in the English eburob on Son -
day afternoon.
Mrs'. E, Rbeim and little daughter, of
London, have been visiting the former's
brother here, 0. F, Edward°.
lafise Mary Raz/mood arrived home
from Colorado last week, where she has
spent the last year and a half,
A load of ladies from here attended the
anneal meeting of the Foreign Mieslonary
Soniaby in Brussels on Tuesday.
While playing foot ball on Monday
evening Herbert Patterson had the
misfortune t have hi broken.
o e s le
B. Hyslop, of the Boundary lams
purchased the stable on Mies O. Lawrie's
lot which he expecte to move to his
premises shortly.
Mies Carrie Lawrie" returned from
Toronto ou Friday. Owing to iilneee
she wee unable to proceed ou her trip to
British Columbia.
As Rev, L. Perrin oondnoted the
service in Victoria Hall, Jame down,
Sunday evening there was no service in
the Presbyterian church here.
'bbe foot ball game played in the park
Saturday evening between the junior
atheist tot
0 0.m mita a tam from Brussels
resulted in a victory for the latter by a
more of 2 to 0.
A new modern oval oven 15 being
erected at the bakery here. At present
the village le being supplied by bread
from Gerrie, Mies Lswie looking after the
beeineee bare.
Early on Saturday morning the head
of the finnan at the grief mill was carried
away. The rushing of the water under-
mined part of the eleot,ia light power
house foundation, especially under the
bed of the engine. This aoaident will
that down the grist mill and eleobrls
HOW tar a few days, Repairs will cost
about 5300.
Grey township Coanoii will meet at the
Town Hall, Ethel on Monday of next
William Smith,18th con., who has been
on the sick list, is improving, we are
pleaeed'to state.
Wesley Armstrong, E. Bozell, Mies
Annie Roz ll and Mies Ethel Sperling,
were visitors in Blyth on Sunday.
Some imprnvement is ootioeable in the
oondition of P. Robertson, Oth con. and
hie many friends hope ib will continue.
Qnite a number in Grey have plowed
up their Full wheat owing to the kill out
of the past Winter. Other field's are
doing well.
A wedding is on the tapis for Jane 1st.
The 12th will supply the groom and a
fair damsel in Howiok will be the bride
it is said.
Mles Amy Rogerson, of British
Columbia, formerly of Sunshine, Morrie
township, has been visiting Mrs.
Lawrence Wheeler.
This week Thos. Learmont, 14th Oon.,
Min of returning to Oalifornie. He bas
not been very well of late hie left arm be.
ing aamewbat disabled with something
akin to a paralytic stroke.
Roy Liddy, et Harrieton, a halt broth
er to H. W. Avison, teaober, bas been on
the eioh list with an attack of appendi•
mitis bot is improving nicely we are
pleated to bear, 13e was compelled to
give np his oboe/.
Last Friday Jno. Brown, 1003 Con.,
hat a flue brood mare that would weigh
over 1500 pounds, and worth at least
5150. Chronic indigestion was the oanea
of death. She wee a big strong beast and
only sick from Thursday night.
The following teaohere from the town -
Mills attended the Onnvention tat Seatortb
last week, Mines Smith, Zimmer, Mo.
Donald and McKay, of Nos, 1, 2, 6, a2 7
reepeobively, and Maeare, Weir, Sawsre
and Lamont of Noe. 4, 0 in 10 reepcabiye-
IyA. fine baby boy has arrived at the
home of Veterinary Shine, of Moukton,
formerly of Grey. Mrs. Shine is a
daughter of Dire. Thos, Cardiff, 13th eon.
Mies Mmbel Cardiff is now visiting her
eider, Mra, Cardiff having arrived toms
last Sunday.
roar BOLD *The 60 nue farm of
Thomas torment, being Dant a Lot 14,
Con. 14, bus been pnrobeeed by Robert
0, Campbell, 16th, foe the atm of $2,000.
