HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-12, Page 8.E .F011 SP_R_AYING
Now is the time to have your Fruit Trees, Vic,, sprayed.
Don't neglect it as it will pay you over and over again
to do this important work,
GET Z -OUR ,BLU.E sTio " -+'
and in that way make sure that you are getting the
best that can be procured and at the very closest price.
If you do not know the quantities to use we cheerfully
furnish this information as well as directions for
making tip the mixture.
ural gebos 4t.ems.
A ohiel's amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is,
Rhone are tiptop,
THE Bowling Lawn looks fine,
A mina have finished seeding.
SCHOOL Board Friday evening of thie
&aroma ve. Bruesele on Friday even-
ing of this week.
Tan Bong of the lawn mower is once
more beard in the land.
T. P. SMITH, eye epecialiet, at J. Fox's
Drug atore next Wedneeday, 18th inst.
WINogoo Juniors will playa Bruesele
Javier Onampionn on Friday, May 20th
ou Viands Park.
SUNDAE waa unusually warm but Mon-
day overooate and beavier wraps were
nailed into regnieition.
WEDNESDAY of next week T. P. Smith,
mullet, will visit Brussels and may be
eooenitod:at Fox's drug store.
W. Emmy, barber, hae exchanged bis
Borrel driver for a blank "Texas Guy"
pacer which is inclined to be epeedy.
Town Hall, Bruseels, Friday, May 20,
Miss Theresa Siegal, reader, of Detroit,
and Miee Myrtle Dobson, contralto soloist.
ORDERS are being taken for next
Winter's coal enpply already. One coal
stove hae hardly cooled off yet from the
past Winter's burying.
QUITE an improvement is being made
at the property of Jno. Donaldson, corner
of Albert and William street,, in levelling
up the grounds preparatory to seeding
OWING to the Teachers' Convention
being held in Seaforth an Friday the
various departments of Brussels Pablio
Sobool will be closed so as to permit the
teaohere to attend.
WE ooneidered ourselves fortunate in
enuring the service(' of Mise Siegal 0e a
reader for Friday afternoon Literary
committee of the first Congregational
ohuroh, Detroit, Mich. Town Hall,
Bruseels, Friday, May 20. Reserved
plan et Foxe Drog store.
To CAMP,=T)te 38r8. Huron Rego, goes
under oanvas at Oarling'e Heights, Lon-
don, on Tueedey, Juin 7th, next, ea.
oompanied by the Regimental Band.
Each company is expected to be complete
with 42 men. Sergeant Meadowe is
asking for rearuite for Bruseels Company
and those desiring to attend camp should
see him at once.
ETHEREAL. — On Wednesday of last.
week Robert J. Tbaell and Mise Lucy
Sinclair, both of Bruesele, were united in
marriage. The ceremony wee performed
at the manse, Blyth, by Rev. Dr. McLean,
Presbyterian minister. Mr, and Mre,
Thoell will 0008inae to make their home
in Brueeete. May their joye be many and
their troteblee few.
persona have been talking of a oelebra•
tion in Brunets , this year, the 22nd of
June being one of the dates mentioned.
A pablio meeting hae been called by the
Reeve, who is always the Ohairnet/a of
the Sports' Committee, for next Monday
evening in the Council chamber, at 8
oaelook, to disease the eubjeot, All in.
tereeted should attend and on time.
THE Clinton paper of last week says :—
James Danford returned to town Monday
after a year'e residence in Lietowel. He
likedthat town well, but naturally thinks
more of Clinton. He is now getting
settled down and purposes makiogseveral
improvemenle i1, and about hie house.
Mre. Danford and family will not arrive
for a couple of weeks wbioh they -are
spending with Bruseele friends. Mr.
• Danford will take charge of Hoover &
Ball's furniture store in Clinton,
GRAND RECITAL.—On Friday eveniug,
20th inn., Miee Theresa Siegal, of
Detroit, and Mise Myrtle Dobson, of
Mitchell, will appear in the Town Hall,
Bruesele, under the direction of Miee
Jean Ma rauoblin, of tbie town, in e
choice program of readings and song.
