HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-12, Page 6O' IAN! LOSING t ROUND SUFFERS xi TII',G NEW GROUP- ING OF NATIONS. Tree° a Freaeh Agreement a Men- ace to German The intricacies of hlgli polities are not often interesting to the general public, but the partially veiled tepid changes nOW caking place iu the fam- ily of nations are well worth the at - en of ensued observers, says a London despatch. It is not possible yet to indicate what wlll be the res- pective attitudes of the European Powers when the time arrives for a Set element of the 1'ar Eastern ques- tion at the close of the present war, That the situation will be rely dif- ferent from the one prevailing at the outset of the conflict is already cer- tain. The application of this stute- mrnt is quite irrespective of the two belligerents as factors in the general situation, l 7']u' chief change Is in the position of Germany. Indications multiply of the great discomfiture of German statesmen over the recent develop- ments in international politics, The plains° 'isolation of Germany" Iran become a common ono in the French acrd British press during the last few days. It is recognized throughout Europe that the KaIser's expected op- portunity to profit largely at no s•x- pense out of the trouble of sister na- tions has been redueed to a small, if net non-existent, possibility. GERMANY'S DISAPPOINTMENT. goes considerably further. The An- glo-French agreement and the closer rapprochement between Terence and Italy, which will be strengthened by President Loubet's visit to Ronne is regardird as a serious menace to tier - man interests in seemed directions. 7L is -feared, and with some reason, that as soon as a favorable opportunity arises for friendly intervention to stop the war it will be French and Eng- lish, end perhaps American, good of - restore peace. There remains also the possibility, which the Germane at the present mo- ment are inclined to exaggerate, that Great Britain and Russia may reach a friendly understanding on several points whereon an agreement !las long been regarded ns impossible. The thence of this development would grow rapidly if the war should con- tinue along the line of Japanese suc- cess. { There are signs in Russia of rapidly growing resentment against those rem { sponsible for plunging the comtry in- to this foolhardy war. The ('zar himself and his intelligent subjects would gladly abandon all schemes of aggrandizement ent in the Fah' East if they could end the war lel •WITIIOUT LOSS OF PRESTIGE. This. of course, is impossible in the present situation; but the attitude in- dicates how easy it would be to ar- range a settlement, if the point of opening negotiations was once reach- ed. - It will be seem, therefore, that with 'Great Britain, Prance and the 'United States in full accord, .the op- portunity for Germany to profit by the outeouue of the war is extremely " sni.11. The lemon which Russia in now learning. at the hands of .Japan tends to render a settlement of serious questions with Great Britain in India and Persia much more feasible than a yew months ago. France will assured -I 17� ly do her utmost to facilitate such an i adjustment if a willingness is shown to eon10 to an understanding. Vence it is that Emperor William is de- scribed us worried and 1`.erplexed and that his plans are being revised. Ko one no -d fear, however, that he will fall into the dire dilemma which his j opponents desire for hila, He still ' 1'e Violas the greatest h,unan ()gime in Europe. The wonderful genius of his statesmanship none can question. Eo- vim..,,-tl(j'i;ge l? It a serious collapse of his health tc111 prevent his meeting the difficulties of the situation by a bold and origihlal move which will onto ; more change the aspect of European ; politics, ONE THING DONE WI T.I.. !courtesy. When he waa lying In ' h d H 1 1 agony, between life and death, just 4L11ILf'JY 1 OF The Tewo Secret of a Remarkable { after a tamale lord thrown a booth Success. under his =rrlage , the Vomit Meld 111111tilt remember his iiutltners