.He is now in poeeeeaion and has a tidy
farm, Who the Housekeeper will be is
bothering the gh4s,
Rally Day for Union Church Sabbath
School next Sabbath afternoon and a
Leagne boom in the evening, The speak-
er will be X. J. Beaton, Of Wliiteoberah.
Jnpt, X, Baker ie the RNA, of the school and
Thos. Doughetty the preeident, of the
League. Both institutions are in good
A valuable brood mare belonging to
Alex, McKay, Elora boundary, died a
Own time ago. at will be quite a lone.
An open air concert will be given on
the Whitfield Sobool' grounds 12513 con,
in the near future, probably Jnne let,
Wm. McLeod, Settlorbb'soleveroamedian,
will be secured for the occasion eo that e
good time is expected. Definite date and
farther information will be annosnoed
next week.
Alex. Ooutte, 12th coo,, left on Tuesday
ot this week, for Goderiob where he will
take the boat for Fort William en route
to Oerrievale, N, W. T., where be will
follow his trade as a mason, His brother,
John, has been in the West and now pro-
pene to taste np land and go into farming.
We wieh both of them eaooesa.
Work on the big drain will be resumed
next Monday, ie is said,
The smallpox spare has wmll nigh died
nut although some families are gamin -
tined yes,
Court of Revision on the Asseeement
roll of 1904 will be held ou Monday, May
30, at the'1'ownship Hall.
Matthew Moses, 2nd line, who Sae
been on the sink Beals able to be about
again although still a little pale.
We are pleased to see John Davis jr.
4th line, able to be about and hope the
fine weather will aid in bis complete
S. McCracken and H. Sellington have
given up their barber estop at Blyth.
The latter bas gone West and the former
will do likewiee it M said..
Next month James and Mrs. Duncan,
4th line, talk of taking a trip to the West
to visit relatives and old friends. Tbey
have a eon teaching school at Pasqua,
N. W. T., and another sou at Vernon,
B. 0.
A fine 3 year old roadster bas been
parehesed by Alex, Nichol. Gh lino, from
a Seeforth dealer. The animal is from
Gold Duet and Sidney breeding and may
be speedy. The Gib is getting to be a
very sporty line in good horses.
Ie the By•Iaw in foto M Morris
against stook running g at large If it is
b eh 1 see that it is r
somebody on d e tenfo cad
as there ie little or no regard paid to it in
some quarters and people are pestered to
death with roaming and roving stook.
The pound keepers should be given a job.
Robert Woodrow, who bee been vioiting
in this township for some weeks past, is
returning to bis home at Wharno'life,
Algoma, this week. He ie taking bath a
fine boree, "Reliance" which be purchas-
ed Hent Guelph, reoently. Mr. Wood•
row's home ie about 24 miles tram
Thessaton. It was hinted that a house.
keeper might a000mpany bine on the
homeward kip bat he still procrastinates
R. Mooney, 5th line had a close
W o y, d
call reoently from a serious accident,
Two teams were working iu the field, one
of the span bis father was working with
being a colt. It got its heed over the
baok of its mate and in W. R, attempt
ing to set matters' to right he and the
older horse were thrown to the ground
in 0 mix•op of man, borne end barrows.
Mr. Mooney had one of bis lege injured
bnt the wooden wee that serious damage
was not done before everything was
straightened np.
FATAL AooIDENT.—Monday forenoon as'
Robert Cauemore and wife were return•
Ing from Wingham to their home on the
2nd Con., their baggy was struck by the
way freight train on the way to Lon•
doe from Wingham, at the railway Dross.
ing a short distance from their home,
Mrs. Casemore was instantly killed end
her husband was so seriously injured
that he died during the afternoon. The
horse was killed and the buggy carried
for over 200 yards on the cow catcher
before the train oonld be stopped. Aooi.
dent is said to have been crawled by the
horse refusing to go over the mooing.