Inetrnmental seleatione will aleo be ren-
dered. The young ladies have very fiat.
tering notices from plaoee where they
have appeared. Plan of hall at Fox'e
Drug store opens Friday, 18th. General
admission 260. ; reeerved Beate 85o.
STEanolTlaoN. — Arralgemente have.
been made with Rev, T. B. Ooupland, of
Auburn, to present a fine program of
viewe representing "The Life of Christ"
and other mieoelleneone p1010re8 in the
Town Halt on Thursday, May 26, aum•
menaing at 8 p. to. Several mneieal
numbers will intereperee the moving
pictures, Rev. Mr. Ooupland aomee
under the anapioee of the Methodist Sala
bath Sobool, of Bruesele. Hie viewe are
highly apoken of. Admission fee 15 onto
for ninths and loo for children, Keep
the date in mind.
1408888 BOARD,—A meeting of Bitet
Enron License Commissioners wee held
on Toeeday at the American Hotel, all
the members present, Statements Noe.
1 and 2 were signed ; a trenefer of hotel
li001:1ee from S. A, Proctor to Geo. Town
for a Gerrie hotel was made ; and a pee.
mit granted to Alex. Orr to carry on
business in Fordwieh, bit new hotel to
replan the one destroyed by fire rmoently,
to be completed by Aug. 18th, T, Gib.
son, of Fordwioh, and George Murrill',.
of Seaforth, both termor meminee of the
r Board mode a fraternal eau on the Com.
mlesionere on Toeeday.
Ono carriage makere cud dealere have
been hustling out buggies during the past
REGINALD FLETCHER will eing at a
Concert in Luoknow on the evening of
the 24th inn.
Tau woodwork at Postmaster Farrow's
residence is being refreshed by the aid of
the painter's brash..
A NEW well ie being drilled at the
residence of Edward Sperain, Thomas
street, by Geo, Birt.
Fool BALI;: -Friday evening of this
week Seaforth ve. Brussels Intermediate
Champions of the W. F. A,
QUITE a nub of bosineee was done in
the new manure epreadiug machines Inst
week in thie locality. M, M. Cardiff &
San disposed of 16 of tbem in 8i days.
THE enlargement and improvement of
G. R. Stubbs' dwelling, on Mill atreet, le
in progress and will add greatly to the
convenience and comfort of the family.
THE POST received a birob bark letter
from P. Ament, from Ariel, on Toeeday.
Truly neoeeeity is the mother of invention.
Mr. Ament will be back to Bruesele next
Tete acre of land belonging to Robert
Holmen, Brneeels, and located o1, eoroer
a1 Alexander, Thomas and Mary street,
been hae purchased by Thuell Bros. Price
paid waa said to be $850. It ie a nine
piece of property.
Mrs Dubeon ie the poeeeeeer of a very
eweet contralto voice. Her articulation
ie perfect whish is the prime requisite of
good Bingen. Atwood Bee 1902. Town
Hall, Brunets, Friday, May 20. Reeerv•
ed Ivan et Fox's Drug store.
WHILE Robt.11eattie and J. Doyle, of
Wingbam, were driving into town last
Saturday evening their team o1 beonobos
"out up old Ned" at the Northerly limit
of Bruesele, the buggy pole Buffering in
the fracae. No body was hurt,
Lan Friday afternoon John McKin-
oon's pony, 8th eon., of Grey, took a run
to itself from the bank door of W. J. Mo-
Oraaken'e grocery, where Mr. MoKiunon
was ds ivering Irish bullets. The pony
waa attached to a light wagon bat fortun-
ately no derange was done before it was
caught and restored to ite ower.
M1aa Theresa Siegel poeeeasee the bap.
py f00uity of interesting and satisfying
her audience. She hae a gracious mac•
tier and an adequate voice which at once
assures her audience that ebe le master
of herself and of her recitations. Sbehae
the unqualified good word of all who hear
her. Very Truly Yours,
Edna Noble, Detroit.