and Apo - 1)1.. Williams Fink Pills ter Pale, logiee to to foreig., diplomatist be - People do only one thing—but they icause he could nut accompany hint do that one tiling well. Iliet is the; to the duet- atter the visit of set in - e •, s of their success. They ucLu-�quiry, ally make new blood just that and 1Iu has held oil)c0 in the Gover- n() more, Het gumd blood is the .best ;meet, but prefers the Opposition cure—the only cure --tar most die- 'hencdles, knowing that from them eases. Most dinettes are caused by lite can best serve his country, 11 had blood. Anaemia, paleness, pint- is immensely wealthy, being known 1)105, eczema, indigestion, biliousness, es the ]lice King of Japon, and he kidney trouble, backed -nee sil0nehes, , has 1nv[s13et1 Iris wealth on the fur- neuratgln, nervous troubles, rheunua-1theriulce or his countryman's edura- tisut 11nc1 the 811(1011 seeeet ailments tion, 11e ham rather a prejudice of growing girle and woolen— 01080 against foreigners—hitt visit hien are different diseases but they are all; with new ideas on the subject of ei- ne, to bad blood. Ignorant people teatou and he will, figuratively, sometimes laugh at the idea tltate take you to his heart. (11(1' little medleir e can ct11'e all thew different dl8e tses—bat they forget that they were all eausrd by one little trouble—bad blond. The fo01- EASY, YET IIARD. iris people toe theme who take' a dif- ferent medicine for every sedutonll del• for a customer whose name he. without thinking of the one cause 01 ; had 000(0017' forgotten. He tries} to the root of them ail, Dr. Wlllintus:get. the name without betraying him - Pi ilk Pills strike at tite root, bad sell, end made a mess of it, as is bl0,u1 and nothing else, They fill the veins with new, strong, rich red 1,1011, which races to every corner or the body, toning the ]serves and bracing each nrgnn to throw off "Fes," replied the customer. "I suppose it seems easy to most peo- ple. belt it's really Bard," This did not help the merchant (111y. "I beg your pardon," he confessed, "but I shall have to ask you how to Usual in shell eiree8. "Let me see, he said. "Yon spell your mule the easy way, don't ria" weal (1- <s and disease. It1 a brief way home is some strung proof of curtiirming, the above staterueato :— John ('taig, Kells, Ont., says :- 1 00115 paralyzed and had no power over my right, arra or leg. I haat to be- spell ft llfte,l lino a child. Itr, Williulns Pink 7'ille hae-0 cured me and to )'0' neighbors the cure seems like a miracle." !Hiss 111(111che Durand, .`St. Edmond, Clue., says :—••The (lector told me I pus in consumption. I had alter- nate c•taills and fever, end severe cough and was daily growing weaker. Then I began the use of 11r. Williams Pink Pills and 111v health and su•"ugt01 have fully returned." ;1Trs. .7altti 110Kcrt•, Chickncy, hr, W. T.. says 1 --”For some year 1 healthy, happy and grow well." This 0100 a great sufferer from the. ail- is the deliberate opinion of 10 physi- 100100 that make the lives of so ciao or world wide reputation, Ono mother who followed this advice— Mrs. Albert Ilnisvert, St. Claude, (Que., proves the truth of it. She sayer :—"I have the gn'efttest faith in, I1aby's Oell Tablets for young chile "Oh, id's quite easy to shell." "But didn't ;eon say a moment ago that it was hard?" "Vee; and so -4t is. But ft's easy, too." "ITow do you rnal:(e that out?" "Because it's Bard—ll-a-r-d," ADVICE TO BIOTITERS. "Seep your little ones stomach and bowels right, fuel they will be matey women miserable. I never got • an„ytleing in relieve 010 until I began using Dr. Williams Pink Pills and they have made me feel like a new person," Mrs. Albert Lurldi((gtoh, St Mary's them, and T always keep them in the Rivet, N,S., says :—"I was a cripple house. Both any little ones were 1100m rheumatism until I began using troubled with constipation and sour 1'11•. Williams Pink Pills. Now the stomach. I gave thin the Tablets aches and pains leave left, me and I and they are now perfectly \\•ell, int as well as ever." Once in a while I