Mr. and Mrs. Casemore were well up in
years, were old and well known resi.
dente of Morrie and their sad end bas
ones a gloom over the neighborhood,
Mre. Hugh Docket is a daughter and
there are several sone. Funeral will
take plane on Friday afternoon to No-
vels cemetery. An inquest was held and
the railway company exonerated.
Brunets Miens enema'
The regular meeting of the Public
Sohool Board was held in the Board
room on Friday eveniug last. All the
members preeent except W. M. Sinclair.
The minutes of the last regular meeting
were read and passed. The following
a000uets were presented :—
Jura MoNab, wood, 519 00
G. Calder, ,, 10 60
G. Meyer, wnrir1 40
E. Pease, cedar 2 00
A. Oampbell,Iwork - 2 50
Joe Barton, 2 50
Juo. B. Snider, ink walls 5 00
Moved by J. G. Shaws, emended by
Jam. Turnbull that the above a000nnbs
be paid; Carried.
Moved by J. G. Skene, ssnondell by B.
Leatherdale that the Board Rett for
-tendert' to supply three oust furnaces to
replan the present woodfernanes, gear.
antseing to heat the school to 70 degrees
when the temperature is at 10 degrees
below zero outside and give satisfaction
to the Board in every way, tenders to
state priors with and without old
furnaces; work to be oomplsted by Aug.
15th ' tendons to be received until June
10th 1004. Carried.
Moved by A. Qoaslev seconded by J,
G. Skene that the Board ask for tenders
ri Malfor 80 tons of good anth of•te o
novo size and half egg nine. Carrihalf
The Boned then adjourned to meet
?denting evening 10th inet et 8 o'obook to
open tenders for coal.
Following is the report for April
Room No, On Roll Av. Abt.
1 51 46
2 46 42
8 44 42
4 43 89
656 52 88
Adjourtted meeting of Brunie Pubiio
Settee! Boned was held in the store of
R. Leetherdale 5 Son. Tendon for
supplying con! ware received from Wilton
tb TttrnbIll, N. b`, Gerry and R. Mender.
son, It was moved by 3. 5, Skene,
emended by W. M. Sinclair that the
tender of R. Hendersou be aaoepted it
being the lowest. Carried.
A MOS 8EC/JEStaltilL 4.b'I'llEitl,)(:i.
(QlBsially Reported.)
The regular annual meeting of the East
)Laron 'leachers' Institute was bald in
the Seatorbb Collegiate os' Friday and
Saturday, May 19th and 14th. The that
session opened on Friday at 10 a. m., the
preeident, J. Houston, 13. A,, in the chair.
After the preeident had conducted upeo•
tag exercises the following aommitbees
were appointed
Program, Menke. Mnegrove, Lough and
Moffatt. Resolution, Mesere, Rogers,
Robb and Scott. Repeaters, Masers.
Weir and Hartley.
The first piper was one on Biebory
taken by R. Weir, fn which the subjeat
was a000isely opeued up for disoaseiun.
One of the principal features of the paper
was the imolai attention celled to Dr. T.
Ohishoim's poetical History of England
in one hundred linea. The speaker
strongly condemned the abusive nee of
notes but recommended the thorough
teaching of the leading events of aaoh
period and , the grouping of lesser events
around these. The prineipol aim of
history is to oreale a deeire for bietorioal
readings. Specie' attention to be ,riven
to let, Historian( Knowledge ; 2nd, Men.
tal Power ; 8rd, Individuality of the
Mr. Morph gave a very oonoise and
interesting account of the 48rd annual
meeting of the Ontario Educational Aso -
dation bald in University bnilding, Tor-
onto, on April 5th, 6th and 7th.
Mies Ada Beattie opened the afternoon
aeseion with a very pleasing and well
rendered reoitabion entitled "Ksotooky
Thomas N. Forsyth th tan ht s lessen on
y g
linear, surface board and oabia measure
to a class of five girls. By repraeeuting
linear measure with a sheet 02 paper,
board measure with a foot of lumber, and
oabia meanies by twelve feet ot lumber
piled upon one another. Mr. Forsyth
made the relation among the measure-
ments very olear.