Town Hall, Bruseele, Friday, May 20.
Reeerved plan at Fox's Drug store,
Tia probabilities are that Brussels
Sobool Board will obange the heating
system of the school substituting coal
furnaces for the wood burning ones owing
to the difficulty and ant of securing fuel
coal be asked for
supply. er wille
byhe oar.Last Winter's experence
was not en agreeable one viz the otos.
ing down of different departments on
account of inability to get wood.
THE Atwood Bee of last week says
Earl Switzer will not play with the Strat-
ford Intermediate football team. He this
week received word from the W. F. A.
Executive that he was hot eligible to play
with Stratford, but oou'd play with the
nearest team. That ie, he may register
with Bruesele, if they ,desire his services,
and we understand he has bean asked to
sign with Bruesele. They might do
worse than emu him.
IurnovEMENTs.—A new roof will be
put on tbe etable of Mrs. Jas, Wilson,
Elizabeth street to replaoe the one
destroyed by the snow last' Whiter.—
Thee. Newsome has placed a fanny
wooden feriae in front of his premises,
Queen street.—The stable in the roar of
I. 0. Richards' new residence ban been
redooed in eiza and moved nearer the
street,—A new shingle roof . has been
placed upon the house of Ino, Pugh, Flora
HuooN's POPULATION Snows a Daman.
County Clerk Lane has prepared the
following statement of the population of
Huron county as shown by the asaeee-
mens rolls of the various manioipalitiee
for 1908 1—
Ashfield 8 046
13ayfield 588
Blyth 865
(Hinton 2 280
Colborne 1740
Exeter 1,81)5
Goderioh 4 015
Goderioh township 2800
Gray 8 201
Bay 8 896
Bowiok 8,788
Hallett 2 721
Ileneall 722
Morrie2 308
MoEiilop 2 497
Stanley '2 014
litephen 3 990
Seaforth 2 116
Tuokertrnith .,,,,2,348
Turuberry 2 038
Best Wawanoeh
'Cadens2 191
WedWawaooeh 2'042
Winghem 8,200
Total ., 67,964
In 1001 the population of the county ae
shown by the assessment toile was
50786. In the two years there was a
deoreaee of 1,822, Every municipality
shows a deoreaee except ftullett.
rxt�HU Ll PO T
Standard Bank of Canada
,c"" i. S'I'AT.,?..IFdx•W t D 8E73
A I•ceatern,I .Liasakitl giire Bine Hee Train, eoaotttea
,...°' $ A V !NGS BANK:1''
—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and opwerda received on whiob
le added to aoo:mots every six menthe and beoomee prinoipal,
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention 01 any person, tl
only for whish no obarge le made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oeraful and courteous attention,
A, 0. MACFARLANE, Aeatur.
A anagram has been pat in at th
Caber Carriage factory.
L BuoHAn n, of Woodetook, has taken a
position as journeyman in J. Donald.
son's harness shop,
A CONSIGNMENT of batter was shipped to
Halifax by express on Wednesday by
Ooanaiilor Thomson.
Foo coats were seen in town on Wed-
ueeday, May 11th, and were very. 0001•
fortable we have no doubt.
WINoaArt vs. Bruseels Junior Ghana
pions of the W. F. A. 0o Friday, 20th
1008., on Victoria Park. Don't forget the
A. NEW machine has been put in by Jno.
Doualdeon for sewing trans, &o., in the
manufacture of harness, It is made in
St. Louie.
DURING the past week. T. Newsome
moved the "Driver" house from its form•
er location to its new poeitiou on Term
berry street, South, to the lot recently
bought by T. Nicholls,
Two gentlemen weie i1, town on Mon-
day on a prospecting visit having the
opening up of ageneral stook of dry goods
&o., In the Garfield House, recently veo-
eted by H. A. Matohett, in view.
THE Teeewater News Says :—Among
other Spring improvements D. Ferguson
ie treating hie etore.front to a onat of
fresh point.—S. and Mrs. Askin returned
home an Tuesday from Brneeels where
she was for a couple of week, and he for a
few days, vieitieg irieude.
