HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-12, Page 5MAY 112, 1904:
g Z135
And whoa npt oeud10 him or
'B ,E![ It
'Perot opens APrll 11111, 1004
Two Coursoo—
Oommorotal and tibortltaud,.
Send forOollage Journal
Y) A. L. eiolivTXMs,'Manager, (;
sent, 0',9.8001!1, Brunets
To i' • Scouer of Marringo Lioousoa, 0f..
Ilan gOGrooer}•,Tnrnt,erry 011800, Bra000lo,
LnnlilennD halt several good Farina for
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Morrie sad Grey. F 8. Bb OTT, Brussel
1V.t. ONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000.
We have the above nmouut of pri-
vate tunas to loan on reel estate mortgages
at at uud a per aent. Easy terms of re -pay
meat and costa of loan moderate,
Pit00A1(000, RATS & 13LA1R,
• B000(8(ers, &o., Ooderiob.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
S3RVo^a.SlS.,E• O11TT.
Office over Hursl y'Drug Siam,
Nov. Nov. Brd,1002,
Wellington Mutual
Fire 1noortutae Coe,
170TALL1BnnID 1840
Ineurnnee taken on the moband premium
Ing lelsewherestem at current rotes. 13r fore r
call on thenn0ereigued Agent
of the company.
� • ozn, will sell for better prices, to
better Hien, in lose time au11 leas obarges'
lie won'E other
rag anything. Dates andren or
can always he arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auotioueer for Huron aouuty.
Terms reoeaunle, Boles an'ong01 for
at the 01Boe of Tun PoeT, Brussels, 2211
& • Borer 011olua,e of the Optnrio Vet-
erinary College, 10 propnrod to treat all dis-
eases of domestloatol animals ma otannet-
ant n,a1l11e1', Parthelar attention paid to
Veterinary lleu1ietry, Mils promptly at-
tended to, OfOa0 and Lu0rmary—Four doors
North of bridge, 't`nrnbcrry 91., Brussels,
1EiS''AL ANS Isild�a�lEl(�I�CINOr
li.(Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Eta.
bocces001'to 10. 1''. 71111(0, O0One over stet,-
dnrd Bank, Broseele. Solioit0r for Metro-
politan Bank.
Barrieter, Holiuitor, Ouuv8yauoer,
Notary 1'.06100, &o. cillos—Stewart's (31001
1 door Nor lb of (Metra] Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
ptiOUD1700T, HAYS & BLAIR—
W. PItonmlrooT, K. O. B. 0, HAYS
G, F. BLAlR.
0B0nos—Those formerly occupied by 0200808
Cameron & Hol6: ON'rnnlo.
G onnnlorl,
M. It„ E. nr.,
Trinity UIlvoreity, Follow 'Trinity Medloal
College, Member Oollege of Physicians apd
Surgeons,Gut, Licentiate of the Royal OW -
loge of 1hye Diane and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. r0Telopboue 030.14,
Reecleuoe—Mill street, Broseele.
Graduate of the Royal 0.01(000 of Dental
Surgeobeof 01100,1(0 owl Niret•olawe Honor
-Graduate of Toronto Uuivereit . - ()Moo
next to Brewer's Photograph Goner',
are re n am boldness flims
YA _
x oeiv t le b1 s a
plasm 00
if MA'i; � 11 are ao I it
Y Ueb year i i g
o eby the famous
positions u h our Af
p Y
This school stands for the H ointsZ
AND BEVY in .bboino8e 04110a410n to It
Uouade. to -clay, Meaty Bdeluooe Col. 91
- l0 10 graduates 0 teach -
00 em out' 18 ua a it
p g 4
g Y
o • s6 o rlloations
ere, other
have 0160 f a
11 f 1 - to 000 t6nm
tom' y yo 06I o , Ask
g e.
i the day you enter, Oommeuou course
new. tlatalogn6 tree,
W S. EL1110303, Pr31(1lpal,
1, -.4:, -7'.."T -4-f8 l igi t
�3i'ylzic.l it')L
.!AuisteeeVat-t It,
W, T, Moitee has purahe0001 a Hue
mare from 00o, Aohtou, Balt 0011,
Stewart Bros, haus rho honor of mak-
lug ex ibitlun maple 8yl'up Jot the St.