Miss M. L. Brook vindicated the former
impression that she had left by her
former papers. Mice Brook introduced
the paper by defining literature as the
spiritual oouaeptioa of the writer in the
very beet language. •Then the gave
ample proofs of lbs value of literature iu
developing the inteileot, imagination and
jndemenb. Some of the most important
tbounbts dwelt on by Mies Brook were :
1st, Read quietly many times allowing
the beantifal impression to sink into the
mind 1 2nd, Clear ideas of true Justice t
8rd, The nnexaelled use of titeratare M
developing expression. In aoualnaion,
she said her idea in teething history was
to ono right thinking and consequently
right acting.
Rev. Mr. Hodgies geve an interesting
address on "Patriotism." We should be
proud of one native laud because (a) of
its extent ; (5) of its magnificent facilities
for transportation ; (o) of its agrioultnral
poesibllitiee ; (d) of eta mines ; (e) of its
railroads ; (f) of its fish. Canada's
growing time ie upon her. Let ns help
her. let, by striving to enure as settlers
people wbo will be loyal to our govern.
went our laws and the Christian religion,
god, by frowning down Tammany
methods in oar elections ; 3rd, by brand.
ing all our exports with the words "From
Oanade" ; 41b, by begetting in the obild.
ren love and loyalty to Canada.
The next talk wee given by D. Robb,
B, A., on "The New Curriculum." The
points touched ou were : School Librax
tea ; Objeatione to Free Readers ; Noes.
sky of Educational Papers ; No need of
Home work for Third Claes ; moral
stories from Bible; writing a slight
slant; combine Manual Training, Neter.
al Study and Book work ; Grammar is
not to be taken in Third Claes ; After
this year Literature, History, Art sub.
joots, Physiology and Nature study are to
be reported by the principal and inspector
as being eatiefeoborily taught, bub there
will be no papers set at bbe regular En.
kenos examinatiou ; papers will be set as
usual for thit examination, as follows
Reading, written and oral, penmanship,
speldng, geography, grammar, oom-
position and arithmetic; the marks
Matted to these subjects will also be dib
ferent from heretofore. In oonalaeiou
Mr, Robb exhorted the teachers, as bon•
eat men and women, to do their very best.
For this paper alone it was worth mobile
attending the convention.
On Friday evening the teaobere were
entertained by the teaohere of the Sea.
forth Collegiate Institute and Publio
School to an At Home in the Assembly
Room of the Collegiate. A most enjoy
able end social time wan epenb. The fol.
lowing is the program : Instrumental
duet, Mr. and Mies Livens; address of
welcome, AL T. McLean ; reply to the
Address, J. H, Cameron ; obairman'm ad-
dreae, J. Houston, B. A., ; reoibation,
Miss Hazel Reid ; vocal Rola, Mr. Mc-
Leod ; violin solo, Mies Daly 1 address,
13. B, Gunn ; vocal deet, Meesrs. Willis
Brae, ; reoitation, Mise L. Best ; quer.
tette, Messrs. Willis Bros., Bright mud
Pithead ' in°trnmental duet,
Bright. After this excellent
tnneioal and literary treat refreabmente
were served,
Sammie MORN= aesaION.
The following ofiioere were 'sleeted for
the ensuing year; President, 0, F.
Rogers, B. A. ; 1st vise pretidenb, Miss
M, L. 3rook ; 2nd viae president, Robert
Weir ; aeoretarytrbasnrer, John Bart-
ley ; executive aommittee, W. 11. Lough,
3. E. Cumernn, W.J. Moffatt, A. Sarnia
ton and J. L. McLaughlin; 'auditor's, A.
Munro and W. Wilson,
The treasurer read the finanoiel state.
manta ebowing a balanom on hand of
$24,49. The report was adopted 011
motion of Messta, Musgrove and Moffatt.