AooIaENT.—Wblle working at the me.
pairs to the roof of Mrs. Jas. Wilsoo'e
stable Richard T. Htngeton had the mis•
fortune to fall reaiving a shaking up that
has laid him off work. Fortunately no
bones were broken and we hope he will
soon be able to resume work.
It is with planers I recommend Mise
Theresa Siegel ass reciter. Shepoeeesoie
a clear strong voice abandon and a grave.
fol stage presence being equally at home
in humor and pathoe.
Helen Chaffee Workman.
Town Hall, Bruesele, Friday, May 20.
Reserved plan at Fax's Drog store.
MATRIAtoNIAL. On Thursday, April
28, Miee May Rinks, daughter of J.
Ricotta, of Newry, and a resident of
Brussels for a time, and Allan George, of
Listowel, were united in marriage. The
friends of the bride in this locality wieh
her and her husband many happy pros•
perone years.
OUT GOING FREIGHT —A. 0. Dames ehip-
ped a can of hogs ; Geo. Beet 2 care of
hoge, one of tbem feeders for Milverton
eheeee factory : Barr Bros. & Black oar
of cattle and another of hogs ; R. Graham
4 care of nate ; Alf. Beaker 2 oars of oate
and 2 oars baled hay.) Salt Works 7 oars
of salt, making an output of 20 oars
besides way freight,
To WINNIPEG. — Tuesday morning
Meeere. Hewitt & Moore ebipped a oar of
light horses to Winnipeg from Bruseels.
Seven of them were roadsters able to show
a mile ander three minutes ; one a deliv-
ery van horse and eight gray cobs half
brothers, Mr. Hewitt will follow the
shipment to Winnipeg.
Mlee Myrtle Dobson has a riot sym-
pathetic contralto voice. Her singing is
oharaoterized by thoughtful attention to
detail and exceedingly good enunciation.
She has the happy faculty of putting her.
self at once in men with her audience.
Town Hall, Bruesele, Friday, May 20.
Reserved plan at Fox's Drug store.
PREanororuoN.—At the close of the
prayer meeting on Wednesday evening,
in the Methodist ohuroh, the pastor oath
ed upon B. Gerry who in a few appropri•
ate sentences preeented Mrs. J. J. Gil.
pin with a fine mantle cloak, with half
bone chime, surmounted with a bronze
figure, and a silver fruit spoon, ae an ex•
pension of regard from the oongregabion
for the 20 years of faithful eervioe' KS
ohuroh organist, which owing to i11
health, ehe was oompelled to resign. The
recipient replied expressing her thanks
for the kind reference and the valuable
gift and wished the choir and ohuroh
prosperity. Brief complimentary and
reminiscent speeches were given by Rev.
T. W, Clasen, Postmaster Farrow, Rev.
Paul and W. X. Kerr after which the
choir with Mre, Gilpin et the organ led
the congregation in singing "I want t0 be
a worker for the Lord', and Reg. Mr.
Pant pronounced the Benediction.
Dion iN TORONTO.—Last Saturday
morning Mre, Geo. Skelton, of Bruseele,
paid Nature's debt at the General Hospi-
tal, Toronto, whither ebe had gone a few
weeks previously for nursing, i1, her 46th
year. Deceased had beau in poor health
for some years with a complication of
ailments of wbioh heart weakneee and
dropsy wore thief. She battled with
heroio fortitude against the ills of the
body and was often out of bed when
many another not so poorly would have
declined to turn out. Death was not au
unexpected event as she bad often ninety
ooneidered the time of her departure and
the exchange of earthly tabernaole to her
heavenly home was a. topic oho greatly
enjoyed dleonaeing, Mre. Skelton wan
the oldest daughter of the late Samuel
Thuell, of Mortis, and was born in
Huilett township. Some 16 or 16 years
ego she was married to the late George
Shelton, who passed away 6 or 6 years
after, Since then Mre, Shelton hat lived
in Morrie, Blyth and Brneeels and was
ever ready to lend a helping hand to
those needing her aeeistanoe, For some
months past the made her home with her
mother, Alexander street, Bruesele, and
her remains were brought theta from
Toronto by bet' brother Jamul, on Mon.
day. The funeral tookpplane on 'Toondey
afternoon, Rev, T. W, (7nein, pastor of
deceased, giving a very appropriate ad•
areas from the beautiful words found In
St. John 8-10 "For (cod 00 loved the
e world, &o." Interment was made in the
I family burial plot in Brussels cemetery.