still give them a Mr. AT, Cook, Lamm'ton. N. W. T., (lose, to prevent tate trouble coming says :--"Dr, 11'illiamhs Pink Pills cur- I back," If all sensible mothers fol - ed me of a severe attach of erysipel- low this advice there will be fewer as." •1 cross, peevish, sickly babies in the Ir. William TTolland, Sarnia, Ont., land, These 'Tablets aro guaranteed rays :—•'I suffered fur two yearsI to contain no opiate or harmful front kidney trouble. I tried many! drug. Sold by, medicine dealers medicines but got nothing to help everywhere, or sent by mail at 25 tee until I took Dr, Williams Pink cents a box by writing The- Dr. 1V11- Pi11s, and after using; them about limns Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. a month 1'V01'7' bit of the trouble was (4011)'." What Dr. Williams Pink Pills have done for these people—and for thous- ' ands of others—they will do for you, A clean glove often hides a dirty if you will give them n reasonable hand. trial. Sold by macliritie dealers 1n order to he popular forget to evert wl:er'e, or by mail from the Pr. say a good deal. Williams Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Worry is the worst wolf that (Int., at. 50 cents at box or six boxes comes to our doors. for $2.50. If a nine lengthens his nights he $ sho•teus his day's. COREAN'S IN 117IIITE. A nun can feel good without be- LI'1"I`LL'' TIIOCGFITS. A good life peeps ell w'rhrkles. ing especially good. Hats Aro Blacl-. and Glossy and It is nlw•ay;1 easy to forgive other 1 Curiously Shaped. peoples enemies. • 1'o be consistent o man ban to be. It is only the Iotrer classes of Core- Netter than most people. ens wltosr, garments 1100 dirty. '1'he It is batter to collect our thoughts better class Coreans wear an attire t11a11 to borrow other people's. the immaculate cleanliness of which Do not believe all you Hear; but is probably unexcelled ane where on be sure to believe all you Say. mirth. It is certainly the rlua]tltest -Life is a one-sided light for the in the Orient,and as Its owner in_i man who is his own worst enemy, Do not emphasise your own vir- tues by enlarging on the failings of others, We most 'love the cross before the crown to win the crown after the cross. variably swirls alone with a super- cilious swagger, as if he and he alone were the owner of the street (111d all he serveyd besides, the incongruity of his manly gait, contea5000' with his exceedingly eleeminattl dreett, ie a thing whldt mu:1t he seen to be thor- oughly appreciated. Ile is clothed in white front head to foot the white being ,5011cti11,es vari- ed by creaul rOlOr"(1 s P , evts;y gar- ment being of spntles5 cl fullness. Ile wears the baggiest of baggy breeches, i(ht n_•cl lust above the tell:l"e, and de padded wvhate soc'9,5 are partially nal osed in White end black clot11. sandals. Ire Weare in summer a silk it. grass clnl01 coat of Malay texture, which is titele••ned under the arnpi0s andsprvnds la ()Moly Ir0(10 there down- I len among then. BRE/ken-HNCWHILE TOT' WATT'. The following recipe for perform- i( ing artificial respiration in the hu- man subject has been g'i'ven lee Pro- I) lessor 1:. A. Schafer : The patient is laid in a en ono position, I'retcrably • on the ground, with a thick folded garment. undereeatlh the chest, anti -s the arms fm'w&rd. The operator puts hitneelf athwart the subject, 1 facing his head, and kneeling on ono knee, with the other knee and hip flexed, and p10004 Iris hands nn ea• ch aide over the lower part of the backs 1 of the chest. 130 then slowly throw the weight of his hotly for- 1 ward to hear or his own armle, end thus presses on the thorax of the subject and forces air out of the 1)1 lungs. ITe then gradually relaxes the t' i pres5are by bringing his own holy '! up 0g(1iu to it more erect position, 1i but without moving the hands; ((s t he does this air is drawn by elaet10 b reaction of the chest walls into the lungs. This prec055 is repeated re- guairly not less often than twelve Ones or more often than fifteen times a mlimutc, By this moans it is easily possible in an average malt to effect such -an amount of respira- tion yrs will be enough Lei maintain. complete aeration of the blood. The advantages of this 0100010(1 are : I elan of manipulation; 5irp11city, impossibility of air passages being . blocked by falling hack of the tee - gee, and facilleating escape or 1Tnte or froth thorn, DENMARK'S KINGS, Denmark's Kings Mr 883 years have all been named Christian or Freder- ick. This is not the result of aeci- tient. 