Exaoubive committee were authorized
to Bemire a copy of the minutes of the
Ontario Ednoational Association far each
teacher in lbs Inspectorate ; also to cot
in enisoa with the exeoutive of the West
Huron Teaohers' Inolitute and if praotio-
able to arrange for a anion meeting of the
Teachers' Inetitutes of East and Weeb
Huron in Clinton in 1905,
Mr. Rogers took up his paper on
"5oienos Teething in the Public Soboole."
He °aid we should strive to make our
teaching follow naturally the t,end of the
working of the ohild'e mind before he
euters eohool. He gave a few simple ex.
periments to teach dew, fog, rain and
wind, Go to the woods in the Spring
wibb your pupils and lead them to observe
the route at plaote, the work ot 'newts iu
carrying the pollen duet, In the Fall get
them to collect 'Tolman of seeds and
teach them how seeds dieper.e them-
selves so that the plena' grow np every•
where they ,fiad suitable environment.
Pupils should remain in the pnblio
schools Won two years longer than
they do, Mr. Rogers' paper wa° interest-
ing and instructive. Discussion followed
by Dir. Robb.
The next paper was taken by Mr.
Loaghead, of C•fnton Collegiate, He
first gave some ideas along the (midi -
mental liuee of geometry, Some of the
leading points brought oat were: Geo-
metric elements ; a line should have
eons connection with oar ideas and pro-
ceed trona physical and real in geometri•
nal. Then by illustrating be showed bow
to develop the idea of point, line and
sedan ; a straight line is that of wbiob
every part has the same direction, Me,
Lougbead then worked very clearly
many other definitions in this definition
of a straight line. Some of tbese were
triangles, circles, no. He showed by
iliastrution how to proceed in the beach
tag ot propositions, He ales showed bow
pupils could acquire a oleos idea of angles
by nee of a protractor or by taking a
penoil and rotanog the penoil to show the
size Of the angles. All the introductory
iilnetrafione in the first six
books of Eaalid on be taken up in this
The school board
b fear. T
method n one
of Clinton oanno
t be too highly emigraterata
labed on having, as a mathematical
master, Mr, Longhead.
A. E. Smith took up hie Babied, "Whet
teachers ongbt to know." Reasons why
teachers fail : 1st, a lash of heart ; 2nd,
benne of the smallness of the salary a
teacher must strive to obtain some em-
ployment during bis spare time ; 8rd,
others allow the pupils or perhaps the
parents to influence them too tenth in the
school work ; 4th, others posh their
pupils forward for examination before
tbey are properly grounded in the work ;
5th, some teachers do not review euoagh
end are therefore not thorough enough ;
6th, teaohere ebonld strive to get the
sympathy of their pupils 1 7th, teachers
should be punctual; 8th, teachers should
be wide readers.
The teaobers of East Huron were un.
animoue in their opinion of the able =n—
per in which Mr. Houston ocaapied the
presideab's chair, They felt highly bon•
ored at having a man of bis intellectual
standing at their bead, eepeoially as
many of the aseaaiation could reoall
vividly their collegiate days under bis
tutorship. Hie address wassvery inter.
eating. He exhorted the teachers to
attend conventions and reap the value of
exobuugiog knowledge obtained from ex-
perienoe. Teaohers ebonld not get die
oontaged. We acquire (sulkies by Doming
together. Pat the beat model we can be-
fore the pupils in every way. Miebskes
we sbould guard against, let, grammar ;
2ad,in vooaba:ary ; 8rd, pronaoolation.
The convention, which was one of the
beet attended and most encoessfulthe
Association has aver bad, was brought to
a aloes by singing "trod Save the
.Brussels Won Easily.