More than one elderly as well ae youth-
ful Obrietain bad their faith etrengtheued
in the comfort and reality of the Ohrist•
ian religion by a visit to Mre. Skelton
during her theses and the songe of Zion
sung to cheer her often touohed many
another heart,
Business ess Local a.
Wanted—Potatoes. G. E. KING,
A quantity of manure for male. Apply
to JNo. CORER,
PASTURE for a number of steers.
Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brneeels.
OATS found. Owner may have the same
by proving property and paying for this
notice. Tay Pon Publishing Hoose.
Flve oars of ooal for May delivery.
Plaoe your orders now. First come, first
served, $0 59 per ton, oath.
GARDEN SEEns.—A.II kinds of Garden
seeds in packages 20 per package, 15 for
2150. Tested fleet olaee seeds.
CARPET loom with weeper and epooler,
bobbins, shuttles &o., for ea'e ata reason•
able price. Apply to R. Anderson,
Elizabeth street, Braseels.
Smnnoann and a dozen bigh bank chairs
for sale also a onun and a number of
pioturee, &a. For particulars as to
locality eek at THE POST.
ORGANS and Sewing Maohinee cleaned
and repaired. Also Organa and Sewing
Machines for Bale. Apply to THOMAS
MoDER, Brussels. 82
To THE PUnLtc.—•If you wieh to .have
lawn mowers put in first oleos order you
can have same done at a reasonable figure
by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brussels.
S. H, Jackson was home from Waterloo
over Sunday.
Barrieter MacDonald attended Blyth
Division Court.
Mre. W. Gillespie, of Ripley, ie visiting
her parents this week.
G. Heany, of Paris, spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. J. Grieve,
Meagre, Fair and MoTaggart, of Olin -
ton, were in town on Sunday.
Miss Beatrice Reeve, of Wroxeter, hes
been visiting in town for the past week
or SO.
J. H Spading, of Whitechuroh, was
renewing old friendships in town last Sot.
J. M. O'Connor has gone to Sombre,
Lembton Go., to visit hie daughter, Mrs.
(Rev ) Steele.
Miee Bella Richardson has gone to
London where she hae seoared a situation
for the Summer.
Roy Pugh will take up the tailoring at
the shop of Masers. Rose & Dodds and
should do well at it.
Miss Little, .of Londesboro', was the
guest of her ooaeiye, the Misses Little,
during the past week.
Mien Mand Haggard, who left for
Winnipeg Tuesday of last week, reached
her deetination safely. .
Mre. (Capt.) J. Wilson, of Laminae,
Mich„ formerly Mre. J. Clark, le visiting
her sister, Mre. R. Kerr.
Irlre. Hugh McIntosh and eon, of Mo.
Killop, were visiting et Watson Ainley'e,
John etreet, last week.
Dr. J. M. Moore, of Carthage, and R.
Moore, of Trowbridge, were visitors in
town on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Ooleneo Salter, of London, was a
visitor with W. H, and Mrs, Salter teat
week. The gentlemen are brothers.
B• Gerry hae been bothered during the
past week with inflammation itt bis left
eye which at times has been quite pain•
fu 1,
Irwin Rnynard, son of Joseph Ray•
bard, 4th Oen, Grey, hae takeu a position
as Junior in Brussels branoh of the
Standard Banlr,
Mrs. James Danford and children were
visiting relatives in Brands and )ooality
:curing the past week while en route from
Listowel to Clinton,
Robert Downing is not regaining his
health as quickly as hie many friends
hoped bat we tryst he will soon be
restored to his old time vigor.