70 is the law of Denmark that Christian Hurst be succeeded by Fred- erick, and 1''rodel'icic by Christian. To attain lids, and without the changing or pewee, in case of death or other reason, every Danish Prince, no ,,lat- ter what other nn:.les he may receive always includes Christian and Feedor- 0111 (114• .11 ti I (401In • lannEl • 4 SOAKED IN COFFEE Until Too Stiff to Bend Over. "When 1 clean]: coffee I often had Tin' hat is black and gigs- sick headaches, ' e py. mt(1 a claa0 inylerti0n of that. of 12waallt agosuess cI we11 nt ntovisit a but about lend a yang -ben (aristocrat) showed tllat� g s toi islt a, (ling aril g;c't, in the habit of drinking 1.'ostmrl. ""1 }rue never touched coffee since and the result hes been that I have been entirely cured of all my stom- ach and ncrvol5 trouble. "71y mother was just the same tray, we nil 'drink Posture now and have never had other coffee in the house for two years and w0 are all well. "A neighbor of mine 0 groat coffee drinker, was troubled with pales in ticks n'.lt in ridictdous manner all 'ound his legs line the starched frock of (1 little child. On his heard he 100nrs a hot not unlike that formerly worn by t0iloh lieherw0m1 1, only the crown is not sic c 1' ac ac hes nervousness ousness cued bid so high, t was nutde of lively woven silk enol embo10 be an opens mesh tinct restanb- 'd crinoline, while those worn by he less proseierous are made of horse - air. The truncated roily does 1100 t the head, but, perches *matey 0l1 op of it. AS its base in a r01mel riot about four inches wide, and the W11010 IS Spilt in place by a black cord or hand tied under' the chin. 1'11,1 office of this peculiar capillary attire is not alone to protect the head from the weather•, but to Dorm a receptacleher side for years andteas an invalid, ter an equally enviously shaped skull- i She wee not able to do her work ear, which in turn (Ontains the top- 10 a(ld could not even mend clothes Or knot: 'Shim hat is worn en u11 oi:-1 do anything at all where she would rasions, both on the street end in halm to bend rorward. If she tried the house, and its gamy col:,truction to tlo n. little hard work she would get such pains that she would have to lie down for the rest of the day, "7 T1ereueded her at lust to Skop, drinking coffee and try Postuln Food Coffee and she did se and sire has used Postern ever since; the result hes been that she can now do her work, can sit for a. whole day, and mend Mid can 80ty on the machine and she never feels the least bit of pain he her side in fact she ifs got was the pan; after Marquis Tio null Miershel !cause of the whole trouble. Yetmnglatu, and by far ilio most in- 1 "I could alto toil you about sever- arresting, for tvhereos the two tat -1 el other neighbors Who !leve been ter 'neve become much 'Westernized, career by quitting coffee and using Count ()kerns relntt.in5 a thorough.,Pnsttun in its piece, iVatno grecs typt001 .lap, !by Postern (]o,, 13n tie Creek, Mich. ITe Is lila groatc'st 0301100 10 a 0(1- Took in each package for the Man - 1,0011 011 -of 1, WI iio +7 atrrrs; and dltr.: petit-rsrntt out iritic hook, '".1! he 'toad to SVoll» tiered man to the land' 01 exgtlielto vi1ltiitt enables the topknot to be plainly see')) 0.111)3(1 ire airy walls, JAP OPPOSITION LEADER count Olttuma 1'Vho Spends Eris Iyroof of a woman's tetnper is the Money for Education, arrival of ,t.1 i nexp0cted gueet to dinner. Count Cinema., tate leafier of the Oppo5itioh it Ja]ran is described as the third meet popular elan in .7a- we an and it shows coffee It's difficult to induce a politician to