The first match of the Intermediate
Foot Bell series for this Distract played
in Brussels this season Dame off loaf
Friday evening on Viotorie Park, between
Seatortb and the local team. It was
anything but an agreeable evening, rain
falling tbrougbont the play, the air
chilly and the gates wet and slippery,
but at it the contestants went rain or
shine, Iu the absence of Brown Jackson,
of Seafortb, Donn. MoLanohlin, of town,
performed the duties of Referee with
features and despatch. The gems was
quite young when it was apparent
that the viatters were not in it
and before many minutes elapsed Brno.
Bele morsel a goal. Only for the dexterity
exhibited by goal peeper Broadfdot HIM
would bave been repeated frequently as
the sphere hong around Suttee& goal,
dangerously near, u good than of the
time. Scientific play was not possible
with the slippery ball and at the close of
one boar the time was nailed with the
more of 1 to 0 in favor of 1903 obampione
The goal keeper of Braatels' eleven had
very little to do outside of goal hicks,
not a direct kith on goal being made.
There wan oonsiderable accidentally.
on purpose tripping and if a few players
bad been sent to the fano n good lesson
World have been taught them as that sort
01 play does not oonetitote up.to•dabe
toot ball, The teams lined upas follows:
Goal Broadfoot
Ear }Robinson Bathe
Despite the rain there Was a fair
attendance of epeotabore who were not
Clow in applauding play on either aide.
It the management of the '100x1 team
would see that the "abaft" of a snore Of
gafi'ere near the goal were shut off a
kindness Would be dune both to the
yoangeters and the people who go to no
a ball gams and not to hear the guff of a
company of saucy children.
W. H.IK.ERR, Prop.
Cnaatai enla1IM.
Read Tatmage'a sermon in this ieou'
on "The Methodist oburob." .
Mr, Powell took the services iu St.
John's church lest Sunday, aid wilt
cfliaiate for several weeks during rev.
Mr, Webb's abeenoe,
Last Sabbath Rev. R. Paul preached
on Walton circuit for Inv. A. Andrews,
who was laid up from an accident oo-
casioned by a fall from the bay loft,
Rev. Dr. Wthre,mink/nary /nato India,
hurmammywill mammy t pulpit
next Sabbath evening. He will leave in
the course of a few menthe for India.
Rev. John R.ae, B. A., preaehed the
8rd dieoouree in a series on Faith last
Sabbath morning. Noah was the obar•
aoter referred to in the sermon. Josh, 22.
17 wee the eveniug text.
There watt a large Mille of ladies' and
gentlemen to Bruseela on Tuesday in
connection with the Woman's Annual
Mtseionary Society rneetiug, and the
Presbytery et Mait;aud.
Next Sabbath ltev. Mr. McLean,
Baptist minister, Wmi:barn, will occupy
the pulpit of the Methudiee oharah,
Brnesele. Rev. Mr. Cueoua will preach
ennivereary sermuue iu the Baptist
ohnroh, Wingham,
Wiugham District meeting will be
held in the Metnodiet church, Kinoer.
dine, next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Ministerial onion on the first day.
Rev. T. W. (owns, Rev. R. Paul and W.
E. Herr void attend from here.
Methodiet Sabbath Sehaol entertain.
meut in the Town Hall Thursday evenit g
of vert week at $ a'elook. R v. Mr.
Coapland will give an exhibition of
steroptiaon views, moving piotnres, eto.
They are raid to be very good.
Loon's DAY ALLIANCE.—Oa Wednesday
rvsuing, June lot, Rev. D. R. Drum•
mond, of St. Tbomas, will address e
anion meeting in Melville abuttals, Bru-
nk, uu the work of Lord's Day A1.
!lance. Meeting w.iil open ateigbto'olook.
A oolleution will be taken to aid the
Mrs. F. J. Baines and Mrs. J..7. Gilpin,
will represeut the Woman's Missionezy
res thumb Society of B eta Methodist ora e
the annual Distriot meeting, wbiob will
be held at $iuoardiue on Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week. Mies Sifton,
a missionary on furlough from Japan,
will be one of the speakers.