Wm. McCall hoe been quite ill with
pleurisy and bronohitie but his many old
friends in Bruesele and vicinity hope he
will soon be convalescent,
Mre. John Tait, Queen street, hae not
been in very vigorous health thie Spring
but we hope she they speedily be reetotod
to her acoaetomed vigor.
Geo. Roberton and wife, of Clinton,
were visiting at In, Ballnntyne'e over
Sunday. Mr, Roberton intends going
West having Bold out his barber shop in
Itt a note received from J. D. Ronald
we learn that he and Mre, Ronald left
Corenadn, California, lest week and will
make their headquarters at Detroit, visit-
ing at Chatham, Strathroy and Bruesele
during a part of the Summer.
Next Tneeday Robert G. MoOraokeo, a
well known former Brueeelite, will leave
Walkerton, where be has been holding a
position, for Winnipeg expecting to make
hie home there, Hee a shrewd, tidy
boeineea man, who will do well wherever
he gore,
Be,v. 3, E. Hunter, sou of Jno, Hunter,
Rei neete, arrived home from Vi8torin
Unlveraity, Toronto, last Friday nem
ing after oompleting a very euooaeeful
examinetlou, Be ban number year to
spend there yet before hie ordination.
CAPITAL--1'nitl up $1,000,000
JIBS' :IRYE FUND • - $1,000,000
REV. 11, H, WA1t))i'71,, D, D, Directors 8, J. 80001117,
President, Vioe•Preelrept..
T1100, nRAneuAw, 1' 1,A, Ms HONOR AIR, w, AMORTIMEER MLAnn, E,0, D, R,TRQMmoN, E, a,
Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Disooueted,
&MAWS eAdrik ,l?DL4"r add"drLiB'.ft re r'div
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all euros of $1 and npwarde
BREP3814248' MUNCH
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Mr. Hunter ie o olever young man. He
preached at. Barrie last Sabbath.
George Arden, who has beau in the
employ of Jur, Donaldson, harneee
maker for the past 8e. years, is visiting at
ltie•home, in Gorrie, this week prepare,
tory to etartiug for Winnipeg next Tues.
day. He is a good meohanio and will
get along 0, lc. in the West. The Base
Ball team will mise him ae be wee the
pitcher and we may say more than the
ball players will regret his departure but
if the old saying proves true that "Ala
serum makes the heart grow fonder,"
after the mull eervioe has done its part
there is no reason why "Dad" should nob
have a first-olaee, good looking house.
keeper from Bruesele. We wish him
good look. t
CNIli1011 0111(31118.
The Presbytery of Maitland will meet
next Tuesday in the school room of the
Methodist ahnroh.
Last Sabbath Rev. A. MacNab, M. A.,
of Walton, preenhed two very practical
disooareea in Melville ohuroh,
Rev. T. W. Coeene' subject last Sab
bath morning in the Methodist thatch
was "Sowing and Reaping" and in the
evening "Seven Realities,"
The Union District Sabbath Soboot
Convention, nenelly meeting io town in
May, will not be held this year, as there
are eo many ebttroh meetings convening
in the near future. It may be held next
Fall, and if so due aunounoement will be
Last Sunday Mr. McGowan, of London
College, took the services in Ba. John's
ohuroh. The congregation was greatly
pleased to also have the incumbent, Rev,
I. M. Webb,a p-esent, He addreesea; a
few words to them, Mr. Webb returned
to London on Toeeday afternoon where
he will continue the treatment at the
hospital. Although very mach improved
in health he hae not yet attained his
former vigor and will need to guard very
jealonely the progress being made. We
hope he will soot) be convaleeoent,
W. F. M. S.—The Woman's Foreign
Missionary Suniety of the Presbytery of
Maitland will hold ite annual meeting in
Melville ohuroh on Tuesday of next week.