Lon le 16xpoeltion.
Elai3 I.'O8T
breakfast, bfr, and ler,. HQ1ib lett I',r 1 Won the ogee of live and sixteen, 146 1
their home in G ld rich, whither they 1 p0puletiou, 870, an inoreaos of 11 over
will be followed by the beet wished et a : (alit year ; soros, 420,
I very nnmeroue 0iaoid of Mende ill this
Wm. Campbell, aeete0or fur the town
of Godorioh, has 0oufpleted hie roll for
1008, from wbiob the following figures
are taken 1-
1001 1908
J. G, Patterson, our alte0eemtt1er, sold 11 80346 $1,818.700 0,288.280
his Hue driver to a gentleman from Olin leroonel property,50.160 01,560
ton for tete su0g atm of $226. legume ,,, 80,500 40,660
Our oheeea factory opened the season T dal 91,409.860 $1,800.880
on May tad wader Mr, Pattlreol's super.
viei011 ehly assisted by Elmer Chuvlea, Population 4,040 4,015
Wm, Bouuett, leas hirer with Peter Children hotwoon 6
end 21 years1101 1,020
Children between 6
and 10 years,
Dogs ,
Orme for the seeding and under his
guiding eye they wed 00o11 hustle in the
Andrew 'Doig le getting in ft lot of fine
cattle far the gran, Ile purchased mime
exooptionelly fine un08 from Mr. Under•
wood, of 13nwielt.
30 A, MaKee hie bought and shipped
homo a thoro'•bred Ayrehire bull for the
iinprav0rneut of his dairy herd, E 1, is a
progreweive dairyvnao.
Robs. Stevenson left for Mauitobi,
Prof. Earegey Ina invested In a 1100
00ahion tire bogey.
)1r. Lloyd, of 01(ffcrd, wile in. town Inst
week making some repairs on the aide.
walk he laid here two years ago,
R. and Mre, McGrath were in Berlin
attending 4318 bedside of the former'e
eiater, Mrs. Young, who ie seriously ill.
Wm, Raeeell who has been visiting hie
eon W. li., in the Northwest has returned
to totva. The old gentlemen looks well
after hie long trip.
Amos Doan left for Baekatoou, whets
Ile will spend the Summer eurveyi0g.
John McLeod and Henry Campbell
a0a0mpenied flim.
The Rev, Manrioe S, Baldwin, D. D.,
Bishop of Baron, woe the presoher in Bt.
Stephen's church, Gorrie, on Sunday.
He also aonduoted a Confirmation
S. A. Prootor, who has been the land.
lord of the Albion Hotel for the past
seven menthe bee sold out to Goo. Town,
of Wroxeter, and gave up poseeeeiou on
Vora wicf,.
Omer Ayleaworth left for Grassy Lake,
Atbarta, to 8eelt his fortune.
Mrs. J. McKee attended the funeral of
her noio0, Mre. Farrow, in Palmerston.
tiacob Mel and Roy Trout out 12 porde
of hard wood in 7 hours and 20 minutes
at J. Mmltgoneory'e.
Walkey Bros., have pnt in a new
shingle in:whine into their factory to
manufacture excelsior.
Mre. Alex. Wynese and daughter left
for Rmeburn, Man., where Mr• Wyneee
hoe oommenoed store keeping.
W.V. Hattie hoe returned from Olei.
oago, where he was attending dental
college. He will spend the Summer at
The grist mill and mill property wee
offered for. Bale, but wae 1104 sold. Wm.
Hamilton now owes the mill and is pre-
paring to have the mill running shortly.
He has a gang of (nail repairing the
Dr. Arinetrong moved into the ho006,
he reoentty purohaeed from Mr. Seeder
eon. He hag moved four times since
doming to Fordwicb, but he has u0w
resolved to quit hie roving habits and
settle down. •
The annual meeting of the Epworth
League for the election of officers took
place with the following result :—Hou.