lend himself to any schelne; you've got 00 buy. been Kied-TTearted Old f0ent. "Your stave' ]s, indeed, a sad o,re. An(1 how did y011 lose Stow hushand?" Appli- cant for Ii.oiief "Phase, -sol', ire war kilird wvhilte testi!,' a lila-rs0v1n' ape pgrutteet." STOOK GROWER ISIS LUMBAGO WAS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Suffered. forTwenty Before r d Years 73efo e Ifo Found Relief in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Iiosedelie, Oute Nay 0,—(Special)— Robert O. Laulpulan, the ht'eIL klhown (lainsboro farmer and stock grower, is completely cured of a long-stand- ing case of Lumbago, and he has Made a statement for the benefit of the public, in which ho gives the en- tire credit for the euro to Dodd's Kidney Pills. In his statement Dlr, Lanipman says. "Poe twenty years 7; suffered from Lumbago with -all its worst sylllp- tmus. I had the most distressing pains it seemed possible to bear, coupled with an irritation of the spine. "At tines 1 was entirely prostrat- ed an wvtte for 11se105 unable to d0 anything whatever, and required the services of my- family to assist me In 111055ing and moving from a chair to the sofa. "I tried doctors and medicines, but got no benefit till, on the advice of a neighbor, I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. After the first box I noticed an improvement, end w11011 I had taken six boxes every symptom of my trouble had w'an]sh- ee." bike Rheumatism, Lumbago is caused by Lyric Acid in the blood. Sound Kidneys take all the Uric Acid out of the blood, Dodd's Kid- ney Pills make sound Kidneys. - -4- -- Bifkfns—"ll'hy do you consider the breaking of a mirror an omen of bad luck?" 111ifleins—"Because I broke one 0110110 n year ago. That's wliy." Bifkins—"And what happened?" Mfr- klns—"It cost inc 0On dollars to re- place Lt." Beware of Ointments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury wet surely destroy the sense of smell end completely derange the whole systoul when entering it through the mucous .urfhues. Such articles should sorer be used except On pre- seript(ons froln reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten told to the good you can possibly derive boom thein. Ilo.d's Clatarril Curo, nam ufactur'ed by F. J. Cheney & Co„ To'' - 15110, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally. tinting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of rho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. it is tak- en fateraaUy (10d made is Toicdo, Uhlo, by L'. J. Cheney tC Co. ToaCi- mnndnls free. Mold by Druggists, Price, 750 per bottle, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- patioa. EUROPEAN RAILWAYS. The total length of railways in the world is stated to be about 454,000 miles. Some curious Light is thrown on the relative civilization of t11e:vari- ous countries by a comparison of their mileage in railways. Russia comes out first numerically with about 34,- 000 4,000 miles, but dwindles greatly if the enormous extent of her territory is considered. Germany follows wit!) 31,000 miles, and France is third with 20,000. England ljas 22,000 miles, which, if tho size of the coun- try be allowed for, places her at the head of the net. Italy aud -Spain have only from 13,000 to 16,000 1011115 respectively. In the whole of Europe only about 60,000 miles of line are subject to State manage- ment. The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. hiL h9es Cwrtsum lion CureThe Lung Tonic is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: S. C. Wants 1r Co. 502 25o. sac. 01 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, Can. 1-28 "Cloodnesel" exclaimed the nervous visitor, "what vulgar little hoodlums those boys aro out there in the street," "I can't see them," said the hostess. "I'm rather near-sighted, you know," "But surely you can hear how they're shouting and carry- ing on." "Yes, but I can't tell whe- ther they're my children or the neigh - boys' " "Pa, wiry do they call whisky an eye-opener?" "If you take enough you will see things you only dreamed of before," . '1 I Know KINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOUTILLIER. French 'Village, I Know AWARD'S LINIMENT wilt cure Croup. . 