From 10 80 a, m. to 12 there will be a
devotional meeting, and at 2 p. m. the
business meeting will take place, at
wbioh the reporte of the Secretary and
the Treasurer will be patented. Dela-
gates from the Women's Societies of tbe
Mathodiet and St. John's ohnrohea re-
ceived, a dieonseionheld on "Our Work,
its dieoonragement and encouragements",
and au address given by Miee Weir, e
missionary from India. At the evening
meeting, beginning at 7, Mies Weir will
again speak, and addressee will be given
by Revs. L, Perrin, of Wroxeter, and G.
M. Dunn, of Wbiteobureh, The Melville
ohuroh ladies are buoy preparing for the
entertainment of the large namb'r of
delegates expected.
The Winuipeg Free Press speaks of e
young gentleman, who supplied Melville
°berth pulpit, Bruseels, for a few months
ae follows :—The pulpit of Knox ohuroh
was occupied last evening by Rev. A. H,
MacLeod, the new assistant pastor Fie
read for the opening lesson the LEI of
Isaiah : "Tho spirit of the Lord God is
upon me" ; and for the second lesson a
poriiou of the IV chapter of Luite where
Christ read Ieaiah'e prophesy in the
synagogue at Oeperniam, Hie eermon
was laved on the turtieth verse' of the
IV. of Luke : "Now when the eon was
setting all they that bad any sink with
divers dieeaeee brought them unto Him,
and he laid hie hands on them and heal.
ed them." The dieoonree opened with a
vivid description of that marvellons even
ing scene in beautiful winked Caperniem,
when the fame of the great Healer had
gone forth and the people laid aside their
pimentos and business and gave them•
selves ap to the bringing of the sick and
the afflicted within the iufiaenae of
the Saviour's healing, From this the
speaker wept on to emphasize the world's
pt'eeent need of a Saviour and the duty
of proteseing Christians in regard to
)cringing others to Christ. Mr. McLeod
le a convincing speaker and his ditoouree
was well thought out, The impression
of the eermon was heightened by the
appropriateness of the hymns snug,
among them being "At even when the
eon was set, the sink, 0 Lord around
!)thee lay," and "The Great Physician."
Rose.—01, Saturday, May 7th at
"Hakatere," 126 Dubbin street,
Guelph, to Mr. and Mre, WA. Rose,
of Fergus, formerly of Brneeels, e
STARE.—In Stratford, on April 20, to Mr.
and Mrs. Loftus Starts, a dragbtee.
DUNCAN—MARTIN.—In argent City on
May 4th, by Rev. Ie. Marion, Dr. D.
Duncan, of Crystal City, to Mies
Nita, daughter of Mr. David Martin,
of Wroketer,
Rooltne011—WHEATLEy,—At the Metho.
diet personage, Blyth, on April 27th,
by Rev. J. Kennedy, 11, D., of
Londesboro, Mr, Robert Rogerson to
Miee Susie Wheatley, both of Hallett,
TIMELL-8INoeAIR,—At the Preebyteriau
manes, Blyth, on May 4th, by Rev.
Dr. MoLean, Mr, Robert J. Thuell
to Mies Luoy Binolair, both of Semi-
WALbEN—MoDowarm.—At the residence
of Ole bride's parents, on April 27th,
by Rev. T. S. Oonpland, of Antenrn,
Mr. Wm, el Walden, to Mise Clartt,
daughter of Mr, and Mre, Joha Mo.
Dowell, all of 1:6aat Wawateath,
NEADnr,—NELAu=a.—On May 3rd. by Rev,
H, 0. Landekv, Mr, John Neabel, of
Grey, to Miee Elizabeth Nelmee, of
WADDELL—HAyNEe—At Wellbnru, on
April 27, by Rev, H. A. Graltaw,-
Rev, W. J. Waddell, of Shedden,
formerly of Ethel oiroait, to Mies
Luella Haynes, of Wellburn. —
Cuottnta—In Stratford, on Saturday,
May 7, Sarah Jane Cumming, be-
loved wife of C. J. Cumming, aged
57 years, and 4 months.