Pres., Fire. W. I.I. Downey • let Vice
Pres., Geo, Wolkny er. 1 20d Vioe Prea.,
Miee Maggie Molise ; 3rd Vion Free.,
Fli,e M. Peel ; 4th Vide, Miee B. Wil
flame ; Seo., Geo, Walhey jr, ; Treas„
E'mer Faille- ' Organist, Plies Tuna
Johneboe ; Jr. League Poe., Mre. John
Mello ; Aeeietont, Min M. McKo.c ;
Pr, e„ Mise Matti„ Houston ; Syn., Fred
Rogers ; Organist, Mies 111. Moll .e.
Tee Le:agu(nrp0se holding a Fl.uoioal
mut Li trrtir4 entertainment On Victorie
Day, May 24.h.
4rori (1r0(030,
W. E. Davison has taken a partition as
bookkeeper with O. 0. Lee.
Jahn Wynne has returned from Torou.
to, hie autism in 000neolion with the
cation of the L'egiolatnre being cam
A dwelliug for Jae. Buchanan, jr , (e
being Carted on the I'M which ho reoectly
p000haeed neat ibe 0001 praniiee6 Of the
Misting Co.
Mise Sit ton, a canoed mieai0nary
from Japan, will attend the W. M. S.
Convention, to be held in Victoria 0Ereet
oburoh on May 38
Rev. Jae. A. Anderson and Rev. 9J.
Hamilton ware at Hamilton attending
the annual meeting of the Presbyterian
synod 0( 300milton and London.
Monday of last weep little Edith
Grabam, third daughter of Rev. W. H.
Graham, pastor of Victoria street Metbo•
diet ohuroh wag placed hi the hospital
for Sick Ohildren et Toronto, where she
will be treated for hip.joiut disease.
The Lumber Company are getting
things in shape to stool the amnion's
worst. They have a -raft of about a
million feet ie readiness at the
month of the Moon river to be brought
down t0 soon rte the ice disappears and
have enough loge at the harbor to peep
them buoy for at loot two weeks.
The annual musing for the Goderieh
district of the Methodist church will be
held in Victoria e4reet ohnroh, Goderioh,
on Wednesday, May 181.h. The min.
(eters will meet at 10 80 a. ne. and the
general 88801on will imminence at 2 p, m.
The Wonntn's Missionary SooieIy of the
district will meet its the parlor 61 the
0bnr0h at the same hour for the trans.
notion of bnsineea.' In the evening it
united gervi'oo will be held, to be addresa-
ed by Itev. A. Andrews end" Bev. H. 81.
Manning, •
,•••1 re se nye
- 0 nUN m Pre i
noxa ATL N
1'GN Y
The wedding of Mime. Ethel Mina, only
daughter of the late John Sbannen, and
Walter Billib,.of Goderich, mate .a .veey
happy event, celebrated Wedueeday at
the residence of thebride'e mother, No,
66 Elmwood av80110. Owing to 'recent
berraVem1nt the me,1riaa0 mien:ain
Were quie0 in 011600,01er, Itev, S. J. Alibi
wag the adulating clergyman. Litt e
&1(ee G,adye Shannon, uieoe of the bride,
was ri very dainty little How -Br gill, The
in l attend, in
bride woe obatm e y a i a gown
-carried a 011owertn silk,and
of w h'i
l r
baguet of bridalShe wag 0 w given
away by her brother, W. H, Shannon.
The Mendelleohn wedding mai oh was
played by Mies Myrtle Shannon.
Suboaquent to a edm011000 Redding
088 005
1813 102
04 90
222 207
68 45
89 27
I,'a ueQ VO'.
Kra. J, MaoNnbb attended the annual
meeting of the W. F. M. 8. in Toronto.
Anaivereery eervioe of the Luoknow
Presbyterian Ohuroh will be held on
Sunday, May 22nd.
The Huron 0.11 13,0e' Assmelatian of
Toronto decided to run their annual
extinction to Goderloh and Luoknow on
July 9, returning nn the 11th.
B. Aogastlne, 6011 con. E. D , A•iiSeld,
a progressive farmer, has it ewe which
reoe1Gly gave birth to two lambs, one of
which had two well.developed heeds.
Merles Barber, formerly of the
Sentinel staff 'and now proprietor of the
Pilot Mound Sentinel, hoe been Bleated
P180id600 of the Epworth League in Pilot
A meeting to organize a bowling o!ub
was held in the le. 0 13. rooms on Mou•
day evening of lost week, Oitiz DS were
present in full force, Jae. Bryan pre -
aided and the prooeedinge wereoonduoted
with vim Grounds were purohaeed and
a strong executive appointed to have a
lawn fitted up, The work begioe at onus,
and it is hoped invitations will be out for
visiting olube in six weeks. Following
ere the officers elected :—President, R, R.
McLeod ; Vine, J. G. Murdoch ; Secy., J.
Mnrollieon , Treas., Geo. Lawreuoe ;
Executive, A.. 1McPherson, R, W. Math.
exon, J. Hew, Geo. Anderson, J. Mo•
P. P. Stanley has oommenoed work
on the erection of a new poetoffioe here.
At the Epworth League meeting the
following offroere were eleotel for the en-
suing term :—Pres., LV. Britton ; 1st
vioe•pro0., Robb, Clark ; 2nd viae•proe.,
A. MoAllister ; Ord vice pres., Miee
Annie Rapson • 4th 10100•pr00., Mies
Maggie MoDenal3 • aeoreCary, (3. W.
Jewitt ; treasurer, W. MoIntoeb ; orgen-
ie1, Mise Hote Jomieeoo ; asst. organist,
Miee Charlotte Neilson.
Wnnnowo,—At the Methodiet parson.
age, Londesborough, ou Wednesday,
April the 27th, a bappy event took place
in the marriage of R. B. Rogerson, a
proeperone y0011g farmer, of Huliett
townebip, to Miae Susie Wheatley, the
ceremony tone performed by the Rev. Mr.
Kennedy. Both of the young people are
well known and highly reepeated and
have the best wiebee of a hoot of friende.
They have taken up housekeeping at the
Hue boom of the groom 9111 eon.
Dee'rn —We are 0orry to report the
death on Sunday May let, of an old and
highly esteemed reeident in the moo
of John Hinohley. He had reached the
advanced age of 61 years and had lived
in thie Vi01n(ty for some 55 yeare, He
leaves a family of live eons and two
daughters, Viz :—George, of Brandon,
Tian. ; James, et home •, Airs. Wm.
Leitch, of Holiest, and Edward, John,
filament and Mre. Frank Beet, of Sea -
forth.' He wee an honest, upright pig.
zee ; 0, kind and ab igiug neighbor, and
in polities, a staunob Reformer. The
family have the deep empathy of the
community in their great lose. The
funeral took plane on Tnerday from his
Late reeideuoe to the Meitlandbank oome-
Eery and wae largely attended.
Wm. Robertson is having the necessary
bri.alr for hie new Core hatted anti work
will goon eotnmenoe.
Quarterly 8002108 was hall iu Blyth
Methodist oburoh, Sunday, 1300100 9
meeting on Monday evening.
Mre, Curtis has returned frnm visiting
with Mende at Ohioago and Englewood,
Illinois. 813e watt absent 10 weeks.
Workmen are busy tearing down the
Norihbalf of the Commercial hotel on
Queen street.The old building will be
replaced bym n •to -date new
modern and p
one, wbioh will be built with cement
R. E. Waugh, who bas been Grand
Trunk agent at Guelph, for several yeare
pkat, and who lot snarly represented the
Came railway ab Blyth, bee been moved
to Stratford, where he hoe consumed
charge of the looal freight office.
A communication wee read at the last
Oonnbil from Luxton 311111, stating that
he would employ four men during the
building Beason for 10 yams if the emu.
oil would exempt him from taxes on all
bending material in hie mill and yard.
Moved and seconded that Mr. Hill's com-
munication be laid over for future eon -
The annual report for Tein(ty ahtreh
has been printed and ebowe the past year
to be a splendid one financially. The
total rewire for the year.0nd(ng Easter,
April 8rd, 1904, were $1110.84 and the
expenditure was $1091 24, leaving a
bala00e on hand of $19 00 The total
thanksgiving cluing wag $271,80 and
the amount aoatribnted to .the general
fund wag $220 66.
Ole home of '1, W. and Mre. Soot0 was
the 800ne of'a very pleasant affair on it
recent evening, when Miss Annie Hemii•
of tt u
ton organist!11111 oharel was the
y r.
recipient of a $20 gold p(eoe and a nicely
worded address. Rev. -J, Edmonds), rem
for of the ehuroh, was oha(rtnan and
handled a Well•prepered program of
several numbers. Short and appropriate
ep8eelsee.yvere made by Frank Metcalf
and T. W. Seett, and during the evening
a dainty Innoli was served.
Assessor Hamilton hag completed hie
work fur the present year and from the
nt r 1 e taken the
aseeeeme of are following
pareionlare 1-Toeal property, $198,800 i
8l pro eraY, $
28 500'
some$1100•total Ilergtival property and
ltoome,$24,000 total real and
p8reonal property and taxable Immo,
$220,900 ; obildren between the ogee of
five and twenty-one, 218.,; children be,
is.A. vY te.1tt.
Doumgal ohusoe 'eatery will begin
operations rte soon se the now engine and
boiler aro inetallod,
Wtn. Gilohriet and a large number of
esnietente began the briok work of 0.
B6llantyn0'e new store 0.0 Wedueeday of
last week.
Dr, H, Rouge has 80111 out hie veterin-
ary prastioe to G. A. Ourminghnm, ut
Brunie, lie has decided to go Weal and
will likely settle in Saskatoon,
Elena Cheese Co.shippod 74 boxes of
April obeeee on Monday of last week
to Hody.eon Brow-, Montreal, The
balance will likely be shipped in a week
or two.
A. F. Moray omit a fell' daye in town
lob week, He ha0 been attending the
13101e'0raini033Inetitn4e all Winter and
lies been eppoiu0ed rte miseion0ry to St.
Jenn'e, lVlauitoba.
Mrs, (Rev.) P, A, McLeod, Acre, John
Knox, Mrs. A. Little and Dire. Donald
Murray were in Toronto lest week rep.
resenting the local Preebyberlan Womau'e
F. M. S. at the general meeting of the
Itev. Mr. Ashbury and his two
d&Lighters, Gwendolen and ]Marlon, of
Mltohell, were vi-iting friends in the
village on' Thursday of last week. Mr.
Ashbury was formerly rector of at.
Alban's Epiaoopal Church here soma six
yanre ago. From here he removed to
Oncndago where be was euperannuated.
However the Bishop felt that Mr, Ash.
bury was too uee(ui a man to be idle, eo
appointed him to take charge of the
English oburoh at Dublin. He and hie
family reeide in Mitchell,
A'7xete -.
Thomae Oka was off duty at the Oen•
trot Dotal owing to rheumatism in one
The Sovereign Bank had awnings plan•,
ed over the doorways and windows of the
ban k.
Mies Eva Stoneman has resigned ber
position in Mr. Oopeland'e mueio store,
end ber plaoe tae been taken by Mise
Jennie Malloy.
J. W. Ortwein received a letter infotm-
ing him of the serious illness of his
daughter, Moe. Hansell, of Baltimore,
from typhoid fever.
Wm. Bowden, al the firm of Bewden
& McDonald, hue returned from the 0 d
Country bringing with him five stallions
of floe appearance.
Loris Scott, of the Sovereign Bank
staff, tae purohaeed a very highly
pedigreed cooker epaniel, of which he is
both fond and proud.
The friends of Dr. Ed. Hagen will be
pleased to learn that he has bean
appointed resident physician of the Lake.
buret Sanitarium, Oakv(lle.
Mr, Hilton, principal of the pubiia
eohool at Ubieolhuret has been ill and hie
mother who resides at Seaforth le at hie
boarding place taking oare of him,
Wm. Moir, who has been ledger keep•
er in thie branch of the Moleone Bank,
reoeived word from headquarters to re-
port at the Waterloo brauoh of the bank
for duty.
The council met Mr. Rogers, 0. E. of
Mitchell, who clams here Wednesday of.
lest week and sedated him in starting
the survey for the proposed general
drainage ecbeme.
Wm. Hawkehaw and family have
vacated the Commercial Hoseandtook
up their reoidenoe on William (street.
The new proprietor of the Oommercial,
Mr. Haoh0m, is now in poaseeeion,
Dr. Ramsay met with an accident
which might easily have resulted more
seriously. He was engaged in dehorning
cattle for John Case, of London Road
North, and, when about to throw a steer,
the boast kinked him in the face, infiiot-
ing a lengthy garb under the left eye
that requited fourteen etitohee to close.
W. H, Levett has enlarged the office at
the front of his produce warebonse on
Main street. The doorway has been
changed from between the two large
windows, to the position formerly held
by the South window wbiob hal taken
the plane of the old doorway ; tbne leav-
ing room for a much larger and better
appointed office.
The annual meeting of the Main street
League for the eleotion of efficient was
held and the following duly elcotc d :—
Hon. Pres., Rev. W. Goodwin • Pres.,
Mre. Goodwin ; 1st Vioe•Pree., (Christ-
ian Endeavor), Mies Elsie MaOallnm
god V. P., Literary, Mrs. 3. A. Munroe ;
Social, Miee L. Johne ; Organist, Mios
Edna Folliok ; Seo., Miee A. Brook ;
Oor.•Seo„ Mies Edna Mo0alluin ; Treas.,
E. Rooper.
!Malting the beet of life is getting the
beet health you can out of it—good
digeetion ie the key. What you eat may
or may not do you good. I0 depends
upon how it is handled by the digestive
apparatus of the stomach. If it is de.
ranged, the blood, instead of taking new
life and strength to the various organs] of
the body, takes poison which ologe the
kidneys, irritates the nerves, distreeeee
the heart, cueing headache, sleepless•
noes, weary dull feeling, baokaohe,
rheumatism, neuralgia—makes the
oomplexion sallow --pauses biliousness
and constipation. The great, new die.
ovary ANTI PILL has a m0rveloa0
inffnenoe in correcting a -()rippled or
rebellious stomach, and the results that
follow. ANTI PILL ie the moat perfect
help to have when you feel wrong, out of
sorts, eiok or getting Colt. It brightens
you tip—mekee you feel. better. 60 mote
per bottle at thuggish! 00 Wilson Fyle
0o., Niagara Falls, Ont.
Sold in Broseele by Joe. Fox•
C HHUtont.
It was d00(tled to buy a fire esoape for
the 2
own Hall.
The J803100n Mfg. Co., have now Girt
elootrio eervioe, receiving their power
from Pail's 0(113,
An old gentleman by :the name of
Kennedy, from Santulli, died at the
home of Refuge last week at an advanced
Mre, Arthur /TWitobell met with an
accident wbiob has since endued her to
Hie bones. She !lipped and fell down
rerte( a out on the
emirs, vio ghead and a
bad ehakin1 net,
Arthur Cook has been en
od tor
several days upon W. W. Perron'! big
orchard were
be pinned 7,000 Vette,
In addition to thin 11e bridged seventy
trees which he operas wiil now folly re•
clover from the Magee of the mics,
On view In Itamball'e window is a
heaniire 0 engraved ellver ono, void
lined I " has been promoted to the
•11100 1 u , , Club for compathiuu, by J.
f, Il.a -v.
;rutty (,'00011 who attende the Cele.
bratioo ou the 24th of May here and
buye a tioket to witness the gam00 geese a
duplicate ticket bearing a number. On
the afternoon of the 2411 a drawing takes
place, and the lucky bolder of the num.
ber drawn out of the box gets a tree
fifteen day trip to the World's lrair at
Bt. Louie.
dwelling thereou, North-west ooreer
William aud Albert
10•tY S, LEO
IJ Buil for sato, red in color and brad
from let prise et plc Lot 2
J,pMOHAIR, Proprietor, Uiunbroo
P. O.
C. 0. F.
Court Pr(noeet Alexandria, No, 21, 0.0. 10.,
Brussels moots in their Lodge Room, Mae -
hill Block, on the Sud and Mat Tneadans of
earth month, at o'oloek. Vielting brethren
always welcome, JAS..BURGESS, C.R.
1 Sow von Berm. —The underetgned
offers for sale one Tboro'-bred 000110141re
Sow,14 yeare old, In pig to his thorn"bred
'Yorkabwe bog. For price apply tali. 8.
NICHOL80N, (8odmiu Lime Works!, Mor-
rie, Be(graye 1,, 0. 80-tf
Board of Health Notice.
To the pvblie of Broseele :
Tile time is approaching when all yards
and water-aloeete MU80 be eleaued up. Ail
persons eonoernedmust note tole alt the
Mw will be strictly eufaroed. Signed in be-
half of the Board of Health.
89.0 R. PAUL, Chairman.
AP•.oFNTATLV10 in We county and ad -
Joining territories, to represent and ndver•
Else an aid eetab1i8bed business house of
solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly,
with expeu0oe advanced each Monday by
cheek d,reat from headgaartere• Horse
and buggy furaiehed when aeoeesary ; posi-
tion perms nen t, Address Blew Broe,& 00.,
Rom 010 Monou Bldg., Mileage, In.
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
Eight yonog Bulls from Imported and
home bred oowe got by Imported Sire. Also
Cows and Heifers of different ages.
A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for sale..—
Have a quantity of Seed Peas,the Early
June variety, to dispose o6 It e a medium
from nese NorthaBay and yielded seed 7
bushels to the sore, free of hugs.
Will oleo sell a good aged working and
driving horse.
88.00 D. MILNE & BON, Ethel.
Undersigned will keep for service a
thorn' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad -
Joining Bruesele. Terms, $100 with privi-
lege of returning if necessary.
GEO. ROBB, Proprietor.
The nndereigned offers for sale her
excellent farm, located on Don, 10, Grey
township, and containing 100 acres. There
is a comfortable frame cottage, bank baro,
good driving abed, orchard, &o., on the
premises, .'arm is well drained and footled.
It is ales well watered by the river Mait-
land abd an invulnable Spring. Convenient
to market, school and oburebes. Fox prloe,
terms and other particulars apply on the
promisee, or it by letter to MRS. T. CAL.
AEU, Proprietress, Oraubrook P. 0, 3001
bolasE!! Loo i1, Con. 4, Grey town-
eblp• 80 ahrese, ba d,balanoe bush. There
tea good house, bank baro, orchard, &c.
well fenced and farm in good condition ; 26
cores of Full wheat in, 0 miles from Brus-
sels; only t• of a ;mile from church and
melee from school, Posseasion could
be given to suit tbo purchaser. For fur-
ther parttoueare an to price, terms, &o., ap-
ply on the premises to A. 000E, Proprie-
tor, or at Tata POeT, Brussels, 21-tf
.4"1A10 MS FOR SALE, — 850
sores aret-olaee land in the Township
of Grey—Lot 10, Con. 14, 100 aoree ; Lot 17,
Con 14,100 Hogue ; and WI Lot 18, Con. 14,
50aeree-200aoree. All in excellent oondi-
Eton with Ilret-olaee buildings ; brick house
with all modern outran -Moe&, and large
bank barn, root and straw bowie, stable®,
,&a, Well watered, From 86 to 40 acres of
good hardwood bush. Lot le, Con. 10,00n -
Mining 100neree of erst•olaas land, good
frame house and largo bank barn nearly
new. The property can be sold in two or
three naivete to suit purchasers. Terme
Moral. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Brussels. For farther portion -
long app! to tete owner 00 the premises,
1ruseele• 21.01
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1908, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksmithing, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are own -
potent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent,
Gall and see us.
Thomas street, Brussels,
on & Co.
B L Y 7 g.
Ladles' Clout Skirts
We Hnd a growing demand for Ladiee' Ready to•wear Warta, and to
eopply the demand we have gone more extensively into Ghia line and have
pieced in ebook a very large assortment of the newest 8tyle8 in ()loth, Drilla;
Pique, Dock and Oharnbry Skirte for Spring and Bummer weer. Below
we give a deeoriptiou pf afew of the different Knee we oarry, We will be
pleased to hove you call and inepeot thoee Skirts whether you ere prepared
to buy or act.