3, F. CUNNINGHAM, Cape Island, T. Know MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth, JOSEPH 'A, SNOW. Norway, Me, "Yes, I sleep, off anti on, until 12 o'clock on fsuulays," "But when da you get yeti'. breakfast?` "Oh, I go down to breakfast about 0." "Alii then you go back to bed," "No, to 01110011." Hoare tilsesule Relieved in 30, MInutes,—Dr, Agnetv's Cure for tho Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Srleart Disease ie 10 4in1ilc5, and speedily t gets le Ours. i1 le a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shoa- 1 of Breath, Smethcring Spells, Pain 1n Left S,(do,, and all syfnptoms of a Diseased Dart, ao dose codvlaoes.-S Et d I � More than half the battle in cleaning greasy dishes is in the soap you use, If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best: 011 REJECTED STA1125IL1t1il1IS, As stammering is a cause of rejec- tion for military service, its frequency ]8 sheen by the stntlstles of the ex- amination of recruits in clifeteent na- tions, Tho number rejected as stam- merers is 7,50 per 1,0110 examined in {''meso, 3,23 In Switzerland, 2,37 in England, 2.2 in Austria, 0.80 in 1t- 1� c It- aly., , auld but 0.1J in Russia. Afanv a girl's popularity with the Starner sex is duo to a ('1(11101' that she has money, Por Over Sixty Years ila0,1, wlysl.ow'eseo'r!liXn bran' tans hem nand by 111110,,, of reeaurs (or their ohildreo 1.01110 too(hiny, llanuthu,theshad, the Ote the arm,, al,nye pato, aurora 'bol en1(0, remedy for nm rhrog. Tyr enol bowels, and ie rho hent,1010ur sthrough. t roetylrld uente a hotdn Sold b )10100100 throughout, the wand. ne euro and u(kfor "(1(a,. 11'lsstolr'asuoruixu Oritllr:" 89-e( A political ring , has e, beginning, but like any adder ring, it has no end, Mlaard's Liniment for sale everywhere Talk is cheap; otherwise the aver- age wife would soon bankrupt flier husband.. What makes you Despondent? —Has the stomach gone wrong? 1lave the nerve centres grown tired and listless? Are you threat- ened with nervous prostration? South American Nervine is nature's corrector, mains etre stomach right, gives a world of nerve force, keeps the cir- culation perfect, A regular constitution builder for rundown people. One lady says: "I owe my life to it." -84 • Only a fool man would deliberately make an enemy by guessing within ten years of a woman's real age. There aren't enough adjectives in the English language to enable a girl properly to describe her fh'st beau. Mloard's Linlmeat Believes Neuralgia A solicitor, who was remarkable for the length and sharpness of his nose, once told a lady that if she did not inunediately settle a natter in dis- pate, lie would filo a bill against her, "Indeed, sir," said the lady, "there is no necessity for you to filo your bill, for I am sure it is sharp enough already." YOU CAWT 13E ATTRACTWW . An Offensive Breath and Disgust- ing Discharges, Due to Catarrh, Blight Millions of Lives Yearly. Dr. Agnow's Oatarrhal Powder Relieves in 10 Minutes. Eminent nose and throat specialists In dally practice highly recommend Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, as euro. permanent, painless, in all eases of Cold in tho Bead, 'i'onsilltis, Headache and Catarrh. It gives relief In 10 minutes and banishes rho disease like magic. 28 se Or. Agnew's P1113. .so Doses to Cents. NTONis KING nglivethe ithkg AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- plea, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1004 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters"—insuring yeti against 01)10 or loss. Have you seen our mete catalog ? • The Winton Motor Carriage Co OleVelaad, O., U. 9., A, Represented in the tltoo,hnlon. _ of Cermet. by THE AUTOMOBILE et SUPPLY CO 79 Med St„ Lr., Toronto, Ont, Sub Adenolee in Chief Dominion t:.htles. ] '; i i°!