HOnLtNGER.—At Grenfell, Assn„ on May
7th, Edward Hollineer, aged 27
years, 6 months and 16 days,
Maxey elypreee River, Man., on
April 28, William MoLeod, formerly
of Morrie township, aged 86 years
and 10 innnths,
Sitox, o .—At the General Hospital,
Toronto, on May 7, Louisa Thnnll,
reliot of the late George Shelton, in
her 45th year,
WIOHTMAN.—In East Wawanceh, on
April 301b, Mre. Henry Wightman,
aged 78 years.
kas�'LT ,Datz 21.,07 :AC." :t~.:.::H .c'm,
Fall Wheat 87 88
Barbey 88 40
Peas 66 60
Oats 28 29
Batter, tube and rolls11 12
Eggs per dozen 18 34
Hay per tou 6 00 7 00
Flour, per ewt 4 00 6 00
Potatoes per bus 60 60
Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 011
Salt, per bin., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 4 65 4 76
Wool 16 16
health Dr, J. A,y MoNuugbtoa, of
Brussels, is compelled to retire from active
practice for six months or a year, All per-
sona owing aeaeuuts will kindly calf and
arrange same at the doctor's residence or
with the undersigned,
44.8 A, 13, MACDONALD,
MAY 124 1904
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia, am
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be a
Fox's Drug Scor
Ili.edhesday, May 18th!
Call early and avail yourself of
hie valuable services.
Notice 4e hereby given that the Court of
Revision on the Assessment Roll of the
Muutelpallty of the Township 0f 1*rey wrll
sit at the Township }lap, in the Village of
Ethel, au Monday, tfay 2000, 8004, at 10 0'-
cloak a.m. for the purpose of rearing ap-
peals if any against said Roil. All persona
having business at the Court are requited
to attend at the timeandplana.
Dated this 5th day of May, 1004.
mart MOINTO3H,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate of
Henry Wallace Allan, tate of the
Towttehip of Hallett, in the County
of Enron, farmer, decacsecl.
Notiae is hereby given, pursuant to the
Revised Stttu tee of Ontario,1837, Chap. 125,
Boo, 1e, that all aredicurs sed others having
claims against the estate or it miry Wallace
Allan, late of the Township of Mullett, is
said ()entity, farmer, who died on or about
the 7011, day of April, A, D. 1004, at Hallett,
in said th.uuty, are requested to send by
post, prepaid, or to tlel,ver to A. 18, MacDon-
ald, of the Village et Hlutsele, Solleltnr for
John Simeon Bust, of the City of Brandon,
i1, the Province of Mttttoba, executor of 1110
last will and testament of Henry Wallace
Alton, on orboture the 00th day of ,lune, A.
D. 1004, their full names, addteteee and the
full pettlealars of their claims, and the
nature of their securities Of any) betd by
them. And rutn:r take notion that after
the said mentioned date the said Executor
will ptocued to distribute too estate of the
said deoeused. among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
wL•ialr notice than have been given as above
required and the said Emulator will not be
responsible for the assets or any part there-
of so distributed, to 1ny 1,00800 of whose
claim Lotte° abatl not have been received at
the time 0f sitar uistrtbuttun,
Dated at l3rusee,e thte nth day of May,
A. D. 1904.
;Boldeitorfor llxeoutor,
Beware of imitators and imitations,
'Ip'Ip'lll'al'hDL'IL'ib'ePLPt'edtli 11
Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods.
Building from 10,000 to• 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would-
be competitors distanced in numbers.
We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Finish
and Design to show you.
Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can
certainly interest you.
Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices.
We have a number of other makes to show you, including the
"Platteville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph."
Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Riga., of other
makes, for sale at low prices.
tie, l,,,edhdla44ed'Idlh'V,'It'te'hl'tAhi'h
Are You Going
to do any Fencing s?
( 5 N i
It is all No, 9 Bard. Steel Wire and is the
Strongest Fence made. The Railways and
Electric Roads are erecting it.,
Call and get our Prices.