CLOTH SHIRTS—Fonoy Tweed eff erste and Flaked Skirts, with blank
strapping, eines 88, 40, and 42, very 0pe0ial $176.— Bleat. Homeeppu,
in Spriug weights, pain,
at $2 2.—Blank Vietnam Skirts, 8 Mestere of
wording, satin stopping,
7 gore, in all Coe, great vacua at $2.76
Cheviot Shine, 7 gore, with 10 rows of cording and buttons, oolors bietok
and navy, sizes 88, 40, 42 and 44, very slyliek $3 95.—011eviot Walking
Skirts, with pellet front of sell, strapping stitching and pests, colors
bleak and oxford, $4 50.—Blank Venetian Cloth Skirt& trimmed emitted
the bottom with cording, satin strapping and stitching $5 BIRO Lug.
Ere Skirts, lined throughout and bound with velvet, sizes, 88, 40 and 42,
great value at $1,76 and $2,25.
000T0N S12IRTS—book Skirts, 7 pore with teeing of plain Moir, colors
bleolt and navy, stripes and epute, at $126 and $1,50.—Haudoume White
Pique Slane, trimmed with Swine insertion, sizes 88, 40 and 42, great
value at $1,85.—Fleoked Linen Skirts, trimmed with white piping,
oolors navy, grey and light blue, all Cue, e. snap et $1.75,
We are now opcning up for
Ladies or Gents or the Little
'Pots either.
We Invite Your Inspection.
We have everything complete and can supply you with any
style of Harness at the Lowest Prises consistent with a good
article. We have now for sale one set Second-hand Team
Harness and three sets Second-hand Single Harness. Call
and see thele.
e& -FOR BALE—TwoDwelling Roneee, , arse of land with each, having large and
small fruits of various kinds,
• $25 00 saved on every ton by placing
Binder Tin
eyear orders for Oeutral Prison Twine:
In addition to thie the Twine is put
up in good Grain Bap tied with 8 Rope Batters, complete with snape and rings. We
are agents far the Towoohipe of Grey, Morrie and MoKillop..
Pure Manila, 660 ft 124e Farmers' Special, 660 ft ilo
Pure Manila, 800 it - 1140 Farmers' Speoiol, 600 ft Rio
Terme oesl or o. added for payment October let. Samples of the twine, grain bage
and haltere to be Been at our store.
Pratt's Food OleQua.ynoot ptuhrePSiteoothk eFfid
Pratte Food has been in use for over 30
years. It oaptared the Medal and the Diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898.
Now is the season to feed Pratt's) Food to your Horne, Oet010, Sheep, Piga and
Poultry. Pratt's Food, put up in pails, is the moat profitable paokage. Pride of
pale, $1-25 cud e2 60, Money refunded if Pratt's Food will not do what is claimed
for B.
Portland Cement
We are agents for the Han-
over and the Berouies—one
grade only and that the
BEST. The beet results oan only be obtained by Wring the beet Cement. Gement
Companies will not guarantee a price only for the month of April. Price for April
$2 25. By ordering your Cement at once you will get this price. Later on Cement
may advance,
Al M. MoKAY & COr
what our stock is. We have
good rigs will do it,
We have added to oar Buggy Tops thio season a Spring to prevent the
his hag been a long and civets from breaking, T g felt want.
We ireve 4 styles of Axlee—Deet and 0(J Proof, Long Dietonoe, 1.000
Mites, and the Noiseless Axles, also a few of the old styles.
All Steel Body Bangers and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own 'Buggies we handle a lumber of first -glass
factory Buggies.
Our Wagons 03x0 all Oak with 2z and 8 in018 tires ; Trucks and
Medium size.
We invite every intending
Anr t
neer to cell and Buy
'nein us and anus money.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stock .of Buggies
than ever we bad and a walk
through our Show Booms will
convince intending purchasers
kept the lead and intend to do so if
EWAN & Brussels.