/9 , iat 44,: 7d,/.,d 41,„r�'''u no" ( Potatoes, P elit�9 Eggs 7 Butter,Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and WO will get you good prices. TH DAVVEON COMRCISS2ON CO, Limited Cor. Wont Market and Colborne Bto, TORONTO. et • For DafntyLuncheon Thcre1snothing'so'Fom}llinguandagtic- 11nIIII as Llhby s Leriche n meals, There are many delicious whys Libby's Peerless Dr1ed Beef, Potted and Dct•Ited FIam Chicken served for Luncheonsf • ' ) Ford Products Libby $ (Natural Flavor Send for our book, "How to Make Good Things to Eat" Libby's Atlas of the World sent postpaid for five 20 stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A. L vo- rmr '50550004 +h .004 t 0d'ia-0A . LOWER PROFS he kE» USE BETTER QUALITY CAN BE HAD IN P h9 Wash Basins, Riii5k Pane Any Flret•Claoo Crocor Can Supply You. iNSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. EWMa MENEWOMME LNf ii10 in one prize for the greatest number of words. $10 in two five dollar prizes for tha next lotigoat lista, $10 in five two (dollar pi' Ess for the smaller lists, We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made outof the three words " MAS EY - HARRIS WHEELS. rt Leiters to be used in answers only as many times as they appear in the above words, Competition closes May 30th. wend in your list today. NOTE. rho Maoiey.I(arrlo 0 fitted with (l:o oushten frame and Morrow ecaster brake— the tyre (ahprevaml1to that have made btoyoiing so remous(y Copular. Write for our new ',Silver Ribbon" Booklet, ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT "A" CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, Toronto Jutootion. .41411418111 " .111 101t1.r,wx,s,h k,n,e09't ?:Yrni1hibes:,.vert ereeese WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, M0. From April 26t11 to Dec. 1st, in- clusive, the Wabash ]railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great World's .('air, St. Louis, at the low- est one-tvey first-class fare, good for fifteen days, faro and a third; good for thirty days, good either via Wa- bash direct line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges, Canadians go- ing to this, the greatest of all Ex- positions, should relnelnber tho great Wabash lino is tho shortest, quickest and best route. The only lino that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the Wonid's Fair gates. For time -tables and descriptive World's Lair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agcift, North -oast corner King and Yong° Streets. Toronto, "Who is that awfully freckled girl over there in the corner?" "Why, that's Miss 33u1]ton; the great heir - ens." "Aren't her freckles becom- ing?" • What's the Trouble?—Is it Sick Headache/ Is ft Billoustiess ? Is it Slug- gish Liver? Is vier skin sallow? Do you feel Moro dead than'alive? Your system need's toning—Your Liver isn't doing its work --Don't resort to' strong drugs—Dr. Agnew's Little Pills, to cents for 40 doses, will work wonders for you,• -S "Judge," wailed the prisoner, "can't ,you give leo a little time to tlfinil; this thing over?" "Certainly," replied the magistrate, "Six months." Mlincrd's liniment Cures Burnsetc, r The froil(11e50 Willi Willett a 17 -yenta :tilt -gb') refers to ',cr51111' its tilt old Maids only excc0thlirhy the ra frankness With evhi011 slits deities it ton year's Yater, "Sometimes," actin Thiele Eben, "a elan gives htsse'f credit fob beta' re- signed to fate svhcn lie was simply settled down to beim' good an' lazy," Lever's Y-7-, (Wise Ilen.d) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in tho bath, softens the wutm' and disltt- fects. "Age softens all things, does :it not?" "Yes; there's Jho fool like an old fool," Mlaard s inherit Cures Dandruff'f, A man who can't tali, and will Celli should be muzzled, As admirable Food et ' the ,;. 7.ineet quality and flavour. Nutritious and Economical. 411-21 Billiard Tables The Beet at the 4ow5, t Pyle* Write for Terme REiD BROS" iWi'R 00.'y tom mow RL W.• 82.9l CARPET DYEING mat ]ria This Is l epeai,ity arida ilia SFUTIaH AMERICAN DVEINO 00, bead parlmdare by Doc( mol we ammo to Swint,' Mittman Boit 108, Meetreah %S. t v we. 19'..04, •