Rev. T. W. Cessna preaohed a Mission-
ary sermon last Sabbath morning in the
Methodist interns taking Pool's first
Missionary journey as hie aubjeot. "The
Lord a sun and a ehield" was the theme
in the evening. F. H. Gilroy sang "The
Ninety end Nine," at the close of the
evening eermoh with good effect. ,
This week Rev. Jae, E. Ranter oom•
rnenoed the oampaigniog of the Epworth•
Leagues of Wingham District in von•
aeotion with the Forward Movement for
miesioue. His list ot meetinge this week
are as follows t—Sunday, Ripley; Mon-
day, Luoknow ; Tuesday, Tiverton
Wednesday, Wesley, Tiverton circuit ;
Thursday, Arnow ; and Friday, Zion.
It will take about a mouth to complete
the tour of the Dietriat.
Mxssxomea.—Au interesting and var•
isd program was given on Tuesday in
Melville Church in oounection with the
Anneal meeting of the Woman's Foreign
Mteeionary 5ooieby of Maitland Presby-
tery. Tbere was a large and represent•
ative attendant's, The reaeption of re-
presentatives of sister missionary
societies aid greetings from them was an
ettjoyableleatnreof the afternoon's ex-
ercises. Miss Weir, who bee spent 7
years in India, and whose Some is near
Woodstock, was present mud gene two
most pinging and instructive addreesea
on her work iu that intereeting land. At
the evening serviee the pastor, Rev. John
Roes, B. A., presided and after the open-
ing exercises were over Bev. A. MacNab,
Clerk of the Presbytery, read a
must encouraging and well prepared re.
port of the W. F. M. S. for the past year
in connection with Maitland Presbytery.
"Rook of Agee," a fine duet, wan nicely
sung by Min Jennie Hablrirk and
Dongald Straohan. Mise Weir'e 45
minute eddress was one of profit and she
bee the bappy faculty of dreeeing np
every day tants and o0o0rrenoee fn a
moot attractive and striking manner.
She has a tree, abatty yet earnest style
and the people of Ulla Presbytery will
teal an increasing interest in Mission
work in India on aeconnt of her visit
here. The choir sang the anthem "The
Lord le Riven," Miss Jean Ritchie taking
an obligate in good voice, Rev. Mr.
MaeNab moved the adoption of the re•
port and Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter,
seconded it in short, prtetital addreesee,
the former praising woman's work 'and
the latter ehowing the good resnite, per.
clonal and otherwise, to thous who inter-
est themselves in Mieeione. Misses Jou
Forbes and Mary Roes and T. A. Hawk-
ins and .Jae. Fox gave a good quartette
entitled "Lord of Hoots," Miss Jessie
MoLaaahlio playing the a0oompanimen1.
Meeting closed with the Benediction
after a oolleation had been taken. Dins
ser and tea were served in the sobool
room at Melville Church by the ladies of
the oongregatiou to the delegabee, mem'
bare of the Preeytery and others. The
meeting of. Preebytary was held in the
eohool room of the Methodist thumb.
New Hamburg anniors detenied Strut.
fond juniors in a W. F. A, match at
Stratford on Teeaday evening by a scare
of 2 bo 1.
A team picked tram the senior and
junior Beavers,Of Sea o th.
will try
ctnetans itte Stratimoues, of lintoo,
on the 24th of May, at Clinton.
In a W. F. A. junior game of toot ball
at Berlin on Fridey the !tome team de-
feated New Hamburg by a some of 5 to 0.
The genie was very one.eide, the ball
only ranee nobble Berlin's goal. -
Brussels Interrnediabeb have gamer for
the following dates :--
Brussels at Clinton, May 24,
Brussels atWingham May 27
Brussels at Seaforbh, May 80
Winghatn at Brnesele, Jnne 8
Atmore rids
The Jit s 1 pay to.inorraW (H" y)
night with Wingheln and they go 50
Wingham on June